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Monday, March 13, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Ardent Outdoors

 Ardent Outdoors - Fishing Reel Combos

US Sports Radio affiliate partner

Ardent Tackle LLC is a designer, manufacturer, and marketer of

freshwater fishing tackle and a distributor of D-Funk Products, Zbones headphones

and WFT Gliss fishing line. With operations in St. Louis and Macon Missouri,

Ardent is an American owned company that manufactures our Reel Care and

D-Funk products in the USA. We design our reels, rods, and tools in the USA

and manufacture in China and South Korea to deliver the highest performance at the

lowest consumer cost. Our administration, engineering, quality assurance,

shipping and receiving, and sales and marketing personnel are

all employed in the USA.

Every tackle item we produce is the result of professional angling input

with the objective of ultimate performance at the lowest consumer price.

Ardent reels are backed with a 3 year warranty which is 2 years longer

than any competitor. Any reel returned to us for service under the Ardent

warranty will be repaired and the reel will be professionally cleaned and

lubricated, upgraded with any new components, performance tested,

and returned to the owner at Ardent's expense within 10 business

days of receipt. Repairs for equipment that is out of warranty are

available for a minimal charge based on the repair required

and the cost of return shipping.

Ardent has numerous professional anglers fishing our tackle at

all levels on the pro tours in addition to thousands of very satisfied

amateur anglers as well. If you have never used an Ardent reel or

rod or other tackle item we invite you to try one. We are confident

you will have a great experience and own equipment that will give

you years of fishing enjoyment. Shop today!

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