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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Seed oil may defeat “incurable” pancreatic cancer

Could this Seed Really be
‘Cancer’s Worst Nightmare’?

We’ve had an unusually good run lately at uncovering exciting new cancer treatments. (Much thanks to our wonderful research staff!) If you missed our article about dandelion in Issue #350 you should absolutely go back and read it now.
This week I’ve got one for you that’s equally if not more exciting. If you knew about a natural cancer treatment with over 460 scholarly studies published on its efficacy … wouldn’t you want to spread the word?
That’s how I feel about the Nigella sativa seed. The flowering portion of this plant is often called by more popular names like fennel flower, nutmeg flower, black caraway, Roman coriander, and black cumin. But read this before you head for your spice cabinet!
Continued below…
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     It’s confusing, but Nigella sativa has nothing to do with the herbs fennel, nutmeg, coriander and cumin which many of us cook with. So I’m just going to call it N. sativa for the rest of this piece, even though calling it fennel or black cumin would give it a nice, cozy, kitchen-cabinet feeling.    
The flower is native to south Asia, and looks like a bed of miniature tulips have been planted inside the outer petals of a daffodil. But the seeds that eventually spring from this flower are where the curative magic is found, including chemotherapeutic effects on several types of cancers.
Multiple studies over several years
show this anti-cancer seed works
One of the greatest aspects of N. sativa is its ability to stop some of the most aggressive forms of cancer, including pancreatic cancer. Right now, pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in America, claiming around 34,000 lives a year. The survival rate after five years of conventional cancer treatment is a dismal four percent.
That’s why I’m so encouraged by a study conducted at Kimmel Cancer Center, part of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. The researchers found treatments containing N. sativa destroyed pancreatic cancer cells. The “magic” ingredient in Nigella sativa appears to be thymoquinone, an extract of the seed oil.
Researchers believe thymoquinone holds promise as a preventative strategy both for patients who have already gone through surgery and chemotherapy and are at risk of developing a second round of cancer, as well as those who have a generally high risk of developing cancer, period.
Along with her team, Dr. Hwyda Arafat of Thomas Jefferson University found that adding thymoquinone to cancer cells resulted in programmed cell death for about 80 percent of the pancreatic cancer cell lines tested. She and her team also found that activity of a tumor suppressor gene (p53) and a gene (Bax) that promotes apoptosis or programmed cell death both increased. Similarly, the bcl-2 gene that blocks cell death was decreased. These findings are based on tests of lab-cultured cancer cells, not human subjects.
Other observations included what the team called “epigenetic” changes in pancreatic cancer cells—that is, modifications to the “expression” or activity of the cell’s DNA. The thymoquinone essentially increased the acetylation process of DNA proteins, which is key to initiating cell death. And at the same time, thymoquinone acted as a histone deacetylases (HDAC) inhibitor, which basically stops the gene transcription process so cancer cells can’t replicate.
Other studies found that N. sativa oil helped reduce unwanted side effects from chemotherapy, and that it had incredible success as a tumor therapy. In 1997, a study at the Cancer Research Laboratory of Hilton Head Island in South Carolina showed that N. sativa oil increased the growth rate of bone marrow cells by an incredible 250 percent, while at the same time inhibiting tumor growth by 50 percent.
And in a study on N. sativa and breast cancer, researchers found that N. sativa both alone or in combination with oxidative stress was an effective in vitro (test tube) treatment for deactivating breast cancer cells.
“Magic” protocol you can follow from home
As proof that Nigella sativa is making headway as a cancer remedy, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already granted two patents that involve N. sativa oil for the purpose of treating cancer, boosting the immune system, and preventing side effects from chemotherapy.
There’s also a Black Seed Oil Protocol that’s recommended by several practitioners. Here’s one version of the program:
  1. One teaspoon of black seed oil mixed with a half teaspoon of raw Manuka honey, taken a half hour before breakfast
  2. One teaspoon of black seed oil mixed with juice from one orange taken in the afternoon between meals
  3. One teaspoon of oil mixed with a half teaspoon of raw Manuka honey, taken before bed
The honey is used as a carrier to get the oil to the diseased cell, and Manuka honey is said to have the highest anti-microbial activity of all honeys. This protocol, combined with a healthy lifestyle, is said to work wonders both in treating cancer and a variety of other ailments.
I suspect the thymoquinone extract researched by the team at the Kimmel Center may turn out to be extremely effective when given intravenously (by IV). But as far as I know, no studies have been done. The Kimmel study, as I mentioned, was on lab cultures, so we’re well short of knowing what we need to know about the clinical value of this substance.
Cures just about everything but death
It appears Nigella sativa is an effective remedy well beyond cancer, including both acute and chronic conditions—everything from the treatment of diabetes and hypertension to dermatological conditions.
Additional studies by Arafat and her team indicate it can treat a broad array of immune and inflammatory disorders, on top of thwarting the growth of diseases like prostate and colon cancer. The oil has also been shown to have anti-fungal effects and has been successfully used to treat the growth of Candida in all organs in the body.
In the Middle East and certain Southeast Asian countries, Nigella seeds are sold in small bundles labeled “black cumin.” They’re meant to be rubbed until they warm up, and then they let off an aroma that supposedly opens clogged sinuses similar to eucalyptus treatments.
So far, small quantities of the black seed oil appear to have no harmful side effects, though there isn’t enough research on larger, medicinal quantities to know if those are safe. The only adverse effect I came across was that some people get allergic rashes if they rub the oil on their skin, which some practitioners recommend doing for joint pain and headaches.
If you’re interested in trying it, the oil is widely available both online and in herbal and nutritional stores.
And if you’re interested in an exciting new supplement that may prevent cancer – or help treat it if you’ve got it – you should have read our last issue. If you missed it, please read it below.

Create an Internal “Enemy Territory”
Cancer Cells Don’t Dare Invade!

What if you could make your body “enemy territory” for cancer?
If the claims hold up, you may be able to do just that in three ways, with one single product… creating an internal environment hostile to cancer.
Obviously there are a number of other things you can do. Like doing without sugar, which cancer also loves. And exercising. But today we’re introducing you to a proprietary mineral supplement that may send rogue cancer cells packing. Read on to discover more…
Continued below…
The cancer secret
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It’s a well-established fact that cancer thrives in three conditions:
  • An acidic internal environment
  • A low-oxygen environment
  • A toxic environment
Who cares about pH and O², anyway? You should, if you want to be healthy, or fight disease.
Can you hope to be healthy
with an acidic body?
According to many cancer experts, if you want to create an inhospitable environment not only for cancer cells but also for bacteria, viruses and fungi, then you need to guard your body’s pH… because the right cell and tissue pH is critical for good health.
pH is the measure of negative hydroxyl ions (OH-), to the number of positive hydroxyl (H+) ions in your fluid or tissue. The higher the pH, the more alkaline and oxygen rich… the lower it is, the more acidic and oxygen-poor. For good health, you need to maintain a pH of about 7.4.
Although the difference appears insignificant, acidity in the range of 7.0 or 6.7 weakens every system in your body, making you a sitting duck for disease.
It forces your body to borrow minerals from your vital organs, bones and teeth in order to neutralize that acid and remove it. The body will do whatever is necessary to keep the blood slightly alkaline, but it may have to strip everything else of minerals in order to do that. It’s this depleted state that sets you up for disease.
According to advocates of the acid-alkaline theory of health, disease NEEDS an acidic and low oxygen environment to survive and flourish. Some authorities say terminal patients have acidity levels 1,000 times higher than those of normal healthy people.
In a state of acidosis and low oxygen, glucose becomes lactic acid during fermentation, forcing your pH to plummet, potentially reaching 6.0 or 5.7, or lower.
As you can guess from the word, acidosis refers to excessive acidity. It leads to an inability to absorb and use nutrients, reduced cellular energy, inhibited cellular repair and detoxification… and a friendly environment for tumor cells.
Some researchers say chronic acidosis causes diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, immune problems, chronic infections, and more.
Acidosis is also linked to problems that seem minor but may foretell serious ones in your future… anxiety, diarrhea, early morning fatigue, headaches, rapid heartbeat, restless legs, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, and insomnia. And of course, heightened susceptibility to illness.
Long-time readers of this newsletter may remember that I’ve been skeptical of the acid-alkaline theory because a healthy balance seems to be the effect rather than the cause of good health habits. Many programs that purport to make your body more alkaline just consist of a healthy, nutrient-rich diet or a heavy load of mineral supplements. If it makes them happy to describe a “healthy diet” as an “alkaline diet” then I guess they can do that.
But the supplement I’m reporting on today does seem to be supported by some studies and my attitude is “go with what works.” We can worry about the theory later. If the reports are accurate, this supplement could be an exciting discovery.
The hazards of low oxygen levels
When your cells are low in oxygen, they become inefficient at converting food to energy.
If your oxygen levels dip dangerously low, angiogenesis (creation of new blood vessels) begins. This provides fresh oxygen, boosting your oxygen levels and slowing cancer – but only temporarily!
Eventually your energy-conversion efficiency cranks down another notch, creating a vicious cycle.
Researchers believe this cycle is a major driver of cancer. It could explain why so many cancers become drug resistant within three to six months.
It’s been known for more than 80 years,
so why haven’t you heard?
This is based on a recent study, but it’s not particularly new.
More than 80 years ago, Dr. Otto Warburg won his first Nobel Prize (1931) for proving that cancer was caused by lack of oxygen respiration in cells.
In an article called The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, he said, “the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.”
In other words, the primary cause of cancer is the replacement of oxygen respiration with fermented sugar. Your body cells should get their energy from oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs mostly by fermentation.
Fermentation lets cancer cells survive, but they cannot perform normal functions. All they can do is multiply and grow, degrading into cancer cells that no longer serve you, but just live to survive for themselves.
Normal body cells are obligate aerobes (they can’t live without oxygen)… but all cancer cells are partial anaerobes (they can live without oxygen).
So… how do your cells become oxygen deprived?
Internal toxins make you acidic
and oxygen-poor…
Metabolic waste products are acidic and must be detoxified. It’s a normal part of life, as long as you can detoxify effectively.
But most people are regularly exposed to toxic lawn care and cleaning products, plastics, air pollution, drugs, and mercury fillings, to name a few. Unless you’re eating only organic foods, you’re also getting a heavy dose of toxins from fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides in your food.
Compound that with everyday stress, poor sleeping habits, and a sedentary lifestyle, and you get quite a build-up of waste products and toxins. Your body may not be able to rid itself of these substances fast enough to keep up.
If you’re a cancer patient, chemotherapy and radiation also contribute to your toxic load.
Any overload of toxins can clog up your cells, leading to poor quality cell walls that deny access to the nutrients (needed for respiration), and further reduce your ability to detoxify.
Over time these waste products become solid wastes like oxidized fats, uric acid, kidney stones, and tumors. They contribute to rapid aging and related diseases such as arthritis and heart disease.
Now, you may notice that nearly ALL experts on alternative cancer treatment call for avoiding toxic substances and getting rid of the toxins that are already inside us. This view isn’t the property of the acid-alkaline crowd. But they can characterize it that way if they wish, as long as it works. . .
Kills 3 birds with one stone…
A proprietary mineral supplement called Liph (pronounced “life”), formerly called Alka Vita, claims numerous health and anti-cancer properties.
Its main component is modified liquid silica, a unique form of elemental silicon. High in oxygen and highly alkaline, it helps offset internal acidity. In concentrated form, its pH is around 14.3.
It fights cancer by:
  • Inducing apoptosis (cancer cell death)
  • Reducing harmful DNA mutations
  • Preventing cancer cells from attaching to your tissues
Liph creates exactly the kind of cancer-hostile environment you want – an alkaline, oxygen-rich, non-toxic system.
Studies show it reduces oxidative (free radical) stress at a cellular level – by increasing three chemicals that support your immune function and ability to fight cancer:
  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) – An enzyme that repairs damage caused by superoxide, one of your most abundant free radicals. An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
  • Catalase – Another antioxidant enzyme produced naturally. Helps convert the dangerous metabolic byproduct, hydrogen peroxide, into water and oxygen. Also breaks down other harmful toxins.
  • Glutathione – Your most abundant natural antioxidant, often called your Master Antioxidant. Fights cancer by keeping red and white blood cells healthy, and aids in DNA synthesis and repair. Affects every bodily system, especially immune, nervous, and GI systems. So needless to say, glutathione serves a critical role in your health.

Again, readers of this newsletter already know that all three of these substances are extremely important to good health. If this supplement increases them as claimed, I’m all for it.
A stand-alone cancer treatment?
Studies for Liph’s safety have been ongoing for the past eight years.
It was shown to be non-toxic in two 2005 animal studies in Sugar Land, Texas – with no observable abnormal reactions, signs of toxicity, or weight changes.
The same year, in San Diego, a study at the Anti-Cancer Lab showed that Liph reduced tumor growth in mice injected with human melanoma cells… in ALL of the animals, and in some cases, by more than half.
No human studies have been conducted but Liph’s anti-cancer effects have been observed in humans in individual cases. People reported complete remission from various types of cancer – including pancreatic, breast, and uterine – using Liph as a stand-alone cancer treatment!
It’s also been reported to reduce side effects from chemotherapy.
Beats acidosis, low oxygen, and toxins… all at once
Liph is easy to take in water or tea. It’s water soluble, making it an extremely high bioavailable source of silica, compared to other forms of silica. Silica has a pH of about 13.4 – highly alkaline – so it helps rebalance your pH, and helps initiate new healing and tissue construction.
When you’re restored to your optimal alkalinity, your oxygen levels will rise and you’ll be able to detoxify back to full health.
Liph appears to work for both health maintenance and therapy. It deserves more study as a promising cancer treatment.

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References (1st article):
“Black Seed.” Vitamins and Supplements: WebMD. Located 20 November 2013.
“Effect of Nigella sativa (N. sativa L.) and oxidative stress on the survival pattern of MCF-7 breast cancer cells.” By Farah, I.O., and Begum, R.A. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2003;39:359-64.
“Nigella sativa is cancer's worst nightmare.” By Samantha Davis, Natural, 11 November 2013.
“Nigella sativa.” Wikipedia. Located 29 November 2013.
“Nigella Stavia Oil Protocol.” Cancer Compass. Located 29 November 2013.
“The Black Cumin Protocol for Cancer.” By Maria Hurairah, Cancer Tutor.
“Traditional Herbal Medicine Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells, Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson Researchers Report.” Published 23 May 2008 by Thomas Jefferson University: Kimmel Cancer Center.

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Firebirds Fight Their Way to Season’s Second Win; Defeat Mercy 83-66

December 14, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC – With a roster still void of two of its most explosive offensive threats, the University of the District of Columbia men's basketball team battled through to earn its second win of the season, 83-66 over East Coast Conference foe, Mercy on Saturday afternoon in the nation's capital.
Once again, junior transfer forward Lenjo Kilo (Biology – Silver Spring, MD/Seton Hill) carried the Firebirds (2-6, 1-2 ECC) with game-highs of 31 points, 16 rebounds and four blocked shots. This was his second straight game with over 30 points and over 15 rebounds, and his four blocks was a season-high. Freshman guard Reggie Sidbury (Social Work – Landover, MD/Charles Herbert Flowers HS) added 18 points on 6-of-9 shooting from the field and sophomore shooting guardOmar Abbas (Electrical Engineering – Alexandria, Egypt/Egyptian American HS) pitched in 12 points. Meanwhile, junior transfer guard Prince Ritson (Psychology – Greenbelt, MD/Bowie St.) had a great all-around effort with 11 points, a season-high nine rebounds, and a game-high five assists, and sophomore transfer forward Clenso Brannon III (Graphic Design – Washington, DC/College of Southern Maryland) contributed a season-high 13 boards as well.
Mercy (0-8, 0-2 ECC) was led by their two interior players, Olajide Keshinro and LeBrandon Smith, who scored 15 and 13 points, respectively, and combined for 15 rebounds.
Nate Stitchell (five points, five assists) capped an 8-0 Mavericks run to start the game in the opening three minutes of play as Mercy controlled the lead for much of the first half. UDC still trailed 22-14 after a jumper by Smith at the 10:29 mark, but the Firebirds came storming back with a 10-2 run to force the game's first tie. Ritson's free-throw to complete a conventional three-point play knotted the score at 24-all just past the 8-minute mark. Twelve seconds later, Kilo's jumper gave UDC its first lead of the game, 26-25, and the Firebirds would never trail again the rest of the way. They ended the half on a 9-3 run and took a 39-33 edge into intermission.
In the second half, the two teams traded baskets early on, with Mercy keeping it a five-point game after a pair of free-throws by Stitchell at the 17:31 mark. But a jumper by Sidbury sparked an 18-4 Firebirds surge, culminating in an and-one layup and three-point play by Abbas to give UDC a commanding, 62-43 lead with a little over 12 minutes left to play.
The Mavericks, in search of their first win of the season, did not go away though, as Keshinro's emphatic dunk at the 10:35 mark got a fired-up Mercy squad on a roll. The visitors cut a 19-point deficit to eight (64-56) with a lightning-fast 11-0 rally. Consecutive jumpers by freshman guardKevin Campbell (Biology – Washington, DC/Woodrow Wilson HS) and a three-point play by Kilo pushed the Firebird lead back up to 13 with 6:40 remaining, but the Mavericks answered with a 7-1 run to creep within seven (70-63) with 4:36 showing on the clock.
At that point, Kilo took matters into his own hands, making three consecutive two-point baskets and later converting 1-of-2 at the free-throw line to help the Firebirds extend their lead back to 12, 77-65. In the final 4:36, UDC out-scored Mercy 13-3 as they went on to win comfortably by a 17-point margin.
The Firebirds, who snapped a four-game losing streak with today's win, dominated the rebounding battle, 52-27 this afternoon. They are 2-1 this season when they out-rebound their opponent. This also helped them out-score the Mavericks 34-26 in the paint and 19-9 in second-chance points as a result of 15 offensive rebounds.
UDC also did a much better job than Mercy at the free-throw line, making 17-of-23 (74-percent) compared to just 8-of-19 (42-percent), and it out-shot Mercy 50-percent to 41-percent from the field as well.
The Firebirds will look for their first back-to-back wins of the season when they host ECC foe NYIT on Wednesday, December 18th at 5 p.m.

No. 20 District of Columbia Dominates in 98-45 Victory Over Mercy

December 14, 2013

No. 20 District of Columbia Dominates in 98-45 Victory Over Mercy

WASHINGTON, DC – Coming off its first loss of the season Wednesday night, No. 20 University of the District of Columbia bounced back in a big way Saturday afternoon, dominating Mercy, 98-45 at UDC Gym to stay unbeaten and atop the standings in the East Coast Conference.
The Firebirds (7-1, 3-0 ECC) had all 13 players on its roster enter the scoring column, including five in double-figures. Junior guard/forward Denikka Brent (Mechanical Engineering – Chesapeake, VA/Booker T. Washington HS) led UDC with a game-high 17 points and six rebounds while senior center Milena Bubnjevic (Criminal Justice – Leskovac, Serbia/Longwood) registered season-highs of 11 points and 13 rebounds. The 6-foot-2 Bubnjevic, who made her first start of the season today, showed off some range as she connected on 3-of-5 from behind-the-arc.
Also impressive from long range was junior transfer guard ShaKena Williams (Accounting – Washington, DC/Frederick CC), who knocked down 3-of-5 from downtown as well, en-route to a 10-point scoring performance in just 13 minutes off the bench. She currently ranks No. 8 in the ECC in three-point field goal percentage (41.9). Meanwhile, sophomore forward Tatyana Calhoun(Environmental Science – Disputanta, VA/Sussex Central) posted 12 points and nine rebounds and sophomore guard Tajruba Baldwin-Kollore added 11 points and three steals in her first start of the season.
Normally the Firebirds are led by the leading scorer in the conference – junior transfer guard,Telisha Turner (Criminal Justice – Wilmington, DE/Harcum) - who came in averaging over 20 points per-game. But despite the fact that their top-scorer registered just two points in 18 minutes today, the Firebirds put forth their highest team scoring total since Feb. 12, 2011 (a 98-48 win at Salem International). Credit the superior depth on this UDC squad as its eight reserve players combined for 53 points.
Mercy (1-5, 0-2 ECC) shot a mere 32-percent from the floor (27-percent from three-point range) and committed 34 turnovers on the day. The Mavericks were led by guard Maria Narduli (nine points, two steals) and Tanayzha Augustine (six points, eight rebounds).
UDC shot 34-of-68 (50-percent) from the field, 8-of-19 (42-percent) from long-range and 22-of-26 (85-percent) from the free-throw line. The Firebirds also dominated on the glass with a 49-22 rebounding advantage which allowed them to double-up Mercy, 36-18 in points in the paint and turn 23 offensive rebounds into 25 second-chance points.
Augustine's layup 45 seconds into the game marked the first points of the game, but that was the first and only lead of the day for the Mavericks. Baldwin-Kollore's jumper just past the 17-minute mark capped an 8-0 Firebirds surge, and UDC never trailed again.
Both teams struggled to find their offense for much of the first half, as UDC only led 17-11 more than halfway through the opening period. Then, in a span of less than a minute, Calhoun and Baldwin-Kollore teamed up to lead the Firebirds on a 9-0 march which put UDC in front, 26-11. They maintained a double-digit lead for the rest of the half, closing on a 13-4 run to take a sizable, 19-point advantage (46-27) at halftime.
Mercy opened the second half on a 6-1 run, and pulled within 14 (47-33) at the 17:23 mark, but that was as close as the Mavericks would get the rest of the way. For 7:17, the Firebirds held Mercy scoreless as they marched on a 27-0 run to put the game way out of reach. The lead swelled to as much as 58 points after a three-pointer by senior reserve guard Snezana Blagojevic (Business Management – Kragujevac, Serbia/Shepherd) at the 1:47 mark, but Mercy closed on a 5-0 run to make the final score, 98-45.
Next up, the Firebirds host ECC foe NYIT on Wednesday, December 18th at 3 p.m.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bowie State Women's Basketball Post Game Story vs. Washington Adventist (12/11/13)

BOWIE, Md. - All 14 players of the Bowie State women’s basketball team roster scored in a 91-56 rout of Washington Adventist University on Wednesday evening in the A.C. Jordan Arena. The win improves the Lady Bulldogs record to 5-1 on the year.

Junior Denver Clyde (Glen Burnie, Md.) recorded a double-double of 17 points 10 rebounds and graduate students Ashley Davis (Odenton, Md.) and Brooke Miles (Upper Marlboro, Md.) added 14 and 12 points respectively for Bowie State. Graduate student Uchechi Ahaiwe (Riverdale, MD.) chipped in a personal season-best 10 to round out the Lady Bulldogs double figure scorers.

Washington Adventist (4-8) who had only seven active players, were led by Courtney Cayard (Washington, D.C.), Rashawnda Carter (Washington, D.C.) and Ebonie Ellison (Middletown, Conn.) with 18, 14 and 13 points respectively. Ellison grabbed a team-high nine rebounds for the Lady Shock.

The Lady Bulldogs jumped out to a quick 7-2 lead and stretched the lead to a first half high nine points (17-8) by the 9:49 mark of the first half. However, Bowie State went cold and the Lady Shock used a 9-2 run to pull within two (19-17) with 5:32 left in the first half.

A 3-pointer by Ellison followed by a steal and a 3-pointer by Courtney Cayard gave Washington Adventist their first and only lead of the game at 29-26 with 2:28 remaining in the first period.

Bowie State countered with an 8-0 run to close the first half and sent the Lady Bulldogs into intermission with a 34-29 advantage.

The Lady Bulldogs opened the second half with a 16-4 run, putting the game out of reach in a hurry. Bowie State’s lead increased to 20 points (55-35) at the 12:35 mark of the second half and ballooned to 30 points (81-51) with 3:17 left to play.

“We simply just wore them down … Shot 50 percent from the field (including 3-pointers), almost double them in rebounds and finally got double digit assists as a team, so overall I’m pleased”, said third year head coach Renard Smith.

The Lady Bulldogs’ bench produced 48 points compared to 18 for the Lady Shock and BSU dominated on the glass 52-28. As a team, Bowie State was credited with a season high 18 assists with junior Ashley Castle responsible for a third of them.

Bowie State made 36-of-72 field goals which included 10-of-20 beyond the arc, but made 56 percent of their free throws (9-of-16).

Washington Adventist made 15-of-49 total field goals (31 percent) and 22-of-31 (71 percent) tries from the charity stripe.

The Lady Bulldogs will head into first semester final exams before returning to action on Friday, December 20th against Glenville (W.Va.) State College on opening day of the Sheetz / Herb Sims Classic hosted by Bluefield (W.Va.) State College.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bowie State 91 - Washington Adventist 56 (WOMEN'S Bb FINAL)

Official Basketball Box Score
Washington Adventist vs Bowie State
12/11/13 5:00 pm at Bowie, MD - A.C. Jordan Arena

VISITORS: Washington Adventist 4-8
                          TOT-FG  3-PT         REBOUNDS
## Player Name            FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF  TP  A TO BLK S MIN
1  Ellison, Ebonie..... f  3-9    1-3    6-6    5  4  9   4  13  1  6  0  1  29
3  Derrickson, Nicole.. g  0-6    0-1    6-6    0  4  4   1   6  3  1  0  2  27
10 Thomas, Asya........ g  1-5    0-0    2-6    0  1  1   3   4  2  3  0  1  37
12 Powell, Karis.......    0-1    0-0    0-0    1  0  1   0   0  0  0  0  0  15
14 Carter, Rashawnda... g  4-9    0-0    6-8    0  5  5   4  14  1  5  0  1  37
21 Cayard, Courtney....    7-15   3-4    1-2    0  4  4   2  18  0  2  0  1  28
22 Watson, Re'gene..... f  0-4    0-0    1-3    0  2  2   1   1  0  0  1  2  27
   TEAM................                         1  1  2             1
   Totals..............   15-49   4-8   22-31   7 21 28  15  56  7 18  1  8 200

TOTAL FG% 1st Half:  7-24 29.2%   2nd Half:  8-25 32.0%   Game: 30.6%  DEADB
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half:  3-5  60.0%   2nd Half:  1-3  33.3%   Game: 50.0%   REBS
F Throw % 1st Half: 12-15 80.0%   2nd Half: 10-16 62.5%   Game: 71.0%    4

HOME TEAM: Bowie State 5-1
                          TOT-FG  3-PT         REBOUNDS
## Player Name            FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF  TP  A TO BLK S MIN
1  PHIPPS,Kiera........ g  1-4    1-3    0-0    2  1  3   3   3  1  2  0  0  21
2  SMITH,ReVen.........    3-7    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   3   6  0  0  0  0  11
3  CASTLE,Ashley....... g  2-4    0-1    0-1    0  3  3   0   4  6  4  0  2  25
5  BURLEY,Alisha.......    2-5    2-5    1-2    0  4  4   1   7  2  1  0  0  15
10 FLORES,Alessandra...    1-5    1-2    0-0    0  0  0   3   3  2  2  0  0  14
14 DAVIS,Ashley........ g  7-11   0-1    0-0    1  2  3   2  14  2  0  0  2  15
22 MILES,Brooke........ g  4-7    4-6    0-0    3  2  5   3  12  2  2  0  1  18
23 McINTOSH,Jasmine....    2-5    0-0    0-1    5  1  6   1   4  2  0  0  0  17
24 CLYDE,Denver........    5-9    2-2    5-5    2  8 10   0  17  0  2  1  1  15
32 JACKSON,Alauna......    3-4    0-0    1-2    1  3  4   1   7  0  0  0  1  12
33 GOODMAN,Moriah......    1-1    0-0    0-0    0  3  3   3   2  1  1  0  1  13
34 BONAPARTE,Briana....    1-2    0-0    0-0    1  0  1   1   2  0  0  0  0  12
55 AHAIWE,Uchechi...... f  4-8    0-0    2-5    4  2  6   2  10  0  2  1  0  12
   TEAM................                         1  3  4
   Totals..............   36-72  10-20   9-16  20 32 52  23  91 18 16  2  8 200

TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 12-34 35.3%   2nd Half: 24-38 63.2%   Game: 50.0%  DEADB
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half:  3-11 27.3%   2nd Half:  7-9  77.8%   Game: 50.0%   REBS
F Throw % 1st Half:  7-11 63.6%   2nd Half:  2-5  40.0%   Game: 56.3%    2

Officials: Diana DePaul(R), Starr Jefferson(U1), Karleena Tobin(U2)
Technical fouls: Washington Adventist-None. Bowie State-None.
Attendance: 443
Score by Periods                1st  2nd   Total
Washington Adventist..........   29   27  -   56
Bowie State...................   34   57  -   91
NEXT WASHINGTON ADVENTIST GAME: Saturday (12/14) vs. Fairmont State - 7 pm
NEXT BOWIE STATE GAME: Thursday (1/2) at Livingstone - 5:30 pm

Points in the paint-WAUWBB13 14,BSU-W 34. Points off turnovers-WAUWBB13 20,BSU-W 21.
2nd chance points-WAUWBB13 2,BSU-W 20. Fast break points-WAUWBB13 2,BSU-W 0.
Bench points-WAUWBB13 18,BSU-W 48. Score tied-4 times. Lead changed-2 times.
Last FG-WAUWBB13 2nd-01:54, BSU-W 2nd-00:12.
Largest lead-WAUWBB13 by 3 1st-02:28, BSU-W by 35 2nd-00:12.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

US Sports Strength and Conditioning Receives 2013 Best of Alexandria Award

Alexandria Award Program Honors the Achievement
ALEXANDRIA December 3, 2013 -- US Sports Strength and Conditioning has been selected for the 2013 Best of Alexandria Award in the Sports Motivational Training category by the Alexandria Award Program.
Each year, the Alexandria Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Alexandria area a great place to live, work and play.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2013 Alexandria Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Alexandria Award Program and data provided by third parties.
About Alexandria Award Program
The Alexandria Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Alexandria area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.
The Alexandria Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.
SOURCE: Alexandria Award Program

Alexandria Award Program

A big Thank YOU to our Athletes and Fitness Warriors. There is no US Sports Strength and Conditioning without your dedicated efforts. Now let's get bigger, stronger, faster, leaner, meaner, and experience even more success in 2014!