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Monday, November 7, 2022

US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: TRX Training



Boulder Crest is helping veterans and their families heal from combat trauma through intensive training programs and, TRX is honored to be part of the program. Keep reading......

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Today's Devotional: Your Gifts That Keep On Giving


The Gifts of the Spirit

Are you using your gifts to serve others? To be effective, the church needs the participation of every believer.

1 Corinthians 12:1-13

God has prepared work for us to do, and He’s equipped us with spiritual gifts to do it. Spiritual gifts are special abilities the Lord gives us to serve others in the body of Christ. 

These gifts are given to us, but they’re for the benefit of others. Though they come in several varieties, can be used in various ministries, and have a wide range of effects in the church, they all originate from the Holy Spirit. He’s the One who chooses which gift each believer will receive. When all church members serve the body using their particular gifts, everyone benefits spiritually. 

The Lord has a specific purpose in mind for each of us, and He’s gifted us accordingly (Ephesians 2:10). Without our individual contribution, the local church will lack something. Part of living in the power of the Holy Spirit involves employing our divine endowments as God directs. By operating in our area of giftedness, we’ll have the motivation, ability, and confidence needed for effective service. If you don’t know what gift you have, start by volunteering at something of interest, and eventually you’ll discover it.  

Bible in One Year: John 17-19

Saturday, November 5, 2022

US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: GritrSports (1-800-GunsandAmmo)

Introduction of the AR-15 (QUIZ)

It’s been more than sixty years since the introduction of the AR-15, and it remains the best-selling platform today. We love its versatility, customizability, and ease of maintenance, and if you’ve ever fired or handled an AR-15, you know that firsthand. However, how well do you really know this platform? Take our quiz to find out.

Welcome to your Introduction of the AR-15

What does AR stand for?
Name one cartridge not chambered by the AR-15.
Name the military version of the AR-15.
What’s the common misconception about the AR-15?
What’s the name of this AR-15 component?
Who’s most associated with the development of the original AR-15?
In 1959, Armalite sold its rights to the AR-15 to…
How is the AR-15 rifle different from the AR-15 pistol?
The AR-15 was developed based on which rifle?
Name this AR-15 component.
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Todays' Devotional: Bring The Hope!


The Source of Our Hope

Since it's easy to become discouraged, we need to remember that God is working for our good.

Romans 15:13

Hope is usually defined as a desire for something, accompanied by the anticipation of receiving it. If our expectation isn’t fulfilled, it’s easy to become discouraged. We have an enemy who wants to steal our hope. As the father of lies, Satan tries to keep us focused on our circumstances so we will doubt God’s love and care for us.   

So at times we may feel desperate and abandoned, but emotions are not reliable. As children of the heavenly Father, we’re never in hopeless circumstances because He promises to work everything for our good (Romans 8:28). But His concept of “good” doesn’t always match ours. Too often we set our hopes on the things of this world, whereas God prioritizes our spiritual well-being. 

Disappointment and discouragement are the result of setting our hopes on the wrong aspiration. This doesn’t mean we can’t have dreams and expectations. But we should hold them loosely, with an attitude of submission to God and trust that He’s still working for our good when they don’t come to fruition.  Our expectations for this life are temporary, but we have a living hope in Christ that’s unfailing and eternal.

Bible in One Year: John 12-13

Friday, November 4, 2022

Today's Devotional: Who Do You Call?


Remain Hopeful

When difficulty comes, choose to trust God.

From Intouch Ministries

Acts 27:13-26

Life doesn’t always meet our expectations. Even when our plans are according to God’s will, we may nevertheless face difficulties. I remember a season of life when I felt all alone and abandoned by the Lord. My mind said God was with me, but my feelings said He wasn’t. To counter those emotions, I had to pray and focus my mind on Scripture.

In today’s passage, the weather threatened Paul’s voyage to Rome. Even though the Lord was clearly directing His path, a violent storm arose on the sea. The sailors worked hard to save the ship, but gradually they gave up hope of being saved. The only one who persevered in hope was Paul, and he encouraged the crew with his confidence in God.  

Frustration over obstacles can lead to discouragement. Many times we can’t change what has happened—whether it’s a job loss, a loved one’s death, or a devastating diagnosis. Circumstances over which we have no control are often the ones that trip us up.

In times of discouragement, you have a choice. Will you focus on your circumstances, or will you fix your gaze on God and His Word? 

Bible in One Year: John 10-11

Tactical PE Law Enforcement Fitness Training


  • Author Tim Kauppinen
As a police or law enforcement officer, you know that staying in shape is a key part of your job - and for keeping you safe. You also know that it's often almost impossible to find the time to work out consistently.

Let's face it, fitting in an hour or two of exercise every day is just not very realistic in your hectic, demanding schedule. That's why you need to focus your work outs on the type of exercise to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

And the type I recommend is high intensity exercise - especially hill and stair sprints. These techniques allow you to get the most out of your precious workout time. Helping you build strength, power, speed and stamina while burning maximum amounts of fat - all in much less time than a traditional workout.

There are numerous reasons that high intensity is the way for you to go. Here are the Top 3:

  1. Hill Sprints Build the Stamina Necessary For Your Job Demands.

Endurance is something that every law enforcement officer needs - but it is a special kind of endurance. If you want to perform at your peak, then long, slow distance types of cardio just won't work. Your endurance training needs to mimic the demands of your job. Those needs being - short bouts of intense exertion alternated with periods of long periods of lower intensity.

Think about it. How often does your job require you to jog at a low intensity for long periods of time? Or even run at a steady, moderate pace for 20 or 30 minutes in a row? Yet, these are exactly the types of demands that long, slow cardio workouts prepare you for.

On the other hand, high intensity work, like hill sprinting, provides you with interval training that meets your needs. It will take your heart and lungs to intensities far greater than those found in jogging or traditional types of endurance training. Your body will become used to reaching these higher levels, and recovering quickly in between the "sprints." Not only that, with hill sprints, you will be able to spend much more time training at that high intensity than if you try to "go hard" at a steady state.

This type of training can lead to more protection for your heart and lungs than traditional "cardio". Long, low intensity cardio can actually shrink the size of your heart and lungs because your body is excellent at adapting to the stresses placed on it. Training long and slow encourages your body to become as efficient as possible to make the exercise easier. The result: it shrinks muscle mass along with your heart and lungs. This has the effect of decreasing your reserve capacity - the ability of your cardio-vascular system to respond to high stress situations (exactly the kind your run into in your job). Without a high reserve capacity, your heart and lungs may be at risk during stressful events. High intensity training can help raise your reserve capacity instead.

Not only that, but more and more scientific studies are showing that VO2 Max (the traditional measure of aerobic endurance) is improved as much - or more- by using high intensity exercise like hill sprinting. This endurance is due to the sprints upgrading your oxygen intake system with new capillaries, developing stronger heart and lung tissue, adding more energy producing mitochondria and increasing your tolerance to lactic acid buildup.

Want the ability to respond to high intensity situations (and recover quickly afterwards)? Then train the same way.

  1. Hill Sprints Give You Results In As Little As 15 Minutes.

Sure, this training sounds great - but how much time does it take?

Truth is, you can get these benefits in short workouts of 15 minutes or less - only 2 or 3 days per week.

High intensity work, especially hill and stair sprinting, is an incredibly efficient way to exercise. This is because you are forced to do more work in a shorter period of time. In other words, hills and stairs are like the perfect combination of strength training and sprinting - you literally "lift" or "push" yourself up the incline. The steeper the incline, the more demand is placed on your leg muscles. This intensity allows you to get in a superior workout in a very short period of time.

  1. Hill Sprinting: The Incredible Stress Buster

The bad news: Your position as a law enforcement officer brings a great deal of stress along with the job. This stress can lead to health-related problems like heart disease and metabolic syndrome.

The good news: One of the best ways to "bust" that stress is with exercise - more specifically high intensity exercise.

Exercise in general relieves stress in a number of ways. First of all, exercise stimulates your brain to release substances (endorphins) that improve your mood. Besides that, exercise can decrease cortisol levels, provide a distraction from the source of stress and boost your self confidence.

Any exercise can have these effects, but high intensity can amplify your results. Recently, researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia showed that high intensity exercise is superior in reducing anxiety and stress. The 2003 study even showed that the effects can be felt 30, 60, even 90 minutes after an exercise session.

These are just 3 of the reasons that every law enforcement officer should hill sprint. Take your endurance to a new level and reduce your stress in only a few minutes of exercise per week with this "old school" training. You, your fellow officers and those you serve and protect will be glad you did.

Tim Kauppinen, or Coach K, has over 20 years experience as an athlete,coach and personal trainer. He has helped people of all ages and abilities get and stay in peak shape. Coach K is the author of the Uphill Fitness Training, and publishes a FREE daily training email newsletter. Tim can be contacted through his website at

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US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Flybird Fitness




Although there were a lot of fitness equipment that had been released in the market, we found out that none of them really met our needs. Some were either too heavy, or not portable enough, or just not aesthetically pleasing. So we decided to make it ourselves.

We at Flybird wish to make people's lives more comfortable and healthier with our reliable equipment and excellent service. For our company, developing new products is always a priority so that we can meet our customers' needs.

"Flybird Fitness Black Friday Sale starts. Shop our Biggest deals with price guarantee. Free shipping on all orders. Offer ends on 28 Nov."