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Showing posts with label antioxidant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antioxidant. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The cancer "hell on earth" they don't warn you about..

This Cancer Treatment Side Effect
Can Last for Years — and Make
Your Life a "Living Hell"

You'll want to think twice about
conventional treatments after you read this

Cancer Defeated Publications

    Many people have been handed a life of "living hell" as a side effect of traditional cancer treatments" yet hardly a doctor warns of the dangers. What's more, the side effect doesn't go away once the treatment is over. You may suffer with it for the rest of your life.

    One more reason to avoid conventional treatments. . .but what if it's too late for you and you're already afflicted with this nightmare? Conventional doctors will tell you there's nothing they can do. As often happens, they're wrong. We've got some tips to help you manage this painful result of mainstream cancer medicine. . .

Continued below. . .

[Here's an important message from our trusted colleague, Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby MD, PhD]...

You Will Probably Live To 100 Years
Whether You Want To Or Not
    The "rules" of aging have changed enormously in the days since I went to medical school.     They still keep changing; life expectancy moves relentlessly upwards.

    We are all growing older, it's true. But that doesn't mean we have to age.

    The fact is that at 65 years you are barely half-way through even today's lifespan. Some people alive now will reach 200 years of age and still be in good shape. You may have no choice.

    What will put you in your grave, eventually, is not aging. It's ignorance. I promise you that you will die earlier than you should if you don't know about anti-aging. You'll lose years that could be rightfully yours.

    In my remarkable eBook "Get Healthy For Your Next 100 Years" I tell you all the latest science, organ by organ, explaining what you need to know and what you need to do to stay healthy.


    Lymphedema is an abnormal fluid build-up that causes swelling, mostly in the arms and legs. It develops when lymph nodes are removed, impaired, or damaged, as often happens when a breast cancer patient has a mastectomy or lumpectomy. But it can also be a result of radiation treatment.

    Any time the normal drainage pattern is disrupted, the swelling called lymphedema may occur.

    Lymphedema is a common complication of conventional cancer treatments. If you've had ovarian or cervical cancer, prostate, testicular, bladder or colon cancer — and if you've undergone conventional treatments -- lymphedema would affect your legs and feet instead of your arms as happens with breast cancer.

    Tamoxifen, a cancer drug, is another common cause of lower extremity lymphedema and blood clots.

    And yet your doctor may never warn you about this complication.

    Some people develop lymphedema immediately following these treatments… others do so months or years later. The degree of swelling varies. Some people experience extreme swelling, with the affected arm or leg ballooning to several inches larger than the other arm or leg.

    How bad is it? Many patients complain that dealing with lymphedema has taken over their entire life.

    Besides the damage to your looks and the painful side effects such as lost range of motion, tightness, and difficulty fitting into clothing in one specific area… lymphedema also increases your risk of serious infection, which can become a life-threatening emergency if it spreads throughout your lymphatic or circulatory systems and reaches vital organs.

Mainstream medicine's 'non-treatment'
of lymphedema
    While the best lymphedema prevention in my view is to avoid cut/burn/poison interventions in the first place, I also recognize that many people do them first and then learn later how damaging they can be.

    After all, we're all learning as we go. Most people submit to conventional treatments just as their doctor tells them, and turn to alternative treatments only when the first way fails.

    Although mainstream medicine is the main source of the problem of lymphedema, mainstream medicine leaves you high and dry when it comes to solutions to the problem.

    For example, the Cleveland Clinic and others take the rather pessimistic view that there's not much they can do. They consider lymphedema a chronic disease that usually requires lifelong management.1

    They suggest conservative treatments (catch the irony here?) such as bandaging, compression garments, and exercises.

    Surgery has been tried as a lymphedema treatment, but it usually doesn't work and often makes the condition worse.

    Doctors may also refer patients to a physical or occupational therapist who specializes in lymphedema. They will work with you to create a treatment plan that may include:
    Very important… Be sure the therapist you see has specific training and experience with lymphedema cases.
An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure
    If it's not too late, consider skipping conventional treatment plans with their almost certain negative side effects… Or at least give extremely careful consideration to some of the alternative protocols available — such as the Budwig Protocol, and Dr. Max Gerson's.

    If you have late-stage cancer, conventional treatments are just about sure losers and definitely not worth trying. If your cancer is early-stage, it's a tougher call. Me? I'd go with alternatives. (I don't like to keep reminding these unfortunate late-stage patients that their chances are so slim, but that's what this newsletter is all about. You need to start doing alternatives — pronto — and stop listening to the mainstream nonsense. The only way to say it is to say it, so I'm not going to mince words here. I'm sorry if it comes across as harsh.)

    But what's your next step if you've already done the surgery, undergone radiation or chemo… and now suffer from lymphedema?
Hope and help from natural medicine
    Counter to hand wringing from the conventional camp, there are some measures you can implement that may help control or even cure your lymphedema.
  1. Detoxify. 

    As much as possible, detoxify your system to create the best possible health and internal cleanliness. Use Epsom salt baths, which are known to chelate ionizing radiation and radioactivity from your body.
  2. Lose WeightStudies show that lymphedema is typically worse in overweight individuals, so shedding a few extra pounds may give you relief.
  3. Dietary and Lifestyle Protocol

    Dr. Budwig's Protocol makes sense for anyone facing any kind of a cancer challenge. It may also, due to its somewhat "blood thinning" effect, help facilitate lymphatic flow.

    Add enzymes such as bromelain (found in raw pineapple) to your diet. Bromelain and other proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes are known to reduce swelling and inflammation. (Note: If you're allergic to pineapple, you may develop a rash. There are many other proteolytic enzymes to choose from. They're also called proteases. For the full story on enzyme therapy, read our Special Report The Missing Ingredient for Good Health. EVERYONE should be taking enzymes, sick and healthy people alike.)

    Better yet, go raw! Raw foods are filled with living enzymes and cancer fighting nutrients. Get out your juicer or food processor, even if you haven't used it in awhile. Juicing does some of the 'pre-digesting' for your body.

    Focus on these cancer cell killing nutrients — all raw, of course: carrots, broccoli, cabbage, green asparagus, pineapple, whole purple grapes with seeds, skins and all, apricot seeds (they contain laetrile), strawberries, red and black raspberries, blueberries, beetroot, and turmeric.

    Enjoy some "green power foods" and drinks… Freshly pressed organic wheatgrass, celery, and parsley juice, and spirulina have helped a great many patients overcome both cancer and lymphedema.

    Choose anti-inflammatory foods — which means sidestepping wheat, sugar, dairy, and all processed foods.
  4. Herbs

    Certain herbs are known to help increase lymphatic flow, including butcher's broom, ginger tea (made from powdered ginger), sweet clover ointment (which contains coumarin — a lymph flow stimulant).

    "Indigo Drops" — formulated by herbalist Ingrid Naiman for lymphatic blockages — has been reported to help "in as little as five to six hours". I don't have much information about this, but it sounds worth checking out.

    Frankincense, myrrh and ginger essential oils may also promote lymphatic movement… and cayenne is an all-round helpful herb.

    Ginger tea prepared with about half a teaspoon of powdered ginger in a cup of water may help increase circulation of lymph, and reduce inflammation.

    Red clover (which has anti-cancer properties) and fenugreek seem to be helpful also. As do the oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) found in grape seed or pine bark extract tablets, taken as supplements.

    Several capsules of echinacea daily help stimulate lymph flow.
  5. Activate Your Lymphatic System — Here's How…

    Your lymph system is your waste removal system. But unlike your heart, which has a pump, your lymph must be stimulated by action and movement.

    For example, you can stimulate it by brisk walking.

    But some believe there's no substitute for jumping on a small trampoline(rebounder) for five to ten minute sessions without too much heavy breathing. This stimulates lymph flow like nothing else (except possibly jumping rope).

    Lothar Himeise, eminent cancer researcher, proclaims in his book Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World is Flat:
    "Please do not underestimate the pronounced positive effects that jumping on a trampoline can have on your lymphatic system. Even if you do not feel the healing effect immediately, this simple device offers immense support to your detoxification efforts."
    Be sure to get a quality rebounder.

    Another option is using a Power Plate, used in the space program to stimulate immune and bone health. It also induces the motion and gravitational forces of a rebounder — only much faster. Indeed, it is said to be able to multiply your exercise efforts, giving you far better results in substantially less time.

    Another activation method is to brush... With a soft natural bristle brush, start at the tips of your fingers and brush toward your collar bone, left side then right side. Circle each breast, stroking gently but firmly, and always toward the respective collarbone. This is where the lymph fluid reenters your blood circulation.

    On your lower body, start with your toes, and stroke with long strokes toward the lymph nodes in each groin, near your front lower abdomen — where your largest and most important lymph nodes are located, and where lymph toxins are "digested".
  6. Wear loose fitting clothing

    Never restrict lymph flow by wearing tight clothing such as bras and tight pants. There's a direct link between the length of time a bra is worn and breast cancer incidence… as well as a notable absence of prostate cancer in countries where men wear loose-fitting pants. (Tight fitting pants create local hyperthermia, restrict lymph flow, and 'starve' local cells.)
  7. Cabbage Leaf Packs

    It sounds bizarre, but cabbage leaf applications were a backbone of naturopathic Swiss doctor Father Thomas Haeberle's books and practices. Cabbage is well established as an anti-cancer food. But as a poultice it is relatively unknown in modern times, though there is some evidence it was popular during Roman times.

    I know of no scientific studies that back this as a treatment — so please take this story as it is intended, strictly as an anecdotal case.

    A woman who reportedly suffered from lymphedema had tried elastic bandages with no improvement. Hearing that cabbage leaves might help, she crushed cabbage leaves and held them in place over her lymphedema with elastic bandages. She reported marked improvement in just one night, and almost completely dissipated swelling in three nights. There's likely no harm in trying this, but realize that we don't have scientific studies to show its efficacy.
  8. Red Light Treatment

    Several studies now show the healing benefits of light, and especially red light. (No blue light for lymphedema.) Red light wavelengths easily penetrate your skin, stimulating your mitochondria — the cellular powerhouses that make your tissues and organs run more smoothly.

    The first study, published in the journal Lymphology in 19982, showed that women getting red light treatments once or twice a week for 10 weeks had measurably less arm swelling, and improvements in measures of pain, tightness, heaviness, cramps and arm mobility.

    Red light therapy not only reduces lymphedema… it also helps activate the local immune system by stimulating the white blood cells that can kill and carry away pathogens. This makes for a more sanitary cellular environment and thereby reduces infection risk. I've seen a couple of products recommended: The X Light from Chee Energy Company and the Light Shaker from Light Energy Company. Haven't checked them out, I'm just passing the info along.

    But the ultimate light treatment might be sunlight. After all, it's been available throughout the ages and assists your body to produce vitamin D which is highly protective against cancer.

    The Russians found that sunlight speeds up detoxification by twice to as much as twenty times. But the best results were when sun exposure began before toxic exposure began — a compelling reason to get regular sunlight.3
    Your lymph nodes do an amazing job of keeping you detoxified.

    So, even if you don't have lymphedema, or have never had cancer — you might be well advised to employ many of these strategies strictly for their health-enhancing benefits. After all, if your lymph nodes do so much for you, why not give them the assistance to do their job better?
Cancer Defeated Publications

Sunday, February 12, 2012

An antioxidant in the last place you'd look

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Chocolate is a Powerful Health Food --
But Heed This Warning

    A bit of good news if you receive a gift of chocolate this Valentine's Day: For once, something that tastes good is good for you. Chocolate "teems with antioxidants that prevent cancer," according to a Cornell University study published in 2003.

    And the results of an animal study -- just published in December, 2011 -- show that eating cocoa, the raw material in chocolate, can help prevent cancerous lesions in the colon.

    Does this give us a license to load up on candy bars, brownies, hot chocolate and (my favorite) Black Forest cake? Let's find out. . .

Continued below. . .

Ten-year breast cancer survivor was told:
"You'll be dead in a year" (Pssst!! That was 10 years ago!)

    Doctors didn't give Wiltrude much hope when they diagnosed her with cancer in the year 2000. Wiltrude, a German psychologist, never thought cancer would happen to her. But it did. And it came as a big shock.

    One doctor told her, "You'll be dead in a year." Late stage breast cancer is virtually incurable using conventional treatments. Even M.D.s admit it. They talk about "buying you more time." (Don't count on it. The evidence shows you're better off doing nothing than chemo.)

    When Wiltrude told her doctor she was going to try alternative treatments, he said, "You are committing suicide with what you're doing." But she was determined to find a way to beat her cancer.

    Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, this European woman came across a book by my good friend Bill Henderson, one of the smartest and wisest people I know when it comes to cancer treatment.

    She tried Bill's top, number one recommendation — a gentle treatment you can do at home for just $5.15 a day. What's more, the cost goes down to $3.50 after six weeks because you just need a maintenance dose. And it even tastes good.

    Not only has Wiltrude passed the five-year cancer survival mark, she's survived for ten years. We just interviewed her recently for this publication. The radiologist who tests her every year told her, "You're the only one with this kind of result."

    You can find out about Bill’s proven cancer treatment plan in a free video presentation — click here to watch it now.

    When I ask him about some of the treatments that top alternative doctors use, Bill sort of shrugs and says, "They're fine, but why bother? My treatment works, you can do it yourself, and it costs practically nothing."

    He's coached thousands of cancer patients with all different types and stages of cancer. Most of the people who follow the detailed, specific plan in this Special Report get over their cancer and live for years.

    "Almost any kind of cancer is reversible," says Bill. "I never give up on anyone."

Click here and watch the free video presentation about Bill’s amazing cancer protocol.

    The Cornell study was entitled "Cocoa has More Phenolic Phytochemicals and a Higher Antioxidant Capacity than Teas and Red Wine." That's a quite a discovery!1

    "If I had made a prediction before conducting the tests, I would have picked green tea as having the most antioxidant activity," said one of the researchers, Chang Y. Lee. "When we compared one serving of each beverage, the cocoa turned out to be the highest in antioxidant activity, and that was surprising to me."

    He added that as recently as 1993, food scientists did not know that phenolics had an important role in human health. Phenolics or polyphenols are substances found in many plants that are good for your health. They tend to be associated with aromas and flavors — and rich in antioxidant power. The tannins in red wine, for example, are phenolics.

    The Cornell comparison of cocoa to green tea and red wine produced startling results. Cocoa turned out to be about twice as rich in beneficial substances as red wine and three times as rich as green tea.

    Professor Joe Vinton of the University of Scranton says the darker the chocolate is, the better it is for you. Ounce for ounce, milk chocolate has twice as many antioxidants as blueberries, but dark chocolate has five times as many. But the antioxidant power of cocoa powder is even higher — twice that of dark chocolate.

Eat it off the tree, or as close to that as you can get

    The industrial processes that turn cocoa into chocolate reduce its antioxidant properties. The less processed the chocolate, the better it is for your health.

    Cocoa is harvested from a plant called "cacao," derived from an Aztec word. This is an evergreen tropical American tree that bears a leathery fruit on the trunk and older branches.

    Cocoa powder — the pure stuff — is made from cacao seeds that have been fermented, roasted, shelled, ground, and freed of most of their fat. Most of the polyphenols do survive being heated.

    Besides antioxidants, cocoa contains a wealth of other substances that can do you good, including 400 different compounds that promote a better mood and relieve anxiety. Most chocolate fans don't need to be told the stuff gives you a lift. And now the scientific proof is in. Who needs Paxil and Prozac?

Chocolate and cancer prevention

    A new study from Spain's Institute of Food Science and Technology (ICTAN) supports the idea that eating cocoa powder can help prevent cancer — or at least colon cancer.2

    In the study, rats were fed a diet consisting of 12 percent cocoa while a control group was not fed cocoa. The animals were then given a chemical known to cause cancer lesions in the colon wall. The rats fed a cocoa-rich diet developed fewer lesions than the control group.

    The researchers also found an improvement in the antioxidant defenses of the cocoa-fed animals and a decrease in indications of oxidative damage (damage caused by free radicals).

    The researchers believe that cocoa helps protect from cancer by interrupting cell-signaling pathways involved in cancer cell proliferation, and also by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death). Apparently the cancer-fighting substances in cocoa are not absorbed well in the small intestine. That's enables them to find their way into the large intestine — the colon — with their antioxidant powers intact.

Chocolate yes, sugar no

    Although there's strong support for the antioxidant value of unprocessed cocoa powder, most of the health benefits are negated by making it into chocolate -- mixing it with gobs of sugar and saturated fat. It's a wash, at best.

    There are some chocolate companies that sell dark chocolate candy that supposedly contains a full, rich dose of antioxidants. Check the labels for sugar content.

    When I was a child, my older sister and I had hot chocolate every morning for breakfast. (Those were the days). My sister made hers with unsweetened Hershey's cocoa powder, while I made mine with sugar-loaded Nestle's Quik. My sister had the right idea, although she added her own sugar and probably ended up with a drink as sweet as mine.

    If you can restrain your shaking, addicted hand from reaching for the sugar jar, a drink made from unsweetened cocoa powder can give you a wealth of health benefits. In fact, it's fair to call it a "super food."

    If you've eaten mole poblano — chicken with chocolate sauce -- at a Mexican restaurant, you've encountered unsweetened chocolate — and, yes, it does taste good.

    Meanwhile, there's a food that's definitely bad for a great many of us. If you missed the article in the last issue about this lethal substance, scroll down and catch it now.

Sick and don't know why?
This could be the reason

    Does the term "healthy" come to mind when you see the words wheat, barley and rye? When eaten as whole grains, they do provide health benefits for most folks who eat them. But not for everyone. In fact, ditching these products may be one of the best steps you can take for good health. Keep reading to find out why. . .

Continued below. . .

You're being conned!
    Your doctor told you to kiss bread goodbye...but your cramping and gas didn't stop. The truth? There are so many OTHER foods containing lectins that could be upsetting your digestive health! An amazing blend of nutrients can promote your gut's health and allow you to splurge on the foods you love on occasion. Click here to learn more.

    Whole grain wheat, barley and rye can be good sources of complex carbohydrates, as well as some key vitamins and minerals. And according to the Mayo Clinic1 — they may even help lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

    Now that's the good news for the majority of folks who eat them. Unfortunately, some people have difficulty digesting the protein called gluten found in these grains.

    But the damage goes far beyond digestive upset. Gluten intolerance is associated with a wide range of "mystery" medical problems that have stumped the victims — and their doctors.

    The sad truth for many people with gluten intolerance is that they run a greater risk of developing intestinal cancer!

Gluten, gluten everywhere…

    You might have never thought about it, but many of your favorite foods could be made from grains that contain gluten. I'm talking about tasty items such as warm, delicious breads and cookies… mouth-watering pizza… and even a tall, frosty mug of beer!

    If you find yourself belching often and being troubled by frequent bouts of stomach-rumbling gas—your gut could be sending you a warning.

    Your digestive troubles could be a sign that you suffer from gluten intolerance. The worst form of gluten intolerance is celiac disease, an inherited autoimmune condition that affects nearly 3 million American children and adults. It's a very serious illness. What's more, experts think it could affect far more than 3 million.

    The Celiac Disease Foundation2 said people with celiac disease have a permanent intolerance to foods containing gluten. This protein does two harmful things:

  1. It prevents your body from properly absorbing nutrients, and
  2. It causes inflammation and damage to the small intestine.
A 72% higher risk of dying

Online Publishing and Marketing

    Left untreated, the complications from celiac disease can be fatal. A study of more than 30,000 patients reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association featured data gathered from 1969 until 2008. Patients either had: 1) celiac disease, 2) intestinal inflammation but not full-blown celiac disease or 3) gluten sensitivity.

    Researchers found that subjects with full-blown celiac disease had a 39% higher risk of dying. The risk was a whopping 72% for those with intestinal inflammation, and 35% for those with gluten sensitivity!

    Research now shows many other chronic health conditions are triggered by gluten sensitivity and intolerance. And most of the time, doctors don't know that gluten sensitivity is the culprit.

Here's why gluten keeps some doctors
scratching their heads…

    Dr. Thomas O'Bryan is a board-certified clinical nutritionist who's studied many of the underlying causes of metabolic disorders and chronic disease. In the DVD Unlocking the Mystery of Wheat and Gluten Sensitivity, Dr. O'Bryan quoted a 1996 report from the American Celiac Society that showed the majority of celiac patients visited five or more doctors before their condition was diagnosed properly!

    In short, the vast majority of people with wheat sensitivity and/or celiac are undiagnosed. They're sick and don't know why — and neither does their doctor.

    Why all the mystery? One reason is there are no signs or symptoms typical for all people with celiac disease. Some people experience abdominal pain, bloating and intermittent diarrhea—and others may have no symptoms at all.

    What's more, celiac disease can mimic symptoms of other conditions, such as anemia, Chron's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and gastric ulcers.

    It doesn't stop with the GI tract. Dr. O'Bryan said gluten intolerance may cause inflammation throughout the body, which can trigger a variety of health problems including:

  • Autoimmune disorders (lupus, thyroid disease, etc.)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression and anxiety attacks
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Migraines
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • And a host of other illnesses!

    Worse still, research shows a person with undiagnosed celiac disease has an increased chance of developing cancer or lymphomas of the small intestine.

    The odds have soared that you or someone you know may need to remove gluten from their diet. In fact, Dr. Joseph Murray, M.D., a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, called celiac disease a "public health issue."3

    One study compared blood tests of 10,000 people from fifty years ago with tests on 10,000 people today. Researchers found a 400 percent increase in full-blown celiac disease!

    So what can you do to protect yourself from the health problems associated with celiac disease?

You MUST take this important step

    The first way to address gluten intolerance is to avoid all foods that contain gluten. And remember, this involves more than just avoiding grains.

    One of our valued sponsors, True Health, offers a supplement that reduces the symptoms of gluten intolerance. I guess you can even have bread or a piece of cake once in a while if you take these supplements, and you won't feel distress. It sounds like it's worth looking into -- click here if you want to know more.

    But let me stress that this is just a BandAid solution. If you're gluten-intolerant, you need to give up all foods that contain gluten. Period. And if you've got celiac disease — not just run-of-the-mill gluten intolerance -- you can NEVER have anything with gluten in it, supplement or no supplement. Celiac disease is dangerous.

Read this BEFORE you lick another
envelope or stamp!

    The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases said gluten is also hiding in products such as lip balms, medicines, and even in the glue on some envelopes and postage stamps!

    Don't toss all your stationery just yet. Most envelopes made in the U.S. use glue made from corn-based products. And U.S. postage stamps use sticky adhesives that don't require a lick.

    But be on the watch for the sneaky buzz words that really could be wrecking your gluten-free diet such as:

  • Emulsifier
  • Flavoring
  • Hydrolyzed
  • Stabilizer
  • Starch

    If you're wondering whether you have gluten intolerance, your doctor can run tests to diagnose your condition. Once you know whether you have problems with gluten—you can develop an action plan for healthier eating.

    So does following a gluten-free diet mean all your food will be boring and taste like cardboard? Hardly! I'm on a no-wheat diet and I've found delicious breads and crackers that are made without wheat (my personal favorite is a millet-flax bread).

    Many grains and starches such as buckwheat, corn, flax, millet, rice and tapioca can still be part of a gluten-free eating plan. And so can beans, eggs, nuts, fresh meats, fruits and vegetables.

    What's more, many specialty food stores offer tasty products that are clearly labeled as gluten-free. This can take some of the hassle out of your trips to the grocery store!

    Sueson Vess, consultant, food coach and author of gluten-free cookbooks, offers several suggestions on how to cook delicious meals that won't tie your stomach in knots—or put your life at risk! You might consider checking out her website at

    People with celiac disease who make the effort to eat a gluten-free diet often reduce their symptoms and experience fewer complications from the disease. Surely the sacrifices you might make will pale in comparison to the years of healthy living you may gain!