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Monday, June 13, 2011

O-linemen, Lose the Fat Not Weight

"My QB Is Safe!"
Age old debate here. Would you rather have bunch of athletic 'hogs' or a Panzer Division protecting your QB and making holes for the horses in the backfield.

Well the answer is already on the field. Offensive linemen do not look that offensive anymore in modern football. They are leaner, faster and quicker while still weighing in on average over 300 lbs.

So how do you big boys train in the off season to achieve this level of performance? As there are days of our lives, there are many ways to go here, but the basic answer is: Much like the rest of your team. Here is a sample of the NFL Combine Workout from the Us Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System:

Week 12 - Day 3 (Thursday) of Billy Dee Arnez's Program Week Difficulty: Very Hard
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise

SelectExercise Name Set and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch

8 minutes 
Power Clean

5 reps @ 125 lbs,4 reps @ 150 lbs,
3 reps @ 175 lbs,1 reps @ 200 lbs,
1 reps @ 225 lbs,1 reps @ 235 lbs,
1 reps @ 225 lbs,1 reps @ 225 lbs,
2 reps @ 210 lbs 
Reverse Hypers

8 reps @ 70 lbs,8 reps @ 70 lbs,
8 reps @ 70 lbs 
Close Grip Pull Ups

17 reps,17 reps,
13 reps 
Cable Close Grip Row (Low Pulley)

10 reps @ 175 lbs,10 reps @ 175 lbs,
10 reps @ 175 lbs 
Keiser Hip Extension

10 reps @ 195 lbs,10 reps @ 195 lbs,
15 reps @ 165 lbs 
Keiser Hip Flexion

10 reps @ 130 lbs,10 reps @ 130 lbs,
15 reps @ 110 lbs 

As always don't try any program without consulting your physician first. So big boys...Get Lean before camp and you are that much closer to securing a starting position in September.

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