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Showing posts with label Football workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Football workout. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2020

NFL Super Bowl Fun Brandt spotlights the 'Dark Knight' of Niners' coaching staff and Cocoa Lovers Smoothie Recipe | Obvi Super Collagen Protein Presented on US Sports Net by BBcom

While we prepare for another unofficial International Football holiday in the Super Bowl, let's take a fun look at what some of our top coaches do on game day.  Sure makes a nice contrast to screaming at players doing squats and cleans! 💪
-Coach Nate

NFL Network's Kyle Brandt highlights San Francisco 49ers assistant strength and conditioning coach Mike Nicolini for his role with the Niners this season.

The Chiefs are Super Bowl Bound - Shop for 2019 AFC Champs Gear at NFLShop.comShop thousands of officially-licensed NFL items at

Easy step by step instruction on how to make a Cocoa Lovers Smoothie infused with Obvi Super Collagen Protein.

► Shop Obvi Super Collagen Protein: 
| Why Should I Choose Obvi Super Collagen Protein? | 
With the combination of innovative flavors and advanced beauty ingredients our collagen protein is the best tasting and most complete formula on the market. 
| Why Should I Be Taking a Collagen Supplement? 
• Healthy Skin Support* 
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• 10 g Protein per serving 
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 | Collagen Supplements | 
So, are collagen supplements worth the investment? 
That depends on your goal. Collagen supplements appear to be effective for improving skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles, and minimizing the appearance of cellulite. Research also supports their use for reducing joint pain, stiffness, and degeneration. However, the evidence is not convincing for collagen supplements when it comes to treating hair loss, brittle nails, osteoporosis, periodontitis, gastrointestinal disorders, heart disease, and liver disease. 

To see the benefits of collagen peptides, you need 2.5 grams daily. The rest of your protein should come from quality sources such as grass-fed beef, free-range poultry and eggs, lean pork raised without hormones, wild-caught salmon, and other low-mercury fish and seafood. Vegans should choose minimally-processed soy products, beans, peas, lentils, and whole grains. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tyreek hill Crazy Workout Routine and Power Up Your Game With This Intense 5-Day Football Workout! Presented on US Sports Net By BBcom

Power Up Your Game With This Intense 5-Day Football Workout!

5 great workouts for football. As a football coach, I also incorporate these into my strength training program. Try these workouts and watch your progress take off!
Power Up Your Game With This Intense 5-Day Football Workout!
In this article I would like to lay the foundation for a new workout I have been making great progress with. Every person that has used this workout has put on an amazing amount of size as well as strength gains like nothing before.
After turning 40 and believing that the best was behind me I proved myself and anyone who thinks 40 means it's downhill ... well baby, lookout! Not only did I compete successfully at the semi-pro football level the last couple of years (I just turned 43 in Aug), but I also lifted weight in exercises that were from 10-15 years ago—I benched 500 lbs for 3 reps, did a single with close to 600 lbs, did squats with 600 lbs for sets of 6, and inclined well over 400 lbs for reps!
I know what your thinking, Mitch hooked up with the gym doc and started a cycle of those secret supps. Oh ye of little faith! I did supplement with creatine, NO2 and tribulus as well as a good weight gainer. However, the biggest change was in my workouts. I was starting to feel it in my joints as well as just not getting the results I expected!
After some serious prayer and contemplation I felt inspired to write out a new program. After the initial pouring out of the workout itself I was surprised at the simplicity and common sense that went hand-in-hand with this workout.
I will lay out basic sets and reps, but first a little common sense explanation. Most of the time we blast a body part or two and wait a number of days before we do it again. The problem is that it is such a guessing game of just how long we need to wait after one particular body part in order for the next time we hit that area for it to be effective.
The uniqueness of this workout is that no major body part is killed in any one day, instead it is hit over a few days in succession. The larger body parts (legs, chest, back) are usually done over two days. Whereas arms, for example, are done over several days so they can be killed but not OVER KILLED for max gains. I am also a football coach and our strength training program is using this workout right now.
I have several young men making great gains as well as many women in my gym. Try this workout for at least 4 months and then take a short break (a few weeks) from the high intensity training before continuing. Click here to view the workout........


"I'm sure I'll receive plenty of emails on the fine tuning aspects, just remember to use the first 12 as a good warm-up and increase weight to a point of near failure for each set after - The last 12 should be 10-20% heavier than the first set of 12. Good luck and may the Lord bless all your efforts!" -Mitch Hodge "The Hammer"

Read the full article..............

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Who Wants it Bad Enough? Presented on US Sports By Beast Sports Nutrition Featuring: Ferrum Football Spring Workouts 2019

How To Improve Your Post-Workout Recovery

  by Team Beast

How To Improve Your Post-Workout Recovery

Without proper recovery, your results will be minimal at best. It’s extremely important to put a focus on what you do following your workout to ensure you not only recover and refuel, but put yourself in a position to reach your health and fitness goals. Post-workout recovery should be the first thing on your mind as soon as you complete the last rep of your workout.
In order to get the most from your post-workout recovery, I have put together some key strategies for you to implement in order to maximize your results.
1. Drink a protein shake
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that a protein shake for post-workout has made the list. It’s been recommended for years to follow up your workouts with a liquid form of protein. Liquid is absorbed and utilized by the body much faster than a whole food meal which allows the system to shuttle it out to the muscle quicker to help speed up and kickstart the recovery process. Taking in a Beast Protein shake will allow the protein to be broken down into amino acids which when absorbed by the muscles can help build and repair the torn down muscle fibers. This process helps the muscles to come back bigger and stronger (hypertrophy).
We recommend Beast Protein. The specific formula used in Beast Protein helps the body get an immediate release of amino acids into the bloodstream thanks to the whey isolate, which is then followed up by another release from the whey concentrate, and finally several hours later another release from the casein protein.
2. Get enough sleep
You should be striving for a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night. Rest is actually where your body forces change when it comes to your physique. Sure, you can say that your workout is breaking down the muscle fibers but, in the end, if you aren’t allowing them enough quality rest to recover and rebuild, all of that work in the gym was for nothing – which leads us into the next major strategy for recovery. Figure out a way to get to bed earlier so you can hit the sweet spot of seven to nine hours of quality sleep to help enhance your post-workout recovery and be ready to tackle the gym the next day.
3. Hit your daily macros
Food is your best friend (we all like to eat, right?). While a protein shake for post-workout recovery is important, so are all of the other calories you should be consuming during the day. Focus on hitting your caloric needs for the day to ensure you are providing your body and muscles with all of the macro and micronutrients needed to recover properly from intense bouts of exercise. 
Workouts demand a lot from the body and if you want to improve your post-workout recovery, your daily nutrition can’t take a backseat. If need be, try using MyFitnessPal to track your macros and ensure you are taking in the ideal amount of each to achieve your weight loss/muscle building goal. The app also helps you stay accountable by providing you with a visual of how many calories you’ve already consumed as well as how many you have left to finish off the day.
Remember, your nutrition will ultimately make or break your success. If you’re in a caloric surplus and you’re trying to lose weight, it’s simply not going to happen. Inversely, if you are trying to add quality muscle mass but you are in a caloric deficit, it’s going to be extremely hard to put on any size at all. That’s why it’s so important to nail your nutrition.
4. Actually rest the muscle group
Hitting the same muscle group day in and day out is only going to leave you frustrated, sore, and potentially with an injury due to overuse. In order for a muscle to grow, it needs to rest (similar to what we touched on in #2). The time you take resting the muscle group will allow those muscle fibers to build back up and become stronger than prior.
To get the most from your post-workout recovery, you are going to want to leave 24-48 hours between workouts where the same muscle group would be used. You also need to take into account that when you hit back you are also hitting biceps and when you hit chest, you’re hitting triceps. Take that into account when you are setting up your weekly workout schedule.
5. Use a foam roller
Sore muscles can not only ache but they can also contain knots that limit your mobility. In order to break up those tight and sore muscles, a foam roller can be used. While you may have never used a foam roller before, that doesn’t mean it’s difficult to implement. There are several articles online and videos on YouTube that show you how to properly use a foam roller so I’ll save you the time in this article from listing it all out here. 
In a nutshell, using a foam roller can drastically improve your post-workout recovery. It can do so by increasing blood flow to the muscle, reduce overall soreness, release knots and tension in the muscle, and improve your flexibility.
6. Take a cold shower
Following an athletic event, you may have seen athletes utilizing an ice bath. They are doing this to improve post-workout recovery even if it’s following a game/match and not specifically a workout in the gym. A cold shower has similar benefits (not many people have the means to fill up an entire bath with ice to soak in).
The role of a cold shower is to reduce post-workout muscle soreness. This is a great way to follow up your workout in the gym and then slam down a protein shake after you dry off and get dressed. It makes for a simplified process that can lead you down the path to reaching your health and fitness goals.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Wanting in Bad Enough Presented by Beast Sports Nutrition Featuring: Pitt Football | Strength & Conditioning Coach Dave Andrews | 2019 4th Quarter Workouts

Weight Training and Strength Training
By: Gustave Richer

People, for a long time, have been struggling with how they should be developing themselves. In this sense, people have already gone from just trying to survive for the day to becoming models of fitness and strength. On dieting and getting buffed up alone, people use up as much as $60 Billion dollars to lose the fat they gained over the long span of their lives to shape-up or to create a better lifestyle to avoid a disease. However, you have to know what the difference of trainings are. There are differences between Strength and weight training and this article will tackle each of the styles in training.

Strength Training

Training does not come much simpler than training for strength. Musclesfax people can attest to that. The difference with losing weight often comes up with the idea of eating more to be able to train more while losing weight actually advises to do less eating to be able to curb that fat. And in strength training, essentially, the more protein you have, the better your strength will be. This goes along with a lot of vitamins and products that have it, too. Strength training mainly involves aerobic training and flexibility exercises. As such, weight training definitely goes under strength training. This training builds up resistance to be able to lift more, to enhance skeletal muscles, and build up anaerobic endurance. Common types of training includes muscle training, muscle hypertrophy, and the one that was previously given weight training and lastly, muscle endurance. In simple terms, this type of training helps you become stronger and endure more. People who excel in this type of training almost always compete with other people in weightlifting competitions; speed runs with boulder lifting or just plain old weight lifting.

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Focusing on Weight Training

As you know, weight training involves using weight as your primary ally in helping you build strength. With gravity as your enemy, the weight of the things you lift can help you build the power for you to use in any types of situations. It may start from you being able to carry your own weight, to being able to carry kilos and kilos of weight strapped in bars and many types of machines. However, one cannot just go and put much weight and start lifting immediately. As ironic as it may seem, people who engage in building strength to make the body stronger actually put themselves on the path of it at the same time. The danger even goes as far 82% of the 970,000 men who do weight training; both beginners and people who have been used to doing it. It is imperative that those who want to build strength and power follow a set of rules and progressive training to avoid getting injured and getting themselves out of the strength building picture in the long run.

To better build strength in a shorter span on time, people have been using drugs called steroids to enhance performance. The use of steroids, however, have different side effects and have been reported to induce injuries, complications and diseases that are often deadly or untreatable.

To find more info please visit

Friday, October 27, 2017

Think you’re tough? I tried out for a women’s full-contact football team. (From Circa)

It's no secret that historically, American football is seen by many as a man's game for male fans. However, new data shows that women are gaining momentum as football's fastest growing market both off and on the field.
Not only are women watching football more than before, but they are also playing in greater numbers, too.
Read The Full Article....

US Sports Online Strength And Conditioning's Football Strength and Conditioning Programs:

This is it! Here are the 12-Week Off-Season Football Strength and Power Programs! The off-season is the best time of the year for making great improvements. It is the time to develop your strength, power, quickness and conditioning. Those of you who have played football know what needs to be done to get yourself into the kind of shape it takes to be a dominant player. And, if you are new to a football program, just follow the workouts and see great results!
Strength and power are two of the most important physical qualities that a football player can have. These Off-Season Football Programs are specifically designed to improve these qualities. There will be an evolution in these programs from a base strength phase through to a peak power phase. Remember to keep a positive attitude and work hard!

Click on the desired program and enter the name of the program you clicked on the fitness profile form

3 Day High School Off Season Football Program

4 Day College\Pro Football Offseason Program

4 Day College\Pro Football Offseason Program EXPRESS 1,3,5,6,8,10,11

4 Day Football College\Pro 12 Week Offseason Quarterback Program

4 Days/Week High School Football Offseason Program
5 Day NFL Combine Program
  View a Sample Week of 5 Day NFL Combine Program (Below)
Week 2 - Day 1 (Monday) of US Sports Sample ProgramWeek Difficulty: Hard
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
Printer-Friendly, Exercise Descriptions and some Videos are available on your full registered program. Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to get your custom program today!

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Theraband Internal\External Warmup Rotation (AD)
15 reps,12 reps 
Bench Press
10 reps @ 80 lbs,5 reps @ 100 lbs,
3 reps @ 120 lbs,2 reps @ 140 lbs,
1 reps @ 160 lbs,1 reps @ 180 lbs 
Bench Press 225 Test (record reps)
2 record reps 
Bench Press 225 Test 2 (record reps)
2 record reps 
Close Grip Incline Bench Press (30 degree)
12 reps @ 85 lbs,8 reps @ 100 lbs,
10 reps @ 90 lbs 
Dumbbell Fly Stretch
60 seconds 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
10 reps @ 18 lbs,10 reps @ 18 lbs,
10 reps @ 17 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
10 reps @ 14 lbs,10 reps @ 14 lbs,
10 reps @ 13 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated External Rotation
10 reps @ 12 lbs,10 reps @ 12 lbs,
10 reps @ 11 lbs 
Cable Leaning Overhead Triceps Extension
10 reps @ 60 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs,
10 reps @ 55 lbs 
Cable One Arm Triceps Pushdown
10 reps @ 30 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs,
10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Barbell Standing Forearm Flexion
10 reps @ 35 lbs,10 reps @ 35 lbs,
10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Hanging Bent Knee Leg Raises
20 reps,20 reps,
16 reps 
Theraball Weighted Crunches
15 reps @ 15 lbs,15 reps @ 15 lbs

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Your SWOD is headed to the Gridiron!

Hello there and Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
Today on US Sports Network its another great day and as the sun is shining behind a few clouds here in DC, I am blessed to write to you today to help you get the most out of your fitness and strength and conditioning programs to be the healthiest, leanest, biggest, fastest, strongest, and best athlete or warrior you can become.

So today we help the Football Athletes get the most out of your programs now so that you can play your best and be in a position to play injury free this fall. I have to admit that these football programs I specialize in as I see so many football player in corporate gyms and fitness centers training incorrectly for one of the most physically demanding sports in the biz'

So if you are a serious player or just starting out, check out Today's SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY, as we sample our 3 Day High School Football Strength and Conditioning Program from the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System

Remember to consult a doctor before engaging in any fitness program.
Let's get to the SWOD!


This is it! Here are the 12-Week Off-Season Football Strength and Power Programs! The off-season is the best time of the year for making great improvements. It is the time to develop your strength, power, quickness and conditioning. Those of you who have played football know what needs to be done to get yourself into the kind of shape it takes to be a dominant player. And, if you are new to a football program, just follow the workouts and see great results!
Strength and power are two of the most important physical qualities that a football player can have. These Off-Season Football Programs are specifically designed to improve these qualities. There will be an evolution in these programs from a base strength phase through to a peak power phase. Remember to keep a positive attitude and work hard!

Week 1 - Day 1 (Monday) of Matt Ahrens's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version
(Printer Friendly Version Available in the Fully Registered Version)
Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
(Exercise descriptions are available in the fully registered version)

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Power Clean
5 reps @ 90 lbs,4 reps @ 105 lbs,
3 reps @ 125 lbs,6 reps @ 135 lbs,
8 reps @ 115 lbs,6 reps @ 105 lbs 
Bench Press
10 reps @ 100 lbs,5 reps @ 120 lbs,
10 reps @ 130 lbs,12 reps @ 120 lbs,
10 reps @ 110 lbs 
Incline Bench Press (30 degree)
12 reps @ 95 lbs,10 reps @ 100 lbs,
10 reps @ 95 lbs 
Med Ball Chest Pass (standing)
6 reps,4 reps 
Dumbbell Fly Stretch
60 seconds 
Front Squat
10 reps @ 90 lbs,5 reps @ 110 lbs,
10 reps @ 120 lbs,12 reps @ 110 lbs 
Dumbbell Jump Squat
6 reps @ 15 lbs,4 reps @ 15 lbs 
Barbell Reverse Lunge
12 reps @ 60 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
12 reps @ 17 lbs,10 reps @ 18 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
12 reps @ 13 lbs,10 reps @ 14 lbs 
Cable Triceps Pushdown
12 reps @ 70 lbs,10 reps @ 75 lbs 
Cable One Arm Reverse Triceps Pushdown
12 reps @ 30 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
23 reps,23 reps 
Cross Crunches
26 reps,26 reps 

Get your own customized strength and conditioning program today! Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to start today FREE

Monday, January 9, 2017


Athletes and Warriors!
I take great comfort in knowing that I don't have to be a fitness genius to help get the best fitness, strength, conditioning and performance information into your hands so that you are healthier and stronger for the rest of your life. I have surrounded myself with a great team to help you.

With that in mind here is a simple but powerful motivational message from our partners at GoPro Workouts to help you to forget about perfection, and always seek better in all areas.

Not everyone can sprint like Usain Bolt, but everyone has the potential to get faster. Not everyone can be an Olympic power lifter, but everyone has the potential to get stronger.Not everyone can sprint like Usain Bolt, but everyone has the potential to get faster.

Not everyone can be an Olympic power lifter, but everyone has the potential to get stronger.

Not everyone can shoot like Stephen Curry, but every basketball player has the potential to become an improved shooter. (or ball-handler, etc.)

Not everyone can be Mike Krzyzewski, but every coach has the potential to be more effective in leading his or her team.

Not everyone can graduate at the top of their class, but every student has the potential to improve his or her grades.

Not everyone can be a world-renowned college professor, but every teacher has the potential to be a more effective educator.

Not everyone can be a great orator, but everyone has the potential to improve their public speaking skills.

Better parent. Better friend. Better teammate. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do. All of us have potential, and we can all improve in some area(s) of our lives. Talent, skill, and ability are great, but they're useless if they're not applied.

Potential is a double-edged sword. Having the potential to learn, grow, develop, and improve is a blessing. Unrealized potential is a curse.

What are you doing to unlock your potential? What are you willing to do to improve?

Need help? Click here
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