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Showing posts with label cocoa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cocoa. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

VALENTUS - Why Valentus? 6 Videos on Valentus - Take a Look!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Today will be a short post as I am getting ready for a Business Expo event. Here are videos on why you should pick Valentus products and business.  Do you want to be in control of your life style, Motivated and willing to give 2-4 hours a day to get paid based on your efforts IS THAT YOU? go to 

This business is so simple to share with others and get paid for drinking our coffee and share with others helping them with their health? Consider joining me and Valentus and have the income and life freedom you've always wanted. Take a look at where you are at today and if you've reached your life goals, fantastic, congratulations! But if you have not reached your life goals and the income you've always wanted and are doing the same thing day after day getting the same results, consider Valentus. THIS is the right time to join us. Timing is everything! This is Valentus' 4th year in business so we are still new. And with our fantastic products and pay plan, Valentus is primed to skyrocket in 2018.  

Valentus Videos  

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

VALENTUS Weight Loss Coffee and Prevail Max Spray Results...

Morning!  Lean Trim Diana Here!

Today I am going to share Harley's 2 stories on our weight loss SlimRoast coffee and our Max spray. I love reading all the stories of people getting healthy not only on our weight loss coffee/cocoa/Trim, but on our other 4 products: Prevail Max Spray, Prevail Immune, Prevail K-9 Spray and Prevail Breakthrough and now Prevail Keto Creamer. you see Valentus means Prevail, so all of our 8 products start with the name Prevail, Prevail SlimRoast, etc. 

The Valentus journey for Harley has been amazing and of course Harley has become a distributor to help other people get healthy. Harley sees the value in our products, what our products can do for people and wants to help others get healthy. Of course, we Don't claim any medical claims, we only tell stories. Please give me your feedback by commenting and go to for more information on our products:)  More than truly amazing!

So Amazing, we are truly Changing Lives One Cup At A Time! Harley was on our Tuesday call telling his results:
Harley - On the 12 in 24 Program - the first 30 lbs. in 3 months, then 18 more lbs. within the year. Hit a couple plateaus. Then lost 12 more. Total time just over a year and a half. Never gaining any back.

Harley November 28, 2017:
Our "Prevail Max" spray. Another one of our products that are helping people. It oxygenates your cells. Here is Harley's pictures & story being on the spray for 10 days now. He is calling it "The Max Effect".  Harley had to have open heart surgery and these are his pictures. The picture below are cells under a microscope before the spray and then after spraying under the tongue. What a difference! 
Harley - "10 days After Open Heart on the (left). 10 days later after using the Max Spray. (Right ). It just gets better every day" !!

Monday, January 29, 2018

VALENTUS Keto Creamer - Need to Shout Out One More Time

Lean Trim Diana Here!

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I have to post about the benefits of our Keto Creamer again. It does so much! Technical speaking, the Keto Creamer will put “ketones” in your body produced as a result of the fatty acids in the creamer. 

The Creamer encourages you to feel full. You will not have cravings and you will provide your body with energy needed without having to continually increase blood sugar by eating high carbohydrate meals. Results will be weight loss and inch loss due to eating less.

Our new Prevail Keto Creamer’s biggest PLUSES!

Suppress your appetite. Because the body will have existing ketones to use for energy vs eating a big carbohydrate meal because you are feeling hungry

Makes you feel FULL. Body is satisfied ad not craving.

Stops your food cravings so you won’t EAT as much

Helps with Blood Glucose levels because you will have Fatty acids available for the body to use as energy vs. being fed carbohydrates that turn into sugar in order to produce energy

Increases insulin sensitivity. The less your pancreas and liver have to communicate to produce energy, the more sensitive and better working your blood sugar levels will be

Improves blood sugar levels as you will be satisfied with healthy fats!

Improves HDL/LDL levels your cholesterol levels

Improves serotonin, mood and provides the brain with healthy brain energy sources.

It will ENHANCE every single drink product we have including the Energy and Trim drink. You can add the creamer to the coffees, Cocoa, both Trim and Energy drinks. IMO, this creamer actually enhances the taste of the Brazilian and the appetite suppressant factors in the Brazilian and Italian coffees.The creamer makes other Valentus drinks BETTER from both a taste and HEALTH perspective.

Plus, if you want to help your body become more fat-adapted and burn more existing fat, you can begin a Ketogenic diet. (google the diet)

Sunday, January 28, 2018

VALENTUS Prevail Keto Creamer - Feel Good, Lose Weight!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Sunday to You!

I do want to talk more about our New Prevail Keto Creamer! Our weight loss coffee/cocoa and other healthy beverages are fantastic, but our new Keto Creamer will be a game changer in our business and attract even more people that want to lose weight and get healthy.

You can add our Prevail Keto Creamer to our weight loss coffee/cocoa and our other beverages, hot or cold!!!!  The Keto Creamer puts you in a state of ketogenesis to burn more fat. We heard results yesterday from Blue Diamonds losing 2 to 4 lbs in just 3 days, loving the taste and feel fantastic after drinking our drinks with the creamer. They are saying the creamer puts them in such a great mood they kind of feel euphoric! Our Keto Creamer has 55-HTC (see the link below) that is a mood enhancer and sleep and may more benefits. The Keto Creamer is going to skyrocket this business. Here is my site   The creamer & our new weight loss cocoa are not there yet, but I have ingredients and labeling for them. Sorry the picture is blurry. I will post a new one when I can.

I am so excited and cannot wait to get my order so I can try the Keto Creamer and help you get healthy

Benefits of 5-HTP

Saturday, January 27, 2018

EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT! VALENTUS Announced Prevail Keto Creamer to Turbo Charge your Weight Loss!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

I am so super-charged to announce Valentus' new weight loss Prevail Keto Creamer to turbo-charge your weight loss!

Our team says it tastes like vanilla! For you creamer lovers and even if you don't like creamer, you will like this. This product is a Game Changer! Our Prevail Keto Creamer puts you in a state of Ketogenesis! Yes, Ketogenesis - burning your fat.  Results were heard on our Company call today of people saying it tastes great, better happier mood after drinking coffee and other beverages with our Prevail Keto Creamer added and reports of 2 - 4 lbs lost in 3 days! I am soooooo excited, I cannot wait to try. Click on the link below, there is a 4 min. video, but then put in your information and take the tour. That will send me an email and I can contact you today. There is only a limited supply for me to order right now, so first come, first served. Be advised this is our new product so you will not see it on the site just yet.

Click Here

Friday, January 26, 2018

VALENTUS WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - MORE of What's in it and Why it Works!

Lean Trim Diana Here:)

Hope everyone is having a great Friday!  I want to continue where I left off yesterday. Below are more ingredients in our SlimRoast weight loss coffee.  Make sure you read each ingredient and what that ingredient does for you when you drink our coffee.  More tomorrow:)

Garcinia Cambogia
An incredibly efficient fat burning ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia has received much media attention for it’s effect on weight loss and food consumption control. This pure ingredient is 100% natural; it is sometimes referred to as Tamarind, and it grows primarily in the lush green mountains of India, southeast Asia as well as in Central Africa. Its primary ingredient is the dietary super supplement known as HCA, which is proven in scientific studies to stop hunger in its tracks. The tamarind fruit has traditionally been used in soups as appetizers before meals, because of the smaller portion sizes due to limited amount of food. It’s appetite suppression qualities helped make villagers feel more full (satiety) and the fruit would increase the workers’ fat burning skills (thermogenesis) providing an increase in energy and productivity.

Phenylethylamine HCL

Also known as PEA, Beta-Phenylethylamine or 2-Phenylethylamine, is a supplement used for different purposes, among them cognitive enhancement, mood improvement, weight loss, and as a concentration aid.

It naturally occurs within the nervous systems of humans and other mammals, where it is thought to act as a type of neuromodulator. Within the human brain it causes the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, two very powerful brain chemicals involved in attention and alertness.

PEA is contained in chocolate and has been affectionately referred to as the ‘love drug,’ since it is released by our brains when we have feelings of romantic love. This is also what helps us to feel more alert and have a greater sense of well-being and contentment.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

VALENTUS WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - What's in it that Makes it Work?

Lean Trim Diana Here:)

Yesterday, I posted pics of my weight loss and Sue's results. So you ask, what makes this coffee so special that SlimRoast can help people lose weight?  First, our coffee is Organic and non GMO, with no fillers and much more. I like to talk about L-Theanine because it is amazing and I love what it does! Won't store all fat you eat, won't resist weight loss, won't give you increased feelings of hunger! Now, that's what I'm talking about! Our weight loss coffee is having such an impact on people that they are becoming distributors and helping people get healthy.  Check out the cost comparison below:)  More ingredients tomorrow. Product Info

Here are just a few of the ingredients and their purpose in our coffee:
Organic, raw cacao is a superfood containing a variety of unique phytonutrients, including high amounts of sulfur, magnesium and phenylethylamine. These characteristics provide many benefits, such as focus and alertness, while also keeping you in a great mood. These properties help in the reduction of stress and also increase the sensation of fullness, reducing hunger and cravings. Cacao contains MAO (monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitor) which is able to reduce appetite by increasing serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain that help to decrease appetite and hunger.

This ingredient combines with an enzyme in the body called alpha-amylase – which is involved in the digestion of starch – and helps to temporarily block its activities. Alpha-amylase is secreted in saliva and is produced in the pancreas, and is responsible for breaking down starch into simple sugars, which can then be absorbed in the small intestine. Blocking this digestive enzyme prevents the digestion of carbohydrates, which means they are able to pass largely undigested through the gastrointestinal tract. The end result is a decrease in the number of calories absorbed, thereby helping to promote weight loss.

Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea, and is probably the reason why drinking green tea help in weight loss. Studies have found that weight gain is prevalent in people who are emotionally stressed. This is a biological response of our metabolism and leads to cravings and overconsumption of food. When stressed, we produce increasing amounts of a hormone called cortisol. This is a natural response that is intended to help in survival, which as a consequence also leads to increased fat storage. Theanine neutralizes stress, by reducing anxiety and improving the quality of sleep. It does this by increasing the alpha waves in your brain, which relaxes the mind.

With these problems removed now your body:
·    Won't store all the fat you eat
·    Won't resist weight loss
·    Won't give you increased feelings of hunger