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Showing posts with label lung cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lung cancer. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How botched-up dental work gives you cancer

Cancer Defeated Publications

How botched-up dental work
gives you cancer

Getting all the mercury amalgam fillings removed from your teeth is one of the easy no-brainers when it comes improving your health. Mercury is an obvious, clear-cut toxin. Only our dysfunctional medical-government complex could manage to pretend that mercury fillings are safe.
In the Alice in Wonderland world of government regulation, discardedmercury fillings are classified as toxic waste. Dentists must follow strict regulations for how they handle mercury fillings before they put them in patients' mouths and after they take them out. If they don't follow the regulations, dentists can be fined for contaminating the workplace and the environment.
Continued below…

The Invisible "TOXIC TRIGGER"
for Cancer and Arthritis...
. . .that no drug or supplement can stop!
It doesn't matter how careful you are about your diet, lifestyle and supplements — you may still be racked with illness if your dental work harbors poisons and infections. On the other hand. . .
Patients have tossed their wheelchairs, junked their medicines, reversed "hopeless" cancer -- and more -- just by getting rid of the secret poison in their mouths.
It's an absolute, proven fact that mystery ailments like fatigue, diabetes, even blindness can disappear when you eliminate this hidden trigger for disease.
But picking the right "biological dentist" is not easy. A lot of unqualified and half-qualified dentists are now claiming to be "mercury-free." They can do you a great deal of harm. The process of removing old fillings and root canals can release so much toxic material, you're better off leaving it alone than going to the wrong dentist. You need to know who are the top experts in the field and how to reach them. We can help.
Now Cancer Defeated publishes a compact 55-page Special Report to give you all the resources you need to get rid of root canals, mercury amalgam fillings and cavitations. This report will put you on your way to healing cancer AND avoiding it.

But as long as the filling is in your mouth, mercury is perfectly safe, according to the government of the United States and the "scientists" it has put in charge of your health.
In Sweden, the government will actually pay half the cost of having your mercury fillings removed! The Swedes figure it saves money for their health system in the long run, compared to treating heart disease, cancer, and arthritis caused by mercury poisoning. Norway, Germany and Austria have all outlawed mercury fillings.
You probably know that mercury fillings are dangerous, but there are a couple of other dental problems I bet you don't know about.
My good friend Bill Henderson, author of Cancer-Free, says, "At least 60% of the cancer patients I deal with have root canal-filled teeth (some as many as 10 or 11 such teeth). There is no question that these teeth cause cancer and many other degenerative conditions. If you have any root canal-filled teeth, you must have them removed immediately by a 'biological' dentist' if you want to recover from your cancer."
Bill Henderson thinks there's a clear correlation between botched dental work and cancer. He says he's known cancer patients to get completely well just by having their teeth fixed, without doing anything else, or at least not much.
While it's easy to figure out you need to have your mercury fillings and root-canaled teeth removed, it's not so easy to figure out who should do it. It's hard for a dentist to safely remove mercury fillings without releasing a large amount of mercury into the mouth and saliva. The patient runs the risk of inhaling mercury-contaminated vapor and swallowing mercury "down the hatch" into the stomach. There's a huge potential to take in more poison by having the fillings removed than by leaving them in place.
Only a small, embattled group of dentists called "biological dentists" have taken the danger of mercury fillings seriously enough to figure out a safe way to remove them. They've developed a protocol and trained other dentists how to do it.
We publish a Special Report called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth: Banish the hidden causes of cancer, heart disease and arthritis, written by M.L. Sarlin. The report gives you all the resources you need to locate a biological dentist who can help you. There's a lot more to it than you'd imagine. It would be a bad idea to surf the internet for a few minutes and pick just anyone who calls himself a "mercury-free" or biological dentist.
I had my own mercury fillings removed about 18 years ago by a dentist who followed the protocol and I've never had any regrets. The safety measures have been greatly refined and improved since then. I think some of the most significant advances have been in the detoxing steps you need to take in the weeks and months following the filling removal.
All the while, biological dentists have been subjected to fierce persecution from the American Dental Association. In some cases they've been denied the right to practice. And in many cases they keep their activities quiet, so you can only find out about them by word of mouth.
My dentist was censured for being critical of mercury. He was only allowed to continue in practice after agreeing to stop teaching patients about mercury's dangers. If a patient comes to him and asks for mercury-free treatments, including filling removal, he'll do it, but he's not allowed to take the initiative and tell patients this should be done.
At the same time, ever greater numbers of patients have started to demand non-mercury fillings (which any dentist can do), so it's become something of a fad for poorly qualified dentists to advertise themselves as "mercury-free".
So, weirdly, the best-qualified dentists are denied the right to practice while regular dentists with no training in the area are able to profit from the new demand for mercury-free dentistry.
A dental problem most peopledon't know about
While you've probably heard about the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings, and you may have heard the dangers of root canals, there's another dental condition most people don't know about called cavitation.
When dentists extract a tooth, they leave behind a membrane. This membrane can become infected and lead to a hole in the jawbone — called a cavitation. The gum heals over the wound from which the tooth was removed, and the patient thinks everything is just fine, but an infection festers inside the tightly sealed gum and lingers for years, even decades. It releases a steady stream of toxic bacteria into the bloodstream and can lead to a state of chronic inflammation related to arthritis, heart disease and other ailments.
Advocates of the cavitation theory believe the condition is common where wisdom teeth have been removed, although a cavitation can form where any tooth has been removed. If they're right, you could have a nasty, even fatal infection beneath that nub of gum where you used to have a wisdom tooth. Cavitations can also form at the base of root-canaled teeth.
Some doctors call cavitations a "hidden gangrene." In a book entitledThe Roots of Disease, Robert Kulacz, D.D.S. and Dr. Thomas Levy write, "In a review of 112 patients who were explored for possible cavitations, it was found that nearly 90% (313 out of 354) of wisdom tooth extraction sites had cavitated."
The dangers of mercury amalgam fillings and root canals are well established. You'll see the evidence if you order your own copy of our new Special Report, The Secret Poison in Your Mouth.
Cavitations are another story. This is a new, controversial theory. I first heard of it just a couple of years ago. I'm bringing it to your attention because I think it's another possible explanation for the "mystery diseases" that mainstream medicine can't explain or treat. I'm learning more and I may eventually seek treatment for the four sites of my long-gone wisdom teeth.
If you decide to take action and have the sites of your wisdom teeth examined and, if necessary, disinfected, most biological dentists won't do it for you. They either haven't bought into the theory or it's too far out and they don't want to invite more problems with the authorities than they already have.
The Secret Poison in Your Mouth will help you find someone to do this work if you choose. The procedure to fix cavitations is somewhat involved — the gum has to be cut open where the wisdom teeth used to be, the region has to be treated, the wound stitched shut, and then you have to return to have the stitches removed.
As often happens with new alternative treatments, there are people who say they've experienced huge improvements in their health, but there's no broad body of evidence to support the treatment. The Special Report provides what information we've been able to gather on the subject. Meanwhile, if you've got mercury amalgam fillings, that's a danger beyond dispute and I urge you to get the report.

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Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Food-borne microbe may cause cancer

Cancer Defeated Publications

Could E. Coli Bacteria be Both a Cancer CAUSE and a Cancer CURE?

    When you hear the words E. coli, the first thing you probably think of is food poisoning. And you wouldn't be wrong—given that some strains of the bacteria have been linked to food recalls and serious illness.

    Well, it might surprise you to learn there are harmless strains of the Escherichia colibacteria that are a normal part of your intestinal flora — the "good" bacteria in your colon.

    In fact, the good strains of E. coli can help you by producing vitamin K, a valuable nutrient that's only recently started to get the attention it deserves (I take it as a supplement every day). E. coli can also keep harmful bacteria from setting up camp in your intestines.

    So if E. coli can be so friendly—why are we talking about its connection to cancer? Glad you asked. . .keep reading. . .

Continued below...

World's Greatest Way to End Arthritis Pain!
     What's the surest way to END arthritis pain in your joints and spine? Orthopedic doctors say, "joint replacement surgery."

    But now you can get the same pain-halting, arthritis-reversing results by replacing the damaged CARTILAGE that's causing the trouble, instead of the entire joint. And it doesn't involve surgery -- or even a doctor's visit. Click here to find out how.
Cancer Defeated Publications

    New research suggests that the normally harmless E. coli may change its nature if your gut is inflamed.

    It seems that patients with inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) develop colorectal cancer at significantly higher rates than people who don't have this digestive problem.

    And one study from scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill links this phenomenon with the presence of a strain of E. coli.

    Christian Jobin, PhD, associate professor in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, led a team that raised mice with a gene mutation that makes them susceptible to inflammatory bowel disease.

    After rearing the mice in germ-free cages, the scientists moved them to cages where bacteria-filled mice formerly lived.

    According to results published in the journal Science, five months later, all of the mutant mice had developed bowel disease.

    What's more, the researchers found that 60 to 80 percent of the animals had developed colon cancer!

    One common thread in the mutant mice was that they'd all developed a gut environment containing a much higher than normal proportion of E. coli.

    And one E. coli strain that stood out was NC101, which was linked to aggressive forms of bowel disease in mice. This E. coli bacterium also produces the DNA-damaging protein colibactin.

    In addition to these harmful bacteria, the researchers also found strains of E. coli in the gut that did not make colibactin.

    These other bacteria were associated with bowel disease—but did not contribute to tumor formation.
How does this relate to colon cancer in humans?
    Humans also can harbor the bacteria that produce colibactin. The North Carolina investigators found these bacteria at the following levels:
  • In 20 percent of 24 healthy people
  • In 40 percent of 35 people with inflammatory bowel disease
  • In two-thirds of 21 people with colorectal cancer.
    These are small samples, but if the rates hold up for the whole population, the findings indicate that people with IBS and colorectal cancer are infected with this damaging strain ofE. coli at much higher rates.

    The findings also indicate that many healthy people harbor this bug with no apparent problems. I'm willing to venture they can do this because they have strong immune systems plus plenty of "good" gut bacteria to keep the "bad" bacteria in check.

    As to how the colibactin-producing bacteria lead to cancer—Jobin's team isn't completely sure.

    One thought is that gut inflammation causes colibactin-producing strains to multiply.

    At the same time, these proteins can cause cells lining the stomach to weaken—leaving them wide open to DNA damage.

    Given enough time, cells subjected to these conditions can turn cancerous.

    In essence, the study results suggest a direct link between changes in the gut microbiome (the total ecosystem of gut bacteria) and the development of inflammation and cancer.

    Jobin said doctors could possibly construct a personalized plan for cancer prevention for each patient. This would involve using DNA sequencing to find microbes in a patient's guts that could produce cancer-causing genes.

    The doctors could then use antibiotics to eliminate these microbes or encourage the use of probiotics to destroy cancer promoting bacteria. Readers of this newsletter know I'm opposed to the use of antibiotics in all but the most dire circumstances.

    The use of probiotics plus healthy eating habits (more fresh fruits and vegetables, few refined carbs) should create a healthy balance of gut bacteria in most people.

    It's important to understand that ALL of us have disease-causing microbes in our bodies, and we handle them just fine if we eat right and support our immune system.
Scientists across the pond have found a
different way to use E. coli
    Remember, there are various strains of the E. coli bacteria. British researchers are working on a genetically altered strain of the virus as a possible treatment.

    Their idea is to tinker with an E.coli bacterium to make it target and destroy cancer tumors.

    Scientists at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham have managed to alter one strain of the virus to make it harmless to healthy human cells—while serving as an assassin to cancer cells.

    A Daily Mail article describes how doctors used a common cold virus to deliver the E. colibacteria to the cancer cells.

    Simply put, the scientists have managed to arrest the poisons in E. coli until they reach the inside of cancer cells.

    According to Dr. Nick James, the oncologist who coordinated the therapy trials, the researchers are targeting men who have been treated for prostate cancer, but experienced a recurrence of the disease.

    Additional trials are underway to determine how this therapy could be helpful to patients with cancers of the head and neck, kidneys and liver.

    So depending on the strain, E.coli may be either a cancer cause or a cancer cure. More research is needed on both angles before we know for sure. But you can be sure that eating plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to sweep gunk out of your colon.

    Not only will it help you maintain a 'smooth move' in your bowels—but it could also help protect you from disease-producing germs and bacteria.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Secret of People Who Don't Get Cancer

From the desk of Lee Euler, Editor and Publisher

The secret to curing cancer:
You've been throwing it in the trash!
In 1921, a British doctor discovered that a remote tribal people was almost totally cancer-free. But when members of this tribe move away from their native land and change their diet, they get cancer just like anyone else.
It's all thanks to a food most of us throw away as waste!
One cancer expert calls this overlooked food "the key to curing AND preventing cancer"—and you can benefit NOW -- without going to a doctor or buying expensive supplements.
This little throwaway food tastes great. Bill Clinton (of all people) eats it regularly, and so can you.

Cancer -- Step Outside the Box

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Can a weed killer help cancer patients?

Cancer Defeated Publications

Could a rocket fuel and weed killer REALLY help cancer patients?

    Well, not the products themselves...

    But it's possible if you're talking about one of their components, hydrazine sulfate—also called HZ. Let me explain. . .

Continued below. . .

The Amish Cancer Secret
How to cure just about any cancer the Amish way
    Is it possible to cure just about any cancer the Amish way? Is it true that many Amish people easily get rid of cancer in just three or four weeks? Are the Amish onto something BIG?

    To find out, I interviewed Jakob and Fannie, a young Amish couple from southern Minnesota. Jakob and Fannie are just two out of roughly 800 Amish people each year who travel 2,000 miles by train to go to a little-known cancer clinic.

    They told me an amazing, lifesaving tip that everyone should know. . .but almost nobody does.

    Click here and I'll share it with you, absolutely FREE.

    Besides being ingredients in rocket fuel and weed killers, HZ compounds are also used to refine minerals… as a cleaning agent for soldering metals… and to perform blood tests…

    And according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), one HZ compound has been used to treat Hodgkin's disease, melanoma, and lung cancer since the 1960s!

    Despite gaining notice from a mainstream medical organization, this inexpensive treatment has endured its share of bad press.

    For example, some critics point to early studies that suggest HZ caused lung and liver carcinoma in rats. And others focus on supposed evidence that HZ produces hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in dogs and rabbits.

    Joseph Gold, M.D., director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute, has also developed HZ as an anticancer drug. Writing in the MedTruth blog, Dr. Gold exposed some of the tactics the cancer establishment has used in its smear campaign against HZ.

    Dr. Gold is critical of NCI's 2004 statement that HZ "has shown no anticancer activity in randomized clinical trials." He says NCI failed to acknowledge the ten years of randomized clinical trials performed by Harbor-UCLA Medical Center from 1981-1990.

    He further seeks to debunk claims that HZ may actually cause cancer. Dr. Gold acknowledged that HZ was shown to be carcinogenic in some mice that had ingested the drug in their drinking water since birth.

    But he emphasized that there has "never been a case of human cancer reported as a result of HS therapy."

    This is something that providers of chemotherapy drugs could NEVER say about their products, which Dr. Gold points out can produce up to 26 percent of "second cancers!"
The case of HZ versus HZ
    Why are some folks convinced that HZ is a marvelous cancer treatment while others insist it should be avoided?

    Well, here are a few things that the conventional cancer heavyweights would prefer you didn't know about this remarkable compound…
  • HZ is a combination of hydrazine salt and sulfuric acid that helps clobber cachexia—the muscle and weight loss that many cancer patients experience…
  • Clinical trials conducted in the 1970s by the Petrov Research Institute of Oncology in St. Petersburg [then Leningrad], Russia found that some advanced cancer patients treated with HZ reported improved appetite, less weight loss, greater strength, or reduced pain. Some patients noticed that tumors either reduced in size or stopped growing…
  • In 1980, randomized, double-blind clinical studies at Harbor UCLA Medical Centre in Los Angeles showed hydrazine sulfate could increase or stabilize a cancer patient's weight and lead to 'statistically significant survival increase' in patients with lung cancer.
  • Successful clinical trials conducted on hydrazine sulfate have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals worldwide…
  • Every controlled clinical trial of HZ performed according to internationally accepted standards of scientific conduct has indicated that it is both safe and effective!
    In short, HZ isn't a miracle cure for cancer, but it does appear to relieve some of the unpleasant symptoms, such as pain, weight loss and nausea, and in some patients it actually controls or reduces tumors. It can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy.

    Dr. Gold pointed out that the only contrary study results came from NCI-sponsored trials of hydrazine sulfate where researchers used incompatible medications with the test drug! This sort of allegation against NCI is common. It seems the Institute has a habit of sabotaging trials of alternative remedies.

    HZ is known to be a potent monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor, a type of drug used to treat depression. MAO inhibitors are known to have a potentially deadly interaction with other nervous system depressants such as alcohol, barbiturates and other tranquilizers.

    Because cancer patients frequently receive tranquilizers and similar compounds the NCI researchers were warned against using HZ in combination with any of these agents—a warning which they chose to ignore, according to Dr. Gold.

    He says NCI researchers did use the anti-nausea agent Compazine and benzodiazepine tranquilizers in their animal studies.

    Thus it's no surprise that the group published a series of three negative study results in the June 1994 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

    In some cases the rats that received both HZ and these incompatible chemicals became comatose. What's more, some 50-60 percent of animals that received the forbidden chemical combinations actually DIED!

    In a subsequent 1994 investigation conducted by the General Accountability Office (GAO), NCI vigorously refused to acknowledge that HZ was an MAO inhibitor. This denial came despite decades of pharmacology entries describing the compound as just that.

    Dr. Gold points out that despite investigations into charges of flawed study procedures—the final GAO report of the NCI studies was entitled, "Contrary to Allegation, NIH Hydrazine Sulfate Studies Were Not Flawed."
The choice is yours…
    The negative NCI studies might have been intended to put a nail in the coffin of an inexpensive cancer treatment.

    Yet today, you can still find HZ marketed in the United States as a dietary supplement. It is also widely used as an anticancer treatment in other countries.

    Hydrazine sulfate is typically administered three times a day in a small 60 mg pill. The only potential side effects noted were possible dizziness, drowsiness, mild numbness of fingers and toes, nausea and mild sensations of itching.

    Remember to discuss HZ and any other cancer treatment options with your medical professionals.

    There are no known compatibility issues with HZ and other cancer treatments or supplements. But because it is an MAO inhibitor, you should not use HZ while taking tranquilizers or alcohol.

    With proper use, HZ could be an effective way to combat some sickening side effects of one of our greatest health enemies!
Cancer Defeated Publications

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Shocked doctors forced to admit cancer cure works

Cancer Defeated Publications
Shocked Doctors
Forced to Eat Crow

. . .after patients use
The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure

Kevin Irish Image
“Congratulations! You're cancer free!”
declared Rev. Cobus Rudolph's doctor after Rev. Rudolph cured his stage four colon cancer at home

Richard Wiebe Image
“You’re a miracle from God!”
said Richard Wiebe's doctor after he cured his terminal brain cancer at home

Kevin Irish Image
“Are you the terminal patient I saw
two months ago? You look great!”
remarked Kevin Irish's doctor after Kevin cured his stage four lung cancer at home

Frank Woll Image
“Well, I know the cancer is
here somewhere”
said Frank Woll's doctor while looking through a magnifying glass. But Frank's deadly skin cancer was gone—totally GONE!—after he cured his cancer at home

You’re invited to see a free report with all the details on these amazing cures that happened thanks to the secrets of the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure.
You can read the proof for yourself, presented by Ty Bollinger, one of America’s top experts on alternative cancer treatments. In the free report, Ty tells you about the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure so that you won’t have to watch someone you love die in misery from outdated cancer treatments.
Ty knows exactly what’s it’s like to go through that, because he lost seven close family members to cancer, including his mom and dad. When his mother passed away, it was the last straw. He set out to find a way to beat cancer. He invested 7 years in learning about the treatments that really work. And now he wants to share what he learned with you in this report.
If a doctor told you the important information that’s in this report, he’d lose his license and might even go to jail. Ty isn’t a doctor and he doesn’t have that problem. He's free to tell you the truth.
He also doesn’t sell the treatments or make money off of them—unlike establishment doctors who will bill you as much as $850,000 for chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. After they’ve taken your money, you’re almost sure to die anyway -- because only two out of 100 cancer patients survive once the cancer has spread from where it first started.
That's why it makes sense to at least consider the proven alternatives Ty has uncovered. I'm not asking you to believe it yet—first take a look at the proof.
The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure costs so little that just about anybody can afford it—even uninsured patients on Medicaid. No wonder the cancer industry hates it!
The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure could save you or a loved one from dying an early death from cancer. There IS a better way to beat cancer than suffering through the misery of chemo and radiation. But I want YOU to decide if this is on the level. . .if this amazing treatment plan can save you the way it saved the four people at the top of this page. Click here and read the free report now!
As you’ll find out, it really is amazing how many doctors have been forced to eat crow after their “incurable” and “terminal” patients used the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chemotherapy causes cancer!

New Discovery:
Chemotherapy Causes Cancer

    You probably don't need much convincing about the dangers of cancer drug therapies…

    ...but a new study suggests that chemotherapy treatments may unintentionally CAUSE cancer cell growth!

    How can this be? Keep reading and I'll explain. . .

Continued below. . .

How Carolyn Reversed
Her Alzheimer's by
Disobeying Her Doctor
    An all-natural protein melts away the brain-clogging mineral that triggers memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's — and cuts brain cell death in half! And yet this Nobel Prize-winning discovery is being ignored by 99% of doctors.

    That's why I'd like to tell you about Carolyn.

    Click here to see how she reversed her Alzheimer's without drugs — and in just a few weeks!

    If you or someone you care about is suffering from memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer's, then you know how cruel these diseases can be. The emotional and physical toll they take on the patient — as well as on the entire family — can be devastating.

    That's why the news of the breakthroughs I'm about to reveal could literally have a life-changing effect on you.

    Best of all, these solutions are available and being used successfully right now — even while most doctors still throw up their hands when it comes to memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's, using words like "hopeless" and "irreversible." It's hard to believe, I know. . .

    So please click here to see how Carolyn reversed her Alzheimer's with this remarkable discovery!

    A research team led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center was surprised to find that chemotherapy drugs can make healthy cells go rogue and turn into something called fibroblasts.

    Fibroblasts are cells that help strengthen connective tissue, help wounds to heal and assist in collagen production. But according to study results published in Nature Medicine, the scientists noticed something strange in healthy fibroblasts located close to cancer cells targeted by chemotherapy treatments.

    The research team found that chemotherapy drugs caused these normal cells to pump out more of a protein called WNT16B.

    Problem is…the excess WNT16B caused nearby cancer cells to GROW and invade surrounding tissues.

    This could help explain why secondary cancer sometimes resurfaces months or even years after chemotherapy treatments. And that's not all...

    The researchers noticed that high levels of this protein also caused these cancer cells to become resistant to the chemotherapy drugs!

    Surely the last thing Big Pharma wants to know is that its chemo drugs can actually grow mutant cancer cells that are immune to chemo!

    But there seems to be little chance conventional medicine will suspend the use of these drugs. The researchers suggested adding another drug to the chemo treatments—that is, one to suppress the excess WNT16B protein.

    So in this case, mainstream medicine holds true to form in its search for additional ways to market synthetic poisons.

    The best thing to do is take preventive measures against the disease. One new study suggests a first step may be to alter your diet…
The food/cancer connection
    You probably know all too well that many foods are laced with chemicals and other substances that are known carcinogens.

    So you won't be surprised to learn a recent study from Great Britain determined thatfood is a controllable risk factor that likely accounts for 35 to 45 percent of all cancer cases!

    The study, published online July 23 in the journal Gut, specifically examined how antioxidants affected pancreatic cancer risk.

    Dr. Andrew Hart of the University of East Anglia led the research team that tracked the long-term health of more than 23,000 study participants. They ranged in age from 40 to 74 and had their dietary activity tracked between 1993 and 1997.

    Each person kept a food diary tracking the kind of food, amount and preparation method for every food eaten during a seven day period.

    After 10 years, 49 participants had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The number increased to 86 by 2010.

    The researchers determined that people whose diets had higher intakes of selenium and vitamins C and E were 67 percent less likely to develop pancreatic cancer!

    In spite of the impressive results, the researchers were cautious about stating that these findings establish a "cause and effect" relationship. The team said these findings merely suggest that a diet featuring plenty of antioxidant rich foods reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer.

    If this is so, you're probably wondering…
What to eat—and what NOT to eat!
    If foods can impact your risk of disease, it's probably a good idea to review some of the best and worst choices you can make. Let's start with some nutrient-rich food choices…

    Research shows selenium, combined with vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, helps block chemical reactions that create free radicals. These molecules cause cell damage that can lead to cancer.

    If you're interested in bulking up on selenium-rich foods, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says some of your best choices include:
  • Brazil nuts
  • Eggs
  • Fish (tuna, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon)
  • Grains (wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats)
  • Meat and poultry
  • Mushrooms (button, crimini, shiitake)
  • Shellfish (oysters, mussels, shrimp, clams, scallops)
  • Sunflower seeds
    Please note that total selenium intake from all sources should be no more than 200 mcg. per day. Selenium is a good thing, but there's such a thing as too much of it. Brazil nuts are especially rich in selenium, they taste great, and all you need is two or three each day to give yourself a therapeutic dose.

    As for foods rich in vitamin C and beta carotene, you should stock up on plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, cantaloupe… citrus fruits... pineapple, broccoli… and red, orange and green peppers.

    Some of these same foods as well as your leafy greens are also rich sources of vitamin E.

    As for the less healthy options, you probably already know to limit or eliminate foods like these. . .
  • Fried and processed foods—frying food in oils causes an unhealthy chemical change. Investigators from the University of the Basque in Spain discovered that compounds released from cooking oils significantly increase the risk of various cancers and brain damage.
  • Grilled meats—a report in the June 2007 Harvard Health Letter states that cooking meat at high temperatures causes a reaction that forms cancer causing heterocyclic amines.
  • Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) —this U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved synthetic hormone helps increase a cow's milk production. But the American Cancer Society says milk from rBGH-treated cows has higher levels of a hormone called IGF-1that may cause tumor growth in your prostate, breasts and colon. If a conservative, mainstream outfit like the ACS warns against it, you KNOW there's a problem.
  • Refined sugar—a study published in the February 2004 Journal of the National Cancer Institute highlights a strong association between a high sugar diet and women's colorectal cancer risk.
    Your ultimate goal should be to reduce exposure to substances that destroy your immunity—and bulk up on those that help build a natural cancer shield.

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American Cancer Society. 2011. Recombinant bovine growth hormone fact sheet. Retrieved from

Condliffe, J. 2012. Chemotherapy can make cancer growth worse. Gizmodo. Available at

Harvard Health Letter. 2007. Tips for safer and healthier grilling, from the Harvard Health Letter. Available at

National Institutes of Health. 2012. Dietary Supplment Fact Sheet: Selenium. Available at

Preidt, R. 2012. Antioxidants may help cut cancer risk, study suggests. Health Day. Available at

Rarbark, S. 2012. Study suggests diet and cancer have a connection. Miami Herald. Available at

Sunday, July 15, 2012

When organic food is not really organic

Is Organic Food Often Corrupted
with Chemicals?

    Not long ago, I heard from an organic farmer and grass-fed beef rancher in Viborg, South Dakota. He was concerned about the integrity of the organic label.

    I'm sorry to confirm he has a point. For many people, just seeing the word "organic" on food products makes them feel confident they're eating quality, pesticide-free food. But you can't always count on it. Let me tell you what I found. . .

Continued below. . .

[Urgent] Can you believe this video?
    Can you believe this video? It's a phenomenon. In fact, it was sent to more than 289,000 people in just the first 24 hours!

    But you might not see it at all.

    Why? Because, for the first time, mainstream medicine's deadliest conspiracy has been EXPOSED. Finally, this video is the 'shot heard around the world' the establishment prayed would never come.

    There are powerful interests hell-bent on minimizing the damage it is doing to corporate medicine's profit machine.

    Before it's banned, watch it here.

Turns out eating healthy is big business
    Questions about the integrity of the organic label started in 2006 when USDA employees discovered synthetic additives in organic baby formula. The additives violated federal standards. Yet by 2009, those same additives were in 90 percent of organic baby formula. Suppliers claimed the additives boosted brainpower and vision.

    According to a July 3, 2009 article from the Washington Post, the turnaround on additives was a result of lobbying efforts by formula makers who got a USDA program manager to bend the rules. Combine that with a growing list of non-organic ingredients "approved" to be in organically-certified food, and you get what we've got: a spike in the number of companies allowed to wear the coveted USDA organic seal.

    Why the big push by lobbyists in the first place? Because organic food is big business these days. In the U.S. in 2011, sales of organic food and beverages passed the $31 billion mark. The global organic foods market is worth more than $60 billion.

    There's no question it's a profitable industry. According to the Organic Trade Association…
  • 78% of U.S. families now buy organic
  • More than half of all parents have a high level of trust for organic products
  • There are over 17,600 certified organic farms, ranches, and businesses
  • 35% of organic farms are more profitable than average farms
  • 4.6 million acres of farmland in the U.S. is devoted to organic agriculture
  • 94% of organic operations in the U.S. will either maintain or increase employment this year
  • The organic industry is creating jobs at four times the national average
  • The organics industry in the U.S. grew by a record 9.5% in 2011
    Those numbers are impressive when you consider how poor the rest of the economy is. This is a growth industry. It's obvious why so many in the food business want a piece of it. But the rush to claim the "organic" label is leading to lower standards and outright fraud.
Here's what you're actually getting when you buy organic
    According to the USDA site, if you're looking for organic food all you have to do is locate the USDA organic seal, printed in brown, green, or black, on products in the grocery store or on the signs above them.

    The website explains that if a vendor wants to legally claim something is "100 percent organic," the product "must contain 100 percent organically produced ingredients, not counting added water and salt."

    If the maker wants to claim a product is simply "organic" (not "100 percent organic"), it can't have added sulfites, has to have at least 95% organic ingredients, and may contain the following: 1) non-organically produced agricultural ingredients not commercially available in organic form, and/or 2) other substances allowed by 7 CFR 205.605 (more on that in a minute).

    Multi-ingredient products can display the seal if at least 95 percent of the product is organic.

    The same standards apply to foods labeled "made with organic ingredients," except in that case, only 70 percent of the ingredients need to be organic. 30% of the food can be non-organic.

    What's the problem here? For starters, when most folks see the word "organic," that's what they think they're getting. Few realize something may be only 95 percent or as low as 70 percent organic.

    What's more, few people realize nonorganic substances are allowed in foods with any kind of organic label. Below is a list of just some of the synthetic stuff permitted in our organic food according to the approved list from the USDA:

  • Alginates
  • Ammonium bicarbonate—for use only as a leavening agent
  • Ammonium carbonate—for use only as a leavening agent
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Calcium citrate
  • Calcium hydroxide
  • Calcium phosphates (monobasic, dibasic, and tribasic)
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Cellulose—for use in regenerative casings, as an anti-caking agent (non-chlorine bleached) and filtering aid
  • Chlorine material
  • Ethylene—allowed for postharvest ripening of tropical fruit and degreening of citrus
  • Ferrous sulfate—for iron enrichment or fortification of foods when required by regulation or recommended (independent organization)
  • Glycerides (mono and di)—for use only in drum drying of food
  • Glycerin—produced by hydrolysis of fats and oils
  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • Lecithin—bleached
  • Xanthan gum
  • Magnesium carbonate—for use only in agricultural products labeled "made with organic (specified ingredients or food group(s))," prohibited in agricultural products labeled "organic"
  • Ozone
  • Pectin (low-methoxy)
  • Phosphoric acid—cleaning of food-contact surfaces and equipment only
  • Potassium acid tartrate
  • Potassium tartrate made from tartaric acid
  • Potassium carbonate
  • Potassium citrate
  • Silicon dioxide
  • Sodium citrate
  • Sodium hydroxide—prohibited for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables
  • Sodium phosphates—for use only in dairy foods
  • Sulfur dioxide—for use only in wine labeled "made with organic grapes," Provided, That, total sulfite concentration does not exceed 100 ppm
  • Tartaric acid
  • Tocopherols—derived from vegetable oil when rosemary extracts are not a suitable alternative
    And this is just the list of "approved" synthetic ingredients. Nobody wants to think about how many illegal synthetic chemicals are being smuggled in under the organic label.

    Most of the items on this list are harmless and some may even be good for you. The ones that raise my unscientific eyebrows are chlorine, ethylene, glycerides and glycerine, ammonium carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate, and some of the sodium compounds. And of course, I avoid wine containing sulfites.
The best organic food may not be labeled
    Here's something to complicate the issue even more: If a producer is completely organic, it doesn't mean he or she will try to qualify for the USDA Organic label. A great many people don't want to hassle with the process of getting certified, especially if their farming operation is small.

    So someone selling food at a farmer's market, or even in a small-town grocery store, might really be offering good organic food. They just do it without the government label.

    I've spoken with farmers in my area who say they don't go for the official certification because of the expense and bother. At least in a farmer's market you can look people in the eye and decide if you trust them when they say their foods were grown without chemicals, antibiotics and hormones.

    In farmer's markets it's become a popular ploy to label produce "low spray." This means little, if anything. I suspect it's an effort by nonorganic farmers to profit from the demand for organic foods. Some fruits and vegetables — peaches for example — are very hard to grow without sprays.

    In case you're curious, here's what farmers and food producers have to do to get organic certification:
  • Prove no human sewage sludge fertilizer was used to grow plants or feed animals
  • Prove no synthetic chemicals were used, including genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and pesticides
  • Prove the farmland used has been free of synthetic chemicals for three or more years
  • Keep detailed production and sales records
  • Keep organic products away from non-certified products
  • Tolerate occasional on-site inspections
Safeguarding the organic label — is it even possible?
    I'm not a fan of government regulation and government-approved labeling as the way to ensure the integrity of the food I'm eating. Control of regulatory agencies invariably gets captured by the people supposedly being regulated, who then make sure the whole thing is run in their interests, not those of the consumer.

    If you don't believe me, just consider the FDA and the drug industry. What makes you think the Department of Agriculture is different? Verily, I say unto you: It isn't.

    A far better method is to buy from people and companies you trust. Those people will, I hope, self-regulate by private industry associations that set high standards for membership. By all means, let organic growers form a platinum club, a gold club and a silver club — private clubs all — and let them insist the members meet their standards.

    As for the USDA's regulatory program, there's some support from government representatives who'd like to save the organic label from losing all meaning. Just last month, California congresswoman Lois Capps joined New York congressman Richard Hanna in presenting the Organic Standards Protection Act to the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill's goal is to give the Department of Agriculture the power to "protect the integrity of certified organic products," as Capps puts it.

    She's calling attention to the fact that companies now label and sell foods with the organic label even though the foods contain or have been treated with things prohibited under organic certification. Capps says this bill, if passed, would give authorities the regulatory power to put an end to this.
What to expect down the road in organics
    What's particularly interesting (and disturbing) is that shortly after the government relaxed the standards, so many new companies jumped in that the organic market became a multibillion-dollar business. Now we often pay twice as much for food that isn't as natural as we may think. By that, I mean the food isn't necessarily chemical and pesticide-free and produced in a way that's safe for the environment.

    My bet is we'll see more rules cropping up for growers and producers to meet "national standards" instead of having clear-cut guidelines that say something either is organic or it isn't.

    If the lax standards continue, they'll undermine everything the true organic farmers — like my friend in South Dakota — are trying to do.

    View the government's organic label as one step in your vetting process. It's not worthless, but it's not the last word, either. If food officially labeled organic has 60 or 70 percent fewer chemicals than regular food, it's a huge improvement. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    Meanwhile, if you're worried about cell phones contributing to brain cancer, our last issue offered a possible solution. If you missed it, scroll down and take a look now.

New Way to Protect Yourself
From Cell Phone Radiation
    The people at Flowww International in the Netherlands say they've got something to protect us from cell phone radiation, which may be a cause of brain cancer. Are their devices worth a shot? Let's take a look. . .

Continued below...

BREAKTHROUGH: New health formula combines 7 Inca super foods into the first anti-aging formula of its kind!
    The Incas of the High Andes were renowned for their strength, endurance and resistance to disease.

    The reason? The remarkable "super foods" they regularly ate including camu-camu, cupuacu, and maca.

    No, you won’t find these super foods at your local grocer. Yet, research shows they are essential in helping you...
  • Fight the aging process
  • Protect the body from oxidative stress
  • Support blood flow
  • And maintain a strong immune system
    Fortunately, you can find these ingredients in a unique product that combines 7 Inca super foods into one delicious health elixir.

    Try it. In just 30 days the high concentration of essential nutrients, antioxidants and bioflavonoids found in this elixir of Inca super foods will work together to increase vitality and strength. The scientific research proves it.

    Learn more. CLICK HERE.

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) created some media buzz last year when it declared that regular exposure to mobile phone radiation was a "possible" carcinogen (see Issue #90).

    The group based their statement on hundreds of scientific articles that suggest a link between cell phone radiation exposure and brain cancer.

    The study raised doubts about the safety of extended cell phone use-although the results weren't absolutely conclusive. But no matter: Even the threat of brain cancer hasn't been enough to slow the sale and use of cell phones.

    Seeing that all the nifty gadgets are here to stay, some folks with an entrepreneurial spirit got busy developing ways to protect us from the potentially damaging radiation these devices give off.

    One company called Floww International has developed a wide range of radiation-protection products. They claim to have products that protect the natural human energy from being disrupted by exposure to radiation from cell phones, televisions, computer screens and other electronic devices.

    Before I tell you more about how these radiation shields supposedly work—let's take a moment to clarify the type of radiation we're talking about...
You mean there's more than one kind of radiation?
    According to the American Cancer Society, radiation is the emission of energy from anysource.

    Sunlight is one type of radiation—while the x-ray exams you get in a doctor's office are another sort altogether. ACS says even the heat coming from your body is a form of radiation (technically true, but nothing to worry about).

    Ranked from highest to lowest energy, ACS lists the main forms of radiation as follows:
  • Gamma rays
  • X-rays
  • Ultraviolet (UV) rays
  • Visible light
  • Infrared rays
  • Microwaves
  • Radiofrequency (radio) waves
  • Extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation
    The group said the most important distinction in terms of health risks from radiation is whether the energy is ionizing—that is, whether it contains enough high-frequencyenergy to damage cell DNA—or non-ionizing (low frequency).

    The antenna on your cell phone emits radio waves and microwaves that are a form of radiofrequency (RF) energy or radiation. Although ACS claims that the energy they put out is too weak to damage cell DNA, they do acknowledge concerns that it could affect cells in other ways that could be harmful.

    Here's how companies like Floww International say they can help...
A force field of protection—or a farce?
    You might be familiar with the lead aprons and glasses that some medical professionals wear to protect themselves from frequent exposure to x-ray radiation. Or think of the lead vest a dental technician drapes you in before x-raying your teeth.

    Well, Floww doesn't offer a lead helmet to wear while you talk on your cell phone. Instead, the company says its products can "convert harmful radiation frequencies into body-friendly radiation frequencies."

    One of their gadgets can be attached to your cell phone to protect you from close and frequent exposure to radiation.

    There's another small device you can put in your pocket to create a "Floww field" around your body (I bet Superman would have snapped one up to protect himself from kryptonite!).

    They even have a set of products for both home and office to help balance the energy flow and counteract harmful radiation waves.

    So you might be wondering 'how these products work?' Well, Floww International spokesmen say they developed their products according to the principle of resonance. The WHAT?!

    They say their products are built with circuits of electronic components that respond to radiation emitted by various sources. They claim these components create a "Floww field" that can block the distorted radiation waves coming from your television, tablets, cell phones and other devices.

    The factsheet for their computer screen protector said it's not uncommon for some people to experience 'withdrawal symptoms', such as mild headaches or nausea in the first weeks of use. They said this is probably because your body is no longer being exposed to distorted RF frequencies it has gotten used to.

    While this could be true—an argument could be made that one of the electronic components in their product is causing the problems!

    But Floww International isn't the only purveyor of radiation protection products.

    Another U.S. company, Research Center for Wireless Technology based in Hawaii, also provides products to help counteract harmful radiation frequencies.

    They claim that balancing these RF waves can help protect your nervous system and even shield you from arthritis, depression and Alzheimer's disease!

    Now all these claims might sound a little fantastic. And it's hard to know for sure if these products truly work. Some satisfied users confirm they do. At Cancer Defeatedwe're not technical people, nor do we have the resources to conduct the lab tests that would be needed to verify the claims.
How worried should you be?
    We DO know for sure the radiation problem is for real. We just can't gauge the scope and intensity of it. Cell phone usage, for example, may pose a small risk or a big risk. In twenty years we'll know, too late for tens of millions of people.

    And it's not just phones. People absorb daily doses of RF waves from a wide array of electronic devices and household gadgets. Prior to, oh, 1920, no one was exposed to this stuff. It's another experiment that modern industrial society created without planning or forethought.

    Where government and industry are concerned, if something doesn't kill you fast it's considered safe. The idea of long-term damage hardly comes into play.

    There are some things you can do to minimize your exposure to this form of radiation without buying another gadget. For example, Floww International suggests you can minimize RF waves in your bedroom by:
  • Charging your cell phone outside your bedroom.
  • Watching television in other rooms.
  • Moving your clock radio away from the head of the bed.
  • Removing plugs from sockets in the bedroom.
  • Removing electric blankets from the room.
    All this may sound crazy, but there's significant evidence that being bathed in electromagnetic radiation day and night really is NOT a good idea. I've seen enough evidence for the effects of magnetism on health to dissuade me from ever using electric blankets, heating pads or heated car seats. You don't want to be closely wrapped in an electric field.

    At the last conference of the Cancer Control Society, I heard a speaker discuss evidence that wireless routers — so-called "hot spots" -- have introduced yet another danger. Her results were not conclusive, but they were worrying.

    I have a wireless router in my home to enable my computers and mobile devices anywhere in the house. Millions of other people have them as well, as do most restaurants and coffeehouses and many other businesses.

    These devices create a fairly strong radio field in a small area, and you're in it ALL the time. The speaker at CCS recommended turning wireless routers off when they're not in use, such as when you're sleeping.

    Do I do this? No. I'm already surrounded by a "worry field" that can't hold one more item at this time. Like Scarlett O'Hara, I'll worry about it tomorrow.

    As for cell phones usage—you can always use the speaker function when possible and keep calls short to minimize your exposure to the RF waves from the antenna.

    The most sensible idea is to use your cell phone less than a half hour a day, for things you really need, rather than chatter away on it for hours on end. But this is probably beyond most people. The need to be in touch 24/7 is yet another addiction that's seized our society.

    But if you want to reduce your risks, these are simple solutions that could help protect you from the modern "radiation bath."