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Showing posts with label muscle mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muscle mass. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

Entrepreneur and Father of 3 Got RIPPED with Hitch Fit

In 12 weeks Ben Transformed his body inside and out sharing with us all how he achieved Happiness and Amazing 6 pack abs.  It was a honor to work with Ben.  He 100% committed to the process and the results show.  Now he understands the importance of balanced eating, hard work and proper lifestyle so he can stay FIT For Life!!  Perfect example of Hitch Fit. Proud to call you my friend .  Now go and Inspire the World Dj Shredded
Bens Stats
Week 1- 
Weight- 174 lbs
Bodyfat%- 14.25%
Week 12-
Weight- 159 lbs
Stomach- 31 1/4″
Bodyfat%- 6.06%
Ben’s Story
 HitchFit has changed my life.  Not only from a physical standpoint but through each endeavor I face moving forward now.  I started doing HitchFit because I was scared of one day not being able to have the energy to run around with my 3 kids and be as active as they needed Daddy to be.  A few years back I suffered from a string of anxiety/panic attacks that landed me in the emergency room on 3 separate occasions due to insomnia, dehydration & stress.  At that point in my life I was about 182 pounds and a one pack stomach.  A wake up call came when I went to see my doctor and he said that I had high cholesterol and that I needed more Vitamin D.  I had to cut back on fast food a lot more and also take Vitamin D3 capsules every day.

 Ben Rich’s Favorite Program- Fitness Model 


Friday, December 23, 2016

How to Get Ripped, Healthy and Happy- 42 Year Old Dad Shows You How

It's no longer considered a miracle when a warrior over 40 makes an amazing transformation. As our friends at hitchfit prove once again, success in fitness just boils down to the conception of a decision. Then seeking and executing a science proven plan. Read yet another success story.

Ripped Dad Bod

How to Get Ripped, Healthy and Happy- 42 Year Old Shows You How

I had the great opportunity to work with Matt. Day 1 we set goals and I gave him a realistic time frame to hit those goals. In only 12 weeks he did amazing . Check Out those Amazing Abs. Week by week I saw him getting stronger, gaining endurance and getting stronger. Most importantly he is now healthy!!

Day 1-

Weight- 188

Stomach- 36″

Bf%- 13.54

End of Week 12

Weight- 170


Bf%- 6.52%

Amazing Abs

I wasn’t really looking for a change when I came to Hitchfit. A friend of mine asked me if I would want to try the program with him and I agreed, why not? What I didn’t realize is what a change it would be and how bad I needed it. I am an ex MMA fighter so I’ve been in shape before but Micah opened my eyes to a “lifestyle” I had never experienced. I am dad to four great kids and with sports, activities, and a busy kid schedule I made excuses and didn’t stay on top of my fitness and eating, Hitchfit changed that. Micah laid out a fitness and eating program that works and is easy to follow and accomplish on a busy day to day basis. The most important goal I made myself going into this program was to improve myself mentally. I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my adult life and the eating and exercise in Micah’s plan has given me determination, focus, and clarity I haven’t felt in years. It’s made me a better husband, father, friend, son, person. The Hitchfit programs are a life changer, find the focus, make the changes and they’ll change you.

Lose Belly Fat

To anyone considering making this lifestyle change, JUST DO IT! Make a commitment to it, follow it like your life depends on it and experience the way it makes you look and feel, it’s worth every minute. I want to thank Micah for his Yoda like wisdom and giving me the discipline and education I needed to make the change. I credit all my inches and pounds lost and muscles gained to his butt kicking workouts. Thanks to my friend Marty for enduring the workouts with me and keeping me motivated, you are a warrior! Thanks to my wife Marsha for changing up the cooking to help me out and for being my Rock thru this change. Thanks to my kids and family for all the support. Thanks to the entire Hitchfit team, your all the friendliest, happiest people I’ve ever been around. Excited to see where my new lifestyle takes me in the future!

Ripped Back

Matt’s Favorite Program- Fitness Model


Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Powered By RAIN's SOUL!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Be The Excuse Terminator!

mwp_virtual_trainer.jpgAthletes and Warriors!
Be the "Excuse Terminator"

Workout The Right Way, Eat Healthier, Rest Properly, get healthier, stronger, leaner, and the best time to start? Besides yesterday? NOW
Save 50% off our annual membership and receive a bonus Free 30 Day membership for a workout 'bud' during our Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale!
Get started at

Custom Favorites!

These Custom Programs have been developed in response to special needs and requests. Some of the programs are fun combinations of Get Lean Programs and Strength and Power Programs. Others were developed with special rehabilitation concerns in mind.Kenyetta-vs-Chicago-072515.jpgMichelle-Transformation-001-2.jpg

Running and Back Rehab
These Runner and Back Rehab Programs were designed to develop overall strength, but also take into ac... (Fill out the fitness profile form to see the full description and sample workout)

Hamstring Strength with Upper Body Power - Advanced
This Hamstring Strength Program was designed to involve more consistent hamstring work and less heavy...(Fill out the fitness profile form to see the full description and sample workout)

3 Day Leg, Bi, Tri Mass, Chest, Abs Cut
This is a specific program designed for mass development in the Legs, Biceps and Triceps. There will...(Fill out the fitness profile form to see the full description and sample workout)

Custom Strength and Power Programs
These are a group of Custom Strength and Power Programs with some great additions and variations to t...(Fill out the fitness profile form to see the full description and sample workout)

Custom General Fitness Programs
There are a wide variety of Custom Programs within this section There are Upper Body Only Programs, ...(Fill out the fitness profile form to see the full description and sample workout)

Martial Arts Power Program
This Martial Arts Power Program was built specifically for developing full body power for use in the ...(Fill out the fitness profile form to see the full description and sample workout)

Custom Get Lean Programs
The title of each program in the Custom Get Lean Program area gives an idea of what it will help t... Custom Bodybuilding
These programs are just fun workouts that some of our clients have asked me to put together....(Fill out the fitness profile form to see the full description and sample workout)
Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Powered By RAIN's SOUL!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

7 Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight

There are few things more frustrating than not being able to lose weight.

You want to be slimmer and to tone your body, but your weight won't budge.

Read the following 7 Weight Loss Blockers to discover what is standing in your way and how to quickly and easily begin your weight loss journey.
Image result for Girl frustrated on the scale animated
Blocker #1: Your Mind

Your mind is your number one ally when it comes to achieving your goals. However, until your mind has been programmed for success, it will do more to derail your efforts than to help you.
  • Take a few moments each day to visualize yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how it feels to look the way you've always wanted.
  • Protect your mind from any negative self talk. If a negative thought comes to mind, immediately reject it.
  • You want to be thin and fit, and yet you think of yourself as out-of-shape and fat. Re-program your mind to think of yourself as fit and attractive, and you will be well on your way toward achieving your goal.
  • Give up the belief that you can't achieve the body you've always dreamed of. See it first in your mind, and then in the mirror.
Blocker #2: Your Fear

Change makes most of us nervous – even if it is a change in the right direction. You may not be consciously aware of the fear you have of getting into shape. Until you conquer this fear, your weight loss efforts will be blocked by self sabotage.

Professional speaker and author, Anthony Robbins, has outlined three specific beliefs that you must have in order to conquer your fear and instantly create a lasting change.
  • Believe that something MUST change. You can't be wishy-washy about it. You can't be considering it. You can't even be pretty sure about it. You've got to be rock solid.
  • Believe that YOU must change it. You can't pass the buck of responsibility and expect to lose weight. It's on your shoulders. Other people will prove to be great assets in your journey, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to want this weight loss enough to make it your personal mission.
  • Believe you CAN change it. You may have failed in the past, but that doesn't matter. When you put your mind to it, you're able to do amazing things. Do you believe that you are capable of losing weight? Once you own the belief that you can, you'll be unstoppable.
Blocker #3: Your Excuses

Your excuses for being out-of-shape are getting old. An excuse takes less immediate effort than an action, but in the long run the action taker always has the advantage. Don't allow excuses to ruin your life any longer.
  • Don't skip out on your responsibilities with excuses, instead expect more from yourself.
  • Focus on the big reason why you are losing the weight. Make a list of the benefits you'll enjoy once you achieve your goal, and read them first thing each morning.
  • Remember that you can only have two things in life: excuses or results. Which do you want?
Blocker #4: Your Commitment

How many times have you tried to lose weight, only to give up a week or two later? We live in a commitment-phobic world, so it's no wonder that you routinely abandon your goals. If you truly want to lose weight then your commitment to the process is a must.
  • The margin between success and failure is bridged by your commitment. Don't give up until your goal has been achieved.
  • Treat exercise with the same importance as a work meeting, and you'll never skip it at the last minute. Find three available 60-minute time slots in your schedule and mark them (in pen) on your calendar. Now stick to your schedule.
  • If you don't give up, then you'll never fail.
Blocker #5: Your Diet

If you consistently eat the wrong food, then you're weight loss efforts will all be in vain. To put it bluntly, you need to stop eating junk. Processed foods, refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup do not belong in your diet if you want to be in great shape. Cut these items out of your diet and replace them with real whole foods like lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and fruits.
  • Don't eat processed foods. Even though processed foods are accepted by our society, they contain tons of chemicals and empty calories that will make you sick and fat.
  • Fat contains twice the caloric density of protein and carbohydrates, so make sure to limit the amount that you consume. Eat lots of lean proteins and wholesome carbohydrates from plants and whole grains.
  • Vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds are filled with fiber and antioxidants which are vital for healthy weight loss. Snack on these instead of packaged treats.
Blocker #6: Your Patience

It takes time to transform your body from fat to fit, even though you want it to happen overnight. Remind yourself that it took time to put the weight on, so it will take time to take the weight off. When you find your patience wavering, or when you encounter a frustrating plateau, do the following:
  • Review your goal. Is it specific and measurable? Is it small and attainable, rather than monumental? Focus on your goal when the going gets tough.
  • Make each workout a new experience. Challenge your body with different resistance, new exercises and a varied pace.
  • Remember that anyone can have one great workout, but that won't get you the body you want. The only way to achieve your goal is by consistently exercising and eating right, plain and simple.
Blocker #7: Your Support

People who exercise alone are less challenged, less accountable and are more likely to fail. It makes sense. Who would rush to the gym if no one is was waiting for them? Who would push themselves if no one was paying attention? Exercising alone is a recipe for disaster.
  • Find a workout partner who is in better shape than you, or better yet, work with me, your on-call fitness expert, to guarantee your results.
  • I am passionate about seeing you achieve results - don't waste your time, energy and effort on mistakes.
  • When you start a program with me, you suddenly have the upper hand on weight loss. I'll be in your corner, coaching you each step of the way, keeping you accountable to workouts and giving you that dose of encouragement when you need it most.
Get serious about your results and begin the last weight loss program that you'll ever do.
Click here, fill out the fitness profile form and let me get started on your customized program that you will have full access to online training on your schedule at your favorite gym, or workout space.
Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Your Lean Muscle's Basic Building Blocks

Athletes and a Warriors!
It's no secret that Amino acids are the basic building blocks of lean muscle mass. That is why for any serious athlete or fitness warrior, it helps greatly to add Aminos' to your supplement stack.
Here is a solid product from Swanson that will fit the bill.
Of course for max results make sure you have a well planned strength, conditioning, flexibility, and nutrition/lifestyle program ready to execute.
Yeah that's a subtle hint that I am here to design and deliver your program, but hey I can't help it. I was born to help you! :)


Caps Size: OO, Pill Size Guide
Size: 500 mg 500 Caps

Pure dairy protein in convenient capsule form
An excellent supplement for muscle building
Features 18 different amino acids

Swanson Multiple Amino Acids features high-grade dairy protein supplying 18 different amino acids, including all of those deemed essential in human nutrition. Whether you're a serious bodybuilder trying to maximize your muscle mass or a nutrition-conscious dieter seeking a quality source of protein, this formula has what you're looking for.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size 2 Capsules

Servings Per Container 250 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Protein (calcium caseinate) 1 gram 2%
Typical amino acid profile from calcium caseinate:
Alanine 30 mg Lysine 76 mg
Arginine 36 mg Methionine 28 mg
Aspartic Acid 68 mg Phenylalanine 50 mg
Cystine/Cysteine 4 mg Proline 104 mg
Glutamic Acid 208 mg Serine 58 mg
Glycine 18 mg Threonine 42 mg
Histidine 18 mg Tryptophan 22 mg
Isoleucine 46 mg Tyrosine 54 mg
Leucine 90 mg Valine 56 mg

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Other ingredients: Gelatin, magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take two capsules three times per day.

What are they? How can they help me?

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) help decrease exercise-induced muscle damage, increase muscle recovery, and regulate protein synthesis. They may also reduce fatigue. This means being able to train at a higher intensity for a prolonged period of time.

BCAAs refer to a group of essential amino acids, including leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Though amino acids are the building blocks of protein, your body can’t produce them, so they must be consumed as part of your daily diet.

Nearly 25% of all whey protein is made up of BCAAs. Researchers believe that BCAAs—specifically leucine—are responsible for regulating protein synthesis.
When do I use them?

BCAAs are most beneficial when included with post-exercise-recovery nutrition, which should begin within 30 minutes of finishing your workout. Consuming protein during this time is critical, and one of the best sources of BCAAs is whey protein.

Taking advantage of the post-exercise “window of opportunity” provides your muscles with the fuel needed for rebuilding and repair.
How much do I need?

To ensure adequate levels of BCAAs, consume at least 15 grams of whey protein as part of your post-exercise recovery. The amount of leucine needed to stimulate protein synthesis and improve muscle recovery is at least 3,000 mg (3 grams) after a workout.
More helpful information

Leucine is able to stimulate protein synthesis through the same pathway that insulin influences, especially in skeletal muscle. BCAAs may also play a role in delaying central fatigue.

Ingesting BCAAs increases the amount in the bloodstream, helping to balance the increase in free tryptophan associated with exercise. BCAAs decrease the amount of tryptophan transported to the brain, ultimately delaying fatigue.

Many research studies have demonstrated the benefits of consuming BCAAs during various types of exercise, including strength training, endurance training, and general exercise.

Get your Aminos' Today! Click Below To Learn More:

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Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
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Friday, July 15, 2016

Amazing Flab to Abs Body Transformation

United-Games-728x90.pngThis might be Hitchfit's most impressive male transformation that I have seen out of our friends there in a while! Great work guys and of course the subject of today's transformation. Lol!

Front Final 1

I’ve been battling with weight issues most of my life. I would find the courage to hit the gym, eat right, train hard, but I would either lose focus or I would hit a plateau and gain the weight back. I suffered from low self esteem and began to developed health concerns because of the weight gain. In 2013 I hit my all time highest weight of 278lbs. I then decided to just put up or shut up and hit the gym no turning back. The thing that worked best for me was I would look at YouTube videos of the pros in the gym and I came across the WBFF organization. I seen the Muscle Model category and began to be intrigued by it. So I started to hit the gym to lose the weight hoping to one day step on stage. In the process (which was a slow process) I learned about AJ Ellison being the Muscle Model Champ so I decided to pick his mind on what it took for him to get where he is today. He immediately recommended Hitch Fit and gave me Micah’s email info and website

Side Final

I went to the site and seen the comp prep diet and seen that the criteria was to be at 16% or less bodybfat. I was around 24% so I told myself if I wanted this, this was my first test. Get down to at most 16% and then email Micah and see what he can do for me. So I did. It was a rough time and wasn’t planned right but I dropped the weight. I was eating a low amount of calories and was doing large amounts of cardio. When I spoke to Micah I told him what I did to drop and the first thing he responded with was YOU NEED TO EAT. So he created a diet and workout routine for me. When I started with Micah I weighed 230lbs and was at 16% body fat. After 12 weeks of training I stepped on stage for my first WBFF show weighing in around 185lbs and coming in around 4% body fat. I never looked, or felt better in my LIFE. Self esteem was through the roof. I felt like I could conquer anything set before me. Micah was with me the whole time either speaking through weekly updates or to answer my questions or concerns I had along the way. He never left me in the dark on anything. When I got to Kansas City he and his staff welcomed me as if I was apart of the family. It made stepping on stage a lot easier. I was able to relax and have fun. The hard part was over. I conquered my biggest life task, so stepping on stage was the icing on the cake. I totally recommend Hitch Fit whether its for contest prep, or to have a personal trainer for other fitness goals. Definitely a great expierence.


Taureans Program of Choice-Competition Prep

Follow this link for Rates, Program Details, to Purchase and get started!


Athlete/Coach Resources...
Get Paid To Play Live Online Sports Games Free!
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach

Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
Discount Sports Supplements

US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Your Sports Nutrition Guide

Happy Sunday Athletes and Warriors!
Here in the States we prepare to celebrate our Independence Day with Bar-B-Cue's, Fireworks, Family and Friends. It's also a day when not the healthiest of meal planning will take place. I am often asked: "What do I eat?" , and even though there is no cookie cutter meal plan that fits everyone, there are some basic guidelines that can help everyone.

Nancy Clark is one of the foremost authorities on Sports Nutrition and her newest guide could be the most important part of your gym bag. Check it out.

Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook-5th Edition By Nancy Clark— $8.50 (Save 57%!)Boost your energy, manage stress, build muscle, lose fat, and improve your performance. The best-selling nutrition guide is now better than ever! Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook will help you make the right choices in cafes, convenience stores, drive-throughs, and your own kitchen. Whether you’re preparing for competition or simply...
Boost your energy, manage stress, build muscle, lose fat, and improve your performance. The best-selling nutrition guide is now better than ever! Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook will help you make the right choices in cafes, convenience stores, drive-throughs, and your own kitchen. Whether you’re preparing for competition or simply eating for an active lifestyle, let this leading sports nutritionist show you how to get maximum benefit from the foods you choose and the meals you make. You’ll learn what to eat before and during exercise and events, how to refuel for optimal recovery, and how to put into use Clark’s family-friendly recipes and meal plans. You’ll find the latest research and recommendations on supplements, energy drinks, organic foods, fluid intake, popular diets, carbohydrate and protein intake, training, competition, fat reduction, and muscle gain. Whether you’re seeking advice on getting energized for exercise or improving your health and performance, Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook has the answers you can trust. Contents Part I Everyday Eating for Active People Chapter 1 Building a High-Energy Eating Plan Chapter 2 Eating to Stay Healthy for the Long Run Chapter 3 Breakfast: The Key to a Successful Sports Diet Chapter 4 Lunch and Dinner: At Home, on the Run, and on the Road Chapter 5 Snacking for Health and Sustained Energy Chapter 6 Carbohydrate: Simplifying a Complex Topic Chapter 7 Protein to Build and Repair Muscles Chapter 8 Replacing Sweat Losses to Maintain Performance Part II The Science of Eating for Exercise Chapter 9 Fueling Before Exercise Chapter 10 Fueling During and After Exercise Chapter 11 Supplements, Performance Enhancers, and Engineered Sports Foods Chapter 12 Nutrition for Active Women Chapter 13 Sport-Specific Nutrition Part III Balancing Weight and Activity Chapter 14 Assessing Your Body: Fat, Fit, or Fine? Chapter 15 Gaining Weight the Healthy Way Chapter 16 Losing Weight Without Starving Chapter 17 Dieting Gone Awry: Eating Disorders and Food Obsessions Part IV Winning Recipes for Peak Performance Chapter 18 Breads and Breakfasts Chapter 19 Pasta, Rice, and Potatoes Chapter 20 Vegetables and Salads Chapter 21 Chicken and Turkey Chapter 22 Fish and Seafood Chapter 23 Beef and Pork Chapter 24 Beans and Tofu Chapter 25 Beverages and Smoothies Chapter 26 Snacks and Desserts
8.5 USD InStock

Boost your energy, manage stress, build muscle, lose fat, and improve your performance. The best-selling nutrition guide is now better than ever!

Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook will help you make the right choices in cafes, convenience stores, drive-throughs, and your own kitchen.

Whether you’re preparing for competition or simply eating for an active lifestyle, let this leading sports nutritionist show you how to get maximum benefit from the foods you choose and the meals you make. You’ll learn what to eat before and during exercise and events, how to refuel for optimal recovery, and how to put into use Clark’s family-friendly recipes and meal plans.

You’ll find the latest research and recommendations on supplements, energy drinks, organic foods, fluid intake, popular diets, carbohydrate and protein intake, training, competition, fat reduction, and muscle gain. Whether you’re seeking advice on getting energized for exercise or improving your health and performance, Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook has the answers you can trust.


Part I Everyday Eating for Active People
Chapter 1 Building a High-Energy Eating Plan
Chapter 2 Eating to Stay Healthy for the Long Run
Chapter 3 Breakfast: The Key to a Successful Sports Diet
Chapter 4 Lunch and Dinner: At Home, on the Run, and on the Road
Chapter 5 Snacking for Health and Sustained Energy
Chapter 6 Carbohydrate: Simplifying a Complex Topic
Chapter 7 Protein to Build and Repair Muscles
Chapter 8 Replacing Sweat Losses to Maintain Performance

Part II The Science of Eating for Exercise
Chapter 9 Fueling Before Exercise
Chapter 10 Fueling During and After Exercise
Chapter 11 Supplements, Performance Enhancers, and Engineered Sports Foods
Chapter 12 Nutrition for Active Women
Chapter 13 Sport-Specific Nutrition

Part III Balancing Weight and Activity
Chapter 14 Assessing Your Body: Fat, Fit, or Fine?
Chapter 15 Gaining Weight the Healthy Way
Chapter 16 Losing Weight Without Starving
Chapter 17 Dieting Gone Awry: Eating Disorders and Food Obsessions

Part IV Winning Recipes for Peak Performance
Chapter 18 Breads and Breakfasts
Chapter 19 Pasta, Rice, and Potatoes
Chapter 20 Vegetables and Salads
Chapter 21 Chicken and Turkey
Chapter 22 Fish and Seafood
Chapter 23 Beef and Pork
Chapter 24 Beans and Tofu
Chapter 25 Beverages and Smoothies
Chapter 26 Snacks and Desserts

Click here and eat to win today!

Athlete/Coach Resources...
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The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
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Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
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Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Flash Sale On Now!

Diego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpgGood Morning Athletes and Warriors!
I pray you are having a great summer! To help you get into the best shape of your life we are running a Flash sale on our Annual Membership today only 06/30/2016 from Now until 9pm EST. 

Our clients who work their plans year round are clearly getting their best results learning how important it is to make your fitness program a lifestyle for a lifetime. At the same time I also know how important it is to be easy on the wallet whenever possible. Its for that reason that our Annual Membership normally at $140 per year is nearly half off today only at $74.99 per year locked in only if you sign up today before 9pm EST. Here are more details:

Today only! US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning's Annual Membership Flash Sale! Lock in your Annual Membership at a 45% savings off of the regular price. Plus the first 10 who sign up today will receive a free UnderArmour T-Shirt from our partners at CoachUp! All new members after the first 10, today will receive a free CoachUp Shaker bottle. If you have been on the fence, its time to jump onto the side of the winning fitness team with US Sports! Let's Go!
The flash sale is on all programs including our popular Get Lean, Bodybuilding, Sports Specific, and Rehab Programs.
In case you were not aware all online clients receive:
Fully customized exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Videos demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
Routines utilizing equipment available to you home or gym!
Full comprehensive Nutritional Counseling With 7-Day Meal Planning.
Personal contact with me anytime via built-in email system.
Integrated feedback loop for precise program monitoring.

As mentioned above the first 10 new members will receive a free UnderArmour Sleeveless T-Shirt from our partners at CoachUp
Men's Under Armour CoachUp Just Sayin Too Tank

And even if you don't get in with the first 10 because I 'wuv u' so much everybody who signs up today will receive a free CoachUp Shaker Bottle
Contigo Shake Fit Shaker Water Bottle

Of course the 'Swag' is cool, but being in your best physical condition year round is out of this world! So let's get started! Simply click here and choose the "US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Annual" Option. After signing up click here for form instructions. Your fully customized strength, conditioning (cardio), and Nutrition/Lifestyle program will be delivered to you in 24 hours or less. Let me thank you in advance for the opportunity to help you get into the best shape of your life. I can't wait to help you transform!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Couples Bootcamp Program Helped this Busy Mother of 2 Transform Her Body and Life

United-Games-728x90.pngI often wonder why so many Moms are featured in these amazing transformations. That proves to me that these programs can help anyone at any stage or situation in life. Let' get to another case in point.

Couples Bootcamp Program Helped this Busy Mother of 2 Transform Her Body and Life

I am so excited to share with you Allison’s Transformation story . Allison is a mother of 2 that works full time in the medical field. Being a busy mother and having a full time job meant that she had to be structured with her schedule and make this a top priority if she wanted the results. Lets just say she followed everything and did an incredible job.

Allison’s Stats: 

Starting weight: 135 pounds

Ending weight: 111.8 pounds

. Hip Measurement (measure around the largest area): 37” ended 33”

. Waist Measurement (measure around the largest area): 34.5” and ended at 26”

. Body Fat Percentage 35% and ended at 18%

Couples Bootcamp Program Weight Loss - Allison Before and After

Couples Weight Loss Program - Before and After

My adventure began when a friend of mine who had been researching different diet/exercise programs stumbled across Hitch Fit. I was not overweight at the time but I was not healthy either. I was tired all the time and had no strength in my arms or legs. I work full time in the medical field and my days are long and unpredictable. I have two children who are involved in baseball, softball, gymnastics and piano, so my time away from the hospital is spent running them around. Not to mention the piles of laundry and dishes that accumulate every day. So, like everyone else in my situation I had excuse after excuse as to why I couldn’t lose weight, eat healthier and get in shape. I was wanting something to motivate me to get in shape and so when my friend decided to do Hitch Fit I told her I would sign up with her. The accountability to her and to Micah made me find the time and motivation to do something for myself.

The hardest part for me was finding the time to fit in cardio and workouts on a daily basis. I found that early mornings worked best and even though I struggled to get out of bed, I loved the feeling of having my cardio or workout done before leaving for work. There were evenings that I found myself on the treadmill at 10 pm but knowing I had to report to Micah each week kept me motivated.

I also found it difficult to fit in the smaller, frequent meals, but with some advice from Micah I was able to find things that were easy to eat on the go and squeeze in when I had time between a patient and OR cases. Protein shakes ended up being a very simple way for me to get the protein and calories I needed to keep going on my busy days and I enjoyed them so much that even though I am done with my 12 week program I am still drinking them.

I have tried other weight loss programs but what made Hitch Fit stand out to me and allow me to succeed was the personalization. I loved that when I had a question or issue that Micah was just an email away and always had good advice. I had back surgery last year and Micah was able to help me find ways to complete the workouts without injuring myself. I am also very lucky in that I had the support of my husband. He would have a special diner ready for me on the nights I was working out late and without his support and encouragement this journey would have been much tougher. I hope to be able to keep up with the dietary concepts I learned and continue to work out on a daily basis. Thank you Hitch Fit helping me obtain a body I am comfortable in, strength and energy to keep up with my kiddos and busy life and a feeling of accomplishment that I have never had before!

Couples Bootcamp - Before and After Weight Loss

Allison’s Program Choice- Couples Bootcamp

Couples Weight Loss Program

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Your New Favorite Thing

United-Games-728x90.pngWe all have a list of our favorite things. It may not be written down anywhere, but you know the things that make you happy.

The list holds your favorite foods, music, TV shows, movies and even people in your life that you can't get enough of. This is the stuff that you really enjoy. It's the stuff that makes your life worth living.

Somewhere on the list is your health and appearance. You know that looking and feeling great make a good life even better.

The interesting thing about your list is that without fail you'll always make time for it.
  • When your TV show airs, you watch it or record it to watch later.
  • When your favorite actor stars in a new movie, you do your part by going to the theatre.
  • When you're hungry, you turn to your favorite foods.
  • When the weekend rolls around, you do everything you can to spend time with the special people in your life.
Yet when it comes to exercise you automatically say, "I don't have time."

Time for TV, but no time for exercise... We live in an age where life is full. You don't have extra time anymore.

You no longer have time. You make time.
  • You make time for your TV show.
  • You make time for your hobby.
  • You make time for your friends.
It's time to drop the charade of "I don't have time to exercise" and call it what it really is.

An excuse.

You know how to make time for your favorite things. You know you want good health. You know you want to look great. You know you want more energy.

Exercise delivers all those benefits - and more.

I believe that exercise belongs on your list of favorite things.

Make It A Favorite: How do you turn something that you've dreaded into something that you enjoy?
  1. Block the Negative: Your thoughts play a big part in determining your favorite things. Block out any negative thoughts you may have about exercise. Focus your energy on creating a positive attitude that will get you excited about hitting the gym, rather than dreading it.
  2. Focus on the Benefits: With exercise you have so much to gain and nothing to lose. Exercise makes you stronger, sexier, happier, and gives you more energy. Pick the benefit that moves you the most and fixate on it.
  3. Get Guidance: The easiest way to put exercise on your list of favorite things is to experience it at its best. Get on board with one of my personal training programs and I'll show you the most effective and enjoyable techniques that will get you into the best shape of your life.

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Bikini Model Competition Plan – Beckie’s Amazing Success Story!


Here's another amazing transformation from Diana and Micah at Hitchfit! I know it sounds like a broken record, but these are the kind of trainers who I like to associate with! There is no "shortcut 30lbs in 10 days" BS that you are bombarded with in 'informercial' land.
But if you are tired of the latest fad letting you down again, are ready to work a solid science proven program, then click here and get ready to transform!

Bikini Model Competition Plan – Beckie’s Amazing Success Story! 

Bikini Model Plan Success Story - Beckie Mason

Bikini Model Plan Before and After Weight Loss - Beckie

Bikini Model Competition Plan Before and After Weight Loss - Beckie

Bikini Model Competition Plan

I first had the honor of working with Beckie, an online personal training client from Tennessee, back in 2014. She was ready for change and did the Hitch FitLose Weight Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great”. She did an incredible job, not only did she lose over 40 pounds, she also greatly improved her running times! Her first transformation story inspired so many others to make positive changes. So when she came to me in 2016 ready to tackle some brand new goals, I was so thrilled to have her back! This time around, Beckie had her sites sent on a Bikini Model competition. She wanted to compete in the WBFF Kansas City event. After a lot of challenging life situations that had popped up, she needed a big goal to direct her focus and energy to. I was of course happy to have her back! Beckie is determined and diligent, and I am so proud of her. She did both the Bikini Model category as well as the Transformation category. I have to be honest, the transformation category is my favorite, to see Beckie’s picture up on the wall, and to be able to hold her hand right before she stepped out on that stage, was a moment I won’t forget. I think we were both fighting back tears looking at the before picture on the screen, and the “after” standing right there in front of us! Beckie received an invitation to compete in the transformation division at the WBFF World Championships, where she will be able to inspire even more people! Incredible job Beckie, I can’t describe how proud I am of you, and am blessed to be a part of your empowering and inspiring journey.

Since her first transformation Beckie has now lost over 45 pounds and 20% body fat!

Beckie’s Stats: 

Starting weight before Lose Weight Plan: 165.4

Starting Bikini Competition Plan: 136

Ending Bikini Competition Plan: 119

Starting body fat before Lose Weight Plan: 38%

Starting Bikini Competition Plan body fat: 29%

Ending Bikini competition Plan body fat: 18%

Check out Beckie’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos Below!

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures - Bikini Model Beckie

Bikini Model Competition Plan Before and After WEight Loss - Beckie

Bikini Model Glutes - Before and After Weight Loss - Beckie

Beckie’s Story:

“I first started my journey with Hitch Fit in June of 2014. At that time I was at my heaviest of 165 and a size 12.

I have always been up and down on my weight depending on the time of the year. I honestly would have to say that my weight issues started when I was in High School. At that time I was playing sports and my metabolism was very good, but I also did not eat correctly or often. I would go all day without eating and maybe have one meal and it was either fast food or sugar. College is where things got really interesting. My eating got even worse including binge eating and binge drinking not to mention sleeping was not on the top priority between school, work and assignments. Pretty sure my “freshman 15” turns into more “freshman 20/30”. I tried to take the easy way and started taking diet pills, the ones with ephedrine in them. I did lose weight with them but I was constantly shaking and would break out into sweats while sitting down at work. Shortly after a friend that had introduced the pills to me was admitted to the hospital with heart problems, as a side effect of the pills, that is when I quit them and with that all my weight and extra came back.

I then decide that I was going to join a gym and do it the healthy way, or so I though. I didn’t change any of my bad habits of eating or drinking and thought that the cardio I was doing in the gym would counteract the toxins I was putting in my body. I would only do cardio, no lifting to tone my muscles. I let this go on for about 10-12 years and then I met Brandi Wisdom. Her husband was friends with my brother-in-law and she told me about Hitch Fit. I first looked into it in February and thought there was NO WAY that I could do it, so I put it off and continued to gain weight. In May I came to realize that I needed help, I reached out to Micah with a million questions and a month later I was on my journey.

I did the Lose Weight Feel Great had great success with it, lose 42 lbs. Shortly before the program was over my husband and I started have serious issues with our relationship where we were even discussing divorce. I know it’s an excuse but I turned to bad habits to help me cope with the pain, lots and lots of wine and eating out with friends rather than going home. I ended up gaining some of the weight back, to be honest probably 25lbs. Thankfully we were able to work out our issues and are happily married again.

But we both felt like we need to push ourselves and made fitness goals. I have friend that have competed in bikini competitions and had encouraged me to do one after my 1st transformation but the timing wasn’t right. At the first of the year I decide that it was time to push myself again and not only lose the weight again but to have the confidence to step on stage. So of course I reached out to my trainer and friend Diana, doing the Competition Prep 16 Week Plan. This program unlike a lot of the other completers was all done online, I had the guidance of Diana trough email and sending her weekly pictures (not my favorite) so she could guide me properly. During the program I pushed myself both mentally and physically and Diana and I came up with goals for the show. I didn’t reach my weight lose goal I was 4 lbs shy but we got my BMI back down and where it needed to be for the show. Week prior to the show I was in a size 2 and my weight was at 119.

I kept this journey very hush-hush for most of the transformation; after my last transformation I got several negative comments about it and didn’t want to hear it. Not sure why I cared I was doing this for me. I came to understand that a lot of what people say, that is hurtful, is their insecurities coming out. For the most part all the comments I have received have been positive but of course still get comments of “you’re too skinny”, “will you eat something” etc. The other thing that stings is friends not calling you to hang out because you don’t drink, makes you wonder if you were only fun when you were intoxicated. Was chatting with another girl at the competition and she said she shut people out because of these things and I told her I felt shut out; she then admitted that was the same for her, just made her feel better to say she was doing it.

On May of 2016 I stepped onto stage at the Midland in Kansas City entering the Transformation and Bikini Division. I did not place in bikini, which is ok with me I know I still have things to improve. I was just proud to get on the stage and show my progress which was truly shown in the Transformation category. The MC read my story while I stood backstage with my before picture on the largest screen I have ever seen which made me look even bigger; with tears in my eyes I stepped on stage and received the best applause for the hard work and dedication I had put in. I am honor to say that I have been invited to World’s for the transformation category. I’m not done, plan on competing again… Me against me!!!

For those of you who think that you can’t do it, you can just trust the process. A few tips that helped me… Food prep, I would cook all my meals on Monday for the week so I had no excuse to grab something unhealthy. Do you workouts first thing if you can, I found that putting them off made it harder to get them done. Keep a journal so you can look back at what you were doing compared to now, it’s amazing to see your growth. And just keep a good attitude.

I have to say that this truly changed my life and made me start living again. I have to thank Hitch Fit they truly made me the person I am and I am forever grateful for that. Diana, my trainer and friend, not sure I could have done this without you nor would I have wanted to so thank you from the bottom of my heart! She got more than she bargain for on some of the email conversation we had (I will leave that between the two of us). I must thank my family; I really did not give them enough credit. I thought they wouldn’t understand which would turn into not supporting me but that was not the case. They were at the morning, evening show and posting comments about how proud they were on social media. And my biggest supporter, my husband, don’t think he will ever know how much he helped. Thanks!!”

Bikini Model Transformation at WBFF Kansas City - Beckie

Bikini Competition Plan - Beckie on Stage

Beckie in field

WBFF Kansas City Transformation Category Awards

Are you ready for your transformation?

Beckie’s plan choices:

Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Weight Loss Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great” 

Lose Weight Plan

Bikini Model Competition Plan

Not wanting to compete, but would like to get the Bikini Model look? Check out our Bikini Model plan for those who do not want to step on stage!

Bikini Model Plan

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