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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Arrogance in Ignorance – The Republic is in Danger - Censorship and The Truth About Vaccines Featuring: Part 2 - Charlene interviews Ryan Hartwig: Facebook Whistleblower | TTAV 2020 Censorship Series


  • Author Randy Gonzalez

In the rampant rage of wide-spread devolution of humanity, particularly on the shores of the U.S., the arrogance of ignorance spews its contagion in diverse ways. By contentious condescension of intentional malevolence, the spurting of non-stop stupidity intentionally contrives to wreck the democratic processes. To save the republic, higher reaches of purposeful wisdom with extraordinary ascensions of enlightenment requires a mature intelligent population. Among this extrapolation of astonishing willful insight, knowledge insists upon the development of exceptional personal individuation. Acute inner analysis is crucial. (Continued below......)

(....Continued.....)With a list of adversarial disputations, opposing forces to the right, freedom and reason of free speech endeavor to restrict essential constitutional safeguards. In particular, aside from illicit and dimwitted admonitions from the realms of academia, supernatural ideologies attack and defame essential necessity of personal expression. Among the antithesis of human liberation comes the terroristic psychological and physical pillaging of freedom by extremist fundamental occultic obsession. Led by the weak, the cowardly and the ignorant, selfishness abounds.

Politics is but one arena where “anti-thinking” foments the specious terrors of ignorance so grievous, that the viability of the American republic hangs in the balance. For some, perhaps even a majority, indulged in wonderment to consider the probably of eventual human extinction. To that apocalyptic end, the political processes are but elemental factor in an iceberg of societal selfishness. Closely aligned is the cult of celebrity worship. The contemporary idiocy, from Hollywood elitist to Washington politicians, promotes a dumber American society.

Most often, actors, like so many across mainstream society, spew the superficiality of their ignorance. Undereducated in so many aspects of the real-world, their fictional fantasies blur the distinction between the real and the surreal. All to often, such actions breach the viability of free speech in such condemning ways, as to rebuke the tenants of civility. Their divisive hate mongering tears at the basic foundations of the revolutionary spirit of freedom. Given the gluttonous satiation for selfishness, money, power, and control, prefers ignorance. A few years, a British publication asserted the lunacy of the “leftist elitist”. Building a case for the extremes of smug self-righteousness is a trail of clues related to education versus indoctrination.

With controversial engagements across the mainstream of society, some analyst ponder the perceived notions regarding a decline in educational ascendency. By contrast, a few agree that the American culture is declining with consequences that indicate an eventual collapse. As opposed to an enlightened constituency of well-educated, exceptionally competent and mature people, a devolution seems more realistic. Regardless of social strata, most of the population appears and acts in very immature and child-like ways. Being ignorant became more comfortable.

In accordance with the aforementioned sense of intellectual dysfunction, one psychologist recently echoed a similar theme, by what might be called “American dysfunction of anti-intellectualism”. Asserting a kind of pathology of ignorance, the writer offered an argument regarding the degradation of society by wide spread idiocy. By absurd, foolish and immature behaviors, including stupid commentary by elected officials, a deep sense of disappointment echoes among those seeking solutions to serious social issues.

By neither social status nor college degree is there any guarantee of extraordinary enlightenment. Likewise, regardless of educational institution, graduation does not infer the capacity for saving the planet, profound civil discourse or insistence upon the greater good. In an earlier time, philosophical admonitions favored the necessity for higher intellectual achievement beyond in formal system or communal process. Creativity was an important element in pursuing the pioneering spirit of innovation. Today, ingenuity finds few adherents.

In a post-modern context, disingenuous behaviors increasingly and negatively exhibit a host of adversarial interactions. Divisive examples are ever-present in news shows, as well as political forums. Emotional reactivity is frequently the choice of actions rather than serious analytic investigations. To insist upon a problem-solving venture by way of critical thinking and logical analysis is not typically the path chosen. A regressive tendency toward immature emotional responses animates an inclination toward promoting conflict rather than compromise.

While one person criticizes another for a posting in social media that may violate “community standards”, another vicious torments others for their political leanings. Intolerance for tolerance often depends on whether or not the other person agrees with another’s opinion. In prior times, open debate on controversial issues embraced the free spirit of candid commentary. Now, the opposite seems more likely. Sensitivity to everything shuts down the free exercise of alternative perspectives. At the same time, emotional reactivity threatens factual authenticity.

For the purposes herein, the issues surrounding the conceptualization of censorship relates to actions intended to suppress, restrict or otherwise prohibit the dissemination of an artistic expression. Primarily, the focus is toward social media, but not exclusively. As such, the prohibitions, or attempted prohibitions, referred to include restrictions on presentation or publication of various forms of authorship. Writings of various kinds, articles, stories, books, novels and so forth are examples. Additionally, consideration of creative works likewise pertain to movies, films, photos, drawings and other related works of art.

Whether an article on a controversial topic or an explicit depiction of photographic art, the matter at hand is the intentional prohibition of the art form. As an ongoing process of social and legal debate, censorship in contemporary social media, including news media, suggests an increasing antagonism toward innovative artistic endeavors. While the First Amendment (U.S. Constitution) is the fundamental expression of free speech, censoring an imaginative arty expression conjures debatable implications in terms of legality, equity, and liberty.

Aside from legal ramifications, the implications of censorship are manifold. Indirectly, one aspect entertained here is the notion that censoring an online artistic genre speaks to an era of ignorance. As intellectual capacity, along with a maturity for enlightened thinking, diminishes over time, increased infantile reactivity is more likely. In post-modern consideration, contemporary efforts by social media to curtail selected expressions represent oppression. A “tyranny” of intolerance pretending to be tolerant pervades social interactivity.

Another aspect suggests a devolving process of thinking that is detrimental to human civilization. If, for instance, there is a supposition that the human species is advancing, a counter argument might infer the contrary. Contemporary sensitivity appears at an all-time low in terms of overreaction to just about anything. As controversy arises over criticism of an individual, an ideology, or a flag, or baseball cap, a posting occurs on the net to demonstrate outrage.

Extraordinary simplification, excessive rationalization and contentious divisiveness degrade any semblance of a civilized society. As such, there is a sense of arrogance in the ignorance. In an article for a national newspaper, the online admonition of American society focused on the commonplace “embracing of ignorance”. Accordingly, the claim points to the current trend of glorifying ignorance and disdaining intellectualism. While believing in something without facts or evidence is one thing. It is quite another to make public policy based on belief.

Someone might question which is worse, not having evidentiary substantiation, or denying the reality of factual relevance and doing something stupid. This is where a serious regard for rationality searches carefully among the volumes of psychobabble to question the nature of proof. Solvability of an issue invites the various aspects of efforts directed toward provability. For most issues, many rely on gossip, hearsay, opinion and superficial conjecture that says nothing and does nothing. Frequently, this satiates an inner desire to make idiotic notions valid.

Another headline from a different informational perspective asserted a study that suggested people do not like their strongly held beliefs questioned. Based on a limited research configuration form a major private college, researchers sought to assess the knowledge base of the average voter. As related to things like climate change, for instance, overuse of information dissemination may case deeper controversies to arise. Too much information leads to confusion among diverse parties to a public debate, especially if the basis for knowing something is limited.

A debasing conjecture might suggest that an entity or external mechanism causes people to do one thing or another, but that is dangerously misleading. Not only that, but also such specious notions perpetuate an atmosphere of ignorance. Such things become a vicious cycle of regressive tendencies for the sake of foolish excuses. As to that, the commentary is often heard about how the “internet makes people stupid”, or how “technology” or “social media” contributes to violence, etc. Briefly, inanimate objects cannot make people do things.

Lifeless inert “entities” do not possess the power for such influence. People intentionally and willfully make their own choices and there are no excuses for their bad decisions. However, to ensure the lofty status of ignorance, many will concoct all manner of mitigation. By malice aforethought, premeditation and intention infliction, people do all kinds of perpetrations. Once the blame went to demons, ghosts and goblins. Today, it is just about anything external to the person that receives blame for maladaptive behaviors. Not much difference than demonic possession.

Regardless, such human antics do not elevate the species to an advanced civilization by any stretch of the imagination. Grotesque and undignified fallacies of inference permeate talk shows, talking head news outlets, schoolrooms, legislative sessions, social media and the list goes on. Subjective validation for the sake of cognitive bias, absent facts and evidence, supplants in-depth critical analysis based on vigorous inquiry. Instead, the modern malady of social discourse tends to rely heavily on opinion in an appeal to inauthentic “authority”.

Such an appeal to the pretention of some source, or someone, possessing the exceptionality of an authoritative perspective, is potentially dangerous. The guru, the shaman, the spiritualist, or the metaphysician, are likely to perpetrate grievous errors of self-centered thinking. As alluded to earlier, in a stardom-fixated culture, the incessant adoration surrenders to the opinion, gossip or rumors fomented by popularity. Using fame and fortune as a benchmark for knowledge and wisdom encourages a larger framework of social stupidity. Because someone can play a part in a movie, perform on stage, or nominated for an award, does not confer enlightenment.

Yet, repeatedly, “intellectual capacity” is erroneously ascribed to a star personality, whether movie luminary or talk show host. Similarly, as 24/7 cable network news sources slant toward personal opinion, the greater the probability of shallow thinking. In reality, these could actually be some of the most notoriously uninformed people on the planet. A careful analysis of the contemporary rhetoric reveals a serious failure of fact driven analysis. Evidence seems to have lost its value and necessity in favor of personal opinion. Repeatedly, feelings are valued more.

Continuing the commission of the decline of intellectual honesty, a collegiate talk show interview of one researcher expressed disappointment in politicians. Reminiscing the sage commentary of one of the founding fathers, the republic is in danger when ignorance has an expectation of freedom. To paraphrase, as stupid culture cannot hope for a free society. In a frightening reflection on modern society, a researcher points to the foolish discourse found in American politics. Politicians often say the stupidest things.

One point of view on this matter of egregious ignorance in political commentary, relates to how such fallacies mirror society. Whether by partisan bias, political expediency, or contrived selfishness for power and control, the lack of intellectual curiosity and analytic reasoning undermine the principles of a democratic republic. Worrisome is the notion as to the trend toward anti-rationality, or the ability to ensure constructive reason in logical analysis.

That coupled with the arrogance of embracing ignorance ought to be the warning signs of a collapsing culture. A few would argue the disastrous consequences for the human species. Others aligned with the fear of eventual human extinction would accept the idea that this is the dawn of the “zombie apocalypse”. The debasing nature of stupid thinking, or as some would prefer, “magical thinking”, portrays an era of conceited preference for being uninformed. To exploit that with emotional reactivity and cultural advancement devolves to regressive depths.

Meanwhile in academia, the bastion of knowledge and wisdom, a presupposition asserts the posture that high levels of intelligence mount the precipice of human advancement. When the laughter dies down, some argue there is no guarantee of vast realms of enlightenment within the hallowed halls of ivy towers. According to some educators, just the opposite is the reality. One college professor offers an assessment of the “dumbest generation”. By way of little or no mature leadership, trendy vulgarity, simplistic thinking and a host of other intellectual maladies, younger generations insist upon a devolving mediocrity of infantile narcissism.

In addition, the contentions, as to a devolving state of arrogant ignorance, falls upon lazy self-righteousness smugly neglecting the rigors of human advancement. A failure to ascend beyond adolescence and insist upon a mature grown world condemns society to eventual collapse. According to some, a small niche of serious minded mature individuals, the “dumbest generation” or generations, do possess sufficient capacity to deal with future societal problems. A fundamental deficit of critical knowledge in areas of commerce, industry, government and educational institutions hastens the regressive deterioration of a democratic republic.

One may or may not want to transpose “knowledge deficit” with stupidity. Applying a stupidity factor might hurt the sensitivities of those desiring to remain adolescent into adulthood. Nonetheless, a serious shortfall in socio-economic and political astuteness traversing rampant throughout mainstream society is dangerous. Added to that burdensome responsibility of being generally smarter than average, are the woefully scarce levels of historical ignorance. As earlier writers warned, failing to learn from history is the vital lesson of history. Coupled with educational narrowmindedness, particularly in collegiate settings, along with ideological agendas, the perpetration of “dumbing down” continues to erode the higher prospects of intellectualism.

Assuming an exceptionality principle from the realms of real science, there are always noteworthy exemptions from sweeping generalities. However, when it comes to humankind and the maladaptive intentions of foolish behaviors exceptions few. With the political arena for instance, there are very few exceptions of extraordinary intellect, with wise and mature exhibitions of serious leadership ability. As younger generations run for public office, let us say those under 40 years old, where most millennials reside, the prospects get scary. The arrogance in ignorance expands astronomically among the younglings attempting to manage governmental organizations. At the national level, stupidity in spite of alleged college education is frightening.

In pursuit of the warn paths of least resistance, asserting the nebulous notions of pretentious offense, the ignorance of the many fixate on the “selfieness” of selfish promotion. Once the unimaginative protest proclaims self-defeat, the unlabored ignorance relishes in the satiation of less strenuous mediocrity. Criticisms rage the hallow failures of critical thinking for the amative excitement of myth, magic and metaphor. Refuge finds company in the shallow fluff of forsaking reality for immediate gratification. Blustering blather endangers the republic.

For the gushing eroticism of quick release, the fatted bellows bemoaning the logic and reason of serious thought spew impotent conjecture. As to the perpetration of tired ideologies, reinvented by venal strains of limp minded arrogance, fear of evidentiary substantiation perpetrates the replacement of facts with fictions. Haughtiness of unintelligent, uninformed and uneducated self-imposed offensiveness, breed the illicit dangers that threaten cultural ascendency. Within that framework, the absence of profound creativity stifles the advance of enlightenment.

Acting “anti-social”, a word used too frequently in an ill-informed society, portrays an easily chosen means to get what one wants at the expense of others. Given the options, people will always act in their self-interests, which could beneficial or not. Excuses for stupid behaviors have run the deceptive and manipulative gambits philosophies as “science”, to political commentary as fact. Fictions promulgate the deceptive intentions of ill-intentioned adherents, presupposing their ignorance remain unchallenged. As to a majority that follow the superstitions of misguided dogma, the doctrines of illicit ideologies forsake the viability of social advancement.

For some, there are UFOs in every mysterious movement in the sky. Others delve into the phantoms of phantasm, where ghosts, goblins and gremlins lurk. From there, the adventure skirts the outer regions of mindful ideations to chase the mysterious manifestations of social dysfunction. In that, the instigators provoke the terror of monsters from the Id. From illusions thought real, which fail the proof of real scientific validation. As gullibility runs amuck, the believability leaps to faithful allegiance to chemical therapies for hidden demonic forces.

To perpetuate an industry of “mind-body-illness-wellness” forsakes the liberation of individuality to promote the feeble excuses of the many. From invisible “addictions” to superstitious flirtations, inflictions unfold that oppress and enslave as many as possible. In part, such antics promote the anti-intellectualism rising in contemporary context. As a result, some fear the arrogance of ignorance is one of the most deadly threats to modern society.

Published multi-genre author, 35 plus years field of criminal justice and law enforcement; college professor in criminology;

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tactical P.E. Presents: Self Defense Legal Issues - Can You Be Prosecuted For Self Defense? And Police Activity Featuring: Bodycam Video Shows Man Pointing Gun At Deputies Before He's Shot


Self Defense Legal Issues - Can You Be Prosecuted For Self Defense?

  • Author Jerry Wilkins

He was hiking up a trail in Coconino County Arizona in 2004 when suddenly a growling dog charged down the path running straight towards him. He quickly pulled his handgun and fired a round in the ground. The dog then retreated to safety, suddenly an angry man came running down the trail waiving his arms threatening to kill him. Claiming self defense he fired three shots killing the attacking man.

This case received national attention, since carrying a handgun is not illegal in Arizona many viewed this as a text book legal use of deadly force. However, prosecutors disagreed and charged the shooter with 2nd degree murder. He was later convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison. This is a common misunderstanding. The vast majority of Americans does not understand the legal issues involved in the use of force for self defense.

There have been thousands prosecuted for unwarranted force used in their self defense. Most were completely shocked when they were charged with a crime. Even if they were not convicted, the cost from their legal expenses and the trauma from prosecution leave many bitter and resentful of our legal system. This is a complex legal issue that very few not trained in the law comprehend, even trained Police Officers have been charged with the unnecessary use of force, and some are in jail.

A friend of mine recently explained that if someone attempted to climb in his window in daytime or night. he would shoot them. I explained to him that even soldiers in combat have rules of engagement. It is foolhardy to assume that civilians have carte blanch permission to use any means of self defense. It is important that we realize that the threat of danger or preventing crimes do not necessarily legally warrant the use of deadly force. Legally, the use of lethal force in an unlawful situation is a reason for prosecution. It doesn't matter if the person actually dies.

Legal Use of Deadly Force

Although the laws in your state may not be exactly the same basically most are unified in this fundamental concept. You can only use deadly force in self defense for protection from serious bodily harm or death. This law also would provide for the protection of others. If someone attacked you with a lethal weapon you can use deadly force, on the other hand, if someone attacks you with their hands only in rare occasions would you be allowed to use deadly force. For example, you are beaten badly, and the assailant refuses to stop.

Legal Use of Non Lethal Force

Using non lethal self defense weapons for protection are the more reasonable approach in most situations. It is highly unlikely you will ever be charged with any crime if you use them in your defense, this includes in the few states where they are banned. The only exception might be if you started an altercation and used the weapon. However, if you did not initiate the attack, using non lethal self defense weapons would be most likely allowed. So if you want to stay out of jail the wise choice would be to use nonlethal weapons, unless protecting yourself or others from serious injury or death.

Jerome Wilkins is a former decorated Baltimore City Police Officer. He is presently a Security Consultant and owner of DefendMax LLC. Visit his self defense weapons site at and receive a 10% discount on your 1st order by using code fv100 at checkout. We also have further information on legal issues and self defense.

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Stryper and There are so many Reasons Today Why we need to Pray


There are so many Reasons Today Why we need to Pray

  • Author Douglas Iwanicki

Why pray and how do you pray? The succeeding Why Do We Pray To God article will bring enlightenment on the significance and purpose of prayer.

God is deeply longing for His beloved to seek His face, not His hands and to seek His ways, not His moves. Since creation past, our Heavenly Father has been lavishly pouring out His heart and intention for mankind and the world. God longs for an intimate and mutual love relationship with man. Every moment, His heart beats for us to respond to him in awe and wonder as we behold His magnificence while contemplating on His statutes, bowing down to his holiness, and becoming aware of Him like a man to his wife.

Though God is the Supreme Being and divine ruler of the world and all the universes beyond, He is the God in three persons (Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit) having a personality. Unlike a watchmaker leaving behind its invention once created, God is a spiritual being demanding and requiring in love a divine connection with us. As such, we ought to relate with Him spirit-to-Spirit through a two-way communication called Prayer. / Because of that, it is of utmost importance to develop a spiritual contact with Him through what we call Prayer. Prayer is from the Latin word precare which means "to beg or entreat".

Why Pray? Primarily, because God institutionalized prayer and instructed His people to pray continually (1 Thess. 5:17) and pursue Him. (Jeremiah 29:13)

Since the Old Testament times, Bible characters discovered God in prayer and recognized ways to pray. God moved in their behalf as they lifted up the praying hands. Abraham interceded for his relative Lot along with his family and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah before its destruction (Gen. 18:16-33) and the same way with Moses who stood in the gap for the Jewish people in the desert as they disobey and complain against God (Numbers 14:11-20).

Out of perseverance in prayer, Hannah did not waver in asking God for a child and fulfilling her commitment (1 Samuel 1:1-2:11) and the said child Samuel persistently prayed for his nation and people amidst blatant rebellion and obstinacy. (1 Samuel 7:5-13) By praise and adoration, David composed and sang Psalms while Hezekiah prayed as he is concerned with the name and glory of God (1 Kings 19:14-20).

Prophet Daniel experienced a continual feast of fellowship with God through prayer and fasting (Daniel 9:3-19) while the cupbearer Nehemiah sought God's perfect will regarding his intentions to build the wall of Jerusalem for 4 months of fasting and prayer. (Nehemiah 1:10)

In the New Testament, Jesus lived a lifestyle of fasting and prayer (e.g. 40 days in the wilderness, rose up early to pray, prayed all night, prayed in Gethsemane) and taught His disciples how to pray and what to pray for as in the Lord's Prayer.

Why Pray I pray, is it the right way? If Jesus being the Son of God never failed to pray every single day of his life to overcome trials, rebuke devils, heal the afflicted, resurrect dead people, preach the Good News of salvation, operate in the supernatural, release those in bondage, and heal the brokenhearted, how much more should Christians? All those stricken by infirmities approached Jesus in a healing prayer to minister deliverance and restoration to their lives.

Our Heavenly Daddy reiterates in the Bible that we can humbly, boldly, and confidently come to Him for our every need-just pursue, pray, request, call on, look for, and be in Him as He promised to answer all those who seek Him with their entire being.

Why Pray Many times in the Scriptures, God's command to pray reverberates especially for those who will believe as whatever they ask for in prayer will happen and He will do whatever they ask in Jesus' name. God delights to grant petitions of the saints through their prayer, thanksgiving, intercession, and requests.

Perhaps you have asked yourself these questions: Why prayers aren't answered even if I pray to God? How do I pray now? Can anyone pray for me?

Why Pray More than just merely changing situations, prayer can and will transform our hearts and revive our love-relationship with our Maker and our neighbors. The best prayer we can pray to God is not when we make requests to intercede for others, resolve problems, heal sicknesses, vindicate from enemies, protect from evil or even turn the world upside down, it is prayer when we just close our eyes, bend down our knees, silence our hearts, cry out to Him without any agenda except to hear His voice, see His face and know Him in spirit and in truth.

If you decide to be in this posture all the days of your life and practice how to pray to God, He will definitely reveal Himself to you, show you His heart and saturate you with His loving kindness and bring restoration to your soul more than your wildest dreams and imagination.

Why do we pray to God? With prayer, we can appreciate God and comprehend His ways then find complete satisfaction in Him alone.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Debunking the Post Tribulation Rapture Theory & For Such a Time as This - WAKE UP!!


Debunking the Post Tribulation Rapture Theory

  • Author William Jaroske

Lately there has been a rash of Christians falling for this dangerous bible teaching called the Post Tribulation Rapture. The thing is that more and more people are caring less and less what the bible actually says these days.

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The Post-Tribulation Rapture philosophy also leads to other false doctrines. Colossians 2:8 is God's warning concerning false teachers,

"Beware lest any man spoil you through PHILOSOPHY and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (Colossians 2:8)

If Post-Tribulation Rapture were true; then, the last generation alive would be the only generation in over 2,000 years since the Church Age began to have to go through the Tribulation. Then, we would have to conclude that God is not a fair God. There are flaws to that post Post-Tribulation Rapture theory or the second coming of Jesus after the time of Jacobs trouble.

If Post-Tribulation Rapture were true; then, the last generation alive would be the only generation in over 2,000 years since the Church Age began to have to go through the Tribulation. Then, we would have to conclude that God is not a fair God.

Does the Bible plainly say that the Church will be raptured when Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation? and second, If we adopt that position, how will it affect other events clearly foretold in Scripture? for "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" (2 Peter 1:20).

We must understand that the Rapture relates exclusively to Church-age saints. It does not include Old Testament saints who were raised when Christ rose and took paradise to heaven (Matthew 27:50-53; Ephesians 4:8-10; 2 Corinthians 12:1-4).

Also, the Rapture described in 1Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 is for those who are "in Christ", which uniquely describes all believers since Pentecost. These have been baptized by the Spirit into the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13), and it is obvious that IF the Rapture of the Church were to occur at the end of the Tribulation there would be a serious conflict with other Scriptures.

Are there any Scriptures which speak of a resurrection of Church-age saints, both living and dead, when Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation?

The answer is, No. There is a resurrection of saints at the Second Coming (Revelation 20:4) but it is only for martyrs at the hands of Antichrist during the 7- years of Great Tribulation

Elsewhere we read that when Christ returns the saints come WITH Him, which requires that they be previously taken to heaven (Jude 14; Zechariah 14: 5; 1 Thessalonians 3:13). At the Rapture, however, Christ comes exclusively FOR His Church, which cannot include Old Testament saints or Tribulation saints. The saints who are alive on earth at the Second Coming are not resurrected but go alive into the kingdom (Zechariah 14:16-21)

TEST NO.2: The Post-Tribulation Rapture theory is in conflict with the main sequence of events in the last days.

We know that the "end of the age" will be a short period of 7 years called the Great Tribulation or "the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble" (Jeremiah 30:7), after which Christ will come. Matthew wrote

Does a fish know it is wet? For one thing when the final event happens and it sure will end the Pre trib post trib rapture debate real quick. Maybe it is time for Christians to stop and think that they are being poisoned by philosophy.

William Jaroske is Certified cash flow specialist of Charter Financial. A marketing trainer, Consultant, leader and mentor that unlocks the shackles of poverty into a empowered mindset. His website is

Saturday, November 14, 2020

US High School Football Presented By Game Planner Pro Featuring: Top 10 Quarterbacks from the Class of 2021 and Quarterback Answers

 National Football Editor Zack Poff takes a look at the Top 10 quarterbacks from the Class of 2021 and Gonzaga's (DC) 5-star Caleb Williams checks in at No. 1.

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Quarterback Answers

by Robert Weiner
Quarterback Answers


This course offers an overview of: 

1. Quarterback training techniques

2. Reading progressions and Manipulating the defense

3. The Importance of Quarterback footwoork

Book this course.......

The Coach

Coach Robert Weiner was named as Toldeo's Co-Offensive Coordinator and Quarterbacks coach in January of 2020. He previously worked at Plant High School for 16 seasons in Tampa, Florida where he won four state championships, had two runner-up finishes, and earned 14 consecutive district titles (2006-2018). Some notable quarterbacks Coach Weiner has coached have been Aaron Murray (Georgia, 2010-13), Robert Marve (Miami (Fla.) 2008, Purdue 2010-12), and Tucker Gleason (member of Georgia Tech's 2020 recruiting class). Book this course today!

Friday, November 13, 2020

The StrengthCast Power Show Ep 7 Featuring Trainer Mike, More Glutes, and More Beasts. And Do you sabotage your fitness resolutions every year? Here’s what to do instead

 Join your host Coach Nate as we take a look at a high volume back workout from trainer Mike, take look a cool glute exercise from the beautiful folk at BodyRockTV and drop some Beast-Mode Knowledge from our friends at Beast Sports. Enjoy!

Do you sabotage your fitness resolutions every year? Here’s what to do instead

  • Author Elin Kanchev

How to keep your focus and stay on track

Are you one of the millions of people who resolve to start working out on January 1? While you’re probably excited to get back into the gym after indulging in more than a few delicious holiday treats, it can also be difficult to get back into a workout routine after weeks or months away from the gym. Turn your New Year’s resolution into a goal you work towards all year long by following these tips to avoid injury and ease back into a gym routine:

Make new year fitness goals long-term.

One of the biggest ways to actually keep your New Year’s resolution in 2018 is to set specific long-term goals. For example, you might say “Right now, I can do 15 push-ups. In six months, I’m going to be able to do 30,” instead of simply saying “I’m going to work out more in 2018.” Once you reach your initial goal, set another. And then another. Setting specific future goals helps you ease back into working out and keeps your New Year’s resolution because you’ll continue moving forward.

See the big picture.

A lot of people make a New Year’s resolution to work out thinking they’ll see results overnight. But working out is a process, and it’s important to stay positive when you don’t see immediate results after just a few days back in the gym. When you get discouraged, take a deep breath and think about all you’ve achieved since you started working out again. Have you shaved a few seconds off your run time? Benched five extra pounds? It may not sound like much to you now, but those small victories add up to big gains in the long-term.

Take it slow (but not too slow).

One of the biggest mistakes most people make when easing back into working out is going too hard, too fast. If you’ve been out of the gym for a while, start with shorter workouts several times a week, and incorporate stretch sessions before and after each workout. On the other hand, don’t cheat yourself out of a challenge. It can be tempting to stay in your workout comfort zone. Instead, increase the duration and intensity of your workouts over time to ensure you stay healthy and strong.

Let go of stress and enjoy workouts.

It can be overwhelming to take in all the fitness advice you’re bombarded with everyday. Just let go of all the magazine workout tips, gym advice from friends, and exercise infomercials you’ve accumulated. As you ease back into working out, try to empty your mind, and instead take time to strengthen the bond between mind and body. One great way to do this is to meditate briefly before a workout session. When your mind and body are aligned, you’ll be more focused on your workout, and more likely to keep that New Year’s resolution all year long.

Work out with a personal trainer.

Consider investing in a personal trainer to stay motivated on your new year fitness journey. Working out with a personal trainer can help you get the most out of your fitness routine and give you guidance on the best exercises to help you meet your goals. Interested in learning about personal training? Contact us today to see how our trainers can help you meet your goals.

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

About Media and Influence and America or "Banana Republic"?

 -Author June Stepansky

We are fortunate to live in a country and at a time when we have almost unlimited access to information — political, social and personal through many TV and radio outlets, through newspapers and through the internet. What many of us don’t always take the time to realize is that all of these outlets are businesses who have owners and motives and agendas of their own which do not always reflect truth. These businesses also have advertisers who ultimately have their own agenda which can compromise the objectivity of reporting what is true.

How then can we decide that the source of our information is truthful and reliable? We probably can’t, unless we know who owns the outlet and understand their motives. The other way to seek the truth is to get our information from as many different sources with diverse opinions as possible and then sift through all the different opinions and make an informed judgment .

This may seem like too much of an effort for most of us. Is it really important that we do this? It is one of the most important things that we will ever do . If we don’t make the effort to be thoroughly informed, unscrupulous individuals will be able to bend us through emotional or intellectual manipulation to become their puppets for carrying out their ideals. That is how countries ultimately lose their freedom.

It is all the more important now because the current world trend in so many countries including our own is toward limiting challenging ideas and trying to demean and control our media. We must value all of our media and fight for the freedom of all the press to write and speak whatever they feel is their truth even if we don’t agree with them and even when we are concerned about what they say. That is what makes a democracy strong. If any individual or group attacks the freedom to express our ideas no matter how distasteful those ideas may be, then we must suspect that these people and groups want to ultimately enslave us and limit our freedom. No one, of course, must be able to advocate violence, but beyond that one limitation, in a free society we must allow all diverse opinions. No matter how difficult that is.

It will take the awareness of all of us that there will always be unscrupulous individuals who will try to manipulate our thinking, if we allow them to do it. A truly informed electorate is the one way that we will always be able to know the truth of any given situation and the only way that we will continue to retain our precious freedom of thought and action in a continuing free society.

June Stepansky is a published writer and poet who has been writing books and articles about happiness, self-improvment, social and political issues--

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Winning Through Defeat: Eleven Commandments for Elections Losers & #MugClub #LWC Election 2020: This is Far from Over! Rudy Giuliani | Louder with Crowder


  • Author Vincent Womujuni

Many countries, developed or underdeveloped, have struggled to solve the problem of electoral malpractice for decades. The situation has been worsened by the advancement of technology in which computer hackers can manipulate the voting machines and gain easy access to confidential voting material to influence the outcome of the elections. To avenge their unfair defeat, some legislators have resorted to taking the law into their own hands through guerilla wars and civil disobedience. Although some freedom fighters have succeeded in overthrowing dictatorial regimes through the barrel of the gun, bloodshed and violence should not be used as bargaining chips in future political negotiations. When the war happens, innocent women and children are the ones who carry the heavy burdens. Those who resort to cruelty after their defeat expose their true character: they are not interested in serving their people; their predisposition to ruthlessness suggests that their ambitions to serve their constituents are driven by their personal and political self interests. Here are the eleven commandants for winning after the unfair loss of an election:

  1. Losing is not the end of the world: If you played by the rules, but lost unfairly, it means that you still enjoy the good will of your electorates, and so it is critical that you consolidate that support by staying in touch with your staffers and agents. It is also imperative that you acknowledge their contributions towards your successes. Recognizing and rewarding their hard work rekindles their hope and builds their confidence in you and your ability to lead.

  2. It is okay to resolve your grievances through the courts of law: Using the legal system does some good things: it reminds the fraudulent politicians of their responsibilities to their voters; corruption is exposed; the landmark case upon which future court cases could be argued and decided is created; and it puts electoral riggers on the defensive, hence demystifying their invincibility.

  3. The bush is not the safest place to be: The world is tired of wars. Guerilla activities yield nothing other than more death and more suffering. The situations in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Libya, Somalia and many other nations in the world are a constant reminder that dialogue trumps guns and ammunitions. With the advancement of technology, a drone operated by a remote control tens of thousands of miles away can hunt down the renegades and bring them to book.

  4. We cannot have two leaders at a time: Regardless of how someone won the election, it is crucial that we give him or her a chance to do his or her job and wait for our turn. If the losers are harassed after their questionable defeat, the proof will be clearer: the winners are politically disoriented, temperamentally unfit and dangerously unqualified to lead.

  5. Dialogue is the most important communication skill: Don’t confuse pugnacious or combative behavior with constructive discussion to resolve problems. The natural disposition to be aggressive and belligerent when one has been treated unfairly leads to antagonism and intransigence, and this does not yield a compromise in a conflict resolution situation. Despite the fact that many peace talks in the troubled nations have been labeled "peace jokes," effective dialogue has gone a long way in quelling situations that could have potentially become strong bedrocks for genocide or mass murder around the world.

  6. Be pro-active rather than reactive: Stop whining and complaining to whomever cares to listen to you about your unjust loss. Use this time to reflect on what went wrong and what you need to change in your campaign strategy to emerge victorious in the next election. Whenever necessary, take a tactical retreat. Your rivals might have blackmailed you and wounded you emotionally, but steer clear of any controversies that could hurt your character further. Temper down your rhetoric and anger and plan for a better tomorrow. What difference does it make if your anger and outbursts embolden your enemies? It is okay to disagree, but when you do, let it be done in a gracious and professional way that benefits you and repairs your credibility. Be the adult in the room. Reach out to your adversaries during moments when they are not trigger-happy. Be the good guy, and the plethora of opportunities will open up for you.

  7. Don’t be idle and disorderly: One day I asked a colleague of mine, a professor, why he was still teaching with all the accomplishments he had attained in his personal and professional life—he had written many books, he had travelled the world, and he had taught at many prestigious universities across the globe. His response was that he needed an address and that he loved grooming the young minds, the leaders of tomorrow. I learned a lot from him. Likewise, during your strategic retreat, find an occupation. Find an address. Resume your normal life. I have seen some aspiring congressmen and women remain jobless while making many unforced and regrettable errors. There is one gentleman in my district who wanted to become a senator by all means necessary and inadvertently pronounced dead one of his opponents and pleaded with the people to vote for him because he himself was still alive.

  8. Wait for your turn: We have a very big problem of traffic jam in our world today. Although to a larger degree this is due to the voluminous and ever-growing transportation industry, to a lesser extent, the mess is caused by our impatience. You go to the bank and are number one in line, but before you know it, you are number ten because nine other people have suddenly cut through the line in front of you. You don’t want to drive during rush hours in our brave new world. Everybody cuts everybody off, and if you are not a steady driver, crazy drivers can easily knock sunshine out of you. Some them drive over shoulders, others on pavements, and the majority in trenches, and if it were possible, some would operate their vehicles on top of each other or on building roof tops. This is the same thing with our anxious politicians. They are not willing to stand in line and wait for their turn. My advice? Stand in line in a grocery store. Make a queue at a petrol station. Read the warning signs in coffee houses. Be careful; don’t step on someone’s toes while trying to beat him to the newly released quarter pound cheese burger at the fast food restaurant. Stand in line. No VIPs, please!

  9. Get involved: Instead of spending your entire adult life criticizing your enemies, get involved in service delivery. Be the difference maker. The more you fight and verbally abuse your antagonists without showing your record of accomplishments, the more you augment their popularity and their savagery behavior toward your character. There is need for good performing schools, build one; well-equipped hospitals are in short supply, advocate one; dig wells and repair broken boreholes to provide your electorates with safe and clean drinking water.

  10. Rest: Even God rested on the seventh day. After a strenuous and odious electoral process, take a well-deserved rest. Do something to relax your mind: play some sports, join some dancing and singing clubs, take a vacation, spend some quality time with your loved ones, or sit down and eat your vegetables.

  11. Last but not least, pray. Don’t live as though the Supreme Being does not exist. Consult your spiritual director or adviser. You may not like hearing him or her tell you that "the Almighty loves you," because you are angry for losing an election, but indeed He loves you. Your time is not His time.

I am a former lecturer at Makerere University in Uganda. Currently self-employed.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship Featuring: WHITECROSS and An Open Letter to Religious Leaders

An Open Letter to Religious Leaders

  • Author June Stepansky

Primitive groups millions of year ago began religious practices in response to their fear of the unknown and often terrifying world in which they lived, and to try to understand the mysterious forces of the universe which surrounded them and impacted their lives.

In the ensuing centuries, a great variety of religions appeared. There were some that worshiped the sun and the moon. Their were some that called for human sacrifices. There were some that worshiped a large number of deities and some that worshiped only one. Many of these religions no longer exist as part of our lives and have been replaced by more modern versions.

Although all religions have at their core a moral, spiritual and social base, the history of the interaction between religious groups from earliest centuries until the present has been one of intolerance, violence and bloodshed.

We are now at a time in world history that calls for more tolerance and dialogue , because man’s weaponry can now easily poison and destroy our world. Religious leaders of all religions must come together to recognize what common bonds they share and emphasize those bonds of family, honesty, social unity etc. which are part of all religions. Religious leaders must insist that their followers allow freedom of worship to all religions and freedom from coercion to conform to any particular value system. They must emphasize the separation of church and state in all countries. The goal is that every person have freedom to worship as their conscience dictates in a country which is tolerant and respects all rights.

Religious leaders have enormous power to change the world into one of cooperation and harmony, if they choose.

Isn't that the goal of all loving human beings?

June Stepansky is a writer and poet who writes books and articles about happiness, self-improvement and social and political