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Showing posts with label Breast Cancer coverup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast Cancer coverup. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Indoor air can be a carcinogen

Cancer Defeated Publications

An Easy, Attractive Way
To Filter Toxins Out of Your Home's Air

    In most buildings, including your own home, your body is constantly bombarded by airborne pollutants and chemical contaminants that can rob you of health—and even threaten your life!

    Thankfully, some of Mother Nature's gorgeous greenery provides a cheap and efficient way to clean your indoor air. A few well-placed house plants may be one of the easiest things you can do to protect yourself from airborne carcinogens. Coming up is a list of the Top Ten Plants for clearing the air.

Continued below. . .

Drink This and Cancer
Comes Pouring Out of Your Body
    "If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it," says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments.

    Research conducted by a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research showed this is one of the world's most powerful cancer cures. Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute confirmed that this do-it-yourself treatment kills cancer cells. Then they buried the research.

    Personally, I've been writing about cancer treatments for almost seven years. Out of nearly 400 that I've investigated, I haven't found an at-home treatment that's better.

    It worked for Robert, age 54, who had late stage stomach cancer. His doctors told him he didn't have chance. The most they could do was buy him a little time, using four aggressive chemotherapy drugs PLUS radiation — a deadly, toxic, last-ditch treatment.

    INSTEAD Robert used this non-toxic liquid and was completely cancer-free within months. The amazed doctor was forced to admit Robert's cancer was "in remission." Two years later, he was still cancer-free.

    Click the link below to watch an important video presentation about this discovery...

Click Here To Watch The FREE Video

    Before I tell you about these natural air purifiers, let's take a moment to consider WHY you need them. What are these invasive pollutants lurking around your home just waiting to steal your last breath?
A trio of undesirable houseguests
    According to Barry Jones, author of Home, Sweet Toxic Home, toxins in your home typically will fall into the following three main categories:
  1. Airborne particles—such as dust, lint, mites, pet dander and mold spores; these invaders are just small enough to be breathed into your lungs, which makes it harder to cough them up
  2. Biological contaminants—include bacteria and viruses, which can travel on the airborne particles
  3. Household products—air fresheners, dryer sheets, cleaning products and pesticides are just a few of the products that many folks regularly use—all the while introducing toxic chemicals into their homes
    It can be a little scary to think of the number of ways toxins in these categories affect your indoor air quality.

    For example, many folks use toilet cleaning crystals to fight buildup of mildew and stains. But while these chemicals are doing their magic wipe down, they're also leaving behind carcinogenic chlorine gas!

    These noxious fumes also can be a problem when you take hot showers in water treated with this chemical (and most water from public systems is). You're essentially inhaling a cancer-causing gas as part of your daily hygiene.

    And let's just pray there are no asbestos or lead pipes in your plumbing system! The last thing you need is for those particles to go airborne and lodge themselves in your lungs.

    Do you have carpeting on your floors? That's a whole other way to introduce pollutants into your home.

    The glue used to set new carpets contains the known carcinogens benzene and xylene. These volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that are known to cause a variety of respiratory problems and have also been linked to cancer.

    Have you fallen in love with those scented, plug-in air fresheners that keep your home smelling like apples and cinnamon or freshly laundered clothes?

    Well, they're also delivering a steady stream of scented formaldehyde into your air! Some friends of mine recently moved into a house where the previous owners were wild for these plug-in perfumeries. The smell lingered and was very hard to get out.

    Long-term exposure to this chemical can cause eye, nose and throat irritation. And some evidence exists that constant formaldehyde exposure boosts your risk of developing nose and lung cancers.
Watch out for these building materials
    Air fresheners are not the only offenders. Some types of home-building materials — mainly pressed wood products — are often made with formaldehyde. Pressed wood products for indoor use include particle board, used as sub-flooring and in cabinetry and furniture, and also hardwood plywood paneling, used in cabinetry and furniture, as well as in decorative wall coverings.

    The website of the Environmental Protection Agency identifies "medium density fiberboard" as being the highest formaldehyde-emitting pressed wood product. All these "fake woods" are pervasive in modern homes.

    Egad, what's a health-conscious homeowner to do? Remember, it's not just about avoiding cancer at some vague date years in the future. It's about feeling good now. How many mystery medical problems can be explained by all these toxins we're exposed to? (I can give you the answer from personal experience: A lot.)

    You could always peel off a few hundred dollar bills to purchase an air purifier. These machines use filters to remove harmful particles from the air before they can do maximum damage to your health.

    But if you don't want to spend that kind of cash, don't worry! There may be an even simpler solution for you…
Meet some of Mother Nature's air purifiers!
    When it comes to removing indoor air toxins—"Mother" truly may know best!

    Dr. B.C. Wolverton, author of How to Grow Fresh Air — 50 Houseplants that Purify Your Home or Office, conducted studies for NASA that concluded that plants can clean pollutants in homes.

    Wolverton's study rated plants on a scale from one to 10, based on criteria such as:
  • Ability to remove chemical vapors or indoor air toxins
  • Ease of growth and maintenance
  • Rate at which water evaporates from the leaves.
  • Resistance to insect infestation
    The NASA-funded comparison yielded this list of top 10 plants for removing contaminants like benzene, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from the air:
  1. Areca palm— also called the "butterfly palm," this plant can grow to as high as 12 feet and prefers a humid area
  2. Lady palm—grows slowly but is one of the easiest palms to cultivate
  3. Bamboo palm—also called a "reed palm" and prefers indirect light
  4. Rubber plant—also known as "ficus robusta" and grows very well indoors
  5. Dracaena (Janet Craig) —these plants grow best in bright, indirect sunlight shining from east to west
  6. Philodendron—one of the heartiest house plants that needs to be misted regularly and planted in soil that's kept evenly moist
  7. Dwarf date palm—grows best in sunny locations free from drafts; be aware that it grows needle-like spines near the base of the leaf stem that can poke through skin and clothing
  8. Ficus alii—prefers a humid environment with low to medium light; will lose foliage if placed near heating or air conditioning vents; this is a virtual weed in the tropics but up north it's a fussy house plant that doesn't like to be moved
  9. Boston fern—grows feathery ferns that prefer bright indirect sunlight
  10. Peace lily—prefers indirect sunlight and high humidity
    Wolverton's research showed that when these top performers and other plants were placed in sealed chambers with specific chemicals, the plants went to work removing those chemicals from the chambers!

    Now just imagine the health benefits you'll receive when you place some of this chemical scrubbing, humidity-loving greenery around your house.

    You can breathe deeply knowing that the air is being scrubbed clean of toxins. And you can rest easy knowing that dangerous chemicals have met their match in nature's finest air purifiers!
Cancer Defeated Publications

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This cooking method increases cancer risk

Cancer Defeated Publications

This Cooking Method
Increases Cancer Risk

    I thought I'd let you enjoy your Memorial Day cookout before springing this one on you.

    Grilled meat just might increase your cancer risk.

    So how great is the risk? Bad enough to compel you to give up this great American tradition? Read on to find out...

Continued below. . .

Special Report Busts Open The
Biggest Cover-Up in U.S. Medical History
    Who hasn't at one time or another felt cheated and abused by the current medical system?

    For over one hundred years, the money-hungry Mainstream Medical Establishment has been trying to hide from the American public a form of medicine that could solve most of your health problems gently, inexpensively and quickly.

    In fact, the current powers that be was established explicitly to squash this competition. And it's used all kinds of tactics to do so.

    But now you're going to be even more incensed...

    Because the real cures—the real answers for the health problems that plague us—have been right under our noses the whole time. But we haven't been able to get to them.

    Click here to see the cures that have been basically "stolen" right from under your nose!

    Are you serving cancer-causing foods from your grill?

    Research shows that cooking certain meats at high temperatures creates new chemicals that don't exist in uncooked meat. Some of them may increase your cancer risk. But take heart, there are ways you can reduce your risk.
Grilling creates two dangerous chemicals
    Two chemicals are synthesized when a piece of meat encounters fire: heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

    HCAs form when muscle meats such as beef, pork, fowl, and fish are cooked at high temperatures. The high cooking temperatures cause amino acids (the building blocks of all protein) to react with creatin (a chemical in the muscle), thereby creating HCAs.

    Frying and broiling can also produce HCAs, but the charred edges of barbecued meat produce these chemicals in their purest and potentially most dangerous form.

    Researchers have identified 17 different HCAs1 linked to stomach, colon, liver and skin cancer — but only in animal studies.2 Though scientists think HCAs can directly damage your DNA and initiate cancer, they have not yet confirmed that HCAs cause cancer in people.

    That hasn't stopped the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from naming HCAs as a possible carcinogen. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has also studied HCAs.

    An NCI study from its Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics studied 176 people diagnosed with stomach cancer and 503 cancer-free people, assessing their diet and cooking habits.

    They found that those who ate medium-well or well-done beef had more than three times the risk of stomach cancer compared to those who ate it rare or medium-rare. In addition, those who ate beef four or more times a week doubled their risk of stomach cancer.

    Another study also found that those who eat the most barbecued red meat nearly doubled their risk of colon polyps3, compared with those who don't eat them. And as you probably know, colon polyps can develop into colon cancer.

    Other studies link colorectal, pancreatic, and breast cancer to high intake of well-done, fried, or barbequed meats.

    Just as an aside, cigarette smoke also contains HCAs.

    The second chemical, PAHs, form when meat juices drip onto coals or other hot surfaces and create smoke.4 In this case, it's the smoke that contains the carcinogen, which then settles on the surface of the meat. PAHs have been associated with an increased risk of breast and stomach cancer.
The 4 factors that influence HCA formation
    Four factors determine HCA formation in food, so you can influence the risk, short of totally giving up cooked meat. They are (1) temperature, (2) type of food, (3) cooking method, and (4) time.

    Temperature is the most important factor. Frying, broiling, and barbecuing create the most HCAs because the meats are cooked at high temperatures.

    Researchers found a stunning 3-fold increase in HCAs when the cooking temperature increased from 392 degrees to 482 degrees Fahrenheit. Oven roasting and baking use lower heat and therefore create lower levels of HCAs. Stewing, boiling, and poaching are done at or below 212 degrees F, and so produce negligible amounts of chemicals.

    Well-done (versus medium) meats also produce more HCAs, linked to both longer cooking times and usually higher temperature.

    HCAs are only found in muscle meats, whereas other protein sources (milk, eggs, cheese, and organ meats) contain very few HCAs whether uncooked or cooked.

    The NIH suggests partially cooking your meat in a microwave and then finishing it off on the grill. While that may reduce HCAs, I'm not sure I can recommend a microwave as a safe cooking method either. See my other suggestions coming up…
Put this into perspective
    Currently, no one knows for sure how many HCAs Americans eat, nor has a "safe" level been established. Scientists simply do not know at this time how many HCAs are needed for an increased cancer risk.

    But many feel that in the grand scheme of cancer prevention, there are much greater risks than grilling. Says Colleen Doyle, M.S., R.D., and director of Nutrition and Physical Activity for the American Cancer Society, "If you're 30 pounds overweight, that puts you at much greater risk for developing a number of cancers (than does eating grilled meats)."

    Incidentally, the other missing piece of information in all these studies is the quality of the meat in the first place.

    Nowhere in these studies do they discuss the dangers of conventional meats. For example, dangerous newly emerging antibiotic-resistant killer bacteria, E. coli and salmonella all "force" you to overcook your meat to offer some measure of protection… which isn't necessary with grass fed organic meats.

    Plus, grass-fed meat should always be cooked at lower temperatures… or it will become tough.
What do cancer experts do?
    I'm a realist. Rather than urging people to aim for perfection, I try to get them to change a few bad habits here and there. More than 200 million Americans enjoy outdoor cooking, and the typical household cooks outdoors at least 20 times throughout "the season".

    So I try to take into account what's going on in the real world. But in my view, 20 times a summer is too often. This should be a once-in-a-while treat.

    I'm not a frequent meat-eater — a couple of times a week at most, red meat once a week or less, grilled meat almost never (mostly when I'm a guest at someone's house). Quite aside from high-temperature cooking, there's other evidence that associates high meat consumption with cancer risk.

    Roasting and braising, not frying and grilling, are my favorite ways to cook meat. Once you've had a great braise, I don't know why you'd ever want to eat grilled meat.

    For the healthy individual, I think meat is okay as a treat once in a while, provided your other habits are good. Cooked properly, animal protein has enormous health benefits that are very hard to get from a pure vegetarian diet.

    If you're a cancer patient, most cancer advocates (the Gerson Institute and Bill Henderson, for example) say you should eat absolutely NO meat. It's not served at most of the alternative cancer clinics we've visited. These places are run by first-rate alternative and integrative doctors. I trust their judgment.

    On those rare occasions when you do indulge in grilled meat, take these steps. . .
13 tips for grilling without serving up cancer
    Fortunately there are many ways you can reduce your cancer risk while still enjoying this backyard summer tradition.
  • I suggest you always choose organic grass-fed meats for what they do contain, as well as for what they don't. Grass fed animals have much higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and a much healthier nutritional profile overall.

    Grass fed meat has much lower fat content than conventional meat. So conventional meat is much more likely to drip down and form PAH-laced smoke that settles on your meat. In addition, you may want to avoid it for other reasons — such as second hand consumption of fattening and grains (which are genetically modified, more than likely).
  • In any case, lower the cooking temperature on your grill. Get used to eating your meat medium-rare instead of well-done.
  • Use the leanest cuts you can find. Use thinner cuts, which cook more quickly. Be sure your meat is completely defrosted before cooking, to reduce cooking times.
  • Cut meat up into cubes, which cook more quickly. Enjoy them as kabobs.
  • Don't cook directly over coals. Use indirect cooking methods.
  • Keep the grill rack farther from the fire.
  • Flip filets before they become charred. Now recommended: flipping every minute or two, to prevent charring.
  • Keep your grill really clean! Scrape off charred residue every time you cook, so you don't transfer carcinogenic chemicals to your food the next time you use it.
  • Use marinades. Besides creating superb flavor, some studies show it also reduces carcinogens.

    The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry says that marinating red meat for two hours significantly reduced HCAs.5,6,7. Beer, wine, lemon, and vinegar are thought to create an "invisible shield" that protects from the formation of HCAs and PAHs.

    A Kansas State University study found that rubbing rosemary onto meats before grilling cut HCA levels by up to 100 percent8 — apparently due to its high antioxidant levels. Do basil, mint, sage and oregano offer similar benefits? I don't know, but it's possible.

    However, sugary toppings like barbeque sauce tend to burn very easily and should be avoided.

    Important Note: Heat any extra marinade you intend to use as a sauce at least three minutes to kill bacteria it picked up from its contact with uncooked meat, poultry or fish. And always marinate meats in the refrigerator to keep bacterial levels low. You have to bring the sauce to a boil to kill microbes. Otherwise, set aside sauce beforehand and don't reuse the marinade.
  • The best food for grilling is vegetables and fruits, which do not form HCAs. They also provide you with a host of cancer-fighting nutrients and phytochemicals.

    In fact, there's some evidence that these natural phytochemicals may convert HCAs to an inactive, stable form that you can easily eliminate from your body.

    Try grilling asparagus, bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, onion, portobello mushrooms, and even mangoes brushed with a bit of olive oil.

    Cruciferous veggies have especially high potential to negate HCAs. One study of men who ate 2½ cups of Brussels sprouts daily for three weeks reduced their DNA damage significantly. Don't like Brussels sprouts? Try broccoli and cabbage instead.
  • Avoid charred meat like the plague. Cut off offending spots to protect yourself.
  • Grill fish instead of meats. They tend to form fewer HCAs.
  • Place juicy foods in a foil packet to reduce dripping.
    And before you fire up the grill, go enjoy a 40-minute walk — which will help reduce the greater risk of that "extra 30 pounds".

    At least there's one silver lining: You may be better off grilling your own meats in your back yard, versus eating meat in a restaurant. That way you're able to control what you eat including how many additives, antibiotics, and other health saboteurs are in your food.

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Cancer Defeated Publications

6Olga Viegas, L. Filipe Amaro, Isabel M. P. L. V. O. Ferreira, and Olívia Pinho J. Agric. Food Chem.2012, 60 (24), pp 6235-6240 Publication Date (Web): May 29, 2012 (Article)DOI: 10.1021/jf302227b
7Armindo Melo, Olga Viegas, Catarina Petisca, Olívia Pinho and Isabel M. P. L. V. O. Ferreira J. Agric. Food Chem.2008, 56 (22), pp 10625-10632 Publication Date (Web): October 24, 2008 (Article)DOI: 10.1021/jf801837s

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

Reminder: You're getting this email because you purchased a special report or book from us, or signed up for our free newsletter and gave us permission to contact you. From time to time we'll alert you to other important information about alternative cancer treatments. If you want to update or remove your email address, please scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the appropriate link.

We're an online cancer bookstore offering Outsmart Your Cancer, Cancer Step Outside the Box, Stop Cancer Before It Starts, Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, Adios-Cancer, Cancer Breakthrough USA, Missing Ingredient For Good Health, German Cancer Breakthrough, How to Cure Almost Any Cancer for $5.15 a Day and Keep Your Gallbladder! 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Did Angelina Jolie do the right thing?

Cancer Defeated Publications

Angelina Jolie and "Pre-Surgery" —
Is This a Smart Way to Beat Cancer?


    The whole world knows about actress Angelina Jolie's decision to have an elective double mastectomy. She didn't choose the surgery because she has cancer — she was cancer-free. She chose it because she carries the BRCA1 gene, a "flawed" gene that sharply increases her risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

    But having both breasts removed when you don't have cancer is a drastic step, to say the least. Did she do the right thing? Let's take a look. . .

Continued below. . .

Breast Cancer Breakthrough BANNED!
U.S. Government Blocks Release
of Doctor's Life-Saving Book

    A mammoth discovery is wiping out most breast tumors better than anything seen yet in modern medicine. It makes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy look like something from the Dark Ages.

    A Cornell-educated doctor followed more than 25 years of case studies and PROVED this treatment can cure breast cancer. With the discovery I'm going to tell you about, almost every woman makes it and without losing a breast to surgery or taking any toxic chemicals. Even those with late stage cancer!

    You've got to include this treatment if you want to have any REAL hope of defeating breast cancer. Click here now and watch a new video presentation about this important discovery…

Breast Cancer Cover-Up

    Ms. Jolie has seen firsthand how cancer can ravage the body and bring suffering to a whole family. Her mother battled breast cancer and ultimately died of ovarian cancer at age 56. By that point, she'd been struggling against the disease for a decade. Ms. Jolie's maternal grandmother was also diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Quick facts on breast cancer
    Before we get into whether her decision was smart or crazy, let's talk more about the BRCA1 gene. The term "BRCA" comes from the first two letters of each of the words "breast" and "cancer." If you develop breast cancer, normal BRCA genes help you fight it. But when the BRCA gene is mutated, it can't do its job, and cancer risk sharply increases.

    Prior to surgery, and by her doctor's estimate, Jolie's risk of breast cancer was an alarming 87 percent. Her risk of ovarian cancer landed at 50 percent.

    Some of my readers may be surprised, but on the whole, I think Ms. Jolie made a reasonable decision. It wasn't the only thing she could have done, but it was not a "crazy" thing to do. I would choose a policy of regular monitoring for cancer, plus a healthy diet and the supplements we talk about all the time in this newsletter and in our books. Early detection IS possible and surgery comes into play only when you actually have cancer. But I understand a person can become panicky when faced with the kind of odds she faced. Men with small, nearly harmless prostate tumors are the same way. Most of them want the whole thing cut out NOW!

    Though only a tiny fraction of breast cancer diagnoses stem from the BRCA1 gene mutation, if you happen to be one of the unlucky women who have it, you face a 65 percent risk of breast cancer and a 39 percent chance of getting ovarian cancer. Those are averages. Ms. Jolie's risk was boosted by the fact that her mother and grandmother were cancer victims.

    The breast cancer odds are more than five times worse for women with the gene mutation than for those without. For the latter, the risk of breast cancer is only 12 percent and the risk of ovarian cancer is less than 1 percent. I don't mean to belittle the risk for any woman, but as you can see it's much worse for women with the gene mutation.

    Men can inherit the BRCA1 mutation as well, bringing their own breast cancer risk up to 8 percent.

    The general risk of having a BRCA mutation is 1 in 500 people. If you're of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, risk rises to 1 in 40.

    Jolie's choice was to minimize her risk. I can't imagine what a hard decision it must have been. After three months of intensive medical procedures that included removing the tissue in both her breasts, her chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from a high of 87 to a low of 5 percent. She paid her dues and got the reduction in risk she was seeking. As I said, it's a reasonable choice.
Mastectomies don't really mean medical progress…
    The big risk in Ms. Jolie's public announcement is that other women will draw the wrong conclusions. Some worry that she's opened the gates to a new trend in mastectomies that are medically unnecessary.

    It's no secret that the past several years have unleashed a virtual epidemic in preventive mastectomies for women with one cancerous breast who decide to remove the healthy breast as a precaution. These women, by and large, do not carry the genetic mutations that elevate their risk. That means their odds for cancer developing in their remaining breast are quite low.

    Preventive mastectomies make sense for women with the same high-level risk of cancer Jolie faced. But very few women share that risk. For women without the gene mutation, I'm prepared to say without a doubt that removing a healthy breast is unnecessary and unwise, even if the other breast has cancer.

    The trend toward mastectomies is even more frustrating given that lumpectomies for actually existing cancer have been proven just as effective as mastectomies. In a lumpectomy, only the tumor and nearby tissue are removed, not the entire breast. And, yes, that's all you need. The statistics indicate you gain nothing by "radical mastectomy," i.e.removal of the whole breast.

    I like the reaction of Dr. Susan Love, breast surgeon and author of Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book. In an interview with The New York Times, she pointed out that Ms. Jolie was an unusual case. Said Love, "What I hope that people realize is that we really don't have good prevention for breast cancer. When you have to cut off normal body parts to prevent a disease, that's really pretty barbaric when you think about it."1

    If anything, we can hope that Ms. Jolie's public disclosure will shed light on a topic that deserves more research. For now, the only definitive answer is drastic surgery.

    It's also important to know that preventive surgery isn't the only option, even for those with BRCA1 mutations. Many doctors advocate mammograms and MRI scans, done alternately every six months. That way if cancer does surface, it's found early … assuming the mammograms do their jobs, which is debatable.

    Readers of this newsletter know all about the shortcomings and dangers of mammograms. Themorgraphy is a better, safer way to screen for breast cancer. See our previous Issues #218 and #239 for more information on the best ways to find breast cancer early.

    You should also consider purchasing my Special Report Breast Cancer Cover-Up. This report was written to explain all your best options for detecting, preventing and treating breast cancer. Needless to say, the report focuses on alternatives, not mainstream treatments.
How to heal the "Whole Body" from surgery
    Ms. Jolie's advice is for all women, especially those with a family history of ovarian or breast cancer, to get a better understanding of their risk level. She advocates gene testing and preventive treatment. But she acknowledges that gene testing, which typically costs more than $3,000 in the U.S., is not an option for a great many women.

    Many insurance carriers will cover genetic testing, but most of them require you to prove your risk through family history. If you're unsure about your increased risk, take this free quiz on risk assessment from the Pink Lotus Breast Center—the same center where Ms. Jolie was treated.

    She also acknowledged that many alternatives to surgery are in the works. On top of that, I was interested to learn that much of her own surgery played by an alternative rule book.

    For starters, Ms. Jolie's surgery was done on an outpatient basis at the family-owned, mostly female-run Pink Lotus Breast Center where they pride themselves on holistic care and wellness.

    Following her surgeries, Ms. Jolie was placed on a variety of supplements. These included vitamin C, zinc, and multi-vitamins to improve healing at the site of each operation. A combination cream of arnica and bromelain, an enzyme extracted from pineapple stems, was used to help with post-operative swelling and bruising. The homeopathic remedies ExChem and Lymphomyosot were used to help eliminate anesthesia from her system.

    In a situation like Ms. Jolie's where risk was high and intervention was believed to be the best course, it's nice to know she wasn't sentenced to a coarse and impersonal hospital stay with a stack of prescription drugs. It's proof that even in the event of extreme surgery, there are still ways to assist your body's natural healing faculties.
Is it fair to patent a gene?
    It's possible that Ms. Jolie's public disclosure will bring about a different kind of positive change. I'm not talking about more women choosing preventative surgery, but about a woman's right to information and gene testing, even if she lacks the cash and her insurance doesn't cover it.

    As it turns out, a Utah company called Myriad Genetics currently owns the patent on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. This company developed the BRCAnalysis test that screens women for the gene mutation. And as long as they own the patent, no other company can develop a similar test. That's why the test costs $3,000.

    The ACLU and the Public Patent Foundation have challenged Myriad's right to patent these genes on the grounds that they're preventing further studies and tests on the gene and delaying critical research. The landmark case will be decided before the Supreme Court in June.

    Until then, Myriad argues that Medicare, Medicaid, and their own financial assistance program make testing available to what they consider "appropriate patients." But the bottom line is this: they'll retain control of the future of the BRCA genes, unless the Supreme Court decides otherwise.
It's not a one-size-fits-all problem
    At the end of her op-ed piece in The New York Times, Ms. Jolie stated, "Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of."2

    What's important is to know your options. Surgery will not be the right choice for everyone, and each woman's case is unique. Considering she had the gene mutation, I believe Jolie made a reasonable choice, but it's not the only choice. Another woman might have chosen frequent screening, a healthy eating plan and supplements — and then surgery only if and when cancer cells actually appeared. And as I said above, I'm opposed to such surgery for women who don't have the mutation.

    Ms. Jolie's choice should not highlight preventive surgery as the single best option for avoiding breast cancer. Rather, her message lies in the power of genetic counseling and informed decisions. Instead of asking questions about surgery, first focus on asking questions about your family history.

    As Dr. Isabelle Bedrosian, a surgical oncologist at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, told The New York Times, "We need to be careful that one message does not apply to all. Angelina's situation is very unusual. People should not be quick to say 'I should do like she did,' because you may not be like her."1
Cancer Defeated Publications

Sunday, May 19, 2013

How drug companies price what your life is worth

Cancer Defeated Publications

How Drug Companies Price
What Your Life is Worth

    Of all the appalling things we deal with when it comes to modern medicine, Big Pharma is the worst.

    The greedy, gluttonous drug industry rakes in multibillion-dollar profits by charging cancer patients as much as six-figures a year for "life-saving" medication that, in fact, offers no confident chance of healing at all.

    Recently, a group of 120 leading cancer specialists decided they'd had enough and launched a protest against the greed of Big Pharma, written up in a new paper published inBlood, the journal of the American Society of Hematology. I'm more than excited that cancer doctors, of all people, are finally blowing the whistle. Let's get right to it. . .

Continued below. . .

The One Word
every cancer patient must know
    Your doctor's reading the results, you know it's the worst news, and you snap out of it just in time to hear him say...

    "I'm going to recommend an aggressive chemotherapy regimen."

    That's when you say one word that sucks the air out of the entire doctor's office.

    It's a new cancer therapy that doctors are whispering about behind closed doors...and doctors will be stunned you know about it.

    $4 billion has already been spent researching it--making it one of the largest research initiatives in medical history.

    And the results are powerful--Tumor shrinkage in 86% of lung cancer patients.

    Once "incurable" brain tumors put on hold. And these revelations are already rushing 374 clinical trials into hospitals.

    But you can't call this new hope therapy "aggressive" like chemo, because there is no poison, there are no toxins.

    In fact, this therapy could have you alive and thriving.

    Find out the one word that will have your doctor asking, "how did you hear about this?"

    Drug prices related to medical illness are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. Many patients are required by their insurance providers to pay roughly 20 percent of the total cost of the drug. That quickly adds up to sky-rocketing out-of-pocket payments. Just in the last ten years, average monthly costs for cancer drugs have doubled, up from $5,000 to more than $10,000 per month.

    In 2012, 11 out of the 12 new cancer drugs approved by the FDA were priced at well over $100,000 a year. We're not even talking about miracle drugs here. Only three of the 11 new drugs improved patient survival rates beyond a reasonable doubt. Two of those only boosted survival by two months.

    Call me coldhearted, but I'm really and truly puzzled that people would pay more than $100,000 for two more months of life, especially two miserable months on chemo. I don't get it. For this we leave our spouses and children destitute?

    Some of these patients are just following doctors' orders, but some are well-informed enough to know what they're doing — because many oncologists will tell a late-stage patient the 'official estimate' of just how much extra time another round of chemo will buy them. Most of the time the answer is "not much."

    And the unofficial estimate is even worse — chemo shortens life as often as it extends it. For the late-stage patient it's a bust (literally, in terms of their bank account.) Of course, mainstream doctors don't know the "unofficial" figure — or claim they don't — but even their drug-company-provided estimate that you'll live two more weeks or two more months or whatever is so absurd, I marvel that patients go for it.
They charge what they can get away with,
insurance companies will pay
    Most people don't realize that pharmaceutical companies are the ones who dictate price. All the FDA does is give approval. Then drug companies look at their research and development costs, factor in the expense of drugs that didn't get approval, add in education and ad costs, and then (I would guess) throw in a nice buffer for profits.

    Here's more that'll make your blood boil: Some U.S. drug prices are two to four times as much as you'll pay for the same thing in other countries. And in the U.S., patients whose drug costs are covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs pay drug prices that are 50 percent lower than prices paid by Medicare patients—because the VA is allowed to negotiate drug payments and Medicare can't.

    Worse still, U.S. drug manufacturers can actually pay the makers of generic drugs to keep their cheaper versions of a drug off the market for a limited period of time (usually a number of months). It's called "pay to delay" and brings clear profits. According to Ralph Neas, president of the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, healthcare spending was reduced by more than $1 trillion thanks to earlier introduction of generic drugs over the past 10 years.2

    We need to see the same thing happen with cancer treatment and drugs.
Why Big Pharma drives thousands
of people to bankruptcy
    The 120 doctors who published a protest are specialists in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), a condition for which a daily drug is commonly prescribed. The costs add up fast. The patients have to pay a high price just to stay alive. As the experts say in their protest, their patients are the financial victims of successful drug company tests.

    New studies are finding that many CML patients and other cancer patients simply stop filling their prescriptions because they can't afford them. The American Cancer Society conducted a survey that found one cancer patient out of four puts off getting tests or treatments because of the exorbitant costs.

    To defend themselves, the pharmaceutical companies claim high costs when it comes to drug development. But that defense falls flat when you look at companies like Swiss drug maker Novartis, the maker of Gleevac, which grossed a staggering $4.7 billion in sales last year alone.

    Even one of the doctors who was part of developing Gleevac, Dr. Brian Druker, thinks Novartis has gone too far. After suggesting they could easily get by with a few billion less, Dr. Druker told The New York Times, "When do you cross the line from essential profits to profiteering?"1

    This most recent outcry toward drug companies by the medical establishment was inspired by doctors from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). Last year, those doctors refused to use Zaltrap, a new colon cancer drug, because it cost more than twice as much as a similar drug called Avatin. Yet, Zaltrap proved to be no better in terms of treatment outcomes than the cheaper Avatin.

    The boycott at Memorial Sloan Kettering worked, and the manufacturer of Zaltrap has since cut the price by half. Interesting to note, though, was that the boycott crossed a major line—and set a precedent. Up till then, doctors were constantly under pressure to use any treatment that appeared to be new and better.

    So while it seems like a no-brainer to boycott a drug that costs twice as high with no appreciable improvement in results … it actually raised some eyebrows, simply because doctors had never done anything like that before. (A "herd of independent minds" is the appropriate phrase for this profession.) The boycott was a step in the right direction — long overdue, in fact.

    The reality is, most new drugs are no improvement over generic drugs that have been around for years, yet they're touted as a great new breakthrough and doctors dutifully prescribe them. I'm talking about ALL types of drugs, not just cancer drugs. The norm is for a "new" drug to be a minor tweak of an old drug. Or, even if a drug is genuinely new, in most cases it doesn't perform any better than older drugs that are off-patent and inexpensive. But the tweak or the mediocre "new discovery" can be protected by patent and priced accordingly.

    But at least it's promising to know that so many oncologists out there have finally become mindful of the expensive technology and treatments they recommend. Soaring costs are pushing them to honor a new obligation, which is the consideration of financial strains they place on their patients when trying to treat them.
Proactive lifestyle choices are still your best bet
    The cost of cancer care is just one facet of a much bigger problem, the overall cost of conventional care. That's why I advocate as much proactive healthcare on your part as possible, so you can avoid this mess of money and greed in medicine.

    I beg you with all my heart, get over the idea that you can neglect your health, let yourself go, eat and drink anything you like, adopt a "what-me-worry" attitude toward all the toxins around us — and somehow a miracle drug or high tech device will come along and make everything all right when you hit middle age or old age and your health falters. 
Cancer Defeated Publications

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cure deadly breast cancer with oxygen

Cure One of TheDeadliest Breast Cancers
With Oxygen!?
A breast surgeon laughed at
this safe home treatment , until
it saved his wife’s life when no scalpel could...
It’s a remarkable story that most breast cancer surgeons would rather not hear....
While they’re telling women that breast removal surgery is a must to survive breast cancer, there’s one breast cancer surgeon who sings a different tune.
This doctor experienced a stunning change of heart after a double mastectomy—removal of both breasts—failed his own wife. Her cancer came back and they were told it was “hopeless.”
The treatment she agreed to next wasn’t chemotherapy or radiation (she’d already tried those, and they didn’t heal her cancer either!) but a treatment he never learned about in medical school...
What saved her life was an all-natural oxygen therapy available without a prescription and backed by six decades of research—including studies in major medical journals—and thousands of success stories.
To his amazement it actually worked...
Click Here To Learn More to see the proof for one easy treatment that’s so safe you can use it at home for a fraction of the cost of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. This breakthrough discovery is bringing countless women with breast cancer back from death’s door.

Breast cancer will always be scary, but it does not have to be a death sentence. I urge you to read my Special Report, Breast Cancer Cover-Up: Buried Treatments that are Wiping Out Tumors When Nothing Else Will, right away. Share the breakthroughs you'll discover with your family and friends. You don't have to choose between alternative and conventional treatment. Many of these buried breakthroughs can also be used along with breast surgery, breast radiation and chemotherapy.

Take a sneak peek at the New

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The cancer "hell on earth" they don't warn you about..

This Cancer Treatment Side Effect
Can Last for Years — and Make
Your Life a "Living Hell"

You'll want to think twice about
conventional treatments after you read this

Cancer Defeated Publications

    Many people have been handed a life of "living hell" as a side effect of traditional cancer treatments" yet hardly a doctor warns of the dangers. What's more, the side effect doesn't go away once the treatment is over. You may suffer with it for the rest of your life.

    One more reason to avoid conventional treatments. . .but what if it's too late for you and you're already afflicted with this nightmare? Conventional doctors will tell you there's nothing they can do. As often happens, they're wrong. We've got some tips to help you manage this painful result of mainstream cancer medicine. . .

Continued below. . .

[Here's an important message from our trusted colleague, Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby MD, PhD]...

You Will Probably Live To 100 Years
Whether You Want To Or Not
    The "rules" of aging have changed enormously in the days since I went to medical school.     They still keep changing; life expectancy moves relentlessly upwards.

    We are all growing older, it's true. But that doesn't mean we have to age.

    The fact is that at 65 years you are barely half-way through even today's lifespan. Some people alive now will reach 200 years of age and still be in good shape. You may have no choice.

    What will put you in your grave, eventually, is not aging. It's ignorance. I promise you that you will die earlier than you should if you don't know about anti-aging. You'll lose years that could be rightfully yours.

    In my remarkable eBook "Get Healthy For Your Next 100 Years" I tell you all the latest science, organ by organ, explaining what you need to know and what you need to do to stay healthy.


    Lymphedema is an abnormal fluid build-up that causes swelling, mostly in the arms and legs. It develops when lymph nodes are removed, impaired, or damaged, as often happens when a breast cancer patient has a mastectomy or lumpectomy. But it can also be a result of radiation treatment.

    Any time the normal drainage pattern is disrupted, the swelling called lymphedema may occur.

    Lymphedema is a common complication of conventional cancer treatments. If you've had ovarian or cervical cancer, prostate, testicular, bladder or colon cancer — and if you've undergone conventional treatments -- lymphedema would affect your legs and feet instead of your arms as happens with breast cancer.

    Tamoxifen, a cancer drug, is another common cause of lower extremity lymphedema and blood clots.

    And yet your doctor may never warn you about this complication.

    Some people develop lymphedema immediately following these treatments… others do so months or years later. The degree of swelling varies. Some people experience extreme swelling, with the affected arm or leg ballooning to several inches larger than the other arm or leg.

    How bad is it? Many patients complain that dealing with lymphedema has taken over their entire life.

    Besides the damage to your looks and the painful side effects such as lost range of motion, tightness, and difficulty fitting into clothing in one specific area… lymphedema also increases your risk of serious infection, which can become a life-threatening emergency if it spreads throughout your lymphatic or circulatory systems and reaches vital organs.

Mainstream medicine's 'non-treatment'
of lymphedema
    While the best lymphedema prevention in my view is to avoid cut/burn/poison interventions in the first place, I also recognize that many people do them first and then learn later how damaging they can be.

    After all, we're all learning as we go. Most people submit to conventional treatments just as their doctor tells them, and turn to alternative treatments only when the first way fails.

    Although mainstream medicine is the main source of the problem of lymphedema, mainstream medicine leaves you high and dry when it comes to solutions to the problem.

    For example, the Cleveland Clinic and others take the rather pessimistic view that there's not much they can do. They consider lymphedema a chronic disease that usually requires lifelong management.1

    They suggest conservative treatments (catch the irony here?) such as bandaging, compression garments, and exercises.

    Surgery has been tried as a lymphedema treatment, but it usually doesn't work and often makes the condition worse.

    Doctors may also refer patients to a physical or occupational therapist who specializes in lymphedema. They will work with you to create a treatment plan that may include:
    Very important… Be sure the therapist you see has specific training and experience with lymphedema cases.
An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure
    If it's not too late, consider skipping conventional treatment plans with their almost certain negative side effects… Or at least give extremely careful consideration to some of the alternative protocols available — such as the Budwig Protocol, and Dr. Max Gerson's.

    If you have late-stage cancer, conventional treatments are just about sure losers and definitely not worth trying. If your cancer is early-stage, it's a tougher call. Me? I'd go with alternatives. (I don't like to keep reminding these unfortunate late-stage patients that their chances are so slim, but that's what this newsletter is all about. You need to start doing alternatives — pronto — and stop listening to the mainstream nonsense. The only way to say it is to say it, so I'm not going to mince words here. I'm sorry if it comes across as harsh.)

    But what's your next step if you've already done the surgery, undergone radiation or chemo… and now suffer from lymphedema?
Hope and help from natural medicine
    Counter to hand wringing from the conventional camp, there are some measures you can implement that may help control or even cure your lymphedema.
  1. Detoxify. 

    As much as possible, detoxify your system to create the best possible health and internal cleanliness. Use Epsom salt baths, which are known to chelate ionizing radiation and radioactivity from your body.
  2. Lose WeightStudies show that lymphedema is typically worse in overweight individuals, so shedding a few extra pounds may give you relief.
  3. Dietary and Lifestyle Protocol

    Dr. Budwig's Protocol makes sense for anyone facing any kind of a cancer challenge. It may also, due to its somewhat "blood thinning" effect, help facilitate lymphatic flow.

    Add enzymes such as bromelain (found in raw pineapple) to your diet. Bromelain and other proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes are known to reduce swelling and inflammation. (Note: If you're allergic to pineapple, you may develop a rash. There are many other proteolytic enzymes to choose from. They're also called proteases. For the full story on enzyme therapy, read our Special Report The Missing Ingredient for Good Health. EVERYONE should be taking enzymes, sick and healthy people alike.)

    Better yet, go raw! Raw foods are filled with living enzymes and cancer fighting nutrients. Get out your juicer or food processor, even if you haven't used it in awhile. Juicing does some of the 'pre-digesting' for your body.

    Focus on these cancer cell killing nutrients — all raw, of course: carrots, broccoli, cabbage, green asparagus, pineapple, whole purple grapes with seeds, skins and all, apricot seeds (they contain laetrile), strawberries, red and black raspberries, blueberries, beetroot, and turmeric.

    Enjoy some "green power foods" and drinks… Freshly pressed organic wheatgrass, celery, and parsley juice, and spirulina have helped a great many patients overcome both cancer and lymphedema.

    Choose anti-inflammatory foods — which means sidestepping wheat, sugar, dairy, and all processed foods.
  4. Herbs

    Certain herbs are known to help increase lymphatic flow, including butcher's broom, ginger tea (made from powdered ginger), sweet clover ointment (which contains coumarin — a lymph flow stimulant).

    "Indigo Drops" — formulated by herbalist Ingrid Naiman for lymphatic blockages — has been reported to help "in as little as five to six hours". I don't have much information about this, but it sounds worth checking out.

    Frankincense, myrrh and ginger essential oils may also promote lymphatic movement… and cayenne is an all-round helpful herb.

    Ginger tea prepared with about half a teaspoon of powdered ginger in a cup of water may help increase circulation of lymph, and reduce inflammation.

    Red clover (which has anti-cancer properties) and fenugreek seem to be helpful also. As do the oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) found in grape seed or pine bark extract tablets, taken as supplements.

    Several capsules of echinacea daily help stimulate lymph flow.
  5. Activate Your Lymphatic System — Here's How…

    Your lymph system is your waste removal system. But unlike your heart, which has a pump, your lymph must be stimulated by action and movement.

    For example, you can stimulate it by brisk walking.

    But some believe there's no substitute for jumping on a small trampoline(rebounder) for five to ten minute sessions without too much heavy breathing. This stimulates lymph flow like nothing else (except possibly jumping rope).

    Lothar Himeise, eminent cancer researcher, proclaims in his book Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and The World is Flat:
    "Please do not underestimate the pronounced positive effects that jumping on a trampoline can have on your lymphatic system. Even if you do not feel the healing effect immediately, this simple device offers immense support to your detoxification efforts."
    Be sure to get a quality rebounder.

    Another option is using a Power Plate, used in the space program to stimulate immune and bone health. It also induces the motion and gravitational forces of a rebounder — only much faster. Indeed, it is said to be able to multiply your exercise efforts, giving you far better results in substantially less time.

    Another activation method is to brush... With a soft natural bristle brush, start at the tips of your fingers and brush toward your collar bone, left side then right side. Circle each breast, stroking gently but firmly, and always toward the respective collarbone. This is where the lymph fluid reenters your blood circulation.

    On your lower body, start with your toes, and stroke with long strokes toward the lymph nodes in each groin, near your front lower abdomen — where your largest and most important lymph nodes are located, and where lymph toxins are "digested".
  6. Wear loose fitting clothing

    Never restrict lymph flow by wearing tight clothing such as bras and tight pants. There's a direct link between the length of time a bra is worn and breast cancer incidence… as well as a notable absence of prostate cancer in countries where men wear loose-fitting pants. (Tight fitting pants create local hyperthermia, restrict lymph flow, and 'starve' local cells.)
  7. Cabbage Leaf Packs

    It sounds bizarre, but cabbage leaf applications were a backbone of naturopathic Swiss doctor Father Thomas Haeberle's books and practices. Cabbage is well established as an anti-cancer food. But as a poultice it is relatively unknown in modern times, though there is some evidence it was popular during Roman times.

    I know of no scientific studies that back this as a treatment — so please take this story as it is intended, strictly as an anecdotal case.

    A woman who reportedly suffered from lymphedema had tried elastic bandages with no improvement. Hearing that cabbage leaves might help, she crushed cabbage leaves and held them in place over her lymphedema with elastic bandages. She reported marked improvement in just one night, and almost completely dissipated swelling in three nights. There's likely no harm in trying this, but realize that we don't have scientific studies to show its efficacy.
  8. Red Light Treatment

    Several studies now show the healing benefits of light, and especially red light. (No blue light for lymphedema.) Red light wavelengths easily penetrate your skin, stimulating your mitochondria — the cellular powerhouses that make your tissues and organs run more smoothly.

    The first study, published in the journal Lymphology in 19982, showed that women getting red light treatments once or twice a week for 10 weeks had measurably less arm swelling, and improvements in measures of pain, tightness, heaviness, cramps and arm mobility.

    Red light therapy not only reduces lymphedema… it also helps activate the local immune system by stimulating the white blood cells that can kill and carry away pathogens. This makes for a more sanitary cellular environment and thereby reduces infection risk. I've seen a couple of products recommended: The X Light from Chee Energy Company and the Light Shaker from Light Energy Company. Haven't checked them out, I'm just passing the info along.

    But the ultimate light treatment might be sunlight. After all, it's been available throughout the ages and assists your body to produce vitamin D which is highly protective against cancer.

    The Russians found that sunlight speeds up detoxification by twice to as much as twenty times. But the best results were when sun exposure began before toxic exposure began — a compelling reason to get regular sunlight.3
    Your lymph nodes do an amazing job of keeping you detoxified.

    So, even if you don't have lymphedema, or have never had cancer — you might be well advised to employ many of these strategies strictly for their health-enhancing benefits. After all, if your lymph nodes do so much for you, why not give them the assistance to do their job better?
Cancer Defeated Publications