If you feel like the excitement (and motivation) that comes with a new workout regime has all but abandoned you, you aren’t alone. It’s easy to start a program full of big resolutions for how you will change your life. It’s also, unfortunately, far more difficult to stick to these plans and to push yourself through the ups and downs that comes with changing your lifestyle. But, don’t give up on your plans just yet.
There are a few things you can do that will help you keep yourself motivated, focused, and headed in a healthier direction. On those days when you know you should workout but, well, the sofa is right there, or those days when you’d rather just eat the whole pizza, keep these tips in mind!

Plan it: Think about the things you need to accomplish in your day and write down the most important. You know you’re going to go to work and you know you’re going to feed your children so you can potentially leave those ones off the list. If you need to find time for a workout, a yoga session, or to prep some healthy meals for the week, schedule it! Make these actions a priority in your life and pencil them into your calendar. Treat them like appointment that you cannot reschedule.
Visualize it: Take 5 minutes every day and visualize yourself completing your workout. Close your eyes and imagine yourself starting your workout. Think about what you are wearing, think about how it feels, What muscles are you going to work? What moves will you try? How do you feel after? Think about your post workout high and your sense of accomplishment in getting it done. Your brain has a hard time distinguishing between reality and a well thought out visualization. So, this will trick your brain into feeling all the positive feels you get from a completed workout, helping you to feel more energized and excited to actually do it when the time comes!
Get inspired: We’re human and things can happen in our lives from day to day, hour to hour. You may have started the day ready to take on the world and then, for whatever reason, your inspiration just disappears. This is where you can draw on other people for help! Whether it is tuning to one of the live workouts on the BodyRock Facebook Page  or looking at the images of other amazing BodyRockers on our Instagram page, inspiration can be found all around you. We know how much easier these things can be when you do it as part of a community and that’s why when you sign up for a SweatFlix subscription, you gain access to the BodyRock INSIDER Facebook Group. This group is full of folks, from all over the world, who are fighting the same battles you are. It is an inclusive space to share with, learn from, and support one another on your journey for a healthier life.
Remove distractions: Get rid of all that background “noise” and keep yourself focused. Put your phone away, turn off the television and put all your efforts into your sweat session. Make this time about you, and you alone. It isn’t selfish to put yourself first so ditch the distractions, stop making excuses, and do this for you.
Reward yourself: Sometimes the pleasure of just achieving your goal isn’t enough to keep you motivated. This is why you should find ways to reward yourself along the way. If you get through all your workouts this week, treat yourself to a massage. If you make it the month, treat yourself to new gear. It doesn’t even have to be anything major, whatever might work for you, do it. Just try to avoid using food as a reward. While healthy eating can include indulgences, using food as a reward can quickly get out of hand, resulting in an over-consumption of empty calories and an undoing of all your hard work.
Stop waiting: If you are always waiting for the perfect moment to start, you will simply never start. There will always be something less than ideal in every single day, look past these things and do what you can right now! Maybe you have to shuffle your routine around but you can do it! Just get started, you’ll make it work! If you only have 15 minutes, that’s fine! You can get in a solid workout! Head over to SweatFlix and choose from hundreds of effective workouts that won’t eat up all of your time! Why not start with the core torching fourth season of The DailyHIIT? If you aren’t already a SweatFlix member, it’s free to try for 30 days. You’ve got nothing to lose, so what are you waiting for?


How do you keep yourself motivated to work out? What are your tips and tricks? Share your thoughts with us!