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Showing posts with label fat burning workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat burning workout. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

Bikini Model Competition Plan – Beckie’s Amazing Success Story!


Here's another amazing transformation from Diana and Micah at Hitchfit! I know it sounds like a broken record, but these are the kind of trainers who I like to associate with! There is no "shortcut 30lbs in 10 days" BS that you are bombarded with in 'informercial' land.
But if you are tired of the latest fad letting you down again, are ready to work a solid science proven program, then click here and get ready to transform!

Bikini Model Competition Plan – Beckie’s Amazing Success Story! 

Bikini Model Plan Success Story - Beckie Mason

Bikini Model Plan Before and After Weight Loss - Beckie

Bikini Model Competition Plan Before and After Weight Loss - Beckie

Bikini Model Competition Plan

I first had the honor of working with Beckie, an online personal training client from Tennessee, back in 2014. She was ready for change and did the Hitch FitLose Weight Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great”. She did an incredible job, not only did she lose over 40 pounds, she also greatly improved her running times! Her first transformation story inspired so many others to make positive changes. So when she came to me in 2016 ready to tackle some brand new goals, I was so thrilled to have her back! This time around, Beckie had her sites sent on a Bikini Model competition. She wanted to compete in the WBFF Kansas City event. After a lot of challenging life situations that had popped up, she needed a big goal to direct her focus and energy to. I was of course happy to have her back! Beckie is determined and diligent, and I am so proud of her. She did both the Bikini Model category as well as the Transformation category. I have to be honest, the transformation category is my favorite, to see Beckie’s picture up on the wall, and to be able to hold her hand right before she stepped out on that stage, was a moment I won’t forget. I think we were both fighting back tears looking at the before picture on the screen, and the “after” standing right there in front of us! Beckie received an invitation to compete in the transformation division at the WBFF World Championships, where she will be able to inspire even more people! Incredible job Beckie, I can’t describe how proud I am of you, and am blessed to be a part of your empowering and inspiring journey.

Since her first transformation Beckie has now lost over 45 pounds and 20% body fat!

Beckie’s Stats: 

Starting weight before Lose Weight Plan: 165.4

Starting Bikini Competition Plan: 136

Ending Bikini Competition Plan: 119

Starting body fat before Lose Weight Plan: 38%

Starting Bikini Competition Plan body fat: 29%

Ending Bikini competition Plan body fat: 18%

Check out Beckie’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos Below!

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures - Bikini Model Beckie

Bikini Model Competition Plan Before and After WEight Loss - Beckie

Bikini Model Glutes - Before and After Weight Loss - Beckie

Beckie’s Story:

“I first started my journey with Hitch Fit in June of 2014. At that time I was at my heaviest of 165 and a size 12.

I have always been up and down on my weight depending on the time of the year. I honestly would have to say that my weight issues started when I was in High School. At that time I was playing sports and my metabolism was very good, but I also did not eat correctly or often. I would go all day without eating and maybe have one meal and it was either fast food or sugar. College is where things got really interesting. My eating got even worse including binge eating and binge drinking not to mention sleeping was not on the top priority between school, work and assignments. Pretty sure my “freshman 15” turns into more “freshman 20/30”. I tried to take the easy way and started taking diet pills, the ones with ephedrine in them. I did lose weight with them but I was constantly shaking and would break out into sweats while sitting down at work. Shortly after a friend that had introduced the pills to me was admitted to the hospital with heart problems, as a side effect of the pills, that is when I quit them and with that all my weight and extra came back.

I then decide that I was going to join a gym and do it the healthy way, or so I though. I didn’t change any of my bad habits of eating or drinking and thought that the cardio I was doing in the gym would counteract the toxins I was putting in my body. I would only do cardio, no lifting to tone my muscles. I let this go on for about 10-12 years and then I met Brandi Wisdom. Her husband was friends with my brother-in-law and she told me about Hitch Fit. I first looked into it in February and thought there was NO WAY that I could do it, so I put it off and continued to gain weight. In May I came to realize that I needed help, I reached out to Micah with a million questions and a month later I was on my journey.

I did the Lose Weight Feel Great had great success with it, lose 42 lbs. Shortly before the program was over my husband and I started have serious issues with our relationship where we were even discussing divorce. I know it’s an excuse but I turned to bad habits to help me cope with the pain, lots and lots of wine and eating out with friends rather than going home. I ended up gaining some of the weight back, to be honest probably 25lbs. Thankfully we were able to work out our issues and are happily married again.

But we both felt like we need to push ourselves and made fitness goals. I have friend that have competed in bikini competitions and had encouraged me to do one after my 1st transformation but the timing wasn’t right. At the first of the year I decide that it was time to push myself again and not only lose the weight again but to have the confidence to step on stage. So of course I reached out to my trainer and friend Diana, doing the Competition Prep 16 Week Plan. This program unlike a lot of the other completers was all done online, I had the guidance of Diana trough email and sending her weekly pictures (not my favorite) so she could guide me properly. During the program I pushed myself both mentally and physically and Diana and I came up with goals for the show. I didn’t reach my weight lose goal I was 4 lbs shy but we got my BMI back down and where it needed to be for the show. Week prior to the show I was in a size 2 and my weight was at 119.

I kept this journey very hush-hush for most of the transformation; after my last transformation I got several negative comments about it and didn’t want to hear it. Not sure why I cared I was doing this for me. I came to understand that a lot of what people say, that is hurtful, is their insecurities coming out. For the most part all the comments I have received have been positive but of course still get comments of “you’re too skinny”, “will you eat something” etc. The other thing that stings is friends not calling you to hang out because you don’t drink, makes you wonder if you were only fun when you were intoxicated. Was chatting with another girl at the competition and she said she shut people out because of these things and I told her I felt shut out; she then admitted that was the same for her, just made her feel better to say she was doing it.

On May of 2016 I stepped onto stage at the Midland in Kansas City entering the Transformation and Bikini Division. I did not place in bikini, which is ok with me I know I still have things to improve. I was just proud to get on the stage and show my progress which was truly shown in the Transformation category. The MC read my story while I stood backstage with my before picture on the largest screen I have ever seen which made me look even bigger; with tears in my eyes I stepped on stage and received the best applause for the hard work and dedication I had put in. I am honor to say that I have been invited to World’s for the transformation category. I’m not done, plan on competing again… Me against me!!!

For those of you who think that you can’t do it, you can just trust the process. A few tips that helped me… Food prep, I would cook all my meals on Monday for the week so I had no excuse to grab something unhealthy. Do you workouts first thing if you can, I found that putting them off made it harder to get them done. Keep a journal so you can look back at what you were doing compared to now, it’s amazing to see your growth. And just keep a good attitude.

I have to say that this truly changed my life and made me start living again. I have to thank Hitch Fit they truly made me the person I am and I am forever grateful for that. Diana, my trainer and friend, not sure I could have done this without you nor would I have wanted to so thank you from the bottom of my heart! She got more than she bargain for on some of the email conversation we had (I will leave that between the two of us). I must thank my family; I really did not give them enough credit. I thought they wouldn’t understand which would turn into not supporting me but that was not the case. They were at the morning, evening show and posting comments about how proud they were on social media. And my biggest supporter, my husband, don’t think he will ever know how much he helped. Thanks!!”

Bikini Model Transformation at WBFF Kansas City - Beckie

Bikini Competition Plan - Beckie on Stage

Beckie in field

WBFF Kansas City Transformation Category Awards

Are you ready for your transformation?

Beckie’s plan choices:

Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Weight Loss Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great” 

Lose Weight Plan

Bikini Model Competition Plan

Not wanting to compete, but would like to get the Bikini Model look? Check out our Bikini Model plan for those who do not want to step on stage!

Bikini Model Plan

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Friday, June 3, 2016

Your Most Neglected Body Part

I can't figure out why, but people universally neglect to train their legs. It's a funny thing, since proper leg training will dramatically deliver total body results.

Walk into any gym and you'll see the bench press taken, the dumbbells being curled-and an empty squat rack in the corner.

Leg exercises are tough, I won't deny that, but the benefits are more than worth the exertion. 

A Case for Your Legs

Your legs are a major muscle group, so it's no surprise that training them will get you big time results. Training your legs will...
  1. Melt fat from your body. As I mentioned above, leg exercises are tough. Your legs are a large part of your body, so each exercise literally moves your whole body. This is precisely why a good leg workout will fire up your metabolism to melt fat away. You'll burn more calories while exercising your legs than any other body part.

    Due to the intense nature of a leg workout, your metabolism becomes elevated for more than 24 hours. That means that for an entire day your body continues to burn extra calories without any extra effort on your part. Who wouldn't love that?
  2. Build strength for everyday life. How often do you use your legs? Most of us depend on our legs constantly throughout the day-so wouldn't it make sense to strengthen our individual mode of transportation? Kind of like putting a super charger on the engine of your car.

    Exercising your legs isn't only about increased strength; you'll also improve your coordination and balance. This means that you'll be able to do and experience things that you otherwise would have missed. You only live once, right?
  3. Uncover natural muscle shape. Let's be honest, toned legs are attractive. I'm not saying that you're legs will bulge with muscles (unless we trained you for that), but I am saying that consistently training your legs will uncover your natural toned shape.

    Many of my clients discover a whole new level of confidence after getting their legs back into shape. Women especially enjoy the freedom to wear shorts or a skirt without feeling embarrassed to show their legs. Wouldn't you love that freedom?

    Oh, and I should tell you that as you strengthen your legs you'll also reduce the risk of injury to your lower back because you'll actually learn to pick things up off the ground the right way.
Best Leg Exercises

Now that I've convinced you to pay more attention to your legs, here are three of the top exercises you should do. Each of these exercises have dozens of different variations, so have fun and always keep your workouts fresh and challenging.
  1. The Lunge: Start with your feet together, take a large step forward and bend your knees down into a lunge position. Exhale as you press yourself back up to a standing position, or continue through with your step into another lunge.
  2. The Squat: Start with your feet shoulder width apart, inhale as you bend your knees, keeping your back straight. Be sure to keep your knees from going past your toes. Exhale as you push back up to a standing position.
  3. The Dead Lift: Grip the barbell with a mixed grip (one palm faces you, one doesn't). Allow the barbell to hang down in front of you as you stand on the platform with your feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward at your waist, keeping your back flat, and bend your knees, bringing the bar down past them. Exhale as you straighten your legs and lift the bar up. When you are standing upright lean back slightly and squeeze the muscles of your lower back. Hold this contraction for a moment. Inhale and slowly return back down to the starting position.
By no stretch of the imagination are these three the ONLY leg exercises out available. And that's the other great thing about training your legs... you have tons of options and variations. 

Want to know more about leg exercises and which ones are the best for you? Are you finally ready to get into the best shape of your life? Let me help. 

Go to ,reply to this email or call me at the number below and we'll schedule a consultation where you and I can assess your goals and I can show you the fastest and safest way to reach them.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fitness Cover Model Body Transformation – Magnum Nutraceuticals President Markus Kaulius’s Amazing Journey

Nate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgWhen you have seen and presided over as many of these kinds of transformations as I have, you can see why I tell you and all of my clients that there is nothing you can't transform. All you do is set your mind to it and make your lifestyle change for a lifetime. With the help of our pals and HitchFit, you will have a complete plan customized to you to get you there. Check out this amazing story below.

Fitness Cover Model Body Transformation – Magnum Nutraceuticals President Markus Kaulius’s Amazing Journey

I Had the Amazing Opportunity in working with Markus.. The guys kicked Major Butt.. Taking his Body from his start point to Fitness Model Cover Shape!!! Check out this Hitch Fit Body Transformation!!

Front Final

My Name is Markus Kaulius and I am the Owner of Magnum Nutraceuticals. As the Ceo of a company, my days are often long, stress Levels and high and time to make and eat proper meals is limited. These are the excuses I have used anytime I wasn’t in good shape, they led me to the “starting” physique you see here. All my Life I have been skinny-fat. When I was 14 years old, I was 6’4” and 120lbs nothing but bones and fat. We didn’t have much money growing up so eggos and slurpies were staples in my diet. I have always found it very hard to put on any muscle and if I gained one pound per year, I was happy. I have been friends with Micah LaCerte and Diana Chaloux- LaCerte for close to a decade and have enormous respect for them both. They carry themselves with professionalism and integrity and I am so proud of them for giving their lives to Christ, as I have. I also know that they do their transformations in a healthy way- not with the use of illegal supplements, crash diets or a cardio schedule only a horse could keep up with. It was for these reasons that I decided, for the first time in my life, to put my workouts and diet into someone else’s hands.

Markus at 15 years old - 120 lbs

Micah and I decided on a two-stage transformation. I went with the Get Big Get Ripped Plan. The first plan was a 4 month muscle builder and the 2nd a cutting plan. Since I consider myself a tough and devoted dude, I asked for his worst workouts and his toughest diet. I was confident that with a huge Magnum stack for supplementing, I would be able to do whatever Micah threw at me. Boy was I an arrogant fool.

The Get Big Portion of the program was the most challenging thing I have ever put my body through. The workouts were so hard and intense that I felt like those were the first real workouts of my life. Food to me was purely fuel- the substances I needed to get me through these training sessions. I took every Magnum Supplement we make excluding Heat our Fat Burner. Micah made it a rule that I had to get stronger every week. My weights had to increase every week. Of the 16 weeks in this phase, I went up in weights 14 times. We took my 232 lb. 15% body fat physique to 256 lbs. and 19.3% body fat, an increase of close to 10 solid pounds of Muscle in 4 months.

We then started the Get Ripped portion of the plan. I was very excited. The next 4 months consisted of way more cardio and the training sessions left me and the gym soaked. There is a video of me dripping all over the place at the gym; I would need to mop up after every session. Luckily I build a gym at the Magnum headquarters, so the number of people offended by my sweating habits was limited. I loved that Micah kept my calories fairly high. Again, there were no low carb days, no carb cycling, no starving myself. I was putting in the hours and my body needed to be fed- we wanted to keep all that hard earned muscle we had just put on.

During this Phase I added Magnum Heat to the Mix and was officially taking every Magnum Supplement. I went from 256 and 19.3% body fat to 220lbs and approx. 7% body fat. I Lost 36 lbs. in 4 months almost all of which was fat!!

I have never felt this good about myself. Not just being Happy with what I see in the mirror , but the experience of working so hard , pushing my body way further than I thought I could and developing a relationship with an inspiring, amazing person in Micah. It is also worth noting that during this whole 8 month process, I was sick zero times ( I didn’t have time to be sick) I am healthier and happier than I have ever been and I owe this to Micah and Team Hitch Fit (and Magnum Nutraceuticals for the supplements that got me through those crazy workouts). I am also thankful to Natural Muscle Magazine who saw the Great Transformation that took Place and decided to put me on the cover of their magazine and feature my transformation.



I am so happy to encourage everyone to work with Hitch Fit. This team will get you incredible results if you follow the plan. Their methods are proven and they do it properly- putting your health first. I am so thankful for everything Micah and the team did and for the results they got me. God Bless you Team Hitch Fit and keep being Awesome.

I also got to share my Story and the Partnership with Hitch Fit on Kctv 5 Better Kc in Kansas City .. Check it out!!

Athlete/Coach Resources...
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day!
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The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Time to Raid the Kitchen and It's Ok to do so!

Nate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgWant faster weight loss?

Then do a self-guided kitchen raid.

If your kitchen is stocked with the makings for healthy meals and snacks you'll easily stay on track, even when those late-night cravings strike.

So what should you keep on hand and what should be banned?

Use this self-guided kitchen raid to help you sort out the good from the fattening.

Go ahead, grab a big box, print out the list below, and then head to the kitchen. When you're done, take that box straight to the nearest food bank.

Your Refrigerator
Let's start with the fridge, which is essentially the heart of your kitchen. If you find something in your fridge that is on the "Donate this" list, then you know what you have to do. Get that box ready.

  • Donate this: Beverages with high fructose corn syrup or sugar.Drinking calories is one of the quickest ways to gain weight, so quickly rid your fridge of any beverage that lists HFCS or sugar on the ingredient list.

    Replace with: Water. It is a well-known fact that most people are partially dehydrated, a condition that is harmful to your health and wreaks havoc on your weight loss efforts. Keep plenty of cold water on hand for proper hydration.
  • Donate this: Fatty meats. It is important that you be selective about the meats that you eat. I may tell you that chicken is a great source of protein, but if you take that as a license to eat fried chicken everyday then the benefit of the protein will be lost in all the extra fat calories.

    Replace with: Lean meats. Skinless chicken breast, lean ground turkey, white fish – there are numerous choices when it comes to lean meats.
  • Donate this: Fruit-flavored yogurt. I hate to break this to you, but that cute individually packaged yogurt is going to do more harm to your waistline than you think. More than 50% of the calories in fruit-flavored yogurt come from sugar. Check out the ingredient list and you likely find both high fructose corn syrup AND sugar.

    Replace with: Plain low-fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, or low-fat cottage cheese. If you love yogurt, then get the low-fat plain version. You can even chop up some fresh fruit and stir it in. Another option is to have a scoop of low-fat cottage cheese with chopped fruit on top.
Your Pantry
This may be the most painful part of your kitchen raid, since most junk food ends up here. So take a moment to give yourself a pep talk before grabbing that garbage bag and opening your pantry.

  • Donate this: Sugar-filled cereal. If sugar or high fructose corn syrup are listed as ingredients on your cereal box, it's got to go. Sugar-filled cereal is basically another form of junk food, and will only add inches to your waist.

    Replace with: Whole Grain Oatmeal. There is a huge difference between instant, sugar-filled oatmeal and whole grain oatmeal.
  • Donate this: Chips/Crackers. While refined chips and crackers are fun to munch on, the extra calories will quickly add up. Do yourself a favor by not allowing these into your pantry.

    Replace with: Almonds. The key to making this snack a winner is to practice portion control. Place a handful of almonds into individual bags for pre-portioned snacks.
  • Donate this: Packaged Sweets. I don't really have to explain this one, do I? Cookies and cakes and candies shouldn't be a regular part of your diet, so keep them out of your house. It's one thing to enjoy a dessert once in a while, it is quite another to routinely eat processed sweets at home.

    Replace with: Dried Fruit. When you want to munch on something sweet, turn to a bag of dried fruit. Make sure that you purchase dried fruit that does not contained added sugars.
Now march that box of off-limit foods to your nearest food bank and don't look back.

It's a great idea to raid your kitchen every couple of months as a way of keeping yourself on track.

Open up dialogue with your family members about the healthy changes that you're making, and get everyone in on it.

The quickest and most permanent weight loss comes as a result of healthy eating and consistent, challenging workouts.

I'm here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals.

Go to ,Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will get you on the fast track to your best body ever.

Athlete/Coach Resources...
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
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The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Bikini Competition Prep Plan Client Competes for First Time!

Diego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpgIf you have been reading our emails for a while now a few months ago I mentioned that we were going to get even more serious about your fitness success. That is why I brought into our organization Diana and Micha Lacerte and their groundbreaking Hitchfit program. We will stop at nothing to help you live a better physical life. The choice is still yours. When you are finally ready to make a permanent change I would suggest you go reach out to them today.

Bikini Competition Prep Plan Client Competes for First Time!

Hitch Fit Online Competition Prep Plan and looked amazing as she took the stage for her first time this July. Awesome job Brittany!!

Brittany’s Stats: 
Starting weight: 144.2
Ending weight: 126
Starting body fat: 23%
Ending body fat: 15%

Brittany W. before and after front

Brittany W. before and after side

Brittany W. before and after back

Brittany’s Story: 

“I have always led an active lifestyle ever since I was young, being a competitive dancer, cheerleading and joining a gym when I was in high school. I continued to be an avid gym goer into college and got big into running after I graduated, where I completed 5Ks and a half marathon. Shortly after that I faced some challenges struggling with finding a consistent job and going through a horrific break up, ending a 6 and a half-year relationship. At that time I went through a period where I lost a significant amount of weight (and not the healthy way) followed by gaining it all back and then some!

Although I never stopped going to the gym, I lost sight of my eating habits and what exactly I was putting in my mouth. That is what truly had an impact on my body. Coming from a big Italian family it is nearly impossible to avoid food, let only unhealthy ones. So for about a year I contemplated competing in a fitness show, and at 26 years old and the heaviest I had ever been in my life I knew that it was time. A friend of my mine who is a professional fitness competitor had recommended Hitch Fit to me and seeing her results was all the convincing I needed.
So I contacted Diana and she set me up on a 12-week program designed to get me stage ready! The program was tailored specifically to meet my needs and eased me into each competition prep phase week by week. I spoke with Diana on a weekly basis, sending progress pictures and body stats as she coached me through what type of nutrition and workouts I needed to work on. She was always honest with me telling me when I was making good way or when I needed to push a little harder. My plan was strict, however I knew it had to be in order for me to be able to compete. My diet was manageable since I do love healthy foods, it just taught me how to read labels properly, portion control and how to space out my eating times to keep my metabolism up. My workouts varied, which kept my body guessing and allowed me to try new things that I found to enjoy, instead of the same old boring routine. I woke up everyday seeing my same self in the mirror so the progress pictures are what really allowed me to notice the progress I was making. As it got closer to the show Diana guided me in getting together my posing and stage presence down.

July 2015, I stepped on stage in my first fitness competition feeling and looking the best I have ever been in my life! Without Hitch Fit, and the support and guidance from Diana I would not be where I am today, healthier and happier! Since show day Diana had given me a plan to incorporate in order to help maintain my results. I hope to compete in another show in the future however Hitch Fit has given me valuable skills and knowledge about nutrition and fitness that I know I will carry with me for the rest of my life.”

Brittany’s Program Choice – Hitch Fit Online Competition Prep Plan

Not looking to compete in a competition but want to look like a Bikini Model? Check out the Hitch Fit Online Bikini Model Plan.

Athlete/Coach Resources...
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day!
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
Discount Sports Supplements

US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures of Top Fitness Model Revealed!

Nate-@-Gilman-2.jpgHappy May Day Athletes and Warriors! Today's transformation is a bit of a long one but well worth the read. So many years and I still marvel when a human being tires of being average and activates their faith to transform and change their lives for the better. Which simply means, if they can do it, why not you too?

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures of Top Fitness Model Revealed!

Hitch Fit Co-Founder & Co-Owner Diana Chaloux – LaCerte shares her story and never before seen before and after photos!

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures of Top Fitness Model RevealedBefore and After pictures of top fitness model Diana Chaloux – LaCerte!

All too often, people see me now, and think that I’ve never had my own personal weight battles. They may think that it’s always been easy or natural for me to make healthy choices. Or that I have been lean my entire life. What they don’t realize is that transformation is so personal to me, and I’m so passionate about it, because I have BEEN there myself. Everything we preach at Hitch Fit, I have had to put into practice in my personal life!

I recently had the chance to share my story and some never before seen “Before” pictures on KCTV5’s Better Kansas City show. These were images that have been hidden in boxes, in a closet for over a decade. I’ve shared my personal transformation story before, but never shared some of the pictures that just felt a little too embarrassing for me. I realized it was time to let it all out, to be truthful about the challenges that I personally faced, and hopefully inspire someone else to just take those first steps to positive change just like I did!

At my heaviest weight I was at least 175 pounds. I say at least because I hopped on a scale one day in 2004 and it went up over 175. I didn’t step on a scale again for several months, and not until that weight had already come down a bit. I didn’t take a lot of pictures during that time. I avoided cameras, or hid behind people. I gained this amount of weight because of some very unhealthy emotional eating habits. I was binge eating in the night. I was a compulsive over-eater. Once I started eating, I wouldn’t stop. I would starve myself all day, mostly as punishment for the binge I had undertaken the night before, then when I couldn’t stand my hunger any longer, I would eat until I couldn’t eat anymore. This hidden behavior always happened at night, when no one was watching. I never admitted it to anyone. I claimed to not have any idea why I was gaining weight. Guess what. I KNEW, and I was scared. I felt out of control. Each morning I woke up and vowed that it wouldn’t happen again. But as the night grew closer, the old habits continued to creep in and take over.Weight Loss Story

I needed motivation. I needed a goal strong enough to catapult me past these negative behaviors, and enable me to start realizing my true potential. For me, that goal was competition. Something I had dreamed of for years. But my excuses and procrastination were getting me nowhere closer to achieving my aspirations. I finally had enough. I was tired of not feeling well. Tired of my low self-esteem. Tired of not liking what I saw in the mirror. Tired of not fitting into my clothes. Tired of feeling disappointed with myself. Tired of talking and talking and not doing. In July 2005 I finally started to take action, and most importantly to take power and responsibility for my choices. Specifically my eating choices. I realized I DO have control. I changed my mindset towards food and started using it to help me rather than hurt me.

When I finally made the commitment and was ready for change, an interesting thing happened. I LOVED this new life. I didn’t miss the old one. Didn’t miss the binge eating. Didn’t miss the horrible feelings in the morning. Didn’t miss compromising myself because of my low self-esteem. I didn’t miss a thing. What I discovered was something that I loved. A body that I felt strong and confident in. Confidence that made me believe in myself and my ability to succeed. I found FREEDOM in the discipline that I learned through transformation. I also discovered that everything I had dreamed of, my goals and dreams, were all just waiting for me on the other side of this new disciplined lifestyle.

What happened next? 

Well, thanks to God’s grace and what I believe His purpose is for my life, I lost over 40 pounds, won my first show, went on to compete for 7 years, won 7 shows including two World Champion titles, had the chance to be in my favorite fitness magazines, met the man of my dreams through the fitness industry, moved to a city that I love, started a business that I love and wake up passionate and excited about each and every day! All of this happened for me because I decided to make a change. I decided to take action. I don’t know where my life would be if I hadn’t made that choice, but I’m so grateful I did, because I sure do love this one!

So here’s the segment from Better Kansas City – below that I will share some additional thoughts I didn’t have time for on the show!

YES it’s TRUE that Arnold Schwarzenneger picked me out of the crowd and said “Nice Abs” .

I was taking his picture as he walked by, so actually got the shot of him looking and pointing at me! 

Arnold says Nice ABsArnold says “Nice Abs”

Oxygen Magazine Fitness Model Diana Chaloux - LaCerte

Then Oxygen Magazine did a little blurb about Arnold’s compliment!

Here are some of the strategies that worked for me as I went through transformation and then transitioned to maintenance.

If you would like my help as you go through your own transformation journey, please check out the Online Personal Training options that we have available right here at Hitch Fit. If you’re in Kansas City area, contact me to find out more about our one on one transformation training gyms.

  1. I realized the importance of nutrition. I took power and responsibility for my choices. I recognized that the only one making my food choices was ME. I could either make the ones that kept me back from achieving my goals OR I could make the ones that brought me closer to my goals.
  2. I stopped telling myself that I couldn’t control my patterns. I changed my mindset. This can be done INTENTIONALLY. If you catch yourself saying something negative or untrue (I can’t control myself or I had no choice), stop yourself immediately and replace that with the truth. You DO have a choice, you CAN make the right choice, you DO have control.
  3. I realized that I COULD eat anything and everything I wanted. It wasn’t a matter of not being able to eat something. I didn’t say “I can’t eat that”, because that wasn’t the truth. The truth was that I could eat anything, but certain choices would push me further away from my goal, while others would get me closer to it. So it became a matter of “not wanting” things that prevented me from success. When I realized I just didn’t want those things. It relieved a lot of stress and anxiety over food. When you tell yourself you can’t have something, you want it all the more, that simple switch in thinking opened the door for great freedom from food obsession.
  4. I walked out my choices and recognized the REAL sacrifice. It wasn’t not getting to eat something in the moment. The REAL sacrifice was giving up my goal for a few seconds of chewing and swallowing. I mentally linked up the negative consequences of my poor eating habits to the choices themselves. When I looked at a former temptation and suddenly it represented something negative to me, it became easy to not want it.
  5. I stayed diligent. I knew that this process was not going to be easy. I knew it would not happen overnight. I knew I would need diligence and consistency to get there.
  6. I focused on positive and small successes. Every week wasn’t an amazing loss or change. There were weeks when I worked so hard and saw nothing happen. But I always focused on the positives, even if it was a little thing. A gain in strength. Able to see a muscle more visibly. My clothes fitting better. Whatever little success was there, that’s what I focused on.
  7. I read positive affirmations every single day. These were statements written in present tense “I am” statements. I read them every single morning. I planted those thoughts into my mind so that they would become my reality.
  8. When I was finished with my first transformation, I knew that the key to maintaining my losses was all about my eating choices. I stuck with the habits that I had learned, and gradually transitioned into a maintenance lifestyle.
  9. I embraced a new lifestyle. This was not a quick fix or a diet. I looked at the long term and the new habits I developed I was determined that this was the new me. There was no going back!
  10. I reached out for help along this journey anytime I needed it. I found support in family and friends and coaches along the way. It’s important to have cheerleaders who are encouraging to you!
Here is my original transformation feature that I shared on the Hitch Fit site back in 2015! 

Before and After Pictures of Top Fitness Model Diana Chaloux LaCerteBefore and After Transformation Photos of Hitch Fit Owner Diana Chaloux LaCerte

Click below to choose your program and Get Fit Now!

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Shawn Got In Fitness Model Competition Shape

Nate-@-Gilman-2.jpgAthletes and Warriors! I can't tell you enough what a blessing Micah and Diana Lacerte and their team at Hitchfit have been to US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning! We are now helping thousands around the world enjoy max fitness integrating their unique system in our training menus. And once again here is another success story. Read on!

Get In Fitness Model Competition Shape

Shawn Did Amazing getting the Fitness Model Competition Body he always wanted . He won his first show too!! Fantastic Work Shawn

Fitness Model Competition


I have been a personal trainer since 2006 and for whatever reason was against the guy who posted shirtless pictures online. I thought those guys were just arrogant jerks just trying to show off for the ladies. Then just over a year ago I met another trainer that was competing in a WBFF fitness competition and he didn’t fit the stereotype. I became interested in the WBFF and all of the positives that being in a fitness competition could provide. Things like having and achieving a goal, being a role model and person of influence, having and learning from a new experience, and having fun along the way!

Fitness Model ripped

When I was kicking around the idea of competing I saw that there was a posing clinic at Hitch Fit Gym in Kansas City and decided to go just in case I decided to ever compete. Not long after the posing camp I decided to compete and if I was going to compete I was going to do it the right way. So, even though I am a personal trainer, decided to get a 12 week workout plan from Micah LaCerte online at I knew he had competed himself and had developed many plans for people doing just what I was planning to do so I invested in the Build Muscle for Hardgainers program. I really loved the program! It was full of programming that 1) I would have never thought of myself and 2) would have never programmed for myself. I plan on competing at the WBFF world’s competition in Toronto.

You can follow my journey on Instagram @TheRealCoachStrick


We will continue watching your journey.. Keep up the Great Work Shawn

Fit Model Shape

Shawns Program Choice

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Try These Fatigue-Fighting Foods

Nate-and-Becky.jpgHave trouble getting started in the morning?
Feel sluggish in the afternoon?
Ready to crash come evening?
You're not alone.

Many people, especially women, are constantly suffering from a lack of energy. Fatigue can be caused by a number of different factors, but for many people, poor nutrition is to blame.

Since food is the body's fuel, how well you're able to perform during the day may be directly related to what foods you fill up with during meal and snack time.

When it comes to energy levels, foods and drinks that play the biggest role are carbohydrates, protein, water, and caffeine.

Here's how to include them in your diet:

Carbs for Energy
Your body needs some carbs. Yes, you heard it right. Carbs!

A combination of complex and simple carbs is what to aim for to get maximum benefit. Complex carbs are slower to burn and include foods like whole grains and starchy vegetables (squash, potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin). Whole grains that are high in fiber are what you need for sustained, long-lasting energy. Look for bread that contains two to three grams of fiber per slice.

For a healthy dose of simple carbs, stick with fresh, whole fruits.

Protein for Stamina
While carbs supply energy, protein is responsible for releasing the energy.

Protein is also essential for cell growth, the transport of nutrients and hormones through the body, healthy muscles, and a properly working immune system.

Be sure to eat a source of protein at each meal, whether lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, eggs, soy, nuts, or low-fat dairy.

Water for Refreshment
Essential to survival, water is also essential for energy.

When you consider that two-thirds of your body is made of water, you're reminded how important water is to health and wellness. Water helps to control your temperature, helps you digest food, lubricates your organs, and plays a major role in creating energy molecules.

If you're depleted of water, you probably feel depleted of energy. If you're dehydrated, you'll feel completely dragged out. Without enough water, your body will work overtime to re-hydrate itself instead of producing energy.

Caffeine for Stimulation
Caffeine is a stimulant that works by exaggerating the effects of your natural hormones, causing your heart to beat faster and your breathing to increase, making you feel more alert.

Perhaps you're one of the millions of people who drink one or more cups of coffee in the morning. If so, you know the powerful effect caffeine has to jumpstart your energy level.

Besides coffee, caffeine is also found in tea, sodas, herbs, and chocolate. Be aware that too much caffeine can make you feel jittery, interfere with your sleep, and cause dehydration.

Additional Tips
Keep in mind that overeating, no matter what food, may cause sluggishness.

Instead of three large meals, try eating several small meals (don't forget breakfast!) throughout the day to give you constant bursts of energy.

Too much alcohol or a vitamin deficiency is often to blame for low energy levels. For women, a dragged out feeling could be caused by anemia (low iron) due to their monthly menstruation.

If you still feel fatigued and lethargic after eating a well-balanced diet, contact a food professional or your physician. Stress, medications, diseases, sleep problems, or lack of exercise may be to blame, and getting these under control will get your energy level back where it belongs.

One of the most proven ways to increase your energy levels is to participate in a consistent, challenging exercise program.

My passion is to help people, just like you, improve their energy levels and their overall quality of life.

Go to , call or email me today to get started on a fitness plan that will put some pep in your step.

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The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Heather Chose Lean Over Lazy...

Nate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgI was told once that most people are wired to be lazy, and I have to admit that I believed that in my early years in the fitness business. I thank the creator every day once I found that to be a lie.
It is true that no matter what your walk in life entails, that you will come across people who 'will' or ''won't". It's not a matter of wiring, its a matter of choice. The more difficult path to success may cause some to make lazy choices, but the fact that we consider a successful endeavor, tells me that we are wired to seek success. So with that in mind, check out today's transformation of someone who decided to put away any thought of laziness, to sculpt her lean, sexy self to success.

Athlete/Coach Resources...
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day!
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
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For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
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Thursday, April 21, 2016

See How This Couple Dropped 120 lbs – Fit Grandparents

Nate-@-Gilman-2.jpgI hope you are enjoying and are inspired by these transformations as much as I am. Even with all of my knowledge, experience and presiding over so many transformations in 40 years in the fitness biz; I still get a major charge out of seeing not only the actual loss of body fat, building of muscle and the improved aesthetic of a transformed physique, but the joy, confidence, and overall happiness achieved by these folks who decided to get off the diet, and fad exercise train and follow the advice of our friends at HitchFit. Of course if you are ready for reality fitness over the 'fairy tale' advice of a reality show, then clickhere to transform today!

See How This Couple Dropped 120 lbs – Fit GrandparentsVickie-Before-and-After-Front1-768x704.jpgFront-Finished-5.jpg

Rick and Vickie On Tv Do I have an Amazing Inspiration Story for you!! These grandparents dropped 120lbs combined to Get Healthy and Fit!! Vickies Story Fit Grandparents Here I was, 58 years old, at a place I thought I would never be – overweight, frustrated, raging hormones, depressed, not liking myself at all and I felt so alone all of the time. For years I struggled with my looks and my feelings.....more

Athlete/Coach Resources...
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day!
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
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US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
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Sunday, April 17, 2016

5 Steps to Curb Closet Eating

Nate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgDo the following statements describe you?

  • I prefer to eat in private, where no one else can see.
  • I eat healthy in front of others but then indulge recklessly in private.
  • I follow a healthy diet during the day, only to fall off the wagon at night.
  • I sneak food secretly and eat it away from others.
If you can relate to any of the above statements then you may be engaging in closet eating. This "secret eating life" of yours sabotages your fitness goals, making it impossible to achieve the body that you want.

Before we dive into this topic, it's important to approach yourself from a place of love and respect. Resist the urge to look at yourself as a failure as you strive to discard unhealthy eating habits.

Use the following 5 steps to curb your closet eating once and for all:

Step #1: Learn Your Triggers
Journal about the feelings you experience before, during and after an episode of closet eating. Was there a particular trigger that caused you to feel stressed, or angry, or helpless before the urge to eat in secrecy hit you?

Refer back to your journal after a handful of episodes and try to determine a pattern. This will allow you to prepare yourself with an exit plan before the next potential episode.

For example, if you find that your closet eating occurs mainly when your spouse goes out of town on business, then make plans to visit with friends rather than be alone at home with food.

Step #2: Log Every Calorie
Let's face the facts. Just because no one sees you eat it, doesn't mean that the calories don't exist. The simple act of tallying each food item that you eat will force you to be more mindful of your eating habits.

Find your ideal calorie range by consulting your doctor, and be aware of how close you come to that range each day. Resist the urge to not log foods that are eaten in secrecy.

The point is to bring accountability to the situation, so be vigilant.

Step #3: Carry Healthy Snacks
When the urge to eat in secrecy hits you, it may be useful to allow yourself the snack, but change the script slightly by making it healthy and portion controlled.

Eat one of these snacks every few hours to prevent from becoming overly hungry, thus more susceptible to reckless eating.

Look below for a list of healthy, portion controlled snacks to incorporate into your diet.

Step #4: Don't Stock Bad Food
Most cases of closet eating are said to occur in the comfort of your own home. Be proactive by not stocking your favorite indulgences in the kitchen.

When you have the urge to sneak a few bites of ice cream before bed, you'll be unable to do so if there isn't any ice cream to be found. Be careful not to fall into the trap of "buying it for the kids," as this is a slippery slope.

No one in the family benefits from having junk food stocked in the house. Get it out.

Step #5: Exercise Regularly
How can exercising regularly help you overcome closet eating? It's simple. When you are actively working towards a goal, and are supported, you'll be less likely to self-sabotage.

My fitness plans are designed to get you to your desired weight loss goal quickly and efficiently. There's accountability, encouragement and measurable results to keep you on track.

If you'd like to see your fitness goals become a reality then pick up the phone or shoot me an email.

Closet eating may be your way of dealing with the stress you have in your life, but you can change that. And I would love to help.

Go to call or email today to get started on an exercise program that will truly deliver the results you deserve.

Athlete/Coach Resources...
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day!
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
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Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
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