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Showing posts with label strength and conditioning for sport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strength and conditioning for sport. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2019

Who Wants It Bad Enough? Presented by Beast Sports Nutrition Featuring: Notre Dame Strength & Conditioning | Ep.58 College Football Workout and Playing Sports And Injuries

 WWE Superstar Sheamus aka The Celtic Warrior here... What an honour and a privilege to be invited to the home of The Fighting Irish. Each year I get to hang out on game-day at Notre Dame University and watch the ND Football boys clean house. This, year I got a very special introduction to how The Fighting Irish train in the gym with Coach Jake Flint and an introduction to their uber advanced Strength and Conditioning program. 

 Here at Celtic Warrior Workouts, we tend to get in the gym a blast out our training sessions without much thought about the science. But at ND Football they take things a bit more serious with 3D cameras measuring every single rep and a very advanced computer system tabulating and crunching the numbers on every ND athlete's workouts. Well, they take winning very seriously. And it's awesome to see The Fighting Irish being bold enough to... Brave Change.

Playing Sports And Injuries

By: Jerald Shin Shapiro

If you are like any other that is involved in sports, you want to make sure that every player stays well and is always able to play in the game. Of course, some injuries are inevitable. It is easy for the children or youth to make a wrong move, adjust the wrong way, or simply run straight into the ball. If you want to help with possible injuries, there are several ways to come prepared.

The first thing that you should keep in mind is that most injuries are preventable. Of course, kids will be kids, and it will be inevitable that they will make a wrong move. However, the more you let them know about safety equipment, the less likely you will be to have major problems. You can also be sure to over emphasize specific movements in every type of game. Making them comfortable with these movements will help create an extra safety feature. 

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Even if you had all of the wrapping in the world to help prevent injuries, there will still be specific injuries that occur. Because you are playing a sport, you can easily expect twisted ankles, knees and arms. If this happens, make sure that you have your first aid kit with you. You can wrap the fractured or broken area until they get to a hospital. Another type of injury that may occur may be from getting hit by a ball. Having an ice pack or a way to help relieve some of the pain will help until they can get to the right area and receive medical attention, if they need it.

These are not the only types of injuries that may occur. There is also a caution that needs to be taken for things such as heat disorder. It is easy for any player to get a little too much sun, causing them to overheat, and possibly pass out. If this happens, be sure to get them in the shade and give them water. You can easily prevent this by requiring all of your players to drink water on a consistent basis.

No matter what the injury, there is always a solution. By knowing what can be expected and coming prepared, you will be able to help the players enjoy the game, without walking away with an injury. There are some stories that every child will want to tell about their game. You want to make sure that it is not about an injury that occurred.

Monday, April 23, 2018

CoachTube-Health and Fitness Featuring: Advanced Principles in Biochemical Programming - Cal Dietz

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WHOLE THING: Coach Cal Dietz has been an Olympic Sports Strength and Conditioning Coach, and in this video he gives an introduction to his principles of Biochemical Engineering.

Co-authoring a book presented a unique challenge that neither of us expected. The book is a compilation of stories, personal experiences, and knowledge of two individuals. As such, a conventional writing style would have us write the book in a manner that distinguishes which author is contributing to a specific story or anecdote. It would require us to preface sentences with, “Cal remembers when...” or “Ben worked with an athlete who...” When we were finished with sections of the book and went back to read what we had written, we found the constant quoting hindered the flow of the book and prevented the reader from making connections between examples that came off as separate story lines. To solve this perceived flaw to the book, we came up with a simple solution. We wrote the book from the first person view of a third party narrative. Instead of stating which one of us is involved with a story, we say “I remember” or “I worked with.” In essence, we created an imaginary person who is the culmination of both of our life experiences, knowledge, and stories. We beg the readers indulgence with this style choice and say that it is in no way meant to deceive or misguide the reader as to the source of information, but rather to improve the consistency and readability of the book. We feel that this allows for one clear voice to present the information and will maximize the usefulness of the material to the reader.

caldietzCal DietzStrength and Human Performance Coach, Sport Science Consultant
Cal Dietz has been an Olympic Sports Strength and Conditioning coach for numerous sports at the University of Minnesota since 2000. During his tenure, Dietz has trained athletes that have achieved 540+ All-American honors, 10 NCAA Team National Champions, Teams that have won 34 Big Ten/WCHA championships teams, 29 Big Ten/WCHA Conference tournaments, 22 NCAA Final Four appearances, He has consulted with Olympic and World Champions in various sports and professional athletes in the NHL, NFL, NBA, MLB, MMA and Professional Boxing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Divers! Make a Splash With Our Diving Power Program!

If you watched the Olympics this past Summer, you can easily see that elite athletes are more powerful than ever. In a precision sport like Olympic Diving, that power translates into the immense body control that it takes to achieve the amazing feats that these athletes continue to impress. If you or someone in the family age 13 and up are an aspiring diver, and a good strength coach or personal trainer is not feasible or affordable; train online with me saving money and time. With our customized Diving Program:


The Diving Program is a great strength and power maintenance program. In this program there are shoulder stability exercises, torso and low back strengthening movements and exercises for power development like Olympic lifting and plyometric jump exercises. Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to get started

Select a Program
Week 1 - Day 1 (Monday) of Sample Diving Strength ProgramWeek Difficulty:Medium
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise (available in full paid version)

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes
2 Video
Hang Clean
5 reps @ 80 lbs,4 reps @ 95 lbs,
3 reps @ 110 lbs,5 reps @ 120 lbs,
3 reps @ 105 lbs
3 Video
10 reps @ 135 lbs,5 reps @ 160 lbs,
10 reps @ 175 lbs,12 reps @ 160 lbs
4 Video
Dumbbell Triple - Extension Step Up
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 20 lbs
5 Video
Machine Leg Curl
12 reps @ 75 lbs,10 reps @ 80 lbs
6 Video
Theraband Internal\External Warmup Rotation (AD)
12 reps,8 reps
7 Video
Push Up Plus
10 reps,10 reps
8 Video
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (45 Degree)
20 reps @ 30 lbs,15 reps @ 35 lbs,
10 reps @ 30 lbs
9 Video
Pull Up Plus
10 reps,10 reps

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