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Thursday, May 26, 2022

With Thousands Of Available Health And Fitness Program Alternatives, What Should You Choose? And The StrengthCast PowerShow


  • Author Jim Ford
No one sets out in life to be unhealthy, overweight, or unhappy.
A lot of of us get caught up in the everyday hustle of our lives, trying to keep up with family and work obligations, and unknowingly allow our level of health and fitness to slip away from us. It seems like we just wake up one day and realize that we are not in our best of health.

Making the decision that something needs to be done about it is one thing, but deciding what that something is can be a difficult task. According to government studies, close to 63 percent of the American population is overweight or obese. In response, companies from around the world have been flooding the market with a wide assortment of weight loss products.

From diet pills and metabolism boosters to complete prepared meal plans delivered straight to your door, nutrition choices alone can be overwhelming. Workout options can be equally intimidating.

There are big name fitness clubs putting up new gyms all across the country, locally owned gyms, the YMCA, home video workouts, and countless numbers of gadgets and gismos that promise to shape your body and strengthen your health.

Deciding on what is right for you can be a daunting task, but as you explore your options there are considerations that you need to keep in mind. The key to any quality nutrition and exercise plan is sticking with it. That said, it is very important that you select from options that include programs that you can realistically see yourself participating in, long into the future.

Jumping into a fitness program that is too difficult for you at your current level of fitness can lead to frustration, or even injury. This could in turn. Lead to failure in reaching your goals. Setting your expectations too high can also lead to frustration, which makes it difficult to stay committed to your program. It is important to remember that it took you months, if not years to reach your current level of health and fitness, and it cannot be reversed overnight. You need a program that you can progress with over the long-term.

You may find some diet pills available on the market that have strong claims about effective, natural weight loss, but keep in mind that in truth, there is little to be considered natural about popping pills. It is however, essential that with your selected program, you support it with proper nutrition, even if this means having to take a good vitamin and mineral supplement.

Most doctors and researchers will agree that the best choice for improving your health and fitness will be through a change to a healthier lifestyle, which consists of better food choices and daily exercise. Exercise should include aerobic conditioning, and strength training too.

Most fitness centers or gyms offer great selections of strength training equipment, aerobic classes, and cardio machines. Unfortunately, they also often require long and expensive payment contracts, and your workout must be completed on a schedule that matches theirs. For some, a gym membership simply will not work because it does not permit privacy. Some may be embarrassed by their current fitness level, or are uncomfortable in a crowded environment.

Home dvd workout programs are abundant, and can be found in almost every discount store that offers videos, and they can be found in most online market places as well. If you are searching for just a workout and any workout will do, a good number of these will suffice, however, few will offer complete programs to include dietary help, support, and workouts that allow you to progress with your fitness level. Look carefully at the program and compare it to your short and long-term needs before you make a purchase. A less expensive program may be more costly in the long run if you just have to replace it because it is ineffective, not challenging, or you simply get bored with it.

Some of the more popular programs that you often see on television infomercials early on a Saturday or Sunday morning like P90X, Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift, Rev Abs, or Slim in 6 are offered through a group called Team Beachbody, and they offer a number of programs that you do not see on the infomercials. Many of the programs they offer will include nutrition and meal advice, and will offer progressive training options to help guide you as your fitness level progresses. For these, it is almost like having a personal trainer in your home with every workout.

Team Beachbody takes what they offer to the next level by offering a free membership level to an online club that is quite simply, developed to keep you engaged in your program. It is optional to use, but makes for a good support structure to help you along the way. You are also assigned a coach when you sign up, for no extra charge.

Jim Ford is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach and has been successful with putting people in touch with the programs they need to help them effectively reach their fitness and weight loss goals. Visit his website ( for your fitness and weight loss help, or watch this video to learn more about what Team Beachbody has to offer...

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Padding of the hips, back, stomach: how to lose them? And Best Exercise for Belly Fat, Heart Health (this surprised me)


Padding of the hips, back, stomach: how to lose them?

  • Author Zee Jamie

Health Passport Fitness and sport Padding of the hips, back, stomach: how to lose them?


Whether you are a man or a woman, many of us find our bulges unsightly and we would like to see them fade. These small or large pieces of fat that protrude from the jeans, which we puddle, and which we would gladly do without.

Good news, with a little effort, food and sports, with regularity, you will manage to erase them relatively quickly.

How to do it ?

The bulges are due to the fatty mass which is stored between the skin and the muscles. The bulges of the back affect men more easily. At the level of the hips, we talk about love handles, and lower, saddlebags which can be due to hormones, or to the morphology of each. In the stomach, several causes, including excess sugar and the lack of muscle strengthening of the abdominals

Whichever area you want to target, however, remember that your dietary changes will cause you to lose all excess fat overall. Your food rebalancing will not allow you to erase only the bulges of the back or the stomach. It is impossible.

The exercises suggested below aim to firm the targeted area, in order to refine and smooth it. Combining cardio sport, muscle building and diet is the winning trio. A muscular exercise does not make the anatomical zone of the requested muscle thin, it makes all the adipose tissue lose weight. On the other hand, the adipose tissue above is drained more, the skin is smoothed and you thus lose centimeters.

For cardio, all sports are good. The sport to favor will be the jump rope, hyper draining, very cardio in a short time. But above all, practice what you like, in order to last.

Losing the bulges of the hips

It will mainly be necessary to strengthen the obliques and the glutes. Your best ally will be the stairs. Forget the elevator! At the gym, you can schedule sessions on the stairmaster, this machine is formidable.

Without equipment, here are other exercises to do at home;


The squats are very complete, they solicit the glutes and the muscles of the lower limbs. They are achievable in load with weights, or with the simple weight of the body. The squat, in addition to erasing the bulges of the hips, allows to refine and shape the legs. The quadriceps being very large and therefore consuming energy, it also allows you to burn calories.


Standing, legs shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart outward and arms stretched out in front of you, bend the legs while inhaling and pushing the buttocks back until you have the thighs parallel to the floor as to squat. Get up slowly and while blowing to return to the starting position.

Oblique sheathing

Lying on your side on the ground, leg one on top of the other, elbow or hand in support, you raise the pelvis, so that the leg - pelvis - trunk segment is perfectly aligned. Hold it for about 30 seconds. Switch sides.

Mountain climbers

From the plank position, move your knees forward towards the elbows, one after the other, as quickly as possible.

Lose belly bulges

For this, it will be necessary to strengthen the deep abdominals. Remember to always stand up straight to begin with, whether standing or sitting.

The board

It is the core exercise par excellence: place the palms of the hands on the ground, as well as the feet, then raise your body with the strength of the arms. The legs are stretched out. The back should be straight, buttocks and neck aligned with the spine. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds, remembering to breathe.

The russian twist

Sitting on your buttocks, knees bent and feet on the ground, place your back straight. Turn the bust and hands to one side, then gently to the other, with a ball for stability, or nothing at all if you don't have one. Increase the difficulty by lifting your feet off the ground.

Losing the back bulges

There are few exercises that target the back.

Balloon sheathing

It increases the efficiency of traditional sheathing. On the back, the elbows are on the floor, the bust and buttocks are raised and aligned while the feet are resting on the ball. This exercise will work on the abdominals and lower back muscles.

Reinforcement of the back and obliques

Take a weight of 1 kg in each hand. Standing with your legs slightly apart, chest straight, start by lowering your right hand along your right thigh, towards your foot, then bring your arm up to return to the starting position. Repeat this movement alternating right and left for about a minute. You can do up to 5 sets.

Anti bead power supply

On the diet side, in general for these three areas, avoid eating pastries and cakes, sweet treats, limit starches and white bread, without banning them.

Choose whole starchy foods. Avoid dishes that are too salty, because salt is responsible for water retention and cellulite. Eat more vegetables, the choice is endless! Consume them in raw vegetables, mash, soup, steam, as you wish while limiting the fat.

Eat fish or meat, preferably defatted with cooking in foil, steamed, grilled but with little or no fat.

Do not go without eating fruits, those of your choice, preferably raw and fresh rather than cooked in a compote or mixed in a smoothie. Above all, by following these tips, eat your fill and do not hesitate to consult a specialist.

Click here to learn how to lose weight :

Monday, May 23, 2022

Concealed Carry: The Last Thing I Thought Would Happen – Responding to the Bump In the Night



We talk a lot about knowing how you would respond in a wide variety of incidents. A reader experienced a high-stress event and wanted to share his experience and the lessons he learned from it. He sent this post in, and we thought you might want to read it.


When my phone rang at 2:30 am Sunday, I expected it to be the hospital operator. But my next-door neighbor's name popped up. It must be some kind of medical emergency, I thought. Then I answered.

‘Please help me. Someone is trying to break down my back door,' Jason said breathlessly. ‘I've already called the police.' The abject terror in his voice was palpable.

‘I'll be right there,' I reassured him.

I briefly considered my weapon choice. The M4? The AR? No, both are in the gun safe. Retrieving them would cost me time. Jason has a wife, a newborn, and two school-age children. Time was critical. Instead, I slid the Fort Knox safe out from under the bed, unlocked it, and grabbed my home defense pistol.

‘What's going on?' my wife asked.

We went to the back door after I told her, turned on the floodlights, let the dog out, and walked onto my back porch. I had a clear view of Jason's back door.

Rex jumped on top of the retaining wall and started barking.

I activated the Streamlight and saw a 20 something white male with dark hair and beard, dressed in a rumpled suit. He had just finished kicking the bottom of the door and was bent over selecting a rock, undoubtedly getting ready to smash the glass.


The dog got his attention. He is a hound dog with a pleasant baritone voice.

‘Is there a wedding here?' He asked, a bit too loudly as I covered him with the light.

‘No. There is no wedding. You are at someone's house. It's 2 am. The cops are on the way. You need to walk to the road,' I instructed him.

‘Which way is that?'

I gestured.

‘I can't see you,' He said. ‘I'm here for the wedding.'...Keep reading.......

Sunday, May 22, 2022

THE CHURCH OF GOD OR CHURCH OF MAN and The Rock Almighty Voices with Deliverance.


We’re going to begin by looking at Scriptures that are from the book of Acts, the Epistles, and the book of Revelation that will assist us in unveiling the qualifications, duties, and what the teaching content of the messages of a pastor-teacher should be comprised of. You might ask, why aren’t you not using the Old Testament and the four Gospels Scriptures? This is simply because the revelation about the specifics of the leadership of the New Testament church wasn’t unveiled in any of those books.

I think we’d agree that most of the Old Testament Scriptures pertain to the theocratic nation of Israel that operated under obedience to the God-given institution of the Mosaic Law and its prescribed priesthood. While the four Gospels do unveil in a limited way Scriptures that talk about a new kingdom that was forthcoming, a power source that would reside within by means of the indwelling of one of the members of the Trinity, and a new attitude that focuses on the renewal of the thoughts of an individual, however, the specific office of pastor wasn’t mentioned until the revelation of such was disclosed to some of the apostles and disciples, proclaimed by them, and recorded in the writings of the New Testament canon. So, sit back, read, and enjoy what is about to be presented.

By the way, there’s one more important thing to be aware of. This study is going to present a lot of information about the office of a pastor. If you try to use all of it at one time as an aide in either assisting you in finding a pastor or in critiquing the pastor of the church that you’re currently attending or have yet to attend, you’ll probably become overwhelmed. So, what I recommend is to try and pick out just a few ideas from each chapter and use these to make a determination as to whether those in leadership pass what I’ll call the Bible rating.


Where should we begin?

Let’s start by looking at what I consider the number one thing that should be clearly evident to us when searching for a pastor.

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

From this verse, we can deduce this question.

Is the pastor born-again? Another way of asking this is, has the pastor received the indwelling Holy Spirit?

This is by far the most important qualification of a pastor. In other words, was there an acknowledgment at a point of time when the pastor acknowledged themselves as a sinner to God the Father along with expressing a desire to turn from them and make a profession of belief in Jesus Christ, the Messiah/Savior, as to who He is and what He has accomplished? This is otherwise known as responding to the gospel of Christ.

What should this gospel convey to a listener?

The gospel of Christ is the good news that Jesus Christ, the God-man, who as one of the members of the Trinity, pre-existed time, left heaven, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life obeying the directives of another member of the Trinity, this being God the Father, died on a cross paying the debt for the sins of all mankind along with providing forgiveness for them thus satisfying the justice of God, rose again after three days never to die again, was witnessed on earth by over five hundred people in His glorified body, and ascended into heaven. Belief in this Jesus is one of the conditions for a person receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit. If a person has received the Holy Spirit, then they’re born again (born anew).

The other condition is repenting of one’s sins.

Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

The word repent means to change one’s views, designs, and practices or to turn from one’s evil ways to God the Father, which precedes belief in His Son. When an unbeliever repents and believes, they’ll receive into their life (body) the person of the Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

This verse supports the conjecture that it’s the belief of the truth (belief of the gospel of Christ, which includes repentance) that causes an unbeliever to receive and thus be sanctified by the Spirit. This begs the question.

How do you know if the pastor is born-again or born anew of the Spirit?

Just ask. Pastor, would you mind answering this question? Are you born-again? If the response was, I repented of my sins to God the Father and believed in His Son; God come in the flesh, deity (possesses the divine attributes of sovereignty, righteousness, justice, love, eternal life, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, immutability, and veracity), then Hallelujah.

If the response was, I hope I’m going to heaven because:

I believe in the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I was sprinkled with water as a baby or immersed in water as an adult.

I obey the tenets of the faith that I’m a member of.

There are many avenues for someone to get to heaven.

Then it should become obvious that this leader hasn’t received the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever taken a test in school where you’re asked to answer many questions, but there’s one that has to be responded to in essay form that’s worth the majority of the points? Well, this is that one. Have you ever been given a box of chocolates, and when you opened the cover, each one had a slightly different appearance along with a unique ingredient inside that you couldn’t see? And you were afraid of picking the wrong one?

My favorite candy filling is soft caramel. I can think of a number of occasions at Christmas when I hoped that the sweet which I decided to choose was exactly what I wanted. And when it wasn’t, I couldn’t just spit it out in front of everyone. I’d quietly get up and go to the bathroom, discharge it out into the toilet, and flush it.

Finding the right pastor is kind of like this. There’s many of them that look good on the outside. They dress well. They speak well. They’re kind. But do they really have the key ingredient that we just talked about.

We’re off to a great start! In the next chapter, we’ll attempt to answer this question. Who calls and qualifies a born-again believer to the leadership office of pastor-teacher? But before we go there, I’ve got an article for you to read about how important it is to choose the right pastor as it would be in choosing the right kind of candy. Maybe this is an over-reach, but I think you’ll enjoy this.

This story mentions a movie that was called Forest Gump. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it or seen it? I did. In the movie, the main character, Forest, says “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”


Forrest Gump was wrong. [There’s] a way to know what you’re going to get in a box of chocolates — mostly.

[December] 13, 2016 

This time of year, at least in the US, the gift packages and treats come flying in (sometimes literally) from vendors and customers. People are saying “thank you” or “hey, how about sending some more business our way” — and they’re doing it the international language of business: food.

The most commonly used phrase in this language is the classic assorted box of chocolates. Sure, it’s a nice gesture. Most people enjoy chocolate candies. They don’t need to be cut, chilled, prepared, and [they’re] less likely to cause [guilt] due to their diminutive size.

But the box of chocolates comes with baggage — the anxiety of the unknown. We’ve all been there. You mosey on into the [break room] and see a surprise box of chocolates. You’re not an animal, so you’re going to indulge. But you can’t stand the thought of biting into the raspberry creme one, or worse, the monstrosity [that’s] the cherry cordial. You so badly want the chocolate or vanilla buttercream, the nougat, or the caramel one. But the thought of biting into the chocolate with the orange creme sends you into a bout of existential vertigo.

Fear not, friends, [I’ve] stumbled upon a very simple rule to help [you] navigate through the box of [chocolates]. If the candy is square and tall, [you’re] safe — it’s bound to be a [non-fruit-filled] candy. If it’s round, it will tend to be fruit [crème-filled]. Try it at your own risk.

Now, some boxes of chocolates come with guides — a printed paper that shows how the treats are laid out in the box, with their shapes, and tells you what’s in them. This is great, and if you encounter a box with a guide, you can safely dive in. But [it’s] not the common practice. The square/circle rule can help you to pick what you’re looking for in the absence of a guide.

I’m here to help, and I hope this principle has helped you. Let me know how it works for you this holiday season.2

Likewise, I’m here to help you in finding the right pastor to co-labor with. You’ll find something in the final section of this book that will provide you with the right spiritual ingredients so that you’ll know what to look for.                                             





My name is James Rondinone.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership course of study, and graduated as valedictorian (summa cum laude).

I’ve written and published a number of spiritual books on various biblical topics.

These books can be found online. Website:

Article source:

Friday, May 20, 2022



If you’ve ever suffered from a health issue, you can remember how glad you were when you recovered. Our bodies have an amazing power to regenerate and heal, but the process isn’t spontaneous; it comes from God, the Great Physician. He can heal the body, soul, and spirit, and also direct His healing powers through anyone He chooses to use. It’s actually His will for us to be healthy; we can therefore be thankful for the healing Jesus made available to us.

Regardless of how healing and wholeness come about, we can be sure that God is behind it. His Word says that those who trust in Him will prosper on every level, including physical health. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2). Our souls are our minds, our thinkers, and our choosers; what goes on in our minds has a powerful effect on our physical bodies. To prosper is to be successful and to grow strong and healthy, which is what God wants for us.

We don’t have to beg and plead for healing, because Jesus has already obtained it for us on the cross. “…And with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Knowing this, we can be confident that whatever physical manifestations of illness we’re experiencing right now are only temporary. Our faith allows the physical blessings that begin in the spiritual realm to be transferred to the physical realm. God is in perfect health; in light of this, there’s no reason why we can’t be as well. “…Because as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17).

We can agree with the Word on healing and follow up with our acts of faith. It’s important that we have faith, first, so that our faith can give birth to actions. Following the doctor’s orders isn’t simply a set of dead works if trust in God’s promises is our motivation to do what needs to be done to restore our soundness. “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone” (James 2:17). He’s well able to work through health care providers, and does so on a regular basis.

The world doesn’t know God’s Word on healing, but we can be grateful that we have His guarantee. We can rest assured knowing our restoration to wholeness is a “done deal,” regardless of what it may look like or feel like right now. God says He’ll take care of His children and He always keeps His promises. The Lord nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health” (Psalm 41:3, NLT).

When the doctor gives us a bad report, we know that God is bigger than any report or diagnosis. Trusting in Him for our healing means to lean on and rely on what He tells us, with no worries or doubts. This kind of faith produces physical results others can see for themselves. “It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones” (Proverbs 3:8, NKJV).

Thankfulness for our healing is the proper response. There’s nothing wrong with pills, medicine, or therapy, but we need to acknowledge that healing comes from God, not from them. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23). When we know and believe the promises in the Bible about healing, there’s absolutely no reason to stay sick. Meditating on this makes us truly thankful.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Here are simple ways to solve the difficulties of women losing weight and The StrengthCast PowerShow


  • Author Grey Kelley
Here Are Simple Ways To Solve The Difficulties Of Women Losing Weight

Winning in the weight loss game

A lady and her partner go on a diet together. Are they both inspired? Yes. Do they each consistently count calories? Yes. The guy is most likely to shed more undesirable pounds than his better half.

Why? Blame it on your genes, some specialists state.

" We hear this all the time, and it can be irritating for ladies," states endocrinologist Ula Abed Alwahab, MD. "But regrettably for females, their hereditary makeup can make slimming down a bit more difficult."

What elements are at work here?

  1. Metabolic process blues. Females generally have more body fat and less muscle than guys. Which impacts the standard metabolic rate, or the number of calories your body burns while at rest.

" Metabolic rate remains in part driven by your muscle mass, and females have less muscle and more fat naturally than males," states dietitian and accredited diabetes teacher Dawn Noe, RD, LD, CDE.

  1. Pregnancy impacts. When a lady gets pregnant, she puts on weight and more body fat. In addition, it's frequently hard for a brand-new mom to discover the time to work out and sleep. And she'll require both to shed those additional pounds.

Breastfeeding does assist with burning calories and weight loss at this phase of life.

  1. Menopause. Ladies likewise put on weight in their abdominal area throughout menopause due to a loss of hormonal agents and a slower metabolic process. Some females even have a name for their brand-new potbelly-- meno-pot.

  2. PCOS struggles. Between 5 and 10 percent of females have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is a condition identified by a hormone imbalance that makes weight-loss harder and triggers menstrual abnormality.

Regardless of these difficulties, there are a lot of methods to eliminate weight gain and dominate. Here are 3.

  1. Resistance training and weightlifting.

Increasing muscle mass assists both ladies and males to enhance their metabolic process. Having more muscle mass assists you in burning calories, even when you're sitting or at rest.

You can preserve muscle by doing resistance training a minimum of two times a week, for 20 to 30 minutes per session. This is specifically important as you get older. (Your metabolic process naturally decreases and you lose muscle as you age.).

There are a number of methods to approach resistance training:

Usage of a health club or equipment in your home.

Utilize dumbbells or resistance bands.

Take part in a physical fitness class, such as Pilates.

Utilize your body for resistance by doing push-ups, crouches, and lunges.

Females are often reluctant to do weightlifting since they assume it will make them look manly. That is a mistaken belief, as females do not have the quantity of testosterone that males have.

Noe motivates females to get comfy with weights. "Women need to be weightlifting to get the advantages of structure muscle, such as increased metabolic rate and avoidance of osteoporosis," she states.

A weight-bearing workout isn't just a healthy exercise. As it assists in growing muscle mass, you burn more calories, which reduces insulin resistance substantially and avoids diabetes.

  1. Select a proper meal plan that works for you.

If middle-aged males and females are both thinking about dropping weight, the number of calories a male requires for weight reduction is approximately 1,500 each day (depending upon height/weight/level of exercise) however, the lady's calorie requirements will be much less-- generally about 1,200 calories daily, Noe states.

Naturally, if they are both working out frequently, those calories might move somewhat greater. For females, progress in your weight reduction might indicate consuming less than males in the long term.

Noe frequently suggests a well-balanced strategy such as the Mediterranean diet plan. She likewise tends to utilize lower carb and ketogenic diet plans, particularly for females with PCOS or diabetes who might not endure greater carbohydrate meal strategies. "Research of weight reduction does not substantiate one eating pattern over another," she states, "and the meal plan you choose should be matched according to your health requirements and consuming habits.".

  1. Concentrate on the long game.

It's crucial to exercise patience. Research studies reveal that the majority of weight-loss strategies tend to produce anywhere from a 5% to 10% weight reduction within a year if you persevere. "If you’re not seeing progress, talk with your health care group as you may need to apply other strategies that will better fit your way of life," she states.

Whether you follow a diet plan low in fat, low in carbs, or some other diet plan, make certain meals are well balanced and healthy. Consist of lean proteins, healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, and avocados, restrict empty carbohydrates (no sugar, white bread, sweetened beverages, etc.), and great deals of minerals and vitamins from veggies and fruit.

Other nutrition suggestions for ladies over age 50 consist of consuming appropriate amounts of calcium and Vitamin D, either from food or supplements. 

I'm a content writer who loves to write articles on health and fitness as well as topics on internet/affiliate marketing and business.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Top 3 Causes of Death in 2021 (New Data Might Surprise You) and What is a Heart Attack, how do I spot the signs and how do I treat it?


What is a Heart Attack, how do I spot the signs and how do I treat it?

  • Author Joanna O'donovan
What is a heart attack, how do I spot the signs and how do I treat it?


Angina is usually caused by a build up of plaque in the arteries and as a result a reduced blood flow. During exercise or exertion, the heart needs more blood but cannot get it because of the reduced blood flow. The casualty will often feel pain in the chest when they exercise.

Heart Attack

A heart attack is caused when some of the plaque breaks off and causes a blood clot. The blood clot can block the artery resulting in the death of an area of the heart muscle.

Signs of a heart attack

Symptoms can begin suddenly and unlike angina, sometimes when at rest. Like angina, a heart attack can feel like “vice like” squashing but can also feel like tightness in the chest or even indigestion. The pain can be in the centre of the chest and can radiate into any arm. The symptoms usually last longer than 30 minutes and the casualty can be a grey colour and may be sweating. They may be suffering from “shortness of breath” and have a feeling of impending doom. Sometimes the casualty will feel nauseous, dizzy and they may vomit.


Sit the casualty down and make sure that they are feeling comfortable.

If the casualty says that they have their own GTN medication then let them take it.

Try to reassure the casualty.

Call 911/999 if:

You suspect that they are having a heart attack

The casualty tells you that they do not have angina.

If they say that they have angina but the symptoms are not relieved after 15 minutes by resting or taking their medication. If they say that they have angina however,the signs came on when at rest.

If in doubt CALL 911/999/112

Find out about dealing with your own heart attack when you are alone here:

Be prepared to resuscitate if they go into sudden cardiac arrest. To find out more about treating heart attacks and resuscitation why not book on one of our first aid courses.

Joanna is the Director of Bostock a first aid training company that was established in 1984.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Concealed Carry: Quantifying Your Defensive Shooting Skills, And Setting Standards



What level of defensive handgun skills does it take to win in a gunfight? Because no two defensive gun uses are exactly the same, and there are many variables, it's impossible to answer this question unequivocally.

However, don't think that you can't or shouldn't train to a quantifiable standard.

By studying many armed encounters caught on video, we can draw some basic inferences on things like typical draw speed necessary to get a shot on a suspect who has a gun at the ready position vs at their side. We can look at how many shots are typically necessary to get immediate stoppage based on where they hit the suspect.

These videos provide great real-life data we can look at to put together some general parameters on the proficiency standards that suggest a favorable outcome. But I want to reiterate that nothing guarantees you'll win a gunfight. Proficiency in defensive gun skills certainly helps, and that's what we are trying to get at.

Limitations to practice —

It is hard to train for the exact conditions one undergoes in a real-life deadly force encounter........Read the full article........