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Friday, March 20, 2020

NCAA Baseball GCU vs Chicago State (Cancelled) and Baseball's Reggie Jackson - How He Trained Back Then And Now At 60! Presented on US Sports Net by BBcom

GCU Baseball hosts Chicago State on March 20, 2020 at 6pm (9pm EST) (Brazell Field at GCU Ballpark). (Cancelled Please Enjoy Replays of GCU Baseball)

Baseball's Reggie Jackson - How He Trained Back Then And Now At 60!

Recently I was having some pictures taken at the gym when my friend, Baseball Hall Of Fame great, Reggie Jackson stopped by. Learn more about who he is, how he used to train, and how he trains now at 60!
Recently I was having some pictures taken at the gym, Diesel Fitness in Seaside, Calif. - Drop by sometime if you're ever in the area. My friend (ex-boss) and a man who is a real inspiration to me walked in. I'm talking about Mr. October, Hall of Fame great Reggie Jackson. I asked him if he would mind taking a few pictures with me. He said "Sure!"
A few weeks earlier my good friend and potential co-host and partner Monica Starr was in town and we asked Reggie to sit down and do an interview with Monica and again he agreed.

Monica Starr
Click Image To Enlarge.
Monica Starr.
Alright we're not talking about some bum on the streets! We are talking about a sports immortal! A man who has accomplished much both on and off the field. A man who is constantly badgered for his time and autograph regardless if he is in the middle of dinner or waiting to get his teeth cleaned - Should he say no, he get's the rap that he is arrogant or words that we can't put in this article.
Nobody seems to be neutral on Reggie Jackson. You're either a fan or a detractor. One-time teammate Darold Knowles would seem to be in the latter camp. "There isn't enough mustard in the world to cover Reggie Jackson," Knowles said. Sorry Darold I have to disagree! This article is to give you a little insight to the man I know.

Mr. October

Mr. October!!! For those of you who don't know or were too young (sorry Reggie). This nickname was given to Reggie for playing his best when the games were the most important; example: The World Series, which if you don't know, is played in October.
Reggie Jackson became the first player to win the World Series MVP award (named for Babe Ruth, the only other player to hit three home runs in a World Series game) for two different teams. In 27 World Series games, he amassed 10 home runs, including five during the 1977 Series (with 4 in 4 consecutive at bats, the last three on first pitches), 24 RBI and a .357 batting average. Now that's clutch ball playing!

Reggie Jackson 1 Of 3:

Reggier hit a career total of 563 home runs, placing him in the top ten of all-time home-run hitters.

OK! Reggie has been my boss, my friend, my hero, my idol and even my verbal sparring partner. Of course I never win - he's always one step faster and smarter than I am. He is the most giving selfless man I know ... as long as he doesn't feel taken advantage of by bums like me.
If this sounds personal, well it is. You can go anywhere to read about Reggie's accomplishments on the ball field. This article is a testimony to the man I know. However since this is a fitness column. Let's talk a little about his physical conditioning.

Click Image To Enlarge.
This Is A Testimony To The Man I Know.

Physical Conditioning

At 60-years young, the physical shape of Reggie Jackson is incredible. OK, he's had his share of injuries lately. He suffered a back injury a few years ago when he helped an overweight gentleman up, after he slipped in a restaurant. One of the discs in his back had completely disintegrated. Whether this was from picking this gentleman up or if it was the straw that broke the camel's back, after the rigors of a collegiate football and pro baseball career, we don't know.
Speaking of straws! During an interview with Sport Magazine writer Robert Ward, Reggie was quoted as saying,

"I am the straw that stirs the drink. Maybe I should
say me and (Thurman-Yankee All-Star Catcher) Munson,
but he can only stir it bad."
Reggie said he never even made this statement. This is the kind of thing I am talking about. People of greatness always have someone ready to throw darts at them. In my opinion it's like shooting spitballs at a battleship.
He was also injured two years ago while at Yankee Training Camp in Florida when he was rear-ended by a car as he was stopped at a light. He had neck and shoulder trauma. Still his physical conditioning is incredible, the kind of shape someone 20 years his junior would be proud of. Jackson still weighs in the 220 range with no jiggly stuff on him and within 5 lbs of what he weighed during his playing days.
Ahead Of His Time:
    Monica asked Reggie if he worked out while he was playing and if there were any structured team workouts at that time. Reggie said he has always worked out even though weightlifting was taboo at that time for sports.

Click Image To Enlarge.
Reggie Was Weightlifting Long Before
It Was Popular In Sports.
    He had been an avid weightlifter all his life. There were no off-season programs for athletes of that era. Ballplayers came to camp and played themselves into shape. Man how times have changed.

What Is The Best Workout Program For Baseball Players? What Is The Best Workout Program For Baseball Players?
What is the best workout program for baseball players? The baseball season is quickly approaching so we have some great workouts & programs specifically tailored for those athletes.
[ Click here to learn more. ]
    Monica also asked him about his diet and he said he has always kept his protein up and ate clean. The man was way ahead of his time!
Reggie's Workouts:
    Reggie's workouts are still a thing to behold, though injuries and age (sorry again) are taking their toll. The days of bench pressing 405lbs for reps and squatting 315lbs for sets of 20 may be over. Even with a disintegrated disk and bad shoulders Reggie still throws the weights around.
    He still easily handles 80lb dumbbells in chest movements. I'm sure he could do more if he wanted but what would be the point. He handles equally impressive weight in other upper body exercises. Again remember he is 60!
    He no longer squats but does quad and hamstring work to keep things in balance. He also does large amounts of work with fit-balls or whatever ya call 'em. Remember I'm a powerlifter; they're all balls to me. He also does a lot of core work with medicine balls. Do they still call them that? Or is there a newfangled name for them also? ... again balls!!!

Click Image To Enlarge.
Me and Reggie.
I wrote this article to show you how I feel about my friend Reggie Jackson!
Thank You!
Rob Carbo
Carbonics Training Co.
Conceive, Believe, Achieve!!!
Pictures by Todd Hutchings, Sultry One Studios

NCAA Softball GCU vs Kansas City (Cancelled) on US Sports Net and Save Your Throwing Arm: A Pitcher's Guide to Strength Presented by BBcom

GCU Softball hosts Kanas City on March 20, 2020 at 5:00pm (8pm EST) at GCU Softball Stadium. (Cancelled Please enjoy replays of GCU Softball)

Save Your Throwing Arm: A Pitcher's Guide to Strength

Too many promising talents have seen their careers end on the surgeon's table. Don't be another cautionary tale! Take a proactive approach now to your self-care and training, and watch it pay off for years to come.

Save Your Throwing Arm: A Pitcher's Guide to Strength

Arm injuries in baseball and softball have been on the rise in recent years, and it's proving difficult to pin down any single culprit. Of course, the repetitive, violent motion of throwing a baseball as hard as you can will always bring a risk of injury. But it doesn't have to be inevitable.
I have a unique perspective on the issue as a current baseball pitcher who's been through UCL reconstruction (aka "Tommy John" surgery) not once, but twice. I'm still pitching—pain-free—after my second operation. I also own Warbird Training Academy, a facility where we train a tremendous amount of baseball and softball players. Injury prevention is our first priority, and you'd better believe it takes some strategic programming to keep everyone healthy.
No matter if you’re an aspiring pitcher, or a coach responsible for one, it’s essential to focus on strength and health along with performance. Here’s what you need to know about caring for the elbow and shoulder, as well as safe training and throwing guidelines to help beat the odds.

Elbow: Strengthen but Don't Slaughter Your Forearm

The ulnar collateral ligament, or UCL, is a passive structure which can't be strengthened directly with exercise. The force produced in a pitch would tear the UCL instantly without the support of the muscles in the forearm that help reduce elbow stress. Thus, good preventive maintenance includes strengthening the hands and forearms.
Though strong forearms are essential, it's a good idea to use conservative loads with exercises like the deadlift and farmer carries. Increasing a weak athlete's deadlift to, say, 315 pounds can definitely increase performance on the field. But deadlifting 600 pounds is probably not going to yield much additional benefit for a pitcher, while exposing the elbow to tremendous distraction forces. The risk vs. reward isn't there.
Although I'm not aware of research showing negative effects of heavy holds, I tend to err on the side of caution and advise other baseball players to do the same. My short recommendation is to lift heavy enough to be strong, but not to the point where the risk of injury and joint stress becomes significant.

Forearm Strengthening Exercises

Power Rack Wrist Rollers: Wrist rollers are a great way to build strength and endurance in the forearm flexors and extensors. I prefer propping a long pipe on a power rack so that the shoulders aren't the limiting factor. A "power rack wrist roller" can be cheaply made at home with just a pipe, flat webbing, and a drill. Simply drill the pipe, thread in the webbing, and attach a weight.
Farmer Carries: For heavy holds, I advise athletes to use no more than 150 percent of bodyweight, in total. For a 200 pound athlete, this means no more than maybe 315 pounds on a trap bar or no more than 150 pound dumbbells per hand.
Forearm Six-Way: This circuit covers the six main movements of the wrist: wrist flexion, extension, pronation, supination, ulnar deviation, and radial deviation. This provides great balance to the forearms and is foundational in rehabbing from a UCL or flexor injury. This can be performed with a flat band or with dumbbells.

Shoulder: Take an All-around Approach

The throwing shoulder needs a combination of strength, endurance, mobility, and stability. Train for these different aspects by using a good mix of exercises from each category. Here are some of my favorites.

For Strength

No Money: The "no money" is simple and very effective for scapula retraction, depression, and external rotation strength. It gives great posture benefits, and is easy to perform for athletes of all ages. Perform 2-4 sets of 10-15 reps, 2-3 days per week.

Shoulder Mobility and Stability

Moving Blackburn: Moving blackburns provide high time under tension, strengthen the scapulae in numerous directions of movement, and help teach scapular awareness. It's important to focus on squeezing the muscles and directing your shoulder blades into the proper position. It's not enough just to lift your arms into position. Perform 2-4 sets of 10-15 reps, 2-3 days per week.
Chain YTL: The point of using the chains is to force the arm to stabilize as the chains slosh around. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. Swing the chains up fast and hold them steady at the top.

Training Strategies to Reduce Injury Risk

Throw more, with less effort. Almost all medical professionals and biomechanical experts blame game-speed, intense-effort throwing for the increased risk of arm injury. Ligaments and tendons have a finite amount of stretch, and throwing at maximum effort brings them near their breaking point on each throw. When arms fatigue from high pitch counts and overuse, reports of pain increase accordingly.[1]
Throwing is crucial to developing arm strength and mastering different pitches, but this can be achieved without max-effort throwing. Throw more in practice sessions and fewer innings in games. Experiment with long toss, bullpen sessions, and flat-ground sessions.
Don't go low-carb. Glycogen, the form of sugar that is stored in the muscles for immediate energy, is an athlete's best friend. Arm fatigued? Your glycogen is depleted. Arm feels great? Your glycogen has had time to replenish.
Low-carb diets can leave an athlete with chronically low levels of glycogen, which will result in decreased velocity and stamina. A healthy diet that includes ample carbohydrate content is crucial for high athletic performance. Though your favorite bodybuilder or fitness model may go low-carb, or cycle their carbs, athletes have to take a different road. It's not all about six-pack abs; it's about performance first.
I can tell you that from my many years in baseball, my velocity and stamina on the mound are most consistent when my diet is consistent and my calories are high. Everyone's required calorie intake will vary, but carbohydrates should be present in all meals and plentiful during and after a game. Make sure your glycogen stores have ample nutrition to replenish and recover.
Throw changeups instead of curveballs until sophomore year. To be successful, nearly all pitchers will need a changeup in collegiate and pro baseball. The only population of pitchers who don't throw a changeup are late-inning relievers who throw much harder than the norm. Most pitchers will never fit this mold, so it's ideal to practice the changeup at a time when curveballs are more risky: when kids are growing like weeds.
Though biomechanically, curveballs are not more stressful than fastballs, one study indicates that there is a greater prevalence of arm pain in young pitchers who throw curveballs.[2] If you don't throw a changeup, check out my video tutorial below.
Take days off. Baseball is a sport of tradition, and tradition says to throw every day. Though throwing is crucial for long-term success, I recommend two days completely off each week. I'm entering my twentieth year as a baseball player, and my pitching skills have never disappeared overnight. Rather, the shoulder and forearm muscles recover faster with true rest, which will help ensure a pitcher is fresh for games.
Focus harder on mechanics. If your throwing mechanics aren't as good as they need to be, focused practice is the only way to clean them up. Pause, set yourself, and focus on the perfect version of yourself before throwing.

My Experience as a Hurt Pitcher

I'm privileged to still be playing, and as I write I'm completing my first season back from my second Tommy John surgery. I've thrown 60-plus innings in relief, have pitched well, and my arm feels as good as it has since I was 16. I'm throwing harder than at any point in my life, which is abnormal considering my injuries. I attribute this to a few things I've learned over the years:
Less is more. When I have days off, I don't throw at all. Nothing whatsoever. Recovery is key to staying healthy. This season, as a reliever, I've taken one day off per week and have felt good. In the offseason, I make sure to take a solid 6-8 weeks off from throwing to let my body heal. Then, I slowly ramp up my throwing volume to prepare for spring training.
Meter your throwing. Relievers like me throw in pregame nearly every day. We work on our pitches at a low-speed and try to "feel" all of them. I listen to my arm and meter the amount I throw. If I feel great and haven't pitched in a game, I'll stretch it out and throw more before the game. If I've pitched recently and don't feel overly fresh, I'll throw a little less. It sounds simple, but many guys throw too much when fatigued and it can accumulate, leading to injury and poor performance.
Routine is crucial. Young pitchers can learn a lot from pitchers who have been hurt. Once injured, you learn to be more regimented and consistent in routine. You throw exactly as much as you need to be prepared for the game. You work harder on your whole body to be well-conditioned, strong, and flexible. You learn to focus harder so you get more out of each throw. The goal is to give your body exactly what it needs; nothing more, nothing less. Cheetahs only sprint when there is something to kill. Injured pitchers are the same way.
Mechanics matter. Even as a pitcher who throws hard and has found success at a high level, my mechanics aren't perfect. And when they're off, my body feels it. My arm feels the best when my mechanics are well-timed and efficient. It always helps me to get input from coaches and other pitchers on my mechanics if my arm is hurting. There's often a mechanical tweak that provides relief.
Employing a good plan to strengthen the elbow and shoulder, and ensure that the throwing arm isn't overworked will provide the best chance for a baseball player to stay healthy for a decades-long career. As an added benefit, good preventative care provides a performance boost as well, so those same exercises and strategies that keep the arm healthy will push the player's development to new heights.
You've got nothing to lose by taking care of yourself, but everything to gain.
  1. Fortenbaugh, D., Fleisig, G. S., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Baseball pitching biomechanics in relation to injury risk and performance. Sports Health, 1(4), 314-320.
  2. Yang, J., Mann, B. J., Guettler, J. H., Dugas, J. R., Irrgang, J. J., Fleisig, G. S., & Albright, J. P. (2014). Risk-prone pitching activities and injuries in youth baseball: findings from a national sample. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 42(6), 1456-1463.

About the Author

Dan Blewett

Dan Blewett

Dan Blewett is a professional baseball player and the owner of Warbird Training Academy in Illinois.

The Real Useful Corona Challenge (at home workouts for footballers) Presented on US Sports Net by Volt Athletics

For today's 45 minute workout, you will need two towels, and some water. We're focusing on an upper body pull workout you can do in your living room!

In a time like this it’s easy to panic but the next few months could be your greatest opportunity, While other players are declining, you can use this time to get ahead of your competition as well as staying healthy. 

 How we use our time is the one thing we can control in times like these. Use this time wisely because you can make more gains now, then possibly in any other time of your life.

 Train Effective intern Robert will lead a live workout everyday from Monday to Friday to help you continue growing as athletes during this confusing time.

 We are one big football family spread across the world, so invite your friends to join and let’s go, Effectivefam! ❤️💪 

For today's 45 minute workout, you will need two towels, and some water. 

We're focusing on an upper body pull workout you can do in your living room! 

📕7 Secrets to SKYROCKET Your Individual Soccer Training Improvement TODAY! FREE Download 👉


Epic Soccer Training

By: John Black

Professional American soccer player Matt Smith founder of this product. By creating this product his goal was to help people who wants to sharpen their skills, and in general become better players. So, if you're thinking that this might be for you let me tell you what will you get if you purchase this product and if it's worth buying.

If you purchase the program you will gain access to the entire system on the official website, modules you can buy separately. The Matt Smith training program consists mainly of the workbook and a video giving an overview of the product.

You can read the PDF e-book online or download it. Then you start watching modules (4 in total).

Module 1 - You will learn the right way to train and get thousands of quality touches on the ball to quickly improve your touch and feel.

Module 2 - You will develop some amazing soccer moves. You'll know exactly where to be to be a game changer, get the ball more, and make plays that will frustrate your opponents and make your teammates respect your soccer ability.

Module 3 - You will start mixing in the skills you have learned in modules 1 and 2 with even more advanced skills and moves. You will literally have the skills and tools you need to beat any defender and become the best player on the field every time.

Module 4 - You will learn defensive and offensive ways to play on the field and soccer moves.

This training helped a lot of people and in general it's quite useful for every serious soccer player fan. But, if you're not willing to put in any work, and you think you can just sit on the couch and magically get better at soccer... keep dreaming! Becoming a great soccer player takes work. So, it's up to you, if you think you can put effort to this training then why not buy this product and try it, but on the other hand, why waste your money if you won't take it seriously. Anyway, I'm sure that this training is far better than practising on your own by doing same things over many times and not getting better, but neither this training could make you good player overnight.You have to give time for it, go through every step, and in the end, become much better player.

 If you're serious soccer player and looking for ways to improve your soccer skill, then this training could be just for you. It will teach you step by step, how to become truly game changing player.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Police Activity on US Sports Net Presented by Tactical P.E. Featuring: Suspect Refusing To Drop The Knife Gets Tased By Cop in Tuttle, Oklahoma and What are the Drug Laws of Colorado?

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Tuttle, Oklahoma — Oklahoma City police released body cam video of a driver being tased after leading Oklahoma City officers on a chase all the way to Tuttle.

The high speed chase happened on Wednesday, March 4th. when an OKC K9 unit spotted a suspicious vehicle near Southeast 25th Street and the Interstate 35 service road. Grizzle hit some stop sticks that popped his tires, but he kept going. Two other police cars also hit the stop sticks and were taken out of service, according to authorities. 

The driver came to a stop near Highway 37 and S.E. 4th St. in Tuttle and exited the vehicle armed with a knife. After a brief standoff, police tased the driver, identified by police as 38-year-old David Grizzle, and took him into custody. Police reports show officers field tested Grizzle and tested positive for meth. Grizzle was booked into the Oklahoma County Jail. He is facing multiple complaints including eluding a police officer and possession of a controlled dangerous substance. Donate to PoliceActivity:

What are the Drug Laws of Colorado?

By: Biit Feroz

Marijuana is the legal term for cannabis and it is legal in Colorado for medicinal and recreational purposes. Earlier it was illegal but after the Amendment 64 on November 6, 2012, it became legal in January 2014. Due to this policy, Colorado has become a hot spot for cannabis tourism, where people come here to use the Marijuana available at various retail stores. During the first year of implementation, Colorado's legal marijuana market has reached total sales of more than $700 million.

Let's go through the history of changing laws in Colorado and how they facilitated other states to follow the norm -

Prohibition Period (1917 - 1975)

The use of Marijuana had been banned in Colorado since the early twentieth century. In November 1914, the voters of Colorado voted for the approval of Amendment 22 of Colorado Constitution. It was known as Prohibition amendment and included Alcohol and other intoxicating substances like cannabis and hemp etc. It started an era of prohibition beginning on January 1, 1916, and later on December 18, 1917, a Prohibition amendment Eighteenth was proposed by the Congress.

Decriminalization (1975)

Since Marijuana and other intoxicating stuff were banned in the country, it paved the way for different criminal and gangsters to run a drug business and make lots of money. The federal bureau of Narcotics and Denver Police Department were constantly fighting with such gangs and common people were finding them sandwiched between them. It led some people to initiate a movement for the decriminalization of Cannabis so that the illegal business will stop and our law agencies will be freed on catching a criminal. It will further demotivate the criminals to deal in cannabis as people will not purchase from them at high rates because they can purchase directly from a licensed store.

So in 1975 after more than a decade-long decriminalization campaign in the whole country, Marijuana consumption was decriminalized. One most noted person who supported the movement was Deputy District Attorney of Pitkin County, Mr, Jay Moore. he helped in winning over the legislature's republican leadership by his arguments as to money wasted on maintaining the law by the enforcement agencies.

Medical Marijuana (2000)

On November 7, 2000, almost 54% voters of Colorado voted in the favor of Amendment 20. This amendment allowed the use of Marijuana for medicinal purpose. Now the patients could use it after the doctor's written approval. According to this law, A patient may possess up to 2 ounces (56.69 grams) of medicinal Marijuana and may grow up to not more than six marijuana plants (not more than three flowering plants at a moment). Those patients who are caught with more than the allowed limit may argue about the "affirmative defense of medical necessity" but they are not protected under the law because of those persons who stay under the limit and follow the guidelines.
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The doctors can recommend allowing their patients to have additional marijuana or grow additional plants, depending upon their specific medical needs.

There are several diseases which are recognized for marijuana use in Colorado. cancer, chronic pain, chronic nervous system disorders, cachexia, epilepsy, and some disorders like glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, seizures, HIV and AIDS, nausea, and muscle spasticity. Furthermore, the patients cannot use the marijuana openly and or in any place in plain public view. They must not drive any vehicle after using the marijuana too. In Colorado, the medicinal marijuana cannot be sold on general pharmacy but only from a government recognized caregiver or a non-state-affiliated club known as a dispensary. These dispensaries offer a range of marijuana strains with different qualities. Some dispensaries even offer the seeds to the patients who want to grow the plant at their residence.

Recreational Marijuana (2012)

Amendment 64 was a controversial amendment and it legalized the use of recreational marijuana for adults more than 21 years old. Now individuals can grow up to six marijuana plants (not more than three flowering plants) at a private residence. He will be the legal owner of that grown marijuana. He can also possess up to one ounce of marijuana while traveling and he can also give it as a gift to another adult 21 years or older.

Amendment 64 also allows for licensing of cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, testing facilities and retail stores. Tourists and visitors can purchase the marijuana and use it, but they may face persecution if they are found with marijuana in the adjacent state. The Denver airport has completely banned the possession of marijuana but they have admitted that it has not charged a single person with possession and they have never seized any marijuana after the ban came into effect.


Colorado has similar laws regarding driving while impaired by any drugs. Although it took almost six attempts and three years to pass to marijuana measures for intoxication. At last, the lawmakers decided on a nanogram limit in the bloodArticle Submission, Today the Colorado clarifies that the judge can convict a person of marijuana intoxication if they have more than five nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood. But the anti-marijuana activists are arguing that this limit is too high to allow a person driving the vehicles and DUI attorney In Colorado can easily save their clients from getting the punishment.

 Colorado is one such state which had decriminalized the Marijuana consumption and legalize it for medicinal and recreational purposes. It has a long history of different amendments and mass movements. Lets learn what are the drug laws of Colorado. Follow us:

Trending Sports News You Can Use Featuring: Nick Foles TRADED to Bears | NFL Free Agency | CBS Sports HQ

The Jacksonville Jaguars are trading quarterback Nick Foles to the Chicago Bears in exchange for a fourth-round draft selection, No. 140 overall, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter. CBS Sports NFL insider Jonathan Jones has confirmed the trade. NFL Media's Mike Garafolo adds that Foles is re-structuring his contract as part of the deal.

Foles parlayed a Super Bowl run with the Philadelphia Eagles into a lucrative contract offer in Jacksonville last offseason. The deal was worth $88 million over four years. After suffering an injury in Week 1, he essentially lost his starting job to rookie Gardner Minshew. Foles was named the starter when he returned but eventually lost that right in three weeks. He now gets a chance to compete for a starting position again in Chicago. The AFC South franchise paid $30.5 million for four starts from Foles, according to NFL Media's Tom Pelissero. He won none of those games and now leaves behind an $18.75 million dead cap hit. 

Strength, Conditioning, and Sports Performance Articles From

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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, & Worship With Sraightway, Divine Right & Bloodgod

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). 
We must pray that God’s will is done on the earth. God works through our prayers to establish His kingdom purposes. From CDM -

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See your favorite Christ-Centered Artists Live 

The Rock Almighty! Shaker Of Heaven and Earth. Coming Soon To US Sports Network!

Joseph Prince Featuring: Why Pray Psalm 91? | The Voice of the Flesh Verses the Voice of God

Face life without fear no matter the chaos and uncertainty you might see in the world today! This excerpt is from: Face Life Without Fear—Secrets Unveiled In Isaiah 53

Get the full message: 

Joseph Prince app - - 

 Join Joseph Prince as he unveils secrets from the Hebrew language in Isaiah 53 that will help you experience robust peace and security in dangerous times. 

In this encouraging message that includes a special time of ministering, you’ll find out how you can: • Be shielded from all viruses when you rest in your secure position in Christ. 
• Live confident of a good future, knowing that Jesus has taken your judgment at Calvary. 
• Experience every blessing promised to you through your covenant-keeping God. 
• Receive your miracle when you see how every curse has been reversed at the cross. 

 Get anchored to His sure promises found in Scripture and start living life with newfound hope and confidence today!

The Voice of the Flesh Verses the Voice of God

By: Daniel N Brown

What brought about your current circumstances? Have you ever really thought hard about it?

Consider your job, your finances, your health, your relationships. Do you ever wonder what brought about the conditions of each area? How much of it was God? How much of it was you, or someone you know?

"Psalm 37:23 says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." If God orders our steps, then we can be certain that He has our best interest at heart. Some areas where He leads us may not always be pleasant, but it's all good, and will have a good ending.

Now, notice Psalm 37:23 says, "Our steps are ordered." Even though He orders our steps, are we following through? Many times we really have to listen for God's voice. He rarely screams at us. He usually speaks in a still small voice that we can easily overlook. He also can say something through another person. It those instances, when we hear what's being spoken, we know it's God because it catches us off guard and hits us like a ton of bricks!

Proverbs 14:12 says, "There is a way that seems right to man, but it's end is the way of death." This is the voice of the flesh, and it always screams at us, begging us to give it what it wants. It's completely selfish and usually does no one else any good at all unless it can get something out of it too.

Jesus said, “Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them” (Mark 11:24). This is the law of attraction. Whether you are following through with what God has ordered, or whether you are obeying the voice of the flesh, you will attract certain circumstances that may be either good or bad for your life.

The conditions you are currently in are not by accident. Probably just like you, I have had some real tough times in my past and made excuses and cast blame on God and other people. I always played the role of the victim and rendered myself completely helpless in many situations.

One day it hit me when my pastor said something in a sermon. It caused me to finally admit to myself that I had made some bad decisions by obeying the voice of the flesh instead of listening to what God what saying. I don’t even remember what my pastor said, but I know God used him to speak to me that day.

It was only until I took full responsibility for my circumstances, is when positive change came about. I then became empowered and finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, I definitely made some bad decisions, but was eventually able to get things straightened out. It is a fact that good judgment comes from wisdom, and wisdom comes from having poor judgment.

I challenge you to take an inventory of your life and look for those times when you may have obeyed your flesh rather than God. Let down your pride and ask yourself, "How much of that is my own fault?" You might be surprised and discover new strength and power.

 Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get his FREE report, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Matt Mezzina 2020 ice hockey recruitment video. Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro. And Off-Season Strength Training For Ice Hockey!

6’1 175lb
Left wing
Senior at Jackson memorial
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Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro!
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Off-Season Strength Training For Ice Hockey!

Here is a list of hockey-specific exercises to prepare you for the upcoming hockey season! Printable workout logs included!

Off-Season Leg Strength Training For Ice Hockey
The legs are the origin of force development, exerting force against the ground that is farther transferred up and throughout the body for all movements. As well the trunk (abdominal-low back complex) has a tremendous importance in sport.
All force is transferred from ground up, so if the core is weak, force is reduced as it is transferred to upper torso. Hip and trunk rotation, core stabilization and dynamic balance are key aspects to optimal athletic performance.
General Strength Acquisition
    3 sets x 10-12 repetitions (*warm-up sets)
    Rest 90-seconds between sets
    Tempo = 3 - 0 - 2
    Stretching must be done every day. Do NOT neglect this component.
Sample Leg Workout
    Sumo Squats - 3 x 10-12 reps
    Hamstring Curls - 3 x 10-12 reps
    Lunges - 3 x 10-12 reps
    Back Extensions - 3 x 10-12 reps
Click here for printable workout log!
Hockey-Specific Exercises
    Hamstring Curl
    Lie face down on leg curl bench with heel roller pad resting on back of ankles with the knees just off the bottom of the bench. Slowly curl the legs toward the buttocks, keep the hips pressed into the bench and slowly lower to starting position. This exercise is also performed using one leg at a time.

    Hold light dumbbells and step forward with a slightly exaggerated stride until the front thigh is parallel to the ground. Do not allow the knee to extend beyond the toes and keep the knee and foot in alignment. The trailing knee should be 3-5 cm from floor. Keep the torso vertical and push off the lead leg to return to the starting position.

    Sumo Squat
    Perform a regular squat but stand with legs spread extremely wide apart in order to train the adductors (groin) to a greater extent. Rest the barbell on the trapezius (NOT the neck). Position the feet and hips under bar, take it off the rack and take 2 steps back. Place the feet shoulder-width apart with the head up. Drop the hips and "sit back into a chair".

    Start the movement at the hip joint, not the knees. Squat as deep as possible in this position by flexing at hip and sticking your butt out, and keep the low back tensed in a neutral position. Return to the starting position by extending at the hips and the knees.
Submitted by: Craig Ballantyne
Off-Season Upper Body Strength Training For Ice Hockey
General Strength Acquisition
    3 sets x 10-12 repetitions (*warm-up sets)
    Rest 90-seconds between sets
    Tempo = 3 - 0 - 2
    Stretching must be done every day. Do NOT neglect this component.
Sample Upper Body Workout
    Bench Press - 3 x 10-12
    Chin-Ups - 3 x 10-12
    Close-Grip Bench Press - 3 x 10-12
    Seated Row - 3 x 10-12
    Hammer Curls - 3 x 10-12
Click here for printable workout log!
Exercise Description
    Bench Press
    Keep the feet flat on the floor and eyes under the bar. Take a grip 4-6 inches wider than shoulder width. Stop the bar above the mid-chest when the upper arms are horizontal.

    Close-Grip Bench Press
    Use a shoulder-width grip to perform a bench press while keeping the elbows close to the sides. This exercise emphasizes recruitment of the triceps.

    Use a shoulder-width reverse grip on a chin-up bar. Pull your body up till the chest reaches the height of the bar. Lower to the starting position with control.

    Seated Row
    Keep arms and back straight and knees slightly bent. Pull handle to lower abdomen, keep elbows close to sides, and torso upright. Return the weight without leaning forward.

    Hammer Curl
    Hold dumbbells with the palms facing the body. Curl the weights to the shoulders by bending only at the elbow.

Submitted by: Craig Ballantyne