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Showing posts with label Customized plan Fitness Get in shape Goal Lose weight Meal plan New year New year's Nye Resolution Resolutions Training program Weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customized plan Fitness Get in shape Goal Lose weight Meal plan New year New year's Nye Resolution Resolutions Training program Weight loss. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2019

HitchFit- Health Challenges Can’t Stop This Australian Online Client

Overcome Health Issues for Optimal Fitness

Health Challenges didn’t stop Lisa from making positive changes to her eating and exercise habits.
Today’s transformation story is Lisa. She is an online personal training client from Australia. I’m so glad that she was open to sharing her story, because it really is inspiring. She inspired ME throughout her journey! Lisa has struggled with a lot of health challenges, including PCOS & IBS (just to name a few) but she was determined to do her absolute best, within her limits, in order to make some positive changes to her body. She knew that make changes to her eating habits was going to be a key to improving her health for the long term! When someone truly gives their best, whatever that may be, that is when we see some incredible things happen. I’m so proud of Lisa for the improvements that she made, for her determination and for her “never quit” attitude!
Lisa’s Stats: 
Starting weight: 61 kg
Ending weight: 58 kg
Starting body fat: 20%
Ending body fat: 16.5%
Even with PCOS and IBS Lisa made positive changes to her body and health with Hitch Fit
Australian Online Personal Training Client
Lisa overcomes health challenges and loses body fat
Lisa’s Story:
“I found Hitch Fit while doing routine Internet research.
I was impressed with what I saw, and the further I looked into the amazing transformations, the more I knew I wanted to join into the Hitch Fit family and start a journey on my own.
I had recently found out I have IBS, PCOS, troubles with controlling insulin levels and liver damage, and; it was showing on my body with being not-so-in shape anymore. I wanted to prove to myself that some health issues don’t have to determine your outer appearance. Also, being a personal trainer myself, I wanted to show my clients that anything is possible if you work hard for it!
From the 1st email I sent, I felt always very informed and comfortable, and my questions always answered.
The training and nutrition programs were written out in a very easy to follow format and the workouts offered new and fun ideas to training.
With my health not at its best,  I did have many days of really having to push myself to get the training done, and that’s where Diana was always there for me with encouragement and  understanding. Giving up was never an option for me and I believe that she could see that.
The changes both outer and inner are worth every single drop of sweat and tears, and I’m so glad that I reached out to Diana for the much needed help.
The knowledge I have gained is absolutely priceless, I’m so happy with the results I achieved and I can’t thank Micah and Diana enough!”

Thursday, March 7, 2019

HItchFit Supplements For Health

Why Supplements Can Be your Key Component
Close up of lemon and pills isolated – vitamin concept
First you tell me that fitness and diet are essential to maintaining a healthy body that’s strong and in shape; now you’re going to talk about supplementing with pills and powders? The short answer: yes! Fitness and a balanced diet are keys to healthy, happy living. However, in some cases it just may not be enough. Despite the theory that our ancestors lived good long lives strictly on the earth’s product, their lives were quite short. Sicknesses killed them off quickly, in addition to simply “old age”. According to historical data, the average life expectancy of an adult in 1900 was about 47 years old. A far cry from the late 70’s and 80’s we see today.
Well then, what’s the point, you may be asking. The point is we have modern medicine. Our society now has the solution to many of the problems that our bodies encounter, which in the past would have caused death. However, because of these new scientific breakthroughs, and the advent of processed foods, humans are far less likely to take care of their bodies the same way our ancestors did. So, yes, we live longer – but at what cost? Successful healthy living means eating right and exercising.
In addition to that, we need to think about the foods we actually do eat. Even though they are healthy, foods like canned tuna have lost some of their nutrients in the packaging process. Vegetables and grains, when harvested by machine, lose some value in the process. Because of this, food is often just not enough to maintain our body’s chemical balance. Vitamin C is taken on a daily basis by millions of Americans, and has been shown to fend off pesky colds and flues in the appropriate seasons. Protein is another common supplement, and one that bodybuilders use most often. Since the body burns energy so quickly when a person is committed to a workout routine, protein needs elevate. If you are trying to build muscle while getting in shape, you should consider a protein powder supplement.
There are different forms of supplements as well. Pill, powder, liquid, etc. Protein is often encouraged in powder format, since it can be added to a morning smoothie to really pack in the nutrients. There are also nutrient bars, able to be consumed as a delicious afternoon snack. Energy levels increase significantly when highly active individuals supplement their diets with protein. Vitamins such as C and B6 are generally taken in pill format, and supplements such as fish oil can be taken in pill or liquid format. Whatever form you choose, make sure you check with your physician to ensure the correct dose for your specific body type and fitness goals. Check out our success stories to see how their routines changed, and what nutrients they needed to incorporate in order to get in Hitch Fit shape!
Are you looking for your best option for a new lifestyle? Look into a Hitch Fit program, and jump start your life into amazing shape!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

HitchFit Lose Weight Over 60

Lose Weight Over 60

Women over 60, you may think that it’s “too late” to make healthy changes and become strong and more fit after the age of 60. But it’s not true! You truly can improve your health and fitness levels at any age. If you want to Lose Weight Over 60, Hitch Fit can help. Our online personal training plans include teaching you healthy eating habits, that include a wide variety of healthy foods, and teaching you how to exercise, especially strength training, which is SO important..truly critical to staying strong and energetic and preserving lean muscle tissue as you make your way through your 60’s.
I’d like to share the stories of a few of our Hitch Fit clients that I believe you will find extremely inspiring. These women are all 60 or over, and all had jaw dropping, remarkable transformations. Yes, there were certainly obstacles to work around or through with each of these amazing women. But when they started, they were just like you, they weren’t sure they could make improvements, but once they got started, they were blown away at what was possible at 60 and beyond!!

  1. At age 60, Donna wanted to keep up with her young grandchildren. Boy are they cuties!! She was gifted a Hitch Fit plan by her daughter who had also gone through a transformation with us. Donna wasn’t sure what she could achieve at age 60, but she just began and took one day at a time. 22 pounds later, she felt amazing and strong. She had so much more energy for life and for those beautiful kiddos! Way to go Donna!
  2.  At age 65, Rosie came to me because she wanted to continue living her active lifestyle which included travel and being a basketball referee! She was considering retiring because her knees hurt her and she was lacking the strength and energy she felt she needed to keep up. She started strength training and got her eating habits on track. She initially thought that if she could “just lose 10 pounds” she would feel so much better. Well, when she hit 10, she kept right on going to get her body fat to a healthy place! After a 25 pound loss, she felt so much stronger and energized, that she kept right on reffing, and still doesn’t plan to retire for a few more seasons!
Are You Ready To Lose Weight? Click Here to Get Started Today!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

HitchFit- Fit and Fabulous at 47!

I am so proud of my Fit and Fabulous at 47 online client Jen! I guess the best word to describe her Hitch Fit Bikini Model Plan transformation is WOW! Jen has been following Hitch Fit for several years after seeing her friend Stacie achieve amazing results with us. In 2018, she decided it was time to commit and get in the best shape of her life. Well, she crushed it!! Surpassing her goals and showing what is possible. So ladies who are over 40 and think that change can’t be made. Think again!! It can. And you can literally get in the best shape of your life after 40. Jen cut her body fat in half during her 16 week plan (from 31% to 15%!) and lost nearly 30 pounds. She also became a runner, something she didn’t think would happen! Way to go Jen!! What an inspiration!!

Jen’s Before and After Fit over 40 Stats: 
Starting weight: 139.5
Ending weight: 110
Starting body fat: 31%
Ending body fat: 15.7%
Inches lost on Hips: 6.25
Inches lost on Waist: 4.5

Jen’s Story and Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Review:

“For the past couple of years I had an activity almost every night of the week (tennis,pilates, pickleball) and then I got tennis elbow and my tennis went from 4 days/week to zero.  So now I had all this free time and knew it was finally time to take the plunge.  A friend, Stacie, had completed a Hitch Fit program 5 years ago with amazing (like “shredded” amazing) results, and ever since I’ve read the success story emails and contemplated signing up.  I was finally ready, had the time, out of excuses, and mentally ready to commit 100%.  I signed up for the 16 week bikini model program and began my journey in July.

Throughout my program I didn’t cheat nutrition – if I was going to get up at 5am to go running before work I wasn’t going to sabotage myself.  Did I just say running?!?  I was not a runner before this program – I was the person who always said “I wish I liked running because I love to be outdoors”.  I admit it was a very gradual process of walk/run for a few weeks (run every cul-de-sac, run if its downhill, run if its not uphill) before I was able to run a few miles without stopping, giving myself little pep talks along the way. But in just 4 months I can now run 7 miles!  Never in a million years did I think I’d be able to say that!
Preparation was key for me. Yes it takes a little time to get your food prep done but so much easier to pack a cooler and know you’re staying on track with nutrition, then trying to decide which fast food place has the healthiest option.  I did this for work, going out of town for the weekend, and even just shopping and running errands for a few hours.  My weekly weigh in/measurement day was on a Tuesday and knowing I was only a couple days away from seeing results of my hard work for the week helped keep me motivated through the weekend.
Each week I emailed Diana my progress and she was always quick to respond with positive feedback and answer all my questions (and I had a handful every week)!  I’ve learned so much through this process and realize that it doesn’t take hours every day in a gym to get results – its a combination of consistency in nutrition and workouts.  This process did take hard work and dedication but it also proved excellent results for this 47 year old!  Highly recommend to anyone that is serious about transforming to a healthier lifestyle.” Keep reading......

Monday, January 28, 2019

HitchFit Online Personal Fitness Training-How It Works.............

We work with clients globally, so no matter where you live, we can help you achieve your fitness goals! We work with clients of all different fitness levels, from those who are complete beginners and have never worked out in their lives, all the way to those who are advanced. We work with all ages, both male and female, and people with all different fitness goals. We have clients who have over 100 pounds to lose, and are here because they need to change their habits in order to save their lives, all the way to clients who are in good shape and looking to be in GREAT shape, or compete in a physique competition. We make programs for clients who are training at the gym, as well as clients who are going to be working out at home.
One important thing to know is that you are working directly with Micah and Diana. We do not have automated systems. Every single program is made for you directly by Diana or Micah. They are the ones personally reviewing the information that you send in, and personally sitting there developing the program that will help you get to your goals. This enables us to work with each unique client, cater their workouts and nutrition according to their needs. If you have a question and use the LIVE chat function on the site, you will be asking a question directly to Micah or Diana and will get a response from one of them. As often as possible, we keep the LIVE feature open on our computers in case you have a question while browsing the site!
The FIRST step once you are ready to get started with your transformation, is to choose the program that is right for you. All program options are HERE. You can also check out the Hitch Fit home page, if you scroll down you will see a listing for each program, and there is a link that you can click to hear a description, or read about it. If you still have further questions about what program is right for you. You can try the LIVE chat feature, and we will respond right away if we are available. Or you could also write to Diana at or to Micah at
Once you have chosen your program, you register for in the Store. .

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hitchfit-Leah Overcomes Thyroid Complications Sheds Over 35 Pounds

I’m thrilled to share the story of my amazing client Leah with you! Leah first came to me at a point in her life where she was unsure what to do and was so frustrated due to complications with her thyroid that had caused unwanted weight gain, Leah was at a point where she was fed up and wanted her pre-surgery body back.  (As a note, Leah was in good contact with her doctor throughout this entire process to ensure that her thyroid medications were on point enabling her to shed the unwanted pounds).
Leah is one of those clients who comes to the gym ready and willing for anything. She busted her tail, always showed up early for her sessions, became friends with everyone who stepped through the doors of Hitch Fit Gym and truly became a part of our little Hitch Fit family. When her body began to respond to her training and nutrition, it was wonderful to see how her confidence and joy came back too! She has a story that  a lot of people out there will be able to relate to and I’m so glad that I was able to have her as a client, aid her throughout this journey, and I’m glad that she is willing to share her experience and pictures which are going to inspire a lot of positive change in a lot of people!
Throughout our journey together Leah shed over 35 pounds of fat going from 177 pounds to 140 and her body fat reduced by 17% ! She is blessed with some AMAZING muscle and I hope that one decides to kick things up a notch and compete in Figure! (hint, hint 😉 OH! And would you believe it if I told you that Leah is 42?? Unbelievable!!
Congrats Leah, you are a true Hitch Fit “Diva” Rock Star and one Hot Ticket!!

Monday, January 14, 2019

HitchFit Your Resolution Solution! The Lose Weight Feel Great Program!

Lose Fat Forever with This Proven Program!
Burn Body Fat and Get in the Best Shape of Your Life…
Without Fad Diets or Gimmicks!

Discover the Best and Healthiest Way to…


Sick and tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing the body you really want?
Would you like to shed body fat and achieve a more fit and toned physique?
Do you want to improve your overall health and feel great about your body?
Are you looking for proven ways to lose fat permanently?
It’s time to throw away the excuses, stop wishing and dreaming and start believing!
What if you could get an effective and personally customized weight loss program specially made for you by 2 of the top Transformation Trainers in the World to help you achieve your weight loss goals!?
Well NOW you can!
Let’s face it… Losing weight is not an easy task! It’s the dream of any person seeking to lose fat. The unfortunate thing is that very few people know the right things to do to lose fat safely and keep it off forever! Trying to figure it out alone is even harder.
Now you can have 2 former fitness champions standing side by side with you on your weight loss journey coaching you on exactly what to do and when to do it to achieve your goal of not only getting the body you want but also feeling great about yourself too!
If you are looking for a “quick way” to lose weight, there are no shortages of fad diets or gimmicky pills or tools around.......keep reading.....