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Showing posts with label #policebodycam #carjacker #officerbodycam Police officer fitness test and Physical Fitness and Police Work Together College Campus police K-9 unit Grief Counseling For Police Concealed Carry. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2022

US Sports Tactical PE: Have You Prepared Your Kids for a Survival Situation

  • Author Rob Crossman
Why is it so important to teach your kids survival skills?

As parents and adults, it is your responsibility to teach your children about disaster preparation as early as possible. In the actual world, most individuals who are fighting for their lives aren't doing it alone.

You have a family to support to make things even more difficult for you.

People have been raising children for millennia without all of the contemporary comforts available to them, and they've made it through just fine.

You must devise strategies for ensuring the safety of your children while also doing the many duties necessary for our continued existence. The entire family will rely on you for direction and support to help them survive any tragedy; therefore, you need to be prepared.

Teaching children to be resilient in the face of natural catastrophes is a difficult task that will test the patience of everyone involved. The key to ensuring your children have the required survival skills is knowing how to educate them ahead of time.

When raising children, safety is the priority. Curiosity might lead children into dangerous situations since they aren't accustomed to being in a survival scenario.

Children learn by doing, and in a survival crisis, they would do the same thing they would in any other. Setting boundaries to keep kids safe is one of our duties. What they are permitted to do and what they aren't.

However, you also want them to have the freedom to experiment and discover. The instructor is the student! The lower their risk of harm, the more they learn about potentially harmful situations. The easiest way to teach a youngster anything is to turn it into a game.

Make the lesson fun for the kids by turning it into a game. As a means of teaching a youngster survival skills, camping is a great option.

They will learn the fundamentals of camping, which are the same abilities required for survival. When needed, they'll be ready to go into action. Teach them the fundamentals of protecting themselves. Educate them about the risks they may experience while camping so they are prepared.

You should also teach your children how to cope with strangers when camping as a parent. In the long run, teaching your children about survival and how to enhance their well-being pays off.

Your children will be able to behave and think more maturely as a result of this instruction. After you teach your children the skills they will need to survive a crisis, they will grow up to be more intelligent people.

Preparedness conversations should include the whole family, including youngsters. Explain in a calm and straightforward manner, and be honest while answering queries. To guarantee their long-term existence, focus on safety.

If you and your family are separated, teach your children to recall basic personal information about themselves and their family members. Make sure they know to keep away from fallen trees, power poles, and exposed wires.

Make sure they know how to alert an adult if they detect the smell of gas. Tell them what to do if they smell gas and how to escape out of the home.

As a family project, go through your emergency plans and plan your escape routes. Each youngster should have their own bug-out bag. Keep them entertained with a photo of the family, a toy, a game, a book, or a puzzle.

Treats of their choosing may be included. This includes copies of the children's birth certificates, updated photographs, and anything else that might aid ensure the survival of the whole family.

Think safety, security, and comfort when it comes to your children. Preparation is crucial for everyone, but particularly for children under the age of seven. The fact that they are children makes them vulnerable to a wide range of tragedies.

If you're in the middle of a crisis, your family will need food above all else. In the end, you'll have to rely on emergency food supplies to feed yourself. In the event that these supplies are exhausted, you will be forced to depend on the natural edibles that are available to you for survival.

For disaster preparedness, teach your children to consume organic veggies in their meals, making it simpler for them to adapt to new conditions in the event of a tragedy.

As a result of doing safety exercises, all members of the community will be more prepared for the unexpected and better equipped to handle the physical repercussions of the crisis. Make running a regular component of your children's fitness regimen. Staying healthy and strong while improving their survival abilities is a win-win situation. Practice!

Preparing a First Aid survival pack ahead of time is critical in case of an emergency. When an accident occurs, an emergency survival kit may save a person's life. Children of all ages should be able to utilize these skills to aid themselves and those in need.

For those who aren't constantly there to care about them, it's important to teach them how to utilize the first aid kit. To improve their chances of survival, they must acquire the most basic self-defense techniques.

Preparation and preparation and preparation and preparation and preparation and preparation are the keys to surviving and surviving and surviving. Your family's safety and well-being depend on having a strategy in place. "Survival is our Purpose!"

I enjoy my family and love the outdoors. I have a passion for a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance, and personal defense topics.

My main objective is to share guides, tips, and helpful articles about prepping, survivalism, emergency preparedness, homesteading, self-sufficiency, food storage, and preservation when SHTF.

For more info on survival and prepping visit us here:

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Saturday, October 15, 2022

US Sports Self Defense Featuring: Concealed Carry Safety Strategies While Traveling



Traveling the world is a great way to experience different cultures and food. One thing I learned from my travels is that I have much more in common with people in other areas/countries than differences. Unfortunately, one similarity is crime. 

No matter where I've gone, from the sleepy little town in Kentucky to the hot tourist spots overseas, and everywhere in between, crime is a factor.

Targeting the Visitor —

Criminals are everywhere and always work to take advantage of the unsuspecting. Tourists, and yes, grifters can tell, are easy targets. Tourists probably don't know the language or culture. For example, it's hard to distinguish subtle cues of danger when you're not sure what people are saying or typical behavior. For example, it's quite common for middle eastern men to shout and get very close during normal conversation. This behavior differs from how western men typically converse. Not knowing the language also makes it more difficult to ask for help or convey what happened should you become a victim, and criminals know this.   

Visitors may not know the high-crime places to avoid and stumble into a location or area that they would avoid had they known. This is an issue not just when traveling to another country, but even when you're on a business trip or driving through states to reach a destination. 

It may seem minor, but visitors fall victim to financial crimes, particularly in other countries. You must know the conversion rate because if you don't, an unscrupulous person will almost certainly swindle you. Some places the police are corrupt and will stop you and demand you pay them or they might tow your car, arrest you. Tourists become the targets for all types of financial crimes and schemes, which can lead to physical violence.

Ask Yourself These Questions —

What would you do if a criminal took your money, id, and cell phone?? How would you call anyone? What’s the emergency number for local law enforcement? How do you get back home? How do you get money? How do you prove you are without identification??

You can see why visitors are such a prime target for criminals.

responding to a mass shooting

Some Safety Suggestions for Traveling —

Here are some suggestions to decrease your chances of being a victim:

  • Research the area, hotel, transportation, night light ahead of time. Make reservations ahead of time with reputable businesses and avoid accepting a ride or room from someone you have not thoroughly checked out ahead of time.
  • Check the hotel location or Airbnb for reviews and also the type of security the residence has.
  • Check out  for information on the area you are staying or visiting.
  • Check with your hotel or the host about secure areas to park and procedures for late night arrival.
  • Check the door and window locks on your when you check-in to make sure they are secure.
  • Lock up valuables in a safe if provided or bring locks with you.
  • Keep valuables with you and don't leave them unattended in public places like beaches and hotels. It only takes a second for an experienced criminal to take your phone, wallet, or other valuables.
  • At night, ensure you use the deadbolt and anything else to secure the door. Remember, most locks these days are electronic, and most hotels do a good job in changing the codes/cards, but you want to take the extra precaution for your own safety.
  • Check out health care in the area you are visiting because in case of a serious illness or injury, you may have to be transported a long distance. Several years ago, a cruise I was on stopped in Cancun to offload a patient who was in serious condition. Healthcare is different in foreign countries and when traveling internationally, look into supplemental insurance to cover you and the potential transportation back to the US.
  • Don't travel with large amounts of cash. Use credit cards where you can. If you have to travel with a large amount of cash, break it up between what you are carrying on yourself and what you leave locked in the room. The idea is, you won't lose everything if someone robs you. Consider wearing something like a traveler's belt that can stash away money or documents.
  • Check out local customs if you are going to a foreign country because what might seem perfectly fine from a US perspective could offend in that country. For example, you don't want to use your left hand to shake someone’s hand in the Middle east.

Consider Rideshare Safety —

You may have to use rideshare services on your trip. For domestic travel, it wouldn't hurt to learn about the firearm policies for Lyft and Uber. Here are some safety strategies for using a rideshare, and also the importance of being aware of your surroundings while waiting for a ride share

What types of things do you do when traveling domestically or internationally? Share away in the comments.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

US Sports Self-Defense: Concealed Carry Mickey Schuch Beat My Butt: My 2022 Guardian Conference Experience



My knees are bloody, my neck is sore, I have bruises all over the place, I’m flat out exhausted.

And that’s just because of the beating Mickey Schuch gave me.

That guy Mickey Schuch. More about him later.

How My Showdown With Mickey Schuch Began —

Mickey’s that guy from Carry Trainer and GunFighter Gun Oil. He was also an instructor at the conference. How he built his students' confidence while also challenging them continuously, both mentally and physically, was pretty impressive. I’ll tell you more about that beating later. I wasn’t sure if I wanted it at the time, but I went for it, and it turns out I needed it.

The 2022 Guardian Conference was September 16th-18th at the Oklahoma City Gun Club. The Club is right in the backyard of CCW Safe, the host and title sponsor of the event.

Time Spent With Awesome People —

People from 25 states got in their vehicles or boarded planes, some having to travel a few thousand miles to come and train with an incredible line-up of instructors. I could sit here and type forever, just going through the experience levels and accolades of each of these instructors. That list is long, and it is impressive. On top of that, these men and women were incredible human beings.

left to right (J. Johnston, B. McLaughlin, J.Meyer, R. High, M. Lauer, R. Bowman, A. Little, M. Little, A.J. Zito, S. Middlebrook, M. Burgess, M. Schuch, C. Haggard, W. Dobbs, B. Eastridge)

The conversations I had were overwhelmingly positive, having to dig deep for criticism. Best I could get were suggestions on different muffin flavors at breakfast and if I could install a controllable thermostat on Mother Nature. I also would have liked to see a Chocolate Chip muffin in the mix. But that whole government climate control conspiracy rabbit hole isn’t something I want to go down, not again anyway. Not trying to get on any more lists than the ones I’m undoubtedly on already.

Sam Middlebrook encouraging students like only he can do.

It Takes a Team —

I didn’t actually take any courses; I was there just to do my best to make sure the Conference went well. Whether it was running to pick up lunches or fighting our instructors, I was the man for the job. The Conference was fantastic. We crushed it. Our team invests their time and abilities unlike any other I’ve seen. There were constant smiles on attendees' faces and the positive energy was impossible to ignore.

left to right (C. Lucero, M. Goerdt, J.P. Svec, R. Beckman, M. Maruster, B. McLaughlin, J. Paulsen, S. Paulsen, D. Adams, S. Delmonico, J. Meyer)

You would think with the conference landing smack dab in the middle of Mercury being in Retrograde (shout out to my fellow hippies) we would have experienced more hiccups or issues, but we made it through. A few scratches and bruises, but every person who attended left a better person at the end of the weekend.

David, one of the hardest working guys I know.

I have zero doubt that every single attendee, 19% of which were women, went home with new invaluable knowledge. Attendees had their minds blown.

Wayne Dobbs is a wonderful human, who is also one heck of an instructor.

What's The Point of It All —

Yes, weapon handling skills saw significant improvements. But the experience changed the mindset of everyone involved. Pre-conceived notions on gun-culture got tossed out the window, and there were tears of joy and realization every day (probably mostly from me).

This conference is different. It’s about people. It’s about becoming a better human being. The experience challenged everyone to push themselves and they left more confident in their abilities. Better equipped to be leaders in their communities and Guardians of those that they love.

Please Consider Coming Next Year —

We are putting the 2023 Guardian Conference on the same weekend next year September 15-17th at Oklahoma City Gun Club. 25% of this year’s attendees also went last year and I expect an increase in that number next year as just about everyone was saying they were coming back for sure in 2023! This is some of the most diverse, highest quality, and most affordable training you can ever get, we make sure of that.

Be sure to sign up early to save more and secure your spot for next year!

Okay… back to the sparring match with Mickey.

Word Travels Quickly —

Let me tell you, I’m a talker and I always have been. I can talk crap with most, but Mickey Schuch is a grandmaster. His verbal skills and quick wit are impressive. I like a challenge, so I felt like going back and forth with him and we wrestled a bit. He went easy on me. I used some of my non-existent ground fighting skills on him, and then after I told everyone that I would have had him if only he hadn’t given up. You can bet he was gonna' hear about it.

Clearly, I am letting Micky feel like he was winning.

Fast forward to the next day, the conference has wrapped up, attendees are all gone and Mickey calls me out. He’d heard I’d been talking smack. Challenge accepted. I continue to run my mouth. Mickey continues to make me tap out via various chokes and armbars half a dozen times over what seemed like a much longer time than a few minutes. He still took it easy on me, but he made sure I felt it this time. A few of my coworkers were even slightly concerned. But it looked worse than it felt; I kept smiling and talking smack.

Truth be told, I was just proud of myself for accepting the challenge.

Another shot of me dominating Mickey.

Truth is Mickey Beat my Butt, and He was Gracious About it —

Afterwards Mickey shook my hand and thanked me a few times and was sure to tell me I would probably be good at Jiu Jitsu if I went to some classes. Maybe he respected me a bit more afterwards for not backing down… but either way, I respected myself more.

The experience humbled me, reminded of my weaknesses, and inspired to be better. Then, just like he did with the students in his classes, he built up my confidence. Maybe next year Mickey and I will go for round 2. I hope you will be there.

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Concealed Carry: Staying in The Fight-The Difference Between Life and Death for NC Deputy



We can try our best to avoid conflict and stay aware of our surroundings. However, I think there is truth in the saying that the criminal gets to pick the time and place to attack. Our only choice may be how we react and respond to the attack.

In the video below, we see how quickly a traffic stop escalates into a life and death struggle. Here is an accompanying article that provides more information on the incident. Most of us reading this article aren’t conducting traffic stops or arresting maniacs. Nevertheless, this incident depicts the realities of violence, and thus provides valuable lessons for the civilian concealed carrier.

Nevertheless, this incident depicts the realities of violence, and thus provides valuable lessons for the civilian concealed carrier.

Levels of Awareness —

Almost 5 decades aga, Col Jeff Cooper published a book called “Principles of Personal Defense” in which he described a color code system to explain different states of situational awareness. The colors progressed from the lowest state of awareness, (white) through yellow, orange and finally red, the highest state.

I recommend my students and loved ones live life in condition yellow. That is, enjoy life to the fullest but also be aware that criminals don’t play fair and are going to do everything in their power to pick a time that is best for them but not good for you. Limit your appeal to a criminal by paying attention to people in your surroundings and don’t stay anywhere you don’t feel safe. Be alert, routinely reassessing what is happening around you.

Action vs. Reaction —

Again, no matter how aware we are of our surroundings or how fast we can draw our gun, the criminal has an advantage. We probably won’t get a “shooter ready? standby,” signal to prepare for the eminent fight. Chances are the fight will come after a long day of work as you walk to your car tired and thinking about getting home to have dinner. Or maybe as you rush from the store trying to make it on time to pick up your daughter from dance lessons.

People willing to kill don’t have devil horns and a tail. They walk amongst us every day.

The best strategy is to prepare to function and perform under the worst-case scenario. Just assume that no matter what, the criminal will pick the worst possible time to attack.

So what we can do to increase our chances of survival is to choose is how we respond.

Train to Survive a Fight —

Most petty criminals are looking for a weak, unsuspecting victim that will give up easily. They don’t want to kill the victim or risk a sustained fight, they just want your money, jewelry, car keys, etc.

What most criminals don’t expect is a victim who fights back even after being injured. The police officer in the story above shows the importance of fighting back even after you’re injured. The attacker probably didn’t consider that the officer would continue fighting after being shot, which is one reason the officer was able to return fire striking the criminal.

Officer is shot, and down, but not out of the fight.

Pause a moment and think about the last “what if” scenario you played in your head in which you had to use your firearm. Did you expect the criminal to give up after you landed a few well-placed shots? Hopefully that would be the case, but what if that isn’t how it plays out? I’ve often heard people say something like, “if I can’t get the job done with 5 rounds, something is wrong.” Or “I don’t need more than 5 rounds, I’m not going to be fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan.” Or how about “in most gun fights, the person only fires 3 rounds, so why do I need to carry a gun with 15 rounds”?

I’ve heard well-meaning concealed carriers say these things verbatim. They aren’t bad people, they just aren’t understanding the realities of a violent encounter with an individual willing to do anything to kill you.

Give Yourself the Best Chance to Win —

If you’re a civilian defender, and want to be prepared to respond appropriately to an attack, you must understand how quickly someone can lose their life. Stay away from violent people and places and look to de-escalate whenever possible. But when that fails or is impractical, you need a host of physical and mental skills. Do everything within your power to stop the immediate attack, create distance, use a firearm, an improvised weapon, or OC spray are all options. Consider biting, scratching, gouging or whatever it takes to survive the fight. If you give up or believe you’re done for, you’re at the mercy of your attacker, and that is a really bad place.

Paramedics are great, but walking away from the fight is better than riding in an ambulance.

We shouldn’t seek violence, yet at the same time we must commit beforehand to do whatever it takes to persevere in a violent encounter. A great way to prepare for this is to get a wide range of reality-based training in different disciplines, from qualified trainers. Then stay in the best physical condition you can, and practice skills regularly.

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