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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Her Trainer Betrayed Her Trust!


This young lady although she may not be aware of it, helped change the way I go about in-person and online training for good!

It was 1997 and I met Michelle in the big box gym where I had been training for a couple of years at the time. To give you the "readers digest" version of the story, she was training with one of the gym's other trainers and essentially had a bad experience with him. The kind of things she described this trainer doing and saying was deplorable at best!

Well I had the privilege to train her for 3 months even entering her in a National shape up contest where she finished in the top 10 among thousands of entrants. She helped me see first hand how a solid plan with hard work can transform your body quickly and set habits in place that will keep her and you healthy and strong for the rest of your life. And probably making that life a long one!

That struck a nerve with me. It was at that point that I realized that you as one of our valued in-person or online clients put a lot of trust in your Coach (moi) to guide you on the right path to physical excellence and maximum sports performance. To abuse that relationship is a sin that makes me nauseous to think of!

That is why I stop at nothing to get you the best custom designed programs of strength, conditioning, flexibility, nutrition, and any lifestyle planning that I can help you with.

No, US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning is far from perfect there are improvements in the works constantly, but you will not find a more user-friendly client-centric program anywhere on the web. I look forward to helping all. Whether you just just joined or have been working with us since our inception online since 1999. We are just getting started to help you be your best in life, on and off the fields of play and more. Thank you for the opportunity to help you! Click here to get started on your transformation today!
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