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Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

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sports & fitness

Tuesday, December 19, 2017 Presents: What is Plyometric Training?


In this video, Coach Larry Judge gives you a basic introduction to the principles of plyometric training, and how it can help you develop better athletes for your track and field program.

Click the link above to see the whole thing!

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CoachTube empowers coaches to create courses online. We provide tools, technical support and guidance, so you can quickly and easily get your content online. Spend less time marketing & more time coaching. No more expensive DVD's and their distribution costs, no more expensive & time-consuming websites, and no more YouTube clips. CoachTube makes it easy to create and share your premium content with a specific target audience. Whether you are looking to improve your online presence or reinforce private lessons, CoachTube gives you the control and flexibility to monetize your work, build your brand, and support your community.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Strength and Conditioning Pt 1 (U of Iowa)

Strength and Conditioning Pt 1 (U of Iowa)

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday's SWOD Will Box Your Ears!

Image result for Floyd mayweather workout animated

Good Day Athletes and Warriors!
Man! the Summer Season is not officially in play yet but what a blessed time of year. This might rub some of you the wrong way, but I sense the presence of the Lord moving towards you today! So expect the unexpected miracle and favor of God today.

Today's SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY. Will bring you into the world of Boxing Strength and Conditioning. Serious Athletes and Warriors all over the globe use boxing style workouts to enhance their fitness because they know and now you know pound-for-pound boxing is one of the hardest sports to be properly conditioned for.

Now you don't have step into the ring with Floyd Mayweather mind you, but if you implement boxing strength and conditioning into your year round training cycle, then you will put yourself into an even better position to look better, feel better and perform better.
I even use this type of program with my football player 12 weeks out from the start of training camp to help their overall conditioning, while increasing their speed, agility, quickness, reaction, hand-eye coordination and more. So if you are serious and I know you are. Click here, fill out the fitness profile form, and get your own custom strength and conditioning program that may include the boxing program you are about to see a sample of. Let's get after it!
-Coach Nate


The Boxing Programs will enhance general strength and increase muscular endurance. There are also bouts of rope jumping interspersed throughout each workout day to enhance footwork and agility. The cross-training stimulus these programs provide will enhance overall boxing ability and help to prevent injuries as well! 

Throughout the length of the Boxing Program, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the workout is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!  

Week 2 - Day 2 (Wednesday) of Matt Ahrens's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Hard
  View Printer Friendly Version
Printer Friendly and Exercise Descriptions are available to fully registered clients
Click here to sign up today!

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Close Grip Chin Ups
5 reps,5 reps,
4 reps 
Wide Grip Pull Ups
5 reps,5 reps 
Dumbbell Bent Over Row (elbows wide)
15 reps @ 25 lbs,15 reps @ 25 lbs 
Med Ball Chest Pass (kneeling)
15 reps,12 reps 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 15 lbs,15 reps @ 15 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 12 lbs,15 reps @ 12 lbs 
Jump Rope General
3 Minutes 
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
15 reps @ 25 lbs,15 reps @ 25 lbs 
Push Ups (regular position)
27 reps,27 reps,
20 reps 
Jump Rope General
3 Minutes 
Plate Twists
15 reps @ 15 lbs,15 reps @ 15 lbs 
Bent Leg Knee Ups from Bench
26 reps,26 reps 
Cross Crunches
29 reps,29 reps,
23 reps 
4-Way Manual Neck
10 reps,10 reps 

Your Program Awaits! Click here and fill out the fitness profile form on the front page. You can be working out with us today!                                                                                           

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Your SWOD is headed to the Gridiron!

Hello there and Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
Today on US Sports Network its another great day and as the sun is shining behind a few clouds here in DC, I am blessed to write to you today to help you get the most out of your fitness and strength and conditioning programs to be the healthiest, leanest, biggest, fastest, strongest, and best athlete or warrior you can become.

So today we help the Football Athletes get the most out of your programs now so that you can play your best and be in a position to play injury free this fall. I have to admit that these football programs I specialize in as I see so many football player in corporate gyms and fitness centers training incorrectly for one of the most physically demanding sports in the biz'

So if you are a serious player or just starting out, check out Today's SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY, as we sample our 3 Day High School Football Strength and Conditioning Program from the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System

Remember to consult a doctor before engaging in any fitness program.
Let's get to the SWOD!


This is it! Here are the 12-Week Off-Season Football Strength and Power Programs! The off-season is the best time of the year for making great improvements. It is the time to develop your strength, power, quickness and conditioning. Those of you who have played football know what needs to be done to get yourself into the kind of shape it takes to be a dominant player. And, if you are new to a football program, just follow the workouts and see great results!
Strength and power are two of the most important physical qualities that a football player can have. These Off-Season Football Programs are specifically designed to improve these qualities. There will be an evolution in these programs from a base strength phase through to a peak power phase. Remember to keep a positive attitude and work hard!

Week 1 - Day 1 (Monday) of Matt Ahrens's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version
(Printer Friendly Version Available in the Fully Registered Version)
Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
(Exercise descriptions are available in the fully registered version)

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Power Clean
5 reps @ 90 lbs,4 reps @ 105 lbs,
3 reps @ 125 lbs,6 reps @ 135 lbs,
8 reps @ 115 lbs,6 reps @ 105 lbs 
Bench Press
10 reps @ 100 lbs,5 reps @ 120 lbs,
10 reps @ 130 lbs,12 reps @ 120 lbs,
10 reps @ 110 lbs 
Incline Bench Press (30 degree)
12 reps @ 95 lbs,10 reps @ 100 lbs,
10 reps @ 95 lbs 
Med Ball Chest Pass (standing)
6 reps,4 reps 
Dumbbell Fly Stretch
60 seconds 
Front Squat
10 reps @ 90 lbs,5 reps @ 110 lbs,
10 reps @ 120 lbs,12 reps @ 110 lbs 
Dumbbell Jump Squat
6 reps @ 15 lbs,4 reps @ 15 lbs 
Barbell Reverse Lunge
12 reps @ 60 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
12 reps @ 17 lbs,10 reps @ 18 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
12 reps @ 13 lbs,10 reps @ 14 lbs 
Cable Triceps Pushdown
12 reps @ 70 lbs,10 reps @ 75 lbs 
Cable One Arm Reverse Triceps Pushdown
12 reps @ 30 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
23 reps,23 reps 
Cross Crunches
26 reps,26 reps 

Get your own customized strength and conditioning program today! Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to start today FREE

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Hello Athletes and Warriors!
I pray your programs are rolling right along this new year and you are getting leaner, stronger, faster, and better than ever!
One of the things that our members will notice is the vast variations in your programs. Everything from set, reps, weights, and the structure from the programs from week to week will vary.
The longer you are in the program you will notice that the contrast becomes even deeper and more detailed.
I should point out that this is not random, there is a science behind this method and its called many things and one of those terms is Contrast.

To further explain this concept, I turn the floor over to our friends at

One of the goals of athletic performance training should be to increase athletes' work capacity while improving (reducing) their recovery time. Contrast training is a highly effective method for improving many physical attributes involved in athletic performance, including strength, power, speed (acceleration) and agility — if implemented properly.One of the goals of athletic performance training should be to increase athletes' work capacity while improving (reducing) their recovery time. Contrast training is a highly effective method for improving many physical attributes involved in athletic performance, including strength, power, speed (acceleration) and agility — if implemented properly.Contrast training involves performing a set of a heavy resistance exercise, immediately followed by a set of a biomechanically similar power exercise (for example, a barbell back squat, immediately followed by a squat jump). Complex trainingis a similar approach, which involves performing 3-4 sets of heavy resistance training followed by 3-4 sets of the biomechanically similar power exercise.

The benefits of contrast training include:
• Effective in producing results
• Highly efficient
• Allows for high work density
• Time effective
• Allows athletes to complete fewer training sessions in order to yield the same or greater results
• May have implications for injury prevention

Here's an example of a simple contrast model for athletes to build explosive power:
• Barbell Back Squat — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Box Jump — 1 rep; rest 15-20 seconds
• Barbell Back Squat — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Box Jump — 1 rep; rest 15-20 seconds
• Barbell Back Squat — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Box Jump — 1 rep; rest 15-20 seconds
• Barbell Back Squat — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Box Jump — 1 rep
• Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2-4 sets

Incorporate this superset into your workout for speed development:
• Hex Deadlift — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Hurdle Hop — 1 rep; rest 20 seconds
• Hex Deadlift — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Hurdle Hop — 1 rep; rest 20 seconds
• Hex Deadlift — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Hurdle Hop — 1 rep; rest 20 seconds
• Hex Deadlift — 1 rep 65-80% 1RM + Hurdle Hop — 1 rep
• Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 2-4 sets

And finally, a superset using two explosive/plyometric exercises:
• Squat Jump — 25-30% (body weight) load + Depth Jump — 1 rep; rest 15-20 seconds
• Squat Jump — 25-30% (body weight) load + Depth Jump — 1 rep; rest 15-20 seconds
• Squat Jump — 25-30% (body weight) load + Depth Jump — 1 rep; rest 15-20 seconds
• Squat Jump — 25-30% (body weight) load + Depth Jump — 1 rep
• Rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of 1-3 sets

Lean more and work with one of our Athlete/Trainers today click here

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fitness Model Plan Transforms Dad Body- Ripped in Only 12 Weeks

Athletes and Warriors!
The sound science of fitness that worked in 2016 will work in 2017 and beyond!

Savvy athletes and warriors understand that as long as they are alive, they can take another step forward. Much like the young man in today's feature transformation. Take note of the fact that it took him 2 years to commit once he was convinced that it was not another online scam. Can you identify with that line of thought?

When you run out of excuses and reasons to not take action. All you have left is to act. I pray that today's transformation will inspire at least one person to act and stay in action mode in their fitness progress for life!

Lose Weight Dad

Fitness Model Plan Transforms Dad Body- Ripped in Only 12 Weeks

Dan did So Amazing in Only 12 Weeks. Week by week I would see him getting in better shape, losing weight and feeling great.. He dropped 19+ lbs, 6″ off His Stomach and 6+ % Bodyfat!!

Dans Stats

Week 1-

Weight- 190.7 lbs

Waist- 37″

Bodyfat%- 16.33%

Week 12

Weight- 171.3 lbs

Waist- 31″

Bodyfat%- 9.91%

Dan’s Story

I came across the Hitch Fit website a few years ago and always thought the results were too good to be true and that is was another online scam. Despite my initial impressions, I was still curious, then one day I recognized an old work colleague on the website and this then gave me the reassurance Hitch FIt was the real deal. It still took me a couple more years to finally commit, I was always concerned how I would manage the requirements of the program around my shift work and family life, but I am glad I finally did, my only regret was putting off the decision for so long.

Micah is very clear at the beginning of the program, you need to be 100% committed to changing your life. I can only reinforce this point, the program is tough, it does impact your lifestyle, your family, and your kids. However, 12 weeks is such a short period of time in your life to ensure you are the fittest and best version of yourself you can be. The effort required to complete the program is worth every bead of sweat and every ounce of pain, as you will NEVER look back once you complete the program.

Fit Dad

The first week was brutal, I struggled with the volume of exercise and my body struggled to recover, but as time went by all the unnecessary wasteful things I was doing at home, like watching TV, especially watching nothing in particular became not so important and this freed up time for exercise or food prep. The results as very quick, even at the end of the first week, (despite giving up coffee) I noticed increased energy levels, consistent energy levels, and improved sleep length and quality.

Well the day finally came to see my progress from week one, I was apprehensive, I had worked so hard during the week I did not see any difference in the mirror and did not want to be disappointed. I stepped on the scales, well was I surprised, I had lost 3.3 lbs in the first week, whilst some of this is probably water weight, I continued to lose weight and inches every week, in numbers I would never have expected to be maintained.

Week five came along and I hit a hurdle, I injured my back and couldn’t move for two days, I was flat on my back in bed. I thought the week was going to be a write off, the world was working against me to stop me completing the program. I sought treatment and rested for the two days and managed to continue the program for the remainder of the week.

“I found the program interesting and the changing weight program every four weeks, helped keep the motivation levels high.”

12 weeks to awesome

Another challenge I found was the nutrition plan, whilst I generally enjoy most foods, I have never enjoyed or even liked oatmeal. It was a real struggle for me and the beginning of the program, well it’s amazing what 12 weeks does, as it is now my preferred breakfast, even after finishing the program.

The program is both physically and mentally exhausting, my main advice to anyone contemplating the program, trust yourself, commit to the journey, commit to becoming the best version of yourself, and trust the program. You will have highs and low through the program, enjoy the highs, work hard through the lows. You will have obstacles, these are to test you, not to stop you. The results and benefits are worth every bit of energy you expend on the program.




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Saturday, December 17, 2016

‘Tis the Season to Save BIG!...(on our newest product).

Happy Saturday and Holidays Athletes and Warriors!
During this busy season, make sure you as healthy and strong as you can be. Stay on your fitness programs and if you need a program click here.
Also make sure your body has all of the tools to recover, build, fight off disease and simply live healthier and stronger. Here is a great offer from our friends and PuraThrive to help:


Hello US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Clients and Friends,

HollyHappy Holidays!

With Holidays right around the corner everyone
starts thinking about taking some time off and
being with family... after all isn't that what Holidays
are all about?

In honor of the upcoming special times we wanted to offer our loyal PuraTHRIVE customers a VERY special deal...

We recently released a new product and the response has been ASTOUNDING!

Today we are offering this new product to you with a Huge Holiday Promotion (up to 40% off)

It’s all about energy and feeling good so you can be your BEST to enjoy all
of the Holiday fun!

We want to give you the gift of boundless energy and good cheer for these Holidays so you can experience and enjoy them fully...and be ready to spring into the New Year!

Our energy levels and mood determine how we experience each precious moment of our lives. How we act, how we feel, how people perceive us, and ultimately who we are.

Can you feel inspired, confident, creative or passionate when you're out energy or in a bad mood? Of course not!

Introducing PuraTHRIVE Liposomal B12 w/Fulvic Acid
What does Vitamin B12 do for you?
  • Helps regulate energy levels [5]
  • Aids in digestion [6]
  • Boost Your Cognitive Function [7]
  • Supports a Good Overall Sense of Wellbeing [8]
  • Helps produce red blood cells [9]
  • Promotes healthy, clear skin [10]
  • Makes hair thicker and fuller [11]
  • Promotes Healthy Heart Function [12]
  • Plus much more!
PuraTHRIVE offers you an optimal solution. PuraTHRIVE Liposomal B12 with Fulvic Acid, is the most efficient way to harness the power of the vitamin that has been called “the primordial molecule responsible for the health of all the DNA in all of our cells.” [4]

This specialized formula delivers the highest quality B12 directly to your cells. No need to struggle with ineffective pills or expensive, painful injections and there's no prescription necessary.

Take advantage of this HUGE Christmas Promotion today!


Click here to see huge Christmas Savings

Best wishes to you and your loved ones,

Happy Holidays!


PS. The feedback so far has been amazing, people are feeling energized and reporting great results in both their bodies and mind.

“Since taking PureTHRIVE B12 I’m feeling sharp and full of energy. I’m way happier now and don’t feel tired throughout the day. The liquid is easy to take and it tastes great too."

- Colleen Renee

PPS. As always your are backed by our PuraTHRIVE 60 dayMoney-Back Guarantee

If you’re not thrilled with the way PuraTHRIVE™ Liposomal B12 makes you FEEL you’re entitled to a full refund.


Click here for your Holiday Savings!

[1] Oregon State University, Linus Pauling Institute, Micronutrient Information Center: Vitamin B12,

[2] Judy McBride,

[3] Katherine L Tucker et al, "Plasma vitamin B-12 concentrations relate to intake source in the Framingham Offspring Study" (The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 2000),

[4] "Diagnosing and Treating a Vitamin B12 Deficiency",

[5] Johns Hopkins Medicine, Health Library, "Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia"

[6] Kozyraki R, Cases O. Vitamin B12 absorption: mammalian physiology and acquired and inherited disorders. Biochimie. 2013;95(5):1002-1007

[7] Janine G Walker et al. "Oral folic acid and vitamin B-12 supplementation to prevent cognitive decline in community-dwelling older adults with depressive symptoms—the Beyond Ageing Project: a randomized controlled trial" (Am J Clin Nutr January 2012 95: 194-203;):

[8] Jussi Seppälä et al. "Association between vitamin b12 levels and melancholic depressive symptoms: a Finnish population-based study" (BioMed Central. 24 May 2013):

[9] Scheinfeld N, Dahdah MJ, Scher R. "Vitamins And Minerals: Their Role In Nail Health and Disease." (Journal of Drugs Dermatology 2007 Aug;6(8):782-7):

[10] US National Library of Medicine, US National Institutes of Health, Cutaneous lesions and vitamin B12 deficiency, An often forgotten link
[11] University of Maryland Medical Center, Vitamin B12,

[12] National Institutes of Health, Vitamin B12 Dietary Supplement Sheet,
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