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Showing posts with label Cycling tour de france Lance Armstrong Olympic cycling cycling performance. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2018

CoachTube Presents: Men's Team Pursuit Finals - 2018 UCI Track Cycling World Championships on US Sports Net!

1. GBR - Great Britain 2. DEN - Denmark 3. ITA - Italy
[Video Below]

Presented on US Sports Net by CoachTube Extreme Sports!


The multi-sport athlete has many things to consider when preparing to compete and developing a weight training program. Each athlete needs a program that will maximize athleticism for the current sport they are playing. When evaluating what weightlifting program to use, ask the following questions: What energy system is needed the most for my current sport? How important is power, strength, speed and agility? How much recovery time will the athlete have between workouts and competition? And when scheduling your workouts what are the time demands of this sport? Remember, each program should be as specific as it can be to the sport currently being played.

Here are twelve benefits to weight training that relate directly to your in-season game:

1. Injury prevention 2. Increase performance – muscular strength, power, endurance, speed, agility 3. Injury rehab 4. Increase stabilization 5. Increase flexibility 6. Improve attitude 7. Improve balance 8. Improve stability 9. Increase energy levels 10. Improve body composition 11. Increase mental toughness 12. Improve confidence level
Ideally, a program that incorporates most, if not all, of these benefits would best equip you for success in a variety of sports. A tailor made workout that meets the needs and demands of the sport you are currently playing should be employed for the duration of the season.
Two Killer Weight Training Strategies
For the purpose of this article, I recommend one of the two following strategies when setting up your weight training program. First, you can apply a general workout that uses 5 or 6 basic lifts to meet the power, strength, flexibility and stability needs that most sports require. Second, a workout that employs push-pull exercises, training the core and functional exercises that are specific to the sport you are currently playing. Also, this type of workout can create a variety of exercises so that boredom does not become an issue. Third, a rotation of the first two strategies; this will add diversity to your program and force your body to adapt to different training stimuli. This will produce tremendous results. Whichever strategy you choose make sure you are adequately overloading to the body part you are training.
The following list of what to add and what not to add to your workout will make it more efficient and productive regardless of the type of program you choose to follow. Your body will adapt to the specific training that you provide it so, be careful how you train because that is precisely how you will develop.

Weight Training Do’s

1. Perform Core Exercises. All sports require a strong and stable hip and torso area for absolute body strength and protection and are therefore, essential for all training programs. This area is known as the core, or foundation, of the body. Denying training to this part of your body, is neglecting the central part of where all of your sports movements originate. 2. Perform Push-Pull Lifts. – Lifts like the bench press, lat pull downs provide the push/pull effect. When performing one right after the other, or superset, greater amounts of work can be performed in a shorter period of time. 3. Perform Functional Exercises. Functional training exercises train your muscles to perform as they would on the field or court. These training movements mimic particular movements in sports and can have tremendous carryover to your sport. Make sure you don’t perform a sports skill with heavy overload, this will lead to faulty mechanics in your skill and can cause much more harm than good to your game. 4. Perform Strength and Power Exercises. Strength lifts such as the deadlift, bench press and squat and power lifts such as the push press and hang clean can provide the basics needed for all sports.

Weight Training Don’ts

1. Don’t Perform Plyometric Exercises In-Season. Keep plyometric exercises to a minimum if you are currently playing a sport that is dynamic in nature, such as football or basketball. The combination of these two will lead to excessive wear and tear on the body in the form of overtraining, decreased athletic performance and injuries. 2. Don’t Perform Single Joint Exercises. There are NO movements in sports that are limited to only one joint. Movements occur at multiple joints and in more than one plane. So, the benefits of performing multiple joint, compound body movements in your workout program will transfer more positively to the sport you are playing. 3. Don’t Use Exercise Machines. Machines isolate muscle groups and do not allow for other body parts to act synergistically. Stick to free weights, medicine balls, kettlebells, exercise bands, stability balls, body weight training etc., that simulate real life and recruit larger muscle groups.
This article is written by Rusty Gregory of Forte Fitness. Rusty is a an Austin personal trainer with 25 years of experience after earning his Masters degree in Kinesiology from the University of Michigan. Rusty also serves as a highly valued consultant to Austin basketball trainer (and co-owner) Chris Corbett. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as well as a Certified Wellness Coach. Rusty is also the author of the following books: Self-Care Reform & Living Wheat Free For Dummies.
Note: The content in this article should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

CoachTube Extreme Sports Presents: Men's Madison - 2018 UCI Track Cycling World Championships

2018 UCI Track Cycling World Championships [Video Below]

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Extreme Sports!

Featured Course: 


Waterski Trick Instructional - Joel Wing

Join Joel as he shows you the amazing sport of trick waterskiing. From how to stand on your ski, your first tricks, all the way through to spectacular Toeline 5s, Skiline 5s and Mobes. The entire film has been shot with super slow motion cameras, providing amazing clarity as the tricks are slowed right down to show every detail. With the expert guidance of Joel Wing, qualified waterski coach and World Championships Bronze Medalist, teamed with multiple camera angles for each trick, this coaching course is the ultimate tool for trick skiing success
JoelWingJoel Wing13 x Australian Champion, World Championship Bronze Medallist
Joel is one of the most recognisable names in Australian Watersports. He has dominated Australian Waterskiing for more than a decade, he is an 11 time Australian Waterski Champion and Australian Waterski Record holder, Joel has been a member of the Australian Waterski team since 1999. He is an accredited coach with 15 years experience in commercial and peak sporting body environments both in Australia and overseas, and is sought after by national and state sporting bodies around the globe. Joel has worked with numerous coaches and athletes throughout the world to help develop industry best practices for on- water safety and training techniques. He is also a nationally rated judge and has lectured at numerous coaching and judging courses over the past 10 years.
As an athlete, Joel has made appearances on the cover of the US and the Australian Waterski magazine many times. He has also released his own instructional DVD.
His attitude at events as well as amazing work ethic towards his training has made him a role model and inspiration for tournament skiers across the world.
Some of his many titles Include:
Australian Trick record holder for 9 years
Australian Overall record holder for 6 years
13 times Australian Champion
Moomba Masters Overall Champion, 2012, 2013
Australian Overall Champion, 2008, 2011, 2012
Australian Open Slalom Champion, 2011
3rd Place, Tricks, World Championships, 2003
3rd Place, Tricks, US Open, 2008
3rd Place, Slalom, Moomba Masters, 2008
3rd Place, Tricks, Moomba Masters, 2008

Monday, March 26, 2018

Men's 1km Time Trial Final - 2018 UCI Track Cycling World Championships and The wonderful bicycle motion - cycle ball

Presented On US Sports Net By Vi By LifeBeam!

[Video courtesy]- Minsk Cycling Club

The wonderful bicycle motion - cycle ball

By: Serm Petter


Lift cycling, everyone's brain flash will be off-road riding and road racing venues, not necessarily think of a bicycle can be used to play the original, would not think of this wonderful sport turned UCI events.
Cycle ball, by definition, is the use of bicycles to play, with the current bicycle polo (Cycle Polo) are two different things. The sport originated in the late 19th century Germany, the first World Championships in 1930, now popular in Central and Eastern Europe, such as Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland, where the most popular in Germany. Team Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria strongest. The most successful players are Czech Pacheco brothers, who between 1965 and 1988 and won 20 times world champion.
Cycle ball game system in the form of the team, each team of 2 people, no one can be as a goalkeeper or field player. Play such a small football in indoor venues bicycles ball, passing, ball, shoot the ball into the opponent's goal you can get 1 point. Only fourteen minutes a game, paced. As a combination of bicycles and ball games, cycle ball not only test individual strength, endurance and reaction, but requires a high degree of bicycle control skills and a spirit of cooperation, we must have a tacit agreement between the teammates, responsive to succeed shot, this is the only Only one male attended indoor cycling.
Today's cycling golf bicycle has a certain size, the use of dead fly structure, no brakes, wheel diameter of 26 inches, gear ratio close to 1: 1, typically about 24T. After the cushion by, Y-type handlebar forward, the focus of easy control, whether forward or backward, or about the beating, can flexible operation, but also to impose the maximum torque when shot. Usually aluminum or steel frame, solid structure, capable of withstanding the impact of competition frequently when. Match ball weight of about 500 grams, a diameter of 18 cm, the traditional form with horse hair, not soft but elastic. In addition, based on the cycle ball in the room, in order to prevent floor damage, and reduce the risk of injury to players, the pedals have rubber-coated.
Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Macao and other places have begun the development of this "new" movement. East Asian Games and Asian Indoor Cycling Championships have been held several cycle ball game, with the strength of the most powerful Japanese team. Cycle ball movement in Hong Kong in 1989 and formally introduced, a former Hong Kong team gold partner - He Yongtai and labor Mansfield, since 1999 began to cooperate in the race, Hong Kong and Asia are impressive. In 2009, they beat the Asian Indoor Cycling Bicycle Championship in the Japanese team won the championship for the first time, ranking in the UCI has once reached the first 13.
Cycle ball of technical movements, such as setting the bicycle, jumping, shooting and rapid steering in situ, high threshold. A beginner, just to practice balancing act on at least more than two months, six months will be shot, but also four or five years to smooth ball. A lot of people want to play the cycle ball is shot to a taste of joy, but it takes a few months before school misses practice basic skills, it is easy to give up halfway impatient.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

CYCLING: Grand Prix, Samyn 2018 and Triathlon Race Day Tips - From Top Triathlon Coach Richard Laidlow

Triathlon Race Day Tips - From Top Triathlon Coach Richard Laidlow

By: Michelle And Richard Laidlow


1/Once your transition is set up walk through transition 4 times, from swim entry to bike exit and bike entry to run exit. Slowly visualize yourself racing through transition.

2/Sit in transition for 5 mins after you have set up your bike. Watch the people around your transition space set up their transition, make a mental note of their equipment, this will help orientate you during the race.

3/In shorter distance races such as Sprint or Olympic Distance, break two elastic bands and tie them around the top tube of your bike, then place your energy gels underneath the elastic bands so they are easily reachable during the bike segment.

4/Same idea with your Sunglasses which during the rush of transition can easily get forgotten, dropped or trodden on! Place the arms of the sunglasses underneath the bands to hold them securely, then you can wait until you have got yourself into a comfortable position on the bike segment before putting them on.

5/In a Duathlon use two pairs of running shoes one pair for the 1st run and one pair for the 2nd run. This will save time as you will not have to think about where you place your running shoes in T1, as well as then being able to put on sweat free, pre-positioned shoes in T2.

6/The swim is the 1st part of the triathlon so make sure you do 5 to 10 mins of shoulder mobility exercises before getting into the water, whilst doing these exercises it gives you a good opportunity to visualze your whole swim from the start, right through to running into transition and finding your bike.

7/Try to get into the water 10 mins before the start of the race, this will help you get acclimatized to the water temperature, as well as help your orientation of the swim bouys.

8/Stop your goggles steaming up by putting a small amount of washing up liquid or shower gel on your finger tip and rubbing the inside of your goggles, allowing it to dry before the swim start.

9/Always take a big mouthful of water from your race bottle after eating a gel, this helps increase the speed of gastric absorption by diluting the carbohydrate percentage you have just eaten.

10/If the water is cold wear two good swim hats. Pull them well down over your ears thus preventing the cold water from entering your ears. This really does stop that horrible dizzy feeling. If you really suffer with this problem consider wearing earplugs.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

CYCLING: Vuelta a Valencia 2018 Stage 5 and Participation trophies: motivation killers or confidence boosters?

Participation trophies: motivation killers or confidence boosters?

By: Lionel Wright


The participation certificates, awards or trophies: some say it kills the motivation, where as some say it boosts up the confidence of all the participants. Well, it is about the way of thinking. Different people have got different type of thought process, so it varies from person to person.
• Participation trophy: Motivation killer?
It has been asked a thousand of trillion times if all the participants should be given a trophy. The answer was a big ‘No’ and will always remain No, at least if you keep asking the same people who are against it.
Whether it is the corporate function where the best employee of the company is going to get trophy, the sports event where the winning athlete is going to get the award or the school competition where the winning kid is going to get the medal, only the deserving candidate should be given the trophy and not the rest.

Giving the trophy only to the deserving candidate will boost up the confidence in him. All the other people will also feel like achieving the same, which will give them the motivation. This will make them work harder and smarter so that they can achieve the same as the winner. Striving hard for achieving will hone their skills and talent. It will encourage them to work harder and faster.

If all the participants are given the trophies, it will give them a sense of achievement. This will ruin it all and will reduce the impact and encouragement of working hard. It will not motivate them so much as compared to if they do not receive any award. Going home empty handed will make them feel worse than at least getting a participation trophy.

It works the best in the companies and the organisations where they give the award or prize to the employee of the month. Every month the employee who has worked the hardest deserves the award. So, looking at the winner, all the other employees get motivated to work even harder in the coming month.

Shortly, loosing is good for you! It will at least make you perform better, the next time. The greed of taking away the award, trophy or medal can motivate you to work harder than anything else.

• Participation trophy: Confidence booster?
When it is about kids, the participation trophies act as the confidence booster. Kids like getting gifts and appreciation. So, in order to make them take part in the competitions, they should be given trophies irrespective of they win or lose. It makes them feel more confident about themselves and it gives them a sense of self esteem that they can do something. Only if they get such feeling, they will continue participating in the school competitions, at least because of the greed of gifts and trophies.


Well, sometimes they act as a confidence booster when it comes to kids, where as sometimes it acts as a motivation killer, when it comes to the employees or athletes. So, depending upon the age group, profession and category, the view varies. Thus, the debate continues...

If you are looking out for the Trophies for any sport and any type of Awards, the best place to purchase them is the 'Tower Trophies'. This Evesham based company is the best online trophy store in the U.K.

CYCLING 2018 : Volta a la Comunitat Valenciana Stage 5 Very easy to Help Me: Little help given by many people will eventually become great! Glad to try for you !