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Showing posts with label aabaco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aabaco. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Minding Your Business-5 Reasons to Hire a Financial Planner

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!

By: Chelsey Bullock

Balancing and planning out your finances can be a very difficult task for everyone. Life can throw anything at you, and it's up to you to be ready to catch it. The same goes for your finances; you never know when an expensive emergency will arise. By hiring a financial planner, you will be better prepared to handle anything that may come your way. Here are five reasons to consider hiring a financial planner.

Determining your financial status: A financial advisor will help determine where you stand with your total income versus your debts. Together, you will be able to come up with a game plan to reduce the debts and improve your overall income for a validated savings account for emergencies.

Plan a retirement strategy: Are your retirement funds enough to live on with your current expenses? If not, you need to figure out how to invest more money into your retirement. In life, there are always unexpected expenses. It's best to view your long-term financial goals and outside holdings into account to determine how much you should be investing towards your future.

Written provisions for child care: This is a topic that should determine the day your children are born. If you or your spouse die, it's very important to have written provisions for their care. They are your number one priority, and together you and your financial advisor will determine what they need to have financially after you are gone.

Find investments for your wealth: Investments can be a great way to boost your financial status. But what investments should you invest in, so you don't lose money? A financial advisor knows how to handle investments like stocks and other exchanges.

Determine a budget that’s right for your family: Is your monthly income less than your monthly spending? If so, there need to be improvements made to secure your finances and future for your family. A financial advisor will give you advice on how to stay on track and where your lifestyle needs to change to better your finances.

These five reasons only scratch the surface of what a financial advisor can do for you. To learn more about financial planning visit The Investment Advisors of Utah, where together you and the financial advisor can determine the changes and investments that will need to be made to better you and your family's financial future.

If you are planning to retire in Salt Lake City you could benefit from having a professional investment advisor. Having a financial planner in Utah to help guide you will pay off when retirement arrives.

Minding Your Business-How To Get More Views On Your WordPress Blog

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Calvin Moss

Today, I want to talk about how to get more views on your word press blog. Blogging has become more popular than ever. An increasing number of today’s network marketers have at least one blog. In a way, it seems as if blogging has become a sport. The more active you are, the better you become. As bloggers, one of our goals is to get more views on our posts. The more views we get, the more popular our blogs become. Although I consider myself a student at blogging, there are simple ways to get more eyeballs on your work. The information provided will assist in getting the views you seek for your blog.

A good title:

The first way to get more blog views is to start with a good title. Titles are very important because they are the first thing people see. Headlines dictate whether or not your reader will proceed further into your article. Your title needs to be eye catching and possibly tell a story in itself.

Original content:

We all know the ole’ saying that content is king. Original content builds kingdoms. Network marketing success blogs require good quality content. Even if your content is not a completely original idea, it should be written with originality. You should include articles that offer encouragement and education. These kind of articles seem to resonate well with readers. Entrepreneurs are consistently looking for ways to improve themselves and their business. Good content that provides ideas and solutions work best.

Blog syndication:

After you write your blog post, you want to get it syndicated through a social platform. Tribe pro is an excellent place to get eyeballs on your blog. There are a variety of MLM tribes that will syndicate your content so long as it provides value. Many six and seven figure earners have tribes of influence. Submit your RSS feed and integrate videos as well. You can add several links and even create your own MLM tribe.

Social media:

This one is a no-brainer, so I won’t spend much time on it. Hundreds of millions of people are on social media. So it only makes sense to leverage the platform to connect with visitors. You want to post on social sites such as Face Book and twitter. The key with Face book though, is not just posting on your timeline. You want to post in groups that focus on blogging so you can attract more targeted visitors to your word press blog.

Guest blogging and commenting:

I haven’t guest blogged yet, but I will. I have been asked a few times to do some guest blogging and an interview! I learned that guest blogging on sites that attract thousands of visitors is a great way to get more traffic to your site. In addition, liking and giving positive feedback on other bloggers sites, which I have done, is a good way to gain exposure.

In conclusion, the information presented above are great ways on how to get more views on your word press blog. If you would like to post on purpose and profit at the same time(who wouldn’t) my mentor is offering some free training that will assist you to make money even if you don’t have a website! 

Calvin Moss is a writer, blogger and entrepreneur. He teaches bloggers how to make money online with their content and how to generate leads for their business. Send me an email at;

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Minding Your Business Black and White - The Philosophies of SEO

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Jennifer Kothe

Search engine optimization otherwise known as SEO is a popular form of search engine marketing. The main goal of which (as its name would suggest) is to improve the ranking of the site in various search engines. An entire industry of consultants has sprung up around the idea of search engine optimization. It’s important to note that when it comes to SEO there are two distinct methodologies at work when it comes to optimization.

In fact, the SEO consultants themselves as well as their methods can be subdivided further into two different groups. The categories are best known as "white hat SEO" (which is aimed at improving overall site quality, and increasing the site’s ranking through approved methods), or "black hat SEO" (often use methods such as cloaking and spamdexing to increase rankings. However, using such methods can lead to your site to being removed from search engine listings). Those in the white hat camp charge that black hat methods are not only giving SEO a bad name but are also attempting to manipulate and undermine the search rankings. The black hatters counter that argument by saying that in truth all SEO is an attempt to manipulate rankings, and therefore the particular methods one uses to increase rankings are irrelevant. In other words they take the more Machiavellian approach of using the end results to justify the means they use.

So what more specifically are the methods being employed by the two camps?

White hat methods:

These methods typically involve following the search engines' published guidelines as to what is and what isn't acceptable. The advice typically given by the white hat SEO experts is to create more user-friendly content, and not focus so much on the search engines. That is if your site is well put together and presents something users need it will naturally climb in the rankings. Also by making content that is easily accessible to the search engines spiders it will be properly read and therefore properly indexed in the search engines. The white hatters are needed most often because a webmaster has made critical mistakes in either the design or the set-up of their websites, inadvertently "poisoning" them so that they will not rank well. The SEOs then attempt to discover and correct these mistakes, which may include unreadable menus, broken links, temporary redirects, or simply a poor navigation structure.

Here are a few examples of SEO activities which the search engines find acceptable:

• Using a reasonably-sized, accurate description meta tag without excessive use of keywords, exclamation marks or off topic terms

• Optimizing tags, titles and other parts of the code as necessary

• Using WordTracker or a similar database to find popular and relevant keywords and phrases to use for your site

• Monitoring the various search engines to ensure that your URL gets indexed

• Increasing the amount of unique content on the site


• Writing quality content for the website visitors instead of the search engines

Black hat methods:

Whereas the white hat methods follow search engine guidelines "Black hat" SEO methods to try to improve rankings by any means necessary. Most of these methods are disapproved of by the search engines, typically because of their deceptive nature, but also hamper the ability of the search engines to provide quality content to site visitors. Search engines often penalize the sites they discover using black hat methods, by reducing their rankings or eliminating their listings from the search engine results altogether. These penalties are usually applied automatically by the search engines' algorithms, because the Internet is too large to make manual policing of websites feasible. However once they are discovered, search engines may take action against those found to be using unethical SEO methods. Take for example Google’s removal of both BMW Germany and Ricoh Germany in February 2006 for use of these practices.

One common black hat method is known as Spamdexing. Spamdexing is the promotion of irrelevant, chiefly commercial, pages through various deceptive techniques and the abuse of the search algorithms. Unfortunately it often gets confused with white hat search engine optimization techniques, which do not involve deceit. Spamming involves getting websites more exposure than they deserve for their keywords, leading to unsatisfactory search results. Optimization involves getting websites the rank they deserve on the most targeted keywords, leading to satisfactory search experiences. One example of spamdexing is link farming. Link farming can be basically defined as any group of web pages that all link to every other page in the group. Another common practice is listing popular keywords in fine print or in the same color as the background so they can’t be seen by users. These were only a few examples but there are many other deceptive practices that may be employed by black hat SEOs.

So how can you tell the difference between Black and White SEO practices?

A very easy way to distinguish between the two is though the amount of time involved in getting the desired results. White hat SEOs use methods that produce results slowly over time and only after a good deal of effort has been put into the site. Black hat SEOs offer you quick and easy results most, if not all, of which will obtained through deceptive practices.

Jennifer Kothe is the talented marketing coordinator at Internet Traffic Solutions ( which is a full service marketing agency that offers clients a profitable way to get the attention of their target audience online.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Minding Your Business-Developing Social Content – Where Social Media And Content Marketing Merge

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!

By: Nikolay Peshev
Are you trying to successfully incorporate social content into your blog? Even experienced content marketers like 411 Locals face challenges and struggles when creating content that is meant to engage their audiences. The key factors behind successful sharing of social media content are those that make the art of developing social content. But how to create content that is both educational and touching the emotional side of your readers? Here are some innovative ideas about how to expand your content marketing strategy and make it work for your social media goals.

Customer Spotlights Work Better Than Long And Boring Case Studies

A good part of the content marketing gurus love to point out complicated case studies. In fact, this method of being persuasive has been used so often that it became more of a nuisance than an actual attention-grabbing tool. It is kind of hard to get involved when you see a wall of text that explains the step-by-step struggles of someone you’re not familiar with as a reader. So that’s why the customer spotlight can enrich the reader’s experience with the use of feedback and emotion. It is a more direct approach to prospects – to make them see what your happy customers have to say. With customer spotlights, you’re telling success stories coming directly from the source.

Interview Bloggers If You Have The Chance

Some of the most valuable followers are the ones that count as influencers. Their actual worth-base is more than tens of customers, in the long run. Someone who is well-known and respected will earn you more views, likes, comments and long-lasting engagement. The overall impression that your readers will gain is no less than positive. Interviewing a big name in the blogosphere will bring you on a whole new level, where you no longer communicate your thoughts one-sidedly. Approaching influential people takes time and requires skills like being tactful and on the other hand, loudly convincing when necessary.

Build Authority By Sharing Insights

It is a faster if somewhat less direct influcencer outreach. To put it simply, you need to create compilations of thoughts and ideas, already shared by top dogs. Moreover, linking to the source will add more page authority to your blog. You will be more trusted as a source of information – both to your audience and the search engines.

Input New Context To Already Known Information

Having the dogged determination to create new content at all cost can be a major drawback. One of the most important aspects of earning "eyeballs" is your ability to express a genuine point of view. And you don’t have to create new content for that. You only need to comment and analyze well enough to have your audience intrigued. So instead of rewriting well-known pieces of content, you can actually add more to an existing text. Your insights can make a tremendous change of opinion among those who read the original content.

Elegantly Extort Your Audience

Here is a tip that always works – the more engaged you look, the more interested your audience will be. With your timely responses to the appearing comments, you will inspire more comments. The more intensive discussions you get, the better chance you have to extract resources for surveys, topics, and new concepts. This is just one of the techniques used by 411Locals – it makes your audience both satisfied and contributing to the purpose of your blog and/or social media profile.

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Minding Your Business-Online Book Publishing: Digital Fulfillment Delivers

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Shaun Fawcett
This is another in my series of articles that explain the Online Publishing Model and how small-time authors and/or self-publishers can use the OPM as a more lucrative alternative to the often archaic and dysfunctional traditional book publishing model. In short, using the OPM you'll make more book sales and you’ll net more profits, faster.

Typically, you will create your book/ebook in a source word processing program such as MS-Word or WordPerfect. Once you have converted it into PDF format you’ll be ready to start selling it via the three primary channels that make up the Online Publishing Model: 1. Sales-Mini-Sites, 2. Digital Download Distributors, 3. Print-On-Demand (POD) Distributors.

This article explains Channel 2, Digital Download Distribution.

Discovering exactly how the digital fulfillment channel works was a major breakthrough for me. That discovery alone has resulted in many thousands of dollars in ebook sales that I otherwise wouldn't have made. Really!

Based on my experience, the use of this one online distribution channel is guaranteed to add thousands of dollars annually to your bottom line sales! That's right -- if you harness the digital fulfillment channel of the OPM you'll sell hundreds more ebooks than you would just selling them from your Web sites.

It's important that you understand exactly what I'm talking about when I use the term "digital fulfillment", as opposed to print-on-demand (POD) fulfillment.

Digital fulfillment refers to when your ebook is delivered to the buyer strictly in electronic form as a "digital download" product. Essentially, it's the same as when your ebook gets downloaded from your Web site, except that, the digital fulfillment is provided by a digital download distribution company through their distribution network.

A typical example of digital fulfillment in action would be when you provide your ebook electronic files (PDF) to a company that distributes digital download ebooks to, for example. would then offer your ebook to its customers as a digital download product.

IMPORTANT: When I talk about “digital fulfillment” here, I am NOT talking about delivering a downloadable ebook to your buyers from your own “sales-mini-site”. I’m referring to when one uses third party vendors and/or distributors to deliver a digital version of one’s book through their own channels.

As I stated in the other parts of this series on the OPM, I have spent the past few years immersing myself in learning about the tools and techniques of successful Internet marketing to help me sell more of my ebooks/books.

In the process, I have purchased scores of "must have" books from many heavy-hitter big-name Internet marketers. But NEVER have I read anything about the digital fulfillment strategy in ANY of those many books/ebooks from the gurus!

In fact, I basically stumbled across this largely unknown money-making publishing secret by accident when I asked a major book selling company if it would be possible to sell my ebooks through their Web sites in addition to my own.

They promptly answered that "yes", there is indeed a way to do that… by using a digital fulfillment company. Although I didn't fully realize it at the time, that was a breakthrough moment for me!

Typically, a digital fulfillment company maintains large digital libraries of books and ebooks. They deliver those products electronically "on demand" as digital download e-books in response to orders from publishers, distributors, booksellers, and libraries.

Bottom Line: The major digital fulfillment companies offer a vast distribution network, folks. Exploiting this channel means much more than just getting your ebook and/or book listed on It means getting your title in front of the vast majority of all ebook wholesalers and retailers!

That's a good logical question, and you may be surprised by the answer.

I have found that there is minimal cross-over between the people that buy ebooks at my Web sites and those who buy them through sites like, and others. That's right.

In fact, out of thousands of sales through both channels I have received only one e-mail that indicated a buyer had seen my ebooks at both places.

Another proof of this is that, although I use the same list price for my ebooks on my Web sites and at, that company quite often chooses to offer a 30% discount, which actually makes it a much better deal to buy the ebook at their Web site.

In spite of this, sales at my Web sites remain strong. In fact I continue to sell more ebooks from my Web sites. So, it's pretty clear that people aren't doing cross-comparisons of prices.

They appear to be two mutually exclusive groups of shoppers!

(However, I should add that people who buy the ebook at my Web site also receive a number of bonuses that don’t come with the ebook when sold through a distributor).

The key point here being -- if I didn't offer my ebooks online through and other digital download distributors, I would probably not make over 95% of those sales through my other distribution channels (i.e. my Web sites). Lucky for me, I now know about this little secret!

If you're careful, and plan ahead when you create the original version of your ebook that people will purchase and download from your Web site, you'll also be able to provide the same efiles to your digital fulfillment distributor with few changes, if any.

Typically, it will take only 10 to 15 days from the time you submit your efiles until you will start seeing your ebook show up on book retailer Web sites as digital downloads.

This channel works folks! In fact, just this afternoon I checked my account and found that over 30 copies of my Recommendation Letter Kit ebook have sold so far this month, and this is one of the slower months for that product!

I've also sold more than 25 paperback versions (POD) of that same book this month through the same digital distributor, but I'll get into the POD model in the next part of this series.

The really exciting thing about these digital download sales is, as I explained above, they are IN ADDITION to any sales that you will make via your Web site. It's almost like "found money".

That’s what makes using the Online Publishing Model so exciting; it gives you three equally productive selling channels for your books and/or ebooks.

Shaun Fawcett is the author of numerous “how-to” books on everyday practical writing help. He also writes about how to create and publish books and ebooks. His popular book that explains how to implement the Online Publishing Model can be found at:

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Minding Your Business 8 ways to build the habit of success

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Ahmed Al-shraify

To become successful, we have to first understand what the word "success" really means. The Cambridge Dictionary defines success as;
"the achieving of desired results, or someone or something that achieves positive results".
Despite the actual definition, the word "success" has now been associated with monetary rewards by society. Often times people think that to be successful means to be rich. The truth is, one must first be successful before he can ever be rich. Once a person fully understands that concept, he allows himself to reach his full potential. Success is a habit, and money is attracted to the habit of success. Below is a list of 8 things I believe you can start applying today, that will help you build the habit of success in your life.

Make the decision
You will not accomplish anything in life without first making the decision to commit to accomplishing that thing. You will not get healthy without FIRST committing to a healthy lifestyle. Before you can become successful, you must first commit to success. Most people say they want "it", but they don’t ever commit to getting "it", and to making the necessary changes needed to get "it". Talk is cheap, you MUST make the commitment first and figure out the "how-to" later. Convince yourself that success is attainable, and that it’s not an impossible thing in your life. Don’t credit your failures or shortcomings to "Bad luck" or to a "lack of opportunities". You must take responsibility for your failures, and understand that the reason you are not where you want to be in life is due to a lack of commitment to success. Plain and simple.

Write down your goals
Most people don’t see the value in writing their goals down on paper. "I have my goals in my head" they say. We live in a time where we are exposed to an overflow of information every day. Your goals WILL get lost somewhere in the chaos of all of that information if you don’t write them down on paper and revisit them EVERYDAY. Write down your goals on a piece of paper once when you first wake up, and once before you go to sleep everyday. Get in the habit of focusing your attention on your goals. Some people are not even able to commit to writing down their goals on paper twice a day, and then they wonder why they cannot achieve them. This isn’t some law of attraction stuff (although that stuff works).
This is a method to get your mind focused solely on your goals and off of the latest social media buzz or nonsense. It’s very easy to get side tracked nowadays. I recommend you try writing your goals down twice a day for 1 week straight and if somewhere within that week you stop doing it, then that’s how you’ll know that you have a problem with the habit of success.

Do the Math
Set a financial target/goal for yourself , and then do the math to figure out how to get it. This is straight out of the Grant Cardone playbook and I credit it 100% to him. First you must figure out what you have to offer to the world, then you have to figure out "Who’s got my money".
For example, if I am someone who’s very good at athletics, and can offer athletic training, then I will target athletes, that’s "who has my money".
After you do that, you must figure out how much money you can make from what you have to offer. If as an athletic trainer you make 70$ per hour, then you must use that to break down the math of how to reach your financial target.
For example, let’s pretend that I am an athletic trainer, my target audience (Who got my money) are athletes, I charge 70$ per hour and my goal is to make 100,000$ in 1 year.
First, I will divide my goal (100,000$) by my hourly income (70$) to determine how many hours I must work to reach my target.
(100,000 divided by 70 = 1,430) I know that I must get paid for 1,430 hours of work in 1 year to reach my goal
Second, I will divide the hours I must work to reach my goals (1,430) by the number of days i have set for myself to accomplish my goal (365) to determine how many hours per day I must work to reach my goal.
(1,430 divided by 365 = 4) I know that to reach my goal I must get paid for 4 hours of work everyday
If you are charging 70$ per hour, and are training 4 clients per day for only 1 year you will reach 100,000$ in that time. Once you break down the big numbers, you will see that they are not as big as we think they are. Do the math, to make the big numbers seem smaller.

Seek knowledge
The amount of time people spend consuming junk is ridiculous, and I am guilty of it as well.
I know it’s hard to look away when Kanye West is going wild on twitter, I understand that. With that being said, you must counteract the junk that you are consuming by gaining more useful knowledge and information. There is no shortage of great content out there for people to learn from. Rather than spending all of your time watching cat videos on YouTube, you’d be better off learning from people like Grant Cardone, Gary Vee, Bob Proctor, who are consistently dropping amazing and useful FREE content everyday. Invest in yourself and in your personal development. I recommend the book Think & Grow rich for anybody who is looking to get started in moving towards the direction of success. DO NOT overlook the power of a good book.

Find mentors, role models, & teachers
This is very important for people who are just getting started in their careers. You must find someone who you want to live like and study everything that they do, did & are going to do. You must find people who are great at what they do and emulate them. The average Canadian makes 51k per year. There is a cycle that is going on and we are constantly falling into this cycle of mediocrity because we are being taught the wrong information. Most people want to become millionaires, but are getting their life advice from someone who makes 51k a year… That doesn’t add up. You must forget everything that you have been taught about money, and find someone who can actually teach you about how to make it in the quantities you want. If your goal is to be a millionaire, then go get advice from a millionaire. If you don’t have access to any millionaires, then follow people like Grant Cardone, and Bob Proctor who can mentor you through the unlimited amounts of content and information that they put out.

Get rid of bad habits and Junk
Bad habit is the kryptonite to success. People love to hang out with toxic people, drink toxic beverages, and waste time being unproductive in toxic environments. This isn’t a judgement of anyone, nor is it a question of morality… this is an assessment of poor time management skills. How are you spending your time? And with who are you spending it? I recommend that you stop giving your time away, and focus on spending it on income producing activities, or personal development. The people, and places that you give the most time to will directly influence the growth or lack thereof in your life. Become stingy with your time, and value you it the same way that you value the worthless pieces of paper known as money.

Surround yourself with winners
This plays into the previous point of getting rid of the bad habits, and the waste of time in your life. To get rid of something is difficult; but to replace something is easy. Once you get rid of the toxic parts of your life, look to replace them with something positive. Network with like-minded people who are looking to achieve the same things that you are. Create a mastermind group with someone who supports your goals and ambitions, whether it’s with your mom, uncle, cousin, girlfriend, etc. Find someone who supports your visions, and meet with them regularly. You will see a HUGE difference in your life and in their lives as well.

Clean your room
This last one is for all you dirty folks out there, CLEAN YOUR MESSY ROOM. All the moms out there will thank me for this last point. A messy room is a representation of a messy mind.
Clean your room, you will notice a big difference in your overall emotions. Give it a try and you will thank me later.
These are few things you can start doing today, to start building up the habit of success in your life. Most people think success is a crazy, unattainable thing and that is not the case. We are all capable of success. Take responsibility for any shortcomings you may have and start working towards success.
Don’t be a little bitch.
Thank you for reading, be sure to follow me on Instagram @Thedonshraify for more posts like this.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Minding Your Business Winning the World Cup?

Presented on US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!
By: Franziska Hall
The world cup is in full swing and everyone is cheering on their favourite teams (including me who stayed up until 4am to cheer on the Aussies, of course I am all for the Swiss too).
Why would I talk about the World Cup in an article for small business owners? Well, firstly to get your attention and secondly because there are a couple of great learnings we can take on board from this awesome event.

Dedication, hard work and focus: All of the soccer players are and have been so dedicated to their purpose, winning the world cup! The players are fully committed to their teams and have been working so hard to get where they are. It wasn’t just a quick achievement, but years, even decades of dedication, hard work and focus.

In your business you usually can’t expect a quick get rich scheme (even though some people might promise you exactly that). It takes dedication, hard work and focus to get ‘the plane off the ground’. But once it’s off the ground, the views can be spectacular.

Fan base: The soccer teams at the World Cup have a massive fan base and are being supported by so many people. This really does help their desire to win, they don’t want to disappoint their supporters, team mates or themselves.

Who is your fan base? Who are your supporters? Build a fan base that is cheering you on and supporting you in your ventures. Your fan base can be your friends, family or colleagues. You want to hang out with people that believe in you and are helping you reach your vision. It is so motivating to have people around you to share your successes with.

Team play: No soccer team will ever win the World Cup without amazing team play. Each player has a defined role and knows exactly what role he plays in the team.

Do you have defined roles in your business? Who is your marketing, sales, finance or admin person? Even if you are the one doing most of these tasks, it is essential to define them and spend time in each of them.
And if you do have a team, make sure each team player knows what is expected of him or her.

To your World Cup success,


Maybe Aussies could focus a bit more on soccer and less on rugby. I think I might be in trouble for saying this. Go Socceroos!

Franziska Iseli-Hall

To receive FREE instant access to marketing resources valued at  $197,
Franziska Iseli-Hall

In the Past: She has a corporate background in advertising, relationship management and marketing. Founder of different businesses such as Swiss Travel Australia, Leader Chicks, German/French and Spanish Home Study.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Minding Your Business- Importance of Chat Support to Small Businesses

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Cyril George

Thinking that you can achieve online business success with a plain website that simply displays your product is a big mistake you should remedy as early as now. With technology continuously evolving, consumers are expecting more and more from online shops.

They want the convenience of shopping from home yet an experience close to that when shopping at a local store. One of the things they look for is the assistance they get from staff.

They usually have questions and they want answers. One way to meet this need is to get a live chat for website.


Live chat is convenient for consumers. Even when shopping online, many consumers want to get help (when they need it) from a real person. What is surprising is that most of them would choose live chat support over assistance via phone or email.

Live chat is just more convenient than dialing a toll free number or composing a long email that contains all their concerns. Moreover, live chat for website usually involves a shorter wait time than call centers.

Emails are usually answered within 24 to 48 hours. Consumers want prompt answers.


Take advantage of live chat support. With a live chat box on your website and a high number of consumers using it, you can double your sales and build or improve your customer base. It is best to have a team that can answer live chat queries 24/7.

While you can be offline, won’t it be great for you and your potential customers if there is a communication channel available round the clock?


Live chat for website has become cheaper than ever with several companies that offer similar programs. You can find an affordable live chat software and get all the necessary features. Just do your part – conduct research – before making a purchase.

Compared with phone support, live chat offers big savings to business owners. For instance, when the line is breaking up, callers tend to hang up and businesses would have to make a callback, which costs a few bucks, to salvage the sale.

With live chat for website, costs are reduced because the average interaction cost is also reduced.Save on Payroll with livechat

Moreover, you can reduce payroll expenses. Skilled live chat support representatives can handle several chat sessions simultaneously. Some live chat programs offer canned responses, making answering frequently asked questions fast.

Whether you have just started your online business or have been online for quite a while and want to boost your conversion rate, getting live chat for website is definitely a wise thing to do.

Provide consumers a convenient way to reach you. While phone and email work, adding a live chat box to your website can help a lot, especially in establishing your involvement.

Take advantage of consumers’ love for live chat support by meeting their expectations in terms of the quality and speed of customer service. Save on customer service expenses and see your conversion rates and sales soar.

Coversine provides professional live chat services for your ecommerce website. We will understand your business products, and guide your visitors to make the best buying decisions.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Minding Your Business-Buying Domain Names: The Importance of Investing in Multiple Names

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Austin Power

The same way a person will have a first name, and other names, nicknames preferably, is similar to how you can carve a unique niche for your business by providing multiple names that can act as a pathway through which potentials visitors can notice your goods and services. The digital space is a wide area, requiring that visitors have to take some time to navigate new areas in the web space, with an assurance that a need has to be met. Since you don’t expect to find identical services online, you sure will come across services that are similar, in terms of delivery and quality. So, to make the journey of finding you on the vast digital space easier, you can resort to buy domain name. The reason is that visitors on various social media platforms can easily get to you, regardless of how distant apart you are. So, when you decide to buy domain name, you shouldn’t think that you are wasting resources, but cleverly making use of the opportunities you have on ground. On this account, here are three important pointer for businesses that are planning on getting multiple domain names.  Artlicle Continues Below...

.....1. Wide coverage

The same way wide popularity is the desire of every business investor, it can also become a burden when you don’t have the right tools to manage the influx of visitors to your website. Nothing draws visitors closer to you like quality service. Therefore, you need to have the right resources to maintain the consistency in which you have built your business upon for many years, especially in the areas of quality service delivery. To ensure that you continue giving your visitors the best of your services as you expand both locally and internationally, you need to buy domain name, as a way of ensuring that you reach out to all your customers satisfactorily.

2. Specified landing pages

In the process of becoming a known brand internationally, you should also prepare ways in which you can accommodate the influx of requests for your services. In order to manage demands properly, you need to get multiple domain names, as a way of creating specialized business areas that can meet the needs of your visitors promptly. On your part, you are making it easy for your website to interact with your visitors, as you take note of their insatiable demands on your website.

3. Search

Your domain names should be able to cover areas in which visitors are likely to search on several search engines. Apart from the fact that you need to buy multiple domain names to expand your business, you need an SEO service London expert advice to check out processes that can help you navigate the digital space successfully. Leaving out an SEO service London expert out of your plans may push you to buy domain names that will not facilitate traffic on your website. The reason, therefore, is that an expert knows how the digital space operates. So the practices that can pull in traffic and income are areas these experts are already into, which you need as a template for ensuring that your investment in SEO practices are not in vain.

There is a thin line between what can happen to you when you invest smartly and when you invest ignorantly in business. Whatever methods you have to apply to facilitate your business growth in time, you should endeavor to work with experts in the field, ensuring that you are guided properly when investing in multiple domain names. After all, domain names are made to give your business a good edge over others.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Minding Your Business-Show Your Tablet Some Love, Tips And Tricks To Reduce Energy Consumption

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Stacy Hulmes

The tablet pc is very portable because of its weight and size, however as devices become more powerful and feature rich, the potential for energy consumption increases. Learn some tips and tricks on how to make your tablet last longer and do more.

Become a Tablet Jedi and operate just by intuition. Usually people do not have to read menus before operate the tablet pc. It is all by intuition and nearly no need to learn. It can be easily used with the fingers. It suits every person. Some parents even buy the tablet pc for their little child to read digital story books and play interactive games.

As the main input is a touch screen, it is not good and not efficient if we have to type a lengthy document. We can us the built-in virtual keyboard with the touch screen. However, it is still not as comfortable as typing on a real keyboard. There's a solution for this problem. It will be covered inside the tips section. .

Unsuitable for using long hours. The power will be eaten up quick if we do not do any optimization from its default setting. Watching movies and Playing games will consume the power very rapidly.

How can we tackle the problems and enhance the performance? Here are our 4 hints to improve your tablet pc:

Use external real keyboard and holding rack when you are doing typing job. There are some lightweight small keyboards in the market can be put into a tablet pc bag. If you do a typing job, you can use that to improve the typing experience. In addition, there are some mini rack designed for holding up the table pc and you will be more comfortable when typing.

Turn off non essential apps and services like Wifi, Bluetooh and GPS For example, if you are just using Google doc to edit your work document at a bistro. The GPS function may not give you any value at that period but just wasting your power. Then just turn that off! Adjust the screen to a suitable brightness level. The default setting of the tablet pc may be a bit brighter than what you need. We can save power by adjusting that down to an appropriate level.

Using cloud technology. There are loads of online services that replace traditional PC programs. They are using cloud technology so not using any CPU power. Google docs is a free tool which can replace clunky office applications.

Make use of remote desktop software, connect to your pc at home. Allowing you to make use of a higher CPU power from your tablet pc. All you need is an internet connection which is secure, you can do all the tasks just like you are sitting in the office. One great advantage is that you can synchronize your files. It is because you are using the same files no matter you are on the street, at your home or at your office through the remote desktop.

Stacy Hulmes is a technology and social media writer and deal contributor for 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Minding Your Business-Digital Advertising Blog | 5 Steps to Optimise Digital Advertising Campaigns

Presented on US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!
By: Sparc Media

In this article, we list the 5 Steps on How to Optimise your Digital Advertising Campaigns.

Step 1 – Targeting Strategy

To begin with, it is important to have your campaign set up with individual strategies for age, demographics, interests, behaviours, or any other target criteria you are using. This is so that each parameter can be tracked individually and you can optimise them in and out depending on the performance.

Make sure that your targeting strategies are in-line with the campaign brief provided by your client so that you can give them insights on the things which are most important to them.

Step 2 – Advertising Research

Simultaneously derive insights from qualitative market research based on the product you are advertising and the consumers you intend to target.

Additional information from market research in relation to the product and the psychographics of the audience will broaden the targeting funnel which will further assist in serving better results.

For example, Sparcmedia ran a campaign for a chain of family health clinics in Brisbane who were trying to promote an offering for skin cancer awareness. Through qualitative research, we found that Brisbane had an audience segment of students from Japan who were highly conscious about skin cancer due to the high rate of skin cancer in Japan.

Armed with this market knowledge we tested a strategy, utilising a small amount of the client’s budget to target Japanese students. This strategy was a success and resulted in increased conversions for the campaign, with an eCPA much lower than other strategies.

Step 3 – Advertising Insights

Start observing key activities such as the impact of the time of day, the day of week, placements and performance of URL/sites as they play an important role.

You should also be tracking consumer reaction towards each component of the advertising campaign. For example, if you have five creatives in circulation, instead of bundling the engagement rate and seeing the overall for all five, have them split out so that you can understand which executions get greater levels of engagement. Pause the ones that are less effective and focus spend on the 2-3 which have the greatest success. This will ensure that you get a greater engagement rate overall, plus get insights on the types of creative which your audience responds to.

Once the campaign is up and running analyse it for a period of two weeks before making adjustments. You need to ensure that the optimisations you are making are based on a statistically relevant level of data.

Step 4 – Optimise

After two weeks, optimise the campaign towards the parameters mentioned in Step 3

The process of optimisation can include:

Higher bidding or allocating more budgets towards the URL’s that generate higher engagement (CTR, views, conversions.)

Pausing the under performing line-items.

Bidding higher at the most active hour of the day that is providing maximum engagement.

Increase spends towards the best performing strategies (gender/age/interests)

Optimise spend on a daily basis until the campaign ends.

Step 5 – Analyse

When the campaign has finished, analyse the results and deliver post-campaign insights that will help the clients grow their business with effective decision-making. Useful insights include: Information around the engaged audience in comparison to the targeted audience, information on which creatives performed and why, information on which strategies performed and why. Wherever possible, overlay this with market data.

Instead of patting yourself on the back for a great click through rate or for the number of sales you achieved, start understanding why you got that result, because when you know that, it will be easier for you to replicate the result again and again on an ongoing basis.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Minding Your Business! Fund Your Sport Teams the Right Way

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Casey Evertsen
Every sports team out there could use some extra money in their account. Most sports teams would like to buy cool uniforms, get better practice materials, and improved training equipment. Depending on the sport, equipment is going to vary in cost so it is important to know how much money you will need in order to get everything taken care of. Most sports teams in high school, and club teams in college, rely on sports fundraising in order to get the extra money to pay for all of their gear. Even local youth sports teams do the same thing. If you are looking for sports fundraising ideas then you might try selling a discount card.

A sports fundraising discount card can be a great way to generate some extra cash. Most people associate high school football teams with going out door to door to sell sports fundraising discount cards, but the truth is that any team or group can do the same thing. All it takes is some local merchants and retailers to offer some discounts to people that purchase the sports fundraising card. Once these companies and sponsors have been set up then it is up to the team to sell this sports fundraising idea to the community.

Pricing is another big issue when doing sports fundraising. You will want to make sure that the discount card is affordable but that you also get a big enough cut to make it worth all of the extra effort. Typically, this type of sports fundraising idea includes the card being sold for around $10. This can actually turn out to be a really good deal, as long as there are a lot of discounts and that the card can be used multiple times. Take all this into consideration when deciding on this sports fundraising idea.

The next major obstacle you will have to overcome when using this sports fundraising idea is creating a sales force. While most of the kids on your teams will probably be outgoing enough to talk to friends and family about it, the only way to really make money off of this sports fundraising is to get it in the hands of neighbors and other people in the community. You might come up with a simple sports fundraising sales script that the kids can follow so that they know exactly what to say when they go to the door of someone they don't already know. Sports fundraising is always more effective when there is this kind of planning and preparation involved. If the kids feel comfortable with selling this sports fundraising idea then you are likely to sell a lot more.

Last of all, if your discount card sports fundraising doesn't work out the way that you had hoped then don't be afraid to try something new. Selling products is always going to be on the menu when it comes to sports fundraising but as long as you have something new and of high quality, then you won't have a hard time selling it. The important thing about this method of sports fundraising is to make sure that you can get into contact with as many people as possible. 

Casey Evertsen is the creator of The Spirit Sleeve in Logan, Utah. A division of Lin Manufacturing, Spirit Sleeve is a fundraising idea that helps students show their school spirit while helping raise funds for school programs.