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Sunday, July 21, 2024

US Sports Partner Spotlight Real Life Self Defense


Your biggest weapons against fear are knowledge and preparation. And that’s why it pays to have the world’s foremost expert in preparing you for anything on your side.
Meet Mike Gillette, world renowned tactical trainer and fear management expert who has trained more elite agents and individuals in the art of handling “complex” situations than anyone else. Learn more -

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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Tactical PE Featuring: Essential Tips for Concealed Carriers While Grocery Shopping


Presented on US Sports by:
Real Life Self Defense
For ordinary men and women who just want to know how to handle
a situation if the worst ever happens to them… or their family
Concealed Carry
Featured lesson:
Fighting From Cover
The PROPER Use of Cover Matters
Research of analyzing well-trained shooters suggests a 59% increase in survival (or specifically a 59% decrease in hits on the target from the threat) when the cover is properly utilized.
Reserve your copy today!

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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Tactical PE on US Sports Presented by Concealed Carry: Rugby Team Jumps into Action, Improvises to Help Save 2 People’s Lives


Players from the Women’s Trowbridge Rugby team in England paused their practice to intervene and help save the lives of people injured in a serious traffic collision. There are some things we can learn from this August 8th incident, as reported by the Independent.

The Women’s Trowbridge Rugby Team was completing their regular training in a field opposite (SWNS) Photo from: The Independent

A Traffic Collision During Rugby Practice—

A women’s rugby team has been praised after its members used “boot laces as tourniquets” to save four people from a car crash they witnessed.

The Women’s Trowbridge Rugby Team were completing their regular training in a field opposite when they heard the collision on Wednesday (8 August) evening.

Rugby Team is Willing to Help—

Rushing to the scene to investigate, they found a vehicle turned on its side which had been carrying four people—two of which were just 16. Two had already managed to escape the scene, but the driver and front passenger were still trapped inside.

With varying injuries, some of which were life-threatening, the team organised en masse to help in a decision that “undoubtedly saved lives.”

Organising the fifteen to twenty-strong team, the players mobilised to “triage the casualties”, constructing a “makeshift tourniquet from their rugby boot laces and players’ shirts” to treat a “catastrophic” bleed one of the passengers had to the arm.

Elsewhere, the players supported the heads of two other casualties in case of spinal injuries, using foot mats, pieces of carpet and a duvet to support the passengers and keep them away from the cold ground.

Emergency Personal Arrive—

When the emergency services arrived, they were directed to the scene by spotters placed on the main road by the group and assisted in treating the passengers, “holding IV lines, torches and continuing their reassurance to the casualties.”

Without their assistance this could have very easily been fatal. It was a fantastic effort by this rugby team in assisting”, Trowbridge Police said.

It was humbling seeing members of public coming together in order to help out fellow citizens.”

Meanwhile, Trowbridge Senior Ladies praised the group for their bravery, labelling them “heroes.”

They climbed over a barbed wire fence and crawled through bushes of stinging nettles to provide lifesaving first aid to the people in the car”, a statement posted to the club’s Instagram page read. “The team wishes all four people a speedy recovery!”

Some Observations—

The crash easily could have been “fatal” without the team’s efforts, police said (SWNS) Photo: The Independent

Preparing the mind:

First, we shouldn't overlook the ladies' willingness to intervene and help strangers. Not everyone will pause what they are doing and help a stranger. At the same time, there are times when we shouldn't get physically involved in a third party incident. Have you thought about what it would take for you to intervene in an incident? That's your choice, and you should have a basic framework for how you decide to intervene.

Developing and Understanding A Strong Defensive Mindset

Preparing with gear:

We see the team applied an improvised tourniquet made from boot laces to the injured person's bleeding arm. Based on the article, I don't know if the tourniquet was absolutely necessary or not. But that's besides the point, and we will assume that it was a major bleeding injury requiring more than direct pressure.

We also don't know if the boot laces actually were effective at stopping the bleeding, if it slowed it down, or had any real effect at all. Again, we will just take what the reporting says, and presume that if the lades had not applied the boot laces as an improvised tourniquet, the patient may have bled to death.

If you've determined what types of incidents you're willing to involve yourself in, then you should have the best tools to succeed in those situations. If it's self-defense, consider tools like a firearm, or less lethal. Here, a medical intervention, you need proper trauma gear.

We see in this case; the team uses an improvised tourniquet we're assuming worked and was the deciding factor in the patient surviving. That's a lot of assumptions based on the limited detail. Nevertheless, it shows that if you don't have proper trauma gear, the NEXT BEST thing is to improvise with what you have.

Improvisation is great, and we should be able to think and problem solve in the heat of the moment. The problem is when improvisation is your plan A. So carrying some trauma gear based on the injuries you're likely to intervene in would be a wise way to prepare for the unexpected.

Preparing with training:

Thinking about if we are willing to intervene and carrying the right gear to respond gets us almost there. We need to learn the skills necessary to apply both the concepts and gear to problem solve the incident. In this case it seems like the team did well triaging the patients.

Triage is just a fancy word for prioritizing treatment of casualties based on severity of injury and your ability to treat them.

I'm presuming that the rugby team has dealt with many injured people suspected of concussions, broken bones or internal injuries. It seems like this might have helped direct their actions, mainly: “Elsewhere, the players supported the heads of two other casualties in case of spinal injuries”.

If you carry a firearm for self-defense, you owe it to yourself and those around you to train and maintain at least a basic competency with the firearm. You may do more harm than good if you bring a gun into a fight and don't know how to both use it in a defensive context and maintain control during the incident.

For medical interventions like this, training is pretty simple and straightforward. Not only does Mountain Man Medical sell affordable and customizable trauma kits, they also provide a free online training course that teaches how to use the gear to triage and treat a patient until EMS arrives.


Kudos to the Women’s Trowbridge Rugby team for stepping up and stepping in to help complete strangers. I presume most people reading this have an inclination to help and defend those who can't help or defend themselves. If we are willing to intervene with deadly force to save someone's life, or pull off the side of the road to help an injured motorist, shouldn't we also be able to take a moment to hold the door open for someone, or give a kind word when we see someone hurting? My point is if we are willing to do the big things to help, how much easier should it be to do the small things? It's good for them, and it's good for you too.

About Matthew Maruster

I follow my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the eternal co-equal Son of God. I currently live in Columbus, Ohio with my wife and daughter. I served in the Marine Corps Infantry. I was a Staff Sergeant and served as a Platoon Sergeant during combat in Iraq. After I was a police officer at a municipal agency in San Diego County. I have a Bachelors's Degree in Criminal Justice from National University. I produce the Concealed Carry Podcast and coordinate the Concealed Carry Instructor Network, and manage MJ Maruster Defense.

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Saturday, September 2, 2023

US Sports Defense Effective Tips to Secure Your Home from Intruders

  • Author Arun Kirupa

Moving into a new place can sure be an exciting process. However, installing safety measures to safeguard it can seem like an overwhelming task. But at the end of the day, you have to admit that the installation of home security devices is crucial to your safety.

Cases of burglary continue to rise and dip in Toronto. So you need to always be on an alert. It's best to contact a trusted locksmith in Toronto as soon as you decide to boost your home's security infrastructure. Given below are some of the most effective measures that every new homeowner should take.

Door and Window Security

Locking your windows and doors is hands down the easiest ways to safeguard your house against thieves and vandals. Remember that burglars are always searching for easy targets. You forgetting to unlock a window or door may just provide them what they wish. It's a great practice to keep your doors and windows locked, both when you're inside and outside your home.

You can also consider door and window sensors. These smart sensors can detect if a window or door has been left open. There are also smart locks that you can schedule to lock your premises at specific times automatically.

Invest in High-Quality Door Locks

Just locking your premises is not enough today. You also need to ensure that the locks on your door are not average ones. They should be high-quality locks having a deadbolt. Such locks make it incredibly challenging for intruders or burglars to break in.

Apart from that, take a close look at your door frames and hinges. Are they old? Strong frames and hinges can easily endure a break-in. But doors that are old and creaking only become a security risk. It's always a wise idea to look for smart locks. You don't need to operate them manually. Everything happens according to how you want it remotely.

Have Your Packages Delivered to a Locker

As the festive season arrives, you might be busy visiting your friends and family members and purchasing gifts for them. Many people tend to purchase gifts online. In that case, deliver your parcels to a locker. It's a great step to ward off thieves from your places.

Apart from purchases, you shouldn't also forget to give your friends and family the address of the locker who will get your parcels. It will allow them to ship the gifts they want to gift to you there. Package lockers also provide homeowners with safe storage space. Alternatively, you can also request your post office to keep the mail addressed to you on hold so that they don't fall into the hands of unknown people.

Invest in a Home Security System

One of the most efficacious methods to keep criminals from breaking in is installing a home security system. Through it, you can get alerted whenever there's been any instance of a break-in. It has been shown that a premise that doesn't have a security system is thrice more likely to experience break-ins. If a burglar happens to see any sign of a security system at your house, they'll likely won't make it their target.

Security cameras designed for home use add a new layer of protection to your premises. You can get alerted of any movement on areas like your yard through them. Window and door sensors will signal you if a person is trying to enter your premises.

There's no need to think that you can only install these kinds of systems at an exorbitant price. Today, there are numerous options for you to explore. Many of them are affordable and can easily fit into a standard budget.

Use Smart Lighting

Thieves and intruders like to work in the dark so that they can do their job conveniently. But outdoor lights prevent them from doing precisely that. These lights prevent them from moving towards a specific area.

You might be one of those who leave lights in their home open when going on any trip or occasion. But the problem with it is that intruders are highly skilled in detecting if a house is empty in reality or not.

It's why smart lighting is so beneficial. They have sensors in them that make the light illuminate the moment any movement is detected. They thus catch the thief off-guard and scare them off. You can also adjust the brightness based on the time of the day via a timer.

Apart from smart lights, you can also invest in outdoor security cameras. It's an extra step in the direction of making your home fully safe.

Final Words

No homeowner desires to fall prey to a home invasion. Keep the tips given in this post in mind to keep your house and your loved ones well-protected and safe. You can start small and build on your knowledge of the various security products and their functionalities. It will help you make an informed decision regarding the kind of security system your house needs.

Tiger Locksmith is a reliable locksmith in Toronto that provides full-fledged residential, commercial, and emergency lockout services.


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Monday, August 21, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Real Life Self Defense


Nobody EVER expects to be
attacked… until it happens.
But if an attacker thrusts a
knife in your face or grabs
you from behind, would you
know what to do?

US Sports Radio affiliate partner