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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Farrah Fawcett's Fatal Mistake: Correcting the Record

By Andrew Scholberg, author of German Cancer Breakthrough

    As you may know, Hollywood actress Farrah Fawcett went to Germany for cancer treatments. I wrote an article about it called "Farrah Fawcett's Fatal Mistake," which Cancer Defeatedpublished in Issue #3.

    Cancer Defeated published this important information because Farrah's death caused many people to doubt that the alternative treatments available in Germany were effective. It would be tragic if people came to that conclusion.

    But after a recent trip to Germany, where I had the chance to interview some eyewitnesses, I've come to believe the article contained major errors and I want to set them straight. Farrah did make some terrible mistakes, but not the ones I'd been told. . .

Continued below. . .

Toxic chemical condemned 8 men to die of prostate cancer
. . .but one of them escaped. Here's how he did it!
    John S. watched helplessly as 7 of his Vietnam platoon buddies died of prostate cancer, one by one. They were exposed to chemicals during the war that caused them to get cancer when they reached middle age. Then, in 2002, John found out it was his turn. He got opinions from three different doctors and they all told him the same thing: he'd need a miracle to survive.

    John found the miracle he needed. Four years after his diagnosis, he told us, "I am healthy and happy with no symptoms of the disease." He actually wishes he'd gotten the disease sooner so he could have told his Army buddies this secret. It might have saved their lives.

    We're ALL exposed every day to chemicals similar to the ones that killed these veterans. A man is just about certain to get prostate cancer if he lives long enough. That means John's life-saving secret is big news for men everywhere. Click here and keep reading. . .

    On the basis of what two sources told me, I wrote more than two years ago that Farrah Fawcett's fatal mistake was that she didn't get any hyperthermia treatments. Hyperthermia is a potent cancer therapy that German doctors have perfected.

    One of these sources claimed to have personally spoken to Farrah's German doctor about the urgent need to give Farrah hyperthermia treatments. The source told me that Farrah's German doctor stubbornly refused to give Farrah this life-saving treatment. And that's what I published.

    My other source told me in an e-mail, "Evidently Farrah Fawcett was never offered any treatments with hyperthermia. She never received one single hyperthermia treatment during her many stays in Germany."

    I've now had the chance to actually speak to the physician who treated Farrah, and I believe my two sources for the first article gave me inaccurate information. Here's the real story as related to me by Farrah's doctor:

    Farrah did have hyperthermia treatments while in Germany -- both local hyperthermia and whole body hyperthermia. I found out the facts when I interviewed Farrah's German doctor, Ursula Jacob, M.D., at her clinic in the Black Forest.

    Dr. Jacob, "the doctor to the stars," graciously took time from her busy schedule to sit down with me for the interview and set the record straight. She told me that Farrah responded well to hyperthermia, immune-boosting therapies, and detoxification. Farrah also received a highly specialized treatment at the University of Frankfurt: chemo-embolization.

    What's chemo-embolization? I'll explain: Instead of using chemo the usual way -- indiscriminately -- the doctor uses chemo like a "smart bomb," injecting chemo directly into the tumor to shrink it down to size. This therapy was working for Farrah. Her tumor was shrinking.
Then why did Farrah lose her battle against cancer?
    I asked Dr. Jacob where Farrah went wrong in her cancer treatment. She replied that when Farrah returned to the United States, she went back to receiving high-dose chemotherapy.

    Dr. Jacob doesn't like chemo because it's so toxic. If she uses chemo at all, she only uses it in low doses -- about one tenth of the amount that conventional cancer doctors give. And she sometimes recommends chemo-embolization, as she did in Farrah's case.

    Dr. Jacob considers chemo a bad idea unless a chemo sensitivity test is used to match a patient's cancer cells to the chemotherapy drug that's most likely to kill them. The test indicates that a specific kind of chemo will work, and thereby avoids the hit-or-miss approach of conventional cancer doctors, who will administer one chemotherapy drug after another (in high doses, of course), hoping to find one that works.

    If a chemo sensitivity test shows that no chemo is likely to work against a particular cancer, Dr. Jacob says NO chemo should be used.

    Conventional American cancer doctors don't bother with chemo sensitivity tests. But that's not to say they choose the chemo drug entirely at random. Their practice is to match the drug to the organ that has cancer — for example, liver cancer is treated with drugs thought to be more effective against liver cancer, breast cancer is treated with drugs supposedly more effective against breast cancer.

    The best information we have is that this approach is mistaken. The effectiveness of the chemo drug has very little to do with the organ. Instead, a sample of cancer cells should be taken from the patient and tested in the lab against a series of chemo drugs to determine which drug is most effective. This is what's done in chemo sensitivity testing.

    Dr. Jacob also reminded me about another factor that contributed to Farrah's death: the stress of a family crisis. During her struggle against cancer, Farrah's 25-year-old son, Redmond, got in trouble with the law. He was put behind bars on April 5, 2009, two months before she died, for a drug offense.
Here's a brief timeline of Farrah's cancer ordeal, to the best of my knowledge:
October 2006: Farrah is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer — anal cancer — at the age of 59. She receives surgery and chemo.

November 2006: In the midst of her conventional American cancer treatments, Farrah says, "I just feel so weak and so sick and I'm in so much pain. I don't know how I can make it to radiation" (as quoted in her best friend Alana Stewart's diary).

February 2007: With much fanfare, Farrah's U.S. doctors announce that Farrah is now cancer free.

May 2007: Farrah's cancer returns. Her U.S. doctors recommend that she undergo a colostomy — a radical procedure that would have forced Farrah to eliminate her solid waste into a plastic bag for the rest of her life. Farrah says no. She instead goes to Germany for alternative treatments.

June 2007: Farrah is treated in Germany by Ursula Jacob, M.D., and her team of cancer specialists. After receiving a treatment at the University of Frankfurt, Farrah takes a five-hour van ride back to Dr. Jacob's clinic. Significantly, on the drive back, Farrah insists on stopping at a fast-food joint where she wolfs down a gigantic burger and drinks a Coke, her favorite beverage, according to the diary of Alana Stewart, who accompanied Farrah. Coke is loaded with sugar, which feeds cancer cells.

2007-2008: After returning to America, Farrah makes at least two more trips to Germany for alternative cancer treatments.

April 5, 2009: Farrah is now back on high-dose chemotherapy in America. Her 25-year-old son Redmond is put behind bars for a repeat drug offense.

April 6, 2009: Farrah is rushed to a hospital, unconscious. Three days later she is released. One of her American doctors, Lawrence Piro, M.D., claims Farrah is "doing very well" but admits that Farrah is weak from the side effects of chemotherapy. One of the potential side effects of high-dose chemo is death.

May 7, 2009: Farrah's condition deteriorates. It's described as "critical."

June 25, 2009: Farrah's battle with cancer comes to an end. She dies at 9:28 a.m., Pacific daylight time.
Farrah's weakness for Coca-Cola
    Farrah might well be alive today if only she had followed Dr. Jacob's advice about medical treatment and lifestyle changes. It's especially important that cancer patients follow an anti-cancer eating plan.

    In America, very few cancer doctors advise their patients to avoid sugar. But the top German cancer doctors give their patients advice on the lifestyle changes they must make to keep their cancer from sneaking back. One lifestyle change is to avoid sugar. It bears repeating that sugar feeds cancer.

    Unfortunately, Farrah had a weakness for Coca-Cola, which is jam-packed with sugar. Coke was Farrah's favorite beverage, as her best friend Alana Stewart noted in her diary entry for June 1, 2007. Even in the midst of her cancer treatments, Farrah couldn't stop drinking Coca-Cola. Believe it or not, each 12-ounce Coke contains an astounding 10 cubes of sugar! That's right. Drinking one Coke is like eating 10 sugar cubes.

    Farrah's German medical team is not to blame for her death. In fact, they helped Farrah extend her life and gave her a better quality of life. My reporting points to at least three factors beyond the control of Farrah's German doctors that contributed to Farrah's death:
  1. Her addiction to sugar
  2. Stress from her son's drug conviction and incarceration
  3. Her decision to revert to high-dose chemo, a toxic treatment
    The most advanced non-toxic cancer treatments in the world, especially hyperthermia, are found in Germany. The German doctors I interviewed for my Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough use a sophisticated hyperthermia machine costing about a quarter of a million dollars -- plus other advanced therapies, including nutrition and detoxification. In my opinion, the German alternative and integrative cancer clinics are perhaps the number one destination for cancer treatment.

    I don't recommend every cancer clinic in Germany, however. Most German cancer clinics, in fact, are pretty much like the cancer hospitals here in America, using crude and toxic treatments such as high-dose chemo and radiation.
I can tell you the best cancer clinics in Germany
    Eight clinics in Germany stand out above all the others, routinely curing stage-four cancers with an integrative, holistic approach built around hyperthermia, breakthroughs from space medicine, and other amazing therapies such as:
  • The "hot needle" treatment -- a painless and effective alternative to major abdominal surgery. In the last 10 years, one doctor has cured over 400 liver cancer patients with the "hot needle."
  • A new inexpensive treatment for prostate cancer that's so easy the patient can play golf in the afternoon after getting the treatment in the morning. A doctor in Bavaria cured 123 out of 123 prostate cancer patients with this inexpensive therapy that has NO bad side effects. Patients keep their prostates in working order.
  • A mild treatment for the deadliest brain cancer with astonishing results. One doctor told me: "With the last four brain cancer patients, we have a 100 percent success rate. These brain cancers were glioblastoma multiforme [the kind that killed Senator Ted Kennedy], which grows quickly and needs lots of blood vessels to grow. We found a way to stop the vessels from growing. That's why we were so successful."
  • All of the German doctors I interviewed are using breakthroughs from space medicine to activate the immune system so it massacres cancer cells. These therapies from space medicine are painless and make the patients feel good!
    I should mention one more benefit of going to Germany for cancer treatment: as a medical tourist, you get a FREE trip to Europe from the money you save by avoiding the exorbitant price of conventional American cancer treatment!

    For example, during my most recent trip to Germany I met Mike Garrett from Oklahoma, who was at a Bavarian clinic as a result of reading my Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough. The report names the eight best clinics and describes them in detail, with contact information.

    Mike Garrett was sure happy with the clinic that treated him. "It's our first trip to Germany. I can tell you I love it," Mike enthused. "I take a walk outside, and it's bucolic. I mean, there are the cows up there with the bells on them. The green fields. The Alps. It's truly, truly marvelous. And this is a very healing place. I'm leaving tomorrow. The doctor said I only need a week of treatment. This is a great clinic, and so is the doctor. Thank you for the book. You saved my life."

    By choosing treatment in Germany, Mike got his prostate cancer cured in one week for less than $10,000 -- a mere fraction of what conventional cancer doctors in America would've charged him. He truly did get a FREE trip to Europe as a bonus for getting rid of his cancer the easy way!

    Click here for more information about the German clinics, including how to get the newly revised, expanded, and updated edition of my Special Report.


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