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Showing posts with label summer shape up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer shape up. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Want to Get Into Great Shape?


If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

US Sports Strength and Conditioning
 Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.

Contact Me:
Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning

US Sports Strength and Conditioning

Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom
10 Rules of Fat Loss

Friday, May 9, 2014

Bad News....

Nate @ GilmanHi, Nate here again,

Three days ago I told you about my new 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program that starts 05/12/2014.

Well, the response to my 21 day rapid fat loss online bootcamp has been huge.

I have more information for those of you who want to start this fun 21 day life changing program.

Here's the deal. We only had room for 12 new participant (as this camp will run concurrent within our existing online bootcamps) there's only 4 spots remaining.

The 21 day rapid fat loss boot camp is an Online fitness bootcamp that you take with you (to your gym or favorite workout space) either printed, or on your mobile device, that will last (three weeks) and starts 05/12/2014. The best results will come if you attend 3-5 days per week.

Call in sick to work for those three weeks if you have to (just kidding).

Since it's a group class everyone will participate at their own level so it doesn't matter what shape you're in... you're going to get amazing results during these 21 days.

Here's what you need to know:
  • You workout at your schedule . (We ask that you commit to at least three days a week for best results)
  • Its free for that 21 day period, then only up to 66 cents per day after.
  • We're also including a free 21 day personalized, calorie and life style specific meal plan to help you get even faster results.
Since the response to this was bigger than I anticipated and since we only have room for 4 more participants we are doing the registration on a first "call" first serve basis.

We want to get everyone registered for this 21 day fun fest as soon as possible. So here is what you need to do to get in on the action.

Go to this special webpage Here I have set up and register there.

Remember, there are only 4 spots available so it's all about first come first serve.

Committed to your success,

Nathan Lewis CSCS