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Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Rock Almighty. The Real Power Of One! & How does God come into someone’s life?


How does God come into someone’s life?

  • Author James Rondinone


What inspired me to write about this topic was a conversation I had with a friend who was a Spanish teacher at the same high school where I taught mathematics. Being devout to a particular faith, he occasionally asked me about my relationship with God, which differed significantly from his.

I told him that in my youthful years, I would attend a local church with my parents, having participated in the various aspects of it. Initially, I was baptized (sprinkled) in water as a baby, which according to their doctrine causes an infant to become a child of God or a son of light. First comes repentance that the parent(s) of the child provide. And afterward, at the time of the sprinkling, the congregation would be praying for the Holy Spirit to show up. This, they argue, would bring about the forgiveness of sins.

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Literal water, along with the reality of the Holy Spirit, would allow an infant to enter God’s kingdom. This, they’d say, is the baptism that now saves us as supported by Scripture. The sacrament of water baptism is the sacrament of regeneration. The result of this rite is that the new child of God becomes freed from the power of darkness, liberated from sin, and is brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God.

Years later, when I reached the age of seven, I began attending catechism, which was the mechanism used to teach the fundamental truths of the faith. This instruction prepared me to receive certain of the seven sacraments, which are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant, and essential. I eventually received my first communion (the elements of the bread and wine are that which nourish the disciple with Christ’s literal body and blood for his or her transformation into Him). A short time later, between the ages of eight and twelve, I was confirmed. According to this sacrament, the Holy Spirit was given at this time to those already baptized in order to make them strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Attending church weekly, occasionally participating in the confession of sins to a priest, observing the six days of obligation throughout the year, as well as the two church fasts of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, became my routine. At some point, a neighborhood friend who was an altar boy in a local Catholic church I attended, asked me if I, too, wanted to become an altar boy. I said yes and proceeded to enroll in special classes at the church for this purpose.

I told my colleague at the school where we taught that as I grew older, in my teens and early twenties, I stopped attending church altogether. I felt that something or someone was missing. Church became boring. It seemed as if I’d never met the God I was trying to obey and follow.

In my mid-twenties, not being thrilled with how my life was turning out (e.g., job difficulties, girlfriend relationship issues, family conflicts, alcohol abuse, etc.), I decided to go on a quest to determine if God existed. I reasoned that if He did, He’d help me address these problem areas of my life.

So, how was I to begin? Where might I find this higher power? I’d assume in church. There are so many faiths; it would be hard not to figure that He would be operating in at least one of them. Which one? I had no idea. So, I decided to attend just about every church assembly in my home city. As I’d enter and leave the church setting of each faith, there was nothing I heard in any of their teachings that I heard that stood out. What I mean is I recognized that there were evident differences in theology, but for the most part, the way to heaven was similar. Obey the church’s teachings, and hopefully, when you die, you might make it there.

This approach didn’t sit too well with me. I needed some kind of evidence that substantiated a God reality and an assurance of eternal life. Eventually, something happened to me that changed my life forever. I heard about this through what I now believe were providential circumstances. A certain church Bible study was being conducted near where I was living at this time. I attended the study and after the pastor gave the message, he asked if anyone wanted to have a personal relationship with God. He said God’s desire was to come into a person’s life and indwell, thus providing them with a new nature, a new life, a divine purpose for living, and a secured afterlife. This got my full attention. I wondered what I’d have to do in order for these spiritual possibilities to take place in my life.

He went on to say that in order for God to come into a person’s life, they must respond to what is called the gospel. The gospel? This gospel is otherwise known as good news. The good news is that if an unbeliever repents (acknowledges and expresses a desire to turn from their sins) to God the Father and believes in His Son Jesus Christ, then their life will forever change at that moment.

I decided that I wanted this new life. So, I repented (God, I acknowledge my sins and no longer want to continue committing them) and repeated the following words about Jesus out loud after the pastor verbally expressed them. I believe in Jesus, who:

●Pre-existed time as one of the members of the Trinity (one God in three persons), the other two being God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

●Came to the earth (God come in the flesh), deity (having divine nature), and took upon Him the form of a man, being born of a virgin.

●Lived a sinless life.

●Listened to and obeyed the directives of His Father.

●Went to the cross and paid for the penalty of and forgave (wiped away the debt) the sins of the whole world.

●Rose from the dead after three days, never to die again.

●Walked the earth for forty days in His glorified body, witnessing His resurrection.

●Ascended into heaven.

After which, he mentioned to me that according to Scripture, whosoever repents and believes in Christ will receive another member of the Trinity, this being the Holy Spirit, who’ll come inside their body and reside. I followed his lead, but unfortunately, nothing happened. I thought, shouldn’t I somehow be aware that God had come into my life?

Then, after a few moments, the pastor made a comment that surprised me. He said that I was currently involved in an illicit relationship with a married woman and needed to confess this sin to God the Father and not continue with this involvement any longer. I admit that I was taken aback by this declaration. How did he know about this? I confessed this interaction as a sin and stated that this wouldn’t continue. Immediately, I was filled with divine peace and joy that permeated my whole being. God the Holy Spirit had come into my life.

When I told my fellow colleague about this God encounter, he responded that, likewise, God had come into his life, albeit in a different manner. He said that when he partakes of the elements of communion at church, the bread becomes the literal body of Christ and the wine becomes the literal blood of Christ. And the more frequently he chose to receive communion, the more he’d experience an increase in Christlikeness (i.e., a lessening of racial and national prejudices or neighborhood resentments, and an increase in neighborliness, compassion, patience, and forbearance [toward] others1). He was essentially saying that partaking in the elements of communion resulted in him being spiritually nourished by Christ’s literal body and blood. And this is what would change his character into evidencing divine qualities toward others.

He asked me what my thought about this particular teaching was. Well, having been a member of this church, I was aware of this church doctrine as being otherwise known as the doctrine of Transubstantiation. This view states that when any member of this faith partakes in the elements of communion, the bread turns into the literal body of Christ, and the wine turns into the literal blood of Christ.

My response to him was that I believed there could be an alternative interpretation concerning the purpose of partaking in communion. According to this perspective, the bread symbolizes Christ’s body, and the wine symbolizes His blood. For what purpose? We’ll find out as this study progresses. I then proceeded to ask him the million-dollar question.

Why does this church believe in the literal perspective of the elements of communion?

He said that their belief was based on a view held by most of the early church fathers (these are Christian writers who lived during and following the lifetime of the original apostles of Christ) whose writings reflected the history, doctrines, and traditions of the early church. I wondered if what he’d just told me had merit (basis, in fact). I told him that I’d write a paper on this subject and when it was done, I’d bring it to him so that he could read it over and provide comments.

With that said, some of the questions that this study will attempt to answer are the following.

Do the elements of the bread and wine actually become the literal body and blood of Christ at communion?

Did most of the early church fathers believe this to be the case?

Does the partaking of communion frequently cause the participant to increase in godliness, thus exhibiting Christlike compassion, patience, and forbearance toward others?

By the way, I’m not writing this study to give offense to what this church might consider a cardinal doctrine of their faith. Like any biblical topic, shouldn’t Scripture be the basis for such if it’s to be substantiated? So, let’s see if this is indeed the case.

Did you know that this doctrinal belief isn’t just ascribed to this faith? There are a few other religions that also believe in this literal view.

Some of the names of these faiths are as follows.

The Catholic Churches are located throughout the world and have 1.345 billion members.

The Oriental Orthodox Churches are comprised of over sixty million followers that are part of the World Council of Churches. Most live in Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, India, and Armenia.

The Eastern Orthodox Churches purportedly has over two hundred twenty million members. Most live in the former Soviet Union, parts of Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East.

The Church of the East is comprised today of two separate, distinct churches totaling about one million adherents. Many live in India.

The Anglican Church, known as the Church of England, has over eighty-five million members worldwide. Their view on the elements of communion differs from the Catholic position of Transubstantiation. According to their theology, the literal body and blood of Christ are received at the intake of the bread and wine for spiritual nourishment and growth, but the bread and wine don’t literally become His body and blood.

Many of my studies and books that I’ve written on various biblical topics provide in-depth analyses and contrast from opposing views so that a reader will understand why their church believes what they espouse and why other churches believe differently. Hopefully, this kind of teaching will incorporate accurate scriptural interpretation called hermeneutics, which is based on an analysis of grammatical features and historical background that will reinforce one’s belief system or provide an alternative perspective.

Are you ready to join me in the search for truth in this crucial doctrinal subject?

I ask you, Lord, to help me in this endeavor. Provide me with your insight utilizing the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We’ll begin by taking a look at what verses are used to substantiate that the elements of communion become the literal body and blood of Christ and, likewise, which ones are used to support the narrative that the components of the Lord’s supper are figurative or symbolic of the body and blood of Christ.

But before we do, you might be thinking, why should I study this at all? What’s the fuss about whether the bread and wine turn into Christ’s literal body and blood? I’ve left an article for you to read on this sentiment.


Lutherans vote this month for or against ‘full communion’ with four [faiths.]

Since the early days of Christendom, the meaning of the Lord’s Supper - the ritual sharing in churches of bread and wine - has been a battleground for the faithful. Martin Luther, disbelieving in a literal transformation of bread and wine into the body of Jesus Christ, broke with Rome partly over the Lord’s Supper. Protestants waged bloody wars in Europe over whether Jesus was actually - or figuratively - present in the Eucharist. In the theologically calmer 20th century, most mainstream American Protestants have tended to view the Lord’s Supper, one of the most sacred of the church rites, as a figurative or symbolic act commemorating Jesus.

Yet [today,] a shift in that view of the Eucharist is under way. A core group of liberal Protestants, many trying to reclaim 16th-century reformer John Calvin’s ideas, are moving their denominations closer to the position that Jesus is physically or “actively” present in the bread and wine of communion. They want to find common sacred ground and, through this rite, offer “meaning, mystery, and majesty.”The shift is still limited to a scattering of theologians and pastors. But a push to recognize the “real presence” of Christ in the eating and drinking of the Eucharist is manifesting itself in more communion services, new hymnals and prayer books, ecumenical dialogues, and workshops across the Protestant spectrum. Though now small, the change could reopen one of the deepest debates of the Reformation, having to do with the character and nature of Christ Jesus. But it also represents a potential shift in theology and worship that may echo into the 21st [century] and in time move many Protestants closer to an evolving Roman Catholic view.

Later this month, for example, the largest Lutheran church in the US will vote on whether to accept “full communion” with three other Protestant churches. If accepted, ministers would be interchangeable among the four faiths. But differing views of the Eucharist remain a sticking point. Lutherans believe that Jesus is present in the bread and wine. In order to join with the Lutherans, the other three, the Presbyterians, the United Church of Christ (UCC), and the Reformed Church of America, have been reexamining their [roots] and finding new ground to share with Lutherans.“There’s a recovery of tradition,” says Gabriel Fackre, a UCC theologian. “We can all affirm the real presence of [Christ;] we just differ in the mode. We agree the Lord’s Supper is not just a visual [aid] but represents the real presence in a sacrament that ought to be celebrated every Sunday.”

Rediscovering sacraments

“[It’s fair to say there’s] a stronger push among mainstream Protestants to find the presence of Christ in the Eucharist,” says Geoffrey Wainwright of Duke University Divinity School. “The Catholics are rediscovering the word, and the Protestants are rediscovering the sacraments.” The new UCC hymnal includes a classic Catholic hymn by Thomas Aquinas, stating that “underneath these forms lies your reality,” a notion of Christ “in” the bread and wine. A new Methodist prayer reads, “Pour out your Holy Spirit ... on these gifts of bread and wine. Make them be for us, the body and blood of Christ.” The most recent Presbyterian “book of worship” urges more liturgical services for the Eucharist.

Other Protestants, from evangelicals to the mainstream, say the evolving emphasis is misguided and smacks of betraying church history. Much of the Protestant reformed tradition has held that Christ is purely spiritual, can’t be evoked by a rite, and is not “containable” in a finite ceremony. “As a conservative evangelical, I don’t believe in the physical presence of Christ,” says Wayne Gruden of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill. “I think this is a willingness to sacrifice historical distinctiveness in our views in order to preserve church structures in the face of declining membership.”

The Lord’s Supper is a form of ritual worship that dates back roughly to AD 1000. The rite usually takes place after the sermon, involves a sharing of bread and wine or juice, and derives from Jesus’ command to his disciples before his crucifixion to “take” the bread and wine as his body and blood. The ceremony can be modest or elaborate, depending [on] the church tradition followed. Evangelical churches, and, until recently, many mainline Protestant churches, [haven’t] stressed a formal Eucharist rite. Protestant denominations traditionally require about four communion services a year. Yet that number increased dramatically in the 1980s and continues to rise today. [It’s] especially popular among younger people as a ceremony that adds color and evokes mystery. Advocates say it restores a sense of the sacred in churches that are criticized for emphasizing a [social justice agenda] or that are “too secular.”

A Presbyterian study shows 40 percent of its churches have monthly communion. “When I was growing [up,] there was a sense that the more frequently you celebrated communion, the less it meant,” says the Rev. Gregg Mast of First Church, Albany, N.Y., a Dutch Reformed church. “That’s changed. Now you see a number of churches moving to a weekly ceremony.” For some critics, the Eucharist - as an answer to [the] lack of spirituality in church - is a chimera. “T.S. Eliot used to say that when the church stops hearing serious biblical [preaching,] it compensates by elevating the mystical,” says one leading East Coast theologian. “I think that’s what we are seeing.”

The taproot of today’s debate dates to a historic 16th-century showdown between Martin Luther and Swiss reformer Huldrich Zwingli. Luther, who earlier revolted against the Catholic idea of “transubstantiation” in which Jesus Christ becomes bread and wine when the right words are said, still felt that Christ was present in the Lord ’s Supper. To Zwingli, the spiritual nature of Christ was absolute and above the possibility of entering material elements. Zwingli felt communion was a symbolic act made meaningful by the subjective prayers of the worshiper. The two reformers fought unstintingly at a meeting called the Marburg Colloquy in 1529 - creating a gulf between Protestants that helped spawn a war that itself took Zwingli’s life in 1531. (A typical exchange. Zwingli: “This is the [Bible] passage that will break your neck.” Luther: “I don’t know what it is like in Switzerland, but in [Germany] necks don’t break so easily.”)

In many ways, the Protestant world has since remained divided along the Luther-Zwingli lines. Lutherans hold [to] the idea that the infinite Christ can enter into the finite elements of the Eucharist. Many in the reform wing feel that Jesus’ famous act of sharing the cup [isn’t] to be taken literally. “Jesus didn’t mean the cup he was holding was itself the new covenant,” says Dr. Gruden, “he meant it as a symbol.”

View from the pews

Studies show that in the pews, most believers, even many Catholics, lean toward [the] notion that the bread and wine isn’t the real body of Jesus Christ.[Yet, for some Protestants,] the views of Zwingli seem too transcendent for the building of bridges with liturgical [advocates] like Lutherans. “Pastors and theologians have a higher view of the Lord’s Supper and are less Zwinglian now,” says Theodore [Gill,] a spokesman for the Presbyterian Church. “[They’re] looking for ecumenical answers that could link Presbyterians with Lutherans and even with the Roman Catholic church eventually.”For that task, the upper Protestant echelon is rediscovering John Calvin, who split the difference between Luther and Zwingli on the question of the presence of Christ.

Whether Lutherans will later this month join a pact agreed to by the three reform churches is unclear. “Is the finite capable of holding the infinite? We say it is,” says John [Reumann] at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, speaking of the view that Christ is objectively present in the bread and wine. “The other side disagrees. And we say finally that theology matters.”2


1Jeff Vehige. “The Doctrine of Transubstantiation,” 2008, 10 April 2009


2Robert Marquand. “Protestant Fray over Meaning of Bread, Wine,” THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 11 January 2023




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My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course of Study and graduated as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude).

Studying and teaching the Word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Rock Almighty. The Most Important Human In Your Life! Adultery: A Dangerous Sin

 Bjorn Stigsson - Together With Freinds (180g Vinyl - Remaster 2021)

  • Author Garfield Gregoire


Mike is a loving man – fully devoted to his loving wife named Amie; they had been married for over 15 years – with three beautiful children to show for it. But as of recent times, Mike noticed that his wife was not being as affectionate and loving as she used to be; it seemed something was bothering her, and so Mike asked her if anything was wrong, but as the many a times, Mike would try to ask Amie if everything was ok, she would just shrug her shoulder – insisting that it was just the stress of managing the home – along with the problems she had to deal with at her job as a night nurse, and that she needed a little time to figure things out. Considering what his wife told him, Mike told himself that his wife was going through some harmless phase of some kind, and it would be best to just give her a little time to work this out. However, one day, Mike decided he would leave work extra early on a particular day – pick up some flowers and go home to his wife to surprise and cheer her up. Upon reaching his home and entering the house, Mike smilingly held up the beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands, and as he quietly walked up the stairs and headed in the direction of the master bedroom, to his dismay, he heard sounds like voices coming from the bedroom; considering that his three children were not at home during this time of the day, and that one of the voices coming from the bedroom was a male voice, Mike found himself thinking the UNTHINKABLE. It seemed that in that moment, his though was plagued with a sense of deep foreboding – that something could be dreadfully wrong; with heart pounding and feeling as if his stomach was in knots, Mike, in that split second of time, tried to reverse his thought by trying to convince himself that he could be wrong on what his mind and body was telling him, but as he quickened his step to the bedroom door and nervously turned the knob, his fear had been realized – as he looked ahead into the room he was greeted by the tragic and painful scene of his beloved wife Amie in the act of adultery with another man.

In one moment, this adulterous act had totally shattered a marriage – including the dreams and hope of a lifetime. The life that Mike and his wife had built no longer was - as the mother of his children, the woman of his dreams, his lifetime partner now lay spoiled, damaged before his very eyes; something had happened that could not be erased; that could never be forgotten or taken back.

The above is an illustration of what adultery can do to a marriage and is indicative of what goes on in this world.

Why Adultery is Wrong

The sin of adultery is a widespread problem – especially here in the United States. In this day and age, it would seem that people are unaware of the seriousness of this sin, and people often brag about having affairs with another man’s wife or vice versa. It seems that people have no regard to what God says about the sin of adultery and the damaging impact it can have upon not only those who commit the act but also upon the children of the parents who does such thing.

Some foolishly believe that God forbids fornication and adultery because he wants to withhold pleasure or enjoyment and be cruel to us. On the contrary, God knows the inevitably painful result such act would bring, and he wants us to be protected from it.

I want you to notice what the ancient Job said about adultery: “If mine heart have been deceived by another woman, or if I have laid wait at my neighbor’s door; Then let my wife grind unto another, and let others bow down upon her. For this is a heinous crime; yea, it is an iniquity to be punished … For it is fire that consumeth to destruction …” (Job 31: 9-12). Job sees adultery as that like a fire that burns and brings a person or even your family life to destruction. The wisest man Solomon wrote: “Can a man take fire into his bosom and not be burned? … So, he that goeth in to his neighbor’s wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent” (Proverbs 6: 27,28). In verse 32 Solomon further states: “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.”

The sad thing is that Solomon who spoke out against adultery did not live up to what he himself taught, because he had set his hand to experience all kinds of pleasure – including the wrong things. Against all of God’s warnings, Solomon finally accumulated seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines - ONE THOUSAND women. He had the best-looking, the best-built, the most intelligent, the smoothest skinned, the most voluptuous women in the land. He no doubt also had women of just about every race. He tried everything he could think of. But what happened? “… and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father” (1 Kings 11: 3,4). Solomon too was preoccupied with too many women, and this may result in his forfeiture of eternal life in the kingdom of God – because he knew better; he knew that his lifestyle was wrong, but it is God who will ultimately judge Solomon.

Consider This

Once a woman is robbed of her virtue; once the offense has been made, it can never be taken back! How can you pay a man for ruining his life and future? How can you placate a man whose dreams have been shattered? How can you restore to a man his spoiled and besmirched wife? You can’t. The adulterer always stands the risk of having his life taken through the unrequited vengeance of a hurt and wronged husband; Any man who can’t see and understand lacks understanding! Notice how Job describes the adulterer: “The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight, saying No eye shall see me; and disguises his face” (Job 24:15). The thing is people think that God does not see the intent of the heart and understand that God watches and weighs the action of men; the Bible says, “For the ways of man is before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings” (Proverbs 5:21).

Lusting after another man’s wife is breaking of the seventh commandment which forbid adultery and also the commandment to not covet or have desire for your neighbor’s wife. Engaging in adultery means a person desires to have that which is not theirs to take. In Matthew 5:28, Jesus warned, that “… whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” In the Old Testament, a man had to commit or carry out the physical act of adultery to be guilty of this sin, but now Christ, who came to magnify the law, now declared it to be wrong and sinful to lust after a woman in the mind; Christ saw this as a sin - because lusting after a woman means that you desire the woman – wanting to enter into a sexual relationship with her; it means that if the opportunity presented itself, you would jump headlong to fulfill your lust with the woman; you would not refuse your lust; to God this is committing a sin. James 1:14,15 reveals the danger of lusting when it says, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust is conceived (in the mind), it bringeth forth sin.”

I know that it is not a popular thing to talk about lust and sin in this way, because it seems that many in this days and age tend to see the teaching of the Bible on these subjects as some antiquated or old - fashioned law – having no relevance to our society today, but you would be wrong in thinking this way, because the resulting harm adultery brings has never changed and neither has the truth of God. Many famous personalities – such as movie stars and basketball players have a tendency to brag about their many sexual conquests - which involved sex outside of marriage and dating married women and things of that sort, but in admitting to these things, they do not seem to realize they are ignorantly glorifying a very dangerous wrongdoing or sinful act; the Bible says, “… be sure your sins will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).

Those who rush headlong into adultery do not often think of the consequences of their action or how truly dangerous this sin really is; the thoughts of the immediate pleasure that comes through adultery seem to blind the perpetrators of the consequences. In an adulterous relationship, people mostly have to hide and share their adulterous pleasure in secret. A singer, by the name of Billy Paul came out in 1971, with what the world viewed as popular song – called or titled, Me and Mrs. Jones; this song spoke of an adulterous affair between a married woman and a man who desired her; in that song, Mr. Billy Paul spoke of how they would meet at a certain cafĂ© in secret and how they had to be extra careful so as to avoid being found out; they had to hide because they knew what they were doing was wrong and that there would likely be severe consequences if they were found out.

To commit adultery is to give in to lust and wrongful desire. The Bible says, “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls” (Proverbs 25: 27). God created man to exert self-control over our life; he gave us a mind that can reason and think and to weigh the consequences of our action. We must realize and be conscious of the great harm; the great and devastating damage adultery can bring to our life; we need to stop and ask ourselves if a moment of pleasure is really worth destroying your family and the family of others – just because you have a desire to fulfill your lust by seeking to take what is not yours to take in the first place. Think of the many homes and families that has been damaged because of an adulterous affair.

Hopefully, this article may help someone to avoid falling into this trap of adultery or to cease the act of adultery – because it is simply not worth destroying your family over; adultery will only result in pain, sorrow; either way, man is going to have to answer to God for the wrong we have done in this life.

I am an old man who has long realized that professing Christianity - with all it Mega-Churches and various denominations do not at all proclaim the true teachings of the Bible; and so, I write these articles for those with an open mind, who, may possibly, be willing to see the truth.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

US Sports Basketball: Mastering Basketball Defense: Techniques, Drills, and Strategies for Success


  • By Justin Tran

Are you looking to take your basketball game to the next level? To become a true force on the court, you must master the art of defense. With the right techniques, drills, and strategies, your team can become an elite defense capable of shutting down even the toughest opponents. 

Defense is often an overlooked aspect of the game, overshadowed by the glamour of scoring and offensive prowess. However, a team's defensive performance can make all the difference between average results and achieving greatness on the court. As a basketball coach, educating your team on multiple defenses such as zone defense, press defense, and packline defense can give you an advantage.

Developing a strong defensive mindset and instilling effective defensive principles in your players can lay the foundation for success. In this article, we will explore the drills and strategies that can help elevate your team's defensive capabilities to an elite level. From individual defensive skills to team concepts and game planning, we will provide valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your team's defensive prowess. 

UConn head basketball coach Dan Hurley mentions the core principles of an elite defense, and toughness is a crucial component. Toughness on defense stands as an essential characteristic that separates great teams from merely good ones in the realm of basketball. The defensive end of the court demands players to exhibit unwavering determination, physicality, and mental resilience. 

Within the context of basketball, defensive possessions are moments of truth that put teams' drive to the test. It is during these instances that the true value of toughness on defense becomes apparent. Possession after possession, players must summon their inner strength, exhibiting quickness and agility to keep up with the relentless offensive attacks. 

In this demonstration, Coach Hurley presents a basketball drill designed to enhance and assess toughness. Positioned at the top of the key, he prompts a defender to challenge the ball handler's movement toward either side. Coach Hurley emphasizes the significance of physicality in this exercise, urging the defender to exert pressure by directing their chest into the ball handler's shoulder, ensuring they remain in front at any cost. This drill effectively enhances defensive recovery skills and communication on defense. To learn more about 2023 NCAA Champion Coach Dan Hurley’s and UConn’s defensive principles, click here!

1-2-2 Defense

Former Villanova men’s head coach Jay Wright's 1-2-2 defense is a formidable strategy designed to stifle opponents and disrupt their offensive flow. This defensive formation is characterized by its unique positioning of players, creating a barrier that is difficult for the opposing team to penetrate.

One of the notable strengths of the 1-2-2 defense is its ability to limit dribble penetration. The defenders in the wings work in tandem to close off driving lanes and deny easy access to the basket. Their positioning and communication enable them to effectively switch and provide support, discouraging opponents from attacking the middle. Simultaneously, the defenders near the baseline act as the last line of defense, contesting shots and securing rebounds.

The 1-2-2 defense is also renowned for its versatility. It can be modified and adjusted to address specific offensive threats or take advantage of a team's weaknesses when playing the opposition. Based on scouting reports, coaches can adjust player positioning and duties, which enables the defense to successfully counter various offensive schemes.

Coach Wright showcases Villanova's 1-2-2 full-court press, a dynamic defensive strategy that aims to overpower opponents and generate turnovers. This press defense positions defenders strategically, with one player pressuring the inbound pass, two guarding the wings, and two near the baseline. By employing this aggressive approach, Jay Wright's teams create chaos, confusion, and rushed decisions among opponents, resulting in steals, deflections, and turnovers that lead to scoring chances. To learn more about the Hall of Fame head coach’s defense at Villanova, click here!


Defending the Pick and Roll

Defending the pick-and-roll effectively requires a coordinated effort from the ball defenders, screener defender, and other defenders on the court. By employing tactics such as pressure, physical effort, navigation of screens, consistent ball pursuit, and smart decision-making, teams can neutralize the pick-and-roll offense. USC Women's Head Coach Lindsay Gottlieb emphasizes these key strategies for each defender position.

The ball defenders play a crucial role in defending the pick-and-roll. They need to apply pressure on the ball handler, using physical effort to disrupt their rhythm and limit their options. To navigate the screen, ball defenders must communicate with their teammates, making early and loud calls to initiate switches or defensive rotations. By maintaining consistent ball pursuit, they can stay engaged with the ball handler and minimize passing lanes. If they get temporarily beaten by the screen, their priority is to quickly recover and get back in front of the ball to contest shots.

On the other hand, the screener defender is crucial in preventing the pick-and-roll. They must inform their teammates of the impending screen and the defensive covering strategy, so early and clear communication is essential. The screener defender can successfully block the offensive player's rolling route if they are in the appropriate place before the screen is set. 

The remaining defenders on the court must exhibit solid early rotations to provide help defense and cover potential gaps. However, they must avoid overhelping, as it can create open scoring opportunities for opponents. Two-way stunts should be avoided, meaning they should refrain from leaving their assigned offensive player to help defend the pick-and-roll excessively. Click here to learn more about Coach Lindsay Gittlieb’s theories on defending the pick and roll.


Mastering the art of defense is essential for taking your basketball game to the next level. Offense frequently takes center stage, but defense can be the deciding factor in winning championships. USC Women's Head Coach Lindsay Gottlieb shares valuable insights on defending the pick-and-roll, emphasizing pressure, navigation of screens, and consistent ball pursuit. Meanwhile, Jay Wright's 1-2-2 defense, which he used to coach the men's team at Villanova, is renowned for suffocating opponents and forcing turnovers. By implementing these strategies and techniques, your team can become a dominant force on defense, shutting down even the toughest opponents.

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The Rock Almighty God Doesn't Hate You When He Corrects You And What Should Determine the Way a Believer Should Think, Speak, and Act?

 Stryper "End of Days" - Official Lyric Video

What Should Determine the Way a Believer Should Think, Speak, and Act?

  • Author James Rondinone


What Should Determine the Way a Believer Should Think, Speak, and Act?

Should Christians follow societal norms or God’s norms in the way they think, speak, and act?

This is the dilemma facing many Christians. We have become born-again. We have received the Holy Spirit into our lives, and subsequently, a new nature. Eventually, we find out that the way we have been thinking about ourselves, about others, and the circumstances of life are diametrically opposed to the way God would have us to think.

Irrespective of God’s Word, we want to continue in our eros romantic, passionate love because we have a desire for it, it brings us pleasure, and maybe even because we consider God’s view on this area of our life as being antiquated. And in whatever form or expression this love takes us, we believe that God will sanction it because it’s between two people or maybe even more than two people, and how could God not sanction love between people, right?  

It’s not for me to determine what God should respect concerning what I think, speak, or act. Rather it is up to God to declare to me through His Word and by the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit the way I should think, speak and act now that I have become a Christian, a new creature, His adopted son, or daughter.

As was asked in the title of this chapter, what should determine the way a believer should think, speak, and act?

Any idea as to what the answer is to this question? The following verse tells us so.

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

This verse tells us that it is Scripture that provides for us the proper perspective as to how we as Christians should think, speak and act. The last part of the words of this verse for instruction in righteousness pertains to our study at hand. These words refer to instruction that produces proper behavior. So, there you have it.

In this regard, let’s take a look at Scriptures from the New Testament and see what God’s Word declares to us concerning those sexual behaviors that He condones and those that He doesn’t.

We’ll begin by going to the book of 1 Corinthians. These initial verses that we will look at seem to clarify two expressions of sexual activity that God approves of and one expression that He doesn’t.


1 Corinthians 7:1-2

1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

Some believe that this exhortation had to do with a letter the apostle Paul received from those in the church at Corinth concerning issues relating to marriage. Paul talked about the fact that it was good for a man not to touch a woman, probably for three reasons. One, if he was called to be celibate in the plan of God for a period of time. Second, if there was a desire for the sexual union, then they should not commit fornication (having sex outside of marriage) but get married (having sex within marriage). Third, in God’s eyes, being celibate or getting married is a witness or testimony of God’s approval of each condition.

2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

The apostle Paul further emphasized the point that if you can’t constrain yourself with the woman you are with, then avoid fornication (immorality), let every single man enter into marriage with the woman he is with, and vice versa.

I think what is being said in these verses would allow us to conclude that God sanctions celibacy according to His plan and will and marriage between a man and a woman. And we could also deduce that fornication is not condoned. This is a start to finding out what sexual practices are approved by God for Christians to engage in and which ones are not.

The next book we will take a look at is the book of Romans.


Suggested Reading: Romans 1:16-33

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

The apostle Paul in his writing to the saints at Rome began his letter by telling them that he longed to visit them and that he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ (the Good News which relates to the Messiah, to His character, advent, preaching, death, resurrection, and ascension79) in that it is the power (the means) of God unto salvation to those (to save those) who believe.

And then he talked about those who have decided not to respond to the gospel, to whom God has made known to them that He exists, that He is real, being evidenced outwardly through the observation of the created universe and inwardly in their conscience. Yet, they still chose not to worship Him, and neither were they thankful. As they made the decision to disregard Him and live for themselves, they became wise in their own eyes. They considered themselves cultivated, skilled and learned, but sadly, such self-absorption can lead to doing shameful things.

Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

So, God also gave them up (left them to their own self-determination80) to uncleanness (moral and spiritual depravity). Concerning this, He gave two examples of this type of sexual behavior.

Romans 1:26-27 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Some of the unbelieving women were given over to a diseased condition out of which lust sprang to vile (disgraceful) affections (passions). They changed the natural relations with men in marriage to unnatural relations with women to do that, which is against natural laws. Likewise, there were some men who left the natural relations with women to have relations with men, thus engaging in an all-out endeavor to satisfy their [totally depraved natures],81 the result (penalty) of such would be that they would receive evil consequences and punishment from God.                                                  

Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Furthermore, we are told that God gave (let them do what they pleased82) them (unbelievers) over to a reprobate mind (a mind that cannot form right judgments83) to do those things which are not convenient (which expressed itself in attitudes and actions that ought not to be done84).

A list of these attitudes and actions is presented in the following verses.

Romans 1:29-31 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

There appears to be only one of these attitudes/actions that is associated with sexual conduct, and that is the word fornication (all sexual contact between the sexes which is beyond the bounds of lawful marriage85). After which, the apostle Paul proclaimed what God’s response was toward those unbelievers, who were habitually entertaining these attitudes and practicing these actions.

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Who knowing (in their conscience) the judgment of God (the grand rule of right which God has revealed to every man86), that they who are habitually practicing these things will receive punishment from his hand.87 We are not told what these consequences or judgments from God are, but what we have been made aware of is that these will be imposed on those who engage in such sexual actions, i.e., fornication, homosexuality, and lesbianism.

Does this proclamation on consequence and judgment hold true only for unbelievers? If someone becomes saved, does this mean that these attitudes and actions are sanctioned by God? Just keep on keeping on, and we’ll find out.

The next section of Scriptures we will look at will confirm two sexual actions that are condoned by God and two sexual actions that are not.

Please go to the book of 1 Timothy.


Suggested Reading: 1 Timothy 3:1-7

1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.                     

The apostle Paul is talking about the possibility that if someone desire (seeks after) the office of a bishop (pastor), he desires a good work (an honorable office). As to this leadership office, there is much debate today as to what qualifies someone to be a pastor. In this particular book of the Bible, there is presented one divine skill associated with this office along with other qualifications. One of the qualifications pertaining to this office leadership gift concerns a sexual relationship that is condoned by God. Any idea which one this is?

2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 

One of the qualifications for someone seeking the office of pastor is that he must be the husband of one wife. This is not to say that a single person cannot seek the leadership office of the pastor. Does this mean that if he were divorced, he would be unable to seek this office? Validly divorced people who remarried were considered married to one spouse.88 The keywords just mentioned are validly divorced.

There are two main issues at stake here. Some would say that the word husband clearly indicates that a pastor can only be a male. This is a study in and of itself. I have addressed this perception in a different study entitled, “Who Says Women Can’t Lead? - We have been told from the pulpit that only men have been called to the leadership positions of the church. - Uncovered truths and new translations have challenged this perspective.”

The next issue to address is, what do the words of one wife mean? These words refer to the marital conditions that must be met for someone to be considered for this office. What are they, you ask? Those marital conditions that are allowed and those that are not allowed are listed below. Let’s take a look at them.

Marital conditions that are allowed for a born-again Christian to seek the office of pastor.

If a Christian is married to an unbeliever, and the unbeliever chooses to leave the marriage,

then the believer is allowed to divorce and remarry. 1 Corinthians 7:15

If a Christian is married to either a believer or unbeliever, who decides to engage in an extramarital affair, then the Christian is allowed to divorce and remarry. Matthew 19:9

If the husband or wife dies, then the Christian is allowed to remarry. Romans 7:2

If a Christian is married to a believer and the believer chooses to leave the marriage (separation, not divorce) while remaining unmarried without engaging in an extramarital affair, then the Christian is to remain unmarried or be reconciled to their spouse. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11

Marital conditions that are not allowed for a born-again Christian to seek the office of pastor.                                                                                    

If the Christian seeks a divorce when their believing spouse chooses to leave the marriage

(separation) while remaining unmarried without engaging in an extramarital affair. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11

What else could we assume from the qualification of being the husband of one wife? We could deduce that marriage is between one man and one woman. This would, therefore, not condone the practice of polygamy or marriage between people of the same gender.

With that said, the literal name of the sexual practice we will take a look at next is not found in Scripture. However, there are examples of it in the Old and New Testaments. Any idea what this could be referring to? Let’s begin by taking a look at the words used to describe it, along with those people who would be considered as engaged in such from the Old Testament.

Please go to the book of Leviticus.


Suggested Reading: Leviticus 18:1-16

Usually, when I do a study on most biblical topics that pertain to the Church Age, the age during which we Christians currently live, I don’t use Scriptures from the Old Testament to support a New Testament perspective on doctrine. However, in this instance, because there are such limited examples of this sexual practice, I have decided to have us take a look at how the Jews under Moses’ guidance viewed this. What is this sexual practice? Read on.

1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

The Lord (Yahweh) is instructing Moses to convey His thoughts on the sexual practice of incest to the children of Israel. Believe it or not, the transliteration of the Hebrew or Greek word for incest appears nowhere in the Old or New Testaments. When we think of incest today, probably many of us think of sexual relations between a brother and sister or even cousins. However, what we are about to find out, at least as far as the Old Testament goes, is that this involved more family members than first thought. Because I could find very little about this in the New Testament, why not at least take a look at what sexual relations were considered as incestual in the Old Testament.

6 None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the Lord.

The words that are used in this context for incest are near of kin. Generally speaking, these words included the extended family as well as the immediate family.89 Below are the many verses that pertain to the instances where sexual relations would be considered incest. Let’s read them over, and then I will provide a clearer summary as to who was involved.

7 The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.

8 The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness.

9 The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

10 The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness.

11 The nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.

12 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister: she is thy father's near kinswoman.

13 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister: for she is thy mother's near kinswoman.

14 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt.

15 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son's wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.

16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's nakedness.

The wording of these verses could be confusing as to who is who. So, according to UBS [United Bible Society] Old Testament Handbook, incest could involve sexual relations of a son with his own mother; a son with his stepmother; a brother with his sister; a brother with his stepsister; a father with his son’s or daughter’s daughter (a grandchild); a son with his father’s or mother’s sister; a son with his father’s brother’s wife; a father with his son’s wife; and a son with his brother’s wife. Whew.

With this in mind, how do the New Testament Scriptures define incest?

Are the descriptions of what constitutes incest under Moses and the Jews the same for believers in the New Testament?

Are there any examples of incest in the New Testament?

There might be one that is found in the book of 1 Corinthians. Let’s turn there.


1 Corinthians 5:1

It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.

Here is an example of a man having been found out to have had sexual relations with his father’s wife, who was actually his stepmother. At this time, I’m sure the Jewish faith would consider this as incest, and it probably would be looked upon as such in the same manner by the New Testament church unless Scripture declared otherwise. The consequence of this offense was that certain ones in the church met together and decided to impose censure on this believer, thus removing him from fellowship for a fixed period of time.

I assume that the reason he was not excommunicated was that he probably repented of this sin when he was brought before those of the assembly who were in charge of hearing such matters. And presumably, when the allotted time for him to be reinstated to fellowship was up that there would probably be those believers who could testify on his behalf as to whether or not he was continuing to engage in such sexual activity. 

In the United States, laws regarding incest (i.e., sexual activity between family members or close relatives) vary considerably between jurisdictions. In all that two states (and the special case of Ohio, which “targets only parental figures”), incest between consenting adults is criminalized. In New Jersey and Rhode Island, incest between consenting adults (16 or over for Rhode Island, 18 or over for New Jersey) is not a criminal offense, though marriage is not allowed in either state.90

I don’t believe there are any other examples of incest in the New Testament. As we have just been made aware, there is a lack of consensus by the states as to whether this act is considered criminal. However, what we do know is that every state has concluded that anyone involved in such a relationship is not allowed to get married. And furthermore, scripturally speaking, any incestual sexual relationship would be classified as committing fornication.

So, how should we as Christians regard incest? I believe it should be regarded by us as a behavior that is not condoned.

Are there any other Scriptures that mention sexual relations with which Christians should not be involved?

Let’s go forward to the book of 1 Corinthians.


1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

The apostle Paul declares a truth, which is not a surprise according to the Christian faith, that the unrighteous (the unsaved) shall not inherit (enter into) the Kingdom of God. And for whatever reason, perhaps because at the time, certain sins were considered acceptable in society and even esteemed as a means to worship or to satisfy some false deity, anyone who would commit such would not enter into God’s Kingdom. Some of the sins mentioned, which are sexual in the description, are as follows.

Fornicators – Those who have sex outside of marriage.

Adultery – Sex with someone who is not your husband or wife.

Effeminate or the abusers of themselves with mankind - the passive and active partners ... in male homosexual [relations] (Barrett);91 men who submit to or who practice homosexuality.92

And after he mentioned these various behaviors, he said to the believers at Corinth that such were some of their actions that they themselves were involved in, but at salvation, three things happened to them which changed their lives forever.

They were washed.

They were baptized into the Christian faith, being identified with Christ in His death and burial, which separated them from sin’s power; and having been identified with Him in His resurrection, they became new creations walking in newness of life by the same power that raised Him from the dead.

They were sanctified.

They were separated from common, earthly, or sinful uses, to be wholly employed in the service of the true God.93                                                         

They were justified.

They were accepted as righteous by having entered into a new relationship with God.

And now that they were born-again, they had a new standing before God and the opportunity by means of the Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to no longer continue in these actions. So, these Scriptures further confirm that a Christian should not be involved with fornication, adultery, and homosexuality.

The next sexual practice we will consider took place at what was called the temple of Aphrodite. I’m sure you could make an educated guess as to what I am talking about. This is found in the book of 1 Corinthians.


1 Corinthians 6:15

Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

Evidently, there were some believers at the church of Corinth who was engaging in sex with prostitutes. At one temple alone, called the temple of Aphrodite, there were said to be over 1,000 female prostitutes working there. The apostle Paul’s response to this was to remind them that their spiritual connection with Christ belongs not merely to the [soul] but also to the [body] so that we are flesh of His flesh.94 He then said to them, shall I take a member (a part of Christ in vital union with him95) and engage this same body with a harlot (prostitute) and not affect my spiritual condition? He emphatically concluded his remarks by saying, God forbid (let it not be so). This verse clearly tells us that prostitution is not a sexual avenue that a Christian should be participating in.

We have one more Scripture section to look at, which will address a sexual practice that was mentioned in the article on Roman Sexual Morality but not elaborated on. Do you have any idea as to what sexual practice this is? Please stay in 1 Corinthians.


1 Corinthians 6:9

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

There are some examples of this sexual practice in the Old Testament Scriptures. In the article on Roman Sexual Morality that we looked at in an earlier chapter, we found that this action was considered as being generally acceptable during Roman times, especially when committed on those who were of a lower social class. Do you remember what sexual practice this referred to? 

The sexual practice we are talking about is called rape. In today’s society, this word can mean sexual assault, forced stripping, or forced public nakedness. The online dictionary describes rape as unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body [parts], or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.96

While I couldn’t find a storied example of such in the New Testament, some scholars believe that the Greek words arsenokoitai (abusers of themselves with mankind) and malakoi (effeminate) in 1 Corinthians 6:9 are specifically speaking out against these predatory practices of sexual abuse where a dominant, high-status man (viewed as masculine by patriarchal society) would sexually abuse a young boy or slave (seen as “effeminate” because of their lesser power in their patriarchal society97). Based on the acceptability of this action at this time, it would seem plausible that these two words, besides implying the sexual practice of pedophilia, could also refer to the predatory sexual abuse known as rape.

Scripture certainly has helped us in learning about what sexual practices God condones and which ones He does not. And so, here are the summarized findings.

  1. Christians that are married and/or those who remain celibate can be a part of God’s plan.

  2. Marriage between a man and a woman is encouraged, especially if there is a desire to engage in sexual relations.

  3. Fornication (having sex outside of marriage), lesbianism or homosexuality (sex with

someone of the same gender), incest (sex with someone of the immediate or extended family), adultery (sex with someone other than one’s husband or wife), prostitution (sex with someone who sells their body for pleasure), rape (forcible sexual assault), pedophilia (sex with a child), and polygamy (having more than one wife) are considered as actions that are not condoned by God.

After reading this summary, you might respond by saying, doesn’t God support a loving relationship between two people? If you are talking about Christians who are married, male and female, the answer is yes.

What unbelievers do with their bodies in any realm, who operate in their sin nature, is considered works of the flesh. Some works are considered good or moral, while others are considered immoral or sinful. This is determined by societal norms. Neither work has any redemptive qualities in God’s eyes. God’s desire for them is that they get saved and learn how to walk in their new nature.

Let me say this another way as pertaining to the perception that God supports a loving relationship between two people. Having sexual eros relationships between two people, who are not saved, you could say, is like any other eros relationship involving two people who are not saved. They will love each other with eros love, but not God’s agape love. So, with two unbelievers, or even believers who are operating in eros love is not the same as two believers operating in agape love. Operating in eros love is operating in the sin nature. Operating in agape love is walking in the new divine nature.

So, I believe this answers the comment made by a member of the Christian megachurch when he said, any relationship that I have with a man is part of God’s plan and that it would be full of love, equal to any other.98 What we have learned is that neither is this erost ype of love a part of God’s plan, and neither is it full of love equal to God’s agape love between two Christians.

When there is a lack of clear teaching from the pulpit on any biblical topic or issue, then there will be confusion as to what the Word of God says about it. This will result in human perception based on societal norms becoming the standard for the members of a church to adhere to.

There are many Christians, like me at one time, whose sin nature continued to rule their lives after salvation. Whatever inclinations, passions, or propensities they gravitated toward before they were saved, they were still gravitating toward after they were saved. With these thoughts in mind, here’s the million-dollar question.


How do Christians learn how to no longer be in subjection to the cravings and desires of their flesh (sin nature)?

As I was preparing to talk about this in the next chapter, something happened which changed my mind. It had to do with another comment that I heard while watching TV. It was by a different Christian male who apparently was running for the highest political office in the land. He mentioned that he was married to another male. But this was not the end of this proclamation. He added that he felt justified as a Christian to have made this decision before God for a particular reason.

In the next chapter, let’s take a look at what the reason was that he believed caused his decision to be sanctioned by God and see if Scripture supported his claims. After we take a look at this, we will attempt to answer the question posed beforehand. How does a Christian learn how to no longer be in subjection to the cravings and desires of his/her flesh?



79 Barnes’ Notes.         

80 Robertson’s New Testament.

81 Weust.

82 Jamieson, Faucet, and Brown.

83 The Bible Exposition Commentary/New Testament.

84 Bible Knowledge Commentary/New Testament.

85 Adam Clarke’s Commentary.

86 Adam Clarke’s Commentary.

87 Barnes’ Notes.                            

88 IVP Bible Background Commentary.

89 UBS Old Testament Handbook Series Pc Study Bible version 5, 2005. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 01 April 2019 ˂>.

90 “Laws regarding incest,” .

91 UBS New Testament.

92 UBS New Testament.

93 Adam Clarke’s Commentary.  

94 Calvin's Commentaries.

95 Robertson’s New Testament.


97 “JOSEPH - Male sexual abuse survivor,” ˂>.

98 Sex Abuse & Gay Conversion Therapy.



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My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course of Study and graduated as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude).

Studying and teaching the Word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Indoor Football League On US Sports: Quad City Steamwheelers at Massachusetts Pirates

 Bringing Week 15 to a close on Monday night, the Quad City Steamwheelers (6-6) face off against the Massachusetts Pirates (7-6) in a highly anticipated Eastern Conference matchup. Going into this game, the Pirates are in the third spot with Quad City closely behind in the fourth, as only the top four teams make it to the playoffs.

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5 Core Offensive Priniciples for a Winning Football Formula

  • By Keith Grabowski

When he was 26, Scotty Walden was the youngest head coach in college football.  Now at the ripe old age of 30, and the Head Coach of Austin Peay, he’s still one of the youngest D1 coaches in the country. 

We had the privilege of hosting Scotty Walden as a presenter at Lauren’s First and Goal. He discuss the evolution of his offensive principles, which have led them to three consecutive winning seasons and a conference championshiped them to three consecutive winning seasons and a conference championship. The energy and enthusiasm he has about the game is contagious!

The Five Core Offensive Principles

#1) Ball Security

The first and most important principle is ball security. It's crucial for players to understand that they must protect the football at all costs. Turning the ball over to the opposing team greatly increases their chances of winning, so ball security is paramount.

#2) Tempo

Playing at a fast pace is essential for a successful offense. The team trains to snap the ball every 12 seconds, ensuring that they can wear down the defense and maintain a high level of execution throughout the game. This requires a strong commitment to conditioning and practice, as well as a well-coordinated strength and conditioning program.

#3) Execution

The third principle is all about executing plays at an extremely high level. This means that the playbook must be comprehensive and adaptable, allowing for a wide range of plays to be called quickly and efficiently. The key is to make the game plan as simple as possible for the players while still being complex enough to challenge the opposing defense.

#4) Balance 

A balanced offense is one that can effectively run and pass the ball, regardless of the weather conditions or the specific opponent. This adaptability ensures that the offense can take advantage of any defensive weaknesses and keep the opposition guessing.

#5) Coaching with a Defensive Mindset

Finally, the team believes in coaching offense with a defensive mentality. This means that practices are intense and physical, with a focus on blocking, hard hits, and relentless effort. This approach instills a sense of toughness and determination in the players, preparing them for the challenges of game day.


Developing the RPO Football Game

Coach Walden has also heavily invested in developing their RPO game. Here’s a sneak peek at how they work Quick Side & Decide Side in RPOs and execution in a critical situation:


Coach Walden also talks about the execution of the RPO game and how to make sure your team is firing on game day in the video below.


There’s definitely some takeaways to help create  a championship-winning offensive system. Mastering the five core principles of ball security, tempo, execution, balance, and coaching with a defensive mindset can make a difference in any type of offense.

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