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Showing posts with label cure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cure. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The real reason you don't feel well

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Sick and don't know why?
This could be the reason

    Does the term "healthy" come to mind when you see the words wheat, barley and rye? When eaten as whole grains, they do provide health benefits for most folks who eat them. But not for everyone. In fact, ditching these products may be one of the best steps you can take for good health. Keep reading to find out why. . .

Continued below. . .

You're being conned!
    Your doctor told you to kiss bread goodbye...but your cramping and gas didn't stop. The truth? There are so many OTHER foods containing lectins that could be upsetting your digestive health! An amazing blend of nutrients can promote your gut's health and allow you to splurge on the foods you love on occasion. Click here to learn more.

    Whole grain wheat, barley and rye can be good sources of complex carbohydrates, as well as some key vitamins and minerals. And according to the Mayo Clinic1 — they may even help lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

    Now that's the good news for the majority of folks who eat them. Unfortunately, some people have difficulty digesting the protein called gluten found in these grains.

    But the damage goes far beyond digestive upset. Gluten intolerance is associated with a wide range of "mystery" medical problems that have stumped the victims — and their doctors.

    The sad truth for many people with gluten intolerance is that they run a greater risk of developing intestinal cancer!

Gluten, gluten everywhere…

    You might have never thought about it, but many of your favorite foods could be made from grains that contain gluten. I'm talking about tasty items such as warm, delicious breads and cookies… mouth-watering pizza… and even a tall, frosty mug of beer!

    If you find yourself belching often and being troubled by frequent bouts of stomach-rumbling gas—your gut could be sending you a warning.

    Your digestive troubles could be a sign that you suffer from gluten intolerance. The worst form of gluten intolerance is celiac disease, an inherited autoimmune condition that affects nearly 3 million American children and adults. It's a very serious illness. What's more, experts think it could affect far more than 3 million.

    The Celiac Disease Foundation2 said people with celiac disease have a permanent intolerance to foods containing gluten. This protein does two harmful things:

  1. It prevents your body from properly absorbing nutrients, and
  2. It causes inflammation and damage to the small intestine.
A 72% higher risk of dying

    Left untreated, the complications from celiac disease can be fatal. A study of more than 30,000 patients reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association featured data gathered from 1969 until 2008. Patients either had: 1) celiac disease, 2) intestinal inflammation but not full-blown celiac disease or 3) gluten sensitivity.

    Researchers found that subjects with full-blown celiac disease had a 39% higher risk of dying. The risk was a whopping 72% for those with intestinal inflammation, and 35% for those with gluten sensitivity!

    Research now shows many other chronic health conditions are triggered by gluten sensitivity and intolerance. And most of the time, doctors don't know that gluten sensitivity is the culprit.

Here's why gluten keeps some doctors
scratching their heads…

    Dr. Thomas O'Bryan is a board-certified clinical nutritionist who's studied many of the underlying causes of metabolic disorders and chronic disease. In the DVD Unlocking the Mystery of Wheat and Gluten Sensitivity, Dr. O'Bryan quoted a 1996 report from the American Celiac Society that showed the majority of celiac patients visited five or more doctors before their condition was diagnosed properly!
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    In short, the vast majority of people with wheat sensitivity and/or celiac are undiagnosed. They're sick and don't know why — and neither does their doctor.

    Why all the mystery? One reason is there are no signs or symptoms typical for all people with celiac disease. Some people experience abdominal pain, bloating and intermittent diarrhea—and others may have no symptoms at all.

    What's more, celiac disease can mimic symptoms of other conditions, such as anemia, Chron's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and gastric ulcers.

    It doesn't stop with the GI tract. Dr. O'Bryan said gluten intolerance may cause inflammation throughout the body, which can trigger a variety of health problems including:

  • Autoimmune disorders (lupus, thyroid disease, etc.)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression and anxiety attacks
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Migraines
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • And a host of other illnesses!

    Worse still, research shows a person with undiagnosed celiac disease has an increased chance of developing cancer or lymphomas of the small intestine.

    The odds have soared that you or someone you know may need to remove gluten from their diet. In fact, Dr. Joseph Murray, M.D., a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, called celiac disease a "public health issue."3

    One study compared blood tests of 10,000 people from fifty years ago with tests on 10,000 people today. Researchers found a 400 percent increase in full-blown celiac disease!

    So what can you do to protect yourself from the health problems associated with celiac disease?

You MUST take this important step

    The first way to address gluten intolerance is to avoid all foods that contain gluten. And remember, this involves more than just avoiding grains.

    One of our valued sponsors, True Health, offers a supplement that reduces the symptoms of gluten intolerance. I guess you can even have bread or a piece of cake once in a while if you take these supplements, and you won't feel distress. It sounds like it's worth looking into -- click here if you want to know more.

    But let me stress that this is just a BandAid solution. If you're gluten-intolerant, you need to give up all foods that contain gluten. Period. And if you've got celiac disease — not just run-of-the-mill gluten intolerance -- you can NEVER have anything with gluten in it, supplement or no supplement. Celiac disease is dangerous.

Read this BEFORE you lick another
envelope or stamp!

    The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases said gluten is also hiding in products such as lip balms, medicines, and even in the glue on some envelopes and postage stamps!

    Don't toss all your stationery just yet. Most envelopes made in the U.S. use glue made from corn-based products. And U.S. postage stamps use sticky adhesives that don't require a lick.

    But be on the watch for the sneaky buzz words that really could be wrecking your gluten-free diet such as:

  • Emulsifier
  • Flavoring
  • Hydrolyzed
  • Stabilizer
  • Starch

    If you're wondering whether you have gluten intolerance, your doctor can run tests to diagnose your condition. Once you know whether you have problems with gluten—you can develop an action plan for healthier eating.

    So does following a gluten-free diet mean all your food will be boring and taste like cardboard? Hardly! I'm on a no-wheat diet and I've found delicious breads and crackers that are made without wheat (my personal favorite is a millet-flax bread).

    Many grains and starches such as buckwheat, corn, flax, millet, rice and tapioca can still be part of a gluten-free eating plan. And so can beans, eggs, nuts, fresh meats, fruits and vegetables.

    What's more, many specialty food stores offer tasty products that are clearly labeled as gluten-free. This can take some of the hassle out of your trips to the grocery store!

    Sueson Vess, consultant, food coach and author of gluten-free cookbooks, offers several suggestions on how to cook delicious meals that won't tie your stomach in knots—or put your life at risk! You might consider checking out her website at

    People with celiac disease who make the effort to eat a gluten-free diet often reduce their symptoms and experience fewer complications from the disease. Surely the sacrifices you might make will pale in comparison to the years of healthy living you may gain!

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Don't EVER Let Your Doctor Remove Your Gallbladder

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Urgent Warning
No matter how much pain you're in from gallstones

Don't EVER Let Your Doctor Remove Your Gallbladder!

You can stop your attacks quickly and naturally —
without going under the knife!

700,000 Americans a year are having their gallbladders cut out — more than four times the number who undergo heart surgery!

But this operation is totally useless and dangerous! You need your gallbladder. It's there for a reason. And having it cut out doesn't even solve the basic problem.

In fact — get this — one person out of four is still in terrible pain after having this emergency surgery. And the searing pain of gallbladder attacks is the whole reason doctors rush you into this operation!

Gallbladder surgery is the worst thing you could possibly do in the face of gallstones.

Click here to watch an important new video presentation about gallbladder health. You can heal your gallbladder at home, safely and naturally!

468 x 60

Thursday, February 2, 2012

1 Weird Spice That Cures Diabetes

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Warning: Dangerous Diabetes Drugs
Don't Work
How to Halt or Reverse Diabetes with Methods
That Are Natural, Easy ... and Virtually Free

Diabetes Drugs Don't Work   D iabetes is the number-one lifestyle disease of modern times, and tens of millions of Americans are being handed prescriptions for anti-diabetic drugs that don't work. A large-scale study at Duke University School of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that despite serious risks and dangerous side effects, diabetes drugs offer few benefits and simply don't live up to their claims

   Duke researchers found that the combination of the blood-pressure drug Diovan (valsartan) and the anti-diabetes drug Starlix (nateglinide) failed to reduce risk of heart attack at all and that Diovan was only slightly successful in slowing -- but not necessarily preventing -- development of type 2 diabetes.
   Furthermore, practically all anti-diabetic drugs result in weight gain and eventual total dependency upon insulin injections, according to researchers Krentz, Nichols, and Gomez-Caminero in 2 recent articles published in Current Medical Research Opinion and Diabetes Obesity Metabolism.

   Lead researcher Robert Califf of the Duke study said, "This is a sobering confirmation of the need to continue to focus on lifestyle improvements."
   Unfortunately, the medical mainstream has failed miserably to help diabetic patients reverse their diabetes naturally. This failure is inexcusable considering that anyone can reverse type 2 diabetes and stop type 1 diabetes in its tracks in less than 4 weeks with the right plan -- a plan that....

  • Gets your blood sugar under control in 4 weeks
  • Stops type 1 diabetes
  • Reverses type 2 diabetes
  • Eliminates dependence on diabetes drugs
  • Is so inexpensive that it's almost free
  • Is simple and easy to use
  • Has already helped patients and former diabetics all over the world
  • Completely reverses your diabetes, pre-diabetes, syndrome X, and blood sugar woes
   Unfortunately, very few diabetics know what actually does work. And that's because most doctors simply lack the necessary training and knowledge to steer their patients in the right direction.
   Too many doctors don't even discuss nutrition with their patients, and those who do often make matters worse by advising overly restrictive diets or unrealistic amounts of exercise
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. A recent paper published by the Society for Biomedical Diabetes Research says, "Diabetic patients encounter . . . confusing and contradictory advice from a variety of sources."
   As a result, diabetic patients "exhibit restrictive eating behaviors, they express feelings of dietary deprivation, and rigid dietary control is perceived as the only way to a proper diet and weight management. Binge eating, [excessive] restraint, and body dissatisfaction frequently occur among these patients."
   So if you've tried and failed to manage your diabetes naturally, it's not your fault! Doctors and the media do more to confuse than to clarify, and meanwhile the diabetes freight train leaves a staggering path of heartbreaking consequences in its path, such as the following:
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, nontraumatic lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults in the United States.
  • Diabetes is a major cause of heart disease and stroke.
  • Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States.
  • A new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that at the rate things are going, as many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults will have diabetes by 2050.
   "These are alarming numbers that show how critical it is to change the course of type 2 diabetes," said Ann Albright, Ph.D., director of the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation. "Successful programs to improve lifestyle choices on healthy eating and physical activity must be made more widely Natural Solutions to Diabetesavailable, because the stakes are too high and the personal toll too devastating to fail."
    The key phrase here is successful programs. To succeed you need to know exactly how to eat foods you love -- and feel satisfied, while still banishing diabetes. And you need to know about inexpensive supplements that help you slash your blood sugar effortlessly, such as . . .

==> The simple mineral that lowers diabetes risk. Researchers at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill conducted a 20-year study of 4,497 people and found that the risk of diabetes was 47% lower among participants with the highest intake of this mineral than among those with the lowest.

==> A well-loved spice that slashes blood sugar. Test subjects took as little as 1/4 teaspoon of this common spice daily, and nearly all subjects with diabetes showed substantial improvement. And the spice and diabetes were clearly connected because when the spice was no longer consumed, volunteers' blood sugar levels started to rise again.
   Obviously, a spice and a mineral alone aren't going to single-handedly reverse your diabetes permanently, but such powerful supplements combined with the right effective, easy, and inexpensive natural methods can put you on your way to ending diabetes. No drug in the world can do that, no matter what Big Pharma promises. In fact, drugs are often worse than ineffective -- they can even make your life miserable or even be more risky than diabetes itself.
   Consider the drug Avandia, once the most popular diabetes drug in the world, which was found in 2008 to dramatically increase risk of heart attacks and death. It took the FDA until last month to finally pull Avandia from the U.S. market.

   Another popular diabetes drug, Actos, has its own array of ugly side effects, including average weight gain of nearly 9 pounds and a higher risk of dangerous and possibly deadly fluid buildups. Furthermore, Actos's heart risks may be almost as bad as Avandia's, and some researchers have linked this drug to bladder cancer.
   A handful of doctors are getting behind the push to educate patients about what really works to cure diabetes. Dr. Scott Saunders. M.D., says natural approaches are the key. "Studying natural medicine is power," he says, explaining that you can absolutely reverse your diabetes yourself with simple steps that ...

==> Are fast, painless, safe, and natural
==> Based on proven home remedies
==> Have zero negative side effects
==> Will help you save thousands of dollars in medical bills, drugs, and hospital stays
==> Will free you from stress and fear of diabetic symptoms
==> Can halt the degenerative side effects of diabetes
==> Are safe for type 1 & type 2 diabetes
==> Will improve your overall health and immune system
   If you suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes, you cannot afford to ignore the truth about how to stop this dangerous degenerative disease. Diabetes can
kill you ... if you let it.
   But the good news is you don't have to let that happen. And you don't have to fear blindness, heart disease, chronic wounds that won't heal, or even amputation. And you definitely don't have to rely on expensive, dangerous drugs that don't work! You can reverse your diabetes in less than a month when you watch a free, informative video , and see how to fix the real cause of your diabetes ... using natural, safe, and easy methods that are virtually free.

   Now you can empower yourself with cutting edge information on healing yourself or your loved ones of diabetes. Watch this free video and learn to halt or reverse your diabetes.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The latest high tech prostate cancer treatment

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You Can Now Treat Prostate Cancer with
the Most Expensive Medical Device
in the History of the World

    If you've heard that proton therapy is the magic bullet for prostate cancer, be warned: There's a lot of money tied up in this therapy, but not a lot of research. That's a scary combination for any health treatment. Let's look at the facts. . .

Continued below. . .

Toxic chemical condemned 8 men to die of prostate cancer
. . .but one of them escaped. [Search "Don't Touch My Prostate"] Here's how he did it!

    John S. watched helplessly as 7 of his Vietnam platoon buddies died of prostate cancer, one by one. They were exposed to chemicals during the war that caused them to get cancer when they reached middle age. Then, in 2002, John found out it was his turn. He got opinions from three different doctors and they all told him the same thing: he'd need a miracle to survive.

    John found the miracle he needed. Four years after his diagnosis, he told us, "I am healthy and happy with no symptoms of the disease." He actually wishes he'd gotten the disease sooner so he could have told his Army buddies this secret. It might have saved their lives.

    We're ALL exposed every day to chemicals similar to the ones that killed these veterans. A man is just about certain to get prostate cancer if he lives long enough. That means John's life-saving secret is big news for men everywhere. Click here [Search "Don't Touch My Prostate"] and keep reading. . .

This treatment definitely has some advantages

    Proton therapy isn't even a new breakthrough, although the public didn't get interested till recently.

    The therapy was initially prompted by Dr. James Slater of Massachusetts General, who first started harvesting protons from a Harvard cyclotron in the early 1960s. Dr. Slater had been disheartened by the side effects of radiation treatment (using X-rays) and has since devoted most of his professional life to bringing proton-based treatments to medical facilities.

    Proton therapy itself is fairly simple. It uses a beam of protons to inject a tumor with radiation. Protons are one of the three main particles that make up atoms (the other two are electrons and neutrons). Protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge.

    Like X-rays, protons wreck the genetic makeup of a tumor. More importantly, proton therapy is much more precise than other radiation therapies, but without the side effects.
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    For example, when a patient undergoes X-ray treatment, tissues surrounding the tumor site are easily destroyed. The side-effects and resulting sickness can be overwhelming.

    But in proton therapy, the stream of charged particles can be tailored to the contours of the tumor, without affecting any tissues except the tumor.

    Unfortunately (and like too many things in the medical industry), proton therapy suffers from a money bias. Construction costs for a proton-beam generator can top $200 million, making it the most expensive medical device ever invented.

    One of the reasons the treatment is so expensive is that protons aren't exactly easy to harvest. For proton therapy, protons must be stripped from hydrogen atoms and then moved into a stream that is nearly as fast as the speed of light.

    The device that makes this possible weighs around 220 tons and must be housed in a structure at least the size of a football field. So, beyond the cost of the machine itself come considerable construction expenses for any hospital toying with the idea of offering this treatment.

But here's the worst problem of all. . .

    Proton therapy involves spending a stupefying amount of money on something that doesn't necessarily work better than other prostate cancer treatments. Anthony Zietman, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and past president of the American Society for Radiation Oncology, has gone on record saying proton therapy is a very good treatment for prostates, but "It just doesn't appear to be superior treatment."

    In the world of peer-reviewed journals, they won't be able to say whether proton therapy deserves all the rave reviews it's gotten until somebody puts together a decade-long, randomized trial to see which treatments have the best outcome overall.

    In the meantime, the Internet has become a serious hindrance to spreading accurate information about this treatment. Loads of blogs and websites run by men who had success with their own proton treatment laud the benefits of proton therapy. I don't deny that they have good intentions. Many of these enthusiastic Internet writers feel proton therapy was the best and only cure for their prostate cancers.

    Plus, men love the fact that's it's non-invasive. Who wouldn't? After all, few things shake a man's pride like the idea of losing bladder function or becoming impotent. A man's well-being after conventional radiation or surgery can be very poor indeed.

    But the buzz reminds me of prime-time commercials from the pharmaceutical industry (although more honest, I hope). When you see a commercial for the latest and greatest pill, featuring happy people evangelizing a drug, it's hard not to wonder if it might work for you.

    Just remember, the bloggers are comparing proton therapy to conventional radiation and surgery. To be fair, it IS an improvement — a very expensive one. But why go there at all?

    The problem in this case is that too many websites are written by guys who aren't aware of the costs-versus-benefits of this treatment, much less the benefits of alternative cancer treatments. They're excited by the high-level technology — the ultimate power tool for guys — and they give false hope to millions of men searching the Internet for legitimate answers.

    The bias for proton therapy technology continues to grow with time, making it hard to put together any kind of a reliable study on outcomes. Researchers are finding that men who went in thinking proton treatment was superior, who then have unexpected and unnecessary side effects, still advocate proton therapy as the best choice they could have made.

    Marketers call it "post-purchase dissonance." When people have made an important choice, they have to convince themselves they did the right thing. If the purchase is a let-down, some people go into denial and still insist they made a good choice.

    And remember, as with most medical therapies these days, the advice you get from doctors is subject to a ton of bias. Dr. Zietman, while being interviewed for an article in Men's Health last year, said, "In the absence of knowledge, anything goes. Surgeons recommend their favorite surgery. Radiation oncologists recommend their favorite form of radiation."

    It follows that oncologists smitten with cool technology — and with making money — recommend proton therapy.

Money-driven healthcare, the vampire
that's sucking the life out of our country

    What's obvious here is that the least expensive option for treating early-stage prostate cancer rarely gets lip service from the experts. Officially, it's called "active surveillance." You may know it as "watchful waiting."

    Watchful waiting boils down to closely monitoring a patient and watching for any signs of growth in his cancer. If there's no growth, there's no treatment. If there is growth, the patient gets treated. Most prostate tumors are slow-growing. There's no pressing need to take action. And there are dozens of safe nutrients, foods and herbal remedies a man can use to control or eliminate prostate tumors without resorting to radiation, chemotherapy and surgery at all. I gave readers my take on all this in my Special Report, Don't Touch My Prostate.

    Proton treatment sounds to me like technology-driven medicine gone crazy. Frightened people with cancer are willing to buy into any kind of nonsense recommended by the men in white coats, and of course we all get handed the bill.

    Medical care is the single biggest expense driving the country into bankruptcy and potential social and political collapse. Meanwhile, to the doctors and industrialists meting out the treatments, there are massive profits to be had treating prostate cancer with protons.

    Proton therapy isn't worthless. Far from it. It actually shows more reliable promise for treating brain, eye, and spinal cord tumors, as well as certain kinds of tumors in children.

    But treating something like childhood cancers requires multiple, lengthy sessions and insurance companies are loath to cover it.

    Prostate patients, on the other hand, are in and out in 20 minutes and need fewer total treatments. Medicare and most insurance companies cover the cost without hassle. And there are a lot of prostate cancer cases to funnel through the system.

    It's healthcare dictated by money, which is the worst kind.

    I should point out that even with the heavy emphasis on proton therapy as a miracle cure, it's hard to come by. Only 1% of radiation oncologists in the U.S. have experience in proton therapy. And right now, there are only nine proton centers in operation (though eight more are in development, which shows how the medical industry is responding to demand).

Sometimes the best healthcare means bucking the trends

    Conclusive studies are a long way off. But for now, the best information we can find is that proton treatment is not much better than standard radiation treatment — just more expensive and more techno-fancy.

    I admit, it's hard to beat claims like those made by Loma Linda Medical Center on their website's "Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer" page: "More accurate, non-invasive, painless, provided in an outpatient setting, little impact on energy level, and requires no recovery."

    But don't be so sure it's a good choice. There are many, many easy alternative treatments I'd try first.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Secret of People Who Don't Get Cancer

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The secret to curing cancer:

You've been throwing it in the trash!

    In 1921, a British doctor discovered that a remote tribal people was almost totally cancer-free. But when members of this tribe move away from their native land and change their diet, they get cancer just like anyone else.

    It's all thanks to a food most of us throw away as waste!

    Click here now and watch a new video presentation about this cancer breakthrough Go To "Cancer Step Outside The Box".

    One cancer expert calls this overlooked food "the key to curing AND preventing cancer" — and you can benefit NOW -- without going to a doctor or buying expensive supplements.

    This little throwaway food tastes great. Bill Clinton (of all people) eats it regularly, and so can you.

    Click here now to watch the video Go To "Cancer Step Outside The Box"!

Monday, January 23, 2012

The World's ONLY Diabetes Cure

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The World's ONLY Diabetes Cure

Dear Reader,

Doctors and drug companies want you to believe that medical intervention is the only choice people with diabetes have.
But that's baloney -- and I'll prove it to you. For example...

- Eating a daily serving of beans can dramatically lower your need for diabetes meds and/or insulin.

- Two natural, zero-calorie sweeteners are perfectly fine for all diabetics -- (one is 100 times sweeter than table sugar, but won't raise your blood sugar level or increase your weight!).
- Whole grains will improve your blood sugar much better than fresh vegetables!

- A 20-minute daily walk lengthens the life of a diabetic by an average of 39%!

Reversing diabetes is just this easy!
Little lifestyle changes like these can make HUGE improvements in diabetes -- and can actually cure Type 2 and prediabetes.
That's right, I said cure. This means you can...
- Quit sticking your fingers with needles and testing your blood sugar

- Discontinue all those sickening, fattening drugs

- Stop feeling guilty about food and your weight
- End your worries about diabetic heart attack ... amputations ... or blindness.
The 30-Day Diabetes Cure makes it "easy as pie!"
Here's how our ingenious 30-day plan works...
Every day, you simply
add one diabetes-healing tip -- or subtract a diabetes-hurting habit to you normal activities.

At the end of 30 days, you'll be living a Diabetes Healing Lifestyle -- without turning your life upside-down.
Most people experience a dramatic improvement in their condition simply by following our proven plan.
- Type 2s are able to have their dose of meds dramatically reduced -- or completely withdrawn!

- Type 1s can have their insulin dose slashed (by up to 80%!).
And people with prediabetes can return to a normal, drug-free life in a matter of days!

Click here to view some amazing video testimonials of real people who have conquered diabetes with The 30-Day Diabetes Cure.
Drugs will never give you these results!

In fact, as long as you take those diabetes drugs, you will never be able to get off them -- and you will
always have diabetes.
There has never been an instance of these drugs curing a single diabetes patient so he/she could discontinue them. Not one!

But now you have real hope!
Wouldn't it be great to kick diabetes out of your life like this?

Wouldn't it feel wonderful to return to a "normal" life again?

The 30-Day Diabetes Cure can give you or a loved one a "second chance."
Here's your opportunity to change the direction your health is headed in...

Away from the misery and suffering that await all diabetics -- and toward a future filled with health, happiness and increased longevity.
It won't cost you a penny to discover how Online Publishing and Marketing

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Independence from your digestive problems

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The complete digestive system breakthrough!
You’ve got a shelf full of digestive remedies. You’re eating better. And yet you wonder...
Why Your Tummy
Still Hurts
Stop putting temporary Band-Aids on your digestion problems!

Instead, stop your digestive troubles by strengthening your entire digestive system. This simple yet comprehensive solution is so effective and far-reaching that many patients report that joint pain, allergies and other health problems also improve — and in some cases disappear!

For years, whenever a patient came to me with digestive problems, I gave them the best treatments available. I’d prescribe probiotics, enzymes, diet changes…

Do You Have a Weak Digestive System?
Do you have a weak digestive system—one that could lead to (or be causing) serious digestive and other health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint pain, and blood sugar problems?
Here are some common overlooked signs of a weak digestive system:
Symptom: You feel tired after a meal — When your digestion is weak you can’t push food through your digestive tract effectively. Your body reacts by stealing energy from other parts of your body to get the food down. With less energy circulating throughout your body, you feel tired.

Symptom: You get cold easily — When you don’t produce enough digestive enzymes or acid to break down food into small enough bits to absorb its nutrients, your body senses this lack of nutrients. It compensates by diverting circulation from less vital body parts (such as your hands and feet) to supply more crucial parts (like your brain and heart). With less circulation to your extremities, you get cold more easily.
Symptom: You experience declining memory or “brain fog” — Weak digestion can lead to digestion-related food allergies—a leading cause of “brain fog.” In addition, your brain and your digestive system are intimately connected neurologically. And so when your digestion is weak, it affects your brain, clouding your mind. It can even eventually lead to dementia.
The good news is, your digestive system can heal itself—once it’s strengthened. Keep reading to find out how.
Sure, their symptoms improved slightly — as long as they made the changes I suggested (some of which were quite restrictive). But they continued to complain about stomach pain, gas, constipation, or diarrhea.
Some still couldn’t eat certain foods. And some still bloated so badly they had to unbutton their pants after a meal.
I knew how frustrated my patients were because I’ve had a sensitive stomach myself for most of my life. Fatty foods made me tired. Salads often gave me gas. Other foods caused bloating and other discomfort.
Well, no more. I’m happy to say I finally found a single digestive remedy that really works for me, for my patients, and for thousands of people with digestion problems around the world.

New digestive remedy provides all-over vitality
In fact, as you’re about to discover, it works so well that many patients report other health problems improving — and even vanishing — as their rejuvenated digestive system delivers new health and vitality throughout their entire bodies.
This remedy is not like anything you have ever tried before. Because it doesn’t just work on one part of your digestion. And because it doesn’t just mask your symptoms while leaving the root causes of your problems untreated.
Instead, it strengthens and balances your entire digestive system. Because once each part is balanced and strengthened, your entire system can run the way it’s supposed to — as it did when you were younger. Free from digestive problems and free to supply your body with the nutrients it needs.

And that is why it’s the only digestive remedy I now recommend to my patients.
I’m Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs. I’ve been a nutritionist in private practice for over 31 years, and authored eight best-selling books on nutrition and health. I’m also a well-known health writer and the editor of a popular alternative health newsletter.
I want to tell you more about this amazing new discovery in a moment. But first, let’s look at why what you’ve been doing to relieve your digestive problems probably hasn’t worked. And why without a truly healthy digestive system, you’ll never achieve the good health — and freedom from health problems — that you desire. And deserve!
Stop treating symptoms—
treat what’s causing them

Most digestion remedies don’t work because they only treat your symptoms, not the root cause. So your problems keep coming back. It’s like trying to cure a cavity with a shot of Novocain. The pain goes away (temporarily), but the cavity is still eating away at your tooth.
In no branch of medicine is treating symptoms rather than root causes more common than when it comes to digestive problems. For example:
Taking antacids may temporarily soothe your painful stomach. But antacids don’t balance your acid production, which is what keeps your stomach calm. When there’s food in your stomach, your body needs to produce enough acid to digest it and make sure it’s broken down efficiently and completely. That’s what eliminates gas and bloating. (Most people, as they get older, actually produce too little acid. This causes an acid “imbalance” and acid gets produced when there’s no food in your stomach — eating away at your stomach lining.)
Ingesting enzymes if you’re low on them is a good temporary solution. But you have to take them all the time, with every meal, and make sure you’re getting the right ones for the foods you eat. Wouldn’t it be better if your digestive system was healthy and strong enough to produce the enzymes it needs on its own?

Relying on laxatives can make you more regular. But why isn’t your digestive system strong enough to push what you consume through more speedily on its own? You want food to get through quickly and be broken down efficiently and completely — so it doesn’t sit around and “putrefy,” and so you can get the maximum benefit from it.
Until you strengthen and balance your entire digestive system, your problems are likely to continue to worsen. And unfortunately, the rest of your health is likely to deteriorate right along with your digestive health!
But the good news is that strengthening and balancing your entire digestive system is now as easy as taking a single dietary supplement.
Remember when you were a teenager
and could eat anything?
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My search for a better way to treat digestive problems led me to Dr. Isaac Eliaz, a renowned healer and researcher who heads a team of scientists at EcoNugenics — a leading research lab right here in the U.S.
The EcoNugenics team has formulated what I think is the best digestive remedy available anywhere today — at any price. It’s called Integrative Digestive Formula™. I’ve tested it thoroughly. I’ve seen it work on my own body. And I see it work on my patients every day.
Now when my patients return for a follow-up visit, they no longer tell me they still have digestive problems. Instead, they excitedly tell me what they can eat again, how much lighter they feel, and how they can stay out all day without worrying if there’s a bathroom nearby.
Many tell me they feel as if they’ve gotten their lives back. Like 53-year-old JoAnn, who battled chronic constipation since she was young.
For JoAnn, waiting days between each painful bowel movement wasn’t her biggest problem. Nor was it the bloating, stomach cramps or acid reflux it caused. It was the chronic exhaustion.

JoAnn constantly struggled to muster enough energy to get through simple chores such as doing the laundry or dishes. It took every bit of willpower to go to work everyday. JoAnn recalls,
“It was hard for people to understand how physically drained this made me. I kept telling my husband: ‘I’m so exhausted.’ And he’d say: ‘What are you talking about? You slept 10 hours!’”
Before long, her exhaustion affected her emotionally. She obsessed about when her next bowel movement would come. And she was constantly stressed from not having enough energy to do what she needed to do.
Over the years, JoAnn tried detox regimens, cleanses, acupuncture, drugs, supplements and diet changes. But they gave her only temporary relief — or none at all.

Yet within a few days on Integrative Digestive Formula™, JoAnn’s bowel movements came regularly and easily for the first time in decades. As she said in her own words:
“It’s not like a laxative where it’s a quick fix just for the moment. I can feel this moving more energy into my stomach. It regulated and balanced my system so now, I never think about my bowel movements anymore.”
As JoAnn’s digestion strengthened, her health improved as well. Her weight dropped, her acid reflux healed, the painful bloating vanished, her energy levels soared and she sleeps soundly throughout the night. She even takes fewer vitamins and other supplements now that her stronger digestion is better able to absorb the nutrients from foods.

But that’s not all. For years, JoAnn lived with a constant, sharp pain from cysts in her chest. Doctors told her there was nothing they could do about it. And since JoAnn’s family has a history of breast cancer, you can imagine how much she worried about those chronic cysts.

But after JoAnn’s digestion strengthened, her cysts disappeared — and haven’t returned since!
Lower cholesterol and blood sugar — even lose weight!
As I said, I take Integrative Digestive Formula™ myself.

Since childhood, I couldn’t remember a day when my stomach felt “normal.” But now, foods that used to give me gut-wrenching cramps don’t bother me anymore. And I even stopped taking enzymes. For me, that’s a big deal because I relied on enzymes every day for 18 years!
It’s exciting to have finally liberated myself and so many of my patients from digestion troubles. But what really thrills me is how their bodies heal as their digestion strengthens. Blood pressure often normalizes. Cholesterol may go down. Blood sugar levels often decline. And, in some cases, years of illness actually reverse!
Here’s another wonderful “side-effect” of stronger digestion: It can help you lose weight by helping you digest carbohydrates and sugars, reducing sugar cravings, and improving your metabolism.
And because skin conditions and allergies are both affected by the quality of your digestion, don’t be surprised if your skin clears up and your allergies disappear.
How can one pill do so much? Integrative Digestive Formula™ is a unique blend of herbs, medicinal mushrooms and other ingredients that work together to not just relieve your symptoms, but to strengthen and heal your entire digestive system. (That’s the only path to real, long-term relief of your digestive problems.)

Chinese and Tibetan herbs ignite your digestive fire
Integrative Digestive Formula™ is based on the understanding of Eastern medicine that a digestive “fire” (or energy) burns in your belly.
When your digestion gives you trouble, Eastern doctors say your fire has cooled down too much, making your system sluggish. So they prescribe “rekindling” herbs that support your digestive functions.
This might sound odd at first, but if you think about it, rekindling your fire really does make sense. After all, your stomach acids really do burn and break down the foods you eat. Enzymes work by melting down fats, proteins and carbohydrates so you’re able to absorb and utilize them.
When the rekindling herbs fire up your digestive functions, your system can really do the job it’s meant to do and start working at closer to its full potential speed. This relieves the strain on your digestive system, so it can finally begin healing itself.
For example, the rekindling herbs in Integrative Digestive Formula™ stimulate your stomach to provide healthful digestive acids when you need them. Other herbs trigger a stream of active enzymes into your small intestine to break down fats.

But a strong fire must be contained in a strong system. That’s why Integrative Digestive Formula™ works to strengthen your intestinal walls — the musculature that supports all your food-processing activity and keeps things moving.
Strong intestinal walls help push food and waste completely through the long 30-foot trek down your GI tract. Faster movement prevents toxins from building up in your intestines. This is important because toxins signal your body to produce inflammation to fight those toxins.
As you may know, many medical professionals now believe inflammation is at the root of many of today’s health problems — from allergies and joint pain to more serious problems. That’s why, as your digestive system heals and your inflammation calms, you may see many of your current health issues begin to reverse. In addition, many doctors believe that reducing your “inflammation load” can protect you from more serious health problems later in life.
With all this extra support firing up your digestive system, it can begin working quickly, efficiently, and smoothly again. And this is when the real magic happens…

Turn your digestive system into a self-healing machine
Did you know that your digestion — just like other parts of your body — is designed to heal itself? It’s just like the way your skin naturally heals from a small cut on your finger.
The trouble is, most digestion remedies actually prevent you from healing.
We talked earlier about how most remedies focus on your symptoms, not the cause. The only way these remedies give you relief is by dumping a boat load of an ingredient into your system — like psyllium fiber (for constipation) or an antacid such as sodium bicarbonate (for heartburn) — and hoping it does the trick.
Your digestive system gets so much “help” that before long, it stops trying to work on its own. It ends up relying on the remedies and they become a crutch.

So your digestive system continues getting weaker. Before long, you need a bigger crutch (a higher dose) for even slight relief. Less and less seems to work anymore until one day, nothing seems to work.
Integrative Digestive Formula™, on the other hand, contains just enough of each ingredient to kick-start your digestive processes. And once it gets kick-started, your body naturally takes over:
For example:
  • Your intestinal walls fire up with renewed energy, pushing out impacted waste and eliminating it like clockwork (no more constipation or diarrhea)!
  • Your newly fortified intestinal walls prevent toxins, viruses and parasites from entering your bloodstream. So inflammation begins to vanish and other health problems begin to disappear!
  • Your stomach floods with healthful enzymes and acids to quickly and completely digest anything you eat. Your body gets the nutrients it needs. And you may find yourself enjoying foods you’ve stayed away from for years!
What’s more, modern life constantly beats up your digestion with unavoidable stresses such as pollution, chemicals, and psychological and physical stress. But with Integrative Digestive Formula™, your digestive system will have the strength to resist those attacks. So your digestion can work smoothly and begin to heal.
To speed up this healing process — both in your digestive system and throughout your body — Integrative Digestive Formula™ also contains....
Medicinal mushrooms that super-charge
your immune system
When you have a weakened digestion, the toxins building up in your body are doing more than triggering inflammation. They also attack your immune system.
These toxins travel through your bloodstream, killing off healthy cells — making you vulnerable to illness and disease. In addition, when digestion is weak, your intestines can become “leaky” — allowing large molecules to get absorbed into the blood stream, damaging organs and tissues. A strong, healthy gut creates a healthy barrier and protects you.
That’s why Integrative Digestive Formula™ supports your immune system with a “dream team” of powerhouse medicinal mushrooms: Hericium, Maitake and Poria. Their immunity boosting secret? High doses of immune-boosting beta glucans activate your body’s own disease-fighting immune cells.
Once activated, these immune cells roam every nook and cranny of your body, busily gobbling up toxins, viruses and bacteria. They also recognize mutated cells — destroying them before they can multiply and cause serious problems.

These extra beta glucans turn on so many immune cells that your entire immune system is soon rebuilt and refortified — protecting every cell in your body, and helping you stay (or get!) strong and healthy.
You aren’t what you eat…you are what you absorb
You’ve probably heard the old saying, “you are what you eat.”
But I tell my patients that we really should say: “You are what you eat, digest and absorb.” After all, if you can’t extract the nutrients out of what you eat, then eating the healthiest foods in the world won’t do you much good.
That’s why an important benefit of Integrative Digestive Formula™ is that as your digestive system begins to strengthen and heal, it gets better and better at doing its job: absorbing the nutrients from the foods you eat (as well as from any vitamins and supplements you take).
In addition, digestive enzymes play an important role in breaking down your food so it can be readily absorbed. Unfortunately, as we get older, we produce fewer enzymes. That’s why Integrative Digestive Formula™ includes a wide array of digestive enzymes to support the healing process of your digestive tract. (Even while it’s encouraging your system to produce more enzymes on its own.)

With these extra enzymes, you’ll absorb more of what you eat and you’ll get more out of any supplements and even any medicines that you take.
Now you’re truly on the road to better digestive health—and better overall health as well!
With so much packed into each capsule, it’s not surprising how quickly your digestion strengthens. But what might surprise you is how quickly your other health issues can improve:
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  • That “foggy-headed” feeling may finally clear. You may find yourself feeling like your old self again as thoughts come faster, you recall names more easily, and don’t waste time searching for lost glasses or a misplaced key. This is because your digestion-related allergies will begin to clear, and they’re a major factor in brain fog and brain aging. In addition, scientists now know that important chemicals that enable brain cells to communicate with each other (neuropeptids) are actually produced in the digestive tract, and strengthening your digestive system can enable you to produce more of them.
  • As the inflammation in your body begins to disappear, you may find that you’re no longer limited by stiff, painful joints. Instead, they’re flexible and virtually pain-free. So you can spend hours enjoying your favorite hobbies again.
  • Healthy digestion means better energy and resistance. As your immunity strengthens, you may find that you can stay healthy through the cold season — even when everyone around you is coughing and sneezing.
  • You may find yourself more energized — not in jittery surges, but consistently all day long. You can get more done without worrying about “overdoing it” or feeling exhausted the next day. (Doesn’t it make sense that if the furnace that burns the fuel that powers your body is operating at maximum capacity, you’ll have more energy?)
  • And you may find yourself sleeping like a baby once again — deeply and soundly, without waking up through the night. In the morning, you’ll feel refreshed and well-rested. Thanks to better digestion leading to better energy production, less or no heartburn, and fewer swings in blood sugar and insulin levels.
With a strong digestion, many of my patients tell me they feel “alive” again — that they enjoy life more now that they aren’t restricted by nagging health issues and slowed by aches and pains.
And for many, that’s just the beginning. Because reduced inflammation means better circulation and more oxygen getting to every cell in your body. That can be a big help with your vision problems (your eyes depend on nutrients getting to them), blood pressure, blood sugar levels and cholesterol.
Significant, lasting relief—even when
other remedies have failed—GUARANTEED
For so many people who have suffered for years with digestive problems, what astonishes them most about Integrative Digestive Formula™ is how quickly they found significant relief.
Other remedies make you wait up to two weeks before you feel the slightest improvement. Instead, Integrative Digestive Formula™ goes to work quickly, because it addresses the root causes of your problems while it gives you immediate digestive support.
Within the first day or two, you may find, as other have, the knots in your stomach relaxing…finally putting an end to that nasty burning sensation in your chest, or your constant trips to the bathroom, or your lack of regular bowel movements.
Fast relief also shows how quickly your digestion is strengthening. That’s great to know because the sooner that happens, the sooner your other health issues can start fading away, and the sooner you begin protecting yourself from more serious health problems later.

I can go on and on about Integrative Digestive Formula™ — how it changed my life and how it has dramatically helped my patients. But what really matters is how it can help you.
To find out, why not try a bottle yourself? It’s absolutely risk free because Integrative Digestive Formula™ is guaranteed to erase your toughest digestion problems — even the ones that have haunted you for decades.
That’s a bold promise. But it’s what I and my patients have experienced ourselves.
So get some to try today. If you don’t feel it’s working — starting to rid you of your toughest digestion problems, as it did for my patients and me — then simply return the bottle — even if it’s empty! We’ll refund every penny you paid.

Why spend another day letting your digestion get worse — and your overall health along with it?
You can get a month’s supply of Integrative Digestive Formula™ for only $34.95. That’s a full month of heightened immunity and digestive support for less than the cost of a nice dinner out!
I’m confident you’ll notice a difference in the first 30 days. (As I said before, many people tell me they feel better in just a few days!)
Once you see how much better you feel and how much easier it is to digest the foods you love, you won’t want to miss a single day. And you’ll want to keep taking it to fully heal your digestive system.
So I recommend you stock up so you don’t have to keep reordering.  When you do, you can:

Buy 3, Get 1 Bottle FREE
Try a 3-month supply of Integrative Digestive Formula™ for just $104.85 plus shipping and handling. And you’ll receive a fourth bottle FREE. That’s a $34.95 savings off the regular price.  Plus, you’ll also receive …
FREE Gift #1: What You Need to Know About Supplements BEFORE You Buy (a $9.95 value).

Many of my patients call me and say, “Dr. Fuchs, there are so many supplements out there … what should I really be taking?” You’ve probably read about almost every nutritional option out there … but you may not know which ones can help and which ones can hurt. Get the real story on what to buy, what to avoid, and what really works. Without wasting your money or risking your health.  You’ll discover …
  • How to take fewer supplements and feel even better. Why mega-dosing isn’t always best.
  • Why popular one-a-day vitamin formulas are a waste of your money. And what to take instead.
  • How to select high-quality nutritional supplements. Once you know these tricks, you’ll never be taken again.
  • The juice you should never drink when taking zinc to fight a cold. Cancels out the zinc!
  • The truth about coral calcium. Is it really healthier and more absorbable than other kinds? Here’s the answer based on scientific research.
  • The right way to take CoQ10. If you leave this important step out, you’re not getting all the nutrients you need.
I’ll be happy to send this report to you as soon as possible.  It’s your FREE with the Buy-3-Get-1-Free Savings Pack.  That’s a combined value of $149.75 for only $104.85 — a total savings of $44.90!
But if you’re really serious about keeping your digestive system in top-notch form for the long run — and saving the most money you can — you should …

Buy 6, Get 2 Bottles FREE
This is by far the best value. Try a 6-month supply of Integrative Digestive Formula™ and get the lowest price per bottle—a savings of $69.90 off the regular price. It’s like getting 2 bottles free, plus you receive both of these free gifts:
FREE Gift #1: What You Need to Know About Supplements BEFORE You Buy (a $9.95 value).
FREE Gift #2: A handy digital pedometer (a $9.95 value).

As you free yourself of digestive worries, you’ll get back the freedom and energy to do what you want.  You’ll become more active.  A terrific way to measure your success and keep yourself motivated is with a pedometer.
You can use it to keep track of all the miles you walk in a normal day.  Then watch that number climb as you get outside and exercise!
It’s yours free when you get the Buy-6-Get-2-FREE Savings Pack.  That’s a combined value of $299.50 for only $209.70 — a total savings of $89.80. 

And it gets even better, because …
The shipping’s on me if you respond
by Friday, January 27th
Integrative Digestive Formula™ is not available in stores.  There’s no other way to get it unless you order it by mail. 
And that means incurring shipping and handling charges.
In fact, you’d normally have to pay $6.95 for shipping and handling of your Integrative Digestive Formula™.  (I’m told this barely covers the cost of packaging your bottle for safe, fresh, secure arrival. Especially if you order a six-month supply.)
But I’ve arranged for you to receive FREE shipping and handling when you request Integrative Digestive Formula™  by midnight Friday, January 27th.  That’s right!  You won’t pay a single penny.

Why have I done this?  Because I want you to get this powerful formula into your hands as soon as possible — so it can start improving your digestive health right away. Consider it my friendly little nudge to get you to act now.
Remember, you can only get free shipping if you order Integrative Digestive Formula™ by midnight January 27th. So why not do it now, while it’s still fresh in your mind?  After all, you're fully protected by my down-to-the-last-pill guarantee.
There’s no reason to spend another day living with your digestive problems (as in “you’ll just have to live with them”). Not when you can try Integrative Digestive Formula™ risk-free.

You have nothing to lose — except the pain and suffering you endure now. And ordering couldn’t be easier. Just click here or call 1-800-791-3395 and they’ll rush your supply of Integrative Digestive Formula™ to you right away. The friendly health consultants are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Yours for total digestive health,
Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD

P.S. Modern life constantly beats on your digestive system. Stress, medications, pollution, eating on the run…all weaken your digestion so it can’t do its job. It’s no wonder why over half of us suffer from digestion troubles. But you don’t have to be one of them anymore. Try Integrative Digestive Formula™ risk-free. Click here right now or call 800-791-3395 today for your rushed shipment.