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Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Fruit of the Angels" stops cancer in its tracks

Cancer Defeated Publications

"Fruit of the Angels"
Stops Cancer in Its Tracks

    Christopher Columbus discovered it in Mexico and called it the "fruit of the angels."

    Some people think he chose the name because of the fruit's heavenly taste, unbelievable juiciness, and out-of-this-world scent.

    But beyond its taste and aroma, scientists have confirmed this fruit's ability to stop cancer growth. Nor do its health benefits stop with cancer. Keep reading to discover everything this "super fruit" can do for you...

Continued below. . .

Oliver was doomed to die from cancer
within 8 hours --
But then he found out what to do. . .
    Oliver had reached the end of the road in his seven-year fight against cancer. His doctors didn't think this 32-year-old man would live through the night.

    But when I talked to Oliver six years later, he was the picture of health! He got rid of his cancer completely.

    Yes, Oliver found the answer — his own cancer miracle.

    I sat down with him and his doctor and they told me an incredible story. . . a story that could help save you or someone you love from this dreaded disease.

    If you'd like to hear it, click here now.

The best cancer food these scientists could find
    Out of 14 foods studied by scientists for the ability to stop breast cancer cell growth, papaya outshone them all.

papaya.jpg 260x193    The list of foods they examined included avocado, fuava, mango, prickly pear cactus, pineapple, grapes, tomato and papaya. They measured beta-carotene, total plant phenolics, gallic acid, and antioxidant capacity.

    According to the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition (May 2009) papaya was the only one with significant success at halting breast cancer cells.

    So what is it in papaya that induces cancer cell death?

    Scientists believe it may be organo-sulfur compounds called isothiocyanates.

    Animal experiments show that isothiocyanates protect against cancers of the breast, lung, pancreas, colon, prostate, and leukemia. What's more, they believe this protection may also apply to humans.

    Isothiocyanates are believed to be capable of inhibiting both the initiation and development of cancer cells, through many pathways and mechanisms.1

    Japanese researchers found that an isothiocyanate known as BITC controls the relationship between cell cycle regulation and appropriate cell death. As you probably know, when cancer cells die on schedule they're not a problem. It's their tendency to be almost immortal that makes them so deadly.

    These researchers found that BITC's cancer-killing properties were more effective against proliferating cells than dormant ones — and of course the proliferating ones are the highly dangerous ones.2
Groundbreaking research on lab-grown tumors
    Along with colleagues in Japan, University of Florida researcher Nam Dang, M.D. and Ph.D., documented papaya's dramatic anticancer properties versus several lab-grown tumors (including cervical, breast, liver, lung and pancreas).3

    These researchers made an extract from dried papaya leaves, and exposed 10 types of cancer cell cultures to four different strengths of papaya for 24 hours. Papaya slowed the growth of tumors in all the cultures, but larger doses had stronger anticancer effects.

    They also found that papaya leaf extract boosts the key signaling molecules called Th1-type cytokines, important for regulating your immune system.

    You'd be happy to know that the papaya extract had no toxic effects on any normal cells — a problem with many cancer therapies, notably conventional ones. Papaya's success in this regard lines up with reports from indigenous populations in Australia and Vietnam, according to Dang, of the UF Shands Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office. It's important to note that papaya leaf extract is not the same as the fruit, but these findings suggest that both have the power to kill cancer cells.

    A researcher at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D., is so convinced of papaya's awesome health powers that he personally eats a serving of papaya every day.

Of course, you'd already know papaya can lick cancer if you owned a copy of our Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments. You can get a free copy of this 460-page book by joining our "platinum club," the Alternative Cancer Research Institute.

    In the Complete Guide, an Australian man named Stan Sheldon, diagnosed with lung cancer in 1962, had this to say about papaya: "I was dying from cancer in both lungs when it was suggested to me as an old Aboriginal remedy. I tried it for two months and then I was required to have a chest X-ray.... They told me both lungs were clear."

    That's an amazing story, and I certainly can't promise results like that. But if I had cancer I think I might add papaya to my diet! It sure can't hurt.
The papain miracle — fights rogue proteins and more...
    The reason for papaya's health-promoting powers is most likely papain — papaya's signature enzyme — found in both the fruit and the leaves.

    Papain is a powerful proteolytic enzyme that facilitates chemical reactions within your body. It helps break down long-chain food proteins into small bits -- amino acids or short-chain peptides -- that your body can use. Proteolytic enzymes protect you from inflammation, and digest unwanted scar tissue both on your skin and under its surface.

    Proteolytic enzymes like papain are powerful agents against cancer, heart and artery disease, arthritis pain and a whole range of other medical conditions. You can learn more about them in a Special Report I wrote myself called The Missing Ingredient for Good Health. I take enzymes daily and recommend them to everyone.

    Unfortunately, as you age, your body's own production of digestive enzymes goes down, leaving you with excessive undigested proteins that can cause a shortfall of amino acids and an excess of unwanted bacteria and other toxins.

    If undigested proteins penetrate your gut and escape into your bloodstream, they are treated by your immune system as invaders. Too many of these escapees, and your immune system gets overworked and can't keep up.

    Eating papaya counteracts that problem, aids digestion and also helps replenish friendly intestinal bacteria. Papain provides the proteolytic power you need to free up your immune system to do its normal work.

    Proteolytic enzymes can also digest and destroy the defense mechanisms of viruses, tumors, allergens, yeasts, and some types of fungus. Once their shield is destroyed, these menacing organisms are extremely vulnerable and your immune system can easily oust them.
The awesome cancer-fighting power of lycopene
    Papaya's orange-yellow-pink coloring is the visible sign of an awesome group of cancer-fighting carotenoids. The fruit boasts high amounts of beta-carotene, but lycopene (a powerful antioxidant) is also abundant.

    University of Illinois scientists believe these antioxidants may be another reason why papaya is such a powerful cancer fighter.

    This hypothesis seems to be backed by epidemiological studies, which show an inverse relationship between lycopene and prostate cancer risk. The higher a person's lycopene levels, the lower his risk of prostate cancer. And the good news is that oral lycopene is highly bioavailable and accumulates in prostate tissue.

    Other experiments indicate that lycopene provokes cancer cell death, prevents metastasis, and encourages protective enzymes.4 If you're new to this newsletter, "metastasis" is the word for cancer spreading from the original site to other parts of the body. It's the signal for late stage cancer, which is very hard to cure.

    An Australian study evaluated 130 prostate cancer patients and 274 hospitalized controls.

    They found that men consuming the most lycopene-rich fruits and veggies (like papaya) were 82 percent LESS likely to get prostate cancer. Green tea also showed a powerful anti-cancer effect. And the synergistic effect of both together was even better.5
Wipes out intestinal parasites
    As mentioned earlier, papain improves digestion by breaking down protein and cleansing your digestive tract.

    This means papain may destroy many an intestinal parasite, because parasites are mostly protein. Researchers Mariam Naseem and Muhammed Kamran at the University of Karachi, India, note that in Nigeria, 76.7 percent of children were able to shake off intestinal parasites in just seven days by drinking the juice of papaya seeds. If those results can be confirmed, they amount to a breakthrough in parasite treatment.

    Similarly, if your body fails to break down proteins from your food, you're left with undigested protein that can make its way into your colon and contribute to gassiness, bloating, indigestion, and more.
Also of value if you care about heart health
(and who doesn't?)
    Papaya is also a naturally occurring blood thinner that can reduce your risk of blood clots and optimize blood flow. It does this because the papain enzyme in papaya breaks down fibrin, the protein in the blood that creates clots and helps make blood thick and viscous. If you reduce fibrin levels you slash your risk of blood clots, which are the immediate cause of most strokes and heart attacks.

    Papaya seeds also promote a healthy heart, by way of three powerful antioxidants — vitamins A, C, and E. Carotenoid phytonutrients in your body help prevent oxidation of cholesterol — which is the process that makes cholesterol stick to the walls of your blood vessels and form plaques that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

    Papaya's high fiber also has a cholesterol-controlling effect on your body.
Protects your eyes from macular degeneration
    As you probably know, age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) can cause blurred vision, eventually leading to blindness. The antioxidant beta-carotene, which gives the orange color to papaya, is known to help prevent macular degeneration, according to a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology. But note that it takes three or more servings of beta-carotene-rich fruits per day to lower your risk of macular degeneration.
And more...
    As you might expect of a whole food, papaya has extensive benefits throughout your system. Here's a quick list:
  • General nutrition — nutrients such as carotenes, flavonoid and vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber, magnesium…
  • Relief from toothache — you can massage it on teeth and gums for relief
  • Skin — great as a rejuvenator and used in many cosmetics. Kills dead cells and purifies skin when used as a facial mask. Also used for disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, sores, wounds and ulcers.
  • Anti-inflammatory — reduce inflammation systemically
  • Female hormones — may help regularize menstrual periods by normalizing hormones
  • Arthritis — its proteolytic enzymes may help control both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
Trouble in paradise: the risky side of papaya
    Naturally, there's a caveat. And it's a biggie...

    The vast majority (statistics vary, but around 80% seems to be the norm) of Hawaiian papayas are genetically modified. And cross-contamination to non-GMO crops is widespread throughout Hawaii — to the outrage of non-GMO growers.

    The U.S. does not ban genetically modified papayas. But if you're reading this from Europe, you should be safe… the information we have indicates GMO papayas are banned in the EU.

    One other caveat… due to its papain, it may be contra-indicated if you're on blood thinners or undergoing surgery soon. All proteolytic enzymes thin the blood. Consult your doctor on this. My recommendation is to wean yourself off pharmaceutical blood thinners by using natural proteolytic enzymes to do the same job.
How to shop for papayas
    The first thing you'll want to consider is buying organic. NOP standards prohibit GMO products from being labeled "organic".

    Do not be deceived by the "natural" label, however. So-called natural foods can (and do) include GMO foods. The use of the word is almost completely unregulated.

    We tried to find out for you which varieties are most likely to be genetically modified — or not — so you could avoid them. This is not an all-inclusive list, but it's a starting point to help you shop wisely. Please know that any GMO list is a moving target these days, and may change almost without notice. So it's a good idea to confirm this with your own research.

    Non-GMO varieties:
  • Solo / Kapoho Solo
  • Tainung No. 1
  • Mexican Red / Mexican Yellow
  • Orange Queen
    GMO varieties:
  • Rainbow
  • Kamiya / Laie Gold / Kamiah
  • Sunrise / SunUp
    Incidentally, papaya has other names… including Papaw or Paw Paw (Australian), Mamao (Brazilian), or Tree Melon.

    The two main varieties are from Hawaii and Mexico. And as already noted, most Hawaiian papayas are genetically modified. Mexican papayas can be as large as 20 pounds and 15 inches. Phew!

    Like bananas, papayas turn from green to yellow as they ripen, which happens quickly at room temperature or in a paper bag.

    If you can find organic and non-GMO sources, papaya can be a terrific adjunct to the rest of your healthy diet and provide an abundance of benefits — certainly including its cancer capabilities. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

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Big Train Beat Rockville Express 3-2 for 15th Win of the Season; Summer Camp Continues Next Week!

Same Score, Same Story: BT Beat Express 3-2   
The Big Train hosted the rival Rockville Express on Friday night in front of what turned out to be the largest crowd of the regular season.

Bubba Derby (San Diego State) got the start for the Big Train, and gave up no earned runs over six innings. Derby gave up just two hits and two walks while striking out a season-high eight batters. However, two unearned runs would score while Derby was on the mound, and he would ultimately leave the game trailing 2-1. 
The first Big Train run would come in the fifth inning off the bat of Ty France(San Diego State) - pictured above -, who took an 0-1 pitch deep to left-center field for his first home run of the season. 

After Derby's departure, Brock Larson (San Francisco) would come on in relief to pitch two shutout innings. With the Big Train trailing, Larson did exactly what the team needed, giving up no runs over his two innings of work to keep the deficit at one run. Larson would finish with three strikeouts.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, the Big Train offense would reward Larson for his efforts on the mound.

After Ricky Santiago (Florida Atlantic) David Del Grande (Sacramento State) and Kyle Wernicki (Virginia Tech) all reached to load the bases with no outs, Johnny Cole (Coastal Carolina) would hit a sacrifice fly to left field, scoring Santiago and tying the game at 2-2. 

The Express would elect to pitch around cleanup hitter Tucker Tobin (George Mason), giving France the opportunity to swing with one out, the bases loaded and a chance at giving the Big Train a late lead. After falling behind 0-2, France managed to muscle a sac fly to right field, plating Del Grande and giving the Big Train the 3-2 advantage heading into the ninth inning. 

Will Resnik (High Point) would come on to pitch a perfect ninth inning, striking out the final batter to secure the 3-2 victory for the Big Train. The win gives the Big Train a 15-4 record, and pushes Rockville to four games out of first place. 

The Big Train will look to make it 16 wins in their first 20 games on Saturday, as they take on the Youse's Orioles in Glen Burnie in the first game of a three-game road trip. The probable for the game is Danny Mooney (Davidson), who is 1-1 with a 1.95 ERA in four starts so far this season.

Following Saturday's game, the Big Train will take on the Vienna River Dogs on Sunday and the Gaithersburg Giants on Monday before returning home to Povich Field for a doubleheader against the D.C. Grays on Tuesday. The games are scheduled to start at 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM, respectively, so come on out and get a two-for-Tuesday double dose of baseball!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Celebrate the Fourth on the Fifth; Dollar Dog Night Tonight! BT Ranked #11 Nationwide; Derby is CRCBL Pitcher of the Week!

TONIGHT: Celebrate the the Fourth on the Fifth!   

The Big Train last played on Saturday night in Rockville. They came back and defeated the Express 3-2 with the help of CRCBL Pitcher of the Week (see story belowBubba Derby (San Diego State). The layoff due to rain and the holiday will allow Derby to take the mound against Rockville again tonight. Derby (4-0) currently leads the CRCBL in wins and earned run average (0.00).
The Express sit in third place (three games back) behind the first-place Big Train. With a record of 14-4, the Big Train are ranked #11 in the country, the only team in the CRCBL to be nationally ranked (30 teams) or under consideration (34 others).
While most people celebrated America yesterday, the Big Train hope that fans aren't tired of doing so. Come out to Povich Field tonight and cheer on the Big Train until you are red, white, and blue in the face!

The first 200 fans will receive mini-flags courtesy of the American Legion,Captain America will be there to take pictures with fans, and kids will get free red, white, and blue popsicles! And since there's nothing more American than a hot dog, we will be having our annual Dollar Dog Night as well!

The gates open at 6:00pm and first pitch will be at 7:30pm. Make sure to come out early for the mini-flags and to make sure you grab a seat as the stadium will be packed for this Montgomery County rivalry. Tickets are available here or at the gate.
Bubba Derby Wins CRCBL Pitcher of the Week!  

Big Train pitcher Bubba Derby (San Diego State) has been named the Cal Ripken League's Pitcher of the Week after throwing 11 innings of shutout baseball in which he allowed just two hits and three walks while striking out ten.

"It's a great honor and hard work is paying off," said Derby. "But we gotta keep rolling."

Derby pitched twice in the eligibility period that spanned from June 24th through June 30th. The first was a seven-inning complete game shutout of the Vienna Riverdogs in the second half of a doubleheader. Derby threw 88 pitches and gave up two hits and a walk while striking out six.

His second appearance was in relief in Rockville last Saturday night. Derby held the Express scoreless while the hitting secured a comeback victory. Derby pitched four innings of no-hit relief despite giving up two walks. He struck out four.

Derby is currently leading the league in wins (4) and earned run average (0.00) and will take the mound for the Big Train against the Rockville Express at Povich Field tonight at 7:30pm.

Derby's award makes back-to-back Pitcher of the Week awards for the team, as Mike Boyle (Radford) earned the award the week before.  

CIAA Volleyball Championship Moves to Winston-Salem

CIAA Volleyball Championship Moves to Winston-Salem State UniversityTournament will take place November 15 – 17, 2013
HAMPTON, Va. (July 5, 2013 For the first time since 2005, Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) fans will be able to witness the crowning of two Conference champions the same weekend in the same city.

The 2013 CIAA Volleyball Championship will move to Winston-Salem State University in Winston-Salem, N.C., and take place November 15 – 17 on the university’s campus. In addition, the CIAA Football Championship game will crown its champion on Saturday, November 16 at Winston-Salem State University’s Bowman Gray Stadium.

First round volleyball action begins on Friday, November 15 as the top four teams from the Northern and Southern Division meet in a double-elimination tournament.  Fayetteville State University in Fayetteville, N.C., is the 2012 defending champion.

"Winston-Salem State University will be a fantastic host for both the CIAA volleyball and football championships.  Their experience in hosting will assist the conference in ensuring the fans, sponsors and student-athletes have a spectacular weekend.  This is a great opportunity to support and showcase volleyball and football in the community, while celebrating the athletic and academic achievements of some of the best student-athletes in Division II," said Jacqie Carpenter – Commissioner, CIAA.
Specific match times and locations will be released at a later date.
About the CIAA
The Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) was founded in 1912.  It is the oldest African-American athletic conference in the nation. The membership includes Bowie State University, Chowan University, Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University, Johnson C. Smith University, Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, Livingstone College, St. Augustine’s University, Shaw University, Virginia State University, Virginia Union University and Winston-Salem State University. A tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, CIAA is headquartered in Hampton, Va. and governed by the 12 Presidents and Chancellors of its member institutions.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

TEAM USA Defeats Germany, Advances to Championship

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Vantaa, Finland. The defending champion USA women's tackle football team secured
a return to the gold medal final by dominating Germany in a 107-7 victory today in
the Women's World Championship.

The U.S. squad (2-0) entered the stadium to patriotic chants of U-S-A while enthusiastically
waving an American flag. They were clearly thrilled to be representing their country on the
anniversary of its creation.

Sharon Vasquez received the opening kickoff for the U.S. and returned it to Germany's 36 yard line.
On the 3rd play from scrimmage quarterback Sami Grisafe connected with Jeanette Gray on a 31 yard
touchdown pass. The successful two point conversion gave the U.S. an 8-0 lead.

Germany then returned the ensuing kickoff 27 yards to midfield and picked up another 15 yards on an
American penalty. Germany then stunned the U.S. by scoring a 34 yard rushing touchdown on their
first play from scrimmage. The extra point kick was good and the Germans pulled to 8-7 just minutes
into the first quarter.

This is the first time in history that Team USA had been scored upon in the international competition.
The U.S. team responded with a furious onslaught, scoring touchdowns on each of their next eight
first half possessions, to lead 60-7 at halftime. The Germans were never able to mount another scoring
threat, gaining just 44 total yards of offense in the game.

The U.S. scoring barrage continued in the second half, as ultimately 10 players had touchdowns for
Team USA. Odessa Jenkins(3), Brandy Hatcher(2), Cassey Brick(2), Katie Sowers(2) had multiple scores
and Kim Klesse, Adrienne Smith, Alexis Snyder, Jeanette Gray, Nicole Vilarino and Liz Sowers had a
touchdown each.

The U.S. offense kept Germany on their heels with a variety of offensive sets and formations. The
German team struggled to adjust as the Americans shifted constantly from a spread offense to a
power attack, while intermittently utilizing a no-huddle approach.

Team USA defensive back Katie Sowers had 5 interceptions and returned two for touchdowns, earning her
MVP honors for the game. Leading tacklers for the U.S. were Jennifer Plummer, Vicky Eddy, and Andreana

The American team had won the inaugural 2010 competition by outscoring their opponents 201-0 enroute to
a gold medal. This 2013 team has secured its own place in history by setting a new scoring record of 107

U.S. Head Coach John Konecki has his team peaking at the right time. The offense was explosive and
operated with stunning precision while amassing 597 yards of total offense. Defensive Coordinator
Adam Lewandowski is the architect of the smothering U.S. defense which has forced 12 turnovers in the
past two games while holding both opponents to less than a hundred yards of combined total offense.

Team USA will play the winner of Canada/Finland for the gold medal in the World Championship on
Saturday July 6th at 7pm local time at ISS Stadium. Additional info and live updates are available at

All games are webcast live in English and Finnish at:
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TEAM USA can be seen today at 9amEST LIVE

You can view it live at TEAM USA will face Germany who has been playing women's tackle football since 1987. The German QB is the George Blanda of this game. She is in her 26th season. TEAM USA is looking to advance to the Gold medal game  and repeat as World champions. TEAM USA won the first ever tournament over Canada in 2010. You can catch the flavor of that by visiting this You Tube link