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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Trending Sports News Featuring: Could Matthew Stafford join chaotic QB trade market? And Football In The Off-Season - Diet & Training!

Lions GM Bob Quinn denied reports of the team in talks to trade Matthew Stafford, but Mike Florio and Charean Williams believe his denial doesn't end the speculation of a deal.

Football In The Off-Season - Diet and Training!

Football in the off-season - If you are serious and want to make gains by eating clean and training hard then you've come to the right place. Get a comprehensive diet, supplement and training program right here! Read on ...
Every year you try to get better, you want to be the best. You want the man ahead of you to not want to come out the 2nd half. This program can help, so can many others. What it comes down to is are you willing to do it while others are enjoying and taking a break in the off-season. You have to make your off-season so tough that when the season comes the easy stuff starts.


What you need to eat and when you need to eat it to get the most out of your day is crucial. Specific types of carbohydrates and proteins can be found in every other article on this site, so I won't bore you with that. I'll get right to it.
You need to generate energy. Generating energy comes from burning carbohydrates and forming ATP bonds. I've heard the saying that ATP is like cash; you can spend it anywhere and everywhere. Every cell from your eyebrows to your pinky toe thrives on it.
When you burn a calorie 3 things happen: energy, waste and damage. Damage is the bad part that limits energy production. You cannot stop damage, even if you eat the right mix of foods, the right proteins, carbohydrates and fats—damage will still occur.
You will still make energy, a lot more than eating junk, but to maximize you need rich levels of antioxidants. So basically, to maximize your energy output you need the right kinds and proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
To minimize the damage caused by burning those calories and loss of energy from the damage you need antioxidants, make sense? Good. Here is a good mix of proteinscarbohydrates, and fats. Adjust to fit your liking:
Breakfast (6:30 a.m.):
  • Oatmeal and Cinnamon
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Baked Beans
  • Whole Wheat Toast
  • 100% Whey Protein Shake
Estimated Totals (50-60g Protein, 100-125g Carbohydrates, 3-5g Fat)
Mid-Morning Snack (9:30 AM):
  • Grilled Chicken Breast Salad with Romane Lettuce
  • Light Dressing
  • Cucumbers
  • Baked Potato
  • Fresh Fruit
Estimated Totals (30-40g Protein, 90-100g Carbohydrates, 5-10g Fat)
Lunch (11:00 AM):
  • Tuna with Wheat Pasta and Fresh Peas
  • Light Mayonnaise
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Celery Stalk
Estimated Totals (40-50g Protein, 80-90g Carbohydrates, 10-15g Fat)
Post-Workout (5:30 PM):
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 100% Whey Protein Shake
  • Baked Potato
  • 2 Cups Corn Flakes
Estimated Totals (40-50g Protein, 100-110g Carbohydrates, 5-10g Fat)
Supper (7:15 PM):
  • 1/2lb Ground Beef Patty
  • Brown Rice
  • Baked Beans
  • Cauliflower
Estimated Totals (50-60g Protein, 60-70g Carbohydrates, 10-20g Fat)
Before Bed (9:45 PM):
  • 100% Whey Protein Shake
Estimated Totals (40-45g Protein, 20-25g Carbohydrates, 0-5g Fat)


Okay so now on to the supplement part. I already explained the antioxidants. But now we want to minimize inflammation after our workouts and stay fresh. Important for a sport like football. This is a must if you want the guy in front of you crying.
Every time you move you damage something; me typing this out is tearing stuff. Micro-tears are happening to you as you move your hand to scroll down this site (imagine after an intense workout or game; more inflammation and all kinds of pain than you want).
Any physical damage, great or small, is dealt with by your immune system. It deals with it by releasing inflammatory chemicals, which are part of the healing and growing process. If you want to wear out early in competition ignore the past paragraph. You want to take a supplement routine that helps with minimizing inflammation.
Now recovering quickly is important, as you know. Foods that contain omega-3 oils, ginger and certain supplements will help. Growing is what we all want to do - we grow by producing energy; burning that energy produces activity that breaks you down, releasing inflammatory chemicals to start growth and healing phase.
You want to heal as quickly as possible by stimulating the release of growth factors. You do this by having high levels of antioxidants. Which insulate you from damage of calorie burning for energy.
Ok, here is a basic supplement overview of all the confusing information above. I have it listed by brand, because this is what I take, of course you can change it up if you find a better price.
Breakfast (6:30 AM):
Pre-Workout (2:30 PM):
Post-Workout (5:30 PM):
Supper (7:15 PM):
Before Bed (9:30 PM):


Next are drills you can do to increase your speed, agility, and speed endurance for next season. Note, you can do this before or after strength training. My recommendation is before because on the football field, your speed and agility are more of a priority than strength. If you can split it through the day, (Agility in the AM, Strength PM) that would be best.
Dynamic Warm-Ups:
  • 5-5-10-10: Run forward 5 yards, back 5, forward 10, back 10, etc.
  • Pro-Agility: 2 marks, 10 yards apart. Start in the middle. Run 5 yards to one mark, 10 yards to the next, then 5 back to the start.
  • Zig Zags: 2x3 rows of cones, 5 yards apart. Run forward, turn and run.
  • Speed Ladder: 1 foot, 2 foot, In & Outs, Shuffle.
  • Backpedal: Full speed backpedal with perfect form.
  • 4 Cones: 2x2 rows of cones, 10 yards apart. Sprint, shuffle, backpedal, and shuffle.
Plyometrics (With Plyo Boxes):
  • Step Ups: Step up, fall down in athletic position.
  • Step Up To Deep Jump: Step up, jump as far as possible and land in athletic position. Explode into vertical jump with arms over head.
  • Hops: Jump onto, step off and land in athletic position.
  • Hops and Over: Jump onto, jump over.
Deep Jump.
Hops & Over.
  • Sprints: 100's, 40's, 30's, 20's, 5's
  • Hill Runs: Sprint up hill focusing on stride power and quickness between each stride.
  • Speed Sled: 100's, 40's, 30's, 20's, or 5's with various weight added to sled.
Hill Sprints Hill Sprints
Hill Runs.
Speed Endurance:
  • Gasers: Run forward 50 yards, back 50 yards, forward 50 yards, and back 50 yards.
  • 400's: 400m lap.
You do not want to work on your speed endurance and agility or plyometrics on the same day. Speed Endurance training should be saved for its own day. Speed Endurance and Cardiovascular work is different; Cardiovascular training helps you to last as long as you can. Speed Endurance training will help you with how long you can go at top speed.

Speed & Explosion Training Schedule

Here is a basic, week schedule for your speed and explosion training:
Week 1, 3, 5, etc. (Odd Weeks):
  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • 5-10-5 x3
  • Pro Agility x3
  • Backpedal x3 (20 yards)
  • Step Ups x2
  • Step Up To Deep Jump x6
  • 40 Yard Sprints x3
  • 20 Yard Sprints x5
  • 5 Yard Sprints x8

  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • Coach Complex 2 x1 (Snatch, Overhead Squat, Stiff-Leg Deadlift)
  • High Knees x4 (20 yards)
  • Butt Kicks x4 (20 yards)
  • Fairy Hops x4 (20 yards)

  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • Step Ups x2
  • Hops x2
  • Hops and Over x2
  • Speed Ladder x2
  • 4 Cones x2
  • 100 Yard Sprints x2
  • 40 Yard Sprint x2
  • 5 Yard Sprints x8

  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • Gasers x4
  • Coach Complex x1 (Power Clean, Front Squat, Press)

Week 2, 4, 6 (Even Weeks):
  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • 5x10x5 x3
  • Pro Agility x3
  • Zig Zags x2
  • Step Ups x2
  • Step Up To Deep Jump x4
  • 40 Yard Speed Sled Sprints x5
  • 20 Yard Speed Sled Sprints x5
  • 5 Yard Sprints x8

  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • Coach Complex 2 x1
  • High Knees x4 (20 yards)
  • Butt Kicks x4 (20 yards)
  • Fairy Hops x4 (20 yards)

  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • Step Ups x2
  • Hops x2
  • Hops and Over x2
  • Speed Ladder x2
  • Hill Runs x20
  • 40 Yard Sprints x2

  • Dynamic Warm-Ups x1
  • 400 x4
  • Coach Complex x1

Coach's Complex

Coach Complex is a full body muscle movement resistant exercise. Designed by one of my previous coaches who won numerous High School state championships and has coached at Division III NCAA football programs.
Complex One:
Start with a basic 45 pound bar laying flat on the ground. Using perfect form, power clean the bar and remain in the athletic position. Then stand up, without setting the bar back down, now front squat it. Then after your front squat rep do a basic military press. Do this for 10 reps without setting the bar down until completed with the set. You will do 10 sets of 10 reps with the 45-pound bar.
Complex 1 Complex 1 Complex 1 Complex 1 Complex 1
Complex Two:
45-pound bar again, and yes again with the 10 sets of 10 reps, this time instead of Power Clean, Front Squat, Press, it is Snatch, Overhead Squat, Stiff-Leg Deadlift.
Yes no mistake, 10x10 with 45lbs. Oh yeah, it's hard.
Okay, here we go finally with the strength training workouts. Specifically designed to increase your 3 main lifts in the off-season. Bench Press, Power Clean, and Squat. Adjust to fit to your liking.
Complex 2 Complex 2 Complex 2 Complex 2 Complex 2 Complex 2
Complex Two. 

Bench Press Program Week 1, 3, 5, 7

  • Bench Press 6 (75%), 5 (78%), 4 (82%), 3 (85%), 2 (88%), 1 (91%)
  • Close Grip Bench Press 3x3
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Tricep Pushdown 3x8
  • DB Kickbacks 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Power Cleans 3x5
  • Pull-Ups 3x10
  • T-Bar Rows 3x8
  • DB Rows 3x8
  • Lat Pulldowns 3x8
  • Straight Bar Curls 3x8
  • Seated Curls 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Military Press 3x8
  • DB Shrugs 3x8
  • Incline Bench Press 3x6
  • Frontal Raise 3x8
  • Reverse Flyes 3x8
  • One Arm DB Skull Crush 3x6
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Squats 3x8
  • Deadlift 3x3
  • Leg Extension 3x8
  • Leg Curls 3x8
  • Leg Press 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Calf Raises 3x15
  • Crunches 3x25

Bench Press Program Week 2, 4, 6, 8

  • Bench Press 6 (75%), 5 (78%), 4 (82%), 3 (85%), 2 (88%), 1 (91%)
  • Close Grip Bench Press 3x3
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Tricep Pushdown 3x8
  • DB Kickbacks 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Power Cleans 3x3
  • Pull-Ups 3x10
  • T-Bar Rows 3x8
  • DB Rows 3x8
  • Lat Pulldowns 3x8
  • Preacher Curls 3x12
  • Hammer Curls 3x12
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Military Press 3x8
  • Barbell Shrugs 3x8
  • Incline Bench Press 3x6
  • Frontal Raise 3x8
  • Cuban Press 3x8
  • One Arm DB Skull Crush 3x6
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Squats 3x8
  • Deadlift 3x8
  • Leg Extension 3x8
  • Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x12
  • Leg Press 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
  • Calf Press 3x15
  • Crunches 3x25

Eight-week bench press program, after completions take one full week off. Then follow onto this next eight-week power clean program.

Power Clean Week 1, 3, 5, 7

  • Bench Press 3x5
  • Close Grip Bench Press 3x10
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Tricep Pushdown 3x8
  • DB Kickbacks 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Power Cleans 6 (75%), 5 (78%), 4 (82%), 3 (85%), 2 (88%), 1 (91%)
  • Pull-Ups 3x10
  • T-Bar Rows 3x8
  • DB Rows 3x8
  • Lat Pulldowns 3x8
  • Preacher Curls 3x12
  • Hammer Curls 3x12
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Military Press 3x8
  • Barbell Shrugs 3x8
  • Incline Bench Press 3x6
  • Frontal Raise 3x8
  • Cuban Press 3x8
  • One Arm DB Skull Crush 3x6
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Squats 3x6
  • Deadlift 3x8
  • Leg Extension 3x8
  • Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x12
  • Leg Press 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
  • Calf Press 3x15
  • Crunches 3x25
Power Clean Week 2, 4, 6, 8
  • Bench Press 3x8
  • Close Grip Bench Press 3x8
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Tricep Pushdown 3x8
  • DB Kickbacks 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Power Cleans 6 (75%), 5 (78%), 4 (82%), 3 (85%), 2 (88%), 1 (91%)
  • Pull-Ups 3x10
  • T-Bar Rows 3x8
  • DB Rows 3x8
  • Lat Pulldowns 3x8
  • Straight Bar Curls 3x8
  • Seated Curls 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Military Press 3x8
  • DB Shrugs 3x8
  • Incline Bench Press 3x6
  • Frontal Raise 3x8
  • Reverse Flyes 3x8
  • One Arm DB Skull Crush 3x10
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Squats 3x8
  • Deadlift 3x3
  • Leg Extension 3x8
  • Leg Curls 3x8
  • Leg Press 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Calf Raises 3x15
  • Crunches 3x25

Eight-week power clean program, after completions take one full week off. Then follow onto this next 8-week squat program.

Squat Program Week 1, 3, 5, 7

  • Bench Press 3x8
  • Close Grip Bench Press 3x3
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Tricep Pushdown 3x8
  • DB Kickbacks 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Power Cleans 3x3
  • Pull-Ups 3x10
  • T-Bar Rows 3x8
  • DB Rows 3x8
  • Lat Pulldowns 3x8
  • Straight Bar Curls 3x8
  • Seated Curls 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Military Press 3x8
  • DB Shrugs 3x8
  • Incline Bench Press 3x6
  • Frontal Raise 3x8
  • Reverse Flyes 3x8
  • One Arm DB Skull Crush 3x10
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Squats 6 (75%), 5 (78%), 4 (82%), 3 (85%), 2 (88%), 1 (91%)
  • Deadlift 3x10
  • Leg Extension 3x10
  • Leg Curls 3x10
  • Leg Press 5, 4, 3
  • Calf Raises 3x15
  • Crunches 3x25
Squat Program Week 2, 4, 6, 8
  • Bench Press 3x3
  • Close Grip Bench Press 3x8
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Tricep Pushdown 3x8
  • DB Kickbacks 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Power Cleans 3x8
  • Pull-Ups 3x10
  • T-Bar Rows 3x8
  • DB Rows 3x8
  • Lat Pulldowns 3x8
  • Preacher Curls 3x12
  • Hammer Curls 3x12
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Military Press 3x8
  • Barbell Shrugs 3x8
  • Incline Bench Press 3x6
  • Frontal Raise 3x8
  • Cuban Press 3x8
  • One Arm DB Skull Crush 3x6
  • Skull Crushers 3x8
  • Crunches 3x25

  • Squats 6 (75%), 5 (78%), 4 (82%), 3 (85%), 2 (88%), 1 (91%)
  • Deadlift 3x8
  • Leg Extension 3x8
  • Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x12
  • Leg Press 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
  • Calf Press 3x15
  • Crunches 3x25
Thanks for reading, now go kick @ss.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Derek Kramer | Class of 2021 | Basketball Recruiting Video and Fit For Court Domination: Your Ultimate Basketball Trainer Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro.

Sophomore year spring AAU
Derek Kramer 6’9” 215 lbs.
Class of 2021
Interlake HS
Team Lavine (AAU)
Contact: Chris O’Connor


Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro!
Enter Code USSports to save 10% off the annual subscription.  For Football Coaches, By Football Coaches Learn More...

Fit For Court Domination: Your Ultimate Basketball Trainer 

From BBcom

Training for hoops involves more than developing a 40-inch vert. Unless you want the next guy dunking in your grill, you also need to build strength, stamina, agility and explosiveness. Here's how. 

Fit For Court Domination: Your Ultimate Basketball Trainer

March Madness may give rise to Cinderellas, but there are no overnight sensations when it comes to putting the pumpkin through the net. The players you see out on the court this weekend have paid their dues in the gym long before they lace up their kicks on game day.
James Naismith may not have realized it when he first nailed a peach basket to the wall and started tossing a round sphere into it, but he devised a sport that taxes nearly every system in the body. Just for starters, basketball requires speed, strength, stamina, explosiveness, power and amazing hand-eye coordination.

Developing all those skills requires a serious training program; otherwise, the next guy will be putting you up on YouTube because he worked harder than you did. I can help. As a strength and conditioning coach since 1978, one who worked with teams like the Charlotte Bobcats (back when they were the Hornets), I know what it takes to succeed.

Make sure your warm-ups, exercises, and rest are perfectly balanced for take-off.

Pre-Game Warmups

Coaches need to implement an efficient and effective pre-game warm-up system that works to get their team properly prepared for the game. During this time of year, coaches should really make the most of their pre-practice and pre-game stretching routines. Going into tournament or playoff time, the last thing a team needs is an injury to a player.

Before The Whistle Blows

The pre-practice warm-up I implemented with the Charlotte Hornets (now Bobcats) usually took about 12 minutes to complete.

Running/calf Stretches

We'd start out by running three laps around the court.
Next, the players would stretch their calf muscles and Achilles tendons by stretching against a wall. These sites can be prone to injury due to the frequent use among running and jumping athletes.
For an excellent calf stretch, face and lean against a wall keeping the leg or legs straight while keeping the heels down.
Additionally, keep the toes pointed inward. When stretching the Achilles tendon, the same stretch, however, the knees should be bent and once again the heels remain on the floor.

Team Stretching/rope Jumping

Next in our warm-up sessions, we would spend 2-3 minutes jumping rope while doing various routines. This is a great way to warm-up the legs while preparing the ankle and knee joints for practice.
After our jump rope sessions would come 5-8 minutes of team stretching. Make sure you are really concentrating on the major muscle group such as:

  • Lower Back
  • Hamstrings
  • Quads
  • Shoulders
One area we stretch that is often overlooked is the upper back or the "lat" muscles, which are key for reaching rebounds and shooting.
While in a seated position, spread both legs as wide as possible with your knees slightly bent. Have teammates hold hands and pull each other forward and upward. Hold the stretch 5-8 seconds for 3 sets.

Warm-Up Drills

After stretching as a team, we put our players on the baseline and continued with a running warm-up for three minutes. These drills consisted of:

  • Ankle Flips: Running on the toes without bending the knees
  • Butt Kicks: Jogging while leaning forward bringing the heels up behind
  • High Knee Pumps: Running with good, powerful extensions of the knees
  • Power Skips
  • Carioca: Running laterally with crossover step
  • Defensive Slides
Not until we finished this routine did we start practice. Coaches - be smart!

Now For The Weightlifting Routine: Generic Basketball

Tired of wheezing your way through those 1-on-1 matches in the driveway? Wish you could slam dunk instead of having your opponent flush one in your grill? Everything you need is here! Read the full article with workout demo...................

About the Author

Mauro Di Pasquale

Mauro Di Pasquale

Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale is one of the most influential voices on diet, performance and athletic training in the world. His innovative work in finding new ways to improve performance are recognized by fellow pros worldwide.

Trending Sports News and Live Streams Featuring: Philip Rivers and Chargers Agree To Part Ways and Sports Food: Diet For Athletics

Jim Rome gives his take on the news that the Los Angeles Chargers agree to part ways with quarterback Philip Rivers after 16 years.

Sports Food: Diet For Athletics

By: John Perkins

1. Sports drinks
Soda, water without gas, tonics and isotonics (Gatorade, Powerade), plus really useful waters containing aloe juice, etc. etc. This is the most necessary of all that you can buy at the bar. To train and not to drink is like smoking between sets; load on the cardiovascular system is not the most useful. The best choice of a sports drink for training in a hall - usual still water. All the rest - either for fitness gourmets, or for those who did not have time to eat properly before training (in this case, the bottle of "Gatoreida" will not allow dangerous fall of blood glucose level during the load).

2. Proteins
That is, a protein that is easier to digest than the same protein, taken from eggs, milk, cottage cheese, meat or fish. However, the need for his admission from the very beginning of the classes is greatly exaggerated financially interested in this people. The increased need for protein can arise only in response to no less elevated loads, which, as a rule, occur after a year or two of very intense and regular training. For muscle growth, a novice serving of a protein shake before and after training will be useful only if he last ate 6-8 hours ago.

3. Gainers
Protein-carbohydrate drinks, stimulating the secretion of insulin - the main anabolic hormone, responsible for the assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In practice, the gainers are used to quickly gain weight. Taking 2-3 servings of a geyner a day with food (and not instead of it), any sloth will accumulate a five kilogram of muscle mass in just a month. Those who have been training for a long time, it is useful to drink the geyners right before classes - their increased caloric content will help to conduct more intensive training and recover faster. In this regard, the gainers are much more useful than proteins, but, like all high-speed, have a side effect - the inevitable increase in fat under the skin.

4. Vitamins, amino acids and other fat burners
All this can easily be combined into one group of expensive, probably useful, but not the most necessary drugs. Alas, the sports nutrition market is also a market, it needs diversification of the product, and therefore you will always be offered a new chondroprotector, then a new creatine. Yes, the producers will not take offense at me, but these products duplicate what you can buy in a pharmacy, and much cheaper. The best chondro- and cardioprotective agent is regular fish oil. Sports vitamins carry a thermonuclear dosage, which is difficult to absorb even a very heavy athlete; Pharmaceutical dosages are much better for normal active people. Amino acids - in general the lot of competing bodybuilders. So if you do not have extra money, excess health and unnecessary curiosity, refrain from applying the above.

Helpful advice: if you constantly use the products of a fitness bar, do not be lazy to ask the bartender to look at the jar of what you are constantly drinking - a gainer or protein. In many bars there is a restaurant "tradition" not to report in cocktails recommended by the manufacturer a dose, providing volume of ice and other by-products. If you notice the difference (the bartender is obliged to tell you how many grams of this or that product he pours into a cocktail) - order a double portion or buy your own jar.
Special diet provides you with muscle grow but you also need a lot of energy and strength to build muscles. That is why you may need a pre-workout supplements.

Pre-workout supplements are one of the types of sports nutrition that increase the working capacity of an athlete before training, increase strength, help build muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat. There are a number of different ingredients in them. Some of the ingredients are effective, and some are not, but in the aggregate, they are a very active mixture that really improves the quality of the athletes' training process.

Pre-workout supplements
Composition of pre-workouts
The composition of Pre-workout supplements includes many components, usually 15-25, but most often you can find the following substances:

Creatine - increases the strengths, stimulates the growth of muscle mass. Pre-Workouts in the composition contain a variety of transport systems, which improve the assimilation of creatine.
BCAA - 3 essential amino acids that nourish muscle tissue and prevent catabolic processes.
Arginine - is needed to make up the muscles and the effect of pumping.
Vitamins and minerals are vital components for the human body, the reserves of which are depleted during intensive training, so they need to be restored.
Caffeine - a stimulant of the central nervous system, promotes the acceleration of metabolism.
Geranamine is another stimulant of the central nervous system, several times stronger than caffeine.
Taurine - a stimulant and a reductant, according to unconfirmed data stimulates the production of growth hormone.
Beta-alanine - restores muscles after training.
As practice shows, the remaining components, which are part of the predecessors, are not effective.

Cons of Pre-workout supplements
Pre-workout supplements contain a lot of stimulant and other various components that can be dangerous for the cardiovascular system, therefore, it is not worth taking sports complexes to athletes with heart problems, and it is also not recommended to use preworkouts if you are 40 years old or more. Cases and problems with digestion associated with taking stimulant supplements are not uncommon before buying a product, check the composition, make sure you do not have an individual intolerance to one of the components.

The Best Pre-workout supplements
The best Pre-workout supplements This list contains only pre-training, time-tested, they collected a lot of positive feedback and recommendations from professional athletes:
Jack3D from USPLabs;
No Xplode from BSN;
Mesomorph from APS;
Assault from MusclePharm;
Friction from VPX;
SuperPump Max from Gaspari Nutrition.

You can familiarize yourself with each of these products by simply clicking on the name in the list. All of them showed incredible effectiveness, of course, each of these preworkouts deserves attention.

How to take a pre-workout complex
Each manufacturer, together with a pre-workout instructor, provides consumers with an instruction on how to use the additive, while holding it, you can achieve maximum results. Deviate from the recommended dosage is not necessary, it can lead to a mass of health problems. Some companies also offer athletes to take Pre-workout supplements and during rest days, it is worth saying that in such cases they are more worried about the state of their wallet, rather than your physical form. In days off from training, it is better to take some restorative and nutritious supplements such as protein or amino acid complexes, daily use of potent stimulants of the central nervous system will deplete your strength and only slow the progression.

Reviews on Pre-workout supplements
In discussions at various forums and the most popular bodybuilding portals, one can find both positive and negative feedback about Pre-workout supplements. Athletes share their feelings and results, discuss the taste, effectiveness, safety and quality of products. Having analyzed a lot of Internet resources, we came to the conclusion that there are many times more positive reviews of pre-teens, moreover, one often finds statements by reputable sportsmen who recommend one or another stimulating complex.

 I'm John, This article was created with the help of - sports supplements store in India.

BBcom Featuring: No Bake Peanut Butter Protein Bars | Quick Healthy Recipes and High Protein Bars - The Facts Beyond The Marketing Hype.

Later, granola. Next time you're craving a clean, on-the-go treat, reach for these delicious no-bake peanut butter protein bars instead. 
► Shop Signature 100% Whey Protein: 
► No Bake Peanut Butter Protein Bars Recipe: 
► BodyFit Training Programs:

If you like oats, peanut butter, and protein, these bars will set your heart on fire! They're a cross between blondies and cookie dough, and needless to say, they taste absolutely sublime! The best part? They're actually good for you.
 These bars contain no butter or hydrogenated oils, no cane sugar, and no shelf-extending preservatives that make supermarket-ready bars last as long as possible. These babies are fresh and delicious. They're also nearly as easy to make as the box brand and require no baking at all!
 All you do is mush up a bunch of ingredients together, press them onto a bread pan, and leave the mix to set overnight. Open the fridge in the morning and you'll wake up to a bunch of yummy bars to enjoy for breakfast, pre- or post- workout, or simply as a snack at work or school.
 I added some freeze-dried raspberries on top of my bars, but feel free to use anything else you want—chopped nuts, dark chocolate chips, coconut flakes, or other dried fruit. Anything goes! You can play around with your nut butters too, and use almond or cashew instead of peanut butter. If you can't tolerate nuts, you can even use seed butter! 
Sunflower seed butter, for example, is delightful in these bars. Just make this recipe yours, and enjoy it!

High Protein Bars - The Facts Beyond The Marketing Hype.

By: Craig Doyle

For those just beginning their journey in a fitness or bodybuilding lifestyle may quickly find themselves complexed and a little confused about high protein bars, and what to really look for. Most packaged wrappers and marketing hype will try to make consumers believe that some nutrition bars are the golden answer to obtaining that lean body without lifting a finger or doing any exercise. While most companies will do their best to persuade the buyer into a magic bullet, what is needed is a personal evaluation of what a high protein bar is really good for.

The main aim and purpose for a high protein bar in one's diet and supplemental regime is to help in the building of muscle and body composition, with supplement bars coming in various combinations to match an individual's targeted diet plan. The 3 main high protein bar sub-divisions are as follows:

FAT LOSS GOALS : A low carbohydrate/low calorie high protein bar that will enable you to hold muscle mass while your diet is targeted to burn body fat.

MEAL REPLACEMENT GOALS : A medium calorie high protein bar with mid range carbohydrates. This is the perfect protein bar for those who have hectic/busy daily schedules that wont allow time for full meals or preparation of protein shakes.

MUSCLE GAIN GOALS : A high protein bar with high calories, high carbohydrates but low in sugars and fat content.

What to look for in a quality high protein bar....

Most experienced athletes and bodybuilders tend to opt for high protein bars that have been developed by trusted sources and known brand names that have been backed by research, this is a sign of attention to detail, particularly when it comes to high protein bar formulations, as the best on the market should not only taste nice, but also be the a good source for recovery and muscle repair.

A very popular name amongst the supplement industry is Met Rx Protein Bars. Met Rx bars are capable of replacing full meals or protein shakes which is extremely convenient in today's hectic lifestyles, supplying a full range of carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Labrada nutrition is also another successful company that has formulated one the best high protein bar ranges to hit the market. Due to Labrada's CEO - Lee Labrada's name and reputation, these protein bars have become one of the most sort after selections with bodybuilder's and fitness athletes, above most other brands. Not only do Labrada protein bars taste as good, if not better then most supermarket candy bars, they also match the high needs and requirements of the elite.

The Labrada protein bar scope consists of flavors such as Peanut and Chocolate, Almonds and Yoghurt, Sweet and Salty Granola, Nutty Peanut and Caramel Cookie Twist to keep your taste buds satisfied and your nutrition healthy.

Both the Met Rx Protein Bars and Labrada Protein Bars have very scrumptious tasting bars, and if you are a total choc-o-holic, Met Rx Protein Bars are also on par or better with most over the counter candy bars. The larger sized Met RX Protein Bars called "Big 100 Colossal Bar" with 30 grams of protein, and the Met RX "Protein Plus Food Bar" with 32 grams of metamyosyn protein per bar are some of the best selling high protein bars on the marketplace today, being amongst the top 4 in the last few years.

Craig has been a Qualified Personal Trainer for ten years, and natural bodybuilding is a passion in his life. Hard Training is one part of the full equation, the other is good nutrition and supplementation. Check out what High Protein Chocolate Bars can do for you today. Check out BBcom's : Whey Isolate and Egg Proteins-High Protein Bars

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

NCAA Basketball: Bowie State U Hoops Men's and Women's Results Vs VA State

Virginia State Wins Rematch Against Bowie State's Bulldogs 89-66

ETTRICK, Va. - A rough shooting night for Bowie State was the main factor in their 89-66 loss to Virginia State University. The loss dropped the Bulldogs to 15-10 overall, 7-5 in conference play and 3-2 against division opponents. The Trojans, who hold the best record in the conference, are now 17-7 overall record, 10-2 in conference play and 3-2 against division opponents.

In the first half, the Bulldogs shot 35 percent (8-of-23) from the field, 38 percent (3-of-8) from long distance and made 67 percent (12-of-18) of its free throws. Things didn’t get much better in the second half as they shot 30 percent (8-of-27) from the field, 33 percent (3-of-9) from deep and made 67 percent (16-of-24) of its free throws.

Another factor in the game was the Trojans ability to control the game. Virginia State opened the game with a 12-1 lead, just minutes after the opening tip. They would hold on to the lead for the rest of the half, and the remainder of the game. Virginia State entered halftime with a 17-point lead, 48-31. 

Virginia State also held the advantage in points in the paint (21-10), points off turnovers (14-7), second-chance points (6-0), fast-break points (7-0), and points off the bench (29-26). The second half was a continuation of the first half as Bowie State struggled to hit shots, and the Trojans kept pouring in points. Virginia State saw its lead grow as high as 24 points at the 6:22 mark.

Francis Fitzgerald led four Virginia State players in double figure scoring with 17 points while Antwan Miles and Armond Griebe chipped in 13 and 12 points respectively.  William Vedder rounded the Trojans double figure scorers with 11 points. As a team, Virginia State shot 58 percent (31-of-54) from the field, 47 percent (8-of-17) from deep and knocked down 76 percent (19-of-25) of its free throws.

Although it was not the Bulldogs’ night on offense, senior Cameron Hayes (Upper Marlboro, Md.) led the three double-digit scorers with 21 points on 6-of-15 shooting from the field. Senior Juwan Smith (Lexington Park, Md.) continued his scoring outbreak with 15 points, and senior David Belle (Hyattsville, Md.) followed up with 11 points.

The Bulldogs will travel to Elizabeth City (N.C.) State on Thursday (2/13) for a battle against the Vikings in the R.L. Vaughan Center. Game time will be 7:30 p.m

Bowie State Bulldog Women Hold off Virginia State for a 51-48 Road Victory

ETTRICK, Va. – The Bowie State Bulldogs played some tough defense and hit some key free throws on their way to a 51-48 win over Virginia State Trojans Monday evening. The Bulldogs had balance with junior Talanya Hutton (Seat Pleasant, Md.) recording a double-double, scoring 10 points and grabbed 10 rebounds. Seniors Kyaja Williams (Baltimore, Md.) and Shawnkia McCallum (Baltimore, Md.) both chipped in nine points. Bowie State moves to 20-3, (10-2 in CIAA) while the Trojans falls to 9-16, (4-8 in CIAA).

Bowie State played some tough defense and a balanced offensive attack to claim the win. As a team, the Bulldogs held the Trojans to shooting just 29.8% (14-47) from the floor while shooting a solid 33.3 percent (19-of-57) from the floor in the game. Natalia Leaks had a game-high 20 points and added four rebounds for Virginia State.

The Bulldogs took control of the game early in the first quarter, but they had to fend off a tough effort by the Trojans. After allowing Virginia State to stay close for much of the quarter, Bowie State pulled away 11-5 after a Williams layup with 1:27 remaining. Sophomore Drew Calhoun’s deep ball extended the Bulldogs lead 14-7 to end the period.

The second quarter was all about Virginia State. The Trojans orchestrated an 18-0 run that gave them a 25-16 lead late in the period before BSU senior Amel Duggins (Largo, Md.) stopped the bleeding by hitting an important three pointer with 26 seconds left in the quarter. VSU went into the locker room at half leading 25-19.

Virginia State continued their dominance early in the third period by building their biggest lead of 31-19 after Leaks knocked down a jumper at the 7:17 mark. Similar to VSU in the second quarter, the Bulldogs used a 12-0 run to tie the game at 33-33 after McCallum’s layup with 52 seconds remaining. The Bulldogs outscored the Trojans 14-8 in the quarter heading into the final stanza.

The fourth quarter started out promising for the Trojans after taking 43-39 lead with 6:30 to go. Hutton answered with a deep three to keep the Bulldogs close at 43-42. Senior Dynaisha Christian (Pocomoke, Md.) converted a layup to give Bowie State a 47-46 lead before McCallum’s dagger three pushed the lead to 50-46 at 1:22. Sophomore Chyna Butler (Syracuse, N.Y.) would later go 1 for 2 at the charity stripe to eclipse the Trojans 51-48.
Bowie State travels to Elizabeth City, N.C. on Thursday (2/13) to take on Elizabeth City State University at 5:30 p.m. inside the R.L. Vaughan Center.

Trending Sports News Featuring: What King learned from Patrick Mahomes about Super Bowl and NFL Combine Trainer: Supplementation

Peter King shares what he learned from his conversation with Patrick Mahomes about the Chiefs' big comeback in Super Bowl LIV.

NFL Combine Trainer: Supplementation

Proper supplementation and a pristine diet make perfect fuel for the high-performance athlete. Ingest MuscleTech's best to trounce the rest.
NFL Combine Trainer: Supplementation
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Overview | Gameplan | Meal Plan | Performance Supplements | Drills

Supplements for the human body are like nitrous oxide for an engine. High-performance machines need high-performance fuel. Give yourself an edge with specialized nutrients that support performance, focus and recovery.
Marc Megna and MuscleTech have the right products to help you run, hit and perform at a professional level!

NFL Combine Trainer Supplementation



Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. A quality whey protein can help you hit your daily protein target of 1 gram per pound of bodyweight, and it's also important for post-workout recovery and building new lean mass. Whey is a clean, fast-digesting source of protein, making it ideal after your training sessions and between meals as necessary.


A multivitamin is a great source of micronutrients that may be lacking from your diet or may not be present in sufficient amounts. Hardworking athletes and lifters often require more vitamins and minerals than sedentary individuals, which a multi provides in a simple and convenient form. While multivitamins certainly can't replace a good diet, they are a nice micronutrient "insurance policy" on top of a well-formulated diet.
20 Vitamins and Minerals with 865 mg of Amino Acids to Support General Health.*

Overall Rating

Out of 10
Go Now!


Pre-workout supplements are designed to help you get the most out of each and every training session. They often include stimulants like caffeine to help you focus and attack your workout with maximum energy, ingredients like citrulline or glycerol to improve blood flow and give you a better "pump," performance and strength-enhancing ingredients like beta-alanine and creatine, and much more. If you really want to crush every workout, a pre-workout should be part of your stack.


Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are made up of 3 essential amino acids--leucine, isoleucine, and valine--and are key when it comes to promoting muscle growth (protein synthesis). Leucine, specifically, can stimulate muscle protein synthesis far more than any of the other amino acids, and because it's quickly absorbed, may even do so to a greater extent than whole protein. Taken before or during your workout, BCAAs have been shown to reduce muscle protein breakdown, lessen post-workout muscle soreness, and speed up the recovery process.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  

Monday, February 10, 2020

Dr. Eric Berg Featuring: 6 Huge Benefits of Copper

Don’t miss out on the amazing benefits of copper. Check this out! 
 Find Out More here.

Today we’re going to talk about the amazing benefits of copper. If you have too much zinc, you can deplete your copper reserve. Zinc and copper work together. Anytime you take one of these minerals, you need to take the other one as well. What you really may want to do is take them in a blend of all the trace minerals because you never know what else you might throw out of balance.  

6 amazing copper health benefits: 
1. Copper has powerful effects on brain function 
2. Copper is involved in making neurotransmitters 
3. Copper is involved in the anti-inflammatory process 
4. Copper helps support the immune system  
5. Copper is important for collagen - elastin 
6. Copper supports melanin  

Foods high in copper: 
• Oysters (other types of shellfish) 
• Beef liver (organ meets) 
• Mushrooms (shiitake mushrooms) 
• Chocolate (no-sugar chocolate) 
• Almonds 
• Pecans 
• Greens 

Copper deficiency symptoms: 
• Anemia 
• Grey hair 
• Loss of bone 
• Low white blood cells 
• Decreased thyroid function 
• Loss of collagen 
• Hair loss