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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Concealed Carry. Don’t Go In: Arriving Home to Forced Entry



forced entry

I know I'll get some hate mail for this post, but that's fine; it wouldn't be the first time. I get it; you work hard for your stuff and don't want anyone taking it. And I'll agree the people breaking into homes are committing a criminal act and should be held accountable. However, I'm not demanding you respond a certain way. Instead, asking you to consider the information and perspective in the post.

Okay, so here it is;

if you return home and find signs that someone broke into or is inside your unoccupied home, there are zero reasons to go inside

When a loved one is inside the home, the situation is much different.

However, that IS NOT what the scope of this article is addressing.

Go inside to investigate?

Most of the news stories we find are of home invasions. But we also see reports of people returning to an unoccupied home to find evidence of forced entry.

Yes, sometimes people go inside to ‘investigate.' Investigate seems easier than saying – search the home to potentially get into an unnecessary physical altercation, possibly leading to injury or death for you or any unwelcome visitor(s).

Being armed with your everyday carry (EDC) handgun, you may feel inclined to head inside. However, while a handgun is a terrific tool, and if you had no choice but to go in, you would want to be armed, the gun doesn't ensure you aren't hurt or killed. Take, for instance, this story where an unarmed home invasion suspect disarmed the homeowner and used that gun to kill him.

searching home for burglar

People often tell me, ‘I know my house better than the burglar, so he is at a disadvantage.'

Really? It doesn't take a tactical guru with blueprints of the home to find a blind corner or another spot from which to ambush you. It's just nearly impossible to safely clear a house by yourself, even if it is your own.

You don't know how many people are inside, whether they are armed or their intentions. Burglars rarely operate by themselves. More than one person usually heads inside because they know there is a possibility that someone may be inside or arrive home. They want the advantage of numbers to overwhelm the homeowner(s).

They may also deploy a lookout to alert them someone has come home. If the suspects choose to stay and fight, they can ambush you and have a distinct advantage.

What can you do?

The simplest and safest thing to do is get you and your family to a secure location where you can call the police. Factors like the time of day, how far away a neighbor's house is, or law enforcement's response time to where you live will determine what is best. Next, consider a position of safety that provides a view of the house. Maybe this is inside a neighbor's house, across their porch, or down the street.

While heading to your house, officers consider how to deploy the resources they have. For example, as an officer responding to a hot prowl, I would usually check to see if our air support helicopter was available and how long it would take them to get overhead. I would also see if our K9 unit could head to the call as dogs are great at flushing out suspects. I would also coordinate with responding units so everyone didn't arrive at the house but rather get officers in the area to form a perimeter and search if the suspect ran.

The dispatcher may ask you questions, but it wouldn't hurt to offer the following information even if they don't ask. Some information that responding officers will find useful is:

  • which door(s)/window(s) were forced open
  • did you see or hear anyone inside the house
  • is anyone supposed to be at home
  • could someone legally be in the house
  • are there animals inside or outside the home
  • are there firearms inside the home that the suspects may have access to
  • are there are vehicles or people nearby that seem out of place
  • are there paths or trails nearby that lead to another location

If officers get this information before they arrive, they can respond more appropriately, given the particulars of your situation. But, again, by staying on the phone with dispatch, you can provide this helpful information without placing yourself or your family at any risk.

Reduce risk:

Sure, there are plenty of stories where a homeowner finds the door breached, goes inside to find nothing. And similarly, many armed homeowners have gone inside to find an intruder and successfully defend themselves or hold the person until law enforcement arrives.

It is great that we can find stories with positive outcomes.

However, even with the happy endings, the person exposed themself to unnecessary risk. Take this story, for instance. Thank God things ended well. But how easily could the outcome have turned out very different?forced entry

I don't know how much you value your life, but there isn't anything inside my home that is more valuable than my life. And if you need further perspective, consider what is more valuable to your family. Would they want you alive and unharmed, or any item inside your home a criminal can take?

There is another reason people may feel like heading inside to investigate.

There is a natural desire to catch the person. Maybe it's the feeling that if you catch them and they don't get away with it, they won't be back. It is true, burglars do sometimes target the same house if they obtain keys, know the owner's habits, or the security posture of the home remains weak.

But, unfortunately, just because someone gets arrested for burglary doesn't mean they don't do it anymore. So next time one of these burglars gets arrested, check out their prior offenses if they are listed. You're almost guaranteed to find arrests for prior burglaries and drug offenses.

And I'll just throw this in for your consideration because it's important. If somewhere in your calculus for going in is, ‘so the criminal leaves in a body bag,' you should seriously evaluate why you carry a firearm.

You don't have to justify criminal behavior to be against wanting to kill a burglar inside your home. That isn't justice.

Not every burglar who lives to see another day will change and become a positive member of society. Most probably won't. I've known my fair share who continue a criminal lifestyle until they die or end up committing a serious enough crime that they spend their lives in prison.

However, I also know a few who turned out to be law-abiding, loving parents who are grateful a homeowner didn't shoot them for breaking into their house.


Again the point is, don't unnecessarily risk your life to protect things. Let the police who have additional resources do the job they signed up to do.

The feeling of knowing someone broke into your home and was going through your belongings is unnerving, scary and can leave you feeling violated. It doesn't matter what kind of neighborhood we live in; there is the potential someone may want what is inside your home.

We put together a course called Complete Home Defense. In the DVD or online course, we present information to help you secure your home and your loved ones. We offer everything from physical security to responses to home invasions in the class.

Click Here to Learn More

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Friday, December 10, 2021

Sweet Land of Liberty and The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth! Another Christmas Message Worth Watching..


  • Author Linda Weaver Clarke

Freedom is the most precious gift given to all of us. It isn’t free, but it’s fought for. Have you ever wondered why tears so freely come to our eyes when we hear the Star Spangled Banner as our flag waves in the distance? Why do we value our freedom and hold it so close to our hearts?

Our freedom was a God-given gift given to those who so valiantly fought for this liberty. These brave patriots hungered for freedom of choice, for their rights, and to worship according to the dictates of their own heart. The patriots fought with every fiber of strength they had, both bond and free.

When we pledge allegiance to our flag, what does that mean to us? Do we take our freedom for granted? Many countries have no rights and are not at liberty to say what they feel or to worship as they please. In some countries, Christianity cannot be preached among the people. Newspapers, media, and even the Internet are all government controlled. Do we think of the freedom we possess? Have you ever thought about the patriots who fought for the liberty that we enjoy? These brave men desired to live in a free land, not ruled by a monarchy.

Why do we celebrate the fourth of July? On July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote the "Declaration of Independence." This document inspired every patriot to fight for his liberty. As General George Washington stood before the Continental Army with the document in his hand, he took a look at the weary men before him in their tattered clothes, and he realized they had not eaten a decent meal for months. These underfed men were a sight! Washington knew his men needed to be inspired and this document would do the trick.

As he read the declaration out loud, not a sound was heard as the men listened. They were touched when he came to the part, "…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

As these patriots listened to every word, they were buoyed up, inspired, ready to fight for their freedom against the tyranny placed upon them. The fire inside them grew and no one could stop the need they felt for liberty. The "Declaration of Independence" was inspired of God.

Many of these patriots were willing to die for freedom. Nathan Hale, a 23-year-old artist and schoolteacher, felt the conviction of his beliefs so strongly that he agreed to go on a dangerous mission for George Washington. He was caught with sketches of British gun emplacements and the penalty for being a spy was to be hanged. As he marched up the steps of the gallows, he held his head high. When he turned to face the people, he declared boldly, "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country."

Many of these brave men were even willing to die for their liberty, for their family, for peace and equality. The Continental Army consisted of farmers and merchants, not learned in the way of combat. Many were barefoot and in tattered clothes. They lacked enough food for everyone and many times went hungry but yet they still fought for what they believed in. The patriots knew the value of freedom and were willing to pay the price.

When Thomas Paine saw the sad condition of the Continental Army, he wrote, "These are the times that try men’s souls…Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: ‘Tis dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to set a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as Freedom should not be highly rated."

They lost many battles but won the battles that made a difference. The crossing of the Delaware will never be forgotten. Many were sick, fatigued, and their feet were wrapped with cloth to protect them from freezing weather. George Washington knew the Continental Army was outnumbered, but he was inspired to take his army across the Delaware in a terrible blizzard. He suspected the Hessians would be drunk from the Christmas festivities.

In the early hours of the morning, the surprise attack was a never-forgotten battle of victory that shocked the Hessians, who were German mercenaries, skilled fighters, paid by the British to cut down the patriots. After a count was taken, it was discovered that not one patriot had been killed in that battle. This victory turned the war around.

The British were stunned at what had happened. They looked down their noses at the Americans and considered them as untrained and uneducated rabble. When they found the Continental Army to be so strong and stubborn, they changed tactics. They moved a part of their forces to the south with the idea of moving northward, capturing one state at a time.

In August of 1780 in South Carolina, a great and terrible battle took place. The British were gaining an advantage. When all seemed lost, General de Kalb and his men continued to valiantly fight for freedom. He believed in the cause of liberty so much that he refused to give up even though he knew they had lost the battle. He received eleven wounds, both musket ball and bayonet, before he collapsed and fell to the ground. British General Cornwallis had been watching from a distance and when he saw the courageous General finally fall to the ground, he sent his aides to retrieve him with a stretcher. Three days later he died in the name of freedom. General Jean de Kalb was the most courageous and valiant man Cornwallis had ever seen in the face of battle, fighting until he dropped, not giving up his cause for liberty. Even though he was the enemy, Cornwallis paid him the highest military honor at his burial.

Most of the victories in the south came from Francis Marion and his men because the northern armies were not familiar with the territory. Colonial Francis Marion knew how to deal with the enemy in his own homeland. He was known as the Swamp Fox and had the deadliest fighting command in the whole revolution. He had trained his men to disappear into the thick forest and swamps of South Carolina without a sound. Hidden from sight, they would strike and then quickly move through the woods like silent shadows, fading into the forest and undergrowth. Francis Marion and his men tormented the British army with one ambush after another. This frustrated the British officers because they were helpless in the woods and swamps.

After eight long years, the patriots beat the greatest military power in the world. Have we ever thought about the tremendous price these men paid for our freedom? The next time we look at our flag, remember the cost as you pledge your allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and remember that we are "one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." That’s what helps us stand out as a great nation. Without God’s help, we would never have won the war.

Alexis de Toqueville, a French Statesman, visited our country in the early 1800s. He said that he looked for the "greatness of America." It was not until he witnessed the faith of the American people in their churches that he found the true greatness here. He said, "America is great because she is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

Samuel F. Smith wrote, "My country, ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims’ pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring! Our fathers’ God, to thee, author of liberty, to thee we sing; Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy light. Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King!"

Written by Linda Weaver Clarke, author of the mystery series The Adventures of John and Julia Evans: Anasazi Intrigue, Mayan Intrigue, and Montezuma Intrigue. Visit

Thursday, December 9, 2021

FINDING GOD’S MATCH FOR YOU and Understanding God’s Priority and Primary Interest



by Taffi Dollar 

For many of us, the thought of going through life alone isn’t pleasant. Sometimes it seems like the world is geared toward married couples, and being single can feel awkward. However, when we rely on our own efforts to jump into a relationship and find a spouse, the results can be hit-or-miss. The search can seem like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack, but putting God in the center instead of our own anxieties and fears opens the door for amazing things to happen.

God is aware of what’s in our hearts, as well as our hopes and dreams for the future. He knows the thoughts of everyone on the planet, saved and unsaved. He also knows what we need and wants to bless us abundantly, but wants us to realize the true source of all the blessings He wants to send our way. For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:32, 33, NKJV). When we seek God, first, we see supernatural results that come only from Him.

We live in a lonely world; some people hit the singles bars and dating websites or try any other method they can think of to meet someone. Sometimes these efforts end badly and the results are disappointment and discouragement. Other people become so desperate they marry the first person they can find, even if they hear God’s voice warning them against it. This is the opposite of what God wants for us. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11, NKJV).

Relying on self-effort to find a life partner amounts to nothing. The way to turn things around is to trust God and simply rest in His promises to take care of us and provide for all our needs. Placing our faith in Him may not always make sense to our logical minds, but if we depend on Him, He’ll speak to our hearts while illuminating a plan of action. Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths (Proverbs 3:5, 6, AMPC).

Admitting that we have no idea where to look, and asking God for help, produces powerful results. It lets Him get involved in what matters deeply to us so that He can guide our search, thereby greatly increasing our chances of success. God knows much more than we do and matching up two people is a simple thing for Him. It’s something He wants to do because He loves us and wants us to be happy.

Trying too hard to find a mate can be against our best interests; however, when we rest from searching and let God take over, He goes to work on our behalf. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls]” (Matthew 11:28, AMPC). God cares deeply about this. When His hand guides the process, our relationships will be blessed by heaven.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Play Action is a Cheat Code! - 5 Play Action Concepts to Increase Your Expected Points and US Football Featuring a Stud RB Our of LA and CFL Conference Final Action

Play Action is a Cheat Code! - 5 Play Action Concepts to Increase Your Expected Points

One of the most interesting sessions at the C.O.O.L. Clinic was presented by Pro Football Focus.  In a segment of the presentation, the effect of play action was covered and Steve Palazzolo emphasized it by saying “Play Action is a Cheat Code.”  He shared some key numbers that prove that statement.

The impact that play action has on pass production is undeniable. It alleviates pressure rate. It adds to expected points added per play as well as yards per attempt, and done on early downs it creates a massive advantage.

This week's Gridiron extravaganza is powered by CoachTube.

Check out Onside Kick Every Time with Coach Kevin Kelley on this week's video.
Find the full Onside Kick Every Time video here - -


#1 Regardless of your pass concept create the “Sell”

Tennessee Titans Offensive Line Coach Keith Carter explained exactly how the Titans create a powerful play action game with the offensive line.  As he explains in the video, these coaching points create the look, feel and sound of run:


#2 Post and Cross

DePauw Head Coach Brett Dietz has created a high powered offense at D3 DePauw University.  In this video he explains one of his favorite concepts which he utilizes off of the inside zone:


#3 Vertical Switch

Olentangy HS head coach Mark Solis has had success wherever he’s been, and play action has been a big part of their offense.  Here he explains how they create big play opportunity off of sweep action:


#4 Post Dig

Union College Head Coach Jeff Behrman likes utilizing the Post-Dig concept to find voids in the defense for big chunks of yardage. Here is Poker-Dagger off of a Mid Zone action.


#5 Three Level Flood

Shawn Liotta likes to create a three level stretch to stress the defense.  Off of jet sweep action, defenders are stressed in having run fit responsibilities on the perimeter thus leaving them short in defending the pass.  He illustrates it here.

In watching how offense has evolved, play action seems to have taken a back seat to RPO, but an offense can exist with both.  As PPF illustrates, having play action can provide the cheat code for your offense, so be sure to take advantage of it!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Triceps Extension in Sports use and The correct way to do tricep kickbacks w/ Coach Ron Jones

  • Author Danie Green

The Triceps extension, it’s not just for show, it has useful sports uses as well. If your sport involves hit, bounce, punch, swim, lift, toss, run, swing, catch or throw and you will be incorporating the movement of triceps extension in your sports performance. When it comes to triceps, there are literally hundreds of movements for this area.

The correct way to do Triceps kickbacks w/ Coach Ron Jones #shorts From

Two factors are vital, how much force you can apply to generate power, speed or distance and how much control you can produce for touch, feel and judgement of distance. The latter of the two functions is vital when catching. You must allow the elbow to bend as the impact of the ball is absorbed. If too much resistance is applied as the triceps contracts eccentrically, the ball may bounce out. If there is too little eccentric force applied then the ball can go ‘right through’ the catcher who has produced insufficient stopping power to hold the catch.

Choose the one triceps exercise which puts stress throughout the movement, and no appreciable balance is needed to perform a set. Although this isolation exercise is popular and gets you god pump, it is not a size builder in the sense of a combination or "natural" exercise such as the close-grip bench press or the parallel bar dip.

When it comes to propulsion, recruitment of muscle fibres is vital. In the swim leg, triathletes must fully extend the elbow in the forward arm stroke before starting the arm pull. Similarly, a rower starts each stroke in a bent arm position and finishes in a straight arm position.

The opposite can apply. The tennis server stores energy in a bent elbow position and then extends through the ball. A netballer preparing for a long, flat pass uses the same technique, as do cricket and baseball fielders and golfers.

Always remember to especially avoid any exercise that gives you pain or discomfort in the elbow region. There are several triceps movements which can contribute to tendinitis in the elbow. You must immediately stop using such an exercise or else cut down drastically on the weight you were using. Let’s assume you have worked up to using 6 reps with 120 pounds in the lat-machine press downs exercise, but the pain is unbearable. Either stop the exercise entirely or push it to the end of your arm routine and merely perform a few pumping sets of 20 reps with a far lighter weight.

For more detailed Triceps exercises please visit the Smart Physical Workout website.

The concept of Smartphysicalworkout was developed by Daniel Green who has been involved with the Health and Fitness industry since 1999, providing health and fitness products, services to both the local and online community.

After a slow start, the has grown into a well received site for the Health and Fitness community and the team strives to offer the best quality products available, customer service and satisfaction will always be the key to their success.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Vitamin D, Sleep & Your Brain: Important New Connections and The Difference Between Frozen Fruit and Fresh Fruit


The Difference Between Frozen Fruit and Fresh Fruit

  • Author Sherry Wang

Vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients - vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Freezing is a safe way to extend the shelf life of nutritious foods. However, many people mistakenly believe that frozen vegetables are far less nutritious than fresh vegetables. There still seems to be some controversy about whether frozen vegetables are healthy and how they stack up against fresh produce. (Continued  below....)

A large body of research suggests vitamin D impacts sleep quality and sleep duration as well as neurotransmitter levels in the brain. Here's an overview of the science--which is timely if you live in norther latitudes. Support your Vitamin D levels this winter with Unique Vitamin D Blends by MYOXCIENCE Nutrition:
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(....Continue.......) While grocery shopping can be a chore, who doesn't love wandering through the fresh produce section? The vibrant colors and aromas are so incredibly inviting that it's hard to avoid them. Fresh fruits and vegetables look delicious in the fridge, but after a few days, they turn mushy and brown. You can make an effort to add these to smoothies so they don't go to waste, but that's not the case. What are the nutritional differences between frozen fruits and fresh fruits and vegetables?

Benefits of Frozen Fruits vs. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Frozen fruits and vegetables seem so easy and stress-free. They seem to taste the same and can sit in the refrigerator for weeks or even months without spoiling or losing flavor. It almost seems too simple to make you wonder if they are as nutritious and vitamin-rich as the colorful fresh produce you see on the shelves.

Nutritional Differences - Frozen vs. Fresh Fruits

Surprisingly, there's not much difference between the two. Frozen or fresh, it's both nutritious and sweet. In fact, there is evidence that frozen fruits and vegetables can actually help preserve the nutrients that fresh produce loses over time on the shelf.

Fruits and vegetables intended to be frozen are usually picked at the ripe stage so that they can accumulate all possible nutrients before being processed, packaged and frozen.

Frozen Fruits and Frozen Vegetables

Frozen fruits and vegetables vary depending on the process the vegetable undergoes prior to packaging.

Vegetables are blanched before the freezing process, which means they are placed in boiling water for a few minutes to prevent loss of flavor and color, and to kill bacteria. This results in a significant reduction in antioxidants and B- and C-vitamins in frozen vegetables, although nutrient levels remain stable once frozen.

Fruits do not undergo a bleaching process; therefore, their nutrient content remains the same throughout the process and when frozen.

So, which is better, frozen or fresh fruit? Fresh produce is usually picked before it is ripe so that they can survive the shipping process.

While these fruits and vegetables are on the shelf waiting to ripen, oxygen begins to reduce their nutritional value and they contain fewer vitamins and antioxidants than they normally do when picked at the peak of ripeness. Ultimately, there is no significant nutritional difference between the two, although frozen produce can help lock in nutrients for several months.

Hebei Agrilinks is specializing in frozen vegetables and fruit line with professional staff as a team with experiences from 1997. We specialize in frozen vegetables wholesale, these frozen vegetables are made from fresh vegetables frozen and the quality is guaranteed.

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Frozen fruits according to this specification must be uniform, clean, diameter as given below. The only fresh raw material is allowed to be taken for production. At the same time, our frozen fruits comply with national pesticide standards.

Live Streams and Breaking Sports News and 5 Every Day Drills To Help You Become A Better Catcher From CoachTube


5 Every Day Drills To Help You Become A Better Catcher

Catching is one of the most physically taxing positions in baseball. Spending 9 innings in a squat can be tiring, but it is also incredibly important. You must always be posed, aware of your surroundings and ready to jump into action every pitch. In this article I will talk about 5 drills that take a total of about 20 minutes that you should practice every day that will help you develop habits of extremely good catchers.

#1 Slide and Block

Every passed ball or wild pitch leads to a free base for the opposing team. As a catcher, the number one responsibility you have is to keep the ball in front of you. The slide and block drill can be done with a fellow catcher or coach every day and takes just a few minutes.

The drill is simple in that as the catcher, set up in your receiving position and have another person throw a ball in the dirt and to one of your sides. Use your body and slide to get in front of the ball and play it off your chest protector. Remember; always keep the ball in front of you.

Some keys to focus on in this drill:

Start in a good receiving position. Keep your posture solid so that the feel becomes natural in a game.

Don’t reach or stab at the ball with your glove. You’ll miss more than you catch

Slide on your leg protectors to the ball and get as much of your body in front of the ball as possible.

At all costs, keep the ball in front of you

Here’s a good example of a catcher sliding to block a ball.

#2 Field and Throw

Fielding your position as a catcher is more than just catching pitches and throwing out would be base stealers. One of the hardest plays to make in baseball is when a catcher has to get their crouch, field a dribbler in front of the plate and make a throw to a base.

This drill can be done as part of team infield drills. As always, start the drill in a good catching position. Have a coach or teammate toss a ball out in front of the plate. You should jump out of your crouch, field the ball cleanly with you’re throwing hand and make a quick, accurate throw to each base. 

For 1st and 3rd base, practice making throws on both the inside and outside of the bag, verbally letting your teammate know which side of the bag you are throwing on. 

This is a skill that takes practice. You come across this situation most often in bunts which means 1 of 2 things: 

It is a sacrifice situation in which the other team is giving you an out. Take it! Take your time, field the ball and make a good throw and take the free out.

It’s a bunt for hit in which the runner is fast. You need to be quick here and make a good, strong, accurate throw.

#3 Popups Behind Home Plate

Fielding a popup behind home plate may be the hardest pop up to catch in the infield. There are so many variables to account for: get rid of the mask, locate the ball, locate the dugout or wall, read the ball flight correctly. This play may only happen once every few games, but it could end up being a big out.

As usual, begin the drill in your normal catching position. I encourage you to practice this drill with your mask on, so that you mimic what you will have to do in a game. Have someone else stand behind you and throw the ball high in the air, straight up. They should also yell ‘Up’ or something to let you know they have thrown the ball. 

Once the ball is in the air, the first thing you should do is remove your mask, keep it in your hand and try to locate the ball. I encourage you to keep the mask in your hand until you locate the ball so that you don’t drop it somewhere you need to run and trip over it. Once you locate the ball and determine its flight path, throw the mask out of your way and get in the best position to field the ball. Use two hands to catch and secure the ball as catching popups with a catcher’s mitt is difficult.

Now, the biggest thing to practice here is learning how popups straight in the air fly. This just takes practice and repetition.  The more you practice, the more confident you will be in determining the ball flight.

#4 Glove To Hand Transfer

The glove to hand transfer is the most important part of the process in throwing out a base stealer. This is commonly referred to as the pop time. Obviously having a strong and accurate arm is important, but being able to quickly and successfully transfer the ball from your glove to your hand can shave off tenths of a second that is the difference between and out and a stolen base.

As with every drill, begin in your standard crouch position. Have another person throw a ball to your glove; they can only be 10 to 15 feet away. Receive the ball, and move into your throwing position, transferring the ball to your hand. The purpose of this drill is to become quicker at this motion. Catching the ball, moving it to your hand and getting in a throwing position.

Note, if you are limited in space, you don’t have to throw all the way down to second, you can just stop once you get in a throwing position. In this drill we are concerned about the transfer to your hand and getting in the right throwing position.

#5 Pitch Framing

Pitch framing is a practice that’s been around as long as baseball, but it has only recently moved more into the spotlight. As advanced analytics are growing, more people are trying to quantify things that were previously unable to quantify, such as runs saved through pitch framing. 

They key to pitch framing is to not make it overly obvious. AJ Pierzynski gets an A for effort here but obviously this would never be called a strike. The art of pitch framing is taking a pitch that is near your glove and holding it right around the corner of the plate to show the umpire that your pitcher not only threw it exactly where he intended it to, but also it is right on the corner.

Here’s a terrific example from Jonathan Lucroy. As you can see, this pitch is close to the plate but hits Lucroy’s mitt exactly. He ever so slightly pulls his mitt right on the corner and gets the strike call. Sometimes the catcher may get this strike call anyway, but Lucroy made sure the umpire knew this pitch was a strike.

This final drill is as simple as the previous four, simply have someone throw to you and work on holding your glove strong once you catch the ball. Don’t stab at the ball, or catch it in a sweeping motion as these make the ball harder to see for the umpire. Set up a good target, catch the ball and hold it there to the umpire can see that it was a strike.


Catching is the most taxing defensive position on the field. It’s not easy to be a catcher and it takes a lot of practice and will to be good defensively. The 5 drills I have described here should take about 15 minutes every day but you will see results in no time. For additional information about catching, check out this free course from