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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Today's Devotional: Why Not You?


Why Me, Lord?

If God allows adversity to reach you, know that He has good purposes in it and will be with you throughout.

From Intouch Ministries

July 6, 2023

Romans 8:28-29

When life gets tough, we may wonder why and ask, Is God punishing me? Has He forgotten me? Sometimes we know we’re facing the consequences of sin or foolish choices, but other times the reason is not so clear. And when illness, death, or some other profound adversity enters our life, it’s even more difficult to understand God’s purpose in allowing it—especially if we’re faithfully following Him.

Scripture shows us many ways that God uses hardship in believers’ lives. It may be to get our attention, help us conquer pride, or teach us to hate sin. Sometimes it’s to remind us of our dependence on the Lord, demonstrate His faithfulness, or give us tools for comforting and serving others. Other times, God wants to mature our view of Him or deepen our faith. 

The Bible encourages us to rejoice in the midst of our trials (Matthew 5:12; Acts 5:41; Romans 5:3; James 1:2), and Romans 8:28 promises that God always works things out for the good of those who love Him. Does this lessen the hurt and doubt that accompany trials? Not always, but Psalm 23:1-6 promises that God is with us—comforting us in the midst of the valley (v. 4). He may not always calm the storm around us, but He calms our heart when we cry out to Him.

How can these verses help you overcome doubt and fear in times of trouble? 

Bible in One Year: Psalm 139-144

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