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Monday, June 3, 2013

I've Had Enough! Life Life 728x90
Today I'm going to dole out a little tough love, so brace yourself and know that this is for your own good.

It's time that we had an uncomfortable little talk about a very important issue...

That junk food in your house.

You know the stuff that I'm talking about. The ice cream jammed into the back of your freezer. The packaged cookies that you say are for the kid's lunches. The candy stash that's leftover from the last few holidays. Those bags of crunchy, salty snacks in your pantry. The bottles of soda that you know you shouldn't drink. And the list goes on... Read More

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A 10th division title will come down to the last week of the regular season

Divas Keep Division Title Hopes Alive Despite 36-27 Setback
Neal Rozendaal

Landover, MD – If there is such a thing as a bittersweet defeat, this is it.

Pittsburgh quarterback Lisa Horton threw four touchdown passes, and the Passion sent the DC Divas down to defeat, 36-27. However, the Divas earned a moral victory, playing Pittsburgh within eleven points and retaining control of their own destiny in their quest to win the division championship.

Horton got Pittsburgh (5-2) on the scoreboard first, completing a 46-yard touchdown pass on third and ten for a 7-0 lead midway through the first quarter. The Divas immediately responded, with star running back Kenyetta Grigsby bulling into the end zone from five yards out to knot the score at seven.

It took the Passion just 36 seconds to retake the lead for good. Horton threw her second touchdown pass of the quarter – this one to her standout receiver, Rachel Wojdowski – and Pittsburgh surged back ahead, 14-7, after one quarter.

The Divas (4-3) struggled on offense in the second quarter, in large part due to the absence of 2011 WFA wide receiver Ashley Whisonant. Whisonant – who set a franchise record with five touchdown receptions two weeks ago – was forced to miss the game due to work commitments with her day job as a Alexandria, Va. firefighter.

DC’s offense stalled on their first possession of the second quarter, and the Divas then failed to get the punt away, which gave the Passion great field position. Although the Divas’ defense stopped Pittsburgh short of the end zone, the Passion drilled a 26-yard field goal to pad their lead to 17-7.

Divas defensive back Callie Brownson, who will be representing Team USA at the IFAF Women’s World Championship next month, intercepted a Horton pass on Pittsburgh’s next possession to hand the ball back to the Divas’ offense. But Wojdowski – playing on both sides of the ball – topped that; she picked off a pass from Divas’ quarterback Allyson Hamlin and returned it 37 yards for another Pittsburgh score.

Trailing 24-7, the Divas tried to mount a scoring drive as the half drew to a close and advanced all the way to the Pittsburgh 19-yard line. But they would get no closer, and time expired on the half before the Divas could cut into the Passion’s 17-point advantage.

With Whisonant out of the lineup, the Divas turned almost exclusively to the running game in the second half. Even though Pittsburgh’s top-rated defense was stacking the line of scrimmage and trying to slow the Divas’ running attack, Kenyetta Grigsby rose to the occasion and blasted the Passion defense for long gains. When Grigsby needed a break, Donna Wilkinson took the ball. The versatile Wilkinson, who has played tight end and running back this season, lined up at fullback and paired with Grigsby for a strong 1-2 running attack.

Kenyetta Grigsby dashed for a 31-yard touchdown less than two minutes into the second half to cut the deficit to 24-14. Elena Kotsis then picked off a Horton pass midway through the quarter to give the DC defense their second interception of the game. Still, Horton bounced back by connecting with Wojdowski on a 27-yard touchdown pass to push the lead out to 30-14.

Grigsby stepped up again, racing 26 yards for another DC score and pulling the Divas within 30-21. Grigsby missed most of the Divas’ previous game two weeks ago with an injury, but she returned to star form on Saturday, carrying the ball an astonishing 41 times for 259 yards and three touchdowns. Wilkinson chipped in with 15 carries for 66 yards.

As the fourth quarter began, the Divas forced an incomplete pass from Horton on fourth down to get a turnover on downs. The DC offense then began a long, methodical drive to the end zone, capped by Hamlin’s quarterback sneak on fourth and goal from the one-yard line. Hamlin’s one-yard touchdown run cut the Pittsburgh lead to 30-27. With the Divas playing without their top wide receiver and relying almost exclusively on the run, Allyson Hamlin was held without a touchdown pass for the first time this year.

The Divas’ defense played inspired football in the second half. Trigger McNair led the defense with six tackles, while Kotsis and Brownson recorded five tackles and one interception each. Keyed by a Devon Goldsmith sack and two incomplete Horton passes, the Divas forced a Pittsburgh punt late in the fourth quarter and gave the team a chance to take their first lead of the game.

Even with time running off of the clock, the Divas continued to rely on the running attack that had brought them within three points. Three runs for nine yards led to a fourth and one at the Pittsburgh 41-yard line with just under two minutes remaining in the game. But a failed quarterback sneak from Hamlin lost a yard and gave Pittsburgh the ball back with 1:13 left in the contest, effectively sealing the Divas’ defeat.

Yet the game wasn’t over. Earlier this season, the Divas defeated the Passion by 11 points, so Pittsburgh knew that winning by less than 11 would allow the Divas to retain control over their own destiny in the division race. Rather than take a knee and run out the clock with the victory all but secure, Pittsburgh had no choice but to throw the ball down the field and try to tally another score despite holding a 30-27 advantage.

The Passion succeeded, and it only took them 44 seconds to do so. With 29 seconds left, Horton threw her fourth touchdown pass of the game to increase the lead to 36-27. Pittsburgh was compelled to go for a two-point conversion and an eleven-point lead, but Horton’s pass in the end zone was batted down incomplete, keeping the Divas within nine points.

Pittsburgh, still needing more points, then attempted an onside kick, but the ball rolled out of bounds and the Divas took over possession. The Divas ran out the clock and absorbed a 36-27 defeat.

Holding the Passion to a nine-point margin was a moral victory for the Divas, because they still control their own destiny in the division race. By virtue of their 11-point victory over Pittsburgh earlier this season, the Divas hold the tiebreaker over the Passion despite Saturday’s nine-point defeat. A win over Columbus next week in the regular season finale will clinch the Divas’ tenth division championship in franchise history and secure a first-round bye in the WFA playoffs.


Indoor air can be a carcinogen

Cancer Defeated Publications

An Easy, Attractive Way
To Filter Toxins Out of Your Home's Air

    In most buildings, including your own home, your body is constantly bombarded by airborne pollutants and chemical contaminants that can rob you of health—and even threaten your life!

    Thankfully, some of Mother Nature's gorgeous greenery provides a cheap and efficient way to clean your indoor air. A few well-placed house plants may be one of the easiest things you can do to protect yourself from airborne carcinogens. Coming up is a list of the Top Ten Plants for clearing the air.

Continued below. . .

Drink This and Cancer
Comes Pouring Out of Your Body
    "If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it," says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments.

    Research conducted by a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research showed this is one of the world's most powerful cancer cures. Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute confirmed that this do-it-yourself treatment kills cancer cells. Then they buried the research.

    Personally, I've been writing about cancer treatments for almost seven years. Out of nearly 400 that I've investigated, I haven't found an at-home treatment that's better.

    It worked for Robert, age 54, who had late stage stomach cancer. His doctors told him he didn't have chance. The most they could do was buy him a little time, using four aggressive chemotherapy drugs PLUS radiation — a deadly, toxic, last-ditch treatment.

    INSTEAD Robert used this non-toxic liquid and was completely cancer-free within months. The amazed doctor was forced to admit Robert's cancer was "in remission." Two years later, he was still cancer-free.

    Click the link below to watch an important video presentation about this discovery...

Click Here To Watch The FREE Video

    Before I tell you about these natural air purifiers, let's take a moment to consider WHY you need them. What are these invasive pollutants lurking around your home just waiting to steal your last breath?
A trio of undesirable houseguests
    According to Barry Jones, author of Home, Sweet Toxic Home, toxins in your home typically will fall into the following three main categories:
  1. Airborne particles—such as dust, lint, mites, pet dander and mold spores; these invaders are just small enough to be breathed into your lungs, which makes it harder to cough them up
  2. Biological contaminants—include bacteria and viruses, which can travel on the airborne particles
  3. Household products—air fresheners, dryer sheets, cleaning products and pesticides are just a few of the products that many folks regularly use—all the while introducing toxic chemicals into their homes
    It can be a little scary to think of the number of ways toxins in these categories affect your indoor air quality.

    For example, many folks use toilet cleaning crystals to fight buildup of mildew and stains. But while these chemicals are doing their magic wipe down, they're also leaving behind carcinogenic chlorine gas!

    These noxious fumes also can be a problem when you take hot showers in water treated with this chemical (and most water from public systems is). You're essentially inhaling a cancer-causing gas as part of your daily hygiene.

    And let's just pray there are no asbestos or lead pipes in your plumbing system! The last thing you need is for those particles to go airborne and lodge themselves in your lungs.

    Do you have carpeting on your floors? That's a whole other way to introduce pollutants into your home.

    The glue used to set new carpets contains the known carcinogens benzene and xylene. These volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that are known to cause a variety of respiratory problems and have also been linked to cancer.

    Have you fallen in love with those scented, plug-in air fresheners that keep your home smelling like apples and cinnamon or freshly laundered clothes?

    Well, they're also delivering a steady stream of scented formaldehyde into your air! Some friends of mine recently moved into a house where the previous owners were wild for these plug-in perfumeries. The smell lingered and was very hard to get out.

    Long-term exposure to this chemical can cause eye, nose and throat irritation. And some evidence exists that constant formaldehyde exposure boosts your risk of developing nose and lung cancers.
Watch out for these building materials
    Air fresheners are not the only offenders. Some types of home-building materials — mainly pressed wood products — are often made with formaldehyde. Pressed wood products for indoor use include particle board, used as sub-flooring and in cabinetry and furniture, and also hardwood plywood paneling, used in cabinetry and furniture, as well as in decorative wall coverings.

    The website of the Environmental Protection Agency identifies "medium density fiberboard" as being the highest formaldehyde-emitting pressed wood product. All these "fake woods" are pervasive in modern homes.

    Egad, what's a health-conscious homeowner to do? Remember, it's not just about avoiding cancer at some vague date years in the future. It's about feeling good now. How many mystery medical problems can be explained by all these toxins we're exposed to? (I can give you the answer from personal experience: A lot.)

    You could always peel off a few hundred dollar bills to purchase an air purifier. These machines use filters to remove harmful particles from the air before they can do maximum damage to your health.

    But if you don't want to spend that kind of cash, don't worry! There may be an even simpler solution for you…
Meet some of Mother Nature's air purifiers!
    When it comes to removing indoor air toxins—"Mother" truly may know best!

    Dr. B.C. Wolverton, author of How to Grow Fresh Air — 50 Houseplants that Purify Your Home or Office, conducted studies for NASA that concluded that plants can clean pollutants in homes.

    Wolverton's study rated plants on a scale from one to 10, based on criteria such as:
  • Ability to remove chemical vapors or indoor air toxins
  • Ease of growth and maintenance
  • Rate at which water evaporates from the leaves.
  • Resistance to insect infestation
    The NASA-funded comparison yielded this list of top 10 plants for removing contaminants like benzene, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from the air:
  1. Areca palm— also called the "butterfly palm," this plant can grow to as high as 12 feet and prefers a humid area
  2. Lady palm—grows slowly but is one of the easiest palms to cultivate
  3. Bamboo palm—also called a "reed palm" and prefers indirect light
  4. Rubber plant—also known as "ficus robusta" and grows very well indoors
  5. Dracaena (Janet Craig) —these plants grow best in bright, indirect sunlight shining from east to west
  6. Philodendron—one of the heartiest house plants that needs to be misted regularly and planted in soil that's kept evenly moist
  7. Dwarf date palm—grows best in sunny locations free from drafts; be aware that it grows needle-like spines near the base of the leaf stem that can poke through skin and clothing
  8. Ficus alii—prefers a humid environment with low to medium light; will lose foliage if placed near heating or air conditioning vents; this is a virtual weed in the tropics but up north it's a fussy house plant that doesn't like to be moved
  9. Boston fern—grows feathery ferns that prefer bright indirect sunlight
  10. Peace lily—prefers indirect sunlight and high humidity
    Wolverton's research showed that when these top performers and other plants were placed in sealed chambers with specific chemicals, the plants went to work removing those chemicals from the chambers!

    Now just imagine the health benefits you'll receive when you place some of this chemical scrubbing, humidity-loving greenery around your house.

    You can breathe deeply knowing that the air is being scrubbed clean of toxins. And you can rest easy knowing that dangerous chemicals have met their match in nature's finest air purifiers!
Cancer Defeated Publications

Big Train Show Promise, Fall to Rookies 6-3; FREE Exhibition Games Continue TONIGHT!

Big Train Show Promise, Fall to Rookies 6-3
Anaconda Sports

It was a beautiful night for baseball at Povich Field on Saturday, as the Bethesda Big Train played their first exhibition game of the season against the Mid-Atlantic Rookies in front of a crowd of 846 people. 

The Rookies got on the board early and often, pushing across six runs in the first three innings. But the Big Train's pitching was the story from that point forward. While the Big Train did trail 6-1 heading into the top of the fourth, three different Big Train pitchers recorded at least one shutout inning through the final four frames. 

Michael Judge (Methodist University) would be the first Big Train reliever of the game, giving up just one hit and striking out one in one inning of work.Kit Scheetz (Virginia Tech) then recorded two shutout frames in the fifth and sixth innings, striking out four and walking just one. 

In the top of the seventh, Trevor Charpie (University of Tennessee) would get into some trouble, allowing the first two batters of the inning to reach base. However, Charpie then showcased his composure, managing to record a strikeout and then generate an inning-ending double play to keep the deficit at five.

After pushing across just one run in the first six innings, the Big Train would rally in the seventh, scoring two runs. Logan Farrar led off the inning with a stand-up triple to right field, and would score on an error as Fox Samonesreached first base. Samones then advanced all the way to third base on a throwing error, and scored on a groundball by Christian Colangelo. However, five runs would prove to be too large of a deficit to overcome, as the Big Train fell to the Rookies 6-3.

"The guys played hard," said manager Sal Colangelo. "They love the game of baseball and they stay focused. We have a great group of guys that want to play and get after it."

The Big Train will look to push their exhibition record to 1-1 tomorrow night against the Gaithersburg Giants, one of two new teams in the CRCBL, at7:30PM at Shirley Povich Field. Come out and receive FREE ADMISSION and a SCHEDULE MAGNET! And don't forget to buy your tickets to this Friday'shome opener against the Youse's Orioles! Get your tickets here or at the gate on game day!
click me

FREE Exhibition Games This Weekend!  

The Big Train's exhibition season is underway! Be one of first to check out some of the brand new improvements to the Big Train experience as well as the great elements that you've come to enjoy over the years.
Here is the remainder of the exhibition schedule: 

Sun., June 2nd, 7:30PM at Shirley Povich Field vs. Gaithersburg Giants
Mon., June 3rd, 7:30PM at Shirley Povich Field vs. Industrial League Senators
All of the exhibition games will have FREE ADMISSION and every fan in attendance will get a FREE BIG TRAIN 2013 SEASON MAGNET SCHEDULE!
Make sure to show up early because the seats will be full as the Big Train pulls into town for the first time! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

FREE Exhibitions start Saturday; College Awards, BT Players in College World Series; BT Players in Pro Ball!

FREE Exhibition Games This Weekend!  
It's finally that time of year again! Make your way out to Shirley Povich Field for the very beginning of the Big Train season. Be the first to check out some of the brand new improvements to the Big Train experience as well as the great elements that you've come to enjoy over the years.
Here's the exhibition schedule for the first few days of the season: 
Sat., June 1st, 7:30PM at Shirley Povich Field vs. Mid-Atlantic Rookies

Sun., June 2nd, 7:30PM at Shirley Povich Field vs. Gaithersburg Giants
Mon., June 3rd, 7:30PM at Shirley Povich Field vs. Industrial League Senators
All of the exhibition games will have FREE ADMISSION and every fan in attendance will get a FREE BIG TRAIN 2013 SEASON MAGNET SCHEDULE!
Make sure to show up early because the seats will be full as the Big Train pulls into town for the first time! 
France Wins Player of the Week; Other Awards
Incoming Big Train player Tyler France (BT '13) stole the show at the Mountain West Conference Tournament last weekend. France was 13 for 15 with a walk and was hit by two pitches since our last round-up. He scored eight runs, drove in seven, and had two home runs, two doubles, and a stolen base in the final four games of the tournament. That incredible week led to him being named the National Player of the Week by Collegiate Baseball. San Diego State was helped along by three Big Train pitchers as well. Also named to the All-Tournament Team was Ryan Doran (BT '12). Doran pitched a complete game shutout and pitched out of relief in the championship game and finished with a very durable line (12IP, W, 2ER, 11H, 0BB, HBP, 11K). Ethan Miller (BT '12) and Bubba Derby (BT '13) also helped out of the bullpen as they combined for ten innings on two runs, eight hits, and two walks while they striking out eight and earning a win and a save.
The other Big Train powerhouse, Florida Atlantic, won their tournament as well and saw Hugh Adams (BT '06-'12) named to the All-Tournament Team after he picked up a win and a save in two outings. Bo Logan (BT '12) also contributed on the mound by pitching 2.1 innings and giving up no runs on one hit and a walk while striking out two. At the plate, Ricky Santiago (BT '13) went 5 for 12 with a hit-by-pitch, four runs scored, two runs batted in, a home run, and two doubles. Mitch Morales (BT '12) helped as well with three singles, runs, and runs batted in.

Here are some other awards earned by Big Train players in college baseball this spring:
Hugh Adams (BT '06-'12 / Florida Atlantic) - First Team All-Sun Belt.
Michael Bass (BT '11-'12 / UNC-Wilmington) - First Team All-CAA.
Bubba Derby (BT '13 / San Diego St.) - Second Team All-Mountain West.
Ryan Doran (BT '12 / San Diego St.) - First Team All-Mountain West.
Brenden Kalfus (BT '11 / St. Mary's (CA)) - First Team All-WCC.
Markus Melgosa (BT '10 / St. Mary's (CA)) - Honorable Mention All-WCC.
Jimmy Reed (BT '10 / Maryland) - Second Team All-ACC.
Hunter Renfroe (BT '11-'12 / Mississippi St.) - First Team All-SEC, First Team All-SEC Defense, First Team All-SEC Tournament, C Spire Ferriss Trophy (best college baseball player in Mississippi).
Will Resnik (BT '12-'13 / High Point) - Big South All-Academic.
Kelly Secrest (BT '11-'12 / UNC-Wilmington) - First Team All-CAA.
Eric Tatum (BT '13 / Cornell) Honorable Mention All-Ivy League. 
Big Train Players Playing in Pro Ball
Matt Bowman (BT '10-12) - pictured above - drafted by the New York Mets in the 13th round of the 2012 MLB June Amateur Draft, has been promoted to Hi A ball with the St. Lucie Mets. See how other former Big Train players are faring in their professional careers:
Martin Agosta, RHP (BT 2011) Augusta Greenjackets (So. Atlantic Lg. - Lo A) 5-1, 2.45 ERA in 9 games.

Michael Aldrete, RHP (BT 2011) Peoria Chiefs (Midwest Lg. - Lo A) 1-2, 1 Save, 2.73 ERA in 15 games.
Cody Allen, RHP (BT 2008 & 2010) Cleveland Indians (American League - MLB) 1-0, 2.31 ERA in20 games.
Matt Bowman, RHP (BT 2010-11-12) St. Lucie Mets (Fla. State Lg. - Hi A) 3-0, 2.33 ERA; after starting season with Savannah Sand Gnats (So. Atlantic Lg. - Lo A) 4-0, 2.64 ERA in 5 games.
Collin Cargill, RHP (BT 2007) Jacksonville Suns (Southern Lg. - AA) 1-1, 1.77 ERA in 11 games; after starting season with Jupiter Hammerheads (Fla. State Lg. - Hi A) 0-0, 0.00 ERA in 5 games.
Mike Costanzo, 3B (BT 2003) Syracuse Chiefs (International Lg. - AAA) Hitting .230 with 6 HR and 21 RBI in 36 games.
Tucker Donahue, RHP (BT 2011) Lansing Lugnuts (Midwest Lg. - Lo A) 1-1, 5.87 ERA in 18 games.
Brian Dozier, 2B (BT 2006) Minnesota Twins (American Lg. - MLB) .197 in 36 games.
Chris Duffy, 3B/1B/OF (BT 2007) Camden Riversharks (Atlantic Lg. - IND) .000 in 3 games.
Ryan Garton, RHP (BT 2011) Bowling Green Hot Rods (Midwest Lg. - Lo A) 0-2, 4 Saves, 5.31 ERA in 15 games.
Carlos Gutierrez, RHP (BT 2005) In extended spring training with the Chicago Cubs, rehabbing from an injury. When functioning fully, expected to be assigned to the Iowa Cubs (PCL - AAA).
Terry "T. J." Hose, RHP (BT 2004) Long Island Ducks (Atlantic Lg. - IND) 1-1, 3.29 ERA in 14 games.
Alex Hudak, OF (BT 2011) Wilmington Blue Rocks (Carolina Lg. - Hi A) ..260, 2 HR, 7 RBI in 16 games.
Bobby Livingston, LHP (BT 2001) Sugar Land Skeeters (Atlantic Lg. - IND) 2-2, 5.40 ERA in 5 games.
Matt Long, OF (BT 2006) Salt Lake City Bees (PCL - AAA) .341, 2 HR, 4 RBI in 12 games; after starting season with Arkansas Travelers (Texas Lg. - AA) hitting .311 with 3 HR and 19 RBI in 32 games.
John Maine, RHP (BT 2000) Now a free agent, after starting season with Miami Marlins (National League) 0-0, 12.27 ERA in 4 games.
Michael McKenry, C (BT 2004) Pittsburgh Pirates (National Lg. - MLB) Hitting .254 with 3 HR and 10 RBI in12 games.
Mason Morioka, C (BT 2009-10-11) Currently recovering from Tommy John surgery. Was with Wichita Wingnuts (American Association - IND) in 2012. May return to Wingnuts before the 2013 season is over.
Dustin Pease, LHP (BT 2005-06) York Revolution (Atlantic Lg. - IND) 0-0, 7.50 ERA in 6 games.
Drew Permison, RHP (BT 2010) Vancouver Canadians (Northwest Lg. - ss-A). Vancouver's first game is on June 14.
Danny Stienstra, 1B (BT 2008-09-10) Palm Beach Cardinals (Florida State Lg. - Hi A) .294, 1 HR, 14 RBI in 47 games.
Nick Vickerson, 2B (BT 2010) Hickory Crawdads (South Atlantic Lg. - Lo A) .333, 1 HR, 5 RBI in 15 games.
Elliott Waterman, LHP (BT 2011) Auburn Doubledays (New York- Penn Lg. - ss-A). Auburn's first game is on June 17.
Matt Wickswat, LHP (BT 2006) Windy City Thunderbolts (Frontier Lg. - IND) 1-1, 3.97 ERA in 2 games.
Justin Wright, LHP (BT 2008) Springfield Cardinals (Texas Lg.- AA) 0-0, 2.66 ERA in 15 games. 

Division title on the line Saturday night

Division Title on the Line When Divas Collide with Pittsburgh 
Neal Rozendaal

Washington, DC – A tenth division championship, a first round bye in the playoffs, and a piece of women’s football history…it’s all at stake for the DC Divas as they prepare to take on the Pittsburgh Passion Saturday night in Landover.

If the Divas (4-2) can come away with a win over the Passion, they would claim their tenth division title, which would tie them for the most division championships in the history of the sport.  Standing in their way is a tough Pittsburgh squad that would like to avenge a season-opening 42-31 loss to DC.

Divas head coach Alison Fischer knows that despite the Divas’ victory over Pittsburgh earlier this season, Saturday’s matchup will involve two entirely different teams.  “We’ve both progressed,” Fischer said.  “In our last meeting, Pittsburgh didn’t have [wide receiver Rachel] Wojdowski, who has been very productive for them.  They’ve had time to develop more plays, and I know they’re going to pull out all the stops.”

The Divas are coming off of possibly the highest-scoring game in women’s pro football history, an 81-54 loss to the Boston Militia.  Pittsburgh’s high-powered passing offense, led by Wojdowski and quarterback Lisa Horton, will present a difficult challenge for a Divas defense that was gashed by Boston. 

“They like to throw the ball around and show different looks,” Fischer remarked.  “They’re not afraid to be bold and try some things, so we just need to be prepared.  Our defense really needs to step up this week.  We’ve got to play better on defense, and we know that.  A lot of our problems have been fundamental, so we’re working on correcting that.”

On the other hand, the 54 points DC scored two weeks ago were the most by a wide margin that the Militia have ever surrendered, so the Divas’ offense has some momentum.  Now they face a Passion defense ranked #1 in the entire WFA.

“Pittsburgh has always played us tough, and it’s a huge game,” Fischer concluded.  “It’s like a playoff game for us.  That’s how important it is, so it’s really nice to have it at home in front of our fans.”

The Divas can capture the division crown with a win over the Passion, while Pittsburgh would clinch the division if they beat the Divas by more than 11 points.  If Pittsburgh triumphs by 11 points or less, the division title would be decided next week when the Divas square off with the Columbus Comets in their regular season finale.  The division champion automatically makes the WFA playoffs and receives a bye in the opening round.

With a win Saturday, the Divas would secure their tenth division title in franchise history, joining the Sacramento Sirens as just the second team in women’s football to claim ten division crowns.  The Sirens won their tenth division title last year and could add an eleventh this season, but they currently trail the undefeated Central Cal War Angels in their division race.

Most Division Championships in Women’s Professional Football, All-Time

1.  Sacramento Sirens – 10
2.  DC DIVAS* – 9
2.  Dallas Diamonds** – 9
4.  Pensacola Power/Gulf Coast Riptide (Defunct) – 8
5.  Jacksonville Dixie Blues – 7
5.  Seattle Majestics* – 7
7.  New York Sharks – 6
7.  Chicago Force** – 6 
7.  Houston Energy (IWFL)* – 6
7.  Detroit Demolition (Defunct) – 6

*Currently leading division
**Total includes 2013 division championship

Around the WFA – In the Boston game recap, it was noted that the Divas’ 54 points in their 81-54 loss to the Militia were the most ever scored by a WFA team in defeat.  That record was short-lived, as just a few hours later, the Derby City Dynamite reported a 58-56 victory over the Cincinnati Sizzle…The New York Sharks held off the Central Maryland Seahawks, 28-20, denying the Seahawks their first non-forfeit victory…The Kansas City Titans easily dispatched the Nebraska Stampede, 51-6. That sets up a terrific showdown this week between the 5-0 Titans and the 6-0 Chicago Force in the Windy City…The Titans-Force game is the final scheduled matchup between any of the league’s nine remaining unbeaten teams.
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10 Tips for Low-Fat Restaurant Dining

Ten Ways to Stay Slim Despite Eating Out
(Prevention, September 1999)  You've probably heard dining-out tips such as "choose broiled over fried" and "order sauces on the side" a dozen times. Here are some new ones that can help too.
1. Maintain balance. Choose one splurge per restaurant trip and then round out the meal with healthy favorites. If you have to have the fettuccine Alfredo, have a big tossed salad as an appetizer and fruit for dessert.
2. Go halvsies. Ask restaurants to use only half of the normal portion for high-fat ingredients such as cheese, oil, bearnaise sauce, or gravy. That way you get the flavor without being tempted to pile on more.
3. Order extras -- of veggies. Whether they're dressing a sandwich or part of a stir-fry, ask for an extra helping of these low-cal, high-fiber gems.
4. Get real. This isn't your last (restaurant) supper. You'll go out to eat again -- probably to the very same place -- so you don't have to eat everything that sounds good this time.
5. Make it a two-course meal. Appetizers and desserts can really rack up the calories and fat. Choose one or the other to go with your entree.
6. Mix 'n match. If you're dining with someone else who's watching what he eats, order one vegetarian and one meat entree, then share. You automatically cut your meat portion without feeling deprived.
7. Share often. Offer a taste of your dish to everyone at your table. The more they eat, the less there is for you. (Just don't partake when they start sharing.)
8. Go "big" on grease. If you really want something fried, choose large-size items -- a breast of chicken instead of five or six chicken fingers, or seven or eight steak fries instead of 20 or more thin french fries. The smaller items have more surface area, so they absorb more oil, making them higher in fat and calories.
9. Collect menus. Decide what you're going to order before you get to the restaurant, where the sights and smells can blow even the best of intentions.
10. Be first. Order before anyone else to avoid letting others' choices influence you.

Did you know that Our Trainer: Dane Kent's programs have formulas worked in for healthy dining even when eating out? Try his program FREE for 30 days and get into the shape of your life! Click Here