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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cassandra Clayborne Selected to Capital A-District Softball Team

Clayborne, Cassandra.JPG
BOWIE, Md. - The 2013 Capital One Academic All-District ® Softball Teams, selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America, have been released to recognize the nation's top student-athletes for their combined performances athletically and in the classroom. Of those recognized Lady Bulldog sophomore Cassandra Claybornewas a member of the District 2 team. District 2 consists of schools in the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA), Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) and West Virginia Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WVIAC).ALL-DISTRICT DIVISION II TEAM

The Academic All-District ® teams include the student-athletes listed on the following pages and are divided into eight geographic districts across the United States and Canada. This is the second year of the expanded Academic All-America® program as CoSIDA moved from recognizing a University Division (Division I) and a College Division (all non Division I) and has doubled the number of scholar-athletes honored. The expanded teams include NCAA Division I, NCAA Division II and NCAA Division III participants, while the College Division team combines NAIA, Canadian and two-year schools.

The Capital One Division II and III Academic All-America® program is being financially supported by the NCAA Division II and III national
governance structures, to assist CoSIDA with handling the awards fulfillment aspects for the 2012-13 DII and DIII Academic All-America® teams program.

First-team Academic All-District ® honorees advance to the Capital One Academic All-America® Team ballot, where first-, second- and
third-team All-America honorees will be selected later this month.

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1,000 branch locations primarily in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. A
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Capital One, an NCAA Corporate Champion, began its affiliation with college sports with the sponsorship of the 2001 Capital One
Florida Citrus Bowl (now the Capital One Bowl) and ESPN's Capital One Bowl Week. In addition, Capital One sponsors the ABC
College Football Halftime Report, Capital One All-America Mascot team, Capital One Academic All Program, and supports all 89 NCAA
Championships including the Division I Men's and Women's Basketball Championships, and numerous other collegiate athletics

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Is the government poisoning your water?

Cancer Defeated Publications

Is Your Water Supply Being
Poisoned by the Government?

    If you live in the U.S. you're probably being administered a drug without your consent. That drug is fluoride, and it's the most consumed drug in the entire country thanks to government-mandated additives in your water supply. Right now, authorities are adding fluoride to a shocking 70 percent of tap water in the United States.

    A public health issue — tooth decay — was the initial motive for adding fluoride to municipal water systems. But mounting evidence shows what these governments are really doing is forcing people to consume a hazardous chemical — for the sake of a doubtful theory of dental health. What does this stuff do to you? Let's take a look. . .

Continued below. . .

Your Body Has Its Own "Blue Zone"
    What would you do with an extra 10… 20… even 30 years of life?

    Not years spent in a nursing home or drugged up on prescription medications But years of active, happy, productive and independent living...

    You see, on the tiny Greek island of Ikaria, there's a small community of people so healthy they're 3 TIMES MORE likely than an American to live into their 90s. And they live 8 to 10 years longer than Americans before showing any signs of illnesses like cancer or heart disease.

    But before you start packing your bags, there's something you need to know. You DON'T have to move to a "blue zone" to live a long, energetic and meaningful life.

    New research is showing how these long-lived people have high levels of a super protective molecule inside every one of their cells.

    Click HERE to read more about this amazing molecule...

Mounting evidence shows disastrous health effects
    Here's what we know: Fluoride is a toxin — a poison, really — that accumulates in your body over time. Use of fluoride has been linked to osteoporosis, birth defects, and disruption to your endocrine system, especially in the thyroid.

    In 1977, Dr. Dean Burk, former chief of cytochemistry at the National Cancer Institute for 30 years, showed that studies on rats who drank fluoridated water resulted in an increase in tumors and cancers in oral squamous cells along with a higher likelihood of osteosarcoma and thyroid tumors.

    Then in 2008, toxicologist Dr. John Doull, chair of the National Sciences Academy review on fluoridation, concluded that the safety of fluoridation remains poorly studied and largely unknown. In his review, he wrote that "... many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long [fluoridation] has been going on."1

    Doull and his committee published a 500-page review on fluoride's toxicity, concluding that fluoride is an endocrine disruptor, wreaking havoc on your bones, brain, thyroid, pineal gland, and blood sugar levels.

    It's the effect on your endocrine system that chiefly concerns me. Disruptions to this key bodily system lead to multiple kinds of cancers (see Issue #275 to learn more about the disastrous effects of messing with your endocrine system). Some evidence even points to a link between fluoride and bone cancer.

    In July of 2012, researchers out of Harvard linked fluoride toxicity with neurological development problems. High fluoride exposure correlated with lower IQ. And lab tests on animals show exposure increases the risk of bone fracture. Especially at risk are diabetics and the elderly.
And yet the debate goes on. . .
    You might think all this evidence would settle the matter, but so far it hasn't made an impression on our rulers. They always know better, as you may have noticed. Outside of a small circle of "cranks" and "conspiracy theorists" most Americans consider fluoride a wonderful thing.

    It's hard to believe, but people have been debating whether fluoride is safe for more thansixty years — my whole life. I can remember seeing articles about it when I was a child. Yet this unethical, ineffective practice remains part of our way of life. And it may be slowly poisoning your body.
How fluoridation got started. . .
    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hails the fluoridation of drinking water as one of its top public health achievements. They tell a pretty little story about a dentist in Colorado who, back in the early 1900s, noticed that patients with brown stains on their teeth were less likely to suffer tooth decay.

    A dentist in Arkansas noticed the same brown stains on his younger patients after a new well was dug in his town. Tests conducted in 1930 showed the well water had high levels of fluoride.

    The Dental Hygiene Unit at the National Institutes of Health reviewed the claims and concluded that water laced with fluoride was an easy way to prevent tooth decay. That led to widespread "dosing" of community freshwater systems with fluoride.

    The U.S. Public Health Service endorsed water fluoridation in the 1950s, though it hadn't been proven safe for consumption (and still hasn't, for that matter). The general goal is to raise the concentration of fluoride ions to 1 ppm (parts per million).

    Yet, some communities already have higher levels of fluoride in their water systems, even without government-mandated fluoridation. You see, the stuff occurs naturally in some communities.

    Thanks to naturally-occurring fluoride deposits and government-mandated water fluoridation, some communities have levels as high as 4 ppm. Of note: 23 studies show that levels as low as 1.9 ppm are statistically associated with lower IQs.

    Let's say, for the sake of argument, that small amounts of fluoride do promote healthier teeth. Even so, there's no effective way to regulate groundwater sources. Fluoride is an ion that derives from the basic element, fluorine. It occurs naturally in rocks and minerals and readily dissolves in water. Once dissolved, fluoride has no taste or odor.

    But it's not as if officials take time to check pre-existing fluoride levels before dosing communities with more of the toxin.
Even the FDA hasn't approved of fluoridation
    I'm not a fan of the FDA in general. But it's ironic to me that not even the FDA approves fluoride for widespread ingestion. It has not okayed the chemical for mass use and officially classifies it as an "unapproved drug." Fluoride pills are available by prescription only, and the FDA requires fluoridated toothpastes to carry a toxicity warning.

    Yes, there's a warning on your toothpaste tube that the contents are dangerous to swallow.

    Although lacking FDA approval, the organizations that support fluoridation echo the endorsements of other associations and agencies in a widespread "me-too" consensus. But endorsements by big-name organizations are not the same thing as scientific inquiry with supporting data.

    Here's where it gets really awful. Even though fluoride is a naturally-occurring compound, that's not actually what authorities are adding to your drinking water. They use a corrosive acid called fluorosilicic acid, and their source for this substance is the air pollution control devices of the phosphate industry. Why? You'll cringe at the answer. Fluoride gases are hazardous pollutants when in the air. They wreak environmental harm.

    Yes, the stuff that's added to your water is the toxic waste product of a manufacturing process. If they weren't putting it in your water they'd have to handle is as a "hazmat" — a hazardous material.

    Authorities dilute these waste products and put them in our tap water. But along with that, they unknowingly add other chemicals found in the plant pollution. What it means is this: You're being medicated without consent, for the convenience of big industry. And the dosage of the medication can't be controlled.
But at least it prevents tooth
decay, right? Uh, not quite. . .
    Remember, there's no clear, conclusive proof that fluoride in the water prevents tooth decay. It appears to be a spurious correlation that got the dental authorities excited, not to mention everyone else involved with water fluoridation. What they failed to consider was the effect of fluoride on the rest of the body.

    Regardless, health officials continue to promote fluoridation of our water system as the best way to prevent tooth decay. Yet most developed countries around the world don't share this view, and they refuse to fluoridate their water — including 97 percent of Western Europe.

    And here's an interesting fact: Tooth decay levels are not lower in countries with water fluoridation than in countries without. While it's true that the U.S. saw tooth decay decline as water fluoride levels rose, the same decline in tooth decay was also seen in non-fluoridated countries.

    The World Health Organization — a branch of the UN -- reports there's no discernible difference between countries with fluoridated water and countries without.

    For what it's worth, I stopped drinking fluoridated water and using fluoride toothpate many, many years ago. My dentist doesn't apply it during my twice-yearly visits. Yet I have no more cavities than before (in fact, I get no cavities at all, even though I had a great many when I was a child.)

    Because of all this evidence, several communities across North America are fighting the unauthorized fluoridation of their water. The number of people in Canada who are subject to fluoridated water has dropped by 25 percent in the past five years, thanks to public outcry.
Warning: You're being experimented on
without your informed consent
    It's clear that water fluoridation compromises medical ethics. No doctor is allowed to prescribe medication without an individual's informed consent. But dosing the water supply does exactly that, and in a reckless manner since there's no control or oversight regarding the dose of fluoride each person gets.

    Leading authorities, based on new research, acknowledge that any potential benefits of fluoride to your teeth can be achieved by applying it topically, e.g. by toothpaste. That further underscores how ridiculous and appalling it is to force people to swallow this chemical and allow it into blood, bone and tissue.

    If you'd like to know more, I recommend the documentary Fluoridegate — An American Tragedy by Dr. David Kennedy.

    The quickest way to protect yourself is to buy filtered water, but make sure you verify that it's fluoride-free. You can also install a reverse osmosis water filter in your home, which is supposed to remove fluoride ions from your water. Specialized filters are also available — look for something called an activated alumina defluoridation filter. You have to replace them often, and they run about $30 a filter.

    Keep in mind that fluoride isn't just coming from your water. Of course, you know that most mainstream brands of toothpaste contain fluoride. So do many "natural" brands found in health food stores. You have to read the labels.

    I'm not impressed with the evidence that fluoride prevents cavities, and I recommend avoiding it in any form. Children have a tendency to swallow a bit of toothpaste when they brush, so I absolutely would not allow them to use a fluoridated brand.

    Processed foods and beverages made in fluoridated countries also tend to carry high amounts of fluoride. You're even at risk for extra fluoride consumption when you consume specific pharmaceuticals, cook with Teflon pans, or drink certain black or red teas.

    When it comes to tea, instant tea appears to be the most likely to contain high fluoride levels. After that, infusions of black tea brewed for more than five minutes appear to increase fluoride content in your beverage more than other teas. Now, there are many different types of black tea and I don't know how much science is behind this allegation, and whether the alleged fluoride content is related to the species of tea, to the type of soil it's grown in, or to over-processing.

    Tea lovers recommend brewing a quality black tea for four minutes, certainly no more than five. If you follow the recommendation any fluoride problem should be minimal.

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Cancer Defeated Publications

US Sports Launches New Personal Training, Strength Coaching, Fitness Site

US Sports Fitness

I am not one to get too hyped about anything, but we are sooo excited to bring you the biggest fitness blessing on the web. The all new!
We have moved all of US Sports Strength and Conditioning's web based training content to this new super site!
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PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - Members of the Bowie State University women's track & field team were in action Thursday and Friday at the 119th running of the Penn Relays at Franklin Field. For complete results, visit

Thursday action featured Kendall Reynolds and Kayla Watson in the women’s Long Jump and Brelyn Finley in the Shot Put. Reynolds placed eighth (5.63m) and Watson as 17th (5.18m) in the Long Jump. Finley placed 16th in the finals with a throw of 12.98m.

On Friday, Reynolds placed 23rd in the Triple Jump (11.60m). The Lady Bulldogs Sprint Medley team of Indya Price, Michelle Palmer, Faith Sykes and Brittany Williams placed 23rd with a time of 4:06.14.

The BSU men’s Sprint Medley team of Travis Scarborough, Anthony Kiser, Alonzo Williams and Sonny Hicks finished in 32nd place, crossing the finish line with a time of 3:34.39.

On a men’s individual basis, Channing Johnson competed in Friday’s Shot Put and placed 18th with a throw of 13.05m while Alonzo Williams finished 45th in the 400 Meter Hurdles (56.29).

Monday, April 29, 2013

D.C. Divas taken down by Boston

Divas Fall in Wild Shootout, 56-35
Neal Rozendaal

Landover, MD – The Boston Militia just keep rolling along.

Whitney Zelee and Alicia Walker combined for six rushing touchdowns, and the Boston Militia handed the DC Divas their first defeat of the season by a 56-35 count.  The Divas (3-1) trailed by only six points entering the fourth quarter, but they ultimately had no answer for a seemingly unstoppable Militia running attack.

The Boston Militia (3-0) upped their record to 38-1 in their last 39 regular season games.

Boston won the coin toss and wasted little time cracking the scoreboard.  Zelee took control of the game early, rushing for three touchdowns on Boston’s first three possessions.  The Divas responded to Zelee’s first touchdown with a rushing touchdown of their own – a six-yard scamper by Kenyetta Grigsby.

The Divas’ next two offensive possessions, however, bogged down in Boston territory.  On their second possession of the game, DC had a third and nine from the Militia 12-yard line.  But quarterback Allyson Hamlin took an eight-yard sack on the final play of the first quarter, and her pass to the end zone to open the second period fell incomplete on fourth and 17.

The Divas got the ball back trailing 20-7, and they quickly drove down to Boston’s 27-yard line.  After an incomplete pass and a Grigsby rush for no gain, the Divas faced a third and ten.  Grigsby then ripped off a 13-yard run for an apparent first down, but a holding penalty wiped out the gain and pushed DC back ten yards.  A Hamlin pass on third and twenty fell incomplete, and the Divas had to punt again.

At the close of the first half, the Divas’ defense finally got their first stop of the game.  Callie Brownson brought Zelee to the ground for one of her nine tackles in the contest, and Zelee briefly left the field. With their star back sidelined, Boston’s offense finally cooled off and had to punt with under a minute remaining.  Although they trailed at halftime, 20-7, the Divas’ defensive stop kept them within striking distance.

Kenyetta Grigsby almost single-handedly kept the Divas in the game in the third quarter.  On three separate occasions in the period, she rushed for touchdowns that drew the Divas within seven points of the Militia.  Her third touchdown of the quarter with just four seconds remaining cut DC’s deficit to 34-28.  Grigsby finished the game with 201 yards on 35 carries and four touchdowns.

But every time Grigsby scored to pull the Divas within a touchdown, Boston responded with a rushing score of their own.  With only 36 seconds gone in the fourth quarter, Zelee crossed the goal line for the fifth time to put Boston back on top, 42-28.

The Divas then made their first big mistake of the game.  On the ensuing kickoff, a lateral pass went awry, and Boston recovered the fumble at the Divas’ 20-yard line.  The Militia took advantage of the short field, punching across a short touchdown run for a 50-28 lead.

Yet DC refused to fold.  Hamlin hit Ashley Whisonant for a 46-yard touchdown pass with 11:11 left in the contest to pull the Divas within 50-35.  Then the Divas’ defense forced Boston’s second punt of the game, getting the Divas the ball back with just under eight minutes remaining.

But Hamlin threw her only interception of the game at midfield moments later, and with 3:31 left in the contest, Cahill threw her only touchdown pass of the game.  The scoring toss was a 26-yard throw to fullback Dorothy Donaldson, and it pushed Boston’s lead out to 56-35.  The Divas drove down to the Militia 25-yard line as the game expired.

Hamlin completed 14 of 27 passes for 213 yards and one touchdown and one interception.  Her favorite targets were Juliette Baker-Brice, who made six catches for 103 yards, and Ashley Whisonant, who hauled in five passes for 74 yards and one touchdown.  Trigger McNair led the defense with ten tackles; Brownson added nine and D’Ajah Scott notched eight tackles.

The Divas get a bye next weekend after four games in four weeks.  They next take the field May 11 when they host the New York Sharks.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cancer cells can't handle this juice


The one juice that cancer cells
just can't swallow!

    For some folks, the word 'wheatgrass' conjures up images of juice bars and health food stores filled with, well, health nuts.

    But have you ever wondered just what it is and why so many folks are so eager to chug down wheatgrass concoctions? They know what they're doing, so please keep reading. . .

Continued below. . .

Video of the Week:
"Shocking Confessions
of a Drug Company Insider"
    In this exposé, a top executive of a major pharmaceutical company spills the naked truth about the drugs you and your family take... which drugs heal, and which ones KILL... what doctors turn to when they don't know the cure... what they do when they themselves or their loved ones are stricken with disease or illness... what life-saving resource they insist should be in every home. Watch this must-see video now because your life -- or the life of your loved ones -- may depend on it.

    Wheatgrass is typically sold as a juice made from the young grass of the wheat plant. Health food stores may sell the produce itself or products such as wheatgrass tablets, powder or frozen juice.

    As for why the plant has so many fans—a major reason is that it packs a punch when it comes to nutrient density!

    Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins as well as all 21 amino acids (including the 9 "essential" amino acids that your body is unable to make for itself). You need all of these nutrients to power up your immune system to protect you from damaging diseases.

    Plus it's a rich source of the plant pigment chlorophyll. This amazing body detoxifier provides the perfect alkaline balance for the acidic foods Americans commonly eat.

    It is this combination of nutrients that many people believe is the secret to optimal health. And here's why many folks are convinced that wheatgrass could be an effective cancer treatment, too…
How can wheatgrass help cancer patients?
    According to the Livestrong organization, chemotherapy treatments may suppress bone marrow activity, which can cause:
  • A decreased capacity for carrying oxygen throughout your body
  • Insufficient blood cells to boost your immune system
  • Decreased blood clotting ability
    This condition is called myelotoxicity and it significantly compromises a cancer patient's immune system.

    But wheatgrass juice may be able to boost low levels of white blood cells, helping to prevent this condition from occurring.

    This claim is supported by a 2007 study published in Nutrition and Cancer involving 60 breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

    Researchers found that patients receiving a daily serving of wheatgrass juice during the first three cycles of chemotherapy experienced a significant reduction in myelotoxicity.

    These patients also had a reduced need for drugs to help boost their white blood cell production.

    Another study showed that wheatgrass juice could be an effective alternative to blood transfusions for terminally ill cancer patients. I'm not quite ready to buy into that, but studies suggest wheatgrass provides abundant benefits to the blood even if it's not quite a direct substitute for red blood cells.

    In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, researchers examined the effects of wheatgrass juice on 348 terminally ill cancer patients at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute in India.

    Researchers wanted to know if the plant juice could help improve hemoglobin levels, serum protein and overall patient health performance.

    They found that these patients experienced significant improvement in total protein & albumin levels.

    Although white blood cell and platelet counts remained the same, the patients' overall health performance increased from 50 percent to 70 percent!

    But wheatgrass has the potential to do far more than work as a complementary cancer treatment.
Peek inside Mother Nature's medicine cabinet!
    According to the respected Hippocrates Health Institute, proponents of wheatgrass use it to treat a wide variety of health disorders. For example, anecdotal evidence suggests wheatgrass can:
  • Cleanse your colon when juice is held in the lower bowel for about 20 minutes. This is done by inserting a rectal implant that contains a small amount of juice.
  • Detoxify your liver to protect you from pollutants and other carcinogens.
  • Freshen breath when juice is used to gargle.
  • Lessen the effects of radiation through its enzyme SOD, an anti-inflammatory compound that may prevent cell damage.
  • Mend damaged hair and itchy scalp when rubbed into the scalp before shampooing.
  • Protect your brain and organs by neutralizing heavy metal toxins such as cadmium and mercury, as well as other toxins such as nicotine.
  • Reduce blood pressure by dilating pathways blood travels throughout your body.
  • Restore proper pH balance to your body by improving blood alkalinity.
  • Treat gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis.
  • Slow the aging process by cleansing your blood and rejuvenating aging cells.
  • Soothe and heal sunburn, cuts, burns and itching when applied externally to your skin.
  • And much, much MORE!
    For example, one animal study suggests that wheatgrass may help lower cholesterol. In the 2011 study from Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, scientists found that treating rats with wheatgrass juice helped reduce total cholesterol and lowered LDL (or 'bad') cholesterol in rats with abnormally high cholesterol levels.

    Granted, there are no studies yet demonstrating whether wheatgrass might have the same cholesterol-lowering effects in humans.

    But the superfood nutrients in wheatgrass certainly shouldn't hurt you either!

    Remember, the chlorophyll in wheatgrass is a rich source of oxygen. Boosting the oxygen flow in your body helps power up every cell in your body.

    It also can help increase your immune defenses to protect you from diseases. Wheatgrass is generally safe for use, but some people experience an upset when they first start taking it, as it begins its detoxifying work.

    As your system begins to flush toxins, you may experience mild nausea. You may need to start slowly by drinking a minimal amount of wheatgrass juice or powder (e.g. one ounce daily), then slowly build your tolerance level.

    As with any treatment, be sure to consult your medical professional before using this alone or in combination with other medications. And as with so many foods, wheatgrass is most beneficial when fresh. True devotees grow their own wheatgrass (for instance, in a windowbox) and make their own juice.

    Wheatgrass does not contain gluten and shouldn't pose a problem to people who are wheat- or gluten-sensitive. Gluten is present only in the wheat grain. Wheatgrass is harvested when the shoots are young, well before a seed head forms. For more information about wheatgrass, you can check out Issue #60.
Cancer Defeated Publications

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cure deadly breast cancer with oxygen

Cure One of TheDeadliest Breast Cancers
With Oxygen!?
A breast surgeon laughed at
this safe home treatment , until
it saved his wife’s life when no scalpel could...
It’s a remarkable story that most breast cancer surgeons would rather not hear....
While they’re telling women that breast removal surgery is a must to survive breast cancer, there’s one breast cancer surgeon who sings a different tune.
This doctor experienced a stunning change of heart after a double mastectomy—removal of both breasts—failed his own wife. Her cancer came back and they were told it was “hopeless.”
The treatment she agreed to next wasn’t chemotherapy or radiation (she’d already tried those, and they didn’t heal her cancer either!) but a treatment he never learned about in medical school...
What saved her life was an all-natural oxygen therapy available without a prescription and backed by six decades of research—including studies in major medical journals—and thousands of success stories.
To his amazement it actually worked...
Click Here To Learn More to see the proof for one easy treatment that’s so safe you can use it at home for a fraction of the cost of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. This breakthrough discovery is bringing countless women with breast cancer back from death’s door.

Breast cancer will always be scary, but it does not have to be a death sentence. I urge you to read my Special Report, Breast Cancer Cover-Up: Buried Treatments that are Wiping Out Tumors When Nothing Else Will, right away. Share the breakthroughs you'll discover with your family and friends. You don't have to choose between alternative and conventional treatment. Many of these buried breakthroughs can also be used along with breast surgery, breast radiation and chemotherapy.

Take a sneak peek at the New