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Monday, February 4, 2019

Strength Coach Shoulder Compilation and On-Ice (Hockey) Conditioning Plan

Shoulder Compilation

Michael Boyle - 
In our article compilations we've covered hips, hamstrings and core training so, to keep the ball rolling, I've added a shoulder compilation. Available free to members....
Eric Cressey- Shoulder Savers Part 1- this might be one of my favorites from Eric. I think as Eric has learned more he has gone into greater detail but after re-reading this, most of the info still resonates with me.
Eric Cressey- Shoulder Savers Part 2- much like part 1, this 12+ year old article is still pretty good. I'll be more than happy to add some additional links if people can link me to better stuff?
Andrew Paul- Strength Coaches Guide to Shoulder Training - I don't love the exercise choices ( a few are outdated ) but, the long anatomy section makes this 60 page ebook worth it. Just read it with a grain of salt.
Charlie Weingroff on the Podcast- this is a Strengthcoach Classic Episode that has Charlie going into some progressive ideas for shoulder rehab. A must listen or a must re-listen.

On-Ice (Hockey) Conditioning Plan

Joel Jackson
I put together this on-ice conditioning plan for the coaching staff of both teams that I work with here at the University of Alberta.

What I was finding to be one of the main problems here was with the injured guys. For example we currently have a player that underwent surgery for a broken finger. He is obviously unable to take contact and do much skill work, but still is able to skate at a high intensity. What this turns into is him getting onto the ice for the tail end of practice and one of the coaches sh*+ bagging him for 15 minutes. My purpose is to try and educate them on how important rest periods are for the intended purpose of the conditioning, whether it is with an injured guy or just general conditioning for the team. 

This will be a bit of a work in progress for me so I am sure I will add to, change things, etc over the coming month/years, but thought I would share it with you guys either way.

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