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Monday, July 22, 2024

The Rock Almighty. You'll Never Drop Out Of The Race With God! & Can A Person be a Homosexual and a Christian at the Same Time?


Can A Person be a Homosexual and a Christian at the Same Time?

  • Author Garfield Gregoire

The homosexual way of life has pervaded all aspect of society in just about every country in the world; it is so widely accepted – especially here in the United States, that it appears to be almost taboo for anyone to openly speak out against homosexuality – as such is likely to be met with hostile opposition. But does God approve of homosexuality, and can a person continue to engage in homosexual activities and be a truly converted Christian at the same time?

There are millions of homosexuals who profess to believe in God – while other actually profess to be Christians or followers of Jesus Christ; there are also ordained church leaders – such as priests and Pastors who have publicly admitted they are homosexuals. The Acceptance of homosexuals into recognized churches and church ministries is worldwide in scope, and it just continues to grow – as people are unashamed of their same sex way of life that many seem to have no qualm in placing the homosexual flag or colors in their place of residence; it seems they want the world to know that they are homosexuals; they have truly come out of the closet.

There is a scripture in Jeremiah 6:15 – which is applicable to our time; it says, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush …” In general, people carry out all kinds of wrong doings in our society today – who seemingly exhibit no shame or even remorse for the things they do; and this is an overall condition in our nation today, and not just in the homosexual way of life.

God says we are Not to Lean on our Own Understanding.

On the matter of homosexuality, people have a tendency to apply human reasoning to justify or condone homosexuality; For example, some will reason that there is nothing wrong when two people of the same sex chose to express their love toward each other - through the act of a sexual relationship. I can recall a homosexual minister justifying homosexuality by expressing that since God is love, this therefore makes it right for people to be in a loving homosexual relationship- because it is the expression of love; and of course, there are other forms of reasoning people use to try and justify homosexuality. However, we must keep in mind that though people may have their own personal beliefs or thoughts about homosexuality and the justification for it, God says we must not lean upon our own human reasoning; Notice proverbs 3:5,7: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding; Be not wise in thine own eyes …”

Human reasoning and beliefs can get us on the wrong path of life- as emotion can get in the way – blinding us to the truth; and so, we must rely not on our own thoughts and reasoning but on what God our creator says, because God says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways …” (Isaiah 55:8). To know truth, we must rely on what God says; rely on what HE tells us in his word – because his word is "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (II Timothy 3: 16).

Notice it is God’s word that correct us humans; it corrects and instructs us in the way of righteousness – making it possible to judge righteous judgement – even as the Jesus said (John 7:24); and on this matter of homosexuality, we must rely on what God says about homosexuality – for it is the standard by which we can righteously and justly judge a matter to be either right or wrong - because we of ourselves are prone to making wrong judgement. I can tell you that the man who relies on human reasoning – doing what he thinks is right - may be committing a lot of sin.

Concerning the determination of what sin is, I would also like to point out that God does not allow you or me to decide what sin is, but HE alone decides what sin is and then allows us to decide only whether or not we will obey him – by not doing that which HE determines to be wrong or sinful; this is very important to understand, and I suppose most people do not understand this – especially when they are so bent on wanting to justify their own way; their own sinful ways.

The Old Testament Speaks of Homosexuality

So, what does God say about homosexuality? Notice Leviticus 18:13: “If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination …” If you do a simple look up of this word LIE – using a Concordance, you will find that this word (LIE) comes from a Hebrew word which mean to lie down for sexual connection. This means there is no doubt that God is speaking of a homosexual relation – which HE condemns as that which is abominable in his sight.

Also, who has not heard how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of it sins – which include the sin of homosexuality. We can zero in on Genesis 19 – where the men of Sodom surrounded the house of Lot (verse 4) and called for the strangers or men that were in the house with Lot – to come out so they may “know them” (verse 5). The men of Sodom wanted to have homosexual relation with the men, this was why Lot went outside and pleaded with the men – saying to them, “… do not so wickedly” (verse 7).

Lot knew the men wanted to engage in homosexual activity with the men and pleaded with them to not do this evil thing; this was why Lot resorted to offering up his three daughters to try appease the wrongful desires of the men but they were more interested in having sex with the men; and so, they refused having women for sex -as they followed their homosexual drive or lust.

It is also interesting to point out that the men of Sodom said that they wanted to KNOW the men; This word “know” can have more than one application, but it is tied to the very same word used in the sexual sense in Genesis 4:1 – where it says, “Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived …” Adam “KNEW” Eve in sex and the men of Sodom also wanted to do the same with the men when they said, “that we may know them” – meaning the men of Sodom did not want to “KNOW” the men in a cordial or friendly manner, but wanted to KNOW them by way of having sex with them. Genesis 13:13 makes known “the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.”

I know there are those who may admit that homosexuality in this case was only wrong because the men of Sodom wanted to rape the men that were in the house with Lot, but that is flawed human reasoning – because God has revealed that the act of homosexuality is wrong – even if it is consensual.

The account of what happened in Sodom was recorded for our instruction: "And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes,” God, as the context shows, "condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample [example] unto those that after should live ungodly" (2 Peter 2:6). God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah as an example; and if such served as an example for people to learn, see and fear, what then do you think is going to happen to other nations -especially to the United States and Britain – who continues to allow the acceptance of homosexuality to become an acceptable way of life in every facet of society – impacting the life of our own innocent little children – who are being taught and influenced to believe in a way of life that is contrary to what our creator says? Do you think God is not going to respond to this? I tell you HE is going to respond in a way this world is not prepared for. In Isaiah 13:11 God says, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease …” God is going to bring to nothing the wrong and sinful ways of this world and I tell you or day of reckoning is at hand – as we are to enter deeply troubling times -as God is going to severely punish the United States for its sin; and we are already a nation in trouble and do not seem to realize it; our troubles are going to intensify right before our very eyes.

True Union is Between a man and woman in Marriage

In speaking of true marriage, Jesus said, "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?" (Matthew 19:4-5).

Marriage is between a man and a woman, not between two men or two women. Sex belongs in marriage, as the Bible plainly reveals, and should be between a man and his wife and not between people of the same sex.

But also notice that Jesus went on to say: “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder” (Matt. 19:6). The word asunder means to separate – which carries the meaning of putting a room of separation between the man and the woman; and this is why Jesus pointed out that God never intended for men and women to divorce and break up the marriage. But also, in another sense, the homosexual relationship seeks to put asunder the marriage union of man and woman when it brings same sex marriage into to picture because it seeks to corrupt and set aside the fact that marriage is between man and woman only.

God is a God of order and perfection - for and when HE made the man, God then stated it was not good for the man to be alone - and then he created the woman to be a helper to the man -where she would stand by his side in a loving husband and wife relationship. it was God who blessed the man and woman in this holy union to love each other and to produce children. God gave the human pair the command to be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28). Same sex union cannot produce children as the homosexual way of life is based on human vanity; it is a way of life that produces only a carnal and lustful pleasure that is barren, empty and is incapable of producing children – which is a blessing from God. Psalm 127:3 makes known that “children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Can the fruit of the womb produce a child in a homosexual relation? No, it cannot; it produces no descendants, no grandchildren; nothing for those in same sex relation to look back on and to enjoy the children and grandchildren that can only come out of man and woman relationship. The homosexuals have deprived themselves of experiencing this joy of having children - as they will never be there to witness the birth of a son or daughter; they will never experience the wonder of holding their own newborn in their hands and to know they have given life to someone who came out of their own body. Perhaps in their later years, some of these homosexuals may have regretted not having a child of their own; they may have regretted having lived such a fruitless or barren life. Homosexuals have their Pride month in which they glorify the homosexual way of life, but honestly, where is the pride in a life that is so barren, fruitless, and contrary to the law of God - who ordains that marriage is to be between a man and woman only?

In truth, the homosexual relationship is a corruption of the marriage which God intended to be between man and woman; and this is why you will find NO place in the Bible where God has blessed the union of same sex marriage; it is just nowhere to be found in the Bible; and if it not in the Bible, it should certainly raise a red flag to people who claim homosexuality is approved by God.

Homosexuality Spoken of in the New Testament

1 Corinthians 6:9: “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.”

The word effeminate comes from Greek word which refers to a catamite; a catamite in ancient Greece and Rome was a boy around the age of puberty who was in an intimate relation with an older male – meaning a homosexual relationship. The apostle Paul also spoke of these as “abusers of themselves with mankind.” The word abuser is referring to those who engages in sexual activities that is the opposite of the way it is done between a man and a woman. If you read this passage of the Bible from the New American Standard Bible, it plainly uses the word “homosexual;” It says, “… neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals.”

God will Forgive the Homosexual upon Genuine Repentance.

All have sinned and God is willing to forgive those who have sinned - as God is "merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin" (Exodus 34:6-7). The humiliated woman taken in the very act of adultery - a sinful heterosexual act - was forgiven by Jesus. He told her never to do it again (John 8:3-11).

Some of the people Paul was writing to in the Corinthian Church, had once been homosexuals themselves; Paul said: “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus ….” 1 Cor. 6:11). Those people repented; they changed – forsaking their formers selves to live a holy and new way of life. Thus, it is only by repenting and forsaking the homosexual way of life can a person be a true Christian – as a person CANNOT be a Christian and a homosexual at the same time. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters because if we try to do so, we will hate one and love the other (Matt. 6:24); and I have no doubt that those who wish to try and find justification for their homosexual way of life, are likely resent what has been written here and will try to argue against it, but it is really God’s truth they will be arguing against – because God truth is known to be “sharper than any two edged sword, … and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12); God’s truth does make people uncomfortable – especially when they are opposed to it; they do not like to hear it and this is why the Bible says the human “carnal mind is enmity against God …” (Romans 8:7).

To be a true Christians means we have to forsake our own ways - meaning our own way of thinking. God says, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts …” Isaiah 55:7). I have long come to realize it is so much harder for people to admit they are wrong than to see the truth and embrace it - as it is in human nature to be resistant to the truth – wanting to fighting against it – being unwilling to yield to what God says – all because they do not want to forsake their ways or their belief in doing the things God said is wrong. It was the same way with Mother Eve in the garden of Eden: she lusted after the forbidden fruit – wanting to go her own way – despite the fact God warned her of the end result of disobedience, but she did not believe God and instead, allowed lust and personal self- desire to take of that which was forbidden to cloud her mind and judgement; and this is what lusting after the wrong things can do; it can blind us to the truth. In speaking of lust, Romans 1:27 uses the word lust to describe the attraction involved in the homosexual relationship – saying: “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly …” So, here again God speak out against homosexual union as that which is unseemly – meaning a behavior that is not proper or appropriate. Could it be any clearer that homosexuality is not condoned by God and that a person CANNOT be a homosexual and a Christian at the same time?

Homosexuals Should not be Hated

Because the matter of homosexuality can be sensitive matter, it is possible that someone reading this article may choose to falsely accuse me of stirring up hatred toward homosexuals, but such reasoning is not in line with the truth, because God does NOT condone hatred towards other people; He does NOT hate homosexual people and neither do I; What God hates is the wrong and sinful ways of people and not the people themselves – for God loves humanity and sent his Son to die for all people – because all have sinned; the scripture says, “For God so loved the world …” (John 3:16). This love of God includes the homosexuals, and so, I wish to emphasize that this is not written to condemn homosexuals but simply to point out what the Bible says on the subject, and it shows that a person cannot be a true Christian while engaging in homosexual activities. Of course, the problem is that people do not want to obey God and so, they will try to reason around the truth in order to try and find some form of justification for believing homosexuality is acceptable to God, but God has warned about leaning upon our own human understanding or belief, and that we have to be willing to forsake our own stubborn ways – because as previously stated, God says, … my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways …” (Isaiah 55:8).

God punished people for living the wrong way, and this nation – the United States - having been blessed by God to become the single greatest nation to have ever existed on the earth, is going to be punished for its many sins – of which homosexuality is one of them, and our time of reckoning is at hand – because the United States is spoken of in prophecy as a nation that is going to fall, and we are living in that time where the fulfillment of those prophecies are going to rise up and confront our people like some gargantuan monster in a horror movie that strikes terror and fear; the only thing is that this is reality and not some horror movie.

Anyone desiring to know and understand where America is spoken of in prophecy and what is to befall our people, you can read the book titled – America in Prophecy; the information or link to the book is listed below. I do try to always mention this book not because I am expressing any kind of greed for money because no man can place a price on God’s truth, but the book does give the reader a deep understanding of Bible prophecy and of who or what nation God is talking about and what is to literally befall the United States in our time – for without the understanding of where the United States, Germany, Britain, China, and Russia is in spoken of or identified in the Bible, you are not going to be able to understand the prophecies that are to come to pass and how each nation is going to be impacted and the effect it is going to have on your life and those of your family.

I also want to add that the book is placed on Amazon – where the publisher determines the price of the book – as I have no control over that – and it is also the means by which I am able to make the book available to anyone who may be interested in reading it. And as I have said before, if I had the means to just make the book freely available to people I would do so, because I write these things with the understanding that God expects us to love and care for people; to be concerned for their welfare and happiness without seeking to get anything in return, but to simply pass on the truth of God’s word to them; and what better way than to use and appreciate the opportunity that this medium - Article Biz, in part, gives to make that possible; Jesus said, “… freely ye have received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8). But HE also said, “… the workman is worthy of his meat” (Verse 10). I also write with the understanding that knowledge not put to use is of no value – meaning God does not expect a person to hide his truth but to freely express it so those who may be willing to see it and possibly benefit from it; and so, the significance of the book is that it identifies the United States in prophecy and tells what is to befall this nation – as countless millions of lives are going to be severely impacted; mega death and destruction is coming, and those willing to believe what God says is coming should be made aware of it – as we are living in a time when things are just going to suddenly change for the worst and grow to unbearable level of distress and troubles – the likes of which this world has never seen.

If interested, feel free to go

I am an old man who has, long ago, came to the realization that this professing Christian world – with all its Mega Churches and various denominations do not proclaim the true teaching of the Bible - as they fail to correctly teach many vitally important doctrinal truths of the Bible.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Concealed Carry Show Highlight: Homeowner Shoots Three Attackers Outside His Home


Are European-Style Gun Control Laws a Blueprint for America?

Besides this being an election year in the U.S., the recent amendment to the Czech Republic's charter has me thinking about the debate over gun control and ownership here in America. This move comes with an extreme tightening of restrictions, raising the question: are European-style gun control laws a blueprint for America?

Czech Senate

Czech Republic's “Right to Bear Arms”-

Back in 2021, I wrote about how the Czech Republic became an anomaly in Europe. See, they amended their charter to allow for the right to own a firearm for self-defense. This is an extreme view within the progressive nations of Europe. But the Czech laws were a far cry from those we take for granted in America.

As mentioned, the Czech Republic, like many European countries, has strict gun control laws. For example, to own a firearm for self-defense, individuals must:

  • acquire a gun license
  • pass mental and criminal history background checks
  • demonstrate good cause for owning a gun
  • pass a gun safety test
  • store the gun according to regulations
  • and register the weapon with the regulating authority
czeh republic gun laws and the US

Stringer/Anadolu via Getty Images

Gun Restrictions Can't Stop Violence-

Despite these stringent measures, a tragic incident on December 21, 2023, at Charles University, where a legal gun owner opened fire and killed 14 people and injured 25, highlighted the limitations of these laws.

The Czech Government's Response to Tragedy-

This month, in response to the incident, the Czech legislature passed additional laws, shortening the gun license renewal period from ten years to five, and giving doctors access to databases to determine if their patients are gun owners. These new measures aim to further restrict access to firearms, raising questions about the balance between individual rights and public safety, which are laced with privacy and authoritarian issues.

European vs American Gun Culture-

The Czech Republic has an adult population of approximately 8,720,000, with roughly 314,000 individuals (3.6%) holding gun licenses and owning approximately 1 million firearms.

In comparison, data estimates (nobody can really know) the adult population of the US at around 259,000,000. While it's challenging to determine the exact number of gun owners and firearms in the US because of the lack of universal gun registration (although that is the gun-control advocates goal), estimates suggest that about 45% of Americans own guns, totaling around 82,880,000 individuals owning an estimated 494,000,000 firearms.

The Gun Rights Rally in Columbus, Ohio on March 10, 2018 drew around 1000 well armed, law-abiding citizens.

Implementing European-style gun control laws in the US would be challenging both practically and legislatively. The sheer number of gun owners and firearms in the US would make it difficult to enforce similar restrictions. Besides a scheme like this requiring universal background checks, confiscation and privacy concerns are obvious.

Additionally, the monetary costs from an enforcement standpoint would blow up many state budgets. The US Constitution's Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms for self-defense, which the Supreme Court upheld in landmark decisions such as the District of Columbia v. Heller.

The Basic Question?

While the Czech Republic's approach to gun control may seem appealing to some, it raises a simple and fundamental question about the nature of rights and privileges.

Is a right overlaid with such extensive restrictions truly a right, or does it become a privilege granted by the government?

In the US, efforts to implement stricter gun control laws have faced challenges, particularly in light of the Supreme Court's decisions affirming the Second Amendment. While states have attempted to work around or disregard federal constitutional protections, the legal landscape has shifted following key rulings like Bruen v. City of New York. However, this doesn't mean that proponents of gun control have given up. The debate over gun control in the US remains contentious, with ongoing efforts to find a balance between individual rights and public safety.

Is European Gun-Control Law Coming to America?

The short answer is, not yet. While the Czech Republic's recent amendment to its charter highlights the country's approach to gun control, it may not find its way into American law today, it absolutely serves as a blueprint for American lawmakers bent on taking away the individual's right to own firearms, through tighter and tighter restrictions. The differences in population size, cultural attitudes towards firearms, and constitutional protections make it challenging to replicate European-style gun control laws in the US, but it won't deter the “only the government and my personal private security should own firearms” crowd. The debate over gun control will continue, with both sides advocating for their respective positions in the interest of public safety and individual rights, and I believe Americans will slowly march towards the inevitability of turning over their right's to the government.

What say ye? Do you think Americans will retain their gun rights or, where gun rights are concerned, will we look like Europe in the future? Leave a comment below.

About Matthew Maruster

I follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the eternal co-equal Son of God. I currently live in Columbus, Ohio with my wife and daughter. I served in the Marine Corps Infantry. I was a Staff Sergeant and served as a Platoon Sergeant during combat in Iraq. After I was a police officer at a municipal agency in San Diego County. I have a Bachelors's Degree in Criminal Justice from National University. MJ Maruster Defense.

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The Rock Almighty Sunday Sermon: The Kingdom Concept of Lordship Dr. Myles Munroe & Christ and the Roman Empire


Christ and the Roman Empire

  • Author Mark Slaney

Rome was considered one of the largest empires of the ancient world, covering areas throughout the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, and Asia Minor. Soon after the Punic Wars took place, Emperor Augustus expanded the empire across other regions such as Egypt, Spain, and certain parts of the Middle East, including the land of Judea. Once Judea had become part of the empire, it would lead to the coming of Christ to the beginning and spread of Christianity.

The reign of Augustus would eventually end with his death when Tiberius became the new Emperor of Rome. When he heard about him proclaiming to be the Messiah, the Emperor would respond with great discouragement and plot his arrest. After learning about his teachings, the Roman Empire and majority of its citizens refused to believe that he was the Messiah. Others who did oversaw and gave an account of his events; for example, his power to heal and to cast out demons, and the moments leading up to his crucifixion.

The twelve men who did follow Jesus were concerned that he would be taken captive by the Romans. They wanted to protect Jesus no matter where they were to follow him, but he was tempted by the devil at the Garden of Eden. His point was not to prove that he’s the Messiah on earth but to allow the world to believe that he is. He wasn’t going to save himself and restore an earthly empire but become a sacrifice to justify his people through his own blood.

Pontius Pilate

When Pilate questioned Jesus about being King of the Jews, he answered, “My servants would have fought if my kingdom were of this world,” but because it’s not of the world, he would not release himself, nor would Pilate except on his own terms. After they chose to free a robber named Barabbas instead, Pilate washed his hands clean to say he is innocent of him. Pilate did not sentence Jesus crucified by his own authority, in fact, he didn’t convict him of anything during the trial. By rendering Christ innocent, he claimed himself to be from what they were about to do to him under Roman law.

His position could not decide Jesus’ death by any means. Even if he were to say “live”, it would be in conjunction with Rome and denial that he’s God, who held his own power to lay down his life. Jesus put himself on trial under Roman law in order to fulfill the law of Moses. Since he did not break any law, Pilate had no say in what Jesus was to carry out. He did not understand the spiritual element of sin and what Christ had to do by giving into the demands of the world and the Roman system.

Although he may have tried to waiver off the accusations against Jesus, he didn’t know that his sin was still pushing the Lord, leaving the final verdict up to the crowd — a decision made by the Jews, one that doesn’t involve himself. Pilate’s motives not to crucify the Son of God were unjustified by an act of self-righteousness. You can only become righteous by what Christ had to do, so in effect, he acted upon the circumstance of his crucifixion, unaware that he was also a sinner.

The Romans who crucified Jesus wanted to prevent their emperor from falling inferior and the empire from being overruled. In fact, the Roman Empire still put forth its policies to stop Christianity after the death and resurrection of Christ. Anyone who would be found a Christian would be put to death or imprisoned. Almost all of the apostles were martyred for teaching God’s work of salvation and his power over all the earth.

I have written and published articles for numerous writing companies. I also write articles for my own website at

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Matt Walsh Show Highlight On US Sports - Viral Tiktok Shows 18-Year-Old Getting Kicked Out


A viral TikTok shows an 18-year-old crying over being kicked out of her parents' house. Then, a debate over whether or not this is right or wrong ensued online. Let's discuss.

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The Rock Almighty Weekend On The Rocks With Petra & What Does It Mean to Love One Another with God’s Love?


What Does It Mean to Love One Another with God’s Love?

  • Author James Rondinone


What Does It Mean to Love One Another with God’s Love?



Now that we know what God’s general plan is for the believer, we need to learn what His specific plan is all about. In this particular instance, we are looking to address the opinion of a male who was involved in a Christian megachurch that expressed his belief about having a relationship with another man that he contends would be full of love like any other relationship between two adults.

It’s understandable when some Christians are not sure as to whether operating in God’s love condones fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, etc. Like any other biblical topic, we need to be taught by someone in leadership as to what Scripture has to say about this. I’m not writing on this study entitled TESTIMONY to give you my opinions, but what Scripture has to say on this topic.

What I have found out in attempting to determine what are the characteristics and expressions of God’s love is that there are other words that are used in Scripture to denote affection. So, what we will attempt to do is look at each of these and try to determine which ones reflect godly qualities and actions and which ones do not.

The first one we will look at pertains to God’s love.



Agape is the noun form, and agapao is the verb form.

What kind of love is this?

When we consider how Christians operate in this love, what are the thoughts and actions that they should be thinking and expressing toward others?

Please go to the book of Galatians.


Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

This is God’s love that is a fruit of the Spirit. The word fruit, which we talked about earlier in this study, can also mean elements of character. There are nine elements of character that God wants to produce in us, become operational in us, and be expressive to others. The first element of character is called love. The Greek rendering of this word in the noun form is transliterated (to change letters from one language to another) into English and written as agape.

Because most of our English New Testament is derived from Koine Greek (the common language of the Greeks during the time of Christ) and in certain minimal instances Aramaic, all we need to do is find this particular word love in Scripture by using a concordance, which will indicate to us every place it appears. We’ll also be able to find out whether this word was used to signify God’s agape love or another expression for love. And along with this, wherever this word love appears, we will be made aware as to whether it was used as a noun or verb.

So, this particular word for love means divine love, which is a love produced in the heart of the yielded believer by the Holy Spirit; its chief ingredient, self-sacrifice for the benefit of the one loved.43

Are you ready to find out more about what this word love means, whether in the form of a noun or a verb?

Please go to the book of 1 Corinthians.


Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

The word used as synonymous with the word love in these verses is charity, and it’s used primarily as a noun. There is much to say about God’s love when a Christian is operating in it toward others and whether the recipients of such are believers or unbelievers.

1 Corinthians 13:4 Charity suffereth long…

Charity (God’s agape love) is patient in bearing the offenses and injuries of others. It has a long mind.44 Stay with me in looking at another part of the same verse.

1 Corinthians 13:4 …charity envieth not…

God’s love is not [grieved] because another possesses a greater portion of earthly, intellectual, or spiritual blessings.45 Take a look at the next verse, which follows this one.                                                   

1 Corinthians 13:5 …seeketh not her own…

Charity does not seek one’s own happiness to the injury of another.

To find out another perspective about God’s love, please go to the book of Romans.


Romans 13:8

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

This is an interesting verse, which talks about the fact that if we owe someone a debt, we must make sure we pay it back. Why? Because this is an expression of God’s love in interpersonal relationships. God’s love is responsible for its actions.

Go forward in your Bible to the book of 1 John.


1 John 3:16

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

As we perceive (gain spiritual knowledge by experience) the love of God expressed in the laying down of His life for us, because of our response to such, we will have become the recipients of salvation.46 And likewise, we should lay down our life (by giving our time, care, prayers, substance47) for the brethren.

What else can we learn about God’s love?

1 John is where we should go next.


Suggested Reading: 1 John 4:7-19

7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.   

The apostle John instructed believers to habitually love one another (be ready to promote each other's welfare, both spiritual and temporal48).

The next verse talks about God’s love operating in marriage.     


Ephesians 5:25

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Husbands are instructed by the apostle Paul to love their wives (to give himself in self-sacrifice for the well-being of the one who is loved;49 to promote the salvation of their wives, and their constant edification in righteousness;50 to seek the highest good for another person51), even as Christ loved the church and gave of Himself to redeem it.

Let’s proceed onward to the book of Galatians.


Galatians 5:13

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

Brethren, you have been called unto liberty (through the Spirit free from the power of sin in his daily life; and free from the Law with its demands and threats52). Only use not this liberty for an occasion to the flesh (to indulge the sinful nature or as a furtherance to corrupt passions53), but by the love of the Spirit (divine love; [such love] means death to self, and that means defeat for [sin] since the essence of sin is self-will and self-gratification54) serve one another (to do that which is for the advantage of someone else55).

Now that we know some of the thought patterns and subsequent expressions of divine love, the next question we can seek an answer for will help us determine what is contrary to it.

What are the thought patterns and subsequent expressions that are contrary to divine love, which a Christian should no longer be entertaining in their mind and thus committing in their actions?

Let’s begin by going to the book of 1 John.


1 John 2:15-16

15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

God’s love commands us as to what we should not love. We are not to love the world (the ordered system of which Satan is the head, his fallen angels and demons are his emissaries, and the unsaved of the human race are his subjects, together with those purposes, pursuits, pleasures, practices, and places where God is not wanted.56

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

We are also commanded to not love what is in the world, which consists of the lust (sensual and impure desires) of the flesh (of the depraved nature), and the lust (the mental pleasure) of the eyes, and the pride of life (includes the desire to gain credit which does not belong to us, and outshine our [neighbors];57 an insolent and vain assurance in one's own resources, or in the stability of earthly things58).

What stood out to me is that we are commanded not to love the sensual and impure desires of the depraved nature. And we can speculate that whatever these desires are that may occupy us will express themselves in sensual and impure actions. What actions are considered sensual and impure in Scripture? Keep on reading, and hopefully, we’ll find out.

I don’t know about you, but I found learning about God’s agape love enlightening. Here is a summary of it.

God’s agape love:

Self-sacrifices for the benefit of someone else.

Operating in a husband seeks the spiritual well-being of his wife.

Is patient in bearing the offenses and injuries of others.

Is not grieved because another possesses a greater portion of earthly, intellectual, or spiritual blessings.59

Does not seek one’s own happiness to the injury of another.

Lays down its life (by giving our time, care, prayers, substance60) for the brethren.

Does not operate in the sin nature and continue in corrupt passions.

Does not love the sensual and impure desires of the depraved nature.

Is not kindled by the merit or worth of its object, but it originates in its own God-given nature.61

Does not find assurance in one's own resources or in earthly things.

Did you know that there is another word for love that Scripture mentions? Any idea what this love is all about? Let’s find out.


Philia, a noun, is the transliteration of the Greek word. The verb form is phileo.

What is Philadelphia love all about?

How is it different from agape love?

Please go to the book of Titus.


Titus 2:4

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

Titus is instructing the aged Christian women (those advanced in years) that they teach the young Christian women, who are married, to be sober (to have their desires and passions well-regulated or under proper control62), to philia love their husbands (not be fond of other men than their own), and to philia love their children (maternal affection; used to describe feelings or actions which are typical of those of a kind mother [toward] her child63). This love is described as being that of a philia type of love, a love for one’s family.

Why wasn’t this love mentioned as being agape?

I can only assume, based on what we know about agape love is that it is a love that is self-sacrificing, i.e., it loves irrespective of the person loved or their response to it, whereas philia love appears to be a love based on something about the person who is loved which causes us to love them. Let’s see if what I just said is true about philia love by looking at more verses where this type of love is being illustrated.

The book of 1 Peter is where we should go next.


1 Peter 1:22

Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:

Apparently, there were some Christians who had issues with philia loving their fellow believers. Unfortunately, they were operating in feigned (hypocritical) love. This love was described as being like a mask of feigned love placed over their usual countenances when associating with certain others of their brethren.64 Their only way out of living in this counterfeit love was by continual obedience to God’s Word while operating under the influences of the Holy Spirit.

By choosing to appropriate and think with God’s Word, this caused them to operate in the fruit of the Spirit, and as such, they evidenced God’s love toward their brethren, which was characterized as being a philia unfeigned love (an unhypocritical love). This love is characterized as liking someone else because that person is like himself [herself] in the sense that this person reflects in his (her) own personality the same characteristics, the same likes and dislikes that he [she] himself [herself] has65). Based on the context, these characteristics would be those exemplified by the Word of God.

Then, the apostle Peter said to them to see to it that they agape love one another with a pure [not for the love of ourselves; to not use for our advantage; free from hypocrisy (a pretense of having a virtuous character66)] heart (mind) fervently (in an all-out manner).

This is interesting in that both philia and agape love are mentioned in the same verse. This seems to be saying that we should always be operating in divine love toward our fellow believers. And when we love them, because of something about them, this love can be described as a philia type love of the brethren.

Where should we go next? How about the book of 1 Thessalonians?


1 Thessalonians 4:9

But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.

This verse talks about both agapao divine and philia brotherly love. The reason why I included it is that in this context, it is referred to as a love that is shown in relieving distressed brethren.67

So, to recap, philia love is a deep friendship kind of love, where we love the brethren or a family member because that person is like ourselves as to our personality or they have the same likes or dislikes that we do. We could also say that this love is called out of one’s heart by qualities in another.68

Is there any other Greek word for love that we need to look at?

Believe it or not, there is another one. Are you ready to take a look at this?


Sterge is the noun form, and stergo is the verb form.

How can this type of love be explained?

Please go to the book of Romans.


Romans 12:9-10

9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

The Apostle Paul was instructing the believers at Rome that their agape love be without dissimulation (without hypocrisy; a love that puts self aside in an effort to help and bless others. Yes, a love that goes to the point of suffering if that is necessary in order to bless others69). They were also instructed to Abhor (turn away from) that which is evil (whatever is unkind or injurious to a brother70) and to cleave (hold fast) to that which is good (sharing the burdens and the blessing of others so that we all grow together and glorify the Lord71).

10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

Along with this, they were admonished to show tender affection to one another with philia storge brotherly love (the warmth of family affection72). One evidence of such is in showing honour (respect shown [to] another which is measured by one’s evaluation of another73) by preferring one another (every act of friendly kindness74).

In this context, we are to agape love the brethren with genuine love and philia storge family affection. Believe it or not, storge love, the love for one’s family, is found nowhere else in the Epistles. You might ask, then how do you know that it means family love? We can determine this by finding out what the antitheses of this word mean. The antithesis Greek word astorgos means to be heartless, without affection to kindred, and lacking natural love among family members. The transliteration of this Greek word is found in only two places in Scripture, where the words without natural affection refer to the lack of love in the family.

Romans 1:31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

2 Timothy 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

We can conclude, therefore, that storge love is natural family affection for husband, wife, child, and fellow believers.

I know you are not going to believe this, but there is one more word in Greek that refers to love. Really? What kind of love?


Eros is the noun form, and eros is the verb form.

This kind of love is passionate love. It’s comprised of pleasure. The basic idea of this love is self-satisfaction.75 This love looks for whatever it is in another person that makes them happy. If for whatever reason that which makes one happy is gone or has somehow changed into that which is undesirable, then this love no longer expresses itself toward the other person and subsequently seeks someone else to make them happy.

The transliteration of the original Greek word, which in its English form is eros, is not found in the New Testament. However, I do think that the way to characterize this kind of love is that of it being a sensual love, which in the expression of its action could be considered moral or immoral based on societal norms. Are societal norms God’s norms? If society approves of a certain sexual behavior, does this mean that God’s people should approve of it?

Based on this study on the four different types of love according to the Koine Greek language, we have learned that each of these has their own characteristics. We know that God would desire for us to operate in His agape love toward believers and unbelievers, philia friendship brotherly love, and in storge love toward family. But what about eros love? Does He desire for us to operate in this type of love, which is a sensual type love that could seek its pleasure in such sexual avenues as marriage, polygamy, fornication, prostitution, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, and pedophilia?

You should know the drill by now. The only way to answer this question or any other pertaining to whatever the topic is to find out what Scripture says about these sexual practices. But before we do, let’s take a look at societal norms concerning sexual behavior. I think this would be an interesting avenue that will allow us to gain perspective on one very important principle. What is that principle, you ask? Please go to the next chapter and find out.



43 Weust.

44 Thayer’s Greek Lexicon.

45 Adam Clarke’s Commentary.  

46 Weust.

47 Jamieson, Faucet, and Brown Commentary Pc Study Bible version 5, 2005. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 27 February 2019 ˂>.

48 Adam Clarke’s Commentary.  

49 Weust.

50 Adam Clarke’s Commentary.        

51 Bible Knowledge Commentary/New Testament.      

52 The Bible Exposition Commentary/New Testament.      

53 Barnes.   

54 Weust.  


56 Weust.    

57 The Pulpit Commentary.      

58 Weust.    

59 Adam Clarke’s Commentary.        

60 Jamieson, Faucet, and Brown Commentary.      

61 “Four Greek Words for “Love”,” .

62 Barnes. 


64 Weust. 

65 Weust.    


67 Jamieson, Faucet, and Brown.      

68 Four Greek Words for “Love”.    

69 Weust.   

70 Jamieson, Faucet, and Brown Commentary.      

71 The Bible Exposition Commentary/New Testament.    

72 The Pulpit Commentary.    


74 Calvin's Commentaries. Pc Study Bible version 5, 2006. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 20 March 2019 ˂>.

75 Four Greek Words for “Love”.




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My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course of Study and graduated as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude).

Studying and teaching the Word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.

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From College to the Pros: Transitioning the Dribble Drive Offense

  • By Justin Tran

The Dribble Drive Offense is a game-changing basketball strategy designed to optimize scoring opportunities and disrupt opposing defenses. With its emphasis on dribble penetration, kick-outs, and spacing, this offensive system has gained significant popularity among coaches and players alike. 

By mastering the Dribble Drive Offense, teams can unlock their full potential on the court, utilizing aggressive drives, precise passes, and strategic positioning to create open shots and exploit defensive weaknesses. Understanding the concepts and strategies of the Dribble Drive Offense is crucial, whether you're a coach hoping to change your team's offensive strategy or a player looking to improve your abilities. Join us as we explore the core concepts, successful implementations, and notable coaches associated with this dynamic offensive strategy.

At the University of Kentucky, Coach John Calipari has long been recognized as an expert at implementing the Dribble Drive Motion offense. With a focus on relentless dribble penetration and attacking the rim, Calipari's coaching philosophy emphasizes dynamic scoring opportunities and aggressive play. 

In Calipari's system, the Dribble Drive Motion offense revolves around a guard who possesses exceptional ball-handling skills and the ability to get to the rim. This allows the offense to constantly put pressure on the defense, as the guard drives past the defender and forces help rotations. 

One of the key advantages of the Dribble Drive Motion offense is its ability to exploit mismatches. Calipari makes sure to recruit and develop players that are adaptable and excel in a variety of positions. By utilizing post players who can stretch the floor and shooters who can attack the rim, Kentucky's offense becomes multifaceted and difficult to defend. The Wildcats are able to generate scoring opportunities both within the paint and beyond the arc thanks to this strategy, forcing defenders to make tough decisions and often leading to fouls.

In this play designed by Coach Calipari, the Dribble Drive Motion offense comes to life. The point guard draws the defense's attention as he attacks the right wing to start the play. Simultaneously, the shooting guard moves to the top of the key, creating space. The point guard then passes it to the shooting guard, who then quickly dishes it to the center. Meanwhile, the forwards set a well-timed screen under the basket, enabling the small forward to find an open spot in the corner. With the ball now in the center's hands, a pass is made back to the point guard positioned on the left wing, who then has options to either drive for a layup or pass to the corner for an open 3. To see more of Coach Calipari’s playbook at Kentucky, click here!

Denver Nuggets Utilizing the Dribble Drive Offense

The Denver Nuggets, the reigning NBA champions, are renowned for their exceptional utilization of the Dribble Drive Offense. Running this offense plays to the strengths of their dynamic roster and allows them to consistently attack the defense with relentless drives and strategic offense moves.

In this style of offense, the Nuggets' perimeter players excel at initiating the attack. By using baseline drives, middle-of-the-key attacks, and kick-out passes when the defender assists, they try to penetrate the defense. This aggressive style of play not only opens up the middle but also creates passing lanes for the players on the perimeter.

With four players positioned on the perimeter, the Nuggets can effectively shoot the outside shot or rotate the ball around the perimeter, creating passing lanes and exploiting defensive gaps. This style of offense, often associated with the teachings of Coach John Calipari and Vance Walberg's innovative approach, gives the Nuggets a lot of freedom to make quick decisions based on the defense's positioning. To mislead the opponent, players must be able to pivot and pass, finding the open teammate or making backdoor cuts. 

In this Dribble Drive Offense play, the Denver Nuggets showcase their strategic ball movement and scoring opportunities. The action begins with the point guard positioned on the left side, passing the ball to the shooting guard, who promptly returns it. Simultaneously, the point guard cuts to the left wing. Meanwhile, the center executes a flare screen for the shooting guard, transitioning to the top of the key. Subsequently, the center sets another screen, this time for the point guard, who aggressively attacks the basket. As this unfolds, the power forward positions themselves near the low block, while the small forward becomes an option for a kick-out pass on the right wing. To learn more about the Denver Nuggets efficient offense, click here!

Dribble Drive Motion Drills

Building skills is one of the main advantages of dribble drive drills. By practicing dribble penetration, players learn how to attack the defense, create scoring opportunities, and draw fouls. The repetition and intensity of these drills help players improve their ball-handling, change of direction, and decision-making abilities, enabling them to excel in game situations.

Dribble drive drills also emphasize kick-out passing, a vital skill in the Dribble Drive offense. In order to create scoring opportunities for themselves and their teammates, players learn to recognize open teammates on the perimeter and execute accurate kick-out passes. These drills enhance passing accuracy, court vision, and offensive awareness.


The Dribble Drive Offense is a game-changing strategy that optimizes scoring opportunities and disrupts opposing defenses. Mastering this offense requires understanding the concepts and strategies behind it. Coach John Calipari at the University of Kentucky has been highly successful in implementing the Dribble Drive Motion offense, emphasizing relentless dribble penetration and attacking the rim. The Denver Nuggets, the reigning NBA champions, also excel at running the Dribble Drive Offense, utilizing their dynamic roster and strategic offense moves. Additionally, dribble drive drills are essential for skill development, improving dribble penetration and kick-out passing. These drills enhance players' abilities to attack the defense, make accurate passes, and create scoring opportunities.

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