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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sports Specific Strength and Conditioning Programs

Hi Athletes! Nate Lewis Here.
First a little 'tough love' the following information is for Serious Athletes Only. If you are not serious about getting into your best shape for your sport, there is really no need to look any further. Let me let one of the world's best known leaders explain:
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."
If you are ready to sacrifice your comfort and replace it with the aforementioned sweat, determination, and hard work, then read on and let's get started today!


Sports Specific Workouts
The Sports Specific Programs are designed to give people an exercise program tailored to the demands of their chosen sporting activities. All sports, from Golf to Football, have specific movements and physical demands that can be improved with proper training. The knowledge and experience that goes into each of these sports specific programs is what makes them so effective.

The most important attribute of any quality training program is injury prevention. Knowing how to start a program is the first step. These Sports Specific Programs provide injury prevention by first establishing a strength and conditioning base. The sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight of the programs are based off an initial fitness level and specific strength to bodyweight ratio's. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the body’s unique adaptation process to exercise.

Whether the goal is performance enhancement or simply the enjoyment of participation in a favorite activity, these Sports Specific Programs can and will provide great results!

Click on the link to your sport and specify your more detailed goals on the appropriate form during signup.  

Step 1: Choose Your Fitness Goal
The Softball Programs have everything needed to maximize the physical tools used for playing softball...
The advantages of a quality strength training program for a swimmer has been well documented as more ...
The Wrestling Programs are designed for a combination of strength, power and muscular endurance. Wre...
The Boxing Programs will enhance general strength and increase muscular endurance. There are also bo...
The focus of the Cycling Programs is to develop muscular endurance and strength. The program will be...
Track and Field
The Track and Field Programs will work the body to increase strength and power. These key elements a...
The Baseball Programs have everything needed to maximize the physical tools needed for playing baseba...
Ice Hockey
The Competitive Ice Hockey programs were developed to help with the specific strength and muscular en...
Motocross racers need a program that will help guard them against injuries and give them enough stren...
The sport of Soccer requires the combination of muscular endurance, strength and the ability to gener...
The Diving Program is a great strength and power maintenance program. In this program there are shou...
The 12-Week Triathlon Programs focus on developing muscular endurance and strength. The program begi...
Walking Strength
The focus of the 12-Week Walking Strength Programs is to develop balanced muscular endurance and stre...
Winter Sports Program
The Winter Sports Program was developed to enhance the physical qualities required in skiing, snowboa...
Martial Arts
The Martial Arts Program was built specifically for developing full body power for use in the Martial...
The Surfing Power Program helps to get the most out of the sport. There are many different exercises...
The Volleyball Program was built specifically for developing full body power for use in the sport of ...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The 21 day fitness solution

Nate Training JayHey, Nate Lewis here,

I've been getting a lot of emails asking if we have a fast solution to help with the shrinking the waist, hips and buns area...

... while there is no quick fix (I don't care what the infomercials claim) I did go to the drawing board and crafted a new 21 day rapid fat loss program that's right up your alley – if you want fast results.

You probably know that our Online program is pretty much full, but we do have room for another small group so I thought I'd let you know that my NEW 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss program starts Monday May 12, 2014 and the best part is that the 21 day program is FREE for that period and INCLUDES a 21 day meal plan program.

The only catch is that this online fitness boot camp is almost full and we can only take on 12 more participates. So if you're ready to fit into your skinny jeans again and want to firm and tone your body all while dropping inches and pounds then make sure to register for our 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Online Bootcamp.

Here's how to register...

Click here to reserve your spot

The class will take place Monday May 12, 2014 (Online)

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nathan Lewis


P.S. Like I said we only have room for 12 more participants for the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss program and since this email is going out to 5000 of our fitness enthusiasts I'm sure it will fill out quickly.

Drug given to millions of kids linked to cancer

Medical Blunder Causes Cancer and Suicide… 

As of 2011, up to 6.4 million kids were thought to be using the ADHD drug Ritalin. Doctors hand it out like candy, for a “disease” whose very existence is doubtful. But adults are the fastest-growing new market segment. It's supposed to help them concentrate, or something.
Now cancer prevention expert, Dr. Samuel Epstein, suggests that there’snever any justification for prescribing it. He calls it medical malpractice.
And though cancer is a risk, it isn’t by any stretch the only risk. Here’s the full story. . .
Continued below…

Can You Really Increase Your Body's "Youth Hormones" by 682% – and Start Growing Younger
in as Little as 120 Minutes?
A recent groundbreaking study has shown that when you take a specialized amino-acid blend (combined together in specific milligrams per amino acid), you increase your body's production of HGH by an astounding 682%! That's the HGH level you had when you were much younger.
Imagine... you could start growing younger in as little as 120 minutes reducing the signs of aging while also reducing body fat and increasing muscle.
Click here to also find out why scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine observed that lab mice appeared to have "sipped from the fountain of youth"—and exhibited stunning age reversal and 3-fold increase in lifespan.

NOT “in your child’s best interests”
Behind the grim statistics of deaths, suicides, cancer, birth defects, and other serious adverse reactions are countless families whose lives have been ripped to shreds, never to be the same again.
Psychiatrists claim Ritalin (generic: methylphenidate) and similar drugs have been used safely for 50 years.
But when you realize the secret and dishonest ways they market mental therapies, you’ll quickly realize that psychiatrists are DEAD WRONG!
The drug industry is making a killing, while your loved ones’ lives and health hang in the balance. Don’t be deceived…
Hardly anyone knows about
these Ritalin cancer risks
Dr. Epstein claims the American Academy of Pediatrics ignores clear evidence of cancer risk as they continue to endorse mind-altering drugs.
Not surprisingly, it took 40 years for industry to “get around” to testing the drug for cancer. Finally in 1995, a study revealed that mice fed Ritalin over two years in dosages similar to kids’ prescriptions developed liver abnormalities and tumors – including the highly aggressive, rare form of cancer known as hepatoblastoma.
This is especially disturbing considering the studies were conducted on adult mice, presumably less sensitive to carcinogens.
A small but shocking 2005 study found that in just three months, every one of a dozen children treated with Ritalin had a three-fold increase in chromosomal abnormalities linked to increased cancer risk.
Researchers suppressed potential alarm by saying this doesn’t mean these kids are going to get cancer… just that it’s an additional risk factor, like smoking is. (Do you encourage your kids to smoke?)
Considering the millions of Americans using Ritalin and the rapidly escalating rate of childhood cancers, use of these drugs poses a serious risk.
Yet the doping of children and young adults goes on and the collateral damage is ignored.
Is someone you love being doped into submission?
Doping children with Ritalin is exceedingly common and intentional.
Americans are the most medicated folks in the world. Twenty-five percent of insured children and 30% of teens take at least one prescription drug for a chronic illness. And 90% of all Ritalin is consumed by Americans.
Is there something unique about Americans that we get ADD or ADHD? Of course not. It’s largely an invented medical problem. To the extent it actually exists at all, ADHD is a product of poor nutrition and defective child-rearing. I’ve heard it called “the disease that mainly affects fatherless boys.” How about that?
No drug is without potentially deadly side effects, Ritalin included.
Yet more and more are being duped into this con game.
It often starts with a parent-teacher conference…
Imagine your child exhibits the very essence of childlike behavior – wiggling, squirming, unfocused, impulsive. So his teacher suggests he should be seen by a doctor to find out if he has ADHD. Next thing you know, Ritalin’s a condition for remaining in school.
Ironically, this is fueled by educators with absolutely NO medical training…
But even if they did…
The absurdity is that the so-called illness of ADHD -- called a “chemical imbalance” by psychiatrists -- is bogus, totally unproven, and cannot be measured by any blood, urine, or saliva test. If it’s a chemical imbalance, then show us which chemical and develop a way to measure it.
Even conventional doctors and health committees admit ADHD might be nothing more than a way to arbitrarily and subjectively classify childlike behaviors.
Yet American schools perpetuate this drugging.
But there’s another gateway to Ritalin use and abuse…

Handed out like candy
and found almost everywhere

Sadly, because Ritalin is so widely prescribed, those who would like to get their hands on a cocaine-like drug have easy access.
Some 18-20% of students take Ritalin regularly. The Drug Enforcement Agency found that many schools have more Ritalin on hand than the local pharmacy.
So it’s very easy for a youngster to take some of his brother’s pills and sell them at $5 a pop. Or for a student who wants a quick fix to tell the school nurse he has a “study disorder” and can’t concentrate -- as a ploy to get a prescription and stock up for future use or sale.
Pressured college students and young professionals -- Pharma’s most promising new market -- demand the pills to help them “focus”.
And focus is what they get – temporarily. Followed by a “crash coma”. Of course, this crashed-out feeling can be relieved with another pill, and so on. Abuse demands stronger drugs to overcome the tolerance buildup.
More powerful than cocaine
Ritalin is so similar to cocaine it’s now dubbed kiddy cocaine.
Methylphenidate (the active ingredient) uses the same receptor site in your brain as cocaine and gives the same “high.” The two drugs are used interchangeably in medical research.
Ritalin is a Schedule 2 substance, meaning it has a “high potential for abuse” – along with cocaine, morphine, opium, and barbiturates. Concerta, Focalin, Methylin, Metadate, Adderall, and Dexedrine are chemically similar stimulants.
A study of 500 students over a 20-year period found that those who used amphetamine drugs are 12 times more likely to abuse heroin, 15 times more likely to use the recreational drug ecstasy, and 20 times more likely to use cocaine.
Other MAJOR side effects
the psychiatrist “forgot” to mention
The dangers of Ritalin are so far-reaching they could include almost anything.
Psychiatrists hardly ever mention the 105 adverse effects listed in theInternational Journal of Addictions – supported by published journal articles. Some have been known since 1975.
  • Addiction, including cravings for cocaine
  • Suicide and murder
  • Cancer
  • Permanent brain damage, mental retardation, depression
  • Seizures and Epilepsy
  • Sudden death from heart attack and stroke (Is this why so many teens drop dead while doing "normal" teen activities?)
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Hallucinations, hyper-excitability
  • Bizarre, erratic, or violent behavior
  • Panic and psychosis
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Disorientation, loss of coordination, confusion
  • Tremors
  • Stunted growth
  • Aggressiveness...
Still, the FDA keeps silent…
But don’t expect the FDA to clamp down on or outlaw them any time soon. It absolutely amazes me that so many people believe these government agencies are looking out for them and that the government checks out products before allowing them on the market.
Dr. Thomas Laughren, director of FDA’s psychiatry research, when quoted by HealthDay News, said:
"I think it’s important not to minimize the benefits of these drugs. We put a black box [a warning] on antidepressants for adolescents, but it did have an impact on prescribing and there’s been a lot of negative feedback from the clinical community. It’s important to recognize that something as dramatic as a black box can have a dramatic effect on prescribing. [Emphasis mine.] "
Oh, really? That’s what a black box warning is supposed to do.
Incidentally, by the admission of the manufacturer, Novartis, the purpose of Ritalin is to “mask” the symptoms of “over-activity” – not cure them.
If Ritalin really worked to improve school (or work) performance, there’d be abundant proof in the scientific literature. There isn’t. The number of well-designed studies of Ritalin enhancing long-term learning is a whopping ZERO! Considering the millions of kids on the drug, it would be a piece of cake to do a longitudinal (long-term) study of their grades and test scores compared to those of a control group of undrugged children.
The only problem would be finding enough hyperactive kids who haven’t been forced to take these drugs. I wonder if there are enough such kids left to even form the control group. 
You see, in the U.S., 20% of children are now diagnosed with the entirely fictitious “disease” of ADD or ADHD. Tellingly, in France it’s just one-half of one percent.
Treat the underlying causes of ADHD…
Skip drugs and do these 9 things instead
If you or your child isn’t already a victim of the Ritalin scam, here are some ways to stay out of trouble and off Ritalin. You may not agree with them all, but they’re all worthy of consideration.
  1. Have kids exercise before school – it’s one of the best remedies for fidgetiness. And depression. Studies have found it’s more effective than anti-depressants.
  2. If possible, consider non-public school educational alternatives. Public schools get extra federal money for every case of ADHD they “discover” – meaning your child or grandchild has dollar signs on his forehead and may be at risk.
  3. Increase vitamin C. Dr. Abram Hoffer, pioneer in orthomolecular medicine, found that large amounts of vitamin C significantly improved the behavior of 32 of 33 children diagnosed with ADHD.
  4. Maximize mineral balance. Dr. Bernard Rimland discovered that supplementing with B6 and magnesium was 10x more effective than Ritalin. And a Polish study found that 95% of those diagnosed with ADHD were deficient in magnesium.
  5. Avoid antibiotics, rethink vaccines. Take probiotics (especially people who have been through multiple courses of antibiotics.) Dr. Neil Ward’s study of 530 hyperactive children found those who had gone through several courses of antibiotics were more likely to be hyperactive, with mineral deficiencies perpetrated by medications.
  6. Flush out toxins. High toxicity can induce ADHD symptoms. Too much copper (linked to aggressive behavior in prison inmates) contributes to zinc deficiency – also a common deficiency in people diagnosed with ADHD.
  7. Allergies are a major ADHD trigger, especially gluten, dairy, and food additives. Georgetown University found that kids with ADHD were 7x more likely to have food allergies than other kids. And 56% of ADHD kids aged 7-10 tested positive for food allergies, compared to less than 8% of controls.

    A study found that 89% of ADHD kids reacted to food colorings, 72% to flavorings, 60% to MSG, 45% to synthetic additives, 50% to cows’ milk, 60% to chocolate, and 40% to oranges. Discover the allergies and nix them.
  8. Eat real food, and avoid sugar and processed foods. Blood sugar imbalances can also lead to ADHD, as can food colorings and other food additives.
  9. Set boundaries, impose discipline and a regular daily structure. This is what the French do, and many believe it’s why their ADHD rate is miniscule and America’s is obscene.
If someone you love is already on Ritalin or other amphetamines, seek professional help to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms.
Don’t fall victim to this outrageous scam
Ritalin use in the US has seen a staggering 180-fold increase since 1991. Because of this fraudulent “disease”, up to ten million Americans are being drugged.
With one out of five school children diagnosed with ADHD, teachers “recruiting” more victims, and young adults stepping in as the next fast-growing market sector, you MUST take steps to avoid damage to your loved ones.

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Kindest regards,

For more information:
Gary Null has an excellent (free) documentary film at:
Or this film by Citizens Commission of Human Rights – a watchdog group exposing Psychiatric human rights violations:

If you’d like to comment, write me at  Please do not write asking for personal advice about your health. I’m prohibited by law from assisting you.  If you want to contact us about a product you purchased or a service issue, the email address
Editor in Chief: Lee Euler Contributing Editors: Mindy Tyson McHorse, Carol Parks, Roz Roscoe Webmaster: Holly Cornish Information Technology Advisor: Michelle Mato   Fulfillment & Customer Service: Joe Ackerson and Cami Lemr

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

We're an online cancer bookstore offering Outsmart Your Cancer, Cancer Step Outside the Box, Stop Cancer Before It Starts, Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, Adios-Cancer, Cancer Breakthrough USA, Missing Ingredient For Good Health, German Cancer Breakthrough, How to Cure Almost Any Cancer for $5.15 a Day and Keep Your Gallbladder!

Cancer Defeated
1545 N. Lee Highway, Suite 4
P.O. Box 1076
Lexington, VA 24450
© Copyright 2013 by Online Publishing & Marketing, LLC

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Grant named Coppin State head men’s basketball coach

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BALTIMORE – Coppin State University has named Michael Grant as its new head men’s basketball coach. He is Coppin State’s sixth head men’s basketball coach since 1964.

Grant succeeds Ronald “Fang” Mitchell, who served as the men’s basketball coach for 28 years at Coppin State.

A fifteen-year veteran, who has won 56 percent of his games, Grant comes to Coppin State from Division II Stillman College, where he was the head coach for the last six years., Grant was also the head coach from 2003-05 at Southern University (La.) where he replaced the legendary Ben Jobe.

“There are two things that we were looking for in our men’s basketball coach,” Coppin State president Mortimer Neufville said. “The graduation rate and an ability to build programs. He’s graduated over 80 percent of his student-athletes and everywhere he has been, he has won.”

At the conclusion of the 2013-14 campaign, Grant amassed a six-year school record of 100-73. In 2012-13, the Tigers finished the season with an 18-10 overall mark and a 12-5 SIAC record. Center Torrean Walker ranked first in the SIAC and seventh in Division II in blocked shots per game while guard Jeffrey Wherry finished first in the conference in assist-to-turnover ratio. The Tigers led the SIAC in assists, blocked shots, scoring offense and three-pointers made per game.

“This was another opportunity for me to build a program,” Grant said. “I am excited to be here and looking forward to playing an exciting brand of basketball. The way we play. There will be nobody in this conference that will be able to play the way I play. We’re going to get up and down the floor. We’re going to run and press. Every team that I’ve coached over the last 15 years, we’ve led the conference in scoring. Our goals are to make sure we’re scoring over 80 points per game and leading the conference in rebounding and steals.”

During the 2010-11 season, he guided Stillman to a 24-8 overall mark, a 19-5 conference record, second place in the SIAC and to the regional final of the Division II South Regional. The Tigers finished the season eighth in the NCAA with three-pointers made (9.4 per game) and blocked shots (4.2 per outing).

“We believe he’s the best fit for our program,” Coppin State Director of Athletics Derrick Ramsey said. “He has experience replacing a legendary coach, which is important. We’re excited to have coach Grant join the Coppin State family.”

Credited by former players as a “disciplinarian,” Grant’s coaching genius was first established at NAIA-turned-Division II member Central State (Ohio) University. In seven seasons, Grant led the Marauders to three 20-win campaigns and only one losing season—his first in 1996-97. During the 1999-00 season, Grant led Central State to the program’s first victory in the NAIA National Tournament since 1979. By the end of his seven-year tenure at the school, Grant had become only the fourth Central State coach to have won more than 100 games in his career with the school.

Grant began his coaching career at his alma mater, Malone College in Ohio, where he first studied under Hal Smith as a student assistant. Grant then served on Smith’s staff in 1985 as a full-time assistant before heading to the University of Michigan as a graduate assistant where he helped coach and develop his younger brother Gary Grant, who eventually became the Big Ten Player of the Year in 1988. Gary Grant was the 14th overall player chosen in the 1988 NBA draft.

Grant also coached at Kentucky State University, Alleghany College, Cleveland State University, and the University of Toledo.

The Eagles will begin their season in November. A complete 2014-15 men’s basketball schedule will be released at a later date. One of Grant’s biggest goals is to recruit Baltimore and keep the talent within city limits.

“We have to show some Baltimore some love,” Grant said. “We have to be able to make sure we take of home. Once we get one, the rest will follow. I am looking forward to having an opportunity to go out in the community and meeting all of the high school coaches and building Coppin State starting at home first.”

Coppin State Names New HeadMen's Basketball Press Conference Reminder

Grant named Coppin State head men’s basketball coach

BALTIMORE – Coppin State University has named Michael Grant as its new head men’s basketball coach. The sixth head men’s basketball coach in program history will be introduced at a press conference beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 in the Talon Center Atrium located on the second floor.

A fifteen-year veteran, who has won 56 percent of his games, Grant comes to Coppin State from Division II Stillman College, where he was the head coach for the last six years. Grant was also the head coach from 2003-05 at Southern University (La.) where he replaced the legendary Ben Jobe. At the conclusion of the 2013-14 campaign, Grant amassed a six-year school record of 100-73.

Our Goal Is Simple: To Make Athletes Better

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Sklz Mother's Day Sale and Toshiba Deal

US Sports Strength and Conditioning Receives 2014 Best of Alexandria Award

Alexandria Award Program Honors the Achievement
ALEXANDRIA April 23, 2014 -- US Sports Strength and Conditioning has been selected for the 2014 Best of Alexandria Award in the Sports Motivational Training category by the Alexandria Award Program.
Each year, the Alexandria Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Alexandria area a great place to live, work and play.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2014 Alexandria Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Alexandria Award Program and data provided by third parties.
About Alexandria Award Program
The Alexandria Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Alexandria area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.
The Alexandria Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.
SOURCE: Alexandria Award Program

Alexandria Award Program