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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tonight's Game Rescheduled Due to Upcoming Storms; Truck Night Tomorrow with FREE Stadium Blankets!

First Place Match-Up Rescheduled Due to Storm,
  Truck Night At Povich Field on Friday 
Tonight's scheduled first place match-up that had scheduled the Vienna Riverdogs to visit Povich Field to take on the Big Train is postponed toTuesday, June 18th at 5pm due to the upcoming storms. Bunt Mini-Bobbleheads will be distributed at the make-up date.
The next Big Train game will be a rematch of last season's CRCBL championship game against the Baltimore Redbirds on Friday night at 7:30at Povich Field. Fans should make sure to show up early for a few reasons. The first 100 fans will receive Big Train Stadium Blankets courtesy of MyOfficeProducts.
Friday night is also Truck Night at Povich Field and the parking lot in front of the stadium will be full of plenty of great vehicles for kids to see and maybe even explore between the time the gates open (6pm) and when the game starts (7:30pm)! A monster truck, some food trucks, the Game Truck, and more will be there and so should you!
Click here to get your tickets now!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Big Train Keeps Rolling, Beats Youse's 5-1; Bunt Mini-Bobblehead Night on Thursday!

Big Train Keeps Rolling, Beat Youse's 5-1  
The Big Train pushed their current winning streak to three games on Tuesday, beating the Youse's Orioles 5-1 with Hall of Fame shortstop Cal Ripken Jr. in the house. BOX SCORE VIDEO: Post Game Interviews

Cody Mizelle (Florida Atlantic) got the start for the Big Train, and showed off incredible control with his pitches, not walking a single batter in six innings of work. Mizelle gave up just four hits and struck out four.

"I just wanted to get on the mound tonight and get a good feel for all of my pitches, get ahead, and get batters out," said Mizelle.

A big second inning for the Big Train bats backed Mizelle's mound mastery, as the offense put up five runs. Tucker Tobin (George Mason) - pictured above - led off the inning with his first home run of the season, which would set the tone for the rest of the inning. RBIs by David Del Grande (Sacramento State) and Kevin Tatum (Cornell) pushed the lead to 3-0. Johnny Cole(Coastal Carolina) then extended the lead to 5-0 with a two-run single.
After Mizelle's six shutout innings, Kit Scheetz (Virginia Tech) gave Bethesda two innings of quality relief before allowing several Orioles on base in the ninth with the Big Train up 5-1. Big Train closer Trevor Charpie (Tennessee) came in with the bases loaded and no outs but quickly disposed of the Orioles with a strikeout and a double play. He earned his third save in as many games.

The Big Train improve to 3-1 on the season with the win, and will look to extend their three-game winning streak on Thursday against the Vienna Riverdogs. Thursday is Bunt Mini-Bobblehead Night at Povich Field, and the first 500 fans get a miniature bobblehead of Homer's best pal! Tickets to the game can be purchased here or at the gate!

Why that conventional cancer drug won't work


Why Conventional Cancer Drugs Don't Work:
Drug Companies have Cooked the Results

    It's no secret that mainstream American medicine relies heavily on evidence-based, peer-reviewed scientific studies. But that world is being turned on its head. According to researchers C. Glenn Begley and Lee Ellis, writing in the prestigious journal Nature, 89 percent of the published cancer studies they reviewed cannot be reproduced.

    What does this mean? Easy: Those studies are wrong. Or at the very least, they don't provide the irrefutable evidence on which doctors claim to base their treatments. Not to beat around the bush, Begley and Ellis have exposed a whole world of fraud. Let's hold our noses and take a look. . .

Continued below. . .

Is Fire In The Belly Slowly and Silently Killing You?
    You bet it is. Inflammation is the number one ager and killer. It destroys tissues and organs. It marches you to the grave faster than any other aspect of health.

    You need to understand how the gut is the origin of over 95% of the inflammatory processes in our bodies. Down there in the warmth and dark swarm trillions of microbes. Collectively they share one hundred times the genes we do.

    In one of the most startling medical discoveries of recent times, it has been discovered that these microbial genes tell our human cells what to do (not just human genes).

    The microbes in us set up inflammatory reactions, from heavy metals and food allergies, to enzymes dysfunction and toxic overload.

    Our guts are far more complex than ever recognized; we even have a second brain down there, with over 90% of our serotonin. No wonder all this affects our moods too!

    Get the real story from one of the world's top MD writers, in his sensational book: Fire in the Belly.

    The whole foundation of science is that if one scientist's experimental results are valid then another scientist can reproduce them by doing exactly the same thing in the same way. If you get a different outcome each time you run an experiment then the results are random and — essentially — meaningless.

    It's fraud, pure and simple, to use non-reproducible research to guide medical practice. That's the very accusation medical doctors are always hurling at alternative medicine. Now we see the pot has been calling the kettle black. It's major drug companies that are conducting bogus research and who are missing the mark on exactly what kinds of chemical cocktails are needed to fight cancer.

    Worse, the problem goes deeper than flawed scientific research. A lot of money, power, and influence appear to play a role — and the beneficiary isn't public health, it's Big Pharma.
Outdated and misguided cancer treatments
    While any kind of study is subject to some human error, the studies reviewed by Begley and Ellis are missing the boat in major ways. Only six out of the 53 "landmark" published papers they reviewed could be reproduced in a clinical setting.

    Instead of being taken with a grain of salt, as they should have been, these studies became the basis for introducing revolutionary approaches to cancer treatment. Entire healthcare guidelines and clinical treatment protocols have been designed around these results.

    Worse still, a significant amount of published research appears to have been conducted under the cloud of conflicts of interest. Dr. Reshma Jagsi, M.D., who authored a study through the University of Michigan, found a considerable percentage of cancer research was made questionable by ties to the pharmaceutical industry. In other words, Big Pharma is behind the research, paying scientists to confirm that certain drugs will work in cancer treatment.

    Once those treatments are officially "confirmed," they're pushed into hospitals and doctors' offices with a heavy price tag attached. Now, funding by a drug company isn't proof as such that a study is dishonest, but it's a red flag.

    Funding of studies through Big Pharma was the most common type of conflict of interest, seen in 17 percent of papers. The next most common problem was studies in which the authors were drug industry employees, which happened in about 12 percent of studies.

    Without pointing the finger at any one study, the results of these studies are suspicious when taken as a whole. For example, in the studies with reported conflicts of interest, randomized trials were more likely to find the drug was safe and effective. Truly independent studies were less likely to reach the same conclusion.
Why the majority of cancer research is compromised
    The data from any legitimate scientific study should be treated objectively, but this new research makes it clear that those with a conflict of interest are biased in their analyses — whether the scientists are deliberately committing fraud or are biased without realizing it.

    Sadly, evidence suggests the majority of these scientists know they are working with tainted research. When Begley and Ellis approached study authors for details of their experiments, the two were asked to sign agreements that they would not disclose their findings or their sources — proof that the study authors were aware of their own misleading results.

    Along with that, very few scientists involved in anti-cancer research disclose any potential sources of bias, even though all scientists are expected to sign conflict-of-interest and sources-of-funding statements before publishing any work.

    The fact remains that cancer is a major killer. Over half a million Americans died from cancer last year, and another 1.6 million cases were diagnosed. The amount of money involved in their treatment is stupefying — more than enough to light up the eyes of the greedy. Big Pharma is well aware that a lot of money can be made off these people, who are often frightened and willing to try any treatment, pay any price.

    It's a classic example of "disease mongering" where the industry widens the definition of treatable illness just to expand the market, when really, the vast majority of small cancers and early-diagnosis cases can be treated naturally and by supplementing a patient's immune system, while the expensive treatments are all but worthless against late-stage cancer.
How can we raise standards for cancer treatment?
    Our medical community, our government, and the public at large have essentially been hoodwinked by the unscrupulous players of the pharmaceutical industry. Of course, the government and some members of the medical community are partners in the fraud. The end result is that major drug companies determine which treatments can be legally used, and how much they'll cost.

    The question that remains is how to separate legitimate cancer research from a manipulative, self-interested drug industry. Dr. Jagsi calls for more public funding and general support so medical research doesn't have to rely on industry funding.

    I believe more aggressive and generous funding of research into alternatives would yield important breakthroughs, with the important stamp of scientific approval the public craves. This taxpayer-funded research should then be non-patented and available to all.

    Instead, the system works in the opposite way: Research that's largely funded by the taxpayers and by private "nonprofit" sources somehow becomes someone's private property and the very taxpayers who paid to find the cure have to pay millions to get access to it if they have cancer.

    I believe eventually the present system is going to collapse because it's so incredibly expensive and it doesn't cure people. The public is turning to alternative treatments because they're affordable and effective. Many oncologists as well as doctors from other specialties are frantically trying to learn about natural and alternative treatments because that's what their patients are asking for.

    The kind of fool who tells his cancer patients, "Eat whatever you like, there's no evidence of a connection between food and cancer," is going to wind up as a museum exhibit, in the same category as those barbers who used to moonlight as doctors by bleeding people. (George Washington was killed by a doctor who "bled" him to cure an infection — it was considered advanced medical science back then. Lucky were the poor people who couldn't afford the "best" medical care.)

    In the meantime, your best bet is to question everything. If your own well-meaning doctor quotes a study that he or she feels should determine your cancer treatment, question it. Get a second opinion. Look at other studies. Dig for results on natural treatments and herbal remedies. We do our best to present them here to you, but without the deep pockets of Big Pharma it's virtually impossible to get the same kind of exposure for natural treatments that work as we see for invasive drug methods.

    And of course, do everything you can to take your health into your own hands and practice smart eating and consistent exercise habits. Care of your own body's immune system is the one thing that's been proven time and again as the best way to prevent and treat cancer.

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Cancer Defeated Publications

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

UDC Hosts Press Conference to Announce Mike Riley as New Head Men's Basketball Coach

Baskletball Express
June 11, 2013

University of the District of Columbia Hosts Press Conference to Announce Michael Riley as New Men’s Basketball Head Coach

WASHINGTON, DC – The University of the District of Columbia hosted a press conference in the UDC Sports Complex lobby on Tuesday afternoon, June 11th, 2013 to announce Michael Riley as the new head men's basketball coach.
Director of Athletics Patricia Thomas, while introducing Riley, said she was elated to have him on board as the school's new head coach.
"[Mike] will develop an outstanding rapport with the young men under his leadership. He is a mentor, and so he will guide them…he will make sure that they achieve academic success, he will ensure that they are viable members of this community, and that they go out and serve the community…"
"And I have no doubt that we will be very successful in the East Coast Conference and throughout the NCAA [Division II] as well…"
"Michael is a good, honest person, and I trust him with everything that I have, and I just know that he's going to do a tremendous job, and he's going to make this University very proud to have him as our head coach."
When Riley took the podium to address supporters and the media, he said his first mission is to build a program.
"When you take these [coaching] jobs, people always ask, 'Are you going to win?' These jobs are always taken by people who think they're going to win…I'm not any different," Riley said. "I think that we can win. But what I'd like to do first though is build a program. Build a program by putting things in that you know that you can do, and that you feel comfortable with. And that's what we plan to do."
Riley said the men's basketball program was very fortunate, under the direction of Patricia Thomas, to have joined the East Coast Conference in 2011.
"It's great to be in a league, because you know if you win [the conference championship tournament], you're in [the NCAA Tournament]. You don't have to worry about formulas or anything like that," Riley said. "So from that standpoint, the East Coast Conference is a very good conference, it's a very competitive conference, and we're very happy to be a part of it."
Riley concluded his remarks by explaining that his program would be built on the idea of sustainability so that the Firebirds would have the opportunity to win year in and year out.
"I'm not going to do a Joe Namath right now…I'm not going to predict anything…not going to predict a championship, not going to predict the NCAA [Tournament]…but I would like, as a coach here, to leave some mark, a positive mark. Something that we can point to and say, 'hey, this is the way we did it.'"

UDC Hires Michael Riley as Men's Basketball Head Coach

June 11, 2013

University of the District of Columbia Hires Michael Riley as Men’s Basketball Head Coach

WASHINGTON, DC – University of the District of Columbia Interim President, Dr. James E. Lyons, Sr. and Director of Athletics, Patricia Thomas, announced today that Michael Riley has been hired to lead the University of the District of Columbia Men's Basketball program. There is a press conference scheduled for today, June 11th at 4:00 PM in the UDC Gym in the Sports Complex.
"Mike Riley is an outstanding choice to lead our Men's Basketball program," said Patricia Thomas. "He has exceptional credentials and experience as a coach and administrator. Most importantly, though, he is a person of extremely high character and values. He is a tremendous leader of men. I have no doubt that he will take the University of the District of Columbia Men's Basketball program to new heights, and our student-athletes will benefit tremendously on the court, in the classroom, and in life by having him at the helm."
Riley has a distinguished coaching resume which includes more than 20 years as an assistant coach at Georgetown University. He was also an assistant coach on the 1988 Olympic basketball team that earned the bronze medal. Riley came to the University of the District of Columbia in 2009 and has served as the Associate Director of Athletics for Internal Operations during that time. 
"I am ecstatic to be able to take over as the new Head Men's Basketball Coach at the University of the District of Columbia," said Riley. "The Firebirds have a long and rich tradition.  As the University continues to move in a positive direction, I look forward to leading this program as one piece of the successful future of the University. We will recruit young men that will work hard and intelligently in the classroom and on the basketball court. We will be positive citizens on campus and in the community.  We will represent the Firebird family well in all that we do. It is an honor and a privilege to be selected as the Men's Basketball Coach at the University of the District of Columbia."
Riley is a Washington, DC native, having graduated from Cardozo High School, where he was a standout guard on the men's basketball team. Riley earned team Defensive Player of the Year honors while at Cardozo and was also selected Most Valuable Player during his senior year. Riley was inducted into the Cardozo High School Athletics Hall of Fame in 2011.
After attending Cardozo High School, Riley served in the U.S. Navy on the USS Holland stationed in the Mediterranean. 
Riley went on to graduate from Georgetown University with a Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Sociology. While at Georgetown, Riley was a member of the Hoyas Men's Basketball Team where he was named the Defensive Player of the Year.
Riley went on to serve as an assistant basketball coach at Georgetown University from 1983 to 2004.  While at Georgetown, Riley coached the Hoyas to six Big East Conference Championships, four Big East Tournament Championships, two Final Fours, and the 1984 National Championship.  He also served as the academic coordinator during his tenure at Georgetown. 
In addition to his accomplishments at Cardozo and Georgetown, Riley also served as Athletic Director at St. Augustine Catholic School.  From 1980 to 1982, he was an Assistant Headmaster, Economics teacher, and junior varsity basketball coach at Gonzaga College High School. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Big Train top T-Bolts

Big Train Best Bolts 5-4 
The Big Train won their second straight game on Sunday night, downing the Silver Spring-Takoma Thunderbolts 5-4.

Pitcher Michael Boyle (Radford) - pictured above - made his debut for the Big Train, and gave the team five solid innings. Boyle gave up just one run on two hits while striking out four.

But perhaps the bigger story in the game was the day that Kevin Tatum(Cornell) had at the plate. Tatum would finish the day 2-4 with a home run, a double, and a walk, driving in the first two of the Big Train's five runs. Tatum's home run gave the Big Train a 2-0 lead in the top of the first inning, and they wouldn't look back from there.

After Tatum's homer in the first, the Big Train would add to their lead in the fifth, pushing across three more runs. RBIs from Harrison Bruce (San Francisco) and Johnny Cole (Coastal Carolina) would give the Big Train the 4-1 lead, before Tatum scored his second run of the day on a wild pitch.

The T-Bolts would rally in the sixth inning, scoring three runs on a single play that included a few Big Tran mishaps. However, solid relief by Brock Larson(San Francisco) and Trevor Charpie (Tennessee) would close the door on any chance of a comeback. Charpie picked up his second save in as many days.

The 5-4 victory pushes Bethesda's record to 2-1 on the season. The box score can be found here.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Divas win a record 10th division title

Perfect 10: Divas Clinch Division Title With 42-20 Victory 
Neal Rozendaal

Landover, MD – In a season filled with ups and downs, this game was one to remember.

Using perhaps their most balanced offensive attack this season, the DC Divas defeated the Columbus Comets, 42-20, to secure their fifth consecutive division championship. The division title is the Divas’ tenth overall in franchise history, tying them with the Sacramento Sirens for the most division championships in the history of women’s professional football.

As they have in several games this season, the Divas (5-3) got off to a slow start against Columbus. On the Comets’ first offensive possession, running back Shelley Gates carried the ball four consecutive times, going over the goal line on her final carry from two yards away. Columbus quarterback Crystal Davis then completed a pass for the two-point conversion, putting the Comets ahead, 8-0.

D’Ajah Scott helped turn things around by returning the ensuing kickoff to the Comets’ 44-yard line. The Divas then called on their top two running backs – Kenyetta Grigsby and Donna Wilkinson. Five straight runs by Grigsby and Wilkinson got the Divas on the scoreboard, with Wilkinson doing the honors by running into the end zone from two yards out. Wilkinson ended the game with 81 total yards and one touchdown, which cut the Comets’ lead to one point, 8-7.

The Comets (5-4) consumed over eight minutes of clock on their next possession, running out most of the first quarter. Although they failed to score, they pinned the Divas deep in their own territory with a punt, which led to a three and out for DC. The Comets got the ball back with great field position at the Divas’ 32-yard line.

But the Divas defense made a critical stop on Columbus’ next drive, capped by Cherre Marshall’s eight-yard sack of Crystal Davis on fourth down. Three plays later, Grigsby broke through the Comets’ resistance and raced 36 yards for a DC touchdown, giving the Divas their first lead of the game at 14-8.

Columbus put together another nice drive, advancing all the way to the Divas’ 27-yard line. But Callie Brownson swatted down a pass from Davis on fourth and eight, and the Divas regained possession. With time running out in the first half, Grigsby and Wilkinson got the call again, and both responded with huge rushing gains. Grigsby polished off the drive by plunging over the goal line from three yards out; Grigsby finished the game with 132 yards on 12 carries and two touchdowns. Her second touchdown gave the Divas a 21-8 advantage, which was the score they carried into halftime.

The Divas took to the air in the third quarter. Quarterback Allyson Hamlin hit Kasee Hilliard for a twenty-yard touchdown strike on DC’s first possession of the second half; Hilliard caught the ball at the ten-yard line, juked a Columbus defender, and raced for the end zone to stake the Divas to a 28-8 lead.

The Comets countered with their second touchdown of the game to make the score 28-14, but the Divas got those points right back. Hamlin threw her second touchdown of the contest to Juliette Baker-Brice for a ten-yard score; Hamlin finished the game with eight completions on 14 attempts for 116 yards and two touchdowns. Hamlin’s second touchdown pass of the game pushed the lead back out to 35-14 as the third quarter expired.

Nikieva Perry scored the final touchdown of the Divas’ 2013 regular season, rushing into the end zone for a nine-yard score midway through the fourth quarter to increase the lead to 42-14. Davis threw her second touchdown pass with 29 seconds remaining to make the final score 42-20.

The Divas offense spread the ball around. Arica Walker, Elise Pittman, and Stacy Bruce joined Grigsby, Wilkinson, and Perry with rushing attempts. With the Divas playing their second straight game without Ashley Whisonant, Hamlin spread the ball around to several receivers, including Baker-Brice, Hilliard, Lakia Barber, and Melissa Mitchell.

Defensively, the Divas were led by Cherre Marshall, who logged eight tackles and two sacks. Melissa Washington recorded 5.5 tackles and a sack, while D’Ajah Scott also collected 5.5 tackles. Devon Goldsmith chipped in with 3.5 tackles, and Trigger McNair and Eleni Kostis added three tackles apiece.

With the victory over the Comets, the Divas clinched their tenth division title in franchise history, tying the record now shared by the Sacramento Sirens. The DC Divas also earned a first round bye in the WFA playoffs, which start next week. The Divas will have next week off before hosting a conference quarterfinal playoff game in Landover onJune 22.