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Being overweight is turning out to be an increasingly
critical public health issue because it raises the risk for so many
medical disorders, most of which can be quite major which places a major
obligation on health care systems around the globe. It is estimated
that generally in most the western world, 40 to 50% of people can be
considered to be in the obese group. The health effects of being
overweight have an impact on almost any body system which includes the
brain, arteries, heart, liver, gall bladder, bone tissues and joints.
Having too much weight or having obesity dramatically increases the
potential for having a cerebrovascular event and the repercussions and
also complications of this.
Fat which is located round the neck might
make the air passage too small which is going to increase the threat for
sleep apnoea which is in the event the inhaling and exhaling might
actually cease for short intervals during the night in people who have
sleep apnoea. Those with overweight problems have been associated with a
greater risk of gastroesophageal reflux disorder which is when the
gastric acid escapes into the oesophagus. There is also a greater risk
of forming gall stones. Excessive fat is specifically a challenge for
developing surrounding the liver and ultimately causing liver damage as
well as liver failing. In people who are at an unhealthy weight the
heart as well as the vascular system must continue to work hard to pump
blood throughout the entire body resulting in high blood pressure which
also raises the chance for a stroke, cardiac arrest and renal disorder.
Obesity additionally helps make the body’s cells more resistant against
insulin which is a key factor in raising the possibility for diabetes
type 2. Type 2 diabetes in turn also increases the chance for a range of
other medical issues, which includes cardiovascular disease, renal
disease, stroke, loss of limb and loss of sight. Obesity causes it to
become harder for a females to get pregnant and in those who do become
pregnant, it might add to the potential for serious difficulties during
the pregnancy.
Overweight problems have significant influences on the bone and joint
system, causing a weakening with bone strength and density and muscle
tissue raising the potential for bony injury. The extra weight applies
too much stress on the joints, leading to pain and stiffness as well as
raising the possibility for osteo arthritis. Obesity impacts your feet,
placing a large amount of stress on them when we walk around increasing
the possibility for a lot of distinctive foot conditions.
Those with
obesity may also find it difficult reaching the feet resulting in
difficulties with self-care in addition to wearing footwear. Obesity has
also been linked to an elevated probability of many different types of
cancers including cancers of the liver, digestive tract and pancreas.
The bigger the Body mass index, the greater the probability of these
types of cancer. Skin rashes can occur where the epidermis of excess fat
folds causing cleanliness problems. Overweight problems have also been
connected with a variety of mental health issues and they are generally
more likely to have reduced overall well-being, encounter a lot more
undesirable inner thoughts and display more psychopathological signs and
symptoms including depressive disorders, poor self-esteem, in addition
to difficulties with body image. Simply because obesity affects
virtually every section of the human body, it's increasingly important
to handle this with a combination of diet regime, physical exercise, and
lifestyle changes.
Some of it is just common sense. Probably everything your
mother told you to stay away from, but in our fast-paced, warp-speed
microwave world, it’s easy to get caught up into what’s the easiest and
fastest. Before eating that next greasy cheeseburger and French fries
drenched in salt, ask yourself if it’s worth the discomfort you will
experience in your joints the next day. Balance is key in eating but if
you have been diagnosed with arthritis, you will want to keep
inflammation at bay. And as you may already know, the less inflamed the
joints the less pain you will be in.
So, what foods should you avoid that help with reducing inflammation?
As a first step, avoid the foods that science is certain links to
chronic inflammation from your diet. An excellent starting point are
fried foods and refined sugar. While limiting these foods, increasing
less-processed whole foods can alleviate some symptoms of arthritis,
like pain and swelling. The added benefit is, of course, maintaining a
healthy weight which can also alleviate unnecessary stress on the knee
Keep reading to learn of 3 more foods that are the worst for arthritis that might not be so obvious.
Ready-made frozen foods
Easy, but full of sodium, frozen dinners and pre-made meals are
something to be avoided for those with rheumatoid arthritis. When you
have rheumatoid arthritis, you may want to limit the amount of sodium
that you eat because certain medications such as corticosteroids can
cause you to hold onto more salt, which increases inflammation. Read
labels as the frozen food industry is now offering healthier
alternatives and try to limit your daily sodium intake to about 1,500
Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor-enhancing food additive most
commonly found in prepared Asian food and soy sauce, but it can also be
found in frozen meals. It’s also added to fast foods, prepared soups and
soup mixes, salad dressings and deli meats. This chemical can trigger
two important pathways of chronic inflammation and affect liver health.
Gluten and refined carbs
Gluten, a sticky protein found in wheat and related grains, such as
barley, oats, and rye, can promote inflammation. Unlike other proteins,
we don't digest gluten completely and, in some people, the immune system
sees gluten as the enemy and will unleash weapons to attack it, causing
inflammation in the intestines as well as in other organs, joints, and
Refined carbohydrates are white flour products such as bread, pasta,
white rice, cereals and more markedly drives inflammation and also
accentuates the omega-3 deficiencies that powerfully impact joint
inflammation. Omega-3s are that good fat richly found in seafood, nuts,
and certain oils. Research has shown that omega-3s may prevent diseases
like heart disease and diabetes, helping protect your brain in addition
to fighting inflammation. Processed carbs are beginning to supersede
fats as the main driver of escalating rates of obesity and other chronic
conditions. These high-glycemic index foods fuel the production of
advanced glycation end (AGE) products that stimulate inflammation.
About 60 percent of the population have a hard time digesting milk
and other dairy products and the proteins found in them, which can cause
inflammation in the body. Most cheeses contain a high amount of
saturated fats, and saturated fats have been shown to be an inflammation
trigger not only for heart disease but arthritis as well.
Dairy products such as ice cream are high in saturated fats.
Saturated fat + sugars = inflammation’s match made in paradises.
Saturated fat is one of the most inflammation-inducing nutrients, and a
study of more than 100 arthritis patients who eliminated dairy reported
self-perceived benefits.
As your own experiment, try cutting dairy from your diet and see what
happens to your body when you give it up. Not all dairy causes
inflammation, so if you want to enjoy it, try slowly adding back in
products that have probiotics known to fight inflammation, including low
fat cheese and unsweetened Greek yogurt.
Cutting back on foods that promote inflammation, increasing the
proportion of fruits and vegetables in your diet, making organic chicken
and fish your main protein and getting more omega-3s can make a big
difference in your arthritis symptoms.
To learn more about what foods you should be eating if you have been diagnosed with arthritis visit
If hypothyroidism may not be a thyroid problem, then what is the problem? Find out.
Did you know that the majority of hypothyroid conditions are not really a thyroid problem? 90% of all hypothyroid conditions are Hashimoto's. This is an autoimmune condition. With this autoimmune condition, the thyroid has antibodies that attack itself. This is immune dysfunction, not necessarily a thyroid problem. But, it does affect the thyroid.
This could be why many people with this condition never see any change—because they're treating the wrong problem. If you look up hypothyroidism, you will see that the cause is low thyroid hormones. But what's causing the low thyroid hormones?
If you have hypothyroidism that's not involved with Hashimoto's, it could be secondary to something else. 80% of the conversion of T4 to T3 happens through the liver. So, if there's something going on with the liver or the gallbladder, it could mean that you're just not getting the conversion of T4 to T3.
You could also have a situation where there is too much estrogen in the body. In this case, the estrogen can block the thyroid.
Some other data talks about consuming too many cruciferous vegetables being behind a thyroid problem. But, the studies on this are very sparse. You would also have to consume a tremendous amount of cruciferous vegetables to deplete enough iodine to cause a weakness in the thyroid. There is no data that says consuming cruciferous vegetables will kill the thyroid.
If you're worried about cruciferous vegetables causing a thyroid problem, you could steam them or ferment them. You could also have some sea kelp to help replace the iodine that could potentially be depleted by cruciferous vegetables. But, cruciferous vegetables can help regulate estrogen, and really, cruciferous vegetables benefit the entire body.
To help with different thyroid problems, you may want to avoid: • Soy • Gluten
Hashimoto's, being an autoimmune condition, usually involves some type of immune dysfunction. There are some interesting links between EBV and Hashimoto's.
There is also a connection between gut problems and Hashimoto's.
A few things you can do: • Restore the gut (healthy keto and intermittent fasting) • Selenium • Zinc • Garlic • Lower stress
Losing weight is a challenge for everyone, but if you’re diagnosed with hypothyroidism, it can seem impossible. Hypothyroidism is basically the condition of having an under active thyroid. The main purpose of the thyroid hormone is to regulate metabolism, so when the thyroid gland is performing below average, symptoms will be consistent with a slow metabolism: fatigue, weight gain, lethargy and mood swings. Approximately 10 million Americans struggle with hypothyroidism, including one of our ambassadors. We reached out and asked her to share her story:
Let me tell you a little bit about me: My name is Carolina, I am 36 years old, I got married in December 2014 and I don’t have any kids. I lead a normal, at times stressful, yet happy life.
I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism when I was 13 years old. I went from 120 lbs. to 210 lbs. in the blink of an eye. Nothing fit me; I loved going out with my friends, but hated how I looked. I always kept a smile on my face but on the inside, I wished I looked like my friends or models. I was an in-the-closet insecure person. I always felt hungry. I had no clue about calories/carbs/protein/fats, all I knew is that when I was hungry, I ate until I was full. I ate because I was hungry AND because the feeling of being full made me feel good.In my mid-twenties, I began to yo-yo diet. I would go from 200 lbs. to 175, 150 and back up to 175. I didn’t really understand what I was doing with these yo-yo diets, all I knew is that according to what I heard and had seen, these diets “worked”. I would pretty much starve myself for a week or two, lose 5-10 lbs., then go back to my old eating habits and gain the weight right back, along with an extra 2-3 lbs. I felt like all I had to do was look at food and I would gain weight. It sounds funny, but at times I truly believed that.
Yo-yo diets don’t work long term. Diets in general don’t work for the long-haul. Weight loss is a lifetime journey. Being HEALTHY is a lifetime journey. Moderation is key!
I began to eat healthier. I stopped drinking soda. I now only drink water or seltzer. I cut back on carbs and fats. I went from 175-155 lbs. Two years ago, I joined Crossfit. I fell in love with lifting heavy! I really got into fitness, I made my Instagram all about healthy eating, and started to make workout videos. I mainly work on my lower body because it’s the biggest part of me. I make the videos to help motivate people to go to the gym or to just get up and move.
As soon as I started getting more and more into fitness, I made sure that my thyroid levels were on target. I felt that if I was doing all this work at the gym, that my thyroid wouldn’t “mess” me up and take me back to square one: not losing weight, feeling tired and hungry like I used to.
I still have a long way to go. I still don’t have any kids yet. And, I know when I have a baby it will be difficult as a person diagnosed with Hypothyroidism to lose the weight again. But, I know I will continue with my progress if I stick to taking my thyroid medication.
My motivation comes from within. I’m like you: sometimes all I want to do is eat, lay down and do nothing! But, I know that won’t get me to where I want to be. Because once you see results, it becomes an addiction to get better and better.
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