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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ripped Dad takes His Body and Health to an Amazing Level

We must become a more fit World! It will start with individuals and their families. This Dad is ready to lead the way. Enjoy!

Check out those Ripped Dad Abs!!!

matt Front Final

I just finished my last week of lose weight feel great and all I can say is WOW!!!!. It has been awesome. It was all I hoped for and more. I have to admit I was a little skeptical when my wife and I started but I am a hitchfit believer now. I have always considered myself to be a healthy person but now at 42 I feel better than I did at 22. When I turned 35 I was feeling out of shape so I started running and became an avid runner and ran marathons and ultra marathons ( 50 mile foot races) about a year ago I injured my ankle which prevented me from running so I was starting to feel a little out of shape. Thats when I discovered Hitch Fit while searching the internet for a workout program. I saw the before and after photos and decided to give it a try. I cannot believe how well it worked.

Matt Side Final

I made up my mind I was going to stick to it and once I started seeing the results I had all the motivation I needed. It was a total package that covered everything I wanted to know: Diet, exercise, and weekly personal contact with you. When I first started you told me I could reach my goal of 10% body fat but I would have to lose close to 20 pounds. I actually thought you were crazy. There was no way I could lose 20 pounds. I thought I was “fit” . Now 16 weeks later Ive lost 19 pounds and Im the leanest I have been since I wrestled and ran track and cross country in high school. Im now 7% Body fat which I thought I would never see again. I feel great. I have more energy, Im stronger and know how to eat to stay where Im at. I only wish I knew this 20 years ago. I can actually wear the same clothes I wore as a high school wrestler over 20 years ago. Thank you so much for an awesome program. For those who think they don’t have time I can tell them its possible. I have 6 very active kids ranging from 2-15, run a very busy family business and volunteer 10-15 hours a week with my responsibilities at church. Its something that just works if you commit to do it. Thanks for all you help.


Matt Back Final

Starting Numbers

Age 41

Bf- 19%


Weight 159

Final Numbers

BF 7%

Waist 29 3/4″

Weight 139.8

opant copy

1 Month Post Transformation Update


Its been a month since I finished my lose weight feel great program and I just wanted to give you a update. I was worried how my body would react when I adjusted my diet but its been awesome. Ive added some fruit but basically eat the same and love how I feel every day. I haven’t gained any weight. I just stay right where I was. I could not be happier with my results. The best part is Ive run two races since I finished and I feel better than I did when I was running marathons and training 6 days a week and running 50-60- miles a week. I ran a race with my daughter last tuesday and I kept waiting to hit the “wall”. It never happened. I either didn’t hit the wall or I ran right through it. I felt healthier and stronger than I have since high school. This week I was pretty proud when my 14 year old son told his friends that his dad has a six pack.

Want to get in the Best Shape Of your Life?

Matt’s Program Choice – Lose Weight Feel Great

Follow this link for Rates, Program Details, to Purchase and get started!


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