The demand for nootropics and nootropic supplements is growing. People under stress are seeking ways to help their brains keep up with the demands of their busy lives. This includes mothers who find themselves in a fog due to stress, lack of sleep and a never ending to-do list. In this state, mood is worsened, judgement’s impaired and decision-making skills can be hampered. For a mother trying to juggle multiple tasks on a few hours of sleep, a nutritional boost or mental advantage of any kind is welcomed. Nootropic supplements can help boost brain health, mental clarity, focus, memory and may also help improve reactions to stress. For a busy mom, the only thing better than less stress and more focus, would be more sleep.

Mental Health of Moms

Parenting responsibilities can have an enormous impact on a mother’s physical and mental health. This stress increases risk for various mental health disorders and stress-related diseases. According to studies, mothers and female caregivers experience greater stress and stress-related ailments.

Nootropics Can Help Your Brain Keep up With Your Life

As mentioned, moms can be exposed to monumental amounts of stress. Nootropics may offer women specific support that can help. Since nootropics can reduce negative reactions to stress, these supplements may provide relief for overstressed, overworked moms by helping them meet the cognitive demands of their hectic lifestyles. BPI Sports’ Focus Mind Connection is one such supplement.
An alternative to sugar- and stimulant-heavy energy drinks, Focus Mind Connection is a nootropic formula designed to promote energy, memory and well-being. Here are the main ingredients:
  • Niacin – Niacin, also known as B3, supports central dopaminergic activity, which is important to brain function for better focus and coordination.
  • Vitamin B12 – This vitamin supports memory and mental clarity for decision making and strategizing.
  • Glycine – Glycine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, making it capable of supporting mood and cognition. It can also help you stay hydrated.
  • D-Ribose – D-Ribose helps with ATP levels, providing energy and stamina.
  • Phosphatidylcholine – Phosphatidylcholine helps produce acetylcholine, which is important for memory.
  • Alpha GPC – This advanced nootropic is the most effective source of choline. Choline increases acetylcholine in the brain, which is responsible for every cognitive function.

BPI Sports Focus Mind Connection

Since BPI Sports Focus Mind Connection is stimulant-free, you won’t feel the energy crash that comes with caffeinated coffee or energy drinks. What you feel is a clean, powerful energy that keeps you alert, focused and in the right mindset to take on the uphill climb that is a mom’s daily to-do list.