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Showing posts with label High School Tennis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label High School Tennis. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2018

Bella Nguyen Class of 2019 Tennis Recruiting Video

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Tennis

[Video below]-

UTR : 8.3 GPA : 4.3 contact:

Marcin Bieniek

Professional Match Preparation by Marcin Bieniek

About this Course
We practice, we try our best and then we are being challenged during tournaments. You’ve practiced hard so you are ready for a tournament. Are you sure? 
Federer’s mach preparation takes nearly 5h… he is not jogging for so long, so what does he actually do? 
We have prepared this course to show what is going on behind the scene. How to be a better player with the skill set that you are currently having, and how to maximize your talent and hard work. It is important to work hard, but to maximize our chances to use our full potential you need to work smart as well. This area is very often underestimated, while it truly develops more aware and better performing players. What you’ll learn:
- 7 days before the tournament (The last week is the most important)
- Match’s day (What you should do after you wake up)
- Post-match routine (Professional players improve even the match is over)
- Match’s analysis (Learn how to be aware of what was really going on during the match)
- Between the matches (There are a lot of opportunities to get advantage over opponents. Use them all!) Who is this course for:
Players – if you are an amateur, or a pro player you deserve to maximize your chance and convert your hard work for better results 
Coaches – help to develop complete players. You can discover specific methods to make your players win more matches
Parents – match can be stressful for your child, and yourself. This course will help both of you to gain more control of the situation   Remember that your current level of performance doesn't have an impact on your preparation. If you want to prepare like professionals do you can do that right now. It is all about motivation and knowledge. You have the first part - this course is the second one. If you buy this course please contact me at so I can send you additional materials that come with this course. You will also receive certification as a confirmation of attendance. Remember that our cooperation starts at the beginning of this course but it doesn't end when you watch the last video. Enjoy!
Coach Credentials
Marcin Bieniek is a professional tennis coach and founder of instructional website as well as an author of blog He started tennis at the age of 7 and continued his career to achieve TOP 10 rank U12 U14 U16 U18 in Poland. He was competing on international level and managed to get highest ITF rank #475. One of the current pros that Marcin was able to overcome is Jerzy Janowicz (15 ATP). As a coach, Marcin is certificated by Polish Tennis Association, Professional Tennis Registry (Professional degree) and by International Tennis Performance Association (CTPS level). By attending international symposiums, Marcin was able to learn professional coaching and teaching skills from the best coaches in the world. Having opportunity to work in various high-performance tennis academies, Marcin developed solid background by working with worldwide famous coaches and former TOP 10 players in the world. As a coach he was working with TOP 5 players in Poland, TOP national players in USA, TOP 100 juniors in the world (ITF) as also with ATP and WTA players. Marcin is a frequent contributor to TennisPro and TenisKlub magazines and many of his articles were published around the world. He was a speaker at International Coaching Tennis Symposium 2016 at Hilton Head Island, USA.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Anna Miller Class of 2019 Tennis Recruiting Video and Importance of Fitness Testing

Presented On US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business

My name is Anna Miller, I am sixteen years old and I attend Holy Names Academy in Seattle, WA.

Importance of Fitness Testing

By: Obadiea Jones


Fitness tests are basically tests conducted by fitness trainers on people who are fitness training themselves so that they can monitor the progress of their clients. Fitness testing is a very serious and important activity for all those people involved seriously in fitness training or those people who workout and just want to make sure that their physical health is in order. Usually, fitness trainers will also make beginners undergo fitness training because it is often taken as a bench mark and then their particular fitness training schedules are settled around the results of their fitness tests.

A lot of people believe that these evaluations are unnecessary but nothing can be as important as initial fitness evaluations to gauge the amount of work you will need to put in during the life of your fitness training. Usually athletes and sports player will undergo these fitness tests on a regular basis to determine their progress and to see if further improvement is required or not. The trainer will also tell them the kind of protein supplements the bodybuilders or athletes should include in their diet, including proteinpulver, protein bars and which ones to include.

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Normally, a competent trainer will perform these basic but important steps on each of his/her clients starting a new training cycle and at specific points during their training cycle. The tests performed before the training cycle can be of two types; the first are the ‘resting’ tests involving resting heart rate, resting blood pressure and body composition. The second type of test is based on your physical performance and includes flexibility evaluations, aerobic endurance and low-impact muscular endurance. Examples of some of these tests would include the treadmill stress test, sit and reach, shoulder stretch etc.

When mentioned that these tests act as an important benchmark, it was meant that if the client is exercising too much or too less, then their fitness training schedule can be re-arranged according to that. Plus, knowing whether or not you are fitness training adequately is important because you don’t want to be over working your body, something that could lead to muscle injuries or even worse. On the other hand, you don’t want to be under working yourself either and feeling disappointed at the lack of positive results. Fitness tests will be able to prevent such confusions and the problems that could result from such confusions.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Nick Cmager - College Tennis Recruiting Video (Fall 2019) and The Laws Of Tennis Psychology

[Video below]-Date of birth: December 19, 1999 Nationality: Slovenian UTR: 13 GPA: 4.00

The Laws Of Tennis Psychology

By: Liam Warrillow



Tennis psychology is nothing more than understanding the workings of your opponent's mind, and gauging the effect of your own game on his mental viewpoint, and understanding the mental effects resulting from the various external causes on your own mind. You cannot be a successful psychologist of others without first understanding your own mental processes, you must study the effect on yourself of the same happening under different circumstances. You react differently in different moods and under different conditions. You must realize the effect on your game of the resulting irritation, pleasure, confusion, or whatever form your reaction takes. Does it increase your efficiency? If so, strive for it, but never give it to your opponent.

Does it deprive you of concentration? If so, either remove the cause, or if that is not possible strive to ignore it.

Once you have judged accurately your own reaction to conditions, study your opponents, to decide their temperaments. Like temperaments react similarly, and you may judge men of your own type by yourself. Opposite temperaments you must seek to compare with people whose reactions you know.

A person who can control his own mental processes stands an excellent chance of reading those of another, for the human mind works along definite lines of thought, and can be studied. One can only control one's, mental processes after carefully studying them.

A steady phlegmatic baseline player is seldom a keen thinker. If he were he would not adhere to the baseline.

The physical appearance of a man is usually a pretty clear index to his type of mind. The stolid, easy-going man, who usually advocates the baseline game, does so because he hates to stir up his torpid mind to think out a safe method of reaching the net.

There is the other type of baseline player, who prefers to remain on the back of the court while directing an attack intended to break up your game. He is a very dangerous player, and a deep, keen- thinking antagonist. He achieves his results by mixing up his length and direction, and worrying you with the variety of his game. He is a good psychologist. The first type of player mentioned merely hits the ball with little idea of what he is doing, while the latter always has a definite plan and adheres to it. The hard-hitting, erratic, net-rushing player is a creature of impulse. There is no real system to his attack, no understanding of your game. He will make brilliant coups on the spur of the moment, largely by instinct; but there is no, mental power of consistent thinking. It is an interesting, fascinating type.

The dangerous man is the player who mixes his style from back to fore court at the direction of an ever-alert mind. This is the man to study and learn from. He is a player with a definite purpose. A player who has an answer to every query you propound him in your game. He is the subtlest antagonist in the world. Second only to him is the man of dogged determination that sets his mind on one plan and adheres to it, bitterly, fiercely fighting to the end, with never a thought of change. He is the man whose psychology is easy to understand, but whose mental viewpoint is hard to upset, for he never allows himself to think of anything except the business at hand.