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Showing posts with label Cancer cure treatment natural Ty Bollinger truth about cancer alternative cancer treatments China Dr. Thomas Seyfried Vaccinations ovarian cancer Monsanto Del Bigtree CoronaVirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancer cure treatment natural Ty Bollinger truth about cancer alternative cancer treatments China Dr. Thomas Seyfried Vaccinations ovarian cancer Monsanto Del Bigtree CoronaVirus. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2022

Tips for healthy aging to keep your mind sharp and your body fit. And Problems w/ Cheat Days, Fructose & Myths About Carbs w/ Anthony Chaffee, MD


  • Author Maryam Umar
As each day passes, so does our age increase, and with increasing age comes aging. Aging is an inevitable process, although it comes with an overload of happiness, extra free time, infinite wisdom, and financial gains (senior discounts and others), it can also have downsides like wrinkling, decreased immunity thus susceptibility to illness, and often loneliness. Although we can’t stop aging, what we can do is make sure that we go through it the best way possible and we can achieve this by aiming to stay healthy as we grow older.

Why should we strive to stay healthy as we grow older?

-To stay energetic and help control your wealth.

-To prevent some diseases and delay many health conditions that come with aging like high blood pressure, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

-To keep your muscles stronger so you can keep doing your day-to-day activities without becoming dependent on others.

How can we stay healthy as we grow older? By…

-By adopting a healthy diet.

-Working well to have a positive mindset and lifestyle.

-Exercising regularly.

-Get involved in activities in your neighborhood to help you stay proactive.

Adopting a healthy diet: you don’t have to change everything you eat just because you’re getting older, you can replace some not so healthy options with healthier alternatives eg replace all chocolate with dark chocolate, replace ice cream with frozen yogurt, replace beer with spirits or wine, replacing butter with margarine and others. Add fiber to your diet because fiber reduces constipation, helps to lose weight, reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer, and lowers your blood cholesterol level. Try the Mediterranean diet which promotes foods such as fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. Drink more water, staying hydrated will give you more energy and flush out toxins.

Working well to have a positive mindset and lifestyle: we can have a positive mindset by focusing on the good things, practice gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal(you can do this efficiently and easily by downloading the Gratitude app on Apple), practicing positive self-talk, spending time with positive people, opening ourselves up to humor, treating ourselves to some self-care every day, identifying our areas of negativity and tackle one area at a time and avoid spreading gossip.

Exercise regularly: Exercise 15 to 30 minutes daily or a few times a week. Try a combination of aerobics ( walking, swimming), and strength training with light weights, if you don’t like exercising, try other activities like gardening, dancing, fishing, tai-chi, or yoga. Any activity that you enjoy that’ll keep you in the right state of mind. Exercise can also improve diseases like diabetes. A healthy diet and exercise help feed your brain and improve your decision-making abilities as you get older.

Get involved in activities in your neighborhood: There are many ways to get involved in healthy aging activities in your neighborhood. Volunteering is one of the most popular and easiest ways to get involved. Volunteering can be done at a senior center, a hospital, or even at home with a loved one. If you are not able to volunteer, there are still plenty of other ways that you can get involved in healthy aging activities in your neighborhood. For example, you could attend or organize community events such as health fairs or fitness classes. You could also take care of someone else’s pet while they visit the doctor or help out with yard work for an elderly person nearby.

What if you’ve not been active for most of your life, do you think it’s already too late for you to get started living healthy and even get fit? No, it’s not, you can start your health and fitness journey at any point in your life, regardless of your age. These are how to become healthy and get fit(and stay fit) at any age,…

When you’re in your 30s, here you’re still close to your peak fitness level, cardio is key here, get involved in 20-30 minutes of running, a dance class, or hit the gym. Start slowly but push yourself daily, start with 5 - 10 reps and keep increasing this regularly. Because you start to lose bone mass in your 30’s, it is important to consume high calcium foods such as broccoli, spinach, kale, almonds, yogurt, and cheese, and incorporate omega 3s which have both short term benefits like improved mood and cognition, and reduced inflammation, as well as long term benefits like an improved mental and cardiovascular health.

When you’re in your 40s, due to hormonal fluctuation, your metabolism starts to slow down as you head into menopause causing weight gain and faster loss of muscle mass, thus here, you should do a lot of strength training to help you build and retain your muscle mass, gradually work up to using heavier dumbbells or adding more reps to your push-ups. Eat foods rich in good carbs like whole grains, this will help you stay energized all day, you can add some anti-aging food eg spinach, almonds, broccoli, avocado, coconut oil, and olive oil to your nutrition list to help your heart, brain, and skin stay healthy.

When you’re in your 50s, you’ll experience increasing bone loss, especially in females due to menopause and decreased estrogen levels. Low estrogen also facilitates weight gain. At this age, you should turn to exercises that can keep you lean, strong, and safe. Adding yoga to your routine will be amazing to keep you in a good state of mind while keeping the extra pounds away. Here, it is important to eat meals that contain several key nutrients daily and eat high protein foods eg beans and lentils, eggs, tempeh, fish, lean meat, poultry, dairy products, nuts, and seeds.


Even though we cannot stop ourselves from aging, we can put effort to make sure that we age in the best way possible. By following the tips above, be assured that you’re going to age in the most amazing way there is. Do you think there are other ways to ensure that you age amazingly? If there is, be sure to drop a comment below.

I am a freelance health and fitness copywriter and content writer. You can contact me at

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Monday, August 1, 2022

How To Boost Brainpower By Combining The MIND Diet With Exercise


  • Author Alex Belsey
If you are reading this article, it might be because you have noticed changes in your own cognitive health, or the cognition of a loved one who you want to support.

Cognitive decline can be caused by a number of biological, social and environmental factors, such as mental health conditions such as depression, MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) or dementia, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking status, and biological and genetic factors including learning disabilities and chronic conditions such as cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.

Signs Of Cognitive Decline

If you have noticed a difference in your own or a loved one’s cognitive health of late, you might have observed:

• Forgetfulness, such as forgetting appointments or dates, recent events, and conversations

• Feeling overwhelmed and/or helpless when making decisions

• Difficulty understanding directions or following conversations

• Reduced attention span

• Disorientation, including forgetting places and directions

• Disorganisation

• Impulsive behaviours

• Mood swings or differences in mood, including anxiety, irritability, and depression

• Hallucinations and psychotic features

The Role Of Diet And Exercise

Keeping a balanced diet and a regular exercise regime may help to reduce the risk of dementia by lowering the risk of associated high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity.

Exercise increases the flow of blood to the brain, which helps to keep the brain functioning at optimal levels and reduces damage to brain cells. Exercise also releases chemicals which help to make the brain more resilient to routine wear and tear. In fact, evidence released by suggests that keeping a regular exercise regime may reduce the risk of dementia by 30%.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet helps to keep your brain functioning at optimal levels and reduces inflammatory markers, which may play a role in cognitive decline.

The MIND Diet: How Does It Help?

There are two diets that are particularly efficient in preventing cognitive decline: the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH Diet.

The Mediterranean diet is high in lean protein, unsaturated fats, fish, and fruits and vegetables, and wholegrain foods, and low in refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and sugary foods.

The DASH diet, standing for Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension, focuses on reducing symptoms of high blood pressure (hypertension), and contains foods which are high in magnesium, calcium and potassium, and restricts foods that have high levels of sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.

The MIND Diet combines both these diets to achieve a balanced diet that is high in essential nutrients and fats, while reducing levels of fat, refined sugar, and sodium. The MIND diet also contains high levels of foods that have been found to boost cognitive health and brain function, including:

• Leafy greens, which are high in nutrients linked to better brain health, including folate, Vitamin E, flavonoids, and carotenoids. The diet recommends at least 6 servings of leafy greens weekly.

• Nuts full of fat-soluble Vitamin E, which is essential for brain health and resilience. Snack on a handful of nuts a few times a week instead of empty-calorie foods like crisps or sweets.

• Berries should be eaten twice a week on the MIND Diet. In a 20-year study on 16,000 older adults, those who ate the most blueberries and strawberries had the lowest rates of cognitive decline. Authors credited this difference to the flavonoids found in the berries, but more research is required in this area.

• Oily fish has been proven to have a positive impact on brain health and cognition. This benefit has been speculatively attributed to Omegas 3 and 6, however studies specifically on Omega nutrients have been inconclusive. It’s has been suggested that this benefit may be due to the oils and nutrients in the fish itself. The MIND diet therefore recommends oily fish at least once a week.

• Beans are high in B Vitamins, which are known for their role in promoting brain health. Participants should limit their red meat consumption and increase their levels of low carbohydrate plant-based foods.

• Wholegrains, 3 or more per day

• Poultry, 2 or more servings weekly

• Wine (optional), one glass per day

Why The MIND Diet Works

Researchers suggest that one of the ways that the MIND Diet works is by reducing levels of harmful beta-amyloid proteins, which are increased by high levels of saturated fats and trans fats.

While beta-amyloids are naturally found in the body, eating too many saturated and trans fats may cause them to build up, forming ‘plaques’ that interrupt brain cell communication and lead to cell death.

High levels of vitamins and antioxidants, however, may help to prevent these plaques from building up in the first place, so the MIND diet focuses on nutrient rich, low sugar and low-fat foods.

Antioxidants also help to prevent oxidative stress and inflammation, which are two other known contributors to the development of cognitive impairments. Following the Mediterranean Diet and DASH diet is associated with lower levels of oxidative stress, so this is also likely to be the case for the MIND Diet.

In conclusion, the MIND Diet is an evidence-based approach which builds on our current understanding of how our food affects our cognitive health.

Using principles from both the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH diet means that it has all the nutritional value of a healthy balanced diet, while avoiding the high levels of saturated fats, sugars, and sodium which may cause oxidative stress and beta-amyloid brain plaques.

Be aware however, that adding light exercise to this regime is essential to getting the full benefit out of the MIND Diet.

Article by New Frontiers Marketing for CaterQuip ( and Karen Hutchison First Aid Training (

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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tips for healthy aging to keep your mind sharp and your body fit. And Muscle Quality, Fat Loss & Your Metabolism: Facts to Know


  • Author Maryam Umar
As each day passes, so does our age increase, and with increasing age comes aging. Aging is an inevitable process, although it comes with an overload of happiness, extra free time, infinite wisdom, and financial gains (senior discounts and others), it can also have downsides like wrinkling, decreased immunity thus susceptibility to illness, and often loneliness. Although we can’t stop aging, what we can do is make sure that we go through it the best way possible, and we can achieve this by aiming to stay healthy as we grow older.

Why should we strive to stay healthy as we grow older?

-To stay energetic and help control your wealth.

-To prevent some diseases and delay many health conditions that come with aging like high blood pressure, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

-To keep your muscles stronger so you can keep doing your day-to-day activities without becoming dependent on others.

How can we stay healthy as we grow older? By…

-By adopting a healthy diet.

-Working well to have a positive mindset and lifestyle.

-Exercising regularly.

-Get involved in activities in your neighborhood to help you stay proactive.

Adopting a healthy diet: you don’t have to change everything you eat just because you’re getting older, you can replace some not so healthy options with healthier alternatives eg replace all chocolate with dark chocolate, replace ice cream with frozen yogurt, replace beer with spirits or wine, replacing butter with margarine and others. Add fiber to your diet because fiber reduces constipation, helps to lose weight, reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer, and lowers your blood cholesterol level. Try the Mediterranean diet which promotes foods such as fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. Drink more water, staying hydrated will give you more energy and flush out toxins.

Working well to have a positive mindset and lifestyle: we can have a positive mindset by focusing on the good things, practice gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal(you can do this efficiently and easily by downloading the Gratitude app on Apple), practicing positive self-talk, spending time with positive people, opening ourselves up to humor, treating ourselves to some self-care every day, identifying our areas of negativity and tackle one area at a time and avoid spreading gossip.

Exercise regularly: Exercise 15 to 30 minutes daily or a few times a week. Try a combination of aerobics (walking, swimming), and strength training with light weights, if you don’t like exercising, try other activities like gardening, dancing, fishing, tai-chi, or yoga. Any activity that you enjoy that’ll keep you in the right state of mind. Exercise can also improve diseases like diabetes. A healthy diet and exercise help feed your brain and improve your decision-making abilities as you get older.

Get involved in activities in your neighborhood: There are many ways to get involved in healthy aging activities in your neighborhood. Volunteering is one of the most popular and easiest ways to get involved. Volunteering can be done at a senior center, a hospital, or even at home with a loved one. If you are not able to volunteer, there are still plenty of other ways that you can get involved in healthy aging activities in your neighborhood. For example, you could attend or organize community events such as health fairs or fitness classes. You could also take care of someone else’s pet while they visit the doctor or help out with yard work for an elderly person nearby.

What if you’ve not been active for most of your life, do you think it’s already too late for you to get started living healthy and even get fit? No, it’s not, you can start your health and fitness journey at any point in your life, regardless of your age. These are how to become healthy and get fit (and stay fit) at any age, …

When you’re in your 30s, here you’re still close to your peak fitness level, cardio is key here, get involved in 20-30 minutes of running, a dance class, or hit the gym. Start slowly but push yourself daily, start with 5 - 10 reps and keep increasing this regularly. Because you start to lose bone mass in your 30’s, it is important to consume high calcium foods such as broccoli, spinach, kale, almonds, yogurt, and cheese, and incorporate omega 3s which have both short-term benefits like improved mood and cognition, and reduced inflammation, as well as long term benefits like an improved mental and cardiovascular health.

When you’re in your 40s, due to hormonal fluctuation, your metabolism starts to slow down as you head into menopause causing weight gain and faster loss of muscle mass, thus here, you should do a lot of strength training to help you build and retain your muscle mass, gradually work up to using heavier dumbbells or adding more reps to your push-ups. Eat foods rich in good carbs like whole grains, this will help you stay energized all day, you can add some anti-aging food eg spinach, almonds, broccoli, avocado, coconut oil, and olive oil to your nutrition list to help your heart, brain, and skin stay healthy.

When you’re in your 50s, you’ll experience increasing bone loss, especially in females due to menopause and decreased estrogen levels. Low estrogen also facilitates weight gain. At this age, you should turn to exercises that can keep you lean, strong, and safe. Adding yoga to your routine will be amazing to keep you in a good state of mind while keeping the extra pounds away. Here, it is important to eat meals that contain several key nutrients daily and eat high protein foods eg beans and lentils, eggs, tempeh, fish, lean meat, poultry, dairy products, nuts, and seeds.


Even though we cannot stop ourselves from aging, we can put effort to make sure that we age in the best way possible. By following the tips above, be assured that you’re going to age in the most amazing way there is. Do you think there are other ways to ensure that you age amazingly? If there is, be sure to drop a comment below.

I am a freelance health and fitness copywriter and content writer. You can contact me at

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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Great Guide To Having A Healthy Body and Ignored Blood Test Predicts Heart Disease Risk Better Than LDL 'Bad' Cholesterol


  • Author Mahima Aryal
Some people are positive that nutrition is a niche topic and thus, they seek out professional nutritionists for their information. This can be a waste. You don't have to go this route. Nutrition information is everywhere, including in this article via some great tips. Check it out and learn about nutrition.

Consume 600-900 mg of garlic, about 1 fresh clove, daily to help lower your cholesterol. There have been many studies where people have used garlic for health reasons. These studies have proven garlic is extremely beneficial in helping to lower total cholesterol, and in particular, LDL, the bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

When it comes to nutrition, we all seem to have trouble doing it properly. Our problem areas vary though and sometimes, we need help identifying these problems. Look at your eating habits and decide which one you pick. Is it the salad or the cheeseburger? The soda or bottled water? The healthy choices are obvious and if you don't pick them as often as you should, that may be your problem.

Oatmeal for business is what you need to begin your day. When you eat oatmeal in the morning it will keep you full.

Avoid using too many condiments if you're trying to eat a healthier diet. Dips, sauces, spreads and dressings may jazz up a meal and taste delicious, but they are often full of fat, salt and calories. Try cutting back on how much dressing you put on your salad and how much mayonnaise you use on your sandwich. Celebrities like Luke Evans also follow the same tips.

To maintain good nutrition it is important to avoid trans-fats. Trans-fats damage the cardiovascular system. Labels can lie about the presence of trans-fats. Look for hydrogenated oils in the ingredients. Hydrogenated soybean oil is a common trans-fat. Foods can claim they do not contain trans-fat even when they do. Companies set the serving size so they can round the number of trans-fats down to zero, but if you eat the whole bag of chips you have still consumed plenty of harmful trans-fats. Be careful, vigilant, and check the ingredients closely.

Smoothies make a tasty and healthy treat. If you'd like to amplify the healthy effects of your next smoothie, give this tip a try. A little bit of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in flax-seed oil, is a perfect addition to a smoothie or protein shake. This should also improve the flavour of your beverage and boost your immune system.

You might buy ground turkey thinking that it's lower fat, and therefore better for you nutritionally. But you should always read the labels, and ground turkey is no exception. Ground turkey contains both white and dark meat, the latter being high in fat. And ground turkey, though certainly leaner than ground hamburger, is actually higher in fat than ground sirloin.

As you can probably deduce from having read the article and the tips within, it doesn't take a schooled professional to figure out nutrition. If you can focus on the tips you've read here and practise healthy eating, you should have no problem receiving all the nutrition you need to remain strong, vibrant and healthy.

I am an enthusiastic personality. I like to read and write blogs.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Naked Truth and You'll Never be Fully VAXED, They Say


  • Author Dr. Tim Williams
In history there are instances that have been misunderstood, omitted from recorded record, and completely distorted. What the world is experiencing today reflects the same blatant desire of some to distort occurrences that have the potential to upend the existing power structure. It is this power structure that has almost complete control over societies. The United States government is complicit in what is amounting to be the gravest medical error since the Black Death.

What is so discerning is that there is a complete aversion to what the medical community, our government and the media are trying and to a large extent selling to the public in regards to their reactions to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. The Pharmaceutical industry where Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson have all collaborated in designing an experimental vaccine using a synthetic compound. It is this mRNA compound that when people are inoculated they theoretically would be able to fight off the Covid-19 infection.

In theory, but, what has been discovered is that instead of increasing the bodies immune responses to the Covid-19 virus it has the exact opposite reaction. The body's immune system breaks down and subsequently people who have already been inoculated many suffer from adverse side effects and are more prone to be infected. Today, with almost a year into the experimental vaccination program where more people have already been inoculated, we would have thought the infection rates would have already declined considerably. Yet, infection rates are increasing drastically, more deaths are occurring, and the world is becoming more unstable.

Despite the enormous public awareness campaign by the media, the CDC, and our governments to encourage and even go so far as mandating all to be inoculated with the experimental vaccine in spite of the recent surge of infections occurring in those already vaccinated should raise serious questions about the violability of this vaccine and why the big push to get vaccinated with these experimental drugs.

In trying to answer these questions we can somewhat conclude that one, the mRNA compound being synthetic isn't the silver bullet to combat the Covid-19. Two, it should be quite obvious in realizing that today after a year of almost forced vaccination using this mRNA vaccine instead of diminishing rates of infection the rates have only increased drastically.

What is really behind this big push for an experimental vaccine that isn't working? We have to go back to 2014 when the World Economic Forum's founder Klaus Schwab called for what is now called a Global Reset. With the combined backing of some of the world's wealthiest like Bill Gates George Sorus etc. set the stage for what is now happening. The means to reap more wealth and control over governments and populations. Today, 9 people from the pharmaceutical industry that are involved with this mRNA experimental vaccine have already become Billionaires.

Today there are two causes to why Covid-19 cases are surging. One, the mRNA experimental vaccine does not work it is now actually causes an almost complete breakdown of the immune system, other serious adverse reactions and increases in Covid-19 infections. The other reason is purely money motivated. The public has been duped into a false sense of awareness by the CDC, the media and our government.

What is already happening is the beginning of not only a medical travesty playing out but the ramifications of this big push to vaccinate the world will bring an economic and financial catastrophe to populations all over the globe.

Dr. Tim Williams

Earned a Ph.D in economics author of National Economic Reforms and have published over 400 articles on various subjects

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Health Benefits of Red Onions and Covid IgG Antibodies Not Important as Mucosal Immunity, New Study Suggests


  • Author Janice Palmer
Onions (Allium) are bulb vegetables related to chives, garlic, scallions, shallots, and leeks. They contain high levels of ANTIOXIDANTS and sulfur-containing compound levels linked to reduced cancer risk, lower blood sugar levels, and better bone health.

Highly versatile, onions are excellent flavorings and can be cooked any way without losing their goodness. You can bake, boil, grill, fry, roast, or sauté the things and even eat them raw.

Onions come in many sizes, shapes, and colors, but seemingly red onions are best as their pigmentation is due to the presence of ANTHOCYANINS.

The taste of onions ranges from mild and sweet to sharp and spicy, depending on the variety, season, and age. They can be eaten before they mature, the youngest being scallions and spring or summer onions.

Red onions are called SPANISH or PURPLE onions and are very mild with a sweetish taste. There are four varieties:

  1. TURDA onions from Central Romania with their particular aroma

  2. TROPEA onions from Italy with a strong and sweet taste

  3. WETHERSFIELD red onion from the US

  4. CONNECTICUT red onion, also from the US.

Red onions have more health benefits than white onions. They provide ten percent of the vitamin C RDA, but red onions contain MORE antioxidants.

Although White onion has more fiber and sulfur, red onion has more FLAVONOLS and anthocyanins. For example, the total anthocyanin contents determined by the pH differential method were on average 0.75 mg per 100 g fresh weight in white onion, 9.64 mg per100 g in yellow onion, and a huge 30 mg per 100 g in red onion, respectively. So, the anthocyanin content in onions is red>yellow>white. The average flavonoid contents of onions with three different colors are 36.64 and 111.10 mg per 100 g in yellow and red, respectively, whereas white onion contains none.

Red onions are also a more effective natural blood thinner than white onions because of their flavonoids, which help thin the blood. In addition, the phytochemicals in red onion help boost the immune system. They are also rich in vitamins K, B6, and C. However, the phytochemicals act as a stimulant to vitamin C within the body.

The fiber in red onions helps digestion and prevents constipation.

As for minerals, red onion contains CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, POTASSIUM, CHROMIUM, IRON, and MANGANESE. It also contains folate and thiamine. The chromium is suitable for people with diabetes as it impacts blood sugar levels by slowing and controlling the release of sugar into the body. Because chromium affects insulin activity, a lack of it may cause weight gain, so if you want to lose weight, eat red onions!

Among the antioxidants in red onion is QUERCETIN. Antioxidants fight the free radicals, which are toxic organic waste. However, they are considered dangerous because they can cause cancer by mutating DNA. Because of that, quercetin is most valued as studies show that it can even reduce the spreading of cancer through the body. Interestingly, studies showed that consuming half a red onion each day may reduce the risk of stomach cancer by a half. For example, in Georgia, USA, where red onion is grown, the number of stomach cancer cases is half the US average. Similar data comes from China, where red onion is mainly used.

Quercetin also helps to regulate blood pressure. According to a study by the University of Utah, this antioxidant can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Quercetin is also an anti-inflammatory, so it benefits people suffering from allergies, asthma, and arthritis.

Red onion’s anti-inflammatory powers help acne sufferers. Applying red onion mixed with honey or olive oil to the affected areas of the face reduces redness and swelling.

If you get stung by a bee or wasp, apply red onion to the injured area, and you will get instant relief from the burning sensation. That is because red onion helps neutralize the harmful effects of the cocktail of substances injected by these stinging insects, which includes mast-cell degranulation protein, hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase, lysophospholipase, histamine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Red onion is a very low glycemic food with a glycemic index of GI, so it is ideal when dieting. In addition, 25 g contains only 11 calories and zero fat.

If you have ringing in the ears due to tinnitus, or earache, a few drops of red onion in the ear may help.

Does red onion have side effects? To some people, it has, especially those with an onion allergy. Onions give them itchy eyes, redness, and rashes. It may also cause them to vomit and suffer gastric problems.

All in all, red onions are full of antioxidants, and may help fight several maladies. They are high in quercetin and form part of a healthy diet. If you know what you are doing, the above will help you get and maintain the essential minerals your body needs from red onions.

Janice Palmer has put together a complimentary report on minerals in our food that will help solve your mineral intake problems quickly and permanently. To access it instantly, please visit

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Lose weight efficiently and Build Legs & Glutes at Home w/ this Underrated Exercise


  • Author Lara Romane

You want to lose weight but the diets you have tried so far have not worked? Then maybe it's time to change your method!

Good news: I am against overly restrictive diets, I encourage my clients to change their eating habits and exercise, and this is the only method with which I have obtained lasting results.

Health and Wellness

The bad news is that my method does not allow for rapid weight loss, such as "losing 10 kilos in 1 week". I prefer a slower weight loss but on the long term without a yo-yo effect.

So which slimming programme should you choose: those that recommend taking your time or those that promise immediate results?

What if I told you that it was possible to lose weight quickly and well, even allowing yourself a few deviations from time to time... The trick is to have a programme and to be well informed.

➔ Nutrition programme

➔ Sport Program

3 fundamentals for a successful diet

1- Motivation

The first prerequisite for losing weight is to be motivated. Whether it is about your diet or sport, you will always have the urge to flinch. At these times, remind yourself why you are doing this and what your motivation is. The first week can sometimes be difficult but you'll see that the first kilo lost is encouraging!

2- Realistic goals

Set yourself goals and stick to them, BUT don't set your goals too high - that's the best way to lose motivation. A goal of losing 1 kilo per week is already very good! And you don't need to get on the scales twice a day to look for progress. Once a week is enough, on a fixed day, for example every Sunday. And if the weight loss is less than you expected, don't panic, it happens!

3- Go gradually

Take it one step at a time, don't go from nothing to nothing overnight. The human body is sensitive and needs time to adapt; it does not like changes that are too sudden. This advice applies to both physical exercise and diet. If you don't do any sport, don't force yourself to do 1 hour a day every day.

Three types of body fat

There are three types of adult body fat: subcutaneous fat (between the skin and the abs), visceral fat (behind the abs, around the internal organs) and body fat depending on the sex of the individual. Each of these types requires a specific control strategy.

  1. Visceral fat

As the name suggests, visceral fat is mainly stored in the abdominal cavity, pushing the stomach forward. The more obese a person is, the more of this type of fat they have. And it is precisely the visceral fat that gives the individual an apple shape.

Cardio exercises are the most effective against this type of fat. All those who claim to have succeeded in losing weight considerably by running have mainly got rid of visceral fat. If you are able to pull in your stomach, you have little of this type of fat.

  1. Subcutaneous fat

Subcutaneous fat accounts for about 40-60% of body fat. This is the fat you can feel under the skin. Aerobic exercise has less impact on the removal of subcutaneous fat. Apart from that, one should follow a low-calorie diet.

On average you can lose 400 to 700 g of this type of fat per week(4), which is equivalent to a deficit of 500 to 900 kcal per day. The body is unable to burn this fat faster. If you reduce your calorie intake even more, you will mainly lose muscle and not fat.

  1. Fat in the lower abdomen and hips

The third type of fat is the one that is defined by our gender. This fat is located on the lower abdomen in men, and on the hips and buttocks in women. The fight against this type of fat is possible if you only have a certain amount of subcutaneous fat.

Unfortunately, this fat is the most problematic, since the body uses it last, after getting rid of visceral and subcutaneous fat. The strategy to combat this fat requires complex solutions.


  1. Re-learn how to eat

The best way to lose weight sustainably is by changing your eating habits. This will depend on where you are starting from and what you are currently eating. If you regularly drink soft drinks or alcohol and eat fast food, you can imagine that these are the first things to banish when trying to lose weight.

Generally speaking, the first thing to do is to reduce your consumption of sugars and fats, and eat more fruit and vegetables. It is necessary to know how to choose the least energetic foods, I advise you to learn to read labels and thus know the approximate nutritional value of common foods.

If you find it difficult to choose your food and understand the labels, I invite you to try the Yuka application. I did an article on it that you can check out, but in a few words it allows you to scan all your food products and get a quality index based on its nutritional properties and sugar/fat/salt content.

  1. Choice of foods and cooking methods and seasonings

Foods to choose

One thing I have noticed with my clients is that they do not eat enough fish. Fish is very healthy, a good source of protein and generally low in fat. It's definitely an ally in your diet, so try to eat fish 2 to 3 times a week. Yes, but fish is expensive; it's true but there are always ways to find cheaper fish, go to Lidl for example, fish is much cheaper, or buy it frozen. Just avoid breaded fish

For meats, prefer lean meats and poultry. Remember that you don't have to eat meat (or fish) at every meal, you can replace it with other sources of protein such as eggs, legumes (soya, lentils), quinoa, etc.

Vegetables: as much as you like! Vegetables and raw vegetables are recommended at every meal. Fruit is also highly recommended but limited because of its sugar content. Prefer low-sugar fruit.

Recommended cooking methods

Meat: grilled or roasted;

Fish: grilled, baked, microwaved or in foil;

Vegetables: steamed, stewed or microwaved

Seasoning and sauces

Add flavour to your meals but use the least fatty seasonings and sauces possible: you can use extra virgin olive oil, lemon, soy sauce, herbs and spices. Of course, avoid all ketchup/mayonnaise, and use as little butter as possible.

  1. Eat unprocessed foods

A simple tip for healthy eating is to avoid processed products, rich in food additives. This technique, used for example in the Paleo diet, consists of favouring fresh products and abandoning the "ready-made" foods that you find in the supermarket: packets of cakes, tins, ready-made meals, etc. Basically, anything that does not come from a farm or a small village. In short, anything that does not come directly from nature. In addition to being very healthy for the body, you will find many benefits other than weight loss: reduced risk of disease, better sleep, feeling of well-being, increased energy, etc.

If your budget allows it, choose organic farming, which is richer in nutrients and more nourishing than the processed and impoverished products of the food industry

  1. Eat to your heart's content

Contrary to what we have always been told, dieting does not have to be synonymous with not eating enough. Even if some methods such as fasting recommend skipping a meal during the day, I think that as long as you only eat healthy food, there is no reason to deprive yourself and not eat enough (without excess either, it's like everything else). You won't get fat by eating green vegetables!

Reducing quantities too drastically and not reaching our daily calorie requirements presents a real risk of nutritional deficiencies. Our body needs to be supplied with nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals). That's why it's important to eat your 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Tip: don't hesitate to eat your vegetables frozen if you don't have the time to prepare them, contrary to some preconceived ideas they are very good! Don't confuse frozen vegetables with frozen ready meals.

If you have vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you can make up for them with food supplements in the form of courses.

The risks of a quick diet

Even though we're always eager to see results, the sustainable diet is the most effective. If you still want to try a magic diet to lose weight quickly, here are a few things that might (hopefully) make you not want to:

Guaranteed yo-yo effect: A diet that is too deprived conditions your metabolism for the next "attack". As it is no longer used to receiving fats, at the first deviation or return to normal it will store more fats than before to face possible future periods of dieting. Result: you get fatter. When you see that you have gained weight again, you go back on a diet, and so on. You never get out of it.

With a drastic diet you will not provide your body with its daily needs in vitamins and minerals, which will result in increased fatigue and a decrease in your immune system (you will fall ill more often, etc.).

Deficiencies make your nails and hair more fragile.

Loss of muscle mass: Even if the aim is to burn fat quickly, your body will often burn muscle mass first. The result: you lose your shape (=flat buttocks). To avoid this, you need to eat a balanced diet rich in protein and do sports to build up muscle mass.

You are more prone to stress and psychological problems.

obviously, it is better to follow a training course which will be much more complete than my article

it has been proven that using a paid subscription increases the probability of succeeding in your diet by 45% (obviously if this subscription is effective), which is why I recommend this one which has been tested and approuved by me:

have a nice day and hope that this article has very been very useful to you!

© 2021 Lara Romane

I am a freelance writer who works in medicine and I like to post from time to time, to help people. Before I was fat, however, I have been on a diet and I give the main ideas in this blog, the most important ones that helped me get out of my obesity were revealed to me by this training: take a look around😉

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Padding of the hips, back, stomach: how to lose them? And Best Exercise for Belly Fat, Heart Health (this surprised me)


Padding of the hips, back, stomach: how to lose them?

  • Author Zee Jamie

Health Passport Fitness and sport Padding of the hips, back, stomach: how to lose them?


Whether you are a man or a woman, many of us find our bulges unsightly and we would like to see them fade. These small or large pieces of fat that protrude from the jeans, which we puddle, and which we would gladly do without.

Good news, with a little effort, food and sports, with regularity, you will manage to erase them relatively quickly.

How to do it ?

The bulges are due to the fatty mass which is stored between the skin and the muscles. The bulges of the back affect men more easily. At the level of the hips, we talk about love handles, and lower, saddlebags which can be due to hormones, or to the morphology of each. In the stomach, several causes, including excess sugar and the lack of muscle strengthening of the abdominals

Whichever area you want to target, however, remember that your dietary changes will cause you to lose all excess fat overall. Your food rebalancing will not allow you to erase only the bulges of the back or the stomach. It is impossible.

The exercises suggested below aim to firm the targeted area, in order to refine and smooth it. Combining cardio sport, muscle building and diet is the winning trio. A muscular exercise does not make the anatomical zone of the requested muscle thin, it makes all the adipose tissue lose weight. On the other hand, the adipose tissue above is drained more, the skin is smoothed and you thus lose centimeters.

For cardio, all sports are good. The sport to favor will be the jump rope, hyper draining, very cardio in a short time. But above all, practice what you like, in order to last.

Losing the bulges of the hips

It will mainly be necessary to strengthen the obliques and the glutes. Your best ally will be the stairs. Forget the elevator! At the gym, you can schedule sessions on the stairmaster, this machine is formidable.

Without equipment, here are other exercises to do at home;


The squats are very complete, they solicit the glutes and the muscles of the lower limbs. They are achievable in load with weights, or with the simple weight of the body. The squat, in addition to erasing the bulges of the hips, allows to refine and shape the legs. The quadriceps being very large and therefore consuming energy, it also allows you to burn calories.


Standing, legs shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart outward and arms stretched out in front of you, bend the legs while inhaling and pushing the buttocks back until you have the thighs parallel to the floor as to squat. Get up slowly and while blowing to return to the starting position.

Oblique sheathing

Lying on your side on the ground, leg one on top of the other, elbow or hand in support, you raise the pelvis, so that the leg - pelvis - trunk segment is perfectly aligned. Hold it for about 30 seconds. Switch sides.

Mountain climbers

From the plank position, move your knees forward towards the elbows, one after the other, as quickly as possible.

Lose belly bulges

For this, it will be necessary to strengthen the deep abdominals. Remember to always stand up straight to begin with, whether standing or sitting.

The board

It is the core exercise par excellence: place the palms of the hands on the ground, as well as the feet, then raise your body with the strength of the arms. The legs are stretched out. The back should be straight, buttocks and neck aligned with the spine. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds, remembering to breathe.

The russian twist

Sitting on your buttocks, knees bent and feet on the ground, place your back straight. Turn the bust and hands to one side, then gently to the other, with a ball for stability, or nothing at all if you don't have one. Increase the difficulty by lifting your feet off the ground.

Losing the back bulges

There are few exercises that target the back.

Balloon sheathing

It increases the efficiency of traditional sheathing. On the back, the elbows are on the floor, the bust and buttocks are raised and aligned while the feet are resting on the ball. This exercise will work on the abdominals and lower back muscles.

Reinforcement of the back and obliques

Take a weight of 1 kg in each hand. Standing with your legs slightly apart, chest straight, start by lowering your right hand along your right thigh, towards your foot, then bring your arm up to return to the starting position. Repeat this movement alternating right and left for about a minute. You can do up to 5 sets.

Anti bead power supply

On the diet side, in general for these three areas, avoid eating pastries and cakes, sweet treats, limit starches and white bread, without banning them.

Choose whole starchy foods. Avoid dishes that are too salty, because salt is responsible for water retention and cellulite. Eat more vegetables, the choice is endless! Consume them in raw vegetables, mash, soup, steam, as you wish while limiting the fat.

Eat fish or meat, preferably defatted with cooking in foil, steamed, grilled but with little or no fat.

Do not go without eating fruits, those of your choice, preferably raw and fresh rather than cooked in a compote or mixed in a smoothie. Above all, by following these tips, eat your fill and do not hesitate to consult a specialist.

Click here to learn how to lose weight :

Monday, May 2, 2022

Top 3 Causes of Death in 2021 (New Data Might Surprise You) and What is a Heart Attack, how do I spot the signs and how do I treat it?


What is a Heart Attack, how do I spot the signs and how do I treat it?

  • Author Joanna O'donovan
What is a heart attack, how do I spot the signs and how do I treat it?


Angina is usually caused by a build up of plaque in the arteries and as a result a reduced blood flow. During exercise or exertion, the heart needs more blood but cannot get it because of the reduced blood flow. The casualty will often feel pain in the chest when they exercise.

Heart Attack

A heart attack is caused when some of the plaque breaks off and causes a blood clot. The blood clot can block the artery resulting in the death of an area of the heart muscle.

Signs of a heart attack

Symptoms can begin suddenly and unlike angina, sometimes when at rest. Like angina, a heart attack can feel like “vice like” squashing but can also feel like tightness in the chest or even indigestion. The pain can be in the centre of the chest and can radiate into any arm. The symptoms usually last longer than 30 minutes and the casualty can be a grey colour and may be sweating. They may be suffering from “shortness of breath” and have a feeling of impending doom. Sometimes the casualty will feel nauseous, dizzy and they may vomit.


Sit the casualty down and make sure that they are feeling comfortable.

If the casualty says that they have their own GTN medication then let them take it.

Try to reassure the casualty.

Call 911/999 if:

You suspect that they are having a heart attack

The casualty tells you that they do not have angina.

If they say that they have angina but the symptoms are not relieved after 15 minutes by resting or taking their medication. If they say that they have angina however,the signs came on when at rest.

If in doubt CALL 911/999/112

Find out about dealing with your own heart attack when you are alone here:

Be prepared to resuscitate if they go into sudden cardiac arrest. To find out more about treating heart attacks and resuscitation why not book on one of our first aid courses.

Joanna is the Director of Bostock a first aid training company that was established in 1984.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss - Yes There is a Difference!


  • Author Anthony Washington
In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it takes in, but keep in mind that your body needs calories for energy and when you exercise your body needs even more calories. Before I talk about energy, the first thing you must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Just because you lose weight, does not mean you lose fat, and just because you lose fat, does not mean you lose weight. When people talk about losing weight, what the really want to do is lose the excess fat on their body and obtain an attractive figure.

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When you eat, the body uses most of the calories for energy. If you eat more calories than the body uses, it will get stored as fat. If you do not consume enough calories per day you will lose weight, but you will also lose energy. When you do not consume enough energy (calories) for your body, it will start using up your energy stores to make up for the energy deficiency. Unfortunately, the energy stores used is not your stored fat, but instead it's protein and carbohydrates (carbs) that will supply most of the energy (stored fat makes up a very small percentage). Your body will take the protein and carbohydrates from your muscle cells; causing your muscle mass to reduce (say goodbye to that toned attractive look) which forces your metabolism to decrease (a low metabolism = slow or no fat burning). When this happens your body requires less energy to maintain its new lower body weight (remember the body weight is lower because you loss muscle), which is why your body conserves energy by slowing down the metabolism. In other words, the body has adapted to the new lower energy (calorie) intake which means that you will no longer continue to lose weight.

Keep in mind that the weight you had lost in the first place was mostly water weight and you will eventually gain it back in the form of fat, not muscle (in order to get your muscle mass back to the way it was before, you have to work on rebuilding it). When carbohydrates and protein that are already in your body are used as the energy source, your body will lose water weight because both carbohydrates and protein hold water in the cells. In essence, you are dehydrating yourself to lose weight. So yes the scale will go down, but approximately 75% (if not more) of it is water instead of fat. And just so you know, exercising while consuming a small calorie intake just makes the situation worse. This is because when you exercise, you start burning off more energy and the more you workout, the more energy your body needs. I already told you above where the energy comes from, and if you do not give your body the energy it needs, it will just feed on your muscles even quicker now that you are exercising. So eat more food! In addition to this, when you cut down too much on your calorie intake, your body will start storing calories because it doesn't know when you will eat again. The calories that are stored will be stored as fat. So in other words, when your body is storing energy, it's basically storing more fat.

To summarize my point: Not eating enough calories results in muscle loss, dehydration, slower fat burning, and your body will always adapt to a lower calorie intake.

Bottom Line: if you can't maintain that lower calorie intake for the rest of your life, you will gain your weight back when you get tired of starving yourself!

To lose weight properly (burning fat) you must increase your metabolism (weight training) and your need for oxygen (aerobics) while eating enough calories each day (nutritious diet) to give you energy and maintain the protein in your muscles because protein helps build muscles, which indirectly burns fat. This brings up another good point: When you build muscle your weight will increase because your muscles are made up of mostly water, but your body fat percentage will decrease because building muscles increase your metabolism (in other words, muscles way more than fat, but take up less space than fat). So keep in mind that losing body fat can't be measured by a scale; use a measuring tape and also look at yourself in the mirror, and then you will see the true results. One of the best ways to know if you are losing more body fat than water is by using a body fat analyzer.

Make sure that you focus on fat loss not weight loss. Your goal should be to lose weight by burning fat, not losing water from your muscles. Remember this when you choose your weight loss program.