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Showing posts with label Hockey tactics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hockey tactics. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2018

CoachTube-Hockey Featuring: Hockey Tactics Course

[Video Overview Below] Master the game with us on Coachtube here, or for all the same great hockey tactic content.


Nathan Leslie

Director of Leslie Global Sports


Nate Leslie is a former professional hockey player turned hockey development guru. Nate has a Masters Degree of International Education from Endicott College in Madrid, Spain, speaks German, Swiss German, and French, and played 7 years of professional hockey in Europe. Nate is the owner of Leslie Global Sports with brother Boe, and the Director of the West Coast Hockey Prep Camp. Nate Leslie has helped develop countless young players and this year alone he will oversee the training of 1900 players. Nate resides in Vancouver with wife Tara and their 2 children. Nate instructs multiple hockey academies and is the on ice director of the Richmond Olympic Oval High Performance Hockey Program and mentors coaches, and implements skill development programs with minor hockey associations.

Nate and brother Boe have recently completed a documentary, funded on Kickstarter, of their coaching development initiative in Mongolia, and join the New Zealand U16 National Team coaching staff in annual development camps.

After 4 years of Junior hockey Nate played 7 professional seasons in Europe and North America including the Swiss Elite League, British Super League, and the Central Hockey League. Before moving to Vancouver in 2008 Nate spent 4 years in New York City building a hockey program in West Harlem and was the Athletic Director in the prestigious Manhattan boarding school, the Saint Thomas Choir School.

Forever a student, Nate Leslie continues to work with hockey minds, bringing in the likes of Rich Sutter, Mike Johnson, and Mark Hoilck. How to play hockey was formed by combining Nate's worldly hockey experience, and hockey development expertise, and ensures that you hit your potential.