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Showing posts with label fat burn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat burn. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Exercise, eating, and fat loss.

It's all about balance. All US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Programs come with our state-of-the-art nutritional planning software. NOT a diet or restrictive fad program. Sensible eating to help you energize your body for your challenging workouts, 
Most people who exercise and decrease caloric intake can expect to see decreases in body fat. However, health and fitness professionals are becoming aware that this isn't always the case.
Research has shown that the body has an internal control mechanism that drives it to maintain a particular level of body fat. The term used to describe this phenomena is "set point."
The set point mechanism acts much like a thermostat, turning energy expenditure up or down to avoid either weight gain or weight loss. So when you restrict caloric intake, the body attempts to maintain its weight and fat by lowering the metabolic rate. Conversely, the body will lose weight gained in excess of its internally regulated point by increasing metabolism. This may explain why some people have to exercise quite a bit in order not to gain weight.
Until recently we were told that the most efficient way of manipulating the set-point was by increasing exercise, thereby programming the body to store less fat. Now we know that after a certain amount of time this is no longer true. That internal control mechanism wants to maintain the equilibrium defined by your genes. So, although you can exercise your way to a leaner body than your parents, at a certain point it becomes counter productive.
Most people who claim to be exercising more and eating less without seeing changes in body composition feel desperate. Consequently, they exercise more and eat less. In fact, the "cure" for a damaged set point is to drop back on your exercise program and increase the nutrient density of your diet. Since this flies in the face of everything you have heard it's a difficult task that can only be managed with daily support and dealing with body image issues that normally cause problems at this stage.
Stress is another well recognized cause for the inability to decrease body fat despite a physically active lifestyle and low calorie diet. Experts now acknowledge there is a relationship between stress and weight gain. They even suggest that it has to do with the fight or flight mechanism that encourages the body to store fat under stress. However, there is no significant research to explain this phenomena.
If you are exercising more and eating less and still not able to lose weight, you should seek professional help with a credited dietitian and/or nutritionist.
Fast Fat Burning Workouts Revealed

Friday, August 15, 2014

Ok, see you Monday :)

Hey, I have posted a couple of times about the "16 Day Sexy Slim Down" starting Monday.

I have two spots left and I wanted to make sure you got in.

16 days from now you're going to be a new sexier, slimmer you...

And you're gonna LOVE IT!


Like I said, the 16 Day Sexy Slim Down starts Monday 08/18/2014
Train online with our US Sports Strength Coaches at your favorite gym, at home, or at your favorite workout space. On your schedule!

So just call click here and I'll get you all dialed in.

Just picture stepping on that scale and being 8-12 LBS Lighter...

Fitting back into your "skinny jeans"...

And seeing the new sexier, slimmer YOU in the mirror.

Ah, you're going to feel so PROUD of yourself :)

Anyone can commit to just 16 days, right?

Besides, its FREE for the 16 days and up to 30 days thereafter!

Don't you owe it to yourself to see how this amazing new system can help you achieve the body you deserve?

So just take two seconds and click here and I'll get you scheduled in for Monday.

You'll be so glad you did.

Nathan Lewis CSCS

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Making sense of food labels.

Reading food labels can be a real eye-opener, if you know what your are looking for.
A typical supermarket offers about 20,000 different items. Food labels, now required by law on almost every food, can help you choose among the options available.
The most significant part of the new food labels is a new heading that reads Nutrition Facts. That is followed by a list of the serving size of that particular food and the servings per container.
The new labels have more consistent serving sizes that replace those that used to be set by manufacturers. There are mandatory and voluntary dietary components required on food labels. Mandatory data, per serving, listed in the order in which they must appear are: Total Calories, then Calories from fat.
The next mandatory portion of the label provides information about nutrients that are most important to the health of today's consumers and includes:
    • Total Fat (in grams) (and a percentage)
    • Saturated fat (in grams) (and a percentage)
    • Cholesterol (in grams) (and a percentage)
    • Sodium (in grams) (and a percentage)
    • Total Carbohydrates (in grams) (and a percentage)
    • Dietary Fiber (in grams) (and a percentage)
    • Sugars (in grams) (and a percentage)
    • Protein (in grams) (and a percentage)

  • Vitamin A (in a percentage)
  • Vitamin C (in a percentage)
  • Calcium (in a percentage)
  • Iron (in a percentage)
WARNING: Although this portion of the label is a significant improvement over the previous label which listed carbohydrate, protein, and fat in grams, it can still be misleading. One of the leading health promotion educators has a favorite saying that applies to food labels, "Labels don't lie, but liars write labels."
For example, if a label lists 260 total calories and 120 calories per serving, but under that lists total fat (still in grams) followed by a percentage, most consumers believe that percentage is the percentage fat of the food. In fact, if you look closely, you will see that percentage value is nothing more than % of daily value based on a 2,000 calorie diet. These reference values are intended only to help consumers learn good diet basics. If you don't eat a 2,000 calorie diet, the information is of little use to you.

Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom
10 Rules of Fat Loss

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Orange juice raises "good" cholesterol

Chock full of antioxidants, OJ is one of the best soft-drink alternatives in the world.
We at US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning advise all of our athletes and fitness warriors to drink a variety of juices. Especially in these summer months. 
10 Rules of Fat Loss
ATLANTA (Reuters Health) -- Drinking three glasses of orange juice a day increases high density cholesterol (HDL), the so-called "good" cholesterol, and lowers the ratio between HDL and low density cholesterol (LDL) -- the "bad" cholesterol, according to a study presented at an American Heart Association meeting.
A team at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, asked 16 men and 9 women with high blood cholesterol levels (ranging from 213 to 325 mg/dL) to drink one glass of orange juice a day for 4 weeks, then two glasses a day for 4 weeks, and then three glasses a day for 4 weeks. This was followed by a 5-week washout period, during Dr. Elzbieta M. Kurowska told Reuters Health that once the subjects were drinking three glasses of orange juice a day, their HDL levels increased 21% and the LDL/HDL ratio dropped 16%. Orange juice also resulted in an increase in folate levels, which are known to cause a drop in homocysteine levels. Cardiologists are finding that high homocysteine levels appear to be a risk factor for heart disease.
"The (cholesterol) effect was still there after the washout period," Kurowska said. While vitamin C levels dropped back down after the end of the study, the improvements in cholesterol persisted, she said. "Maybe these (orange juice) compounds have a prolonged effect," she said.
The researcher added that none of the subjects reported weight gain, "even though this was a considerable increase in sugar (intake)... The subjects compensated by changing their diets in other ways."
Kurowska attributes the effects of orange juice on cholesterol to the flavenoid hesperidin found in oranges. She would next like to study the effects of grapefruit juice on cholesterol. "The primary flavenoids in grapefruit juice are different from those in orange juice," the Canadian researcher noted.
Source: Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association 1999;100:1958-1963.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Are you training enough? Or Too Much?

Even though exercise is almost a magical remedy for ill health, if you overdo it, you'll produce risks rather than rewards that affect both your mind and body.
As a general rule, if your exercise regimen makes you feel worse instead of better, you are overtraining. An overtrained individual often exhibits signs and symptoms that may be mistaken for disease or illness. Instead of increased vigor and energy, they experience fatigue and lethargy. Physical and mental performance suffers, they become more susceptible to viruses, and they feel irritable and depressed. Other symptoms include sleep disturbances, weight loss, higher resting heart rate, and loss of appetite. Interestingly, for someone who is already physically fit, overtraining can result in decreased fitness. On the other hand, pain or injury is a typical sign of overtraining for the sedentary person or the "average" athlete.
The overtraining syndrome occurs most often in highly conditioned athletes who spend more hours training in an effort to "get better," and enthusiasts who have taken their desire to "get fit" to an extreme. The sad part is that both the competitive athlete or the exercise zealot usually experience warning signs that overtraining is impending--but they "work right through the pain" believing they are "cleaning their body of toxins" or that a little more work will make the discomfort disappear.
To avoid overtraining, incorporate "off-days" into your workout routine. Fitness is about much more than burning calories or stored fat. When you work out hard, your body needs rest to repair muscle and other tissues. Consume sufficient calories from foods that are rich in nutrients and drink plenty of water. Remember, the goal of exercise is to improve your physical and mental well-being, not impair it.
All US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Programs are structured with strategic "Easy Weeks" that are lower in volume and in some cases even weight to help keep the fibers active, but to avoid over stressing your body.  Train the right way! Click on the banner below to start training today:

Great coach, really becomes your friend and knows how to motivate you. He loves his job, there is nothing better than working with someone that loves their job and wants to better his athletes and themselves every time. I would definetaly recommend Nate to every athlete that is serious about their sport and wants to succeed. Learned something from Nate: success will always come, you just have to keep working.
Diego O.
                                                                                                                                Click here to train with Nate Today!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Skinny on Weight Control

How much should you exercise to maintain your weight loss?
Originally featured in:
After you lose weight, how much exercise do you need to keep it off?
80 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (walking between 2.2 and 3.7 mph, playing softball, golf or table tennis) a day or 35 minutes of vigorous activity (jogging, active dancing, tennis) a day.
That's according to researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin at Madison who followed 33 women, ages 20-50, for one year after they had lost at least 26 pounds.
This amount of exercise -- the 80 minutes of moderate or 35 minutes of vigorous activity a day -- which the study found necessary for maintaining weight control is much higher than the half hour a day of moderate intensity activity generally recommended to promote health. The researchers suggest that, if you want to try it, the most practical approach is to alternate vigorous exercise one day, moderate the next.
But don't take these numbers as gospel. "It's a good study," Says John Foreyt, Ph.D., a leading obesity researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. "But it's one study. Many people are able to maintain their body weight with less exercise [than this]." While physical activity is a must to keep off weight, he says, those who maintain a weight loss often figure out for themselves how much they can eat and how long and hard they must exercise. It varies from person to person.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Exercise- It's Never Too Late: The Strong-For-Life Program


By I.S.S.A.
OBJECTIVES: This investigation determined whether an in-home resistance training program achieved health benefits in older adults with disabilities.
METHODS: A randomized controlled trial compared the effects of assigning 215 older persons to either a home-based resistance exercise training group or a waiting list control group. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at 3 and 6 months following randomization. The program consisted of videotaped exercise routines performed with elastic bands of varying thickness.
RESULTS: High rates of exercise adherence were achieved, with 89% of the recommended exercise sessions performed over 6 months. Relative to controls, subjects who participated in the program achieved statistically significant lower extremity strength improvements of 6% to 12%, a 20% improvement in tandem gait, and a 15% to 18% reduction in physical and overall disability at the 6-month follow-up. No adverse health effects were encountered.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide important evidence that home-based resistance exercise programs designed for older persons with disabilities hold promise as an effective public health strategy.
At US Sports Strength and Conditioning we have an excellent menu of home-based workouts to help you get leaner and stronger year round:
Home Based Workouts

The Home Workout Programs are great for those who wish to train in the privacy of their own home with little or no required equipment! There are 2 categories of workouts - "Dumbbell Oriented" and "No Equipment". All of these workouts can be done at home, and they are designed for overall health and the achievement of a leaner, stronger body.

Select a Program

Dumbbell Oriented Workouts
The Dumbbell Oriented Programs are great for those who wish to train at home with minimal equipment! ...
No Equipment Workouts
The No Equipment Home Workout Programs are great for those who wish to train at home with no requi...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Today's feature exercise: Wide Grip Chin Ups (Rep Only)

Ole' Skool' exercises never die, they just end up in fancier marketing! As an athlete or fitness warrior, nothing helps build upper body strength all over, and especially in the lats, biceps, and forearms. You can see it is essential to performaning in many sports.
Wide Grip Chin Ups (Rep Only) View Video
Exercise Description:

Position your hands 6 - 8 inches wider than your shoulders on either side. Your palms should be facing away from your body. Exhale and lift your body until your chin is above the bar. Lower your body down until your arms are in a fully extended position.

If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

US Sports Strength and Conditioning 

 Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.

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Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning 
US Sports Strength and Conditioning