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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Jesse Duplantis Ministries Featuring: All You've Got to do is Ask, Pt 2 and Silence the Critics

Jesse will help you understand your rights in God’s Word so you can receive more fully from God—His unlimited supply is yours for the asking.

Silence the Critics

1 Peter 2:15

I know from personal experience that when people start to criticize you and persecute you because you live by faith, your natural human response is to want to strike back. You want to start dishing out a little criticism of your own. Maybe if they get a taste of their own medicine, they’ll shut their mouths, you think.
But you know what? They won’t. Your words will just add fuel to their fire and they’ll criticize you harder and louder than they did before.
According to the Word of God, however, there is a way to silence them. Not by arguing with them. Not by defending yourself. But by keeping quiet and continuing to do the good works God has called you to do.
Jesus was highly criticized by the religious establishment of His day. But He never fought back. Instead, Acts 10:38 says He simply went about doing good.
When people start riding you about living the faith life, be like Jesus and just keep on blessing people. Keep on praying for folks who are oppressed by the devil and get them delivered. Keep on laying hands on the sick and getting them healed. Keep on doing what God has called you to do.
That will aggravate the devil because his primary purpose is to make you ineffective for the kingdom of God. He wants you to get wrapped up in the criticism. He wants to distract you, to get your mind off the job God has given you. He really wants you to quit.
Don’t do it! Instead, follow the instructions in 2 Timothy 3:14 and “continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of.” Silence the ignorant criticisms of men by continuing to do good and by continuing to live by faith. And when all their foolish words have faded away, you’ll still be standing strong.

Scripture Reading:
Luke 23:1-9

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sophie Pell Softball Recruiting Video | Class of 2020

~Sophie Pell~ Class of 2020. She is a shortstop, third baseman, and catcher for Front Royal Fire 18u. She attends Millbrook High School and plays on the Varsity Softball team.

 Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Softball!


Become the most EXPLOSIVE Softball Player on the field! SPORTAMERICA teams up with SPEED QUEST, the #1 speed training system to bring you this exciting new EXPLOSIVE SOFTBALL Series and give you SPEED & POWER! Learn to gain full body control through a comprehensive series of drills. Move faster, jump higher, and gain the ability to beat out your opponents.  COACHES: Use drills in team settings for speed and conditioning!    The perfect workout for all Softball Players playing any position!

The Coach

Speed Quest

Explosive Movement Training for All Athletes
Speed Quest Instruction, Inc. provides explosive movement training to athletes of all sports from beginners to the pro's, with an emphasis on sport-specific performance. At Speed Quest, we are dedicated to helping coaches and athletes with all of their speed and movement needs. We offer athletic training programs for most sports, the highest quality speed training equipment, comprehensive books and videos, and personalized speed instruction.

Education is the most important tool you can use in any training program. At Speed Quest, we want you to have the information you need to reach your goals. Equipment does not necessarily make better athletes. Excellent technique and skill development combined with equipment can make a huge difference. You can rely on us for free educational information through our newsletter and training tips, and support if you do choose to purchase products. Since 1995 our goal has been to provide you with the most cutting-edge training information available. We wish you the most explosive success! Book this course.......

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Sandbag Upright Row & Push Up and The Latest Motivation Monday

BodyRock Sandbag and Dumbell Bundle

The struggle is real, friends. In our Motivation Monday stories, it’s easy to let the pictures gloss over the fact that these BodyRockers have done more than work hard for their stronger and healthier bodies: they’ve fought for them. They’ve said no to frequent indulgence and self-doubt. They’ve said yes to working out early in the morning, late at night, and when they really didn’t feel like it. They’ve ignored the people who told them to give up or tried to tempt them off-track.
What you see here looks like a miraculous transformation  — and it is, but the real miracle is in the dozens of little decisions these people made every day so they could stand here, sharing their stories, and looking as fierce and fit as they do. Let’s give ‘em all the good feels today!
But first!Join on FitFam and join BodyRock Insider’s Group on Facebook! This is where our trainers and BodyRockers convene to talk shop, ask questions and receive tips on fitness, Sweatflix workouts, nutrition and life in general.
Meet Danielle

Since finding BodyRock, my mindset with nutrition and food has changed significantly. I am 39 years old and, today, I hit a HUGE milestone in my life. I hit my 80 lb mark. 80.1lbs gone forever. I’ve never posted my pics because I was always too embarrassed, but today, I’m so proud of each milestone I’ve hit since 1/1/18 (day one of my journey) and I’m going to post them loud and proud (as I sit here I with tears of joy 🤗🤗). My only regret is not finding all of you wonderful people sooner (rather than later). Thank you Lisa and BodyRock for pushing me that extra mile! You are such a great motivator and I am grateful!
Meet Rebecca

I believe some stories are better left unsaid for the sake of others feelings but at the same time, if left unsaid, you are letting down those that your story could possibly touch and change their lives forever.  I like to view my story as life changing, even if it is just one.
Many who know me know that I did not have the greatest life growing up. I was raised in a very abusive environment. Don’t get me wrong, there were good times, but way more bad. My stepfather of 22 years was extremely abusive both physically and mentally to my siblings, my mother, and myself. I have endured things in my life that no human being should ever have to. With the abusive came insecurity, I never felt I was good enough or anyone or anything. How I was treated at home and the environment I was forced to grow up in reflected in my friendships and relationships. I was bullied in elementary school for being that “chubby, poor” kid.  I dealt with this for a good part of my life.
I reached a point in my teenage years where I wanted out, I wanted more. I searched to feel the void of being wanted, being loved. That search again left me empty. Left me as a young, single mother at the age of 15 but oddly enough I was okay with this. My situation at home was so bad that deep inside I knew pregnancy was my key out; I knew my mom would have no part of my being pregnant and I would be kicked out.  So there I was: 15 dealing with yet again another verbally and physically abusive relationship with my child’s father. Living in low income housing (better known as the projects), collecting welfare and food-stamps, riding town buses wherever I needed to go, begging friends for rides to school so that my daughter could get into the school’s daycare as she was not allowed on the school bus. I mean, it’s not your typical fairy tale.
I wanted more, I knew I deserved more. Years went on and yes, I graduated high school. It was my #1 goal. I also continued to work full-time and provide a life for my child and me. I was depressed, angered, and hated the cards I was dealt in life. By this time, I was around 180 pounds. This, on a small frame 5’4 that used to carry 115 lbs before my daughter. I was taunted by my child’s father about my weight, who said things like “McDonald’s is calling me for advertisement”,  or “Pudliners says they're missing their cow” (a local butcher) — and this is just to name a few. I began to work on my weight, which brought me to about 165, and this is when I met my husband.
Throughout my years with him, I had such terrible self-esteem and a terrible image of myself  — understandably so. I began doing things out of pure desperation thinking that if I were skinny that I would be more liked and more loved (as if any single human being could love me anymore than this man already has). This kind of love was not “my normal”. I went from 165 lbs to 205 lbs then back to about 185 lbs after the birth of our daughter. At this point I developed an eating disorder, which brought me to 113 lbs in less than a year. I had no control over myself, food and calories and being “fat” at 113 pounds controlled my life — literally! I was at the lowest point ever but there was something left inside of me that was smart enough to know that if I didn’t get control of this demon living inside of me that I would not be around long enough to enjoy seeing my children grow into adults. Finding yourself on your bathroom floor in tears wiping vomit from your face while your child is at the door asking why you are taking so long and what is wrong is not a pleasant memory to live with. My husband tried to help me, my mom tried, my doctor tired and yet it wasn’t enough.  
God, it was then and only then. I was at church one evening begging the prayer team in uncontrollably tears asking for prayers and healing because I knew I needed help. This was several years ago and I swear just like that, it was gone! I knew with him on my side I was strong enough to overcome this and I did!  I know longer suffer from the addiction of food or wanting to expel my food in any fashion possible. I began working out at the gym with my husband and just accepting me, learning that it is possible to have someone love you just for you no matter what shape or size you are, no matter how damaged you are. My husband’s famous line is, “your forgetting I met you when you were big.” (Sometimes I like to strangle him when he says this!)
With the comfort unfortunately came pounds! I went from a frail, hair falling out, bones up my back to about 137 and I knew this wasn’t good. Not that I would go back to my addiction but that I knew I needed to start making smarter choices. After some years of working with an online fitness company I was back at it again, on fire!    Being connected with folks filled with the passion to be a better version of themselves, a more healthy, fit version of themselves. We were on this journey together and it was empowering! I have been part of other online fitness companies and none have given my what the BodyRock community does. Most fitness companies these days have a hidden agenda, most likely some sort of MLM that want you to sell their shakes and supplements to get folks hooked on consumables: not BodyRock! No shakes, no supplements just pure support! Lisa personally plays a key role for me personally. She is very hands on and cares about you as an individual. She reaches out to you, talks with you, and knows you! If you ever find yourself asking yourself “where do I begin” this is the perfect place! We are a group of individuals from all over the world connected on one common interest: to be the best, healthiest versions of ourselves that we possibly can be while supporting others along the way!
So no matter where you are in your walk of life, just know there is someone out there just like you and will help you all you have to do is ask. I did.
In order to grow we need to learn how to become vulnerable.  I’m so used to carrying my struggles on my shoulders and deep in my heart but all that has caused me is bitterness. I am not ashamed of my story: it makes me who I am today and the girl I see in the mirror today is a strong woman making changes one day at a time.
Thanks to my husband, and thank you BodyRock!

Chris Beat Cancer Featuring: "Sugar feeds cancer" is right & wrong and The Truth About Enriched Wheat Flour (White Flour)

My book CHRIS BEAT CANCER is a National Bestseller ranked by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly! Get it on Amazon here: *Also available in audio book, read by yours truly. :)

The Truth About Enriched Wheat Flour (White Flour)

By: David Mahler

Open up your bread box and read the ingredients of your favorite bread. Chances are the first ingredient is going to be enriched wheat flour.

What does "enriched" mean? Enriched flour is flour in which most of the natural vitamins and minerals have been extracted. This is done in order to give bread a finer texture, increase shelf life and prevent bugs from eating it (bugs will die if they attempt to live off it).

Why is enriched flour bad? When the bran and the germ (the parts of the wheat that contain vitamins and minerals) are removed, your body absorbs wheat differently. Instead of being a slow, steady process through which you get steady bursts of energy, your body breaks down enriched flour too quickly, flooding the blood stream with too much sugar at once. Your body then has to work hard to absorb the excess and stores it as fat. This causes quick highs and lows in your blood-sugar level which can lead to type-two diabetes and obesity. All this and you’re not even getting close to the amount of nutrients that whole grains contain.

Whole grains Whole grains are richer in dietary fiber, antioxidants, protein (and in particular the amino acid lysine), dietary minerals (including magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and selenium), and vitamins (including niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin E).

Health benefits By eating whole grains you reduce the risk of some forms of cancer, digestive system diseases, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Don’t be fooled There are many products that seem healthy on the front but in reality they are not. If the bread you are buying says “soft wheat” or “multi-grain” make sure you still read the ingredients. Most of these breads are primarily made with enriched flour. Even if the word “enriched” is not there, if it does not say “whole” then it’s the same junk. Don’t get fooled by color either. Even if it’s brown, unbleached wheat flour is still missing the bran and the germ that contain essential nutrients as well as the fiber that aids digestion.

Look for products that say 100% whole wheat. Trader Joes carries spaghetti that is 100% whole wheat and tastes great. Even my father-in-law, Mr. Anti-health, likes it.

1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20 …You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Foods that commonly contain enriched flour Bread Pasta Chicken nuggets (breaded) Pizza Pie crust Crackers Cake Cookies Brownies Pretzels Donuts
 David Mahler is the owner of His website offers copyrighting, ecommercials, database design, intranet design and other programming services.

Good Cops, Great Cops Airsource Military Featuring: Military Working Dogs Training with Marines and Dog Obedience Training

Military working dogs and their handlers with 3rd Law Enforcement Battalion conducted training in the Central Training Area in Okinawa, Japan. The dogs ran through real world scenarios to improve their proficiency in tracking the scents of drugs and explosives while also improving their skills on patrol. Video by Lance Cpl. Drew Tech | III Marine Expeditionary Force / Marine Corps Installations Pacific continued below....

 Presented on US Sports Net By Tactical Workouts!

Tactical Workouts - Revolutionary Tactical Strength And Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Training Blueprint To Help Cops, Soldiers, And Prepared Citizens Gain Tactical Muscle. Learn more.....

 AiirSource℠ covers military events and missions from the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Like & share to show your support for the troops!

 Dog Obedience Training

By: Albert Loubser


However, they can be your worst enemy sometimes.

Made up of guardians of livestock and property, police dogs, sled dogs and rescue dogs, these workers come in all shapes and sizes, from the standard schnauzer to the Great Dane. Images of dogs closely resembling these breeds are depicted on the walls of the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Due to some unscrupulous breeders and unmindful owners, a few breeds within the terrier group have developed rather notorious reputations. These breeds generally and originally assisted hunters in the field with either excellent scenting abilities or incomparable speed. Dog breeds in this classification include:Afghan Hound, American Foxhound, Basenji, Basset Hound, Beagle, Black and Tan Coonhound, Bloodhound, Borzoi, Dachshund, English Foxhound, Greyhound, Harrier, Ibizan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Norwegian Elkhound, Otterhound, Petit Basset, Griffon Vendeen, Pharaoh Hound, Plott, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Saluki, Scottish Deerhound, Whippet. Unfortunately, these are the dogs you're likely to find at the local shelter or dog pound, often the result of accidental breeding between two un-sterilized dogs. These canine workers can round up both children and adults alike into corners or even tight circles. It now serves only as a loving, albeit somewhat deskbound companion. This group has a variety of both behavioral and physical-a history of hunting assistance often being the only regular bond among some of the hound breeds. They are the original hunting dogs, many pre-dating the gun-assisting hunters in their sporting group. But without the right training and socialization, and in irresponsible hands, these can be dangerous dogs. Sometimes produced randomly, but most often planned by breeders, crossbreeds result from the mating or crossing of two dogs with a different but identifiable lineage. Without the right training, some working dogs can be difficult to handle, even dangerous. That's part of the fun. It was created in 1983.

Most hound dogs feature hanging or pendant ears, while many terriers have semi-erect button ears in which the tips fold over and hang in a V-shape, partially covering the opening. Special taste receptors on their tongues are believed to allow dogs to recognize chemical composition variancessuch as salt and impuritiesin different water sources. Long Hair. The tongue is one of a dog's most important organs. If fingerprints are essential to us, human beings, paws have the same essentiality to our pets. Wolves have remarkably thick, two-layered coats to protect them from extreme weather. Among the most common varieties are the erect or pricked ears sported by many of the more wolf-like breeds, such as German shepherd and basenjis, and by semi-domestic canids, such as dingoes and New Guinea singing dogs. Button ears can been seen in Shetland Sheepdogs and many terriers. Even the size of a canid's ears plays a part in temperature control. When the animals become significantly warmer, either through a change in air temperature or through physical exertion, they secrete even more fluid than usual. Many of these products contain heavy amounts of chemically-created odors which can get to your pet right where they live - near the floor where most of these products are used.

Now, if you have your carefully selected dog already, one question lies before you:How does this dog follow my commands? What if he or she doesn't follow what I say You're probably training your dog improperly, and you don't know it. You will learn the whys and hows of the following situations:Barking All The Time - Halt this annoying habit and preserve silence Digging In Your Yard - Learn the easiest and most effective way to stop your dog from destroying your yard Jumping Up On People -Learn the fastest way to teach your dog to stop jumping on everyone they see Escaping - Does your dog always seem to find a way to escape or run away from his pen or house? Learn how to stop this frustrating and dangerous habit Constantly Whining - Does your dog whine for food or whenever he/she is put up? Finally, be able to stop this Going to the Bathroom Inside - Finally be able to teach your dog to stop this habit. You can leave him alone for hours in your home, even if he uses the bathroom. It's also guaranteed to be safe for your mutt.

 Author Bio:

Albert Loubser:-

Find out more through the Dog Obedience Training program visit this link

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Shout

May 21 From CDM

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success” (Joshua 1:8).
To meditate means to ponder something and roll it over in our minds; we have a choice of what we to meditate on. Listening to the world’s messages can cause us pain and frustration, but focusing on God’s Word gives us hope and joy. 
Put Shout on your playlist @
The Rock Almighty! Shaker Of Heaven and Earth coming to US Sports Radio Spring 2019!

From CDM

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” (Luke 6:38). As believers, we have inside us the authority to determine what kind of life we have. The more we give, the more blessings come back to us. 

Support Christ Centered Music Ministries Worldwide. Give to the Rock Almighty's Music Ministry Outreach. Your donation of any amount will go to help music ministries share the word of God through song. No amount is too much or too little. Click here to donate and know as the verse states above that your giving has a supernatural reciprocal effect on your life too! Thank you and may God Richly Bless you!

The Believer's Voice Of Victory Featuring: God’s Way of Doing Things (Previously Aired)

God’s way of doing things is always motivated by love! Watch Kenneth Copeland (as previously aired) on Believer’s Voice of Victory and discover how God’s ways are always based on love, in agreement with His WORD, accessed by faith and directed by the Holy Spirit.

 Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ Livestream more episodes for FREE @ Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @

ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. 

 Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @

Possess Your Promised Land

Numbers 33:51-53

God has given you a promised land. It’s a place flowing with milk and honey, where your every need can be met. A place where you can keep sin underfoot as you rule and reign with Christ. A place where no weapon formed against you will prosper. A place where you are seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers—far from oppression.
As you study the Word of God, you’ll find that’s an accurate description of the kind of victory you should be experiencing in Christ—not in the sweet by-and-by—but right here, right now.
You may say, “Yes, that sounds nice in theory, but I’m dealing with reality here. The rent is due, and all I see is sickness, oppression and fear. This doesn’t look like much of a promised land to me.”
That’s because you’re still letting the devil live there! He’s not going to just pack up and go home, you know, just because God has promised you victory. You have to kick him out.
But don’t let that scare you. God has given you the power to do it. Remember what Jesus said? He said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).
What’s more, the devil is totally unarmed! Colossians 2:15 says, “[God] disarmed the principalities and powers ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in...[the cross]” (The Amplified Bible). You have absolutely no reason to cower before the devil. Jesus defeated and disarmed him through His death, burial and resurrection. The devil can’t defeat you unless you let him. All he can do is make empty threats.
But beware! Empty threats can stop you cold if you believe them. So don’t. Believe the Word of God instead. Use the Word and the Name of Jesus to drive the devil out of every last detail of your life.
Don’t let him dwell in your territory. Force him to pack up and go home. Start possessing your promised land!

Scripture Reading:
Mark 16:17-18; James 5:7-9

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

Monday, May 20, 2019

D.C. DIVAS 66 YARD HAIL MARY You Gotta' See This!

click me

:14 seconds left at Pittsburgh QB Amanda Congialdi escapes the Pittsburgh Passion rush and throws a strike as she gets nailed to Kentrina Wilson who hauls it in and scores for 26-20 Divas win as the clock turns zero.

Presented on US Sports Net By and CoachTube Football!


In this course, users will be given a quick and concise clinic on a 10 & 20 Personnel Package Play that has proved to be an efficient staple in for Coach Tyler Dorton.  He has included all the coaching points, Quarterback checklist, and the WHY behind the scheme.  No long explanations, voice-overs, or extra filler.  Just the essentials for coaches looking to steal yards and get easy lay-ups on defenses. 

The Coach

Tyler Dorton

Spread Hurry-Up, No-Huddle Coach for almost a decade. 
Offensive Coordinator: Ada High School, OK (Winningest Program In OK/ 19 State Titles)
Head Varsity Football: Westville High School, OK
Offensive Coordinator: Lincoln High School , AR (4th Playoff Appearance in History first year as OC)
Co-Offensive Coordinator: Searcy High School, AR
Passing Game Coordinator: Greene County Tech High School , AR
Special Teams Coordinator/ WRs: Newport High School, AR (Avg 40+ per Game) 
Book This Course.....

Andrew Reinhardt Class of 2020 Golf Recruitment Video

Help A Hard Working Student-Athlete Excel On and Off the Field! Give To US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning's Student-Athlete Outreach Program. Your donations will fund scholarship, strength and conditioning, and family assistance programs for under-served student-athletes around the world. Also: Financial Aid for Student-Athletes' college choice and expenses incurred during each semester. No amount is too much or too little! Thank you for caring. Simply click here to Donate.

College men's golf recruit video of Andrew Reinhardt, Class of 2020. Driving, ball striking, wedge shot, putting, short game shots.

Presented on US Sports Net By Coachtube Golf! 


Rapidly improve your golf game with detailed instruction from one of America's leading golf teachers. In this comprehensive program, Dr. Gary Wiren provides numerous drills that will help you to develop a consistent and powerful golf swing. The program allows viewers to customize their practice sessions to meet their individual needs. Whether you are a high handicapper or scratch golfer, you will benefit from the extensive drills and concepts in this video.

The Coach

Gary Wiren is a member of six Golf Halls of Fame, including the PGA Hall of Fame and the World Golf Teachers Hall of Fame, and has honorary memberships or distinguished-service recognition from Sweden, Italy, New Zealand and Japan. Wiren was a collegiate conference champion, won the South Florida Seniors PGA title, the South Florida long-driving championship, played in the USGA Senior Open and the PGA Senior Championship and has won the World Hickory Championship. He has written or participated in the writing of over 250 magazine articles and 14 books including The PGA Teaching Manual, the most influential book on golf instruction in history. Book this course.....

BodyrockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Cross over Abs & Lower Back Stretch

What people are saying about us...

When I go through my phone in the morning and my screen pretty much explodes with BodyRock it just starts my day. The positivity in this group is mind blowing. The selfies are so motivating. The vibe here puts everybody in a great mood!
- Melissa
The support in this group, without question, is better than any other diet/workout/health class I have ever joined. We are one heck of a team. And I love it. BodyRock has changed my life.
- Michelle
I found BodyRock in 2012 and started doing the workouts, and honestly it's the best decision I've ever made. I am now in the best shape of my life, and I owe it all to SweatFlix. I'm 116 lbs...which means I've lost all the weight and then some! ❤️ It's amazing how much you have taught me, and I will be forever grateful!
- Hildur
So there have been many changes to me and my body since I took up BodyRock a few months back. Obviously the change in fat loss is fantastic, and the main reason for me starting, but unexpectedly I have the best result I could have ever dreamed of. No more chronic, agonizing, paralyzing back pain. I have been able to sleep through the night for the last 4 nights without waking up being unable to move, due to agonizing back spasms. I have not slept pain free for 5 years. I want to cry. I'm so happy.
- Vickie
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