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Monday, October 17, 2016

Best Online Weight Loss Plan

Nothing like someone who has had enough with the hype, jive, and straight up lies, and has made a lifestyle decision and is now making the slow gradual journey to a fit life.
Read on and we can look forward to your transformation.

Best Online Weight Loss Plan

Sabrina lost 33 pounds and made healthy lifestyle changes with Hitch Fit! 

Best Online Weight Loss Plan - Sabrina lost 33 Pounds with Hitch Fit!

Best Online Weight Loss Plan - Lose Weight Feel Great

I am crazy proud of today’s transformation story Sabrina! This gorgeous gal has known about Hitch Fit for quite some time, as she is friends with our very own Brandi Wisdom. She’s also an AVID Kansas City Royals fan!! She knew that she needed to make some healthy changes, but she also knew she had to wait until she was ready for it. So that is what she did. When the Royals won the World Series in 2015, she knew that it was also her time to..”get off the bench”. Sabrina did the 12 Week Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Planand shed 33 pounds in that time frame as well as 10% body fat. She’s got a busy travel schedule, so figuring out how to make healthy choices on the go, was new territory, but she discovered that it was absolutely doable!! So proud of you Sabrina! Proud of you for embracing this new lifestyle and setting yourself up for a healthier future, and proud of you for sharing your story to inspire so many others!!

Best Online Weight Loss CoachDiana got a big “thank you” smooch from Sabrina during her after pix photo shoot at Hitch Fit!

Sabrina’s Stats:

Weight Loss in 12 Weeks: 33 Pounds

Body Fat Loss in 12 Weeks: 10%

Best Online Weight Loss Plan - Before and After Weight Loss Sabrina lost 33 pounds with Hitch Fit!

Before and After Weight Loss - Sabrina lost 33 pounds with best online personal training program Hitch Fit

Before and After Weight Loss Plan for Women - Best Online Weight Loss Plan - Sabrina lost 33 pounds!

Online Weight Loss Plan - Sabrina lost 33 pounds with Hitch Fit!

Sabrina’s Story:

“I was super skinny in high school then gained weight along the road through college and beyond. I know the weight gain stemmed from a deeper issue with comments from family members but I could never stop the process. I quickly became the funny girl with a pretty face. I never lacked confidence and never saw myself as others did which allowed me to keep on moving on the same road of not taking care of myself or being serious about losing weight.

I tried many other programs to lose weight. I was never committed to them and it never stayed off. We all know the yo-yo dieting. About 2 years ago I started talking to my friend Brandi Wisdom about the programs offered at Hitch Fit. We discussed at length, during Royals baseball, about being mentally ready how I wouldn’t be able to eat cheese and all the other things I could come up with NOT to take the leap. I kept thinking I would do something during the winter while my schedule slowed down but I just stayed “on the bench” and pondered when it was my time “at the plate”. FINALLY, the Royals won the World Series and I thought to myself now it is my turn to win. I called up Brandi and told her I was ready, mentally. It took me a bit to realize that doing the online program was actually going to be best when I had structure in my life and the only time that happens is when it is baseball season.

I started my online program right after the Home Opener and decided that there is NEVER a good ‘start’ day. I am super busy never at home. Online worked best for me because I travel. Yes, travel. For the first month of my program I was gone more than I was home. I packed a cooler with all my essentials and carried it to the East Coast, to Chicago, to Atlanta and to Royals games. Diana kept me on point for those trips giving me tips on how to succeed when there isn’t much to choose from at work conferences.

The things that surprised me the most were those that were my supporters and non-supporters. Making a change in your life really gives you clarity on who is on your team. I am a social eater. I sincerely appreciate all those that didn’t force me to a pizza joint but instead chose a fresh fish joint instead. Those small decisions make all the difference in the world when you are working to make yourself healthier and fit!

During my journey people kept asking me what my goal was. My response was always “Not to eat cheese for 12 weeks, not to hurt anyone because I can’t eat cheese and after that we will see what happens.” Now I have to find a seamstress to take in all my favorite shorts and jeans! I am not going to stop here… this is a new way of thinking about food and exercise.

I want to thank Brandi Wisdom for being the most supportive of all my friends. She has the biggest heart and knows how to tell you what you need to hear (good and bad) when you need to hear it!”

Best Online Personal Training Plan - Sabrina lost 33 pounds with Hitch Fit!

Best Online Weight Loss Program - Sabrina lost 33 pounds with Hitch Fit

Best Online Weight Loss Plan

If it's time to get serious about your fitness/strength and conditioning, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tools I can design and deliver 12-month fitness programs fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
Go to and fill out the contact form to get started. 

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