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Showing posts with label flat belly ripped abs workout workouts that burn fat nutrition exercise programs fitness programs Hitchfit Jillian Michaels crossfit workout fat burning workout plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flat belly ripped abs workout workouts that burn fat nutrition exercise programs fitness programs Hitchfit Jillian Michaels crossfit workout fat burning workout plans. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - Dumbbell Deadlift and How to Build Muscle: Back

How to Build Muscle: Back

By: Bryant Towell

If you really want to know how to build muscle, focus on building your back. Experienced lifters who know how to build muscle respect a big back because it exudes strength and power like no other body part. Strong lats will also help stabilize your body during every exercise, giving you a stronger bench press and squat. Here are the few key tips on how to build muscle on your back.

Get Your Deadlift Up

No other movement works the lower and upper back like the deadlift. It's also the simplest exercise you can do: put a bar on the ground, grip it tight, and pick it up. If you do it right, you'll feel every muscle in your body working hard to keep that bar moving in the right direction.

If you want to know how to build muscle with the deadlift, follow a few basic rules. First, keep your lower back arched. As long as you keep this sturdy position, your spine will stay safe. Second, use an alternate grip to keep the bar from rolling out of your hands. Third, lean back into the lift like you're trying to fall backwards. You'll never actually fall when the bar is in your hands, but trying to do so will keep you in a powerful, safe position.

Pull-Ups for Width

If you want to get your lats as wide as possible, you'll have to get strong on pull-ups. Make sure to use a full range of motion, extending your arms completely at the bottom and getting your chin over the bar on every rep. A properly-performed pull-up is one of the best muscle-building exercises for the back.

Once you're strong enough to knock out fifteen or twenty reps with just your body weight, start adding extra weight with a chain belt. If your gym doesn't have one, hold a dumbbell between your feet. Just like any other exercise, you've got to keep adding weight on your pull-ups to build muscle.

Rows For Thickness

Heavy rowing will build your rhomboids and traps, making your torso look thick from front to back. The best rowing exercises are barbell rows and one-armed dumbbell rows. Don't worry too much about textbook form, but don't get sloppy, either. Keep your lower back arched, tug hard, and keep going until you can't get another rep. Make sure to use straps if your grip can't hold out, and wear a belt for added stability.

Frequent Back Training

Ask any big guy how to build muscle, and he'll tell you how important it is to consistently train your back. It seems every gym newcomer wants to bench press and curl all the time, but you've got to devote equal time to every body part and exercise if you want to get big.

A good rule of thumb is to train your back as often as you chain your chest and shoulders. This means once per week for most people, but you can train it more often if you like. Overall, the most important thing is to get stronger on deadlifts, pull-ups, and rows. Do that, and your back will improve by leaps and bounds.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Sandbag Upright Row & Push Up and The Latest Motivation Monday

BodyRock Sandbag and Dumbell Bundle

The struggle is real, friends. In our Motivation Monday stories, it’s easy to let the pictures gloss over the fact that these BodyRockers have done more than work hard for their stronger and healthier bodies: they’ve fought for them. They’ve said no to frequent indulgence and self-doubt. They’ve said yes to working out early in the morning, late at night, and when they really didn’t feel like it. They’ve ignored the people who told them to give up or tried to tempt them off-track.
What you see here looks like a miraculous transformation  — and it is, but the real miracle is in the dozens of little decisions these people made every day so they could stand here, sharing their stories, and looking as fierce and fit as they do. Let’s give ‘em all the good feels today!
But first!Join on FitFam and join BodyRock Insider’s Group on Facebook! This is where our trainers and BodyRockers convene to talk shop, ask questions and receive tips on fitness, Sweatflix workouts, nutrition and life in general.
Meet Danielle

Since finding BodyRock, my mindset with nutrition and food has changed significantly. I am 39 years old and, today, I hit a HUGE milestone in my life. I hit my 80 lb mark. 80.1lbs gone forever. I’ve never posted my pics because I was always too embarrassed, but today, I’m so proud of each milestone I’ve hit since 1/1/18 (day one of my journey) and I’m going to post them loud and proud (as I sit here I with tears of joy 🤗🤗). My only regret is not finding all of you wonderful people sooner (rather than later). Thank you Lisa and BodyRock for pushing me that extra mile! You are such a great motivator and I am grateful!
Meet Rebecca

I believe some stories are better left unsaid for the sake of others feelings but at the same time, if left unsaid, you are letting down those that your story could possibly touch and change their lives forever.  I like to view my story as life changing, even if it is just one.
Many who know me know that I did not have the greatest life growing up. I was raised in a very abusive environment. Don’t get me wrong, there were good times, but way more bad. My stepfather of 22 years was extremely abusive both physically and mentally to my siblings, my mother, and myself. I have endured things in my life that no human being should ever have to. With the abusive came insecurity, I never felt I was good enough or anyone or anything. How I was treated at home and the environment I was forced to grow up in reflected in my friendships and relationships. I was bullied in elementary school for being that “chubby, poor” kid.  I dealt with this for a good part of my life.
I reached a point in my teenage years where I wanted out, I wanted more. I searched to feel the void of being wanted, being loved. That search again left me empty. Left me as a young, single mother at the age of 15 but oddly enough I was okay with this. My situation at home was so bad that deep inside I knew pregnancy was my key out; I knew my mom would have no part of my being pregnant and I would be kicked out.  So there I was: 15 dealing with yet again another verbally and physically abusive relationship with my child’s father. Living in low income housing (better known as the projects), collecting welfare and food-stamps, riding town buses wherever I needed to go, begging friends for rides to school so that my daughter could get into the school’s daycare as she was not allowed on the school bus. I mean, it’s not your typical fairy tale.
I wanted more, I knew I deserved more. Years went on and yes, I graduated high school. It was my #1 goal. I also continued to work full-time and provide a life for my child and me. I was depressed, angered, and hated the cards I was dealt in life. By this time, I was around 180 pounds. This, on a small frame 5’4 that used to carry 115 lbs before my daughter. I was taunted by my child’s father about my weight, who said things like “McDonald’s is calling me for advertisement”,  or “Pudliners says they're missing their cow” (a local butcher) — and this is just to name a few. I began to work on my weight, which brought me to about 165, and this is when I met my husband.
Throughout my years with him, I had such terrible self-esteem and a terrible image of myself  — understandably so. I began doing things out of pure desperation thinking that if I were skinny that I would be more liked and more loved (as if any single human being could love me anymore than this man already has). This kind of love was not “my normal”. I went from 165 lbs to 205 lbs then back to about 185 lbs after the birth of our daughter. At this point I developed an eating disorder, which brought me to 113 lbs in less than a year. I had no control over myself, food and calories and being “fat” at 113 pounds controlled my life — literally! I was at the lowest point ever but there was something left inside of me that was smart enough to know that if I didn’t get control of this demon living inside of me that I would not be around long enough to enjoy seeing my children grow into adults. Finding yourself on your bathroom floor in tears wiping vomit from your face while your child is at the door asking why you are taking so long and what is wrong is not a pleasant memory to live with. My husband tried to help me, my mom tried, my doctor tired and yet it wasn’t enough.  
God, it was then and only then. I was at church one evening begging the prayer team in uncontrollably tears asking for prayers and healing because I knew I needed help. This was several years ago and I swear just like that, it was gone! I knew with him on my side I was strong enough to overcome this and I did!  I know longer suffer from the addiction of food or wanting to expel my food in any fashion possible. I began working out at the gym with my husband and just accepting me, learning that it is possible to have someone love you just for you no matter what shape or size you are, no matter how damaged you are. My husband’s famous line is, “your forgetting I met you when you were big.” (Sometimes I like to strangle him when he says this!)
With the comfort unfortunately came pounds! I went from a frail, hair falling out, bones up my back to about 137 and I knew this wasn’t good. Not that I would go back to my addiction but that I knew I needed to start making smarter choices. After some years of working with an online fitness company I was back at it again, on fire!    Being connected with folks filled with the passion to be a better version of themselves, a more healthy, fit version of themselves. We were on this journey together and it was empowering! I have been part of other online fitness companies and none have given my what the BodyRock community does. Most fitness companies these days have a hidden agenda, most likely some sort of MLM that want you to sell their shakes and supplements to get folks hooked on consumables: not BodyRock! No shakes, no supplements just pure support! Lisa personally plays a key role for me personally. She is very hands on and cares about you as an individual. She reaches out to you, talks with you, and knows you! If you ever find yourself asking yourself “where do I begin” this is the perfect place! We are a group of individuals from all over the world connected on one common interest: to be the best, healthiest versions of ourselves that we possibly can be while supporting others along the way!
So no matter where you are in your walk of life, just know there is someone out there just like you and will help you all you have to do is ask. I did.
In order to grow we need to learn how to become vulnerable.  I’m so used to carrying my struggles on my shoulders and deep in my heart but all that has caused me is bitterness. I am not ashamed of my story: it makes me who I am today and the girl I see in the mirror today is a strong woman making changes one day at a time.
Thanks to my husband, and thank you BodyRock!

Monday, May 20, 2019

BodyrockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Cross over Abs & Lower Back Stretch

What people are saying about us...

When I go through my phone in the morning and my screen pretty much explodes with BodyRock it just starts my day. The positivity in this group is mind blowing. The selfies are so motivating. The vibe here puts everybody in a great mood!
- Melissa
The support in this group, without question, is better than any other diet/workout/health class I have ever joined. We are one heck of a team. And I love it. BodyRock has changed my life.
- Michelle
I found BodyRock in 2012 and started doing the workouts, and honestly it's the best decision I've ever made. I am now in the best shape of my life, and I owe it all to SweatFlix. I'm 116 lbs...which means I've lost all the weight and then some! ❤️ It's amazing how much you have taught me, and I will be forever grateful!
- Hildur
So there have been many changes to me and my body since I took up BodyRock a few months back. Obviously the change in fat loss is fantastic, and the main reason for me starting, but unexpectedly I have the best result I could have ever dreamed of. No more chronic, agonizing, paralyzing back pain. I have been able to sleep through the night for the last 4 nights without waking up being unable to move, due to agonizing back spasms. I have not slept pain free for 5 years. I want to cry. I'm so happy.
- Vickie
Be the next success story! Click here to learn more....

Sunday, May 19, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Rep Workout and Eat for IF: 6 Tips for Proper Intermittent Fasting Nutrition

Try this section of one of my workouts. 20 Reps Of Each —Squat and Shoulder Press, Tuck Abs, Touch Deadlifts, Pike Abs, Half Clean and Press, V Abs - Left, Push Ups, V Abs - Right Dumbbell Snatches,Touch Toe Abs x 2 Round Three. 

10 Reps of Each Strength Move. No Abs in this round.

Eat for IF: 6 Tips for Proper Intermittent Fasting Nutrition

You're interested in intermittent fasting (IF) and want to get a handle on how to navigate the nutritional demands of this lifestyle. You've come to the right place. IF is kinda a big deal these days, and not because it is the latest in the line of bright and shiny diet fads (it's actually been around for centuries) but because it works  — and it works,hard.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting involves using short, sustainable fasts and shorter periods of eating to to lose fat, gain muscle, balance hormones, increase productivity and basically live a longer, happier life.
During your fasting period, you can drink water, black coffee or tea, but you cannot eat or drink anything with caloric value or anything that can affect your blood sugar levels. The most common form of IF is the 16:8 method, meaning your fast window is 16 hours a day and your feeding window is 8 hours.
Simple, right? Well, yes and no.
I'm going to take a moment here to stop and introduce myself. I'm Hollay, the Content Manager at BodyRock and the person behind many of the blogs you read. I've worked as a personal trainer and nutritionist, and have been writing with and for the BodyRock FitFam for almost eight years now. (So, even though we’re just meeting, you’ve likely indirectly known me for longer than you realize.)  

Hi! Rocking the  12 lb weighted vest  for our first outdoor workout of the season!
In my 11 years in the health and fitness industry,  I have seen many conceptions and misconceptions around IF that make it difficult for people to get a solid handle on what it is, why it works, and if it can really work for them  — because IF will not work for everyone. Our hormones, metabolic requirements, lifestyles and preferences are all different, and there is no one-size fits all diet.
This said, IF does work for me and countless number of people with whom I have worked. If you're not sure if it will work for you, my best advice is to get the go ahead from your doctor (especially if you have any medical conditions) and then, if you get the green light, give it a whirl.
My purpose in giving you this background on myself is two-fold: first, it’s about time I saidhello, right?
Second, I want you to understand that the information imparted here is not simply pulled from some random internet resource (that may or may not be legit) and Frankensteined together to provide you with a mildly informative but ultimately derivative AF read: it's founded in my education and my experience seeing IF in action in real people.
The intel here is also based on Sean's experience and knowledge. If you haven't heard already, he's just launched new, insanely popular IF based workout challenge, Fast & Furiously Fit,  which has an accompanying ebook, BodyRock ShredFast. This read delves into IF, imparting all the science, all the tips and all the information you need (plus over 40 amazing recipes to support your IF gains). Seriously .Check it out.
So, now that you know where the following IF information is coming from, let's get on with the IF nutrition tips.

Tip #1: EAT during your eating window.

When I first started IF a few years, it was after years of deprivation diets. (Hey, I may worked in nutrition and advised against depriving your body of food, but that doesn't mean I listened to my own good advice.) One of the tenants of IF I had a hard time wrapping my head around was the fact I was going to have to eat a lot. For eight hours. When you IF, you need to pack your daily macronutrient requirements into a relatively short period of time, and I had trouble doing this without feeling like I was over-eating.
So, I underate, and as a result, I was homicidal hangry in the morning. My oldest son took to calling me, "The Hulk." The first time, to my face. Later, furtively and behind my back. The two weeks it took me to start feeding myself properly were likely not a rosy time in his childhood. Spare the people you love the same fate: eat!

Tip #2: Save the BIGGEST meal for last.

Take a page from theShredFast ebook and ramp up your eating during the day, making your last meal the largest one. Eat about ⅓ of your daily nutrient needs prior to this point. Many people who successfully IF often use this last meal as an opportunity to load up on the healthy grub they love so they're mentally and physically prepared to fast. And since it's your last meal before bed, you can afford to let all that food make you feel a little lethargic and sleepy.
In the morning and early afternoon when most of us need to feel alert and focused, keep the meals smaller and less dense. Of course, we're not all on the same 9-5 schedule (shout out to all the hardworking nurses who are killin' it in our Insiders Group!), so you may need to rework your meal timing to suit your schedule, but the point of this tip remains the same: make your last meal of the day your biggest, whether that meal is at 7:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.  

Tip #3: ONLY drink water or black tea or coffee during your fasting window.

I had a friend in university who ate a shit ton of food. I’m talking lumberjack meals, every meal. It showed. He hired a personal trainer. Like many trainers, he asked that my friend to keep a food diary for a few days. After reviewing it, all the trainer could say was, "You know you don't have to make love to every meal, right?"
I've always loved this response, and it brings me to this next tip. I know some people swear bulletproof coffee is acceptable, or drinks with artificial sweeteners or stevia are okay and I'm not going to come down on either side of this debate, since the jury is still out and I've read compelling studies to support both sides. I will say this, though: you have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you just err on the side of caution. Keep your body running in a totally fasted state for best results.
You may like the taste of your keto coffee or stevia sweetened ice tea  — and food and drink are wonderful, glorious and absolutely necessary life sustaining things  — but you don't need to love-up every meal. You have eight hours to drink your coffee however you like. But while you're fasting, just drink your coffee black.
*On a related note, if you're eating enough and staying hydrated during your feeding window, you will not need electrolyte drinks or snake juice to sustain a 16 hour fast unless your doctor has advised you otherwise.
**And you can get our opinion on bulletproof coffee is here.

Tip #4: Get a handle on your macros.

I am almost uniformly against closely counting food intake of any kind. It's a personal thing: I don't find obsessing over food quantity helpful. This said, it's essential that we all know a little about how our macro needs to ensure our bodies are getting enough of what they needs.This article is a quick, easy read that will help you get a basic knowledge. For more detailed information, grab the ebook, which also gets into macro cycling (and gives a plan) for optimal IF gains.
Oh, and don't get confused at the mention of macro cycling: you will see gains without it, too, but helps with next-level results.

Tip #5: Workout fasted.

Yep! Bodybuilders and fitness models galore can attest to the incredible power of working out fasted. It’s been shown to increase your fat burn and help you build lean muscle mass. You don’t need to eat within that ‘golden hour’ of working out if your fast doesn’t break then, but, if you’ve worked out fasted, you should aim to eat within a couple of hours to keep the good gains coming. If the timing isn’t working out and you workout much earlier than your fast breaks, adjust your feeding/fasting windows.
And speaking of which...

Tip #6: Play with your windows.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. The adage is old, and it’s apt. While I am definitely not encouraging you to continue with IF if it is simply not working for you, I am encouraging you to give it  — and yourself — a fighting chance. There are compelling studies that show women (some women) have a more difficult time fasting than men. Thank our hormonal constitution. The 16 hours can be too long to fast on the regular. And that’s okay!  
It takes 8-12 hours from when you finished swallowing the last mouthful of your last meal for your body to enter a fasted state. At this point, your insulin is at its lowest point and will start torching fat. So, you want to give your body a few hours of prime fat-burning time before you enter your fed state again. Hence, the 16 hours. However, you don’t need to push it to 16 all the time. A great many women have astounding success doing a 16 hour fast 4-5 days a week, then a 14 hour fast the other days.
I fast for 16:8 most days, 14:10, others.  I even take a day off fasting altogether every few weeks. I also eat a litre of frozen yogurt now and then. Or a heaping plate of my Dad’s amazing chelo kebab. And guess what? The 45 lbs I lost doing IF still stays off.
Ack. I sound like a damn Jenny Craig commercial. Let’s refocus.
My point is this:  while there is a science behind IF, there isn’t an exact science to the way your body will react to IF. Try to give your body as much time in the fat burning zone as you can. If you’re eating properly and following these tips, real, devastating hunger is unlikely to happen a 14-16 hour window (though psychological hunger probably will, in the first few days or week  — more about this in the ebook!).
Our bodies are amazing, adaptable and resilient. They’re also honest. Get your mind out of the way  — the one that tells you that you can’t push your fast an hour more because the people you carpool with are stopping at Starbucks and you need a latte, stat  — and pay attention to your body. It will seldom steer you wrong.
Have other questions?Join the BodyRocker Insiders Group! Many of our FitFam is living #ThatIFLife and is happy to help share their opinions and experiences. Ready join the legions of BodyRockers who are loving Sean’s Fast and Furious Challenge. Sign up now! You can score 30 days of Sweatflix risk free.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie - 40 Minutes Full Body Bodyweight Cardio and don't be scared Embarrassing Crotch Sweat: Why & What to do About It

Get more workouts here
Full Body Real-time BodyWeight Cardio.

You Start On - Side Steps
Jump Out and In
Heismans / Step Step Jump
Floor Touch Jump - Left
1/2 Burpee Knee Touch
Close Squat Jumps
Mountain Climbers
Side Jump Touch Downs
Predator Jacks
Cross Knee Jacks
Floor Touch Jump - Right
Bear Walks
1/2 Burpee Bear Hold
Plank Shoulder Taps and Jack Legs
Wide Mountain Climbers
Scissor Jacks
Knee Drive Jacks - Left
Knee Drive Jacks - Right In & Out Toe Low Squats
Pass Under Switch Lunge
Lunge & Drive - Left
Lunge & Drive - Right
Wide Squat & Calf Raise
Pike Abs
Push Low Squat - Left
Squat Knee Raise - Left
Abs Twist High Knees
Bike Abs
Squat Knee Raise - Right
Squat Knee Raise - Right
Wide Squat Punch
Wide Squat Low Punch
Tuck Under Bar
Tuck Abs
Climb The Ladder
Switch Lunge Hooks
Jump Touch Heels
Wide Mountain Climbers
Jump Forward and Back
Reverse Plank Hold
I End - Side Steps

  Embarrassing Crotch Sweat: Why and What to do About It
 Are we really going to talk about this? Crotch sweat?
Well, yeah, we are. As icky as it sounds and as uncomfortable as it makes you, if you’re busting your ass during your workout, you bet your sweet lace undies crotch sweat is gonna happen. Some people are more prone to this kind of sweat (and sweat in general) than others, but when you work hard, you’re going to sweat hard too. Everywhere. Including the area around your nether-regions.  

For a good many fitness enthusiasts, this sweat is going to be nothing our high-performance, moisture wicking workout leggings can’t handle. You’ll sweat, sure, but you won’t look like you’ve pissed yourself after a 10 minute warm-up.
For others (and raise your hand if you’re with us), no amount of sports gear is going to wick away the sweat. It’s pumping out of your body faster than a Duggar birth.
So, what’s up?Why is this happening and what can you do about it?
We’ll start with the why.
People have two to four million sweat glands, and the purpose of these glands is to help your body maintain a healthy temperature. Some people (the people with closer to four million sweat glands than two) simply sweat more. Your weight, your workout intensity and your genetics also play a part in how much you sweat, but the bottom line is  — barring any unexplainable excessive sweating that could be the cause of a health problem  — sweating is a good thing. A normal thing. But, let's face it, it’s also a not-so-attractive thing. Especially when it's happening below the belt.
What to do about crotch sweat?
First, resist the urge to slap on a pair of Depends because that's just going to make the sweat worse and entrap your bits in a biodome of bacteria-breeding heat. Next, opt for darker coloured bottoms, which are less likely to show sweat. You can also wear looser fitting shorts for optimal air flow instead of tight shorts or leggings.
Then, try some workout underwear. Don't fear the quadra-butt: brands like Quo have pretty sweet and seamless active thongs that fit beautifully under the tightest of workout bottoms.
Other solid picks for a sweaty undercarriage? Lululemon Namastay Put Thong, and for those of you who loathe the intimiate grope of the g-string, try Soma Intimates Lace Hipster, which features an invisible edge for no panty lines, and a microfibre, breathable material for less sweat.
If the protection afforded by breathable, athletic underwear isn't helping, then you've got a few options left.
1) Use antiperspirant (not deodorant) on your upper inner thighs  — but not actually on your bits and bobs, which have super sensitive mucous membranes. We get that many people are shying away from antiperspirant in general these days and using more natural deodorants. Good on you, but just be aware, deodorant may help with smell, but it will not stop sweat. If you want to forgo antiperspirant, keep reading.
2) Take these defensive measures: Avoid or limit alcohol, too much caffeine and spicy foods, which can make sweating worse.
3) Powder with some cornstarch to help control moisture. We prefer this to baby powder, which has been linked to cancer. And okay, we know the link may be tenuous, but when it comes to powdering our most intimate areas, we’ll err on the side of caution  — especially when there are other alternatives.
These options give the solid, safe, results, so they are definitely among our top ways to cope with embarrassing crotch sweat. However, there is another option. A revolutionary option. Our favourite option: stop giving a shit.
Yep, crotch sweat happens. It may be taboo, and the dark, dank looking stains on your pants may ruin your perfect, subtly glistened post-workout Instagram pic, but crotch sweat is also freakin' real life, and it happens to the fiercest and fittest of us.
Of course, if you're working out from home with Sweatflix, it wouldn’t matter if you're dipped in steaming scat, let alone sweat, because no one’s there to see it. And even if you share your sweaty high-five pic  — sweaty crotch and all — with your #FitFam on the BodyRock Insiders Group, no one is going to give a damn. Because we've been there, done that, posted a video to Instagram showing our crotch sweat to the world.
So accept it, or if it bothers you that much, use one of the above methods to help you cope. Whatever you do, don’t stop rocking with us at Sweatflix and sharing your stories with us at The Insiders Group. We love our FitFam  — crotch sweat and all.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Straight Bar Clean & Press and BodyRock #FitFam Motivation Monday: Meet Jill & Micky!

Workout with me and get tips and diet advice here - 

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 BodyRock #FitFam Motivation Monday: Meet Jill and Micky!

Ever dread missing a workout? If it seems unbelievable, then you haven’t been working out right. The BodyRockers featured in this week’s Motivation Monday,#FitFam edition prove just how much of a thrill working out can be, when you find the right people to support you, and then start to see (and feel!) the good gains.
Read their stories to find out how these BodyRockers have sweated their way to fierce and fantastic physiques, and even more inspiring attitudes. Check ‘em out!
But first!Join on FitFam and join BodyRock Insider’s Group on Facebook! This is where our trainers and BodyRockers convene to talk shop, asking questions and receiving advice on fitness, nutrition and life in general.

Meet Jill I’ve always taken care of myself, for the most part. 2018 was a terrible year for me. I severely injured my back in January of 2018 and could barely walk. I refused surgery and took medication. Needless to say I gained over 30 lbs in five months. Summer came and I was on YouTube and found a guy who helped young athletes with physical therapy. He showed a few, what I thought were cheesy, videos, but I was desperate, so I tried them. They worked! By July was able to workout again. I credit most of my fitness success to Lisa-Marie, I’ve been a bodyrocker since she pretty much started! Anyway, August rolls around, and I discover at 40, I’m pregnant! I was nervous and excited all at the same time. As I still continued to gain weight, at 11 1/2 weeks, I miscarried! It was a sad, depressing time. But I picked myself up and with the help of a friend and a new devotion to working out, I lost all of the weight and started to feel whole again.
My motivation was and still is my three kids. Ryan is 10, Mackenzie is 8, and Emily is 6.  I love them more than anything and wanted to be the best me I could be, for them!
I workout hard five days a week and two days, I walk or ride my bike for at least an hour. I get up at 5 a.m and workout usually until 6:30 a.m. I do a combination of HIIT, Sweatflix, and weight training.
Everyday, I try to push myself just a little harder. I also track my macros as well and try to stay tight with my nutrition.
I’m determined to be the best me I can be. The only person I compare myself to, is the person I was a month ago, a week ago, or yesterday.
I now love myself and people can see that. My confidence through my journey has gone from bottom of the barrel to running over. I love me!

Meet Micky My fitness journey started seven years ago. These photos are progress shots from the very beginning to the now. It's been a lot of hard work but has been totally worth it! High intensity interval training with Bodyrock and the amazing Lisa-Marie has helped me reach my goals! From being just over 90kg I've managed to reach my goal of 68kg, and have kept it off! I just bought the basic dumbbells and kettlebells, but found that the sandbag is probably one of my favourites because you can do so much with it. I still workout everyday as it is part of my daily routine and hate missing a workout.
Are you a BodyRocker who wants to share her or his story with us? We’d love to hear it! Submit your stories to

Monday, May 13, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Resistance Tuck Abs - *Real Life Noises* and In the Moment
One thing I’m certain of. You have a fitness history, a backstory, a tale, that if we got to meet in person, (after hugs and high fives) you would feel almost compelled to tell me about.

I’ve been lucky enough to meet thousands of you guys over the years, and I’ve heard lots of personal stories.

I’ve heard stories that would swell your heart with pride, stories of women that have faced up to their challenges in the most courageous ways, stories of heart break and loss that would make your eyes blink with tears and make your heart swell with empathy and love. We’ve been through a lot together as a community. We’ve shared a lot and only gotten stronger.
Let’s be honest - we’ve all had the sh*t kicked out of us one way or another. That’s just life. But we pick ourselves and each other back up and we celebrate together the wins. And I guess we are coming to the point of this, when I tell you, that the best way we can honour where we’ve come from and the journey we’ve made to get this point is to keep going. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and as BodyRockers, never quitting.

The decision around your fitness, your diet, your confidence, your sense of self worth, it’s made in the present moment, in the now. You have the power to decide, to choose. As invested as we can be in our past, in our struggles and what we’ve been through, our future is decided in the now. You have a fresh chance to start again now. Your past, good, bad or otherwise does not define you.

The real power of this, is that, on the days when I feel down, defeated, lazy, or just not in the damn mood, you guys show up for me and we get our training done together. That’s the proof I have that BodyRocking works. Because I can guarantee you that there are days when the only thing that keeps me going is you. Let me do that for you.
If you want to get in the best shape of your life, choose now. Choose yes. If it’s been a while since you’ve moved in any kind of fitness type of way, then start with the Beginner Bootcamp. It’s 12 minutes a day, coaches you through the moves and will get you moving again and saying YES again to your goals.

It’s free for 30 days, and requires basically no gear or equipment. If you want to speed up your results grab a weighted vest - it will make your stronger, fitter, faster, and here is an awesome BOGO deal on the vest to help get you started.

Remember - your past, good or bad does not define you. It’s about showing up everyday from the heart, first for yourself, then for your family, your friends and the community.

Meet me in the living room.


Lisa xo

Sunday, May 12, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Fast Feet Touch Board and OM, Nothing! Mantras that Will Make You Feel Better, Fast

OM, Nothing! Mantras that Will Make You Feel Better, Fast

Listen, BodyRockers, we're not going to bore you with the same tired old mantras that you've been chanting for the last decade and have become as depressingly ineffective as an expired condom. No, the mantras we're going to share with you today are ones that will actually make you feel better about your life. They're ones that will actually inspire you to action  — even if the action you need is inaction. While mantras can certainly be useful for motivating you to log onto Sweatflix and smash out your workout, they can also be incredibly effective to get you to chill out and take it easy. And we need to do both.

What is a mantra?

A mantra, in the most traditional sense, is a word or sound repeated to help you concentration while meditating. OMMMMM. Peace. Serenity. These are all examples. When we talk about mantras, however, we're talking about the more modern interpretation of mantras. Namely, a statement repeated over and over, most often with the aim to increase clarity and purpose.
And clarity and purpose are so important in achieving your goals, whatever those goals are. It can be pushing through the last 20 seconds of a tough as hell interval. It can be getting your mind to turn off so you can get a good night's sleep. It can be navigating your way out of a particularly destructive thought pattern that makes you feel inadequate, alone and scared.
Can a mantra really do that? Well, yeah, but you’ve got to give them a chance. So give ‘em a chance. Bookmark this blog and return to these mantras next time you need to remind yourself of who you really are, and what you really want.

5 Mantras that Will Make You Feel Better, Fast

  1. I am the captain of my fate. I am the master of my soul.
We can thank William Ernest Henley for this beaut, which is the concluding two lines in his famous poem,Invictus.We love this poem for its ability to remind us that we are ultimately in charge of our lives.
  1. Process, not perfection.
This is great mantra to repeat when we need to remember that that the journey is just as important  — if not more important, than the destination. The destination — the perfection — is an illusion anyway,am I right?
  1. The people who mind don’t matter and the people who matter don’t mind.
Okay, this mantra is a bit cliche but it’s also super important in today’s social media saturated world. Use it whenever you need to remember that you shouldn’t have to apologize for who you are.
  1. The universe is big, and this moment is fleeting.
This mantra is two-fold: first, it can help you remember to cherish your beautiful life. Secondly, it can serve to give you perspective: a missed workout, a disagreement at work, an over-indulgence at a party  — these things are not a big deal in the cosmic order of things. Focus on what really matters.
  1. Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
Here’s a gem from former UK Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill. Put this mantra on repeat every single damn time you feel like giving up. Don’t.
  1. I am always worth it.
Most of us put ourselves last. Kids, partners, work so frequently comes first that we begin to completely dissociate from our real desires. What’s best for others becomes what’s best for ourselves. While this is certainly sometimes true, sometimes, what’s best for us doesn’t affect other people at all. Grabbing yourself a workout outfit you want, or a new gym toy you’ve been coveting: these all become things that you put off because you keep put other people first. We have to stop dismissing ourselves. If you’ve been wanting to hire someone to come clean your home a couple times a month, do it. If you’ve been eyeballing our new BodyBar like a teen girl at a One Direction reunion concert, then get the damn thing. Our Strong Mom Sale is on, so with free gifts, up to 20% off and free shipping on the whole store, it’s a solid time to make the move  — even if you’re not a mom. In the end, putting yourself first now and then will help you feel better about yourself, and that positive feeling will actually benefit the people around you. Everybody wins.

Nate's note: While these are all good sayings, Jesus has provided all you need for success in all areas of life.

Of course, all the mantras in the world cannot replace good ol’ fashion human interaction. We’re talking about friends, FitFam. There’s a reason community was was Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: weneed it.Use these mantras  — they do work — but also be sure to reach out to people you trust for support. These are the people who will buoy you up, no matter who or what tries to tear you down. Even if thewho is yourself. Especially if the who is yourself. If you want truly inspiring, absolutely unrelenting motivation, then you’re going to want to join our BodyRock Insider’s Group on Facebook. This collection of BodyRockers are dedicated to providing a safe space to talk, learn, and be yourself.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

BodyRockTV Featuring: Introducing the BodyRock Challenger Bars

The BodyRock Challenger Bars are versatile, easy to use and fun to master. Sturdy construction and portability add to the value, and if you’re stuck for moves why not sign up for a free trial and get into the best shape of your life!

How can Physical Activity be a great ally against Depression?
By: SÉrgio Fonsaca

Individuals suffering from depression tend to be idle, unoccupied and discouraged. This picture of distress and deep sadness is not healthy and only aggravates the state of the sick person.

A variety of illnesses, especially mental and psychological illness, can be helped by physical activities. Most health professionals always present routines with physical exercises to help in these situations, which is effective and positive.

One of the diseases that can be helped by physical activity is depression, since the problem involves biological, psychological and genetic aspects. Although it is a very complex disease, steps like these can aid in therapy.

Is the improvement proven?
It has already been scientifically proven that depressive patients treated solely with medication have fewer positive outcomes than people treated with drugs and exercise.

Depression needs to be accompanied and treated seriously and physical activity only comes to add. That's why doctors always recommend it to patients who have it.

If activity is performed long term, the results tend to be very positive, since a new habit is formed. It is as if the patient had a new distraction and a reason to keep exercising.
This is due to the fact that the nervous system ends up releasing endorphin during the activities. Such a substance causes a feeling of well being and remains over hours in the human body.

Because of this, the patient completely changes. The difference in the life of the sick subject is perceptible and palpable. He will remain more agitated, excited and no longer accommodated reconsidering the sadness.

Sequences of Exercises
The most recommended is to chart a flow or exercise routine for the person who will start the treatment. Walking is the best activity for anyone who is starting. The patient can walk in the period 30 or 40 minutes always accompanied.

When the practice of the walk is already determined, the time can be extended or the patient can start to alternate and run. Other activities may also be introduced to this new routine.

The ideal is to establish an alternation, performing aerobic and anaerobic activities. By occupying mind and time with these types of exercises the patient will eventually isolate himself from depression.

It is important for the patient to practice sports in environments that are most enjoyable for them. Large and outdoor seating are pleasant and pass the feeling of tranquility, so one of the most recommended.