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Showing posts with label Anabolism Bcaas Biking Burn fat Cardio Catabolism Cycling Elliptical Fat Leg day Lose fat Lose weight Running Sprints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anabolism Bcaas Biking Burn fat Cardio Catabolism Cycling Elliptical Fat Leg day Lose fat Lose weight Running Sprints. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Lift, Train And Workout Like An Elite Athlete To Lose Belly Fat Fast Presented on US Sports Net By BodyRockTV

 -Author Daniel Dash

Ever wonder why serious athletes have physiques that make most fitness models jealous. I mean, it seems like they don't have to try hard to lose belly fat fast at all!

Well, at least it seems that way, but in reality they have stumbled onto something the average fitness enthusiasts has yet to discover.

And the answer that average people don't know is the reason why people spend thousands a year on trying to lose fat, but never really get anywhere. (Continued below.....)

Our Olympic Bar. Our toughest, strongest bar yet. Weighs 30LB soaking wet, carries up to 360LB. What's on YOUR rack, huh?
Want the bar? Here you go:
Want the vest? Yup.
Want workouts with this guy? Uh huh. We'll even give you 30 days free, so you can try it out risk free. Cancel anytime!

(....Continued....)Except to be frustrated and angry at all the diet companies selling them diet solutions that don't work.

Athletes have flat abs because of the type of workouts most of them have to put themselves through to be good at their sport.

So how do you get your body looking like them?

Well, first decide what type of athlete you would like to look like…

Boxers, Sprinters, Olympic Gymnasts, Basketball Players Football Players etc.

I have found that sprinters are usually the top of the heap when it comes to physiques that most people wish they had.

So we'll use them as our example here…

Sprinters put high demand on their bodies but they don't do it in a endurance fashion. They do it with high intense intervals combined with equal rest.

Next, their gym training is filled with heavy weight lifting with reps between 2 to 5. With high amount of sets.

This allows them to work their nervous system and build hard muscle. And we know that muscle is the number 1 factor to burning fat by raising your metabolism.

This is why these guys are shredded.

When they are lifting, they also focus mostly on total body lifts and compound movements.

Like squats, deadlifts, presses and pull-ups.

This hits the most muscle fibers possible, stimulating fat loss for many days.

If you are serious about finding a way to lose belly fat that actually works and gives you long term results, train like an elite athlete.

Lift heavy weights and do lots of high intensity sprints.

I have prepared a report for you on the top mistakes people make when looking to get a lean chiseled body and lose belly fat, go check it out.


Daniel Dash

Lose Belly Fat Solution

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Serious Workout Of The Day Week 2 Day 1

Welcome to week 2 of your SWOD Athletes and Warriors!
Now we take the intensity, volume, and weights up a notch as this week's workouts are rated as 'hard'. As always remember this workouts' weights, sets, and reps were designed originally for a specific athlete. So go at your own pace. Consult a doctor before engaging in any exercise or nutrition program or advice. Strength training should be challenging but doable. Click here if you would like a customized workout fitting your goals, abilities, and schedule. Let's get after it!

-Coach Nate

The SWOD presented on US Sports Net By Beast Sports Nutrition

Week 2 - Day 1 (Saturday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Hard

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise (available in the full paid version of the program)
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Leg Press (45 Degree)
10 reps @ 570 lbs,12 reps @ 685 lbs,
8 reps @ 795 lbs,10 reps @ 740 lbs 
Dumbbell Squat
10 reps @ 65 lbs,8 reps @ 70 lbs,
8 reps @ 65 lbs 
Dumbbell Step Up
10 reps @ 55 lbs,8 reps @ 60 lbs,
8 reps @ 55 lbs 
Machine Leg Curl
12 reps @ 150 lbs,10 reps @ 160 lbs 
Dumbbell Bench Press
10 reps @ 110 lbs,8 reps @ 120 lbs,
8 reps @ 110 lbs 
Dumbbell Fly
12 reps @ 50 lbs,10 reps @ 55 lbs 
Dumbbell Military Press
10 reps @ 75 lbs,8 reps @ 80 lbs,
8 reps @ 75 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
12 reps @ 30 lbs,10 reps @ 32 lbs 
Barbell Lying Triceps Extension
10 reps @ 120 lbs,8 reps @ 130 lbs,
8 reps @ 120 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
24 reps,24 reps 
Cross Crunches
27 reps,27 reps,
21 reps 

Monday, April 23, 2018

CoachTube Track and Field Featuring: Coaching the Long Jump - Sled Drill

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WHOLE THING: Mike Powell takes you through each phase of coaching the long jump in this course, and in this specific video he explains how the sled drill can help your athletes even better at the long jump. Click here to see even more!

Learn the secrets to being a successful long jumper straight from the holder of the long jump world record! Featuring the greatest long jump performer in the history of the sport, Mike Powell’s Coaching the Long Jump provides a detailed overview of each of the key aspects of the long jump. 

This course breaks down each phase of the long jump and provides valuable coaching tips for training and competition. Whether you are a coach or an athlete, this course offers an invaluable informational resource on how to achieve increased performance.

Topics covered include: 

The walk-up
The approach
The takeoff
Teaching progression
Flight technique
The landing
Putting it all together
Competition tips

MikePowellMike Powell2-time Olympic silver medalist, 2-time World Champion, and 6-time US National Champion
Mike Powell is the current world record holder in the long jump, 29’ 41/2”. He has been coaching age-group, collegiate, and world-class athletes for over 10 years. His athletes have won NCAA championships, as well as Olympic and world championship medals. Since 2006, he has been the head jumps coach for UCLA. In 2007, he was named the NCAA West Region Jumps Coach of the Year. One of the most renowned and respected performers in the history of track and field, Mike is a 2-time Olympic silver medalist, 2-time World Champion, and 6-time US National Champion. In 2005, he was inducted into the USA Track and Field Hall of Fame.