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Showing posts with label Boxing match boxing tv Olympic boxing athlete floyd mayweather connor mcgregor PPV Boxing fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boxing match boxing tv Olympic boxing athlete floyd mayweather connor mcgregor PPV Boxing fitness. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Cuba Boxing Training Technical Work 2018 Olympic Team Cuba

Cuba Boxing Training Tecnical Work 2018 Olympic Team Cuba CUBA BOXING TRAINING 2016 || TOP BOXER CUBA [Video below]

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube MMA!

Rich Alten

A Comprehensive Cutting Edge Innovative MMA System to Improve all Fighters Knowledge Base and Skills

Personal Trainer with over 22 years of martial arts skills , health, wellness and athletic performance. Possess proven track record in helping individuals to be inspired and achieving their personal and fitness goals through innovative integrated functional human movement systems. Consistently improving fitness centers exercise departments, developing new programs, helping athletes while building relationships.

Rich has spent most of his life practicing, studying and field testing many interpersonal combative concepts in order to figure out and express the most effective skill sets possible. He has a background in
Western boxing-kickboxing
Muay Thai
Wing Chun
Jeet Kune Do
Catch Wrestling
Arnis/ Pilipino martial arts
Weapons safety training
Arizona law enforcement defensive tactics
2002 Amateur boxing champion
Former pro MMA fighter

Monday, April 16, 2018

Austin Williams talks 2020 Tokyo Games, upcoming fights, being ranked in the U.S, and much more!! And Benefits of Medicine Ball Exercises

Benefits of Medicine Ball Exercises
By: Daniel Cerone
A medicine ball is a weighted ball often used by boxers, amongst others to improve their fitness. You would have seen the trainer throwing the ball at the boxer, who catches it, does a sit-up and throws it back. In that case the exercise is plyometric, and incredibly good for core power, such as countering a punch, or learning back to avoid a punch, then countering. These exercises however, not only good for the boxer, but can be incorporated into your workouts which will benefit you, as well as giving you some ideas of compound exercises that you might do, that will really get you results.

There are many advantages using a Medicine Ball when working out, because it is round, it is harder to hold, and therefore will engage more of the arms and chest to hold the ball tightly enough to prevent you from dropping it. The core is also engaged to keep the torso stable, and if you add in an exercise such as a squat, a sit-up, a press-up, then you have already partially exhausted the muscle before that exercise is performed. Overall this means that whenever you use the medicine ball, you are performing compound exercises, which we all know builds more functional strength, muscle, and burns more calories. The other really great thing with medicine ball exercises are that you do not have any time to relax, your muscles need to be tense to hold the ball, and whilst you're not holding the ball, you are performing some other exercise. If you were to perform this as part of a circuit, the medicine ball exercises certainly would be very intense.

Medicine ball workouts are arguably one of the most excellent ways to strengthen agility and speed, but this speed cannot be produced without strength. Using the Medicine Ball has turned out to be extremely popular amidst all sports athletes from volleyball players throwing and catching by weighing from two to 15 pounds which has advanced the spiking power and defense abilities to basketball players activities in stances that mirror a pass to raise their throwing accuracy and speed, all sports people use the medicine ball quite deservingly as they look at sport activity specific movement and bettering core strength, the basis of all strength.

Number 2 ranked Amateur Middleweight boxer Austin Williams joins the podcast!!!!!! #RoadTo1000Sucbscribers LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!! Make sure to follow RDWA on social media! Twitter | @akilwilliams32 Instagram | @realdealwakil Journalist Host: Akil Williams | @Ak_therealest Booking/Public Relations: Arias Limuel | @Ariaslimuel Video/Photo: Tann Williams | @Tanngohard Dominique Monday | @D.Monday Check out some of our previous podcasts WALB Sports Anchor, Theo Dorsey: Lil Flip: Megan “Thee Stallion”: Have any inquiries? Feel free to contact our team via e-mail |

A medicine ball can also be used to enhance ab workouts by incorporating them into various exercises as a prop or as a weight. The ball is used while doing crunches by holding it in your hands in front of you. The ball can help you make the movement more challenging by helping you focus on keeping it moving. This is even more effective for twisting crunches. Perform twisting crunches by letting the ball lead the upward movement and guide your torso as it moves in a twisting motion. This will help you target your oblique muscles more effectively.

You can also do plank holds with the medicine ball resting on the floor and your hands holding it in place. To make a variation of this workout you can try rolling the ball back and forth slowly so that your abs can flex while the movement is performed. Another variation you can use in this position is to bring each foot forward and put it back and repeat for 20 to 25 reps to get a good workout for your lower abs.

Lie on the floor on your back with the medicine ball held in both hands above you. Raise both your legs all the way up so that your feet are facing the ceiling/sky. Hold the ball straight out and slowly raise your head and shoulders to perform a mini crunch. Remember to breathe out while doing this. Slowly lower your head and shoulders as you breathe in while doing so. Do 10 to 12 reps for each set.

The medicine ball workouts have been crafted so that they can be worked on your own, so trying to find a partner shouldn't weigh you down. Other known exercises are

Chest Pass - This is extremely similar to the Basketball Chest Pass, have your knees to some extent bent with one foot in front of the other. Keep the medicine ball with the chest, and fire it as speedily as attainable against the wall, and be well prepared to catch the ball as it will come back. When seizing the ball bring it into your arms and steadily bring it to your chest in a governed approach, then again swiftly drive it once more. A standard set must consist of 6 throws. This medicine ball exercise is great at acquiring the core, the spinal muscles and the upper body, including the chest and shoulders.

Overhead Throw - This action is similar to the football throw-in. To work the arms more stand feet shoulder width apart and lunge the ball against the wall, permit the medicine ball bounce of the wall to the floor and ultimately to your chest, don't endeavor to catch it of the wall, it could very well finish up in a face plant. To exercise the core more throw the ball with one foot in front of the other. This work out must be undertaken with 3 sets to 6 reps. This workout is extremely good at working the core, spinal muscles and once again the shoulders and chest.

Left to Right Twist - This workout works the core and more correctly the oblique's. Handle the ball in front of yourself with your arms bent at 90 degrees, and rotate your torso from left to right in a gradual motion stopping at each end of the movement. You will feel a strain in the torso and an absence of breath, so it is a good idea to breathe in whilst the ball is in front and breathe out when you reach the end of each movement, and never hold your breath.

The Trunk Twist - This movement is comparable to the prior, only the twist is completed with one hand and the medicine ball is passed to the other hand as you twist. The left hand ought to carry the ball as you twist to the left and so on. Once more stick to the same instructions as the former work out. This workout is more a concern of time rather than reps. 20 seconds should be one entire rep, the ideal time for this workout should be around two minutes, and since it is aimed at the core it can be utilized to rest the arms between workouts.

When you know how to use it the Medicine Ball exercises are a valued inclusion for core your core strength, remember Boxers have been using these piece of equipment which can be store anywhere for years and years, so it must be worthwhile.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Lil Future | Boxing Prodigy | Phenom | Jr Olympics Medalist and Boxing For Kids

Presented On US Sports Net By Vi by LifeBeam! 

Kid trains with the best of the best. From Philly Follow him on IG: Follow us on IG: Beats by Dee Reese:

Boxing For Kids

By: Af Riaz


As a sport boxing exercise doesn't come to mind foremost for the majority of parents. Many parents would not consider boxing for kids in the slightest and would have a fear for their kid coming home with black eyes and a broken nose after the first session! However, as with all sports, boxing for kids can be safe with investment in the right equipment and in a good environment. The proper gear includes approved, Olympic-style headgear to protect against concussions and a mouth guard to help keep their teeth intact. Groin protection is also a necessity. Special child-sized Everlast boxing gloves are commonplace nowadays and should have a firm, snug fit.

The risk of injury is no greater than in other popular sports or activities such as gymnastics, hockey, swimming or football. Ensuring your child's safety is about educating yourself in the sport and viewing the facilities it takes place in prior to expressing an opinion on it. With the increasingly tight Health and Safety regulations placed on all organizations regardless of size, boxing exercise should always be practiced in a safe environment which would benefit you as a parent. The benefits of placing your child in a boxing program far outweigh the risks. They also go way beyond the obvious assets of regular exercise, fitness and helping your kid to take care of themselves in this increasingly intimidating world. By taking part in boxercise kids can learn valuable boxing combinations, foot and hand speed, heavy bag workout and sparring.
Boxing for kids can be a very rewarding sport. It gives kids a sense of confidence, esteem, and, most importantly, self discipline. By submitting to a regular training schedule that's structured and supervised, kids don't just work out aggression, they learn perseverance and self-management. As with most things in life there is a clear correlation between hard work and noticeable results in your childs development (both physical and mental). It is also particularly effective for children that have behavioral problems. By giving them an outlet for their aggression, in a safe environment, and a strict schedule, through boxing exercise these kids learn the benefits of sportsmanship and hard work and begin to develop some self-worth and belief.

It's true that with boxing comes the risk of slight injury, including parents main concern - brain damage, but it's no more dangerous than other popular sports. As long as your little one has the right equipment (Everlast equipment is highly regarded in the boxing world), teachers, and environment, boxing can really help in your kid's ongoing development.

Any coach worth his salt will always put the safety and developing sportsmanship of your child first (let's face it if he didn't he wouldn't have a job!). An establishment with a good reputation and parents referrals will always be certified and insist on your child having the appropriate insurance and the proper gear before they commence their lessons. If you're still unsure as to whether to let your child partake in boxing visit a gym to reassure yourself.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

[Video]-Most Talented Fighters in Boxing 2018 Part 1 and Fantastic Benefits of Skipping

Fantastic Benefits of Skipping

By: Keith Colladow


A large percentage of the population is fat, unfit and unhealthy. Too little physical exercise and too much food are the main culprits with sedentary jobs and too much time in front of the TV or PC being nearly as culpable. It's clear then that a calorie controlled diet plan and more physical exercise are vital for weight reduction but what kind of physical exercise? Jump rope of course!

Jumping rope uses just about every muscle in your body which means it's a very effective calorie burner. Your muscles have to work hard to support your body weight as you work out and with regards to burning calories, the much more muscle activity the better.

In addition to being a very effective calorie burner, jumping rope also strengthens and conditions your heart and lungs which mean you feel fitter and will also be healthier. Almost every doctor worth his white coat and stethoscope knows that cardiovascular fitness is strongly linked to cardiovascular health. Fitter individuals tend to possess lower blood pressure, low resting heart rates, low stress levels, low cholesterol and are much less susceptible to strokes and heart attacks. Not only can jumping rope help you look better, you’ll feel better too!

Overweight individuals can be reticent about going towards the gym. It’s understandable really; fitness centers are where the fit and beautiful people hang out. Actually this isn’t even remotely true but it is sufficient of a reason for an unfit and overweight person to steer clear of gyms.

Not going to a gym is not an excuse for becoming fat and unfit though; especially when you have a jump rope. You are able to work up quite a sweat in your lounge, spare room, garden or garage with nothing more than your trusty speed rope. You do not require any costly exercise equipment or fancy training clothes; just a pair of supportive shoes and the willingness to work.

If you are new to physical exercise, very overweight or have any kind of medical condition please consult your doctor before you start a new exercise regime. However, chances are, he’ll pat you on your back and send you on your way when you tell him you intend to lose weight and get fit.

Even with your doctor’s okay, make sure you start slow and build up gradually. Performing too much too soon is a great way to get injured so initially, exercise smart rather than hard. Build up the length and frequency of your workouts over the coming weeks and months and, that way, you’ll avoid injury and maintain making slow but steady progress; be patient!

Jumping rope is an outstanding, cost effective, handy and accessible approach to get fit and stay fit and if it is good enough for world champion boxers, you know it's good enough for you too.

Keith Colladow is a personal trainer, health and fitness coach and writes for numerous online publications on different topics. Check this out for the jumping rope for crossfit and these: Skipping Rope Reviews.