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Showing posts with label treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treatment. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How government "okays" carcinogens

Press Release Image Online Publishing and Marketing
Government Won't Protect You
from Environmental Poisons

Air pollutants from vehicles… pesticides… radiation… military waste sites…

Most people realize these all-too-familiar carcinogens pose a threat to our health.

And even though the government knows it, too—these and many other toxins continue to spread throughout the environment due to neglect by the giant government bureaucracies that "protect" us.

Continued below. . .

The Secret of Enzymes Plus an Odd Fact:
Most Health Foods are a Waste of Money

By Lee Euler

You can take vitamins, minerals and antioxidants by the handful and still suffer poor health. Now we know why. Our diets lack a vital food — a type of nutrient that even some alternative doctors don't know about. I'm talking about enzymes.

Thanks to enzyme supplements, a mother's lifelong migraines disappeared, and a man with "terminal" kidney cancer was alive and well 15 years later. In fact, a great many cancer patients beat the disease and are still alive today thanks to enzymes.

Enzymes are a key part of most alternative cancer treatment plans. More important: Even if you're healthy today, taking enzymes is something you can and should do now to prevent not only cancer, but also heart disease, pain and diabetes and many other ailments.

Enzyme supplements are among the top-selling pain-relievers in Germany and they're even used by the German Olympic team. As for us older folks, research indicates that enzymes improve circulation and can outperform blood-clot and blood-thinning drugs. (Good-bye, warfarin!)

They've even helped 9 out of 10 autistic children. A few months back I received a letter from a mother whose 7-year-old autistic son was almost completely cured after she read my Special Report called The Missing Ingredient, and then started giving him enzymes.

This letter came to me out of the blue. The mother wrote, "He has basically been nonverbal until summer 2009, he started talking one day and has never stopped!!" She adds, "The enzymes have kept my 3-year-old son, Noah's eczema AWAY! We are truly blessed, and I believe our Lord led me to you and your book."

How can ONE supplement possibly do all this? Just ask yourself: What if you were getting NO vitamins in your diet? You'd be very sick. This nutrient is just as important, and you're getting almost none, if you're like the typical American. Click here to learn more.
Cancer Defeated Publications

In a May 2010 report titled "Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now", the President's Cancer Panel expressed deep concerns that the threat from environmental contaminants is being "grossly underestimated."

The group denounces government rules that place a greater burden on the American public to prove that environmental exposure to various contaminants is harmful! The rules require overwhelming proof of harm to humans before any corrective action begins.

Lest you think this is merely a partisan issue, please note the panel was formed by President George W. Bush to serve a three-year term. Their report didn't come out until well into the Obama Administration.

You have NO idea what you may be
eating, drinking and breathing!

Believe it or not, "the entire U.S. population is exposed on a daily basis to numerous agricultural chemicals," the report authors stated. Many of these chemicals are known carcinogens.

The report mentioned that "40 chemicals classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as known, probable, or possible human carcinogens" are approved for use as EPA-registered pesticides.

When dangerous chemical pesticides and fertilizers find their way into air, soil and groundwater, they can do some serious health damage.

Farm workers, crop duster pilots and even pesticide manufacturers have been found to have high rates of prostate cancer, skin cancers, and even cancer of the lip.

Exposure to approved pesticide chemicals also has been linked to a variety of cancers affecting body parts including the:

  • Brain/central nervous system
  • Breast
  • Colon
  • Lung
  • Ovaries (of female spouses of exposed workers)
  • Pancreas
  • Testicles

The report cited xylene as an example of an inert ingredient in almost 900 pesticides. This one chemical has been associated with increased risk of brain tumors, leukemia and rectal cancer!

But you can be sure pesticides aren't the only cancerous chemicals spewing into the air, soil and water…

The high price of modern conveniences…

The President's Cancer Panel received expert testimony from members representing industrial and manufacturing interests.

Although the list of known or suspect chemicals was too extensive to cover in one report, the panel said numerous chemicals and substances tied to industrial and manufacturing processes are persistent in the environment.
The list includes some familiar villains such as:

  • Asbestos—used to make brake linings, cement pipe, acoustical and thermal insulation; inhaling asbestos can cause mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the mesothelium membrane covering most of your internal organs
  • Chromium—used in leather tanning, wood preservation, steel production and other process; exposure to chromium is known to cause lung, nasal, and nasopharyngeal cancers (chromium is needed in small amounts in the diet, but you don't want to breathe it)
  • Perchloroethylene (PCE) and Trichloroethylene (TCE)—both PCE and TCE are solvents used in the dry cleaning industry. TCE is now used to manufacture adhesives, paint removers, varnishes, paints and lacquers.
    The report noted that high levels of PCE in drinking water have been associated with elevated breast cancer risk. And TCE has the dubious distinction of being "the most frequently detected organic solvent in groundwater." This is BAD news considering its possible link to kidney, liver, biliary and cervical cancers!

The report also highlights hazards presented by medical contaminants such as radiation… modern lifestyle toxins such as tobacco smoke and wireless devices… and military hazards such as Agent Orange and nuclear weapons.

If you're a regular reader of this newsletter or our books and reports, you already know the dangers of many of the substances I've mentioned. So what's the news? The news is that this is the government pointing the finger at itself.

It's one thing when we fringe crazies try to tell people that food, water, workplace environments, detergents, dry cleaned clothes, and cosmetics are loaded with officially-approved poisons. It's something else when a panel appointed by the President announces the same thing.

The report leveled sharp criticism at efforts to regulate contaminants in four key areas:

  1. Agricultural
  2. Indoor and outdoor air and water pollution
  3. Industrial
  4. Nuclear fallout, radiation, and electromagnetic fields

The panel said government regulatory efforts are far more "reactionary rather than precautionary" — the Feds wait until considerable damage is done before taking action.

Even more alarming is the panel's assertion that only a few hundred of the 80,000+ chemicals used in the United States have been tested for safety!

The regulatory system is flawed and failing…

The President's Cancer Panel was headed up by Dr. LaSalle D. Lefall, Jr., a professor of surgery at Howard University and Margaret Kripke, a professor at University of Texas' M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

The 2010 report concluded that government agencies are "failing to carry out their responsibilities" and made recommendations for overhauling the nation's flawed chemicals management system.

The group identified these five major problems that make regulation of environmental contaminants ineffective:

  • Excessively complex regulations
  • Fragmented and overlapping authorities along with decentralized enforcement
  • Inadequate funding and insufficient staffing
  • Undue industry influence
  • Weak laws and regulations

Lefall and Kripke said these problems cause agency dysfunction and make it difficult to identify and remove hazards.

My private view: There's a fatal flaw in the whole concept that the government is somehow more fair, more virtuous, and more honest — that it somehow stands independently above the fray and renders impartial judgments while it's only the private sector that is self-seeking and corrupt.

Government is just another player in the game. It's not going to look out for you. You have to educate yourself and look out for yourself. The biggest mistake you can make is to outsource your health and safety to the government and the various entities (like the medical profession and the drug companies) that enjoy official approval.

I think the average person walks into a supermarket believing that all the products and all their ingredients have been studied, tested and government-approved. Most people think, "Surely the government wouldn't let companies sell us foods and personal products that are harmful." Oh, yes they would.

The public's fatal belief that everything is being taken care of — actually supports bad practices and makes them possible. It's provided cover for a massive proliferation of tens of thousands of chemicals without anyone asking questions. Without this touching, naïve faith in regulation, consumers would be more alert and ask more questions.

The day the FDA is abolished (soon, I hope) everyone will realize they have to check out things for themselves, or select health advisors they personally know and trust. In the alternative health field, most of us do that anyway. What's the big deal?

Meanwhile, with such a variety of toxins bombarding you every day, you might be wondering…

What should be done
about environmental carcinogens?

The President's panel thinks government regulation can somehow be fixed, if everyone tries real hard. The panel made several recommendations for actions that government entities could take to reduce exposure to environmental contaminants.

They recommended first that the President, Congress and responsible agencies such as the EPA adopt a new national cancer prevention strategy focused on primary prevention. Lefall and Kripke said the new approach should set tangible goals for eliminating environmental toxins that can cause cancer.

The group made several other recommendations, including adoption of new workplace chemical exposure assessments, stronger cooperation among agencies, and speedier development of measurement and assessment tools.

As for what YOU can do to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins—the panel suggested these practical actions:

  • Check home radon levels (see Issue #117)
  • Choose foods grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers
  • Drink filtered home, tap or well water (see Issue #85)
  • Remove shoes before entering your home
  • Use a headset with your cell phone and keep calls brief (see Issue #90)

You'll find a full list of the panel's recommendations for government, industry and private citizens regarding environmental toxins by accessing the report at
Get 5% Off Your Purchase of $75 or More!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Science is close to a cancer vaccine! Happy New Year!


From Lee Euler, Publisher Cancer Defeated

Press Release Image Online Publishing and Marketing
Super-Charge Your Immune System
with The Ultimate "Cancer Vaccine"

Here's some long-awaited good news: There's a new cancer "vaccine" that shows significant promise for many types of cancer . AND (I hope you're sitting down) -- it's FDA-approved. Better yet, it doesn't employ drugs, just your own immune system This is a big one! Keep reading. . .

Continued below. . .

Ten-year breast cancer survivor was told:
"You'll be dead in a year" (Pssst!! That was 10 years ago!)

Doctors didn't give Wiltrude much hope when they diagnosed her with cancer in the year 2000. Wiltrude, a German psychologist, never thought cancer would happen to her. But it did. And it came as a big shock.

One doctor told her, "You'll be dead in a year." Late stage breast cancer is virtually incurable using conventional treatments. Even M.D.s admit it. They talk about "buying you more time." (Don't count on it. The evidence shows you're better off doing nothing than chemo.)

When Wiltrude told her doctor she was going to try alternative treatments, he said, "You are committing suicide with what you're doing." But she was determined to find a way to beat her cancer.

Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, this European woman came across a book by my good friend Bill Henderson, one of the smartest and wisest people I know when it comes to cancer treatment.
She tried Bill's top, number one recommendation — a gentle treatment you can do at home for just $5.15 a day. What's more, the cost goes down to $3.50 after six weeks because you just need a maintenance dose. And it even tastes good.

Not only has Wiltrude passed the five-year cancer survival mark, she's survived for ten years. We just interviewed her recently for this publication. The radiologist who tests her every year told her, "You're the only one with this kind of result."

You can find out about Bill’s proven cancer treatment plan in a free video presentation — click here to watch it now.

When I ask him about some of the treatments that top alternative doctors use, Bill sort of shrugs and says, "They're fine, but why bother? My treatment works, you can do it yourself, and it costs practically nothing."

He's coached thousands of cancer patients with all different types and stages of cancer. Most of the people who follow the detailed, specific plan in this Special Report get over their cancer and live for years.

"Almost any kind of cancer is reversible," says Bill. "I never give up on anyone."

Click here and watch the free video presentation about Bill’s amazing cancer protocol.

It's called Dendritic Cell Therapy, or DC therapy, though most people refer to it as the Dendritic Cell vaccine. In a nutshell, it's an approach to cancer treatment that uses your body's own immune system to fight cancer. There have even been some reports of complete turnarounds, including some late-stage cancer patients — essentially hopeless cases -- who didn't respond to other therapies.

But that's not all. Not only is DC therapy a promising treatment for advanced cancer, it also shows promise as a tool to prevent cancer in the first place. If that's the case, we can remove the quote marks around "vaccine," because this will be the real deal.

Dendritic cells: What they are and what they do

Dendritic cells are a type of immune cell found in mammals. Their role is to recognize and attack foreign antigens. They function as a messenger cell or information carrier that helps activate a type of immune system cell called T cells, giving the T cells the capacity to be aware of threats to the body. Once alerted to danger, the killer T cells circulate throughout the body to destroy the foreign invaders.

Dendritic cells are present in the skin and other tissues that have contact with the external environment, such as the lining of the nose, lungs, and stomach. They exist in an immature state in the blood. But although they're extremely powerful, dendritic cells don't occur in big numbers in the body. At any rate, there aren't enough of them to prompt a significant immune response to cancer.

Dendritic Cell Therapy changes that. It boosts the number of dendritic cells in the body so there are more messengers to activate killer T cells to attack invading cancer cells.

"Most wanted" posters for the immune system

Cancer treatment vaccines as a whole are designed to activate B cells and killer T cells. They alert those cells to the foreign invader (cancer). Vaccines, which are usually administered by injection, do this by introducing antigens into your body.

An antigen is an agent that provokes an immune system response. It's basically something that "isn't you" and may be harmful. An antigen may be a protein, or some other type of molecule found either inside or on the surface of a cell.

Dendritic cells are antigen-presenting cells. They basically serve as messengers between the innate immune system (your body's first line of defense) and the adaptive immune system, which remembers pathogens (i.e. germs) that it's seen before, and mounts ever stronger attacks against them. This part of the immune system is called "adaptive" because it's the body's system for preparing for future challenges, not merely for the antigens it's seeing now.

Imagine your home is invaded by a burglar, but you're able to scare him off. Then you buy a security system for your home, so you're better prepared the next time than you were the first time. That's an adaptive response.

Your immune system likewise learns from its encounters with invaders and prepares for the next round. It does this by "remembering" how to tell an invader from a harmless cell. That way it can pick the invader out in a crowd and head right for it.

What's the role of dendritic cells in all this? One researcher compared dendritic cells to "most wanted" posters for the immune system,1 since they tell the killer T cells exactly which antigens to go after.

Think again of the invader of your home. Imagine you were able to get his picture. Or maybe you already had a security system that captured his image on video. You circulate his picture to the neighbors, so next time he's seen in the neighborhood, he's reported immediately. He never even gets near your house.

Now that's a really adaptive response!

A glimpse into how the vaccine works

To make the dendritic cell vaccine, researchers take a patient's dendritic cells and expose them to immune cell stimulants. This prompts dendritic cell development. After that, the dendritic cells are exposed to antigens from the patient's cancer cells. Think of this as showing all your neighbors a picture of the criminal, so they'll know him if they see him.

Then, the combination of dendritic cells and antigens is injected back into the patient. From there, the dendritic cells work to program the T cells so they know exactly what to attack.

So far, this approach seems to work well for most patients, except those with depressed immune systems. Unfortunately, chemotherapy and radiation depress the immune system. The Dendritic Cell Therapy may also be inappropriate for patients who are pregnant, who suffer from active autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis), or who have recently received a blood transfusion.

This works on a growing list of cancers…

This treatment has some of the biggest players in allopathic medicine nodding their heads. Even the VP of Research at the American Medical Association, Dr. Harmon Eyre, said of Dendritic Cell Therapy, "Patients' responses are far out of proportion to anything that any current therapy could do."

Researchers feel immunotherapy with dendritic cells shows a lot of promise even for some of the toughest cancers, such as advanced prostate cancer. Several trials have shown promise in extending survival for prostate cancer patients.

Melanoma and kidney cancer appear to respond best, but the vaccine has also shown documented benefit in B cell lymphoma, myeloma, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and renal cell cancer, among others.

At least 20 trials are in progress right now, each one examining the effectiveness of Dendritic Cell Therapy on everything from ovarian and lung cancer to Stage IV Melanoma. The best time to attempt Dendritic Cell Therapy appears to be when the disease is stable and the patient isn't going through chemo or radiation, when a patient is at risk of the disease recurring, or when all other options have been exhausted.

The future for immunotherapy is bright

Some experts predict that dendritic cell vaccines will be used as a stand-alone therapy in the future, at least in some patients. It's also likely to be used in combination with drugs that target suppressor pathways in patients with metastatic cancer (i.e. cancer that has spread beyond its original location).

I think the outlook for immunotherapy is very exciting. In Issue 140, I talked to you about the new leukemia treatment that involves T cell "reprogramming." In this approach, all T cells are coded to attack only cancerous cells. From there, they regenerate and keep attacking till the cancer is gone. This news about the Dendritic Cell vaccine is even better, from what I can learn.

It's nice to know researchers are at last tapping the true power of the body's natural immune system. One researcher even said these vaccines could possibly lead to the complete prevention of cancer.

That's a bright future I'm looking forward to.

Meanwhile, take steps on your own, at home, to make sure you never get cancer in the first place. We recommended a good one in the last issue. If you missed it, scroll down and read about it now.

Supercharge Your Antioxidant Levels
With this Asian Fruit

One of the best ways to fight disease and prevent cancer is by keeping your immune system strong, as regular readers of this newsletter know. There are many ways to do that, but one of the most important is to optimize your body's antioxidant defenses. And superoxide dismutase (SOD) is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants your body produces on its own.

So it's great news to discover a new, dependable berry that naturally boosts SOD levels and activity in the body. It's called wolfberry. You may also know it as goji. When combined with SOD it makes one of the best health-enhancing, disease-fighting teams I've ever come across. Here's the story. . .

Continued below. . .

Drink This and Cancer
Comes Pouring Out of Your Body

"If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it," says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments.

Research conducted by a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research showed this is one of the world's most powerful cancer cures. Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute confirmed that this do-it-yourself treatment kills cancer cells. Then they buried the research.

Personally, I've been writing about cancer treatments for almost seven years. Out of nearly 400 that I've investigated, I haven't found an at-home treatment that's better.
Online Publishing and Marketing In fact, it's likely that NO treatment is better, even the ones provided by top alternative cancer doctors. Yet you can purchase this remarkable breakthrough over-the-counter, without a prescription.

It worked for Robert, age 54, who had late stage stomach cancer. His doctors told him he didn't have chance. The most they could do was buy him a little time, using four aggressive chemotherapy drugs PLUS radiation — a deadly, toxic, last-ditch treatment.

INSTEAD Robert used this non-toxic liquid and was completely cancer-free within months. The amazed doctor was forced to admit Robert's cancer was "in remission." Two years later, he was still cancer-free.

Click here and watch an important video presentation about this discovery.

Superoxide radicals versus SOD

In a moment I'll explain why wolfberry is so valuable to your body. But first you need to know why the SOD made by your own body is so important to your health. You can get an in-depth report in Issue 92, but this is the quick tour:

Superoxide is a dangerous radical that wreaks havoc in your cells. A toxic byproduct of oxygen, it causes cellular and tissue damage. Superoxide may even be the instigator in a number of diseases, from cancer to heart disease to neurological issues.

Normally, superoxide is kept in check by SOD. SOD works at the molecular level to protect cells and deactivate the superoxide radical. It works to break down free radicals to the point where they're eventually converted into water and oxygen. It essentially shields the body from superoxide radicals.

If that's not enough reason to want more SOD in your body, there are other reasons. Scientists now have evidence that SOD deficiencies may be the reason certain people are more likely to get breast and pancreatic cancers. Low SOD levels may also be a major factor in cardiovascular disease. As a health indicator it may be more important than high cholesterol.

It boils down to this: Every one of us should make it our goal to improve our SOD levels. After all, not only is SOD linked to protection against chronic illness like cancer, but also to improvement in conditions like arthritis, diabetes, and neurological disorders. SOD may even enhance youthfulness and longevity (makes sense if you consider that aging is believed to be driven by free-radical damage).

How to get more SOD in your body

The problem with your SOD levels is that they decline dramatically with age. At the same time, aging usually brings about unwanted health issues as a result of free radical damage.

Elevated SOD levels in the body have been shown to help protect against damage to skin, lipids (fats), and even DNA. High SOD levels also help relieve ailments like pain and inflammation, along with protecting against the diseases I already mentioned — diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegenerative problems.

The problem to date has been in creating a reliable SOD supplement from food sources. Taking oral formulations of SOD is tricky because the compound has a fragile molecular structure and can't hold up to stomach acids. SOD gets dismantled when it gets to your stomach. This presents a challenge because SOD needs to reach your colon to be properly absorbed into your bloodstream.

That's where oral formulations like GliSODin® come in. Issue 127 carried an in-depth report about GliSODin®. It's a nutritional supplement made of cantaloupe extract and gliadin. The cantaloupe has high levels of SOD, and the gliadin is a wheat protein that acts as a carrier for the SOD, shielding it from stomach acids and digestive enzymes so it can travel intact to the absorptive colon.

Why wolfberry works well with SOD

The new research I'm excited about shows that the Chinese herb wolfberry can enhance SOD activity throughout your body. Not only that, but it appears to restore SOD levels to those you had when you were younger.

Wolfberry is an edible fruit, rich in potent antioxidants and native to southeastern Europe and Asia. The tiny fruit is packed with nutrients like beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins C, B1, B2, niacin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. It also contains over 30 essential and trace minerals, including iron, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, and zinc. On top of that, the wolfberry boasts 18 different amino acids, such as tryptophan and arginine.

It's also claimed that wolfberry has a number of therapeutic benefits, including improvement in visual health, protection against diabetes, enhanced eyesight, improved sexual function for males, and a longer, healthier life span.

The antioxidant ability of this herb probably comes from its unique combination of carotenoids, vitamin C, and phenolics. But along with that, scientists suspect the antioxidant effects of the berry trace back to its synergy with SOD. By accelerating the biochemical reactions that allow SOD to tackle oxidative stress in the body, wolfberry gives SOD an improved playing field, so to speak. In turn, by neutralizing superoxide radicals, SOD curbs inflammation and degenerative disease.

In one experiment, researchers examined the effect of wolfberry on oxygen-deprived participants. Those who received wolfberry showed higher levels of SOD activity and antioxidant capacity than those who didn't get any wolfberry. While this demonstrates a positive association between wolfberry and protection against ischemia (lack of oxygen), it also emphasizes the synergistic relationship between wolfberry and SOD.

This one looks like it's worth a try

It looks like your best bet is to combine orally available SOD with wolfberry. Do this, and you'll give your body one of the best known, natural boosts in overall health and disease-resistance.

But like a lot of herbal remedies, don't expect a miracle overnight. Good health is a matter of steady effort and wise decisions. That said, some report a boost in energy and a decrease in medical problems after taking wolfberry and oral-SOD together for as little as a week.
Online Publishing and Marketing

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Don't Let Being A Caregiver Make YOU a Patient!

Online Publishing and Marketing
Who's Caring for the Caregiver?,br>

It's not only the patient who faces serious physical and emotional challenges flowing from a cancer diagnosis. The illness and its effects can also take a toll on family and friends who support the sick loved one. Here are some ideas on how to lighten the load a bit. . .

Continued below. . .

How to Avoid Testosterone Loss

Testosterone is what makes you feel so sharp and invulnerable in your 20s and 30s. It's what makes you strong, quick, and aggressive. It's what makes you a man - plain and simple.

But here's the problem: testosterone levels start to decline once a man hits 35. Every day as you get older, you lose a little more testosterone. The National Institute of Health (NIH) states the average man loses up to 95% of his testosterone by the time he hits 70!

Dr. David Blyweiss has created a special report... to show you how you can support healthy testosterone levels - and reclaim that youthful strut and swagger you thought was gone for good!

Click Here to Find Out Just How Fired Up and Ready You Can Be!

According to the Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA), roughly 44 million American families and friends are unpaid caregivers for another adult. It's they — not paid professionals -- who are providing about 80 percent of the long-term care in the United States.

Even the most willing and capable of caregivers can be subject to feelings of anger, exhaustion, loneliness and sadness as they confront the daily challenges of caring for a cancer patient.

This is why it's vital that caregivers look out for themselves while nursing the cancer patient to ensure they can continue to help the one in need. If you're a caregiver, you need to avoid burnout.

Let's consider some practical strategies.

We'll start by looking at the kind of responsibilities you might have to shoulder when attending to the needs of a cancer patient.

Guess who's doing most of the work

A study from the Journal of Family Nursing1 reported results from a survey given to 750 cancer caregivers participating in the University of Pennsylvania Family Caregiver Cancer Education Program.

The researchers noted that these individuals are typically:

* Female (82%)

* Married (71%)

* Living with the patient (54%)

* Over 50 years of age (47%)

Thus, most caregiving is done by married women, quite often they're old enough to join AARP, and more than half the time they're living with the patient. This doesn't make me feel particularly proud, and I'm inclined to say the men need to pitch in.

Caregivers are often required to perform a variety of tasks, including feeding, bathing, dressing and providing companionship for the patient. Primary caregivers might also be called upon to:

* Dispense medications.

* Handle insurance problems.

* Provide transportation to medical appointments.

* Talk to doctors and other medical professionals about the patient's progress.

* Train other family members to provide care when necessary.
Online Publishing and Marketing

The American Cancer Society says a good caregiver is typically the person who knows everything that is going on with a patient. But this person also will help the patient to stay involved and make informed decisions.

This may sound like a serious workload—even when you're a willing participant! This is why it's important to ask for help to relieve stress and to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

There's no shame in asking for HELP!

The Journal of Family Nursing study emphasized that providing care for a loved one with cancer can have a noticeable impact on the caregivers' physical, emotional, and financial health.

The authors emphasized the need for caregivers to seek help when needed—be it from other family and friends or even from professional counselors.

When you ask others for help, it takes some of the pressure off of you. It can also free up time for you to attend to your own health concerns and personal matters.

Keep in mind that even when people offer to help, they don't always know what kind of help you as a caregiver might need. The American Cancer Society (ACS) suggests these tips for getting help from family and friends:

1. Make lists of things you need. This could include help with cleaning, cooking, shopping, yard work, etc.

2. Hold regular family meetings to provide information on the patient's health status and care to less involved family members.

3. Ask family and friends for specific dates/times when they are available to assist. Be clear about what you need from each person.

4. To help yourself stay organized, keep notes of who has completed which tasks.

Remember that when you ask for help it also helps your loved one too! When you get help in caring for his or her needs, you'll be healthier and more energetic to provide assistance yourself.

It can also help ease any feelings of guilt the patient may have about the time you're sacrificing for them. Plus, you'll be able to tap into skills of others that you might not have.

Once you've enlisted the aid of other family and friends, you might find you have a little extra time to…

Help yourself to some TLC!

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) suggests several things caregivers can do to care for themselves. For one thing, NCI says it's important that you do something for yourself every day.

This could be a small thing like spending some time with a favorite activity or hobby…

… or staying connected with friends for support…

If you had health concerns of your own before becoming a caregiver, NCI stresses the need for you to keep up with your own medical appointments, prescriptions, and diet.

Keep in mind that the added stress and responsibility of caring for a cancer patient can cause new health problems. Make sure to tell your doctor if you notice any changes in your body.

A cancer diagnosis can also provoke a number of questions, fears and concerns. Many caregivers have benefitted greatly from joining a support group.

These groups provide a forum for caregivers to talk about their feelings, as well as share advice and ways they cope with the illness. Some folks come just to listen. For many people, it helps just to know they aren't alone.

Cancer is a life-changing event—both for cancer patients and the ones who care for them during their health crisis. As you lend your energy, love and time to help someone cope with cancer, you might discover inner strength and skills you never knew you had! USA, LLC

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Serial Killer T cells Go on Rampage Against Leukemia

From Lee Euler, Publisher Cancer Defeated

Date Released: 12/05/2011
Press Release Image Online Publishing and Marketing
Serial Killer T cells Go on Rampage Against Leukemia

It never occurred to me that a serial killer could be a good thing. But when the killer is an immune system cell called a T cell, and it's programmed to attack thousands of tumor cells at a time, it becomes a wonderful thing.

I'm referring to a new gene therapy that recently surfaced from a brand-new, bold approach to killing cancer. The good news is, it's working. In fact, even the researchers behind this treatment admit to being blown away. This one is really exciting. . .

Continued below. . .

How a Doctor Reversed Her Husband's Alzheimer's Disease in 37 Days

New breakthrough improves memory… restores
lost brain function … and even revives dying cells!

If you've ever known anyone with Alzheimer's disease, you know how heart-breaking it can be. Not only does it destroy a person's mental abilities and dignity … but it wipes out the person's very personality, leaving behind a mere shell of a human being. The body is there for you to see, but the person you know and love no longer exists.

That's exactly what happened to my colleague Dr. Mary Newport and her husband Steve. As Mary describes it, "I was watching my husband of 36 years fade away."

In Mary's words, it was "Strange to have no short-term memory and yet the information was filed somewhere in his brain. I knew he was locked up in there somewhere, if only there was a key to open up the areas of his brain that he didn't have access to."

Little did Mary know that she would soon find that very key.

Continue reading to learn more about this amazing story
Sensational results from a single shot

It started with a highly unusual approach to cancer treatment. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Center and Perelmen School of Medicine thought it would be a good idea to treat cancer patients with genetically engineered versions of the patients' own T cells.

The pilot study started with a group of only three patients. Each patient had advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and was essentially out of treatment options.

The protocol was to remove some T cells from each patient and then modify those same cells in the Penn vaccine production facility. Once removed, those T cells were reprogrammed to attack tumor cells.

After being reprogrammed, the modified T cells were infused back into each patient's body.

Three weeks after the infusion, all three patients tested in the study experienced a dramatic response to the treatment. Two of them went into complete remission. The third experienced at least a 70% reduction in cancerous cells.

The researchers were blown away with the results. Lead researcher Carl June, MD, even enthused, "It worked much better than we thought it would."

He went on to describe a 1000-fold increase in the number of modified T cells in each patient. "Drugs don't do that," said June. He also said each infused T cell led to the killing of thousands of tumor cells, destroying at least two pounds of tumor in each patient.

Treatment exceeds 'wildest expectations'

The T cell "reprogramming" was done with something called a lentivirus vector, which encodes an antibody-like protein (called a chimeric antigen receptor, or CAR), on the surface of the T cells. CAR is also designed to bind to a protein called CD19, which is important because it differentiates the good cells from the cancerous cells.

Once a T cell successfully expresses the CAR protein, it hunts down and kills other cells that express CD19. This includes CLL tumor cells along with normal B cells. All the other cells in a patient get ignored — important, because this means few side-effects.

That's impressive science right there. But even better than that, the research team also inserted a "signaling molecule" into the part of the CAR that exists inside the T cell. After binding to a CD19 protein and initiating cell death for the cancer, this signaling molecule tells the cell to make cytokines. In turn, these cytokines prompt other T cells to multiply. This generates new, good-guy T cells until all the cancer cells are destroyed.

Before this, the only real treatment option was a bone marrow transplant that has a 50 to 80 percent long-term success rate. As you can see from that statistic, this type of leukemia is fairly mild and treatable, even without this new T cell breakthrough. What's more exciting is that the T cell therapy may be applicable to other cancers.

It's interesting to note modified T cells have been used in previous trials, but with uninspiring results. The researchers involved in this trial describe the process as a "reawakening" of T cells that were suppressed by the leukemia. They also hope the treatment will stimulate something called "memory" T cells to provide protection against a relapse.

It's that self-perpetuating aspect of this treatment that is truly amazing. Unlike chemotherapy, which has to be given again and again (often to the detriment of the patient receiving it), this treatment will persist over time, dividing and killing tumors.

Bright future for gene transfer therapy

The researchers involved say this work essentially provides a roadmap for attacking tumors of other types of cancers, including lung cancer, ovarian cancer, myeloma, and melanoma. They'll start by moving forward with similar tests on other types of CD19-positive tumors, including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and acute lymphocytic leukemia.

In addition, they've already come up with a CAR vector that binds to mesothelin, which is a protein found on the surface of ovarian, pancreatic, and mesothelioma cancer cells.

The findings of this study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine and Science Translational Medicine. It's big news on the cancer front because this is the first time researchers have successfully used gene transfer therapy to bring about an attack on cancerous tumors — and it's all thanks to this idea of "serial killer" T cells.

The research that almost didn't happen

The reason this treatment almost didn't happen was a lack of funding. The National Cancer Institute and multiple pharmaceutical companies all declined to pay for the research. Their reasons are unknown, but a good guess is probably that the concept was too innovative. Interesting, because if you think about it, this approach works with the body's natural defenses instead of dredging up yet another power-drug.

In the end, and thank goodness, philanthropic support came through. This included funds from the Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

At some point, there will probably be a handoff to a pharmaceutical company, especially as larger trials get underway. Maybe some government funds will become available. In a better world, this discovery would be taken to market without Big Pharma's help, but that's probably too much to hope for. It will be interesting to see how much this costs when it finally reaches the public.

The other thing that tempers my enthusiasm a little bit is that the 5-year survival rate is reportedly 76 percent for CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia, the type that was treated in this study.) If that's true, then conventional medicine was already having a fair degree of success with this disease, and the new breakthrough may be less than it seems. For all types of leukemia, the 5-year survival rate is claimed to be over 50 percent.

Let's hope this new discovery improves those rates even more. And -- most important in my view — let's hope it works for other types of cancer.

We've been told by some alternative cancer doctors that they actually refer leukemia patients to conventional treatment centers because the chances of success are fairly good. Leukemia seems to be one of the rare types of cancer where conventional treatment is worth a go, especially if the patient has chronic leukemia, the mildest form of the disease.

In the meantime, this T cell treatment is one of the first major cancer breakthroughs that wasn't supported by a pharmaceutical company, that shows excellent results, and works WITH the immune system instead of destroying it.

As we wait for the wheels of Big Medicine to slowly grind away on this thing, there are great natural remedies available right now. Our last issue reported on one of the most exciting. If you missed it, scroll down and take a look now.
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Ancient India's Answer to the Plague of Modern-Day Stress

Reduces the number of cancer tumors by up to 92%!

Lions and tigers and bears were the stresses faced by our cave-person ancestors.

It's highly unlikely you'll have to fight those kinds of battles… yet your body responds as if that kind of attack is imminent, nearly all day, every day.

All around us are pressures that make us feel like we're in a fight to the death: traffic jams, grocery store lines, deadlines, the general lack of time, the never-ending pressure to do all the things we "should" do. Plus you can add the epidemic of environmental toxins, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise.

What toll does all this take on our health — and what's an EASY way to relieve some of it? Our research team at Cancer Defeated has turned up a remarkable herb that reduces the cellular damage caused by stress by as much as 80%! But we also found something far more exciting to this story: Recent animal studies show striking, drastic reductions in cancer. Keep reading. . .

Continued below. . .

Here's Where You Can Get the Full Range of "Forbidden" Cancer Treatments

Two of the most common requests I get are "Where can I find an alternative cancer doctor?" and "Where can I find a doctor who will give me this treatment that only doctors can do?" By the latter I mean treatments such as full-body hyperthermia, intravenous vitamin C or IV laetrile.

The answer is simple: Mexico. You can get most of the major alternative cancer treatments there, and it's completely legal. What's more, you can get them in safe, ultramodern facilities with top doctors who are recognized as the best all over the world.

There's something else: these clinics are perfectly safe, no matter what you hear on the news. The highly publicized violence does not affect these clinics one bit. I just attended a big annual conference on alternative cancer treatments, and once again, I heard abundant testimony from many people that there's no danger at all — not one bit.

So set aside whatever stereotypes you have about dirty, back-alley doctors' offices or doctors with mail order degrees. These are highly modern medical facilities that can compete with any I've seen in the United States. I was treated at one of them myself in March.

You can get details about the best clinics in our updated and expanded guide to Mexican cancer clinics called Adios, Cancer! (If you already purchased our Directory of the World's Greatest Alternative Cancer Clinics, all the information about Mexico is already in there, in addition to info about top European and American cancer clinics).

In my opinion, you need to know or at least consider the wonderful medical facilities in Adios, Cancer! if you have cancer now or you may ever get cancer. In other words, EVERYONE needs to know this information. So click here and learn more about this wonderful Special Report.

The High Price Chronic Stress Exacts on Your Health

It makes sense to slow down for a moment and listen to your body. Some of the ways it speaks of sky-high stress include:

1. Faster Heart Rate — This is great if you're running from a lion or tiger, but when it becomes an everyday event, you risk burning out your heart and suffering cardiovascular disease.
2. High Blood Pressure — When stressed, blood flow to your brain and muscles may increase up to 400%. Good for shooting a bear… not helpful as an ongoing lifestyle.
3. Slow digestion — Energy you need to digest your food is diverted to your head, heart and limbs… leading to chronic constipation, irritable bowel disease, and more. Stress can also change your eating habits — prompting you to grab for certain snacks, resort to comfort foods (read: weight gain), or skip meals.
4. Weight gain — Caused by increased cortisone levels due to prolonged stress.
5. Insomnia and other sleep problems — From an over-active mind and mental stress.
Sleeplessness takes a much bigger toll on your health than most people realize (see Issue #20 for more).

6. Muscle tension and fatigue — When under long-term stress, your muscles get tight and tense, resulting in overworked muscles without the benefit of exercise.
7. Immune problems — Halt your body's ability to fight infections.

And then there's reduced happiness, poorer quality of life, depression, anxiety, memory loss, skin imbalances, reproductive problems, decreased sexual desire, and more.

Do you see yourself here? Then read on — because there's an ancient answer for this modern plague.

And it not only helps reduce stress, but shows hope as an anticancer agent, protects brain health, and more.

Ancient eastern herb comes to the rescue of overstressed modern folks

Stress depletes your body of critical nutrients, and increases oxidative stress, i.e. free radical damage. But this ancient herb is capable of reversing the damage and relieving your stress.

It grows naturally in North America and Africa — but it's most commonly associated with the Ayurvedic traditions of the east. Ayurveda is an ancient philosophy and application of natural health well-known in India.

One of the cornerstones of Ayurveda is an herb made from the roots of the Withania somnifera plant (also known as India winter cherry), called ashwagandha. It's been used for centuries to treat a host of health conditions.

This exotic herb is an adaptogen, which means it helps your body deal with stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue.

Stress Reduction 101

Ashwagandha is a potent antioxidant. Chronic nervous system tension causes premature aging, increases lipid (fat) peroxidation, and decreases your stores of critical antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase.

Studies show ashwagandha can help deactivate much of your chronic stress buildup.

For example, when ashwagandha extract was given one hour before a daily stress-inducing procedure, it neutralized free radical damage.1

One animal study shows how potent ashwagandha is at reducing tension and stress on your nervous system. In animals exposed to chronic stress, 85% of their cells showed signs of chronic degeneration. But when ashwagandha was administered, the number of damaged cells fell by a whopping 80%.2

The largest human clinical trial to date showed impressive results too. Participants reported a number of measurable improvements — including increased energy, reduced fatigue, better sleep, and an enhanced sense of well-being. Also, strikingly, ashwagandha led to a 26% reduction of cortisol — a stress hormone.

What's more, participants in the study saw a fall in fasting blood sugar levels and improved blood lipid levels.3 This herb packs quite a few benefits into one pill.

Ashwagandha was even shown to be equivalent to leading name brand anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications — but without the terrible side effects.4

Scientists believe that premature aging linked to chronic stress is also linked to free radical damage. Ashwagandha seems to reverse this oxidative stress. Some scientists suggest using it as an anti-stress therapy, clinically.

A University of Texas Health Science Center study also examined its anti-stress benefits, and found that it exhibited activity similar to GABA, which may explain why it is so effective in reducing anxiety. (GABA is your brain's major inhibitory neurotransmitter, which puts the brakes on your anxiety.)

You might guess that if ashwagandha can slow you down, reduce your stress and put an end to chronic nervous tension, it may also play a role in your risk of coming down with chronic diseases like cancer. It's a good guess...

Killing cancer cells

Exciting recent evidence suggests that ashwagandha has the potential to stop cancer cells in their tracks.

Scientists in India recently concluded that it disrupts cancer cells' ability to reproduce — an all-important part of fighting cancer.5

A recent study showed ashwagandha could inhibit the growth of human breast, lung, and colon cells in the lab. And at a level comparable to that achieved by the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin. In fact, for breast and colon cancer, the specific compound withaferin A from ashwagandha was more effective than doxorubicin.6

Ashwagandha has been shown to disrupt cancer cells' ability to reproduce, by inhibiting their ability to form new blood vessels which support tumor growth.

What's more, animals with lymphatic cancer, when fed ashwagandha, saw a marked increase in life span and an overall decrease in tumor weight.7

There's more: Preliminary studies show that the leaf extract of ashwagandha can decrease cancer cells without adversely affecting healthy ones.8

Another study looked at stomach cancer in lab animals. With orally administered ashwagandha, tumor incidence was cut by 60% and the number of tumors by a staggering 92%. Correspondingly, in skin cancer tumor incidence was cut by 45% and the number of tumors was cut by 71%.9

Other studies confirm those skin cancer findings.10

Looked at from a different angle… a well-known side effect of conventional chemotherapy is neutropenia, a sharp increase in the risk of infection, caused by a drastic drop in white blood cells. An animal study showed that oral ashwahandha protected against neutropenia, suggesting it may be a viable adjunctive therapy.11

What's more…

Ashwagandha protects from aging, brain fog and worse

Ashwagandha's reach extends beyond stress and cancer. It is also celebrated for its anti-aging and brain protective effects.

For years, Indian healers have suggested ashwagandha as a remedy for memory loss and other degenerative brain diseases.

Scientists from the University of Leipzig have confirmed this. They examined its effects on the brain, by dosing rats with it and seeing what it did to their neurotransmitters. Turns out it led to more brain activity — the kind that accounts for ashwagandha's reputation for increasing cognitive ability and memory. Other studies have come to the same conclusions.

So it should come as no surprise that it's also useful for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's.

Some of its impact as an anti-aging tonic may link back to its anti-stress effect. Reducing your stress can slow down the pace at which you're wearing out your body and cells.

More exciting breakthroughs to come…

As with many herbs, ashwagandha is not specific to one organ or body system and therefore is helpful for multiple health conditions.

More research is underway for ashwagandha's efficacy for:
* Fatigue
* Pain
* Skin diseases/acne
* Diabetes
* Gastro-intestinal diseases
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Bone cancer
* Tuberculosis
* Parkinson's
* Bipolar Disorder
* Epilepsy

I expect these studies will turn up a great deal of new information. It's probable we've just begun to learn the benefits of this herb.

One caveat that our research turned up… Please consult your doctor if you have thyroid disease and are considering using ashwagandha because of concerns with how it affects your thyroid. The herb is also not recommended for pregnant women because it reportedly can cause miscarriage.

Otherwise, ashwagandha appears to be a safe way to reduce stress in your life — at the very least — and you may reap other benefits as well. It's readily available online from a number of reputable sources. Full disclosure: I haven't tried it myself. My procedure with any new supplement or remedy is to start gradually and be alert to any changes in my digestion, sleep habits, energy level or other symptoms.

Alternative medicine boosters love to tell you that all natural remedies are perfectly and safe and have no side effects. Tain't so. Proceed with caution and common sense.